5 Sınıf Ünite 10-2
5 Sınıf Ünite 10-2
5 Sınıf Ünite 10-2
anniversary ● n. (yıldönümü) We are celebrating our Halloween party ● n, phr. (Cadılar Bayramı partisi)
second wedding anniversary today. We wear scary costumes for Halloween party.
arrival ● n. (varış, geliş) They organize a festival to harvest ● n. (hasat) The farmer is very happy
celebrate the arrival of spring. because he has a very good harvest this year.
artist ● n. (ressam, sanatçı) Sally can draw beautiful huge ● adj. (çok büyük, kocaman) My grandparents
pictures. She wants to be an artist one day. live in a huge house.
at the moment ● adv. (şimdi, şu anda) She is lantern ● n. (fener) They decorate their houses with
playing with the puppies at the moment. red lanterns .
carve ● v. (oymak) They are carving the pumpkins for last ● v. (sürmek) The festival lasts for three days.
meal ● n. (öğün, yemek) You should brush your teeth
celebrate ● v. (kutlamak) We usually have parties to after meals.
celebrate our birthdays.
milkshake ● n. (şurupla karıştırılıp çalkalanmış süt)
celebration ● n. (şenlik, kutlama) They are planning Jim was thirsty and he wanted to drink his favourite
a celebration for their grandmother’s 90th birthday. milkshake.
Children’s Day ● n, phr. (Çocuk Bayramı) We national ● adj. (milli, ulusal) Children’s Day is a
decorate our school with flags for Children’s Day. national festival in Turkey.
Chinese New Year ● n, phr. (Çin yeni yılı) We wear neighbour ● n. (komşu) I have really good
dragon and lion costumes on Chinese New Year.
neighbours. They are all kind and friendly.
choose ● v. (seçmek) You can choose any dress you
neighbourhood ● n. (mahalle) There are a lot of
shops in my neighborhood.
clothes ● n. (kıyafetler, giysiler) We wear new clothes
nut ● n. [kabuklu yemiş (ceviz, fındık vb.)] Squirrels
on Ramadan Festival.
like eating nuts.
come together ● phr v. (bir araya gelmek) A lot of
organize ● v. (düzenlemek, organize etmek) Let’s
people in the country come together and attend the
organize a surprise party for Kevin.
parade ● n. (geçit töreni) Thousands of people are
competition ● n. (yarışma) You can sing very well,so
walking in the parade.
you should enter the music competition!
contest ● n. (yarışma) We are organizing a music perfect ● adj, v. (mükemmel, kusursuz; kusursuz
contest. hale getirmek) Hawaii is a perfect place for summer
costume ● n. (kostüm) All the children are wearing
special costumes for the festival. perform ● v. (yapmak, uygulamak) A lot of children
from other countries perform their traditional dance
crowded ● adj. (kalabalık) The party was very
on Children’s Day.
crowded. There were lots of people.
pie ● n. (turta) My favourite food is apple pie.
dead ● adj. (ölü) Tom’s little kitten is dead, so he is
very unhappy. pocket money ● n. (cep harçlığı) On Ramadan
Feast, kids visit their relatives and they give them
dessert ● n. (tatlı) Would you like some dessert after
meal? pocket money and sweets.
dragon ● n. (ejderha) Chinese people wear lion and poem ● n. (şiir) My friend is interested in writing
dragon costumes and have parades On Chinese poems.
New Year. powder ● n. (toz, pudra) He puts some coffee powder
famous ● adj. (ünlü) My aunt is a famous film star. and sugar into the glass and then adds some hot
festival ● n. (festival, bayram) 23rd April Children’s
Day is a national festival in Turkey. pray ● v. (dua etmek) She is praying to God for her
dead relatives.
firework ● n. (havai fişek) We are watching a
firework show right now. It is fantastic. price ● n. (fiyat) The price of this camera is $85.
foreign ● adj. (yabancı, yurt dışı kaynaklı) My brother pumpkin ● n. (balkabağı) My mum is carving the
is interested in learning foreign languages. pumpkins.
giant ● adj. (kocaman, büyük) They decorate the queen ● n. (kraliçe) They organize a competition every
streets with giant balloons and flags. year and choose the beauty queen.
glacier ● n. (buzul, dağ buzulu) There are many Ramadan feast ● n, phr. (Ramazan Bayramı) We
glaciers and mountains in Alaska. celebrate Ramadan Feast for three days.
gravesite ● n. (mezarlık) He sometimes goes to the relative ● n. (akraba) He loves visiting his relatives
gravesite to pray for his grandma. on weekends.
Fantastic Team Vocabulary 5th Grade / Unit 10
remember ● v. (hatırlamak, anımsamak) I can’t taste ● n, v. (tat; tadı olmak; tatmak, tadına bakmak)
remember Mary’s phone number. I want to taste the chocolate cake. It looks very
return ● v. (iade etmek, geri vermek; geri dönmek) My
dad returns home late on weekdays. Thanksgiving Day ● n. (şükran günü) We celebrate
Thanksgiving Day in November in the US.
save money ● v, phr. (para biriktirmek) I want to
throw ● v. (atmak, fırlatmak) I don’t like baseball
save money and buy a new computer.
because I’m not good at throwing the ball. People
sell ● v. (satmak) This shop sells different costumes. throw tomatoes at each other during the festival.
Does he sell fruit and vegetables? torch (US flashlight) ● n. (meşale) Harry is carrying
sing ● v. (şarkı söylemek) We sing and dance on a torch of fire in his hand.
Children’s Day. tourist ● n. (turist) Many tourists visit İstanbul every
skeleton ● n. (iskelet) You can see the dinosaur year.
skeletons in the Natural History Museum. traditional ● adj. (geleneksel) The children are
wearing traditional costumes and dancing.
skull ● n. (kafatası, kurukafa) They find an animal
trick-or-treating ● phr. (cadılar bayramında
skull in the forest.
çocukların kapı kapı dolaşıp şeker toplamaları)
spend ● v. (1. zaman geçirmek 2. para harcamak) Children go trick-or-treating on Halloween and ask
My brother spends lots of time surfing the Net. She for sweets.
spends all her money on clothes. visitor ● n. (ziyaretçi) Lots of foreign visitors come to
strange ● adj. (tuhaf, garip) The clown is wearing Turkey every year.
strange clothes. watermelon ● n. (karpuz) A watermelon is a large,
round fruit. My dad grows delicious watermelons in
strawberry ● n. (çilek) I really like strawberry ice
the garden.
wedding ● n. (düğün, nikah töreni) I want to attend
sweet(s) ● n. (şeker) There are some sweets on the my best friend’s wedding party this evening.
table. Have one of those!
welcome ● v. (karşılamak, buyur etmek) On
take place ● v, phr. (olmak, gerçekleşmek) The Children’s Day, we welcome children from different
Candle Festival takes place in July every year. countries.