Jurna L 25
Jurna L 25
Jurna L 25
E-ISSN 2528-746X
English is one of international languages in the world, so it is taught in any
levels of school, including in senior and junior high school. In senior and junior
high school, English becomes one of the subjects of national examination. That is
one reason why English must be taught more intensively to the students.
In the process of teaching and learning, the four language skills (listening,
speaking, reading, and writing) are simultaneously performed. Normally,
learners in an EFL context do not use the language in authentic situations. They
possess inability in communicating appropriately and correctly. This leads to
learners’ lack of self-confidence and avoidance when communicating with
native English speakers. Languages have a central role in intellectual, social, and
emotional development. Learning a language is expected to help student know
themselves, their culture, and others’ cultures. In addition, learning a language
also helps students express their ideas and opinions through the language.
Analyzing English Speaking Skill Problems Encountered by Students at Islamic Modern Boarding
School by Misna Amelia and Endang Komariah
Research in English and Education (READ), 2(2), 119-126, June 2017
error, thinking in mother tongue and then translating into English, and unable
to express their ideas well. Therefore, based on the explanation above, the
research question can be formulated as: What are the difficulties of the students
at Senior of Babun Najah Islamic Modern Boarding school in speaking skill?
2.1 . Definition of Speaking
Speaking is more than making the right sound, choosing the right words or
getting the construction, it needs habit to make a real communication. It is
supported by Campell (1999, p. 39) who says speaking is an activity on the part
of one individual to make oneself understood by another. It can be concluded
that speaking skill is a process of people communication. Speaking skill itself
can be stated as the skill to use the language accurately to express meanings in
order to transfer or to get knowledge and information from other people in the
whole life situation.
2.2 .The Difficulties in Speaking Skill
There are two important speaking difficulties concept in English speaking
there are common speaking problem and speaking aspect. According to Ur
(1995, p. 121) Speaking problems that are usually occur in the language
classroom: students are often inhibited about trying to say something in foreign
language in the classroom because they are worried about making mistakes and
losing face, or fearful of criticism, or simply shy of the attention that their
speech attracts. Even if the students are not inhibited, you often hear they
complain that they cannot think of anything to say. It means that students have
no idea and less of motives to express themselves beyond the guilty feeling that
they should be speaking.
Several students have little time for talking. This problem is compounded by
the tendency of some learners to dominate, while others speak very little or not
at all. The students are commonly less disciplined or less motivated classes to
speak English. The students who have similar mother tongue will have a
tendency to use it because it is easier to express, easy to understand and moral
There are many students have difficulties in English speaking skill of
speaking aspects: grammar, pronunciation (accent), vocabulary, fluency and
comprehension (Brown, 2003, p. 140). Most of students are not able to be
master the aspect above because they think it’s so hard to be learned in
speaking English. So, that was made the students are not able to speak English
fluently and accurately.
Analyzing English Speaking Skill Problems Encountered by Students at Islamic Modern Boarding
School by Misna Amelia and Endang Komariah
involved in syntax development. However, the more actively the mind involved
the more affective the learning process become.
When the learners start to speak their mother tongue, they just speak
without thinking about the way of the words sound or produced, it is a
spontaneous process (Fata, 2014). Otherwise, when the learners try to speak
foreign language, they think a lot, such us how to say the word or how to
pronounce it. Some words are hard to say, some word are not. In conclusion, the
learners have to speak as often as possible in order to be a fluent speaker.
When the learners are learning a language using this statement, they are
strongly reinforcing the learning process each time they speak. However, when
the learners construct a sentence incorrectly, they have not only wasted the
learning time used to construct their faulty sentence, but they must now invest
even more time retraining their mind, mouth, and hearing so they can construct
the sentence correctly. The more the learners use a sentence structure
incorrectly, the longer it will take for their mind, mouth, and hearing to identify
the correct syntax. Ideally, if the learner used only correct syntax and
pronunciation, the learners could restrain their speech in considerably less
time. Consequently, the learners could learn to speak the target language more
This research is in the form of descriptive qualitative. The researcher used
descriptive qualitative approach because the research is aimed at portraying the
difficulties which are faced by the senior Babun Najah Boarding school students
in speaking and the English learning activities that students provide to solve the
The researcher gave a test for the students with a topic “ The Best Experience
you ever felt”. The test conducted in four minutes for each student. The speaking
test given for the students was about recount text (KD 3.9) of syllabus class X.
The researcher gave a test for students by using recount text because it was
easy to test and the students have learned about recount text in second
semester in class X MIA 1. The researcher scored the test by using the oral
proficiency scoring categoried by Brown (2003, p. 172-173). Then, the
reseacher interview the students. The researcher asked a few questions for five
students of XI MIA 1 at senior high school who have got the lowest score in
speaking test by researcher and teacher. The researcher asked some questions
related to the students’ speaking problems.
To collect the data, the test was given to the 26 students. And after the test
was given to the students, the researcher interviewed 5 students who got the
lowest score in speaking test. And for the interview, the result data of interview
was transcribed in narration.
Research in English and Education (READ), 2(2), 119-126, June 2017
Afterwards, to answer the research questions in this research, the speaking test
and interview were analyzed to identify the problems faced by the students in
speaking skill.
The test was conducted in class XII MIA 1 at Senior of Babun Najah Boarding
School on October 24th, 2016. The main focus of the test was to find out the
problems faced by students in speaking English. Based on the result of test with
26 students, the researcher found 5 problems that are faced by the students in
speaking English. They were erroneous in grammar, lack of vocabulary, unfluent
in speaking English, poor accent (pronunciation) and comprehension.
Furthermore, the result indicated that 15 students seemed to have problems
in speaking English. The students’ biggest problems in speaking English were
grammar (11.54%) and pronunciation (30.77%). Another problem was to
fluency (23.07%). Both of vocabulary and comprehension have the same
percentages (3.84%).
In order to have a reliable data, the researcher interviewed five students
who got the lowest score in speaking test. The researcher interviewed the
students a day after the process of speaking test. The questions were related to
the problems faced by students in speaking skill. The interview was conducted
in Indonesian and the results were translated into English. The researcher
recorded the interview process that showed the problems faced by the students
in speaking English. The detail information from the data of interview could be
seen in explanation below.
From the recording, the students said that they got difficulties in 4 aspects of
speaking skill. The students’ biggest problem in speaking English was
pronunciation. Then, other problems were grammar, vocabulary, and fluency.
Inhibition is the students’ fear of making mistake and losing faced to speak in
front of many students. Inhibition was also an obstacle faced by students based
on the interview result. It was the second problematic component experienced
by the students. Three out of five students approved this component was a
problem (S1, S2, S5). In fact, the students fear of making mistake when they
speak English in front of many students in the class. The students said that they
were less confident and felt not as good as other friends. Therefore, the student
losing faced to speak in front of many students in the classroom.
Nonetheless, three more students (S1, S2 and S5) asserted that they were
afraid to speak English in front of their friends. S3 and S4 disagree this
declaration become a problem for them. Nothing to say was the third
problematic component faced by the students based on the interview result.
The interview showed that all students agreed the problem of nothing to say
was another problem faced by them. This problem was as the biggest problem
faced by them in speaking English. The students also mentioned that, the lack of
idea and motivation to speak made them got difficulties to speak English in front
of many students.
Low participation means some students often caused by the inclination of
other students who actually dominate in the group. Low participation has
similar percentage with nothing to say (Muflihatun, et al, 2016). All students
faced this problem in speaking English. This problem actually occurred because
they are not confident and feel not really good in speaking English. So, they
think that they are not as good as their friends who can speak English better
than their friends.
Analyzing English Speaking Skill Problems Encountered by Students at Islamic Modern Boarding
School by Misna Amelia and Endang Komariah
The last problem experienced by the students was mother tongue use. The
result of interview also showed that all the students agreed of mother tongue
use. The problem was also as the biggest problem faced by them in speaking
class. Besides, the students also said that using Indonesian or local language was
easier to express and understand each other.
Brown (2003, p. 172-173) mentions five aspects of speaking skills; grammar,
vocabulary, comprehension, fluency and pronunciation (accent). Based on the
finding of speaking test, it showed that the most dominant problems faced by
students in class XI MIA 1 of Babun Najah Islamic Modern Boarding school was
pronunciation, grammar, and fluency. This finding is in line with Doan’s finding
which showed that (2011, p. 216), there were some problems faced by students
in speaking, there are the students who are unable to remember words or
phrases, making grammar mistakes when speaking, making pronunciation
error, thinking in mother tongue and then translating into English, and were
unable to express their ideas well. In addition, According to Al Hosni (2014, p.
28) said that students were unable to speak in English because they lack of
necessary vocabulary items, lack of grammar, lack of sentence formation skills
which result in using their mother tongue. The result also showed that the
students perceived the pronunciation, grammar and fluency are very difficult
for students in speaking English. They think that the pronunciation is hard to
learn because the English words are different from the way it is pronounced.
While grammar is boring to learn and fluency was affected by their mother
Based on two experts above, the vocabulary was the main problem faced by
students in speaking English. Meanwhile, in the result of this research, the
vocabulary aspect was not the main problem in speaking English. It is because
the students got three or more vocabularies every morning. In addition, the
comprehension was not also the big problem. It is because the students can
understand any speech in any contexts.
From the result of interview with five students of Babun Najah Islamic
Modern Boarding school, the most dominant problems faced by student was
pronunciation, nothing to say, low participation, and mother tongue use. It was
followed by other problems such as grammar, pronunciation (accent),
vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, inhibition.
Similar result was also congruent to the previous research about the cause of
students’ speaking problems in speaking English conducted by Fitria (2013, p.
52). She also found that inhibition, nothing to say, low or uneven participation,
mother tongue use, vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation were the problems
faced by students of English education department, state institute of Islamic
studies Sunan Ampel, Surabaya. It is in contrast with Fitria (2013). The
researcher found a new problem that which was not found Fitria in her
research, namely; Fluency and comprehension. The researcher thinks the
students faced those problems due to lack of practice English. They only
practice English when the teachers are around. It means that when their
teachers are not around, they do not speak or practice in English.
It can be concluded that the problems that mostly encountered by students in
speaking skill were poor pronunciation, low participation, nothing to say and
mother tongue use.
Research in English and Education (READ), 2(2), 119-126, June 2017
Based on the results above, the teachers can encourage the students to be
more confident in speaking English. Furthermore, making students speak
English in the classroom is not an easy job for teachers. It is not only a matter of
forcing them to speak. This requires a hard work and patience. The teachers can
guide the students to express their ideas and help them to reduce their feeling of
shy, nervous and fear of making mistake.
Analyzing English Speaking Skill Problems Encountered by Students at Islamic Modern Boarding
School by Misna Amelia and Endang Komariah
Fata, I.A. (2014). Is my stress right or wrong? Studying the production of stress
by non-native speaking teachers of English. Studies in English Language and
Education, 1 (1), 59-68