Guillotine Earrings v1.0 - Dyslexia Friendly
Guillotine Earrings v1.0 - Dyslexia Friendly
Guillotine Earrings v1.0 - Dyslexia Friendly
You are a magical jeweller, in a city on the brink of revolution. A solo RPG.
Is it in a central location, or hidden away? Is it
Overview dark and cool, or colourful and bright?
Once you’ve described your City, your Tyrant,
your Jeweller and their Shop, you’re ready to
You are a magical jeweller in a city on the begin the game.
brink of revolution. Your city is ruled by a
cruel and powerful tyrant. It’s time to arm
Making Your Character Every time you attempt a roll, write down
yourself with the only weapon you have: your Then describe your jeweller. Give them a what you’re trying to do. Then write what
art. name, pronouns and physical description. happens, informed by whether you succeeded
or failed. When you’re crafting, if you want to,
Throughout this game, write and draw the You have two stats: Precision and Persuasion. sketch out the objects that your character is
story you create. If you wish, play music. Try Precision reflects your craft as a jeweller. creating. When you’re networking, use the
to find somewhere that makes you feel Persuasion reflects your personal charisma. opportunity to create new characters and
comfortable and helps you focus. Roll 2d12s, and divide the result of each roll in locations in the city.
half. Then assign each of your results to your
What You’ll Need: stats. Once you’ve rolled your stats, choose a Attempting Challenges
specialism and adjust your stats accordingly.
A pen and paper
2d12s To attempt a challenge in this game, roll 2d12s
and add the relevant stat. Every time that you
A jenga tower OR a pool of jewellery attempt to craft an item, use Precision. Every
(optional) Silversmith: You time you attempt to raise awareness of your
+2 Persuasion,
Your preferred Safety Tools specialise in large objects cause, use Persuasion.
-1 Precision
A place where you can relax like tableware and vases.
Your Precision is your skill as a jeweller. Your
Persuasion is your skill as an orator. It’s
Getting Started Goldsmith: You make difficult to be good at both. Whenever you
jewellery from all metals +1 Persuasion succeed, add +1 to the stat you used.
Begin by describing your City. Think about its and precious stones. Whenever you fail, subtract -1 from the stat
age, climate, geographical location, and the you didn’t use. Your stats in this game can be
no higher than +8 and no lower than -4.
stone from which it’s built. Glassblower: You
Whenever attempting a roll, you can choose to
Now describe your Tyrant. Give them a name, specialise in glass +1 Precision
Push Yourself to reroll one or both of your
pronouns and description. Explain how their sculptures and ornaments.
dice. However, the price for doing this is a -4
rule is tyrannical. Think about the injustices penalty to your next roll.
your jeweller has seen, and the reasons they
Lapidarist: You specialise
want to act. in cutting and shaping
+2 Precision,
-1 Persuasion
Next, describe your shop. Is it old, new, run precious stones.
down or newly refurbished? Is it busy or quiet?
You can stay up late and Push Yourself to Roll
craft a beautiful item, but you’ll be tired and The First Roll Precision, Persuasion, Ending the Game
irritable for your next Persuasion roll. 10+
Month: Craft
10+ At the end of the game, if you followed The
You can choose to go out and network to 10 Karats Reach Out to Four Phases and succeeded on 5 or more
Seditious Art Others
spread the word of your cause, but you’ll lose challenges, you convince the people of your
precious hours you could have spent crafting cause and achieve your revolution. If you
for your next Precision roll. succeeded on less than 5 challenges, your
Roll Precision, Jeweller is caught and exiled, imprisoned, or
The Second 14+ Roll Precision,
14+ executed.
Month: Craft
Recruit for
The Four Phases 14 Karats Inflammatory the Cause
If you succeeded, look at whether you did so
Art with Precision or Persuasion. If you did so with
One version of this game takes place in four Precision, your art spoke louder than words.
phases and eight challenges across four Whilst you yourself remain a mystery, your art
months. Each month requires you to attempt Roll endures for centuries. If you did so with
The Third Roll Precision, Persuasion,
one Precision roll and one Persuasion roll. 18+ Persuasion, you become a politician, activist,
Track your successes and failures, and note Month: Make a
18+ writer or orator. You lead from the front and
which stat you used for each. 18 Karats Find Powerful live a long life crowded with friends and
Statement Allies admirers.
As the game progresses, challenges become
more difficult. The beauty and complexity of If you failed, write an obituary for your
the items you craft, as well as the influence Roll character. Let their obituary be informed by
and power of the individuals and communities The Fourth Roll Precision,
24+ Persuasion, their successes, in either the beauty of their
you enlist, should reflect the difficulty of the Month: 24+ art (Precision) or the warmth of their character
Win Hearts (Persuasion).
roll you’re attempting. 24 Karats and Minds Confront the
Despot Then roll 2d12. This is how many years it takes
for the embers that you stoked to grow into
the flames of revolution. Describe the
An Alternative Timeline (You could also use pins, badges, buttons, memorial that’s built in your honour, long after
beads, or marbles.) you are gone.
Alternatively, use a jenga tower or pool of
Every time you fail a challenge, roll a d12,
jewellery to determine your timeline. Try this
and remove that many items from the centre
if you want more randomness in the story, or
of the table. When the last item is gone, you
if you want to explore more of the world.
fail and the tyrant finds you.
Remember to track your successes and
failures, and note what stat you used for each Challenges should increase in difficulty as you
one. progress and your stats increase. Consider
increasing the challenge by +1 each time
Use a jenga tower . Every time you fail a
instead, so 10+, 11+, 12+ etc. We recommend
challenge, remove a block. When the tower
ending by 24 karats, if you can.
falls, you fail and the tyrant finds you.
Use a pool of jewellery. At the start of the If you hit 24 karats with items left on the
game, put 24 pieces of jewellery into the table, you succeed and your jeweller isn’t
middle of the table. caught.