2621 HRSS Avo

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Hampson-Russell Software


AVO analysis module

The HRS-9 AVO module is used for prestack seismic analysis, and reservoir reconnaissance work. Within the
module are the tools necessary to condition prestack seismic data to produce optimum attribute volumes, along
with the cross-plotting and interpretation functions necessary to locate AVO anomalies. The integration of the AVO
tools into the Geoview interface, and customizable workflows, make sophisticated AVO analysis simple.

Seismic data conditioning

The fundamental assumption made in AVO studies is that the prestack data has been optimally processed. This means that
the data is noise-free, with preserved amplitudes and correct time positioning for the angle range being studied. The AVO
module in Hampson-Russell offers you the data conditioning tools you need to prepare your data for attribute analysis.
Hampson-Russell Software

Gradient analysis
The AVO gradient analysis tool is designed to examine seismic gathers and show the intercept and gradient values for specific
events within those gathers. Some tools and features in the Gradient Analysis include:
• Analysis of the gradient distribution against; offset, angle (Ө), or sin2 Ө
• Tracking of amplitudes by constant time, or amplitude tracking
• Using the overall data trend to analyze and understand the deviation from background
• Simultaneous analysis of multiple CDPs to compare AVO responses
AVO attribute volume calculation
Once the amplitudes observed in the prestack data are stable and robust, AVO attributes can be calculated as volumes and maps.
Volumes can be cross-plotted to characterize the different AVO classes and proceed through modeling to lithology.

HRS-9 AVO attribute options

• Two Term Aki-Richards A/B • Intercept* Gradient volume
• Three Term Aki-Richards A/B/C • Scaled Poisson’s Ratio Change aA+bB
• Two Term Fattis Rp/Rs • Fluid Factor Volume
• Three Term Fattis Rp/Rs/Rd
Hampson-Russell Software

• Cross-plotting the primary (seismic) and secondary data (well data) within The benefits of the AVO
the same tool module are that it:
• Define zones using a variety of shapes and colors • Provides a single
comprehensive module
• Tie zones to all sections, maps and View3d windows for data conditioning,
• Process zones for geo-bodies attribute calculation and
• High-grades prestack
seismic data for inversions
• Calibrates seismic data
with model data
• Enables simple navigation
and comparison of multiple
attribute volumes with
seismic gathers

AVO analysis and conditioning tools

• Angle Gather • Trim Statics • Range Limited Stack
• Super Gather • Parabolic Radon (INVEST) • AVO synthetic modeling
• Offset Mute • RNMO & NMO Correction • AVO Attribute Volumes
• Angle Mute • CDP Stack • Gradient Analysis
• Inverse Q • Angle Stack • AVO Offset Scaling

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