Seismic Attributes A Review
Seismic Attributes A Review
Seismic Attributes A Review
D.Subrahmanyam*, P.H.Rao
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd., India., E-Mail: [email protected]
Seismic attributes are the components of the seismic data which are obtained by measurement, computation, and other
methods from the seismic data. Seismic Attributes were introduced as a part of the seismic interpretation in early
1970’s. Since then many new attributes were derived and computed. Most of these attributes are of commercial interest
and, use of many of the attributes, are yet to be understood by many interpreters and users. The main aim of this paper
is to review the most commonly used Seismic attributes and their use as interpretation tool and reservoir
Post-Stack Attributes
Post stack attributes are derived from the stacked data.
The Attribute is a result of the properties derived from
the complex seismic signal.
The concept of complex traces was first described by
Tanner, 1979. The complex trace
is defined as:
CT(t) = complex trace
T(t) = seismic trace
H(t) = Hilbert’s transform of T(t)
H(t) is a 900 phase shift of T(t)
Thin-bed tuning effects
Unconformities DDE(t)=d2E(t)/dt2
Major changes of lithology
Local changes indicating faulting The second derivative of the envelope highlights the
Spatial correlation to porosity and other interfaces very well - the places of change. This
lithologic variations attribute is not too sensitive to the amplitude and can
Indicates the group, rather than phase highlight even weak events.
component of seismic wave propagation.
Shows all reflecting interfaces visible within
seismic band-width
Shows sharpness of events
Indicates sharp changes of lithology
Large changes of the depositional
environment, even corresponding envelope
amplitude may be low.
Very good presentation of image of the
subsurface within the seismic bandwidth
Instantaneous Phase
Instantaneous phase is measured in degrees (-, ). It
is independent of amplitude and shows continuity and
discontinuity of events. It shows bedding very well.
Phase along horizon should not change in principle,
changes can arise if there is a picking problem, or if
the layer changes laterally due to “sink-holes” or other
This attribute is useful as
Best indicator of lateral continuity,
Relates to the phase component of the wave-
Can be used to compute the phase velocity,
Has no amplitude information, hence all
events are represented, (b)
Shows discontinuities, but may not be the Fig 2: (a) showing the normal seismic section and (b) its
best. It is better to show continuities Phase section. Observe the continuity of the reflection events
Sequence boundaries, in Fig 2 (b).
Detailed visualization of bedding
configurations, Cosine of Instantaneous Phase C(t)
Used in computation of instantaneous
frequency and acceleration
Cosine of instantaneous phase is also independent of
amplitude and shows bedding very well. This attribute
is smoother than phase (which has discontinuities) and
thus is useful for automatic classification procedures.
Instantaneous Frequency
phase, i.e., the rate of change of the phase:
amplitude of the wavelet.
Instantaneous frequency can indicate bed
thickness and also lithology parameters.
Corresponds to the average frequency
(centroid) of the amplitude spectrum of the
seismic wavelet.
Seismic character correlator,
Indicates the edges of low impedance thin Instantaneous Acceleration AC(t)
Hydrocarbon indicator by low frequency Instantaneous acceleration is the time derivative of the
anomaly. This effect is some times instantaneous frequency.
accentuated by the AC(t)=d(F(t))/dt
Unconsolidated sands due to the oil content
of the pores. Instantaneous acceleration highlights change in
Fracture zone indicator, appear as lower instantaneous frequency which may be indicative of
frequency zones this bedding or absorption.
Chaotic reflection zone indicator, Accentuates bedding differences,
Bed thickness indicator. Higher frequencies Higher resolution , may have somewhat
indicate sharp interfaces or thin shale higher noise level due to differentiation,
bedding, lower frequencies indicate sand May have some relation to elastic properties
rich bedding. of beds
Sand/Shale ratio indicator
Thin Bed Indicator
calculate the F’(t).
Computed from large spikes of
instantaneous frequency, indicate
overlapped events
Indicate thin beds, when laterally
(a) Indicate non-reflecting zone, when it
appears laterally at random, like ‘salt and
Fine detail of bedding patterns
B(t)= -----------------
2. E(t)
This attribute highlights bedding very well.
Represents seismic data band-width sample
by sample. It is one of the high resolution
character correlators.
Shows overall effects of absorption and
(b) seismic character changes
Fig 3: (a) is the normal seismic section and (b) its
corresponding frequency section. The frequency section
shows a low frequency anomaly at shallow depths indicating Instantaneous Q
the presence of shallow gas. Compare this figure with Fig.
1(a), and 1(b)
* (instantaneous frequency) * (envelope)/derivative
This attribute is derived from the formula
of envelope.
Instantaneous Q is an attribute suggested by Barnes. Q
is the quality factor that is related to attenuation.
Instantaneous Q measures the high frequency
component of Q and shows local variations of Q.
Indicates local variation of Q factor, similar
to the relative acoustic impedance
computation from the seismic trace. Longer
wavelength variation should be computed by
spectral division and added to this attribute.
May indicate liquid content by ratioing
pressure versus shear wave section Q
Indicate relative absorption characteristics of
change detection, and etc.
Zero offset pressure-wave seismic section,
Zero offset shear-wave seismic section
Group velocity, phase velocity decomposition,
Trace envelope amplitude variation with
respect to offset,,
Instantaneous frequency variation with respect
to offset
Geometrical Attributes
Three directional attributes are available: Dip,
Azimuth, and maximum coherency direction. These
attributes measure the lateral relations in the data.
They are described as follows:
(a) • The Dip attribute or amplitude of the data
corresponds to the dip of the seismic
events. Dip is useful in that it makes faults more
• The amplitude of the data on the Azimuth attribute
corresponds to the azimuth
of the maximum dip direction of the seismic feature.
This attribute can be used in understanding effects, etc. This means that for example instead of
Coherency at maximum coherency direction looking at one phase volume for a cube of stacked
Minimum coherency direction data, you are able to view several of them and see if
Event terminations any single one shows a structure better.
Picked horizons Spectral decomposition is a form of wavelet
Fault detection transform. The wavelets are short temporal band
limited sine and cosine wavelets. In the Frequency
Zones of parallel bedding
Increment mode Gabor wavelets with equally spaced
Zones of chaotic bedding
central frequencies are designed and applied to the
Non-reflecting zones
data, whereas in the octave increment mode, Gabor-
Converging and diverging bedding patterns
Unconformities Morlet filters are designed with equally spaced central
frequencies in octave-frequency domain, hence their
representation in thefrequency axis will be unequally
For n frequencies, in octave increments, between Flow
and Fhigh:
For i = 0...n-1
Fi =Flow{Fhigh/Flow)( i/n – 1)
This paper discusses about the seismic attributes that
are useful as tools for drawing conclusion from the
interpretation of seismic data. Though many seismic
attributes are available this paper attempts to discuss
some of the important attributes. It may be noted that
these attributes are very useful tools analysis of a
single attribute may not provide a conclusive
definitive information. Instead, useful conclusions can
be drawn by using a combination of attributes
together. Understanding the attribute properties is
essential to draw the proper and meaningful
The authors express their sincere thanks to Sri. D.P.
Sahastrabudhe, ED, Basin Manager, Western Onshore
Basin, Vadodara for granting the permission to publish
the paper.
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