Traditional Value Added Products From Indian Penny Wort (Centella Asiatica) and Water Hyssop (Bacopa

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The Pharma Innovation Journal 2020; 9(7): 432-441

ISSN (E): 2277- 7695

ISSN (P): 2349-8242
NAAS Rating: 5.03 Traditional value added products from Indian penny
TPI 2020; 9(7): 432-441
© 2020 TPI wort (Centella asiatica) and water hyssop (Bacopa
Received: 10-05-2020 monnieri) to alleviate ADHD
Accepted: 12-06-2020

Amaravathi T Amaravathi T, PS Geetha, M Murugan, S Selvam and S Kanchana

Post Doctoral Fellow,
Department Differently Abled
Studies, CSC&RI, Madurai, Abstract
Tamil Nadu, India Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is deteriorating mind related health problem slow down
the children growth. The drugs are used for ADHD may be enhancing the health problem. Therefore,
PS Geetha there is a huge require of ayurvedic based eatable foodstuff that are give some functional benefits. An
Associate Professor, Dept. ayurvedic plant such as brahmi (Bacopa monnieri and Centella asiatica) comes with many functional
Differently Abled Studies, benefits. A Brahmi leaf is identified for improving mental related illness. The present research enlightens
CSC&RI, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, the importance of nutrition requirement in ADHD and value added products from brahmi and its
goodness for ADHD affected children. The value added products such as nutri balls mix, pittu mix,
health drink mix, cookies and soup mix has been prepared with using brahmi powder. Theses value
M Murugan
Professor, Department of
added product improve the mental ability of affected ADHD children.
Entomology, TNAU,
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India Keywords: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder-Indian penny wort and water hyssop-traditional value
added food products
S Selvam
Professor and Head, Agrl. Introduction
Economics, Department of Social The ayurvedic plants signify an affluent store up of organic composite, many of which have
Science, Anbil Dharmalingam
Agricultural College and been used for medicinal use and could provide as guide for the progress of drugs. The presence
Research Institute, Trichy, of chemical constituents in the ayurvedic plants helps to cure various mental disorders. The
Tamil Nadu, India ayurvedic plants have maximum potential for benefitting community, particularly those
livilihood in nation with poverty and poor health. According to the World Health Organization
S Kanchana (WHO) about eighty percent of the people living in rural areas are depend on ayurvedic and
Professor and Head, Department
of Differently Abled Studies, medicinal plants as prime source of health care system [1].
CSC&RI, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, At the present time, consumers are ready to buy healthy natural foods. Undoubtedly ayurvedic
India based foods are the maximum store of all nutrients and it is accessible in our nation with
reasonable price. But many people are selecting costly foods and medicines. We won’t
understand the valuable of ayurvedic plant foods around us.
Ayurveda” which is more than five thousand years older and it has a beneficial effect on nerve
function (CNS) and increase the mental capability [2, 3, 4]. The bramhi (C. asiatica. B.monnieri)
which contain large amount of secondary metabolites providing active compounds stimulating
cell upgrading, enhance physical and mental health. Amongst the ayurvedic plant, brahmi leaf
is one of the best example, which contains essential nutrients, antioxidants and phytochemical
compounds the entire found in one leaf. Currently brahmi leaf has gained a lot importance, due
to its manifold uses and benefits to ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and
other health related issues. The brahmi can be eaten as a vegetable and the brahmi leaf powder
can also be dried in cabinet dryer and keep for several months exclusive of refrigeration. The
dried brahmi leaf make into powder form and it will be supplement with any dish, it helps to
enhance the nutritional value of the foods.
The fundamental cause for life style disorders in the world is the change in food habit in both
urban and rural communities, where traditional based food systems are going down and
increasing towards a western type cereal based energy diets. Due to the accessibility of energy
rich foods (Junk foods, sweet, chocolate and fried items) in the market, human beings are
Corresponding Author:
avoiding the functional foods. This show the way to numerous health issues and so as to
Amaravathi T overcome this is issue, there is a need for locally accessible foods that are nutritious, less cost
Post Doctoral Fellow, and convenience to cook and also combating ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
Department Differently Abled and other health hazards.
Studies, CSC&RI, Madurai,
Tamil Nadu, India
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Mental disorder is now foremost thing a cause of disability in cognitive ability when they add more these fats in regular diet
childhood [5]. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) [16].

is an unbearable mental confusion that slows down the Protein rich breakfast and lunch is helpful for people with
children’s growth [6]. It is among the commonest ADHD. A child psychologist said that the 500 child he
neurobehavioral disorder of childhood and can profoundly evaluates for ADHD per year, less than 5 percent of the child
affect the academic performance, happiness and communal are eating protein as per the recommended dietary allowance
relationship of kids [7]. It is characterized by persistent [15]
symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity [8]. It The study published in pediatrics in 2010, state that
has a worldwide prevalence with an estimate of 6% [9] and is pesticides, particularly organophosphates, available in fruits
commonly identified in the age group of 2-7 years that is in and vegetables may be linked to ADHD. The increased levels
preschool aged children [10]. of these compounds identified in a child’s urine, the more
likely he or she is to be diagnosed with ADHD [17]. Another
Brain Differences in ADHD study, published in the Journal of Attention Disorders in
Change in the brain, particularly the anterior cingulum, the 2010, revealed that a western diet — processed meats, fast
dorsolateral as well as ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, the foods, high-fat dairy products, and sugary foods increase the
orbito frontal cortex, the superior parietal regions, the caudate risk of having an ADHD diagnosis, compared with a healthier
nucleus, the thalamus, the amygdala and the cerebellum [11]. diet [18].
Activity levels as well as capacity of volume are varied in
brains with ADHD, but only MRI scans cannot consider as a Nutrition affects the ADHD brain in three ways
tool for diagnosis for ADHD as there is still a lot to learn 1. Cells in the brain require appropriate nutrition to carry
about the brain [12]. out their functions.
2. The myelin sheath, which covers the axons of brain cells,
Biochemistry of ADHD as insulation covers electrical wires, require the
The innovative study at Örebro University in Sweden appropriate levels of nutrients to fasten the transmission
conclude that kids with ADHD have less protein (50%), that of the electrical signals between brain cells.
is necessary for attention and learning. Brain to be capable to 3. Neurotransmitters — dopamine, serotonin, and
generate the substance need to send signals; it is based on norepinephrine need appropriate diet for proper
different amino acids. In situation with ADHD, the functioning.
transportation of amino acid such as tyrosine and tryptophan,
this amino acid is to produce the signal substances to ADHD and medhyarasayana
dopamine, noradrenaline, and serotonin. The study reveals Drugs are used in ADHD are psycho stimulants, tricyclic
that the transportation of tryptophan is lower in kids with antidepressants and tranquilizers. These drugs may be
ADHD and brain generates less serotonin. Another study the enhancing the possibility of heart related problem, liver injury
biochemical changes in bipolar disorder, as there are parallels and other health issue [19]. Today the need came to find out
between ADHD and bipolar disorder. In this condition, the effective treatment without hampering the development of
transportation of tyrosine is decreased and reduced level of health and psychology of children. Therefore, there is a actual
dopamine and noradrenaline [13]. need of our natural medicine and several traditional based
The most fashionable area of the brain to focus in condition food products. In that case, the need for exploration of new
with ADHD is the pre frontal cortex and frontal lobes. This foodstuff from naturally available source, this may enhance
area of the brain connected with concentration, motivation, the cognition ability and earlier studies noticed that the
impulsiveness, emotional processing and executive ayurvedic plant such as Bacopa monnieri and centella
functioning [14]. In a study by Castellanos a volume of three asiatica has potency to increase the mental function.
per cent small overall in ADHD brains, with the decrease in Bacopa comprises of 146 species of aquatic herbs distributed
mostly white matter (the connectors of the neurons) [12]. throughout the warmer regions of the world. Apart from
India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, China, Taiwan and Vietnam, it is also
Nutrients and brain function found in Florida and other southern states of USA [20]. In
The brains compose a variety of chemical messengers, or India, it grows in damp, marshy places and on the banks of
neurotransmitters, to regulate wakefulness and sleep and slow flowing rivers and lakes, ascending up to an attitude of
others have revealed that protein triggers alertness-inducing 1,320 m. It is a small creeping, spreading, succulent plant
neurotransmitters, whereas carbohydrates trigger drowsiness. with numerous branches and small fleshy, oblong leaves.
Proteins influence the brain performance by provide adequate Flowers and fruits appear in summer and the whole plant is
amount of amino acids from which neurotransmitters are medicinally important [21, 22].
made [15]. It is a group of plant medicines known as medhyarasayana -
Two amino acids, tryptophan and tyrosine, are foremost that improve mental health, intellect and memory (medhya)
building blocks of neurotransmitters. These amino acids and promote longevity and rejuvenation (rasayana) [23]. The
influence the four top neurotransmitters — serotonin sanskrit name brahmi stems from Brahma - the creative aspect
(tryptophan) as well as dopamine, epinephrine, and of God and since the brain is seen as the creative centre of
norepinephrine (tyrosine). humans [21]. Compounds reported in this plant include;
Most two essential fatty acid for brain function are linoleic (or phenylethanoid glycosides, flavonoids, amino acids such as
omega 6) and alpha linolenic (or omega 3) and these fatty alpha-alanine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, and betulinic acid,
acids mostly found in fish oil. These are the major structural stigmasterol, b-sitosterol and stigmastenol [21, 24, 25].
components of brain cell membranes and vital part of the Centella asiatica L. (Gotu Kola) is a tropical medicinal plant
enzymes that permit cell membranes to transport nutrients in from India, Sri Lanka, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, South
and out of cells. The development of the mental focus and Africa and Madagascar [26]. It is a nerve tonic and this

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micronutrient in the extract is responsible for retarding brain improvement of synaptic plasticity and increase the
aging and assist in renewal of neural tissue. Hence it is metabolism of the neurotransmitters, thus enhancing the
effective in enhance memory and revitalize the brain as well function of the brain [37]. Asiatic acid (AA) is a triterpene
as increasing attention span and concentration [27, 28, 29]. Its compound found in Centella asiatica that can defend against
potential antioxidant, antimicrobial, cytotoxic, reduction of neurogenesis in the hippocampus and memory
neuroprotective, and other bioactive constituents, namely the deficits induced by valproic acid (VPA) [38].
triterpenic acid (asiatic acid madecassoside acid), triterpenic Human beings are looking for variety foods in their diet. It is
saponin (madecassoside and asiaticoside), flavonoids, and the right time to develop nutritious and organoleptically
other phenolic compounds [30, 31, 32]. The asiaticoside is the acceptable products with locally available food sources.
most plentiful triterpene glycoside, it enhancing the Development of ready to use and ready to cook foods using
antioxidant level in wound healing process [33]. Brahmic acid, brahmi leaves will be a most suitable way to bring dietary
isobrahmic acid, brahminoside, and brahmoside present in C. improvement of the community and enhance the mental
asiatica have shown some psychotropic, sedative, and ability among ADHD affected children. The brahmi leaves
anticonvulsant properties. It is also useful in dementia, mental based foods should be in the form of convenience foods to
disorders, and anxiety [34]. meet the requirements of ADHD. Advertising a brahmi leaf
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neuro- powder incorporated foods will help not only for alleviating
developmental disorder, particularly dopamine and nor ADHD but also development of functional foods using
epinephrine neurotransmitter which manage a different of brahmi leaves helps to treat many health issues. With this
cognitive process. These neurotransmitter hormones control above reason, the present study was intense to exploit the
the behavior, motivation and motor function. [35, 36]. beneficial uses of brahmi leaves powder with the developing
As per the need of human being bacopa helps to maintain and standardizing new innovative traditional value added
dopamine production. Steroidal saponine, (bacosides), the products using brahmi leaves powder by applying new
primary active principles in brahmi leaves. There are technologies. Figure.1 Illustrates the health benefits of the
reference that bacosides have cognitive and nootropic effect brahmi.
by activation of the serotonergic and cholinergic systems and

Fig 1: Health benefits of brahmi

Methods and Methodology Washing of leaves

Processing of brahmi leaf The selected leaves were washed thoroughly with plenty of
Selection of green leaves water to remove all the adhere dust and dirt particles. After
Fresh, green vallarai and nir brahmi leaves were separated washing, the leaves were drained out from the water. The
from the thin branches. The good quality of leaves were residual moisture was evaporated at a room temperature (32
chosen by discarding the discolored, decayed and wilted C, 2-3 hours), by scattering the leaves on the filter paper with
leaves since the decayed and wilted leaves gives a bad flavor. regular turning over to avoid the fungal growth.
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After removing the residual moisture from the leaves, to for 1 to 3 days. The sprouting days are based on grains and
arrive superior quality of dried leaves, the leaves were the total time required for sprouting was minimum 2 days and
blanched for 3 minutes. The brahmi leaf chosen for steam maximum 4 days. Sprouting process is complete when grain
blanching were scatter uniformly on perforated idly pans starting to show the rootlets. Following the completion of
consist of two to three liters of boiling water. The brahmi leaf sprouted grains was dried in cabinet dryer for 10 to 12 hours
was steam blanched for 2 to 3 minutes to inactivate the until a grain moisture content reach 5 per cent. After drying
enzymes before drying. process, the grain has been heated and cured to give colour
The main benefits of blanching was it assist to kill the and flovour character. After drying process, the rootlets and
dangerous micro organisms both on the leaf surface and loose husk were removed.
within the leaf, cell walls become softer and fasten the drying Sprouting is a simple, cheapest process with no equipment,
process, and also this method deactivate the plant enzymes low processing methods and no additives. Sprouting helps to
mainly lipoxidases, that can ruin the flavour and the improve the nutrient composition (Vitamin B and C), increase
nutritional quality of the leaves. Blanching help out to store the bioavailability of nutrients, decrease the anti nutritional
the dried leaf powder for numerous months. factors (phytic acid, pentosan and tannin) and finally enhance
The blanched leaves were loaded on the trays forming one the sensory characteristics of the food product.
single layer and were dried in the dehydrator by force air
technique. The cabinet dryer was preheated to 60 0C and then Processing of brahmi leaf powder incorporated value
the loaded trays with leaves were kept in an oven. The added products
temperature was maintained at 60 0C for 6- 7 hours. The The dried brahmi leaf powder was incorporated at different
research study revealed that the drying of leaves at 60 0C levels (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, 6, % with 1:1 of Bacopa monnieri and
temperature to get a first grade of dried leaves [39, 40]. Centella asiatica).

Sprouting of grains Health drink mix

Generally cleaned grains have standard moisture level is Health drink mix was prepared with hot milk or water or used
twelve per cent. Rinse the grain in the water, the moisture as porridge. This drink mix was standardized with the
level of the grain was elevated to an average of 45 per cent. incorporation of three, four and five per cent brahmi leaf
After steeping phase the water was drained and the grain has powder. The ingredients and preparation of health drink were
been died with muslin cloth around the aerobic environment given in Table 1, Fig.2 and Plate 1.

Table 1: Ingredients used for health drink mix

Ingredients C T1 T2 T3
Whole wheat flour (g) 50 50 50 50
Finger millet flour(g) 25 25 25 25
Green gram flour powder (g) 25 25 25 25
Vallarai and Nir brahmi powder (%) - 3 4 5
Jaggery (g) 17 17 17 17
Milk (ml) 2000 2000 2000 2000
Water (ml) 500 500 500 500
Cardamom 2 pinch 2 pinch 2 pinch 2 pinch

Processing of health drink mix

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Preparation of health drink

Fig 2: Processing and preparation of brahmi leaf based health drink mix Processing of health drink mix

Plate 1: Brahmi leaf powder based health drink mix

Processing of brahmi leaf based puttu mix of 1:1 Bacopa monnieri and Centella asiatica). The detail of
Brahmi leaf powder puttu mix was standardized by processing of puttu mix is given in Table.2 and Plate 2.
incorporating 4, 5 and 6 per cent (dried brahmi leaves powder

Table 2: Ingredients used for puttu mix

Ingredients C T1 T2 T3
Whole wheat flour (g) 50 50 50 50
Finger millet flour(g) 40 40 40 40
Green gram flour powder (g) 10 10 10 10
Vallarai and nir brahmi powder (%) - 4 5 6
Sugar (g) 30 30 30 30
Coconut (g) 30 30 30 30
Water As required As required As required As required
Salt To taste To taste To taste To taste
Cardamom 2 pinch 2 pinch 2 pinch 2 pinch

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Processing of nutri ball mix

Plate 2: Brahmi based puttu mix

Raw rice was covered with water for one hour at room
Preparation of nutri balls
temperature. Deplete the water completely after soaking. The
soaked raw rice was milled into flour at 60 mesh and
sweltering the flour at 14 0C for three minutes. Puttu mix were
prepared with sprouted wheat flour, sprouted ragi flour,
sprouted green gram flour and raw rice flour by mixing
systematically with inclusion of required amount of salt. The
nir brahmi powders were added in puutu mix in the range of
4%, 5% and 6%. The puttu mix was tempered with water,
adds ghee and mixed well and it was steamed for 15 to 20
minutes. The scrapped coconut, jaggery and cardamom
powder were added in steamed puttu and mixed thoroughly.

Preparation of nutri balls with incorporation of brahmi

The nutri balls were tried with the 1, 2 and 3% incorporation
of brahmi leaf powder. The details of processing of nutri balls
were given in Table.3, Plate.3and Fig.3.
Fig 3: Preparation of nutri balls
Table 3: Ingredients used for nutri ball mix
Brahmi based soup mix
Ingredients C T1 T2 Brahmi leaf based soup powder was prepared by mixing with
Wheat flour (g) 40 40 40 carrot powder, beans powder, tomato powder, onion powder,
Finger millet flour (g) 20 20 20 peas, ginger garlic powder with other ingredients (corn flour,
Roasted bengal gram flour (g) 25 25 25
salt, citric acid, pepper powder, sugar). The prepared soup
Green gram flour (g) 15 15 15
powders were then packed for sensory evaluation. The
Nir brahmi and vallarai green leaf powder (%) - 2 3
ingredients used for soup mix listed in Table 4, Figure 4 and
Plate 4.

Table 4: Brahmi leaf powder incorporated soup mix

Ingredients C T1 T2 T3
Dried carrot (g) 15 15 15 15
Dried Beans (g) 11 10 10 10
Dried Peas (g) 11 10 10 10
Tomato powder (g) 11 10 10 10
Onion powder (g) 11 10 10 10
Ginger and garlic paste (g) 10 10 10 10
Pepper powder (g) 5 5 5 5
Corn flour (g) 8 8 8 8
Citric acid (g) 2 2 2 2
Salt (g) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
Sugar (g) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Dried brahmi leaf powder (%) - 4 5 6

Plate 3: Brahmi based nutri balls

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Plate 5: Brahmi powder incorporated cookies

The required quantities of ingredients such as refined wheat

Fig 4: Processing of ready to use brahmi leaf powder incorporated flour, ragi flour, baking powder, skim milk powder were
soup mix
mixed in the brahmi leaf powder. The treatment and control
flour sieved twice for thorough mixing. Fat and sugar were
creamed together and refined wheat flour and other
ingredients was added and kneaded. The dough was spreaded
uniformly and cut into desired shape and size. The cut pieces
were placed on the greased aluminum tray. The cookies were
baked at 180 ºC for 17 min in an electrical oven. The baked
cookies were cooled and packed for further analysis.

Result and Discussion

Table 6: Nutrient content of brahmi (Bacopa monnieri and Centella

Particulars Bacopa Monnieri Centella Asiatica
Moisture content (%) 85.16 83.13
Vitamin C (mg) 63 114
Total anti-oxidant activity (%) 85.58 83.74
β-carotene (mg) 24.62 28.95
Protein (g) 2.1 4.76
Iron (mg) 7.8 19.56
Carbohydrate (g) 5.9 4.24
Plate 4: Brahmi soup mix Ash (g) 1.9 6.41
Calcium (mg) 202 425
Preparation of soup
Twenty five gram of soup mix was soaked in 450 ml of water. Nutrient content of the brahmi leaves is described in Table. 6.
Boil the water upto 5 to 8 minute. After 8 minutes the Herbs Bacopa monnieri (Neer brahmi) and Centella asiatica
required amount of corn flour soaked in little water and (Vallarai) are proved very powerful to direct inattention,
poured in boiling water containing soup mix. hyperactivity and impulsivity and other (CNS) central
nervous system related diseases. Therefore, there is a demand
Brahmi powder incorporated cookies for new food products that could aim to recover the mental
The dehydrated brahmi leaf powder (1:1 of Bacopa monnieri capabilities. In this study, the dehydrated brahmi leaf powder
and Centella asiatica) was incorporated into the refined wheat was incorporated at different levels (1, 2, 3, 4,5 and 6% with
flour in 2 and 3 per cent respectively. The ingredient levels 1:1 of Bacopa monnieri and Centella asiatica) in health drink
for brahmi leaf powder incorporated cookies are presented in mix, puttu mix, soup mix, cookies and nutri balls with the
Table 5 and Plate 5 intend to enhance the functional properties of selected food
products. The standardized products were sensory evaluated
Table 5: Ingredients used for cookies by 15 trained judges.
Ingredients C T1 T2 The health drink was given for sensory evaluation to 15
Wheat flour (g) 50 40 40 trained judges by using 9 hedonic scales (Table 7). The
Finger millet flour (g) 50 20 20 sensory attributes revealed that the T2 (5% incorporation of
Powdered sugar (g) 50 25 25 brahmi leaf powder) secured maximum score in overall
Vanaspathi (g) 50 15 15 acceptability. The similar study conducted by Manjula state
Baking powder 0.5 0.5 0.5 that the Indian penny wort leave has a numerous health
Vannila essence Few drops Few drops Few drops benefits and increase the mental ability, Indian penny wort
Milk powder (g) 5 5 5 incorporated health mix has potency to fighting the deficiency
Water 10-15 ml 10-15 ml 10-15 ml and new innovation in food material. Functional health mix
Nir brahmi and vallarai was greatly acceptable by the public [41].
- 2 3
green leaves powder (%)

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Table 7: Sensory evaluations of health drink mix concluded that the herbal based nutraceutical food items were
Particulars C (%) T1 (%) T2 (%) T3 (%) accepted by all the age groups mainly due its functional
Appearance 82 79 77 70 properties of the food items [44].
Flavour 79 78 77 74
Consistency 82 79 78 75 Table 9: Sensory evaluation for nutri ball mix
Taste 82 80 80 73 Particulars C (%) T1 (%) T2 (%)
Overall acceptability 80 80 81 73 Appearance 82 79 73
Flavour 83 80 74
Herbal rice drinks from churna powder (tree of Teminalia Consistency 80 77 72
Arjunaor Ficus Religiosa- locally known as Asaralimara), old Taste 84 78 73
red rice, cow milk, jaggery or sugar. The herbal rice drink is Overall acceptability 85 80 75
advised to drink an empty stomach and it’s used to cure the
lung related problems [42]. The soup was organoleptically evaluated with 15 trained
The prepared brahmi leaf powder incorporated puttu was judges by using a 9 point hedonic scale (Table 10). The
given to 15 trained judges for organoleptic evaluation by sensory score sheet showed that a control secured 85%
using 9 point hedonic scale (Table 8). The organoleptic followed by T1 has secured 83%. Finally T1 is selected for
evaluation revealed that the control has secured 81% followed further analysis. The similar product developed by
by T1 has secured 80% (four per cent brahmi leaf powder Chandramouli 2012 concluded that the soup powder was
incorporated puttu mix). The T1 puttu mix has been taken to prepared from three green leaves namely Moringa oleifera,
assess the shelf life. The research revealed that the Tribulus Solanum trilobatum, Centella asiatica and this soup mix was
terrestris (TT) is a medicinal herb by Ayurvedic seers. The up to the standards [45].
developed puttu mix was up to the standards with inclusion of
10 g of Tribulus terrestris fruit powder [43]. Table 10: Sensory evaluation of soup mix
Particulars C (%) T1 (%) T2 (%) T3 (%)
Table 8: Sensory evaluation of puttu mix Appearance 85 81 75 72
Particulars C (%) T1 (%) T2 (%) T3 (%) Flavour 82 82 74 73
Appearance 81 79 75 75 Consistency 82 80 75 73
Flavour 81 80 78 76 Taste 80 80 68 66
Consistency 81 81 76 75 Overall acceptability 85 83 70 67
Taste 80 79 78 70
Overall acceptability 81 80 75 70 The study state that the herbal soup mix from the tomato,
beetroot, onion, garlic, carrot, cabbage, potato, corn, spices
The nutri balls were prepared and it was organoleptically powder, herbal powder, brown sugar and table salt. Sensory
evaluated with 15 trained judges by using 9 point hedonic attributes reveal that the color and flavor of the soup mix was
scale (Table 9). From the scores of sensory characters the like extremely and like very much and flavor of the soup mix
nutri balls prepared with two per cent incorporation of brahmi is due to the garlic and herbal powder. The soup mix secured
powder in nutri ball was highly accepted. The study overall acceptability score was 9.5 [46].

Table 11: Sensory evaluation brahmi incorporated cookies

Particulars C (%) T1 (%) T2 (%)
Appearance 83 79 70
Flavour 83 78 70.7
Texture 83 79 74.6
Taste 81.5 80.7 67.7
Overall acceptability 83.8 80 67.7

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using a nine point hedonic rating scale (Table 11). Results of substitute for supplementing medical treatment in an easy way
the sensory evaluation revealed that the brahmi leaf powder to defeat ADHD and other health related problems.
incorporated cookies were fine in the formulations upto a
level of 2 per cent. The related study states that the References
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