OSE Expanded Monsters

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Monsters Advanced Expansion Set v1.0

Writing, editing, layout: Gavin Norman. Cover art: David Hoskins. Interior art: Jerry Boucher, Chris Huth,
Mark Kosobucki, Mark Lyons, Chris Malec, Stefan Poag, Frank Scacalossi. Inspiration: Gary Gygax, Dave
Arneson, John Eric Holmes, Tom Moldvay, Steve Marsh, Dave Cook, Frank Mentzer.
Text and design © Gavin Norman 2020. Cover illustration © David Hoskins 2022. Illustrations on p. 7, 9, 17, 19, 28, 29, 32, 33, 41, 47 © Jerry
Boucher 2020; on p. 46 (top) © Chris Huth 2020; on p. 39 © Mark Kosobucki 2020; on p. 12, 34, 41 © Mark Lyons 2020; on p. 1, 14, 22, 26, 30, 38,
45, 46 (bottom) 49, rear endpaper © Chris Malec 2020; on p. 3, 13, 42 © Stefan Poag 2020; on p. 4, 6, 15, 18, 21, 24, 25, 44 © Frank Scacalossi 2020;
on p. 2 Frank Scacalossi (© Necrotic Gnome 2021). Dimitri © Fontalicious – Derivative Versions © Font Bros. – www.fontbros.com. Economica ©
TipoType – Derivative Versions © Font Bros. – www.fontbros.com.
Table of Contents
Introduction3 Open Game License 54
Monsters4 Index of Monsters 56
Encounter Tables 48

Old-School Essentials is a trademark of Necrotic Gnome. This product is released under the terms of the Open
Game License Version 1.0a, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
This is the third book in the Old-School
Essentials Advanced Expansion Set,
expanding the game with 120 terrifying, To the fearless proofreaders who have
weird, and wonderful monsters inspired helped make this book shine: Chris
by the 1970s Advanced rules. Barnes, Ryan Frans, Cory Gahsman,
Daniel Harkins, Robert Mackie, Matt
Part 1: Monsters Morrissette, Michael Ramoneda, Thorin
Thompson, Shawn Witham.
Lists 120 fearsome monsters, presented in
alphabetical order. Some of the most im- A Note About Devils and Demons
portant types of monsters presented are:
Despite their presence in the original
▶ Aquatic creatures: Denizens of the
Advanced monster books, devils and
deeps for all nautical and subaquatic
demons are not included here. They
adventures: hippocampi, giant jellyfish,
will be featured in a future Old-School
tritons, locathah, merrows, eyes of the
Essentials supplement devoted entirely
deep, and many more.
to the fiendish denizens of other planes.
▶ Animals: From the mundane to the
fantastic: gorillas, frogs, mantises, lizards, Persons
lampreys, slugs, flail snails, and many
more, including 3 types of dogs that play- The following monsters in this book are
er characters can purchase. classified as “persons”, for the sake of
magical effects: brownie, dark creeper,
▶ Dragons: Four metallic dragons
deep one, drow, duergar, gullygug, sea
(brass, bronze, copper, and silver), plus
hag, homunculus, leprechaun, mutoid,
pseudo-dragons, dragonnes, and the ulti-
mycelian, sahuagin, svirfneblin, triton.
mate evil—the multichromatic dragon.
▶ Weird dungeon monsters: Trappers,
mimics, piercers, disenchanters, rot Part 2: Encounter Tables
grubs, hook beasts, otyughs, and the
hateful eye of terror. Provides full encounter tables for all dun-
geon levels and types of wilderness ter-
▶ Denizens of the deep Underworld: rain, allowing the referee to quickly roll
Drow, driders, duergars, mycelians, and up challenging and varied encounters.
the abominable minds lashers!
▶ Undead: Phantoms and revenant
corpses of the long-deceased: banshees,
ghasts, ghosts, demonic knights, and
more, including the most awful undead
monster of all—the terrifying lich.

8’ long giant snakes with a head at each
end of their body. Dwell in all but the
most extreme climes. Will usually only
attack if cornered or surprised.
AC 3 [16], HD 6* (27hp), Att 2 × bite
(1d3 + poison), THAC0 14 [+5], MV
120’ (40’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14
(6), ML 8, AL Neutral, XP 500, NA 1d3
(1d3), TT None
▶ Poison: Causes death (save vs poison).
▶ Cold immunity: Unharmed by cold-
based attacks.

Ankheg Banshee
10’–20’ long, many-legged, burrowing Incorporeal female spirits that linger after
insects with tough shells and shiny black death in order to cause suffering to the
eyes. Consume soil but also enjoy fresh living. Haunt desolate moors.
meat. Dwell in forests and fertile lands. AC 0 [19], HD 7* (31hp), Att 1 × touch
AC 2 [17], HD 3** to 8** (13/18/22/27/31 (1d8) or 1 × wail (death), THAC0 13
/36hp), Att 1 × bite (3d6 + acid) or 1 × [+6], MV 150’ (50’), SV D8 W9 P10 B10
acid squirt (4d8), THAC0 By HD (17 S12 (7), ML 12, AL Chaotic, XP 850, NA
[+2] to 12 [+7]), MV 120’ (40’) / 60’ (20’) 1 (1), TT D
burrowing, SV By HD, ML 9, AL Neu- ▶ Undead: Make no noise, until they
tral, XP 65/175/425/725/1,250/1,750, NA attack. Immune to effects that affect
1d6 (1d6), TT C living creatures (e.g. poison). Immune to
▶ Ambush: Hide just beneath the sur- mind-affecting or mind-reading spells
face of the ground and burst out when (e.g. charm, hold, sleep).
something walks above. ▶ Mundane damage immunity: Can
▶ Acid: Inflicts 1d4 damage per round only be harmed by magical attacks.
until washed off or the victim dies. ▶ Energy immunity: Unharmed by
▶ Acid squirt: Once per day, may squirt cold-based or electrical attacks.
digestive acid at a target up to 30’ away. ▶ Wail: All within 30’ must save versus
Save versus breath for half damage. death or die. Usable once per day and
only during the hours of darkness.
▶ Origin: Legends say that banshees are
the spirits of wicked female elves.
Brownie Bulette
1½’ tall humanoids, related to pixies and 15’ long, hard-shelled reptiles with huge
halflings. They are shy, but friendly with maws, tiny eyes, and a shark-like crest
other lawful creatures. Dwell in peaceful upon the back. Have a ravenous appetite
meadows. for the flesh of horses and humanoids
AC 3 [16], HD ½ (2hp), Att 1 × knife (except elves). Love to dig halflings and
(1d3), THAC0 19 [0], MV 120’ (40’), SV gnomes out of their burrows.
D6 W7 P9 B11 S9 (Cleric 9), ML 7, AL AC 0 [19], HD 9* (40hp), Att 1 × bite
Lawful, XP 5, NA 3d6 (5d8), TT S (4d12), 2 × claw (3d6), THAC0 12 [+7],
▶ Surprise: Never surprised. MV 150’ (50’) / 30’ (10’) burrowing, SV
▶ Dimension door: Once per day, can D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (9), ML 11, AL Neu-
teleport to a known location within 360’. tral, XP 1,600, NA 0 (1d2), TT None
▶ Ventriloquism: Can cause voice to ap- ▶ Ravenous: Will attack anything living.
pear to come from any location or source ▶ Leap: If cornered, can leap forward 20’,
(e.g. a statue or animal) within 60’. attacking with all 4 claws.
▶ Dancing lights: Can conjure bobbing ▶ Armour plates: The plates of a bu-
lights within 60’. lette’s neck can be fashioned into magical
Brown Mould ▶ Origin: Rumoured to be the result of
Deadly fungus that covers walls, ceilings, a wizard’s experiments in crossbreeding
and other surfaces. Drains heat from any turtles, armadillos, and demons.
Caryatid Column
AC No hit roll required, HD 2* (9hp),
Att None, THAC0 18 [+1], MV 0’ (0’), 7’ tall stone pillars carved in the likeness
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 12, AL of female warriors. Created by powerful
Neutral, XP 25, NA 1d8 (1d4), TT None spell casters to defend an object or area.
▶ Cold aura: The area around a brown AC 4 [15], HD 5 (22hp), Att 1 × sword
mould is noticeably cooler than average. (2d4), THAC0 15 [+4], MV 60’ (20’), SV
D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (5), ML 12, AL
▶ Area: Each 10 square feet (e.g. 2’ ×
Neutral, XP 175, NA 1d12 (1d12), TT
5’) covered in brown mould is treated as
one “individual”. (A 10’ × 10’ area would
consist of 10 individual moulds.) ▶ Surprise: On a 1–4, due to appearing
▶ Immunity: Unharmed by all attacks like a normal stone pillar.
but magical cold. ▶ Activation: Come to life when a pre-
ordained condition happens. Return to
▶ Heat drain: Any creature within 5’ of
the form of a pillar when killed or when
the mould suffers 1d8 damage per round.
defensive function is fulfilled.
▶ Multiplication: Fire within 5’ causes
▶ Damage reduction: Half damage from
the mould to grow rapidly. Burning torch:
non-magical weapons.
2 × size, burning oil: 4 × size, fire ball: 8 ×
size. Multiplication takes one round. ▶ Shatter weapons: Any weapon that
hits the caryatid column has a 25%
chance of shattering. Magical weapons
reduce this chance by 5% per “plus”.

Catoblepas Coffer Corpse
Nightmarish creatures with a long, bone- Decaying corpses whose hateful spirits
tipped tail, a bloated buffalo-like body, remain stranded in the interred body.
stumpy legs, a long, thin neck, and a hid- AC 7 [12], HD 2** (9hp), Att 1 × grasp
eous, boar-like head. Dwell in swamps. (1d6 + throttle), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 60’
AC 7 [12], HD 7** (31hp), Att 1 × tail (20’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML
(1d6 + stun), 1 × gaze (death), THAC0 12, AL Chaotic, XP 30, NA 1 (1), TT B
13 [+6], MV 60’ (20’), SV D10 W11 P12 ▶ Undead: Make no noise, until they
B13 S14 (4), ML 8, AL Neutral, XP 1,250, attack. Immune to effects that affect
NA 0 (1d3), TT C living creatures (e.g. poison). Immune to
▶ Surprise: On a roll of 1, a random mind-affecting or mind-reading spells
character meets the catoblepas’ gaze. (e.g. charm, hold, sleep).
▶ Stunning blows: A character hit by the ▶ Turning: Treated as a 4 HD monster.
tail must save versus paralysis (with a +4 ▶ Throttle: On a successful grasp attack,
bonus) or be knocked over and stunned the corpse’s hands lock around the
(unable to move or act) for 1d6 rounds. victim’s throat, inflicting 1d6 automatic
▶ Deadly gaze: 1-in-4 chance of raising damage each subsequent round.
head to use gaze each combat round, ▶ Mundane weapons: Seem to dam-
looking at a character within 60’, who age but do not. (Can only be harmed by
must save versus death or die. magical attacks.) A mundane attack with
▶ Meeting gaze: Causes instant death, “damage” of 4 or more causes the coffer
without a saving throw. corpse to drop to the ground as if dead,
rising again next round. Any characters
who were in melee with it must save
versus spells or flee.
▶ Fleeing characters: Run away at max-
imum speed for 4 rounds. There is also a
50% chance of dropping held items.

Dark Creeper
Scrawny, pale-skinned humanoids (4’
tall), who dress in dark cloaks and dwell
deep underground. Covet and attempt to
steal magic items.
AC 7 [12] (0 [19] in darkness), HD 1+1*
(5hp), Att 1 × dagger (1d4), THAC0 18
[+1], MV 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15
S16 (1), ML 7, AL Chaotic, XP 19 (lead-
er: 45), NA 1 (2d4 × 10), TT C, U, V
▶ Surprise: On a 1–3, due to stealth.
▶ Extinguish light: 3 times per day. All
light sources within 50’ are extinguished
and cannot be relit for 1 hour. Magical
light sources have a 50% chance of re-
maining active.
▶ Pick pockets: 35% chance per round.
On a roll of 70+, the target notices.
▶ Detect magic items: Up to 15’ away.
Couatl ▶ Infravision: 90’.
12’ long, winged, feathered serpents of ▶ Upon death: The creeper’s body spon-
great intelligence and magical power. taneously combusts. All within 10’ must
Dwell in hot jungles. Considered divine save versus spells or be blinded for 1d6
by native people. turns. Non-metal gear in the creeper’s
possession is destroyed. (Non-metal mag-
AC 4 [15], HD 9**** (40hp), Att 1 × bite ic items have a 50% chance of surviving
(1d3 + poison + constriction), THAC0 the combustion.)
12 [+7], MV 60’ (20’) / 180’ (60’) flying,
▶ Leader: A 6’ tall, 2+1 HD leader (with
SV D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (9), ML 9, AL
10hp) is present for every 25 dark creep-
Lawful, XP 3,700, NA 1d4 (1d4), TT B, I
ers. Leaders are known as dark stalkers.
▶ Poison: Causes death (save vs poison). The leader can conjure a wall of fog twice
▶ Constriction: When a bite attack is per day, blocking vision in a 20’ cube for
successful, the couatl wraps around the 1 turn. If a leader is killed, characters
victim and begins to squeeze, inflicting within 10’ also suffer 3d6 damage (half
2d4 automatic damage immediately and damage if the save succeeds).
on each subsequent round.
▶ Shape changing: May take on the
form of a person or animal.
▶ Spell casting: Roll 1d10. 1–4: spells as
a 5th level magic-user; 5–8: spells as a 7th
level cleric; 9–10: both. (See spell lists in
Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy.)
▶ Speech: Common, plus languages of
birds and serpents.

Deep One Demonic Knight
Scaly, fish-headed, amphibious human- Holy warriors who were seduced by dark
oids with long, webbed fingers and toes. powers and now exist as undead mon-
Once dwelt in coastal regions and warred sters of great power and evil. Dwell in the
with humans. Now only encountered in haunted stronghold they built in life or in
the Underworld, in deep caverns and the service of their dark master.
around subterranean seas. AC 0 [19], HD 10*** (45hp), Att 1 ×
AC 5 [14], HD 3 (13hp), Att 2 × claw magic sword (1d8 + 6) or 1 × magic,
(1d4+1) or 1 × weapon (1d6 or by weap- THAC0 11 [+8], MV 120’ (40’), SV D6
on), THAC0 17 [+2], MV 90’ (30’) / 180’ W7 P8 B8 S10 (10), ML 12, AL Chaotic,
(60’) swimming, SV D12 W13 P14 B15 XP 3,000, NA 1 (1), TT None
S16 (3), ML 8, AL Chaotic, XP 35 (lead- ▶ Undead: Make no noise, until they
er: 175, cleric: 125, priest-king: 1,750), attack. Immune to effects that affect
NA 2d12 (4d10 × 10), TT M, S living creatures (e.g. poison). Immune to
▶ Infravision: 90’. mind-affecting or mind-reading spells
▶ Hate the sun: –1 to hit in full daylight. (e.g. charm, hold, sleep).
▶ Poison immunity: Unharmed by any ▶ Aura of fear: Any who come within 5’
form of poison. must save versus spells or flee at max-
▶ Magic resistance: Unaffected by illu- imum speed for 10 rounds, with a 50%
sions, sleep, charm, and hold spells. chance of dropping held items.
▶ Leader: Groups are led by a 5 HD ▶ Detect invisible creatures: Within 60’.
deep one (with 22hp). ▶ Command undead: Can command
▶ Clerics: A 4 HD sea priest(ess) is pres- mindless undead to do their bidding.
ent for every 25 deep ones encountered. ▶ Magic powers: Once per day each:
This creature has the abilities of a 4th a. Dispel magic: Ends spells of
level chaotic cleric. non-instantaneous duration within
▶ Priest-king: A deep one community a 20’ cube area.
with over 200 individuals will be led by a b. Fireball: 14d6 damage to all in a
priest-king with 8 HD and the abilities of 20’ radius area up to 240’ away.
a 10th level chaotic cleric. Save versus spells for half damage.
c. Wall of ice: Up to 1,200 sq ft, last-
▶ Hate mind lashers: Attack on sight.
ing 12 turns. Blocks creatures with
▶ Slaves and sacrifices: Enslave other less than 4 HD. Creatures with 4+
humanoids (especially humans) and HD can break through but suffer
sacrifice them to alien gods. 1d6 damage.
▶ Trade: Will occasionally come to the ▶ Magic resistance: +4 bonus to all
surface on moonlit nights to trade with saving throws against magic.
coastal settlements. They offer rare metals
▶ Spell turning: 10% chance of reflect-
and gems, but demand human sacrifices
ing spells back onto the caster.
or deep one/human unions.
▶ Steed: Usually riding a nightmare (see
▶ Magic sword: Can harm creatures
which are invulnerable to mundane
attacks. Sword carries a curse that affects
any non-chaotic being who holds it.
Disenchanter Djinni (Greater)
Pale blue, intelligent, partially transpar- Mighty rulers (sometimes called pashas)
ent, dromedary-like creatures with long, of the race of djinn—magical, intelligent
flexible snouts. Feed on magical energy. beings from the elemental plane of air.
AC 5 [14], HD 5* (22hp), Att 1 × probing Tall humanoids wreathed in clouds.
snout (disenchantment), THAC0 15 [+4], AC –2 [21], HD 15** (67hp), Att 2 × fists
MV 120’ (40’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (3d10), magic, THAC0 9 [+10], MV 120’
(5), ML 7, AL Neutral, XP 300, NA 1d2 (40’) / 360’ (120’) flying, SV D2 W2 P2
(0), TT None B2 S2 (30), ML 11, AL Neutral, XP 3,250,
▶ Detect magic items: Up to 60’. Can NA 1 (1), TT None
differentiate items by power level. ▶ Mundane damage immunity: Can
▶ Attack magic items: Attack the most only be harmed by magical attacks.
powerful magic item nearby. Small or ▶ Regeneration: If damaged, gains 3hp
concealed items (e.g. a ring or a potion in at the start of each round, if it is alive.
a backpack) incur a –4 penalty to attack. ▶ Magic powers: May use one power
▶ Disenchantment: A magic item hit by each round, without limit:
the proboscis is drained of all magic. a. Whirlwind form: 1 round to trans-
▶ Mundane damage immunity: Can form (or change back). 120’ tall, 40’
only be harmed by magical attacks. wide at top, 10’ wide at base. Moves
at 240’ (80’). 3d12 damage to all in
path. Creatures with less than 5 HD
are slain (save versus death).
b. Gaseous form
c. Invisibility
d. Illusion: Visual and audial. No
concentration required. Remains
until touched or dispelled.
e. Create food and drink: For 12
humans and mounts for one day.
f. Conjure metallic objects: Up to
1,000 coins weight. Temporary:
hardness determines duration
(gold: 1 day; iron: 1 round).
g. Conjure soft goods / wooden
objects: Up to 1,000 coins weight.
▶ Wishes: At most once per day, may
grant another’s wish. (See Wishes under
Magic Items in Old-School Essentials
Classic Fantasy.)
▶ Carrying capacity: 10,000 coins with-
out fatigue. Up to 20,000 coins for 3 turns
walking / 1 turn flying. Must rest 1 turn
▶ If killed: Returns to plane of air.
Dog Dragon
Carnivorous pack hunters. Many domes- A proud, ancient race of gigantic, winged,
ticated breeds exist. carnivorous reptiles. There are many
subspecies of dragon, most of which
Hunting Dog are distinguished by the colour of their
Domestic breeds selected for their intelli- scales. All dragons are egg-layers and
gence and excellent sense of smell. hoard treasure in their lairs, far from
AC 7 [12], HD 1+2 (6hp), Att 1 × bite areas of human civilisation.
(1d6), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 180’ (60’), ▶ Behaviour: Neutral dragons may
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 10, AL attack or ignore humans. Lawful dragons
Neutral, XP 15, NA 0 (0), TT None may aid parties worthy of the honour.
▶ Tracking: By scent. Once started, very ▶ Pride: Dragons are immensely proud
difficult to put off the trail. creatures and will always listen to flattery.
▶ Command: Trained to attack on own- ▶ Attack pattern: A dragon always
er’s command. attacks first with its breath weapon, then
▶ Domestic: Not encountered in the either breathes again or makes melee
wild. Typically cost 17gp. attacks (equal chance of either).
▶ Breath weapon: Can be used up to
War Dog three times per day. Shapes:
Large domestic breeds selected for their a. Cloud: 50’ long, 40’ wide, 20’ high.
bulk and ferocious nature. b. Cone: 2’ wide at the mouth, 30’
AC 6 [13], HD 2+2 (11hp), Att 1 × bite wide at far end.
(2d4), THAC0 17 [+2], MV 120’ (40’), c. Line: 5’ wide along whole length.
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 11, AL ▶ Energy immunity: Unharmed by their
Neutral, XP 25, NA 0 (0), TT None own breath weapon or lesser versions
▶ Armour: Typically wear a spiked col- thereof. Automatically save versus similar
lar and light leather armour. AC reduced attack forms. (For example, a silver
to 8 [11] if unarmoured. dragon is immune to mundane cold and
▶ Command: Trained to attack on own- suffers half damage from a wand of cold.)
er’s command. ▶ Language and spells: Some dragons
▶ Domestic: Not encountered in the wild. can speak (their own tongue plus Com-
Typically cost 25gp (50gp with armour). mon). The chance is listed by subspe-
cies. Those that can speak can also cast
Wild Dog randomly selected magic-user spells (the
Packs of wild dogs roam the wilderness listed number and level of spells).
or may, rarely, be encountered in caves. ▶ Sleeping: The chance of a dragon
AC 7 [12], HD 2 (9hp), Att 1 × bite being asleep when encountered on the
(1d6), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 180’ (60’), ground is listed by subspecies. A sleeping
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 6 (8 in dragon may be attacked for one round
larger packs), AL Neutral, XP 20, NA 2d6 with a +2 bonus to hit. Dragons may
(3d6), TT None sometimes pretend to be asleep!
▶ Strength in numbers: Packs of 4 or ▶ Lairs: A dragon’s treasure is always
more wild dogs have morale 8. If the pack kept in its well-hidden lair and is seldom
is reduced to less than 50% of its original unguarded.
size, this morale bonus is lost.

▶ Subduing: Will surrender if reduced ▶ Language & spells: 40%; 4 × 1st level,
to 0hp by non-lethal attacks (see Sub- 4 × 2nd level.
duing under Other Combat Issues in ▶ Sleeping: 20%.
Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy), ▶ Shape changing: May take on the
admitting that it has been defeated. (Sub- form of an animal.
dual damage does not reduce the damage
done by the breath weapon.) A subdued Copper Dragon
dragon will attempt to escape or attack Lair in warm, dry, rocky regions.
its captors, if the opportunity presents AC 0 [19], HD 8** (36hp), Att [2 × claw
itself or if given a suicidal command. A (1d4), 1 × bite (3d6)] or breath, THAC0
subdued dragon may be sold for up to 12 [+7], MV 90’ (30’) / 240’ (80’) flying,
1,000gp per hp. SV D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (8), ML 9, AL
▶ Age: The following stats describe drag- Neutral, XP 1,750, NA 1d4 (1d4), TT H
ons of average size. Younger dragons may
▶ Breath weapon: 60’ long line of acid
have up to 3 HD less and ¼ or ½ as much
(all caught in the area suffer damage
treasure. Older dragons may have up to 3
equal to the dragon’s current hit points—
HD more and twice as much treasure.
save versus breath for half) or cloud of
Brass Dragon slow gas (save versus breath or move at
Dwell in deserts and sandy regions. half speed and act every 2nd round for 6
AC 1 [18], HD 7** (31hp), Att [2 ×
claw (1d4 + 1), 1 × bite (3d6)] or breath, ▶ Language & spells: 30%; 3 × 1st level,
THAC0 13 [+6], MV 90’ (30’) / 240’ (80’) 3 × 2nd level.
flying, SV D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (7), ML ▶ Sleeping: 30%.
8, AL Neutral, XP 1,250, NA 1d4 (1d4), Silver Dragon
Dwell in clouds or on mountain peaks.
▶ Breath weapon: 70’ long cone of sleep
gas (save versus breath or fall asleep AC –1 [20], HD 10** (45hp), Att [2 ×
for 4d4 turns) or cloud of fear gas (save claw (1d6), 1 × bite (4d8)] or breath,
versus breath or flee for 2 turns). THAC0 11 [+8], MV 90’ (30’) / 240’ (80’)
flying, SV D6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (10), ML
▶ Language & spells: 20%; 4 × 1st level.
10, AL Lawful, XP 2,300, NA 1d4 (1d4),
▶ Sleeping: 40%. TT H
Bronze Dragon ▶ Breath weapon: 80’ long cone of cold
Dwell near great lakes and seas. (all caught in the area suffer damage
AC 0 [19], HD 9** (40hp), Att [2 × equal to the dragon’s current hit points—
claw (1d6 + 1), 1 × bite (3d8)] or breath, save versus breath for half) or cloud of
THAC0 12 [+7], MV 90’ (30’) / 240’ (80’) paralysing gas (save versus breath or
flying, SV D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (9), ML paralysed for 9 turns).
9, AL Lawful, XP 2,300, NA 1d4 (1d4), ▶ Language & spells: 50%; 3 × 1st level,
TT H 3 × 2nd level, 3 × 3rd level.
▶ Breath weapon: 100’ long line of light- ▶ Sleeping: 10%.
ning (all caught in the area suffer damage ▶ Shape changing: May take on the
equal to the dragon’s current hit points— form of a person or animal.
save versus breath for half) or cloud
of repulsion gas (save versus breath or
pushed 60’ away per round for 6 rounds).
Dragon, Multichromatic Dragonne
Giant, thoroughly evil, female dragons Small (5’ tall at the shoulder) dragons
with five heads of different colours. Dwell with brass-coloured scales, small wings,
in deep dungeon lairs. and the head of a lion. Dreaded for their
AC –1 [20], HD 16*** (72hp), Att 5 × fearsome roar.
bite (damage by head colour) or breath, AC 3 [16], HD 8* (36hp), Att 2 × claw
1 × tail sting (1d6 + poison), THAC0 8 (1d6), [1 × bite (4d6) or 1 × roar],
[+11], MV 60’ (20’) / 180’ (60’) flying, SV THAC0 12 [+7], MV 150’ (50’) / 90’ (30’)
D2 W3 P4 B3 S6 (16), ML 11, AL Chaot- flying, SV D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (8), ML 8,
ic, XP 4,200, NA 1 (1), TT H × 2 AL Neutral, XP 1,200, NA 1 (1d4), TT E
▶ Poison: Causes death (save vs poison). ▶ Roar: All within 120’ must save versus
▶ White head: Bite: 2d8 damage. Breath: paralysis or be weakened (–2 penalty to
80’ long cone of cold, 2’ wide at the attack rolls) for 2d6 rounds. Characters
mouth, 30’ at far end. within 30’ who fail the save are also deaf-
▶ Black head: Bite: 2d10 damage. ened for the same duration.
Breath: 60’ long line of acid, 5’ wide. ▶ Roar frequency: May be used at most
▶ Green head: Bite: 3d8 damage. Breath: every 3 rounds.
Cloud of chlorine gas, 50’ long, 40’ wide, ▶ Limited flight: Small wings allow
20’ high. flight for at most 3 turns.
▶ Blue head: Bite: 3d10 damage. Breath: ▶ Languages: Dragon and sphinx.
100’ long line of lightning, 5’ wide.
▶ Red head: Bite: 4d8 damage. Breath:
90’ long cone of fire, 2’ wide at the
mouth, 30’ at far end.
▶ Breath weapons: Each head can
breathe once per day. All caught in the
area suffer damage equal to the dragon’s
current hp (save versus breath for half).
▶ Languages: Common and dragon.
▶ Magic-user spells: White head: 2 ×
1st level, black head: 2 × 2nd level, green
head: 2 × 3rd level, blue head: 2 × 4th
level, red head: 2 × 5th level.
▶ Disabling heads: Heads may be tar-
geted individually. An attack that inflicts
10 or more damage disables a head (una-
ble to attack, breathe, or cast spells).
▶ Head regeneration: Disabled heads
regenerate in one day.
▶ Sleeping: 10%. If sleeping, may be at-
tacked for 1 round with a +2 bonus to hit.
▶ Unique: There is rumoured to be but a
single multichromatic dragon—the ruler
of all coloured dragons.
Drider Drow
Hybrid monstrosities with the 8 legs of Slender, fey demihumans with pointed
a giant spider and the hideously bloated ears, jet black skin, and hair of silver or
upper body and head of a drow. Drider white. Also known as dark elves. Live in
are drow who have undergone a ritual of the deep places of the Underworld and
transformation into bound servants of worship strange, subterranean deities.
their spider deity. Hunt in the caverns of AC 5 [14], HD 1+1* (5hp), Att 1 × weap-
the Underworld. Consume the blood of on (1d8 or by weapon), THAC0 18 [+1],
paralysed victims. MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P13 B15
AC 3 [16], HD 6*** (27hp), Att 1 × S12 (Drow 1), ML 8 (10 with leader), AL
weapon (1d6 or by weapon) or 1 × bite Neutral, XP 19, NA 1d4 (2d12), TT E
(1d4 + poison), THAC0 14 [+5], MV ▶ Infravision: 90’.
120’ (40’), SV D10 W11 P11 B13 S10
▶ Light sensitivity: Suffer a –2 penalty to
(Drow 6), ML 9, AL Neutral, XP 950, NA
attack rolls and a –1 penalty to AC when
1d4 (1d4), TT L
in bright light (daylight, continual light).
▶ Stalking: Often stalk prey and strike at ▶ Divine spells: Each drow has either
an opportune moment. light or its reverse, darkness, memorized.
▶ Weapons: Swords, axes, bows. ▶ Spiders: 1-in-4 chance of being ac-
▶ Poison: Causes paralysis for 1d2 turns companied by 1d4 giant spiders.
(save versus poison with a –2 penalty). ▶ Leader: Groups of 15+ are led by a
▶ Divine spells: Cast spells as a 6th level drow of level 1d6 + 1 (see Advanced Fan-
drow (see Advanced Fantasy: Charac- tasy: Characters). The leader may have
ters). magical items: 5% chance per level for
▶ Spiders: 1-in-10 chance of being ac- each magic item table (see Magic Items
companied by 2d6 giant spiders. in Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy).

Efreeti (Greater)
Mighty rulers (sometimes called amirs)
of the race of efreet—magical, intelligent
beings from the elemental plane of fire.
Manifest out of billowing smoke clouds
as giant men (20–30’ tall) with demonic
faces and an aura of heat and smoke.
AC –2 [21], HD 20*** (90hp), Att 2 ×
fists (3d10), magic, THAC0 6 [+13], MV
120’ (40’) / 360’ (120’) flying, SV D2 W2
P2 B2 S2 (30), ML 11, AL Chaotic, XP
5,450, NA 1 (1), TT None
▶ Mundane damage immunity: Can
only be harmed by magical attacks.
▶ Regeneration: A damaged greater
efreeti gains 2hp at the start of each
Duergar round, as long as it is alive.
▶ Magic powers: May use one power
Short, scrawny, bearded demihumans with each round, without limit:
grey skin and hair and ugly visages. Also
a. Pillar of flame: Transform into a
known as grey dwarves. Renowned for
column of fire for as long as de-
their avaricious and xenophobic natures.
sired. Flammable items within 15’
Dwell in strongholds in the Underworld.
are ignited. Attacks do additional
AC 4 [15], HD 1* (4hp), Att 1 × weapon 2d8 damage (3d10 + 2d8 total).
(1d8 or by weapon), THAC0 19 [0], MV b. Invisibility
60’ (20’), SV D8 W9 P10 B13 S12 (Duer- c. Illusion: Visual and audial. No
gar 1), ML 8 (10 with leader), AL Neutral, concentration required. Remains
XP 13, NA 1d6 (5d8), TT G until touched or dispelled.
▶ Surprise: On a 1–3, due to their ability d. Create wall of fire
to briefly become invisible. e. Create food and drink: For 12
▶ Enlargement: Once per day, may humans and mounts for one day.
double in size for 1d4 rounds. While en- f. Conjure metallic objects: Up to
larged, inflict double damage in melee. 1,000 coins weight. Temporary:
▶ Infravision: 90’. hardness determines duration
(gold: 1 day; iron: 1 round).
▶ Light sensitivity: Suffer a –2 penalty to
g. Conjure soft goods / wooden
attack rolls and a –1 penalty to AC when
objects: Up to 1,000 coins weight.
in bright light (daylight, continual light).
▶ Leader: A leader of level 1d6 + 2 (see
▶ Wishes: At most once per day, may
Advanced Fantasy: Characters) is pres-
grant another’s wish. (See Wishes under
ent for every 20 duergars. The leader may
Magic Items in Old-School Essentials
have magic items: 5% chance per level for
Classic Fantasy.)
each magic item table (except Scrolls and
Wands/Staves/Rods—see Magic Items in ▶ Carrying capacity: Up to 20,000 coins
Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy). (flying).
▶ Hate djinn: Attack on sight.
▶ Attacking the central eye: AC 2 [17],
Ettin 20hp (separate hp pool). If reduced to
Two-headed giants (13’ tall) of low intel- 0hp, the anti-magic ray ceases to function.
ligence and brutal temperament, dressing ▶ Eye stalks: Each stalk can shoot a
in filthy animal skins. Lair underground magical ray up to once per round. Up to 4
and operate only in darkness. stalks can fire in one direction at a time:
AC 4 [15], HD 10 (45hp), Att 2 × spiked a. Charm person: Range 120’. Save
club (3d6), THAC0 11 [+8], MV 120’ versus spells or be charmed: move
(40’), SV D6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (10), ML 8, towards the eye of terror (resisting
AL Chaotic, XP 900, NA 1d4 (1d4), TT C those who try to prevent it); obey
▶ Surprise: Only surprised on a roll of 1, the eye’s commands (if under-
as both heads are vigilant. stood); defend the eye; unable
▶ Related to orcs: Some sages claim that to cast spells or use magic items;
the two races are related. unable to harm the eye. Killing the
eye of terror breaks the charm.
Eye of Terror b. Charm monster: As charm person,
but affects any creature (except
Floating, scaled spheres (5’ diameter) undead).
with a wide, toothy maw, a large central c. Sleep: Range 240’. One creature of
eye, and 10 smaller eyes on stalks. Hate- 4+1 HD or 2d8 Hit Dice of crea-
ful, scheming, and avaricious. Lair deep tures of 4 HD or less fall asleep for
underground. 4d4 turns.
AC 0 [19], HD 11***** (49hp), Att 1 × d. Telekinesis: Range 120’. Move up to
bite (2d4), eye rays, THAC0 11 [+8], MV 5,000 coins of weight up to 20’ per
30’ (10’), SV D6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (11), ML round. Creatures may save vs spells.
12, AL Chaotic, XP 5,100, NA 1 (0), TT e. Petrify: Range 30’. Save versus
L, N, O petrification or turn to stone.
▶ Anti-magic ray: The central eye dis- f. Disintegrate: Range 20’. Save ver-
pels magic up to 60’ in front. Spell casting sus death or be annihilated.
fails and ongoing spells and magic items g. Cause fear: Range 120’. Save versus
are temporarily disabled. Characters spells or flee for 2 turns.
within the ray cannot be affected by the h. Slow: Range 240’. Save versus
rays from the eye stalks (see below). spells or move and attack at half
speed for 3 turns.
i. Cause serious wounds: Range 60’.
Inflicts 2d6+2 damage.
j. Death spell: Range 40’. Up to 4d8
HD of creatures within a 60’ cube
area must save versus death or die
instantly. Undead or creatures with
greater than 7 HD are unaffected.
▶ Attacking the eye stalks: AC 7 [12],
12hp (separate hp pool each). Successful
attacks damage a random eye stalk. If re-
duced to 0hp, a stalk’s ray cannot function.
▶ Eye regeneration: Disabled eyes re-
generate in 2d4 days.
Eye of the Deep Fish, Giant
Floating, scaled spheres (5’ diameter) Giant Electric Eel
with a wide, toothy maw, two lobster-like
9’ long eels that are able to emit an elec-
pincers, a large central eye, and two
tric shock to kill prey. Live in fresh water
smaller eyes on stalks. Hateful, scheming,
in warm regions.
and avaricious. Lair in the depths of the
ocean. AC 9 [10], HD 2* (9hp), Att 1 × bite
(1d4), electric shock, THAC0 18 [+1],
AC 5 [14], HD 13**** (58hp), Att 2 ×
MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15
claw (2d4), 1 × bite (2d10), eye rays,
S16 (1), ML 7, AL Neutral, XP 25, NA 0
THAC0 10 [+9], MV 150’ (50’) swim-
(1d3), TT None
ming, SV D4 W5 P6 B5 S8 (13), ML 10,
AL Chaotic, XP 5,150, NA 0 (1), TT C ▶ Electric shock: Characters within 5’
suffer 3d8 damage; those within 5’–10’
▶ Blinding ray: The central eye emits
suffer 2d8 damage; those within 10’–15’
a ray of blinding light up to 60’ in front.
suffer 1d8 damage. (No attack roll or
Characters must save versus death or be
saving throw.)
paralysed for 1d10 rounds.
▶ Electric shock frequency: May be
▶ Blinding ray frequency: May be used
used at most once per hour.
at most every 3 rounds.
▶ Electrical immunity: Unharmed by
▶ Attacking the central eye: AC 5 [14],
electrical attacks.
20hp (separate hp pool). If reduced to
0hp, the blinding ray ceases to function. Giant Pike
▶ Eye stalks: Each stalk can shoot a Aggressive hunters 9–14’ long. Attack
magical ray up to once per round: anything nearby when hungry. Dwell in
a. Hold person: Range 120’. Save deep lakes.
versus spells or be paralysed for 6 AC 4 [15], HD 4 (18hp), Att 1 × bite
turns. May target 1d4 creatures in (4d4), THAC0 16 [+3], MV 360’ (120’),
a group or an individual (–2 to the SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 8, AL
save). Affects persons of up to 4+1 Neutral, XP 75, NA 0 (1d4), TT None
HD. ▶ Surprise: On a 1–4, due to excellent
b. Hold monster: As hold person, vision and great speed.
but affects any creature (except
undead). Giant Swordfish
▶ Illusion: Instead of using its hold per- 8’ long saltwater fish with a bony sword
son/monster eye rays, both eye stalks may on the snout. Typically non-aggressive.
be used to create a convincing illusion AC 5 [14], HD 3+3 (16hp), Att 1 × sword
affecting all senses. (4d4), THAC0 16 [+3], MV 240’ (80’),
▶ Attacking the eye stalks: AC 5 [14], SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 7, AL
12hp (separate hp pool each). Successful Neutral, XP 50, NA 0 (1d4), TT None
attacks damage a random eye stalk. If
reduced to 0hp, a stalk’s magic ray cannot
▶ Eye regeneration: Disabled eyes re-
generate in 1d4 days.

Flail Snail
Huge (8’ tall) snails with a cluster of
flailing, club-like tentacles and a swirling,
multi-coloured shell. Dwell underground.
AC 0 [19], HD 4* (18hp), Att 4 to 6 ×
club tentacle (1d8), THAC0 16 [+3], MV
30’ (10’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2),
ML 10 (7 in light), AL Neutral, XP 125,
NA 1 (0), TT None
▶ Club tentacles: 1d3+3 tentacles; each
can attack once per round.
▶ Attacking the tentacles: AC 3 [16],
8hp (separate hp pool each). If reduced to
0hp, the tentacle can no longer attack.
▶ If all tentacles are killed: Snail dies.
▶ Upon death: Withdraws into shell and
shrieks for 1d3 turns. 50% chance per
turn of attracting a wandering monster.
▶ Hate light: In bright light (daylight,
continual light, etc.) morale reduced to 7.
▶ Immunities: Unharmed by poison
and fire (including magical fire).
▶ Magic reflection: Shell protects
against magic. Each time snail is targeted
by magic, roll 1d6: 1: reflected back at
caster; 2–3: cancelled; 4–6: normal effect.
▶ Shell’s properties: Magic reflective
properties remain for 1d6 months after
the snail’s death. Weighs 2,500 coins.

Frog, Giant
Giant Mutant Frog Giant Poisonous Frog
Giant (2’ long), mutant frogs with vicious Brightly coloured giant frogs (3’ long)
talons and teeth. Highly aggressive, that lurk in warm pools or damp caverns.
voraciously carnivorous (will even eat AC 7 [12], HD 1** (4hp), Att 1 × bite
their own kind). Dwell underground or (1d4 + poison), THAC0 19 [0], MV 90’
in forlorn swamps. (30’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML
AC 7 [12], HD 1+4 (8hp), Att 2 × talons 9, AL Neutral, XP 16, NA 1d6 (1d6), TT
(1d2), 1 × bite (1d4+1), THAC0 18 [+1], None
MV 60’ (20’) / 120’ (40’) swimming, SV ▶ Sticky tongue: Attack up to 15’ away.
D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 9, AL On a hit, prey (up to dwarf size) is
Neutral, XP 15, NA 3d6 (3d6), TT None dragged to the mouth and bitten.
▶ Origin: Rumoured to have been spe- ▶ Poison: Save versus poison with a +4
cially bred by magical means. bonus or die in 1d6 turns.
Gas Spore Ghast
Mindless, floating fungi that appear Grotesque, animalistic, undead humans
almost exactly like an eye of terror (see that crave the flesh of the living. Exude a
p15)—a scaled sphere (5’ diameter) nauseating carrion stench. Found among
with a wide, toothy maw, a large central packs of ghouls (see Old-School Essen-
eye, and 10 smaller eyes on stalks. Drift tials Classic Fantasy).
around in caverns and ruins. AC 3 [16], HD 4* (18hp), Att 2 × claw
AC 9 [10], HD 1hp*, Att 1 × spore spray (1d4 + paralysis), 1 × bite (1d8 + paral-
(infection), THAC0 19 [0], MV 30’ (10’), ysis), THAC0 16 [+3], MV 150’ (50’),
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 9, AL SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (4), ML 9, AL
Neutral, XP 6, NA 1d3 (1), TT None Chaotic, XP 125, NA 1d3 (1d6), TT B
▶ Distinguishing: In dim light: 1-in-10 ▶ Carrion stench: Those within 10’ must
chance of noticing the fungal nature of a save versus poison or suffer –2 to hit,
gas spore; 10’ or closer: 1-in-4 chance. while in melee with ghasts.
▶ Upon death: The gas spore explodes. ▶ Paralysis: For 2d4 turns (save versus
All within 20’ suffer 6d6 damage (save paralysis). Creatures larger than ogres
versus wands for half). are unaffected. After paralysing a target,
▶ Spore spray: Affects all characters in ghasts will attack others.
a 20’ cube area in front of the gas spore. ▶ Undead: Make no noise, until they
Save versus poison or become infected attack. Immune to effects that affect
with spores. living creatures (e.g. poison). Immune to
▶ Spore infection: 1d6 gas spores grow mind-affecting or mind-reading spells
inside the victim, killing them in 24 (e.g. charm, hold, sleep).
hours. Cure disease removes the spores.

Incorporeal spirits of the restless dead, of-
ten carrying an ethereal lantern or candle.
AC 0 [19], HD 10*** (45hp), Att 1 ×
touch (life drain) or possession, THAC0
11 [+8], MV 90’ (30’), SV D6 W7 P8 B8
S10 (10), ML 10, AL Any, XP 3,000, NA 1
(1), TT E, N
▶ Undead: Make no noise, until they
attack. Immune to effects that affect
living creatures (e.g. poison). Immune to
mind-affecting or mind-reading spells
(e.g. charm, hold, sleep).
▶ Mundane damage immunity: Only
harmed by silver weapons or magic.
▶ Aura of fear: All seeing a ghost must
save versus spells or age 10 years and flee Gibbering Mouther
for 2d6 turns. Divine spell casters of 7th
5’ mounds of rubbery jelly with hundreds
level or higher are immune.
of deranged eyes and mouths. Dwell in
▶ Life draining touch: Victim per- dark, cold, dank places. Consume all
manently loses 1d4 points of CON. living matter they come across.
If reduced to 0 CON, the victim dies.
Someone killed in this way cannot be AC 0 [19], HD 4+3*** (21hp), Att 6 ×
raised from the dead by any means short bite (1hp + attach + slip) or gibbering,
of a wish. THAC0 15 [+4], MV 30’ (10’), SV D12
W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 10, AL Neu-
▶ Possession: A victim within 60’ must tral, XP 350, NA 1 (1), TT L
save versus spells or become possessed.
When possessing a victim, the ghost ▶ Surprise: On a 1–5, if mouther re-
disappears. mains motionless with eyes and mouths
closed. Appears like a mound of earth.
▶ Possessed victims: The ghost gains
full control over the victim’s body, but is ▶ Attaching: On a successful bite attack,
not able to make the victim cast spells. the mouth locks onto the victim and
inflicts 1 damage in subsequent rounds.
▶ Expelling: A ghost is expelled from a
possessed victim by dispel evil or if the ▶ Detach: If mouther or victim dies.
victim dies. ▶ Slip: 1-in-6 chance of victim falling to
▶ Alignment: Lawful ghosts may aid the ground. The mouther then imme-
characters, leading them out of danger. diately oozes on top of the victim and
Neutral ghosts may reveal their treasure attacks with 6 more mouths.
hoard if their remains are consecrated, ▶ Gibbering: All within 60’ who hear
releasing them from undeath. Chaotic the babbling of dozens of mouths must
ghosts are hateful of all life. save versus spells or be maddened.
Victims behave randomly as long as the
gibbering continues; roll 1d8 each round.
1: move randomly, 2–5: no action, 6–7:
attack nearest creature, 8: flee.
Golem Iron Golem
12’ humanoid statues with great swords.
Artificial beings constructed from
AC 2 [17], HD 18* (81hp), Att 1 × sword
different materials by mighty clerics or
(4d10) or 1 × breath (poison), THAC0 7
[+12], MV 60’ (20’), SV D8 W9 P10 B10
▶ Mundane damage immunity: Can S12 (9), ML 12, AL Neutral, XP 3,150,
only be harmed by magical attacks. NA 1 (1), TT None
▶ Immunity: Unharmed by gas; unaf- ▶ Mundane damage immunity; Immu-
fected by charm, hold, and sleep spells. nity: See main entry.
▶ Other materials: Golems formed of ▶ Poison breath: Once per encounter,
other materials are also possible. may breathe a 10’ cube cloud of poison
▶ Constructing: A very complex, expen- gas directly in front. All in the cloud must
sive, and time-consuming process. save versus poison or die.
Clay Golem ▶ Energy immunity: Unharmed by fire
8’ tall humanoid statues of baked clay. and cold.
AC 6 [13], HD 11* (49hp), Att 1 × fist ▶ Healed by fire: Each hit point of dam-
(3d10 + curse), THAC0 11 [+8], MV 60’ age a fire-based attack deals restores 1hp
(20’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (5), ML to an iron golem.
12, AL Neutral, XP 1,900, NA 1 (1), TT Stone Golem
None 10’ tall humanoid statues of solid stone.
▶ Mundane damage immunity; Immu- AC 4 [15], HD 14* (63hp), Att 1 × fist
nity: See main entry. (3d8), THAC0 9 [+10], MV 60’ (20’), SV
▶ Magical weapon immunity: Only D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (7), ML 12, AL Neu-
harmed by blunt magical weapons. tral, XP 2,300, NA 1 (1), TT None
▶ Energy immunity: Unharmed by fire ▶ Mundane damage immunity; Immu-
and cold. nity: See main entry.
▶ Curse: Damage inflicted can only be ▶ Slow aura: Anyone within 10’ must
healed by a divine spell caster of 9th level save versus spells or be slowed for 1 turn
or higher. (move at half normal speed, attack or cast
Flesh Golem spells only every second round).
7’ tall humanoids formed of stitched-to- ▶ Energy immunity: Unharmed by fire,
gether body parts. cold, and electricity.
AC 8 [11], HD 9 (40hp), Att 2 × fist Gorilla
(2d8), THAC0 12 [+7], MV 90’ (30’), SV
D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (4), ML 12, AL Large (6’ tall), heavy-set apes that dwell
Neutral, XP 900, NA 1 (1), TT None in isolated jungles. Peaceful and shy.
▶ Mundane damage immunity; Immu- AC 5 [14], HD 4+1* (19hp), Att 2 × fist
nity: See main entry. (1d3 + rending), 1 × bite (1d6), THAC0
▶ Energy immunity: Unharmed by fire, 15 [+4], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P14
cold, and electricity. B15 S16 (2), ML 7, AL Neutral, XP 200,
NA 0 (1d4), TT None
▶ Healed by electricity: Each die of
damage an electrical attack deals restores ▶ Rending: If a victim is hit by both fists
1hp to a flesh golem. in the same round, the gorilla rends for
an extra 1d6 automatic damage.
Gullygug Hag
Barbaric, tribal, frog-like humanoids. Black Hag
Dwell in damp, dark places. Hideous crones, 8’ tall, with blue-black
AC 5 [14], HD 1* (4hp), Att 1 × weapon skin and iron-like talons and teeth. Dwell
(1d6 or by weapon) or [2 × claw (1d2), 1 in desolate forests and swamps. Raven-
× bite (1d4 + 1)], THAC0 19 [0], MV 30’ ously carnivorous, love human flesh.
(10’) / 150’ (50’) swimming, SV D12 W13 AC 0 [19], HD 8* (36hp), Att 2 × talon
P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 7, AL Chaotic, XP (1d8 + 3), 1 × bite (1d8 + 3), THAC0 12
13 (leader: 13, chieftain: 125), NA 2d6 [+7], MV 150’ (50’), SV D8 W9 P10 B10
(1d8 × 10), TT D S12 (8), ML 10, AL Chaotic, XP 1,200,
▶ Surprise: On a 1–3, due to chamele- NA 1 (1), TT D
on-like skin. ▶ Illusion immunity: Completely unaf-
▶ Hopping attack: Jump up to 30’ for- fected by illusions and phantasms.
wards and gain +1 to attack. If wielding ▶ Grapple: If a victim is hit by all three
an impaling weapon (e.g. spear), this of a hag’s attacks in the same round, they
counts as a charge and inflicts double are seized and suffer automatic damage
damage on a successful hit. (3d8 + 9) each subsequent round.
▶ Leader: Groups are led by a gullygug ▶ Cloak true form: Can cloak true ap-
with 8 hit points. The leader gains a +1 pearance with an illusory form.
bonus to damage rolls.
▶ Chieftain: A 4 HD chieftain (with Sea Hag
15hp) rules a gullygug tribe. The chieftain Ghastly, green-skinned, weed-festooned
gains a +2 bonus to damage rolls. crones who crave humanoid flesh. Dwell
▶ Hybrids: Rumours of human-gullygug in seaweed forests in warm shallows.
hybrids are sometimes heard. AC 6 [13], HD 3** (13hp), Att 1 × dagger
(1d4) or 1 × gaze (death), THAC0 17
[+2], MV 150’ (50’), SV D12 W13 P14
B15 S16 (3), ML 10, AL Chaotic, XP 65,
NA 0 (1d4), TT C
▶ Hideous visage: Anyone who looks
at a sea hag must save versus spells or
be weakened (–2 penalty to attacks and
damage) for 1d6 turns.
▶ Deadly gaze: Three times per day, may
gaze at a character within 30’. The target
must save versus death or die instantly.
▶ Magic resistance: +2 bonus to all
saving throws against magic.
▶ Freshwater hag: A very rare subspe-
cies of sea hag dwells in freshwater pools.

Hippocampus Homunculus
Intelligent aquatic horses with two finned Miniature (18” tall), scaly-skinned hu-
forelegs and a long, fish-like tail. manoids with bat-like wings and fangs.
AC 4 [15], HD 4 (18hp), Att 1 × tail Created by powerful magic-users.
(1d4), THAC0 16 [+3], MV 240’ (80’), AC 5 [14], HD 2* (9hp), Att 1 × bite (1d3
SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (4), ML 10, AL + poison), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 60’ (20’)
Lawful, XP 75, NA 0 (2d4), TT None / 180’ (60’) flying, SV D11 W12 P11 B14
▶ Mounts: Used as mounts by aquatic S12 (Magic-User 9), ML 9, AL As creator,
humanoids. XP 25, NA 1 (1), TT None
▶ Poison: Victim must save versus
Hippopotamus spells or fall deep asleep for 1d3 turns.
Massive, thick-skinned pachyderms that ▶ Telepathic link: The creator can tel-
live in tropical rivers and lakes. Herbivo- epathically control the homunculus and
rous but aggressively territorial. can see/hear through its eyes/ears.
▶ Males: 1/4 of animals are males, whose ▶ Control range: 480’. Will never delib-
bite does extra damage. erately move further away from creator.
▶ Tip boats: 50% likely to emerge under ▶ Upon death: The creator suffers 2d10
canoes or small boats, tipping them over. damage.
▶ Constructing: Formed by an alchem-
Behemoth ical process on a quantity of the creator’s
Gargantuan (20’ long) hippos, found in blood. Requires hiring an alchemist.
Lost World settings.
AC 3 [16], HD 10 (45hp), Att 1 × bite
(2d8—males 3d8), THAC0 11 [+8], MV
60’ (20’) / 120’ (40’) swimming, SV D10
W11 P12 B13 S14 (5), ML 9, AL Neutral,
XP 900, NA 0 (1d4), TT None
▶ Submersion: Lurk underwater. Can
remain submerged for up to 30 minutes.
Common hippos, 12’ long.
AC 5 [14], HD 8 (36hp), Att 1 × bite
(2d6—males 3d6), THAC0 12 [+7], MV
90’ (30’) / 120’ (40’) swimming, SV D10
W11 P12 B13 S14 (4), ML 9, AL Neutral,
XP 650, NA 0 (2d6), TT None
▶ Submersion: Lurk underwater. Can
remain submerged for up to 15 minutes.

Hook Beast Jackalwere
Tall (9’) bipedal monsters with vul- Evil shapeshifters which can take on the
ture-like beaks, a tough, plated carapace, form of a normal jackal or a jackal-head-
and arms that end in horrid hooks. Vora- ed humanoid. Roam borderland areas
ciously hunt in packs, deep underground. looking for human victims to rob and eat.
AC 2 [17], HD 5 (22hp), Att 2 × claw AC 3 [16], HD 4* (18hp), Att 1 × bite
(1d8), THAC0 15 [+4], MV 90’ (30’), (2d4) or 1 × weapon (1d6 or by weapon),
SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (5), ML 8, AL THAC0 16 [+3], MV 120’ (40’), SV D10
Chaotic, XP 175, NA 2d6 (0), TT K W11 P12 B13 S14 (4), ML 7, AL Chaotic,
▶ Keen hearing: Only surprised on a 1. XP 125, NA 0 (1d4), TT C
▶ Language: Cannot speak. Commu- ▶ Mundane damage immunity: Can
nicate among themselves with eerily only be harmed by magical attacks.
echoing carapace clicks. ▶ Sleep gaze: Anyone meeting a jack-
alwere’s gaze must save versus spells or
Hulker fall deep asleep for 4d4 turns. This ability
Hulking (9’ tall, 5’ wide), bipedal mon- may not be used in combat.
sters with claws of iron, wicked mandi- ▶ Pack: 2-in-10 chance of being encoun-
bles, and four eyes (two insectoid, two tered with 2d6 normal jackals (treat as
human-like). Hunt for fresh meat in wild dogs, see Dog, p10).
caverns, tunnels, and dungeons.
AC 2 [17], HD 10* (45hp), Att 2 × claw
Jellyfish, Giant
(3d4), 1 × mandibles (2d8), 1 × gaze (con- Huge, transparent sea creatures which
fusion), THAC0 11 [+8], MV 60’ (20’), float near the surface of warm seas. Have
SV D6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (10), ML 10, AL 40 tentacles (each 100’ long) which drift
Chaotic, XP 1,600, NA 1d4 (0), TT G through the surrounding waters, seeking
▶ Burrowing: Can burrow through solid prey.
stone at 10’ (3’) or soft earth at 60’ (20’). AC 9 [10], HD 4** (18hp), Att 1–40 ×
▶ Surprise: Characters surprised by a tentacle (1d10 + paralysis), THAC0 16
hulker meet its gaze. [+3], MV 15’ (5’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15
S16 (2), ML 8, AL Neutral, XP 175, NA 0
▶ Confusing gaze: Anyone meeting a
(1d10), TT None
hulker’s gaze is confused for 3d4 rounds
(save versus spells). Unless averting eyes ▶ Surprise: On a 1–5, due to near-invis-
or using a mirror, characters in melee are ibility.
affected each round. ▶ Tentacles: Each target within 100’
▶ Confusion: Victims behave randomly; of the jellyfish can be attacked with 1d4
roll 1d8 each round. 1: move randomly, tentacles each round.
2–5: no action, 6–7: attack nearest crea- ▶ Paralysis: Lasts for 1d10 rounds (save
ture, 8: flee. versus paralysis to resist).
▶ Averting eyes: –4 penalty to hit; the ▶ Killed victims: Will be drawn to the
hulker gains a +2 bonus to attack. body and digested over 3d4 turns.
▶ Mirrors: The reflection of a hulker is ▶ Severing tentacles: Any attack that in-
harmless. Fighting by looking in a mirror flicts 1 or more damage severs a tentacle.
incurs a –1 penalty to attack.

Krell Lamia
Hovering brains (5’ across) with an oc- Centaur-like monsters with the legs and
topus-like beak and a cluster of 10 spiny, body of a beast and the upper body and
6’-long tentacles hanging below. Dwell in head of a woman. Dwell in ruins and de-
dungeons and ruins. serts. Prey on humanoids, draining their
AC 3 [16], HD 5** (22hp), Att 1 × beak blood and consuming their flesh.
(1d6), 10 × tentacle (1d4 + paralysis), AC 2 [17], HD 9** (40hp), Att 1 × touch
THAC0 15 [+4], MV 120’ (40’), SV D10 (1d4 + WIS drain), THAC0 12 [+7], MV
W11 P12 B13 S14 (5), ML 8, AL Chaotic, 240’ (80’), SV D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (9),
XP 425, NA 1 (0), TT None ML 8, AL Chaotic, XP 2,300, NA 1 (1),
▶ Ambush: Prefer to ambush victims by TT D
dropping on them from above. ▶ WIS drain: Touch drains 1 point of
▶ Tentacle attacks: All 10 tentacles WIS. If reduced to below 3 WIS, victim
attack a single target. mindlessly obeys the lamia’s commands.
▶ Paralysis: Lasts 1 turn (save versus ▶ Charm person: Once per day. Save
paralysis with a +4 bonus). versus spells or be charmed: move to-
▶ Paralysed victims: Two tentacles wrap wards the lamia (resisting those who try
around the victim; the other tentacles and to prevent it); obey the lamia’s commands
beak inflict automatic damage. (if understood); defend the lamia; unable
to cast spells or use magic items; una-
▶ Attacking the tentacles: A successful
ble to harm the lamia. Killing the lamia
attack targeted at the tentacles disables
breaks the charm.
one (that tentacle can no longer attack).
▶ Illusion: Once per day. Visual and au-
▶ Lightning immunity: Unharmed by
dial. No concentration required. Remains
until touched or dispelled.
Lamprey, Giant Leucrocotta
8’ long eels with horrid sphincter mouths Weird monsters with a stag-like body,
lined with barbed teeth. Dwell in deep a lion-like tail, and a badger-like head.
waters (both salt and fresh). Have jagged ridges of bone in place of
AC 5 [14], HD 5* (22hp), Att 1 × bite teeth. Dwell in ruins and desolate wilds.
(1d6 + blood drain), THAC0 15 [+4], AC 3 [16], HD 6+1 (28hp), Att 1 × bite
MV 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (3d6), THAC0 13 [+6], MV 180’ (60’),
(3), ML 7, AL Neutral, XP 300, NA 0 SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (6), ML 8, AL
(1d4), TT None Chaotic, XP 350, NA 0 (1d4), TT D
▶ Blood drain: Attaches to victim on a ▶ Mimicry: Can mimic human voices
successful hit, doing 10 automatic dam- to lure prey to approach. Speak Common.
age per round. ▶ Retreat attack: If retreating from me-
lee, can make a kick attack (inflicts 1d6
Leprechaun damage on a successful attack roll).
Diminutive (2’ tall) magical humanoids
who delight in mischief and theft. Dwell
in lush, green lands.
AC 7 [12], HD ½* (2hp), Att None,
THAC0 19 [0], MV 150’ (50’), SV D12
W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 7, AL Neutral,
XP 6, NA 1 (1d20), TT F
▶ Surprise: Acute hearing prevents sur-
prise. Always surprise others, if invisible.
▶ Magic resistance: +4 to saving throws.
▶ Magic powers: Usable without limit:
a. Illusion: Visual and audial. No
concentration required. Remains
until touched or dispelled.
b. Invisibility: In combat: cannot be
attacked in the first round; in sub-
sequent rounds, may be attacked
at –2 to hit (locatable by faint
c. Polymorph objects: Turn a
non-living object into another
object of similar size.
d. Ventriloquism: Throw voice 60’.
▶ Theft: Sneak up on PCs, snatch valua-
ble objects, and run away. 1-in-4 chance
per round of dropping object if chased.
▶ Hoard: If captured, will use trickery to
avoid revealing location of hoard.
▶ Wine: Their love of wine may be used
to outwit them.
▶ Aura of fear: All seeing a lich must
Lich save versus spells or flee for 2d6 turns.
Mighty magic-users whose evil magic Characters above 4th level are immune.
has rendered them immortal in undeath, ▶ Mundane damage immunity: Can
their souls stored in a phylactery. Appear only be harmed by magical attacks.
as a skeletal figure dressed in decaying ▶ Energy immunity: Unharmed by
finery. A cold fire burns in their eyes. electrical- and cold-based attacks.
Ruthlessly pursue their arcane research in
▶ Magic immunity: Immune to magic
vast dungeons or ruined palaces.
causing polymorph, insanity, or death.
AC 0 [19], HD 11**** (49hp), Att 1 × ▶ Arcane spells: Cast spells as a 14th
touch (1d10 + paralysis), THAC0 11 level magic-user.
[+8], MV 60’ (20’), SV D8 W9 P8 B11 S8
(Magic-user 14), ML 10, AL Chaotic, XP ▶ Paralysing touch: Chill touch causes
4,300, NA 1 (1), TT A paralysis for 6 turns (save vs paralysis).
▶ Divine liches: Rumours are occasion-
▶ Undead: Make no noise, until they
ally heard of powerful divine spell casters
attack. Immune to effects that affect
becoming liches. These liches cast spells
living creatures (e.g. poison). Immune to
as a 14th level cleric.
mind-affecting or mind-reading spells
(e.g. charm, hold, sleep).

Lizard, Giant Subterranean Lizard
20’ long, highly aggressive lizards that
Flame Lizard dwell exclusively underground.
30’ long, mottled grey and red lizards AC 4 [15], HD 6* (27hp), Att 1 × bite
which are sometimes mistaken for (2d6 + jaw clamp), THAC0 14 [+5], MV
dragons. Lair underground and emerge 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16
periodically to hunt. Covet shiny objects. (3), ML 9, AL Neutral, XP 500, NA 1d6
AC 2 [17], HD 7* (31hp), Att [2 × claw (1d6), TT U
(1d8), 1 × bite (2d8)] or 1 × breath (2d6), ▶ Cling: Can walk on walls and ceilings.
THAC0 13 [+6], MV 90’ (30’), SV D10 ▶ Jaw clamp: Inflicts double damage on
W11 P12 B13 S14 (4), ML 8, AL Neutral, an attack roll of 20.
XP 850, NA 1d4 (1d4), TT B, L
▶ Breath weapon: Once per day. 15’ long Locathah
cone of fire, 2’ wide at the mouth, 15’ Nomadic humanoid fish-people with pale
wide at the far end. Save versus breath yellow scales, fanned ears, and large eyes.
for half damage. Forage and hunt in warm shallows. Lair
▶ Fire immunity: Unharmed by fire. in caves carved into great undersea rocks.
▶ Sleeping: 50% likely to be asleep when AC 5 [14], HD 2 (9hp), Att 1 × weapon
encountered. May be attacked with a +2 (1d6 or by weapon), THAC0 18 [+1],
to hit bonus for one round. MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16
▶ Eggs: 1-in-10 chance of 1d4 eggs in (2), ML 9, AL Neutral, XP 20 (guards: 35,
lair. Each is worth up to 5,000gp. leader: 75, chieftain: 175), NA 0 (1d20),
Monitor Lizard
Truly gargantuan (40’ long) lizards with ▶ Weapons: Crossbows and lances.
long teeth and claws. Aggressive pred- ▶ Mounted: On giant eels. (Use the elec-
ators which drag prey back to their lair. tric eel stats, without the electric shock
Dwell in warm climes. ability. See Fish, Giant, p16.)
AC 4 [15], HD 8* (36hp), Att 2 × claw ▶ Leader: Groups of 40+ are led by a 4
(2d6), 1 × bite (3d6 + rending), THAC0 HD locathah (with 18hp) and four 3 HD
12 [+7], MV 60’ (20’), SV D10 W11 P12 guards (with 14hp).
B13 S14 (4), ML 9, AL Neutral, XP 1,200, ▶ Chieftain: A 5 HD chieftain (with
NA 0 (1d8), TT U 22hp) rules locathah groups of 100+.
▶ Surprise: On a 1–4 due to lunging ▶ Pets: Keep electric eels (Fish, Giant,
suddenly from hiding. p16) and giant jellyfish (p23) as lair
▶ Rending: On an attack roll of 20, a guardians.
victim of human size or smaller is held in
the mouth and suffers automatic damage
(3d6) in the following round.

Nightmarish extra-dimensional monsters
with an obese, humanoid physique, an
elephantine head with a fanged mouth,
arms ending in wicked pincers, and a
belly writhing with slimy tentacles. Some-
times summoned by powerful magic.
AC 3 [16], HD 9** (40hp), Att 2 × pincer
(1d10), 1 × bite (1d6 + poisonous breath),
THAC0 12 [+7], MV 60’ (20’), SV D4
W5 P6 B5 S8 (13), ML 11, AL Chaotic,
XP 2,300, NA 1 (1d2), TT E
▶ Grab: If a victim is hit by both pincers
in the same round, they are trapped in
the malfyr’s tentacles and suffer 2d6 acid
damage each round. The victim can only
escape if the malfyr is slain.
▶ Poisonous breath: Victims of the
bite must save versus poison (with a +3
bonus) or die.
▶ Mundane damage immunity: Can
Lurker Above only be harmed by magical attacks.
▶ Acid immunity: Unharmed by acid.
Mindless, carnivorous, ray-like mon-
strosities that cling to ceilings and drop ▶ Detect invisible: Within 60’.
on prey below. Glide through the air with ▶ Open doors: Can bypass locks and
gas-filled pockets in body. Dwell exclu- wards, both mundane and magical.
sively underground.
AC 5 [14], HD 10* (45hp), Att 1 ×
smother (1d6), THAC0 11 [+8], MV Highly intelligent, 4-armed insectoid
10’ (3’) / 90’ (30’) gliding, SV D10 W11 warriors who hunt and consume human-
P12 B13 S14 (5), ML 12, AL Neutral, XP oids. Dwell in burrows in arid regions.
1,600, NA 1 (0), TT C AC 4 [15], HD 6+3 (30hp), Att [4 × claw
▶ Surprise: On a 1–4, due to stone-like (1d4), 1 × bite (1d4+1)] or 1 × polearm
appearance of underbelly. (1d10) or 2 × crystal disc (1d4+1),
▶ Cling: Can creep on walls and ceilings. THAC0 13 [+6], MV 180’ (60’), SV D10
▶ Smother: Affects all within the 20’ W11 P12 B13 S14 (6), ML 10, AL Neu-
square area the lurker drops onto. A tral, XP 350, NA 0 (2d6), TT L
single attack roll is made and compared ▶ Leap: Can jump up to 20’ high and 50’
against the AC of all targets. forward to attack.
▶ Trapped victims: Cannot move, auto- ▶ Crystal disc: Range 90’. If attack miss-
matically suffer 1d6 damage per round. es, returns to mantid’s hand. Typically
Can attack the lurker only if they had a carry 10 discs.
short weapon (e.g. dagger, short sword) ▶ Dodge missiles: AC 0 [19] vs missiles.
in hand when trapped.
Mantis, Giant Merrow
12’ long, predatory insects with vicious Frightful humanoids, 9’ tall, with green
clawed forelimbs and slicing mandibles. scales, shaggy, weed-like hair, and
Green colouration acts as camouflage. webbed hands and feet. Sometimes called
Dwell in forests and jungles. Hunt any aquatic ogres. Dwell in shallow waters,
living prey, favouring giant insects. lairing in underwater caves.
AC 2 [17], HD 10* (45hp), Att 2 × claw AC 3 [16], HD 4+4 (22hp), Att 1 × spear
(1d6), THAC0 11 [+8], MV 60’ (20’) / (2d6) or [2 × claw (1d6), 1 × bite (2d4)],
120’ (40’) flying, SV D10 W11 P12 B13 THAC0 15 [+4], MV 60’ (20’) / 120’ (40’)
S14 (5), ML 10, AL Neutral, XP 1,600, swimming, SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14
NA 0 (1), TT None (4), ML 10, AL Chaotic, XP 125, NA 0
▶ Surprise: On a 1–4, due to camouflage. (2d6), TT A
Will not attack obviously more powerful ▶ Surprise: On a 1–4, due to camou-
creatures, staying motionless and hidden. flage.
▶ Grab: If a victim is hit by both claws ▶ Air breathing: Can breathe out of
in the same round, they are trapped and water for up to 2 hours.
attacked each subsequent round with the
mandibles (+2 bonus to attack roll, 3d4 Mimic
damage). Semi-intelligent monstrous shape-shift-
ers that take on the form of inanimate
objects (e.g. chests, doors, statues). Dwell
exclusively underground.
AC 6 [13], HD 9* (40hp), Att 1 × pseu-
dopod (3d4), THAC0 12 [+7], MV 30’
(10’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (5), ML
9, AL Neutral, XP 1,600, NA 1 (0), TT
▶ Mimicry: Can change form to appear
like any object of stone or wood.
▶ Attack if touched: Remain motionless;
only attack if touched, lashing out with a
▶ Contact glue: Anything that touches a
mimic is stuck fast by the glue it exudes.
Released only by killing the mimic.
▶ Light sensitivity: Suffer a –2 penalty to
attack rolls and a –1 penalty to AC when
in bright light (daylight, continual light).
▶ Intelligent mimics: There is rumoured
to be a subspecies of intelligent mimics
which can speak and which may help
adventurers if fed.

Mind Lasher
Evil, ultra-intelligent, octopus-headed
humanoids with slimy, purple-black skin
and pupilless eyes. Dwell in the deep
Underworld, where they hatefully plot to
enslave humanity. Feed on the brains of
AC 4 [15], HD 8*** (36hp), Att 1 × men-
tal power (see below) or 4 × tentacle (1d2
+ brain probe), THAC0 12 [+7], MV 120’
(40’), SV D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (8), ML 7,
AL Chaotic, XP 2,300, NA 1d4 (1d4), TT
B, N, O
▶ Brain probe: When a tentacle hits, it
latches onto the victim, who is unable
to escape. After 1d4 rounds, the tentacle
works its way to the victim’s brain and
rips it out of the skull, killing the victim. Humanoids with mismatched body parts
The lasher instantly consumes the brain. of many different creatures (e.g. reptiles,
▶ Mental powers: May use each of the crustaceans, birds, mammals, etc.). Each
following powers three times per day: individual has a unique appearance.
a. Mind control: A target within 30’ Shunned by other species, they live in
must save versus paralysis or come hiding within large settlements or band
under the lasher’s mental control together and dwell in ruins.
for 1d6 rounds. Forced acts that AC 6 [13], HD 1+1 (5hp), Att 1 × weap-
are self-destructive or against the on (1d6 or by weapon), THAC0 18 [+1],
victim’s alignment allow another MV 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16
save to break the mind control. (1), ML 7, AL Neutral, XP 15 (leader: 20,
b. Mind blast: Targets in a 60’ cone chieftain: 75), NA 1d8 (1d100), TT C
(20’ at the end) must save versus ▶ Surprise: On a 1–3, due to great skill
paralysis or be paralysed for 1 turn. at hiding and camouflage. Requires 1
c. Mind thrust: A target within 60’ turn of preparation.
must save versus spells or suffer ▶ Mimicry: Can mimic the sound of any
3d6 damage. monster or animal.
▶ Mental defence: +4 bonus to all saving ▶ Pick pockets: 70% chance of success,
throws against mental powers. penalised by 5% for every level of the
▶ Levitation: Can move vertically at victim above 5th. A roll of more than
will, up to 20’ per round. twice the percentage required for success
▶ ESP: Can read thoughts of any within means that the attempted theft is noticed.
90’. Obstructed by a thin layer of lead or ▶ Leader: Groups of 10+ are led by an
by rock of 2’ thick or greater. individual with 2 HD (with 9hp).
▶ Magic resistance: +2 bonus to all ▶ Chieftain: A 4 HD chieftain (with
saving throws against magic, +4 against 18hp) rules groups of 40+.
mind-affecting magic. ▶ Origin: Rumoured to have been creat-
ed by magic (possibly an accident).
Mycelian Necrophidius
Mycelians are 4’ tall humanoid mush- Giant snake skeletons (10’ long) with a
rooms, with tall stems, wide, flat caps, snake-fanged human skull for a head.
and beady eyes amid their gills. They Created by powerful magic-users or cler-
have no mouths, but communicate tele- ics for a specific purpose (e.g. to guard
pathically. They dwell in lightless caverns treasures or to assassinate a victim).
deep underground. AC 1 [18], HD 2** (9hp), Att 1 × bite
AC 9 [10], HD 1 (4hp), Att 1 × clubbing (1d8 + paralysis), THAC0 18 [+1], MV
hands (1d4), THAC0 19 [0], MV 90’ 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2),
(30’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML ML 12, AL Chaotic, XP 30, NA 1 (0), TT
8, AL Lawful, XP 10 (leader: 50, king: None
725), NA 1d12 (2d10 × 10), TT N × 2 ▶ Undead: Make no noise, until they
▶ Telepathy: Can communicate non-ver- attack. Immune to effects that affect
bally with any sentient being within 120’. living creatures (e.g. poison). Immune to
▶ Light sensitivity: Suffer a –2 penalty to mind-affecting or mind-reading spells
attack rolls and a –1 penalty to AC when (e.g. charm, hold, sleep).
in bright light (daylight, continual light). ▶ Surprise: If a necrophidius surprises
▶ Leader: Groups of 10+ are led by a 6’ enemies, it begins to sway hypnotically.
tall mycelian with 3 HD (13hp). Three All who observe must save versus spells
times per day, a leader can spray a spore or be hypnotised for 1d4 rounds, unable
cloud onto a target within 20’, which must to move or act. The necrophidius attacks
save versus poison or become complete- hypnotised victims.
ly passive, unable to act or move for 3 ▶ Paralysing bite: Victim must save
rounds. versus paralysis or be paralysed for 1d4
▶ King: A mycelian lair is ruled by a turns.
10’ tall king with 6 HD (27hp). Six times
per day, the king can spray a spore cloud Nightmare
onto a target within 20’, which must save Intelligent, demonic horses with glowing
versus poison. The king’s spore cloud has red eyes, flaming nostrils, and hooves like
the effect either of pacifying the target smouldering embers.
(unable to move or act for 6 rounds) or
AC –3 [22], HD 6* (27hp), Att 2 ×
of causing hallucinations for 6 turns (roll
flaming hoof (2d4 + 2), 1 × bite (2d4),
1d3, 1: flee in terror, 2. cower and babble,
THAC0 14 [+5], MV 150’ (50’) / 360’
3: attempt to kill nearest creature).
(120’) flying, SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14
▶ Fungal zombies: Lair is guarded by (6), ML 10, AL Chaotic, XP 500, NA 0
1d6 fungal zombies animated by the king. (1), TT None
These behave as normal zombies (see
Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy), ▶ Burning smoke: Breathe out a chok-
but are not undead and cannot be turned. ing cloud of burning smoke. Anyone in
melee with a nightmare must save versus
poison or suffer –2 to attack and damage
rolls against the monster.
▶ Steed: Sometimes act as a steed for
powerful undead (e.g. demonic knight,
lich, spectre, vampire).

Aggressive, semi-intelligent, hulking (8’
around) monstrosities with three stumpy
legs, eyes on a long tentacle stalk, a
sphincter-like mouth lined with fangs,
and two razor-edged tentacles. Lurk
underground in piles of dung or carrion,
which they consume. Crave fresh meat.
AC 2 [17], HD 6* to 8* (27/31/36hp),
Att 2 × tentacle (1d8), 1 × bite (1d4+1 +
disease), THAC0 By HD (14 [+5] to 12
[+7]), MV 60’ (20’), SV By HD, ML 9, AL
Neutral, XP 500/850/1,200, NA 1 (1d2),
TT None
▶ Disease: Victims must save versus
poison or contract a disease that is fatal Highly magical giant orange-red eagles
in 1d12 days. (20’ wingspan) wreathed in searing flame.
Dwell in remote areas guarding magical
▶ Light sensitivity: Suffer a –2 penalty to
shrines, portals, tombs, etc. Only violent
attack rolls and a –1 penalty to AC when
if attacked.
in bright light (daylight, continual light).
AC –2 [21], HD 20** (90hp), Att 2 × tal-
▶ Telepathic: Can communicate
on (2d6), 1 × bite (4d6), THAC0 6 [+13],
non-verbally with any sentient creature.
MV 150’ (50’) / 450’ (150’) flying, SV D2
▶ Symbiotic: Often live in partnership W2 P2 B2 S4 (20), ML 10, AL Lawful, XP
with a powerful monster, living off its 4,300, NA 0 (1d2), TT V × 2
dung and the carcasses of its victims.
▶ Fiery aura: All within 20’ suffer 6d6
▶ Predatory otyughs: Rumours tell of
damage per round. Phoenix fire is of such
rare, highly intelligent, predatory otyughs.
intensity that magical protection from
fire is ineffective.
▶ Magic resistance: +2 to saving throws.
Weird monsters with the body, talons, ▶ Mundane damage immunity: Can
and wings of a giant eagle, the head and only be harmed by magical attacks.
great antlers of a stag, and the fangs of
▶ Fire immunity: Unharmed by magical
a wolf. Dwell in mountains. Prey upon
and non-magical fire.
humans and their ilk.
▶ Spell immunity: Unaffected by charm
AC 6 [13], HD 4 (18hp), Att 1 × antlers
and hold spells.
(4d4), THAC0 16 [+3], MV 120’ (40’) /
210’ (70’) flying, SV D10 W11 P12 B13 ▶ Upon death: Disappear in a 20’ radius
S14 (4), ML 9, AL Chaotic, XP 75, NA 0 ball of ash and fire, inflicting 1d10 × 10
(2d4), TT B damage (save versus breath for half).
Phoenix fire is of such intensity that mag-
▶ Mundane damage immunity: Can ical protection from fire is ineffective.
only be harmed by magical attacks.
▶ Resurrection: 1 round after death,
▶ Killing a victim: When a victim is returns to life from its ashes and flees.
killed, the peryton rips out their heart
▶ Feathers: Phoenix feathers are highly
and flies away.
magical. Each is worth up to 25,000gp.
Non-intelligent, carnivorous monsters
that hang from cavern ceilings, resem-
bling stalactites. 2’ to 6’ long.
AC 3 [16], HD 1 to 4 (4/9/13/18hp), Att
1 × drop (1d6 per HD), THAC0 By HD
(19 [0] to 16 [+3]), MV 10’ (3’), SV D12
W13 P14 B15 S16 (1 to 2), ML 12, AL
Neutral, XP 10/20/35/75, NA 3d6 (0), TT
▶ Blend in with stone: Indistinguishable
from normal stalactites.
▶ Drop: Sensitive to sound and heat. At-
tack a victim directly below by dropping
from the ceiling. Creep back up to the
ceiling if the attack misses.

Invisible, incorporeal spirits which haunt
the place of their death. Lift small objects Pseudo-Dragon
and hurl them at intruders.
Intelligent, miniature (1–2’ long), winged
AC 9 [10], HD 2 (9hp), Att 2 × hurled ob- dragons with a sting-tipped tail and rusty
ject (1d4), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 60’ (20’), red scales. Dwell in small caves or hol-
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 12, AL lowed out trees.
Chaotic, XP 20, NA 1d8 (0), TT None
AC 2 [17], HD 2* (9hp), Att 1 × bite
▶ Undead: Immune to effects that affect (1d3), 1 × tail sting (1d3 + poison),
living creatures (e.g. poison). Immune to THAC0 18 [+1], MV 60’ (20’) / 240’ (80’)
mind-affecting or mind-reading spells flying, SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML
(e.g. charm, hold, sleep). 8, AL Lawful, XP 25, NA 1 (1), TT L × 10
▶ Surprise: Always surprise, unless PCs ▶ Surprise: On a 1–4, due to chamele-
can see invisible. on-like ability to blend in with surround-
▶ Hurled objects: Range 30’. Can only ings.
throw objects which are nearby. ▶ Poison: Induces a comatose, near-
▶ Mundane damage immunity: Only death state for 1d6 days (save versus
harmed by silver weapons or magic. poison). Victim appears dead, except to
▶ Attacking a poltergeist: Location very close inspection.
can be deduced from source of thrown ▶ Magic resistance: +2 bonus to all
objects. Attack rolls suffer a –4 penalty. saving throws against magic.
▶ Telepathy: Communicate telepathical-
ly within 30’.
▶ Companion: Sometimes become a
companion for a lawful adventurer. Able
to telepathically transmit senses to the
companion, up to 240’ distant.
Rakshasa Remorhaz
Highly intelligent evil spirits that take the Predatory, many-legged worm-like mon-
form of feline humanoids, with the head sters with long necks, horrid, crushing
of a great cat (e.g. tiger, panther), eerie mandibles, and compound eyes. Icy blue
reversed hands, and cruel claws. Prefer a in colour, with scaly plates along the
diet of human flesh. Use their powers of back which glow red hot. Dwell in frozen
illusion to gain the trust of people, then wastes, sustained by the heat of their
attack. Dwell in hot climes. internal fires.
AC 0 [19], HD 7** (31hp), Att 2 × claw AC 0 [19], HD 7* to 14* (31/36/40/45/49/
(1d3), 1 × bite (1d4+1), THAC0 13 [+6], 54/58/63hp), Att 1 × bite (6d6), THAC0
MV 150’ (50’), SV D4 W5 P6 B5 S8 (14), By HD (13 [+6] to 9 [+10]), MV 120’
ML 9, AL Chaotic, XP 1,250, NA 1d4 (40’), SV By HD (7 to 14), ML 10, AL
(1d4), TT F Neutral, XP 850/1,200/1,600/1,600/1,900
▶ Cloak true form: Can read the minds /1,900/2,300/2,300, NA 1 (1), TT F
of those they encounter then cloak their ▶ Swallow whole: A bite attack roll of 20
true form with an illusion of a creature or indicates that a human-sized (or smaller)
type of person deemed friendly. victim is swallowed. This is instantly fatal,
▶ Spell immunity: Immune to all spells due to the internal fires.
of 1st to 3rd level. ▶ Melt weapons: A weapon that hits
▶ Mundane damage immunity: Can has a 1-in-4 chance of contacting the red
only be harmed by magical attacks. hot back and instantly melting. Magical
▶ Spell casting: Cast spells as a 5th level weapons are unaffected.
magic-user and a 3rd level cleric. ▶ Avoiding the back: Trying not to hit
▶ Vulnerability: A hit by a blessed the red hot back incurs a –2 penalty to
crossbow bolt kills a rakshasa. attack rolls.
▶ Groups: A single male will often be ▶ Nests: A pair of remorhaz is occasion-
encountered with multiple females. ally encountered in their lair with a clutch
of 1d2 eggs. Each egg is worth 5,000gp.
Revenant Roper
The corpse of a person who was mur- Horrible, amorphous monstrosities that
dered, reanimated by the desperate need form their bodies into the shape of a sta-
for revenge. Only the most obsessive lagmite or pillar (9’ tall, 3’ across). Car-
individuals return from death in this way. nivorous, but lust most of all after human
AC 9 [10], HD 8* (36hp), Att 1 × grasp flesh. Dwell in caverns or forests.
(2d8 + throttle), THAC0 12 [+7], MV 90’ AC 0 [19], HD 12** (54hp), Att 1 × bite
(30’), SV D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (8), ML (5d6) or 6 × tentacle (grab + weakness),
12, AL Neutral, XP 1,200, NA 1 (1), TT THAC0 10 [+9], MV 30’ (10’), SV D6
None W7 P8 B8 S10 (12), ML 10, AL Chaotic,
▶ Undead: Make no noise, until they XP 2,700, NA 1d3 (1d4+1), TT L × 5
attack. Immune to effects that affect ▶ Tentacles: Can attack up to 50’ away.
living creatures (e.g. poison). Immune to ▶ Weakness: Victim suffers a –3 penalty
mind-affecting or mind-reading spells to attack and damage rolls for 3 turns.
(e.g. charm, hold, sleep). ▶ Grab: A victim hit by a tentacle is
▶ Throttle: On a successful grasp attack, grabbed and dragged toward the mon-
the revenant’s hands lock around the ster’s mouth (10’ per round). The victim
victim’s throat, inflicting 2d8 automatic can only be freed by severing the tentacle.
damage each subsequent round. ▶ Severing tentacles: Requires a hit with
▶ Mundane damage immunity: Can a magical cutting weapon inflicting 5 or
only be harmed by magical attacks. more damage.
▶ Regeneration: 3 rounds after being ▶ Magic resistance: +2 to saving throws.
damaged, start regaining 3hp per round. ▶ Mundane damage immunity: Can
Severed limbs reattach. only be harmed by magical attacks.
▶ Return from death: If killed (0hp), ▶ Energy immunity: Unharmed by cold
will regenerate and fight again in 2d6 or lightning.
▶ Spell immunity: Immune to all spells
▶ Fire: Cannot regenerate damage of 1st to 3rd level.
caused by fire. The only way to perma-
nently kill a revenant. Rot Grub
▶ Purpose: Seek out and slay killer (and
accomplices). Once this purpose has been Tiny (2” long) maggots that consume
accomplished, dissipate into dust. living flesh. Lurk in heaps of dung or
rubble, waiting to be touched.
▶ Class abilities: If the revenant was
an adventurer in life, it retains all class AC 9 [10], HD 1hp*, Att None, THAC0
abilities, including spell casting. 20 [–1], MV 10’ (3’), SV D14 W15 P16
B17 S18 (NH), ML 12, AL Neutral, XP 6,
NA 5d4 (5d4), TT None
▶ If touched: Burrow rapidly into flesh,
seeking the heart. Cause death in 1d3
▶ Killing: Applying fire in the first 2
rounds after contact kills the grubs. This
inflicts 1d6 damage on the victim. Cure
disease is also effective.
Sahuagin Satyr
Predatory, sadistic aquatic humanoids Magical humanoids with the legs and
with black-green scales and deep black horns of goats. Love dance, drink, and
eyes. Sometimes known as “sea devils”. debauchery. Dwell in deep, isolated
Worship evil deities and delight in the forests.
killing, enslaving, and torture of other AC 5 [14], HD 5 (22hp), Att 1 × horns
sentient species. Dwell in warm salt wa- (2d4) or magic pipes, THAC0 15 [+4],
ter, but make nighttime raids onto land. MV 180’ (60’), SV D6 W7 P8 B8 S10
AC 5 [14], HD 2+2 (11hp), Att 1 × weap- (10), ML 9, AL Neutral, XP 175 (piper:
on (1d6 or by weapon) or [2 × claw (1d2), 300), NA 0 (2d4), TT I, N
1 × bite (1d4)], THAC0 17 [+2], MV 120’ ▶ Surprise: Only surprised on a 1.
(40’) / 240’ (80’) swimming, SV D12 W13 ▶ Hide in woods: 90% undetectable
P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 8, AL Chaotic, XP when hiding.
25 (lieutenant: 50, chieftain: 125, baron:
350), NA 0 (2d4 × 10), TT A ▶ Magic pipes: One satyr in a group has
magic pipes and may play them when en-
▶ Light sensitivity: Suffer a –2 penalty to countered for one of the following effects:
attack rolls and a –1 penalty to AC when
a. Charm: Used on attractive individ-
in bright light (daylight, continual light).
uals. Anyone within 60’ who hears
▶ Breathe air: For up to 4 hours. the song must save versus spells or
▶ Underwater hearing: Can hear boats be charmed: move towards the sa-
at a range of up to 1 mile away. tyr (resisting those who try to pre-
▶ Chieftain and lieutenants: Groups are vent it); defend the satyr; obey the
led by a sahuagin with 4+4 HD plus one satyr’s commands (if understood);
3+3 HD lieutenant for every 10 members unable to cast spells or use magic
of the group. items; unable to harm the satyr. A
▶ Underwater villages: Domed stone character who saves is unaffected
buildings concealed with seaweed. Home for the rest of the encounter. Killing
to 1d3 × 100 individuals. the satyr breaks the charm.
▶ Barons: Villages are ruled by a 6+6 b. Fear: Used on powerful enemies.
HD sahuagin baron. All within 60’ must save versus
spells or flee for 2 turns.
▶ Priestesses: For every 100 sahuagin in
c. Sleep: Used against intruders not
a village, there will be a priestess (a cleric
deemed dangerous. All within
of 3rd to 5th level).
60’ must save versus spells or fall
▶ Guardians: 2d4 sharks (see Old- asleep for 4d4 turns. Satyrs will rob
School Essentials Classic Fantasy) guard sleeping victims.
the lair. Obey simple commands from

Scorpionoid Sea Serpent (Greater)
Hideous, 12’ tall monsters with the legs, Gargantuan (80’ long), serpent-like sea
body, and stinging tail of a giant scor- monsters with rows of many fins.
pion, and a humanoid upper body and AC 3 [16], HD 14 (63hp), Att 1 × bite
head. Ruthless hunters who hate all other (3d6) or 1 × squeeze (2d10 hull damage),
sentient species. Dwell in warm climates THAC0 9 [+10], MV 240’ (80’), SV D8
in caverns, deserts, and mountains. W9 P10 B10 S12 (7), ML 9, AL Neutral,
AC 1 [18], HD 8* (36hp), Att 1 × giant XP 1,350, NA 0 (1d4), TT None
weapon (3d6) or 1 × tail sting (1d10 + ▶ Lunge: Up to 40’ out of water to use
poison), THAC0 12 [+7], MV 240’ (80’), bite attack.
SV D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (8), ML 10, AL ▶ Squeeze: Coil around and crush a
Chaotic, XP 1,200, NA 1d8 (1d10), TT J, vessel (of equal size or smaller).
K, M
▶ Weapons: Typically use pole arms or Shambling Mound
long bows.
Sentient, semi-intelligent plant monsters
▶ Poison: Causes death (save versus with the shape of a roughly humanoid
poison). Even if the save succeeds, the (9’ tall), slime-soaked mound of vegeta-
victim is paralysed and convulsing for tion. Dwell in forlorn swamps and damp
1d8–1 rounds. underground locales.
▶ Pets: Often keep giant scorpions (see
AC 3 [16], HD 9* (40hp), Att 2 × club-
Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy) as
bing fist (2d8), THAC0 12 [+7], MV 60’
(20’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (5), ML
12, AL Neutral, XP 1,600, NA 1d3 (1d3),
Seahorse, Giant TT B
15’ long seahorses that graze marine ▶ Suffocation: If a victim is hit by both
plants in small herds. Timid and easily fists in the same round, they are entan-
scared. Dwell in all but very cold waters. gled in the shambler’s roots and tendrils
AC 7 [12], HD 3 (13hp), Att 1 × butt and suffocate in 2d4 rounds. The victim
(1d4+1), THAC0 17 [+2], MV 210’ (70’), can only be freed if the shambler is killed.
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 5 (8 ▶ Weapon damage reduction: All weap-
with rider), AL Neutral, XP 35, NA 0 on damage reduced by half.
(1d20), TT None
▶ Fire immunity: Unharmed by fire, due
▶ Flee: Can flee at double speed for up to being soaked with slime.
to 10 rounds. ▶ Lightning growth: If damaged by
▶ Mount: Often used as mounts by lo- lightning, gains one Hit Die.
cathah (p27), mermen (see Old-School ▶ Seep: Can flatten body to squeeze
Essentials Classic Fantasy), and tritons through small holes.

Slithering Tracker
Transparent, intelligent oozes that subsist
on the blood plasma of sentient creatures.
Dwell in gloomy ruins and dungeons.
AC 5 [14], HD 5* (22hp), Att 1 × touch
(paralysis), THAC0 15 [+4], MV 120’
(40’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (5), ML
6, AL Neutral, XP 300, NA 1 (0), TT C
▶ Surprise: On a 1–5, unless target can
detect invisibility.
▶ Tracking: Do not attack directly, but
follow a single victim until they sleep.
▶ Detecting: Victim has a 1-in-20
chance of noticing that they are being
followed by the slithering tracker.
▶ Paralysis: For 6 turns (save versus pa-
ralysis). Paralysis continues indefinitely
if the tracker maintains physical contact.
Once a victim is paralysed, the tracker Snake Person
extracts their blood plasma at a rate of Depraved monsters with the sinuous
2d6 hit points per turn. body, tail, and head of a giant snake and
▶ Seep: Can squeeze through small holes scaly humanoid torso and arms. Capture
and cracks. other sentients to be eaten or sacrificed
in obscene rituals praising their demonic
Slug, Giant masters. Dwell in hot jungles.
Gargantuan (30’ long) grey slugs with AC 4 [15], HD 6* (27hp), Att 1 × bite
rasp-like tongues and acidic spit. Vora- (1d10 + poison) or 1 × weapon (1d6 or by
cious predators that dwell underground. weapon), THAC0 14 [+5], MV 90’ (30’),
AC 8 [11], HD 12* (54hp), Att 1 × bite SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (6), ML 8, AL
(1d12) or 1 × acid spit (4d6), THAC0 10 Chaotic, XP 500 (priests: 725), NA 1d4
[+9], MV 60’ (20’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 (2d10), TT C
S14 (6), ML 10, AL Neutral, XP 1,900, ▶ Poison: Causes death in 1d6 turns
NA 1 (0), TT None (save versus poison).
▶ Acid spit: Range 60’. Victim may save ▶ Magic resistance: +4 bonus to all
versus breath for half damage. saving throws against magic.
▶ Damage immunity: Unharmed by ▶ Priests: For every 10 snake people in
non-magical blunt weapons. the lair, there will be 1 priest with the
▶ Squeeze: Can squeeze through small ability to cast spells as a 5th level cleric.
holes. ▶ Cults: Sometimes found among hu-
▶ Break down doors: Can easily smash man cults that worship snakes.
through doors. ▶ Crossbreeds: Human/snake person
hybrids are said to be possible. Such crea-
tures appear as humans, except for their
snake-like eyes and forked tongues.
Spawn of the Worm
Grotesque, animated human corpses in
an advanced state of rot. Brains have been
entirely devoured by vile worms, which
fill the skull cavity and writhe out of the
eyes and mouth. Dwell in dungeons,
tomb complexes, and swamps.
AC 9 [10], HD 4*** (18hp), Att 1 × fist
(1d8 + disease), 1 × worm (burrow),
THAC0 16 [+3], MV 90’ (30’), SV D10 Sphinx
W11 P12 B13 S14 (4), ML 12, AL Chaot-
ic, XP 225, NA 1d3 (1d6), TT None Large (8’ tall) monsters with bird-like
wings, the body of a lion, and a human
▶ Undead: Make no noise, until they head. Collect riddles, puzzles, and ob-
attack. Immune to effects that affect scure lore. May pose riddles to those they
living creatures (e.g. poison). Immune to meet, attacking and consuming any who
mind-affecting or mind-reading spells cannot give the correct answer. Dwell in
(e.g. charm, hold, sleep). warm climes in ruins and wild areas.
▶ Aura of fear: All coming within 30’
AC 0 [19], HD 12*** (54hp), Att 2 × claw
must save versus spells or flee for 1 turn.
(3d6), [1 × roar or magic], THAC0 10
▶ Disease: Anyone hit contracts a hor- [+9], MV 180’ (60’) / 360’ (120’) flying,
rible rotting disease (save versus poison SV D2 W2 P2 B2 S2 (24), ML 10, AL
with a +4 bonus). Permanently lose 2 Neutral, XP 3,500, NA 1 (1), TT M
points of CHA per month (death if CHA
▶ Roar: All within 120’ must save versus
reaches 0); magical healing is ineffective;
spells with a –4 penalty or flee in terror
natural healing is ten times slower. The
for 1d6 turns. Characters within 60’
disease can only be removed by magic .
who fail the save are stunned (unable to
▶ Burrowing worms: A worm leaps move or act) for 1d6 rounds and then
from the spawn’s skull at a character in flee. Characters within 10’ also suffer 6d6
melee. This requires an attack roll. If the damage and are deafened for 1 turn.
worm hits, it starts to burrow into the
▶ Roar frequency: May be used at most
victim’s flesh. In 1d4 rounds, it reaches
twice per day.
the brain, killing the victim, who be-
comes a spawn of the worm in 6 turns. ▶ Magic: Cast magic-user spells, once
per day each: detect magic, read languag-
▶ Killing worms: The first round after
es, read magic, detect invisible, locate
a worm hits, it can be killed by contact
object, clairvoyance, dispel magic, remove
with steel, holy water, or a blessed object.
curse. (See Old-School Essentials Classic
Subsequently, only magic (e.g. cure dis-
ease) will work.
▶ Mundane damage immunity: Can
▶ Regeneration: Regain 2hp per round.
only be harmed by magical attacks.
Severed limbs reattach.
▶ Return from death: If killed (0hp),
regenerate and fight again in 2d6 rounds.
▶ Fire, acid, holy water: Cannot regen-
erate damage from these sources. The
only way to permanently kill a spawn.
Spider, Giant Phase Spider
8’ long, black spiders that have the ability
Aquatic Spider to become intangible. Dwell in web-filled
4’ long spiders that dwell in large bodies lairs and sometimes prey on humans.
of fresh water. Build air-filled nests in AC 6 [13], HD 5* (22hp), Att 1 × bite
aquatic vegetation. (1d6 + poison), THAC0 15 [+4], MV 60’
AC 5 [14], HD 3+3* (16hp), Att 1 × bite (20’) / 150’ (50’) in webs, SV D12 W13
(1d4 + poison), THAC0 16 [+3], MV P14 B15 S16 (3), ML 8, AL Neutral, XP
150’ (50’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), 300, NA 1d4 (2d6), TT E
ML 7, AL Neutral, XP 75, NA 0 (2d10), ▶ Poison: Causes death in 1 turn (save
TT U versus poison with a –2 penalty).
▶ Surprise: On a 1–3, lurking just below ▶ Phasing: Can shift out of phase with
the water’s surface. surroundings, becoming intangible.
▶ Poison: Causes paralysis followed by Attack by briefly phasing back in. In a
death in 1d4 turns (save versus poison). round when the spider attacks, charac-
▶ Prey: Drag paralysed victims back to ters who win initiative may attack it as it
lair to be devoured in peace. phases in. Otherwise, the spider can only
be harmed by magical attacks.
Aranea ▶ Webs: Creatures caught in webs
6’ long, intelligent, magical spiders of become entangled and unable to move.
greenish-black colouration. Have an Breaking free depends on Strength: 2d4
odd lump on the back, housing the large turns for strength in the normal human
brain. Two front legs have digits, allowing range; 4 rounds for strength above 18; 2
an aranea to grasp tools. Dwell in web- rounds for creatures with giant strength.
filled lairs where they conduct magical The webs can be destroyed by fire in two
research. rounds. All creatures in a flaming web
AC 7 [12], HD 3** (13hp), Att 1 × bite suffer 1d6 points of damage.
(1d6 + poison), THAC0 17 [+2], MV ▶ Intelligent phase spiders: There is
180’ (60’) / 150’ (50’) in webs, SV D13 rumoured to be an intelligent subspecies
W14 P13 B16 S15 (Magic-user 3), ML 7, of phase spider that originates in another
AL Neutral, XP 65, NA 1d3 (1d6), TT D dimension and travels throughout the
▶ Poison: Causes death in 1 turn (save multiverse. These spiders speak many
versus poison with a –2 penalty). languages (including Common) and are
▶ Arcane spells: Can cast spells as a 3rd said to use magic.
level magic-user. Avoid using fire-based
▶ Webs: Creatures caught in webs
become entangled and unable to move.
Breaking free depends on Strength: 2d4
turns for strength in the normal human
range; 4 rounds for strength above 18; 2
rounds for creatures with giant strength.
The webs can be destroyed by fire in two
rounds. All creatures in a flaming web
suffer 1d6 points of damage.

Strangle Weed
10’ long fronds of rubbery seaweed that
seek out living prey. Dwell in warm seas.
AC 5 [14], HD 3* (13hp), Att 1 × grab
(1d4 + entangle), THAC0 17 [+2], MV 0’
(0’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 7,
AL Neutral, XP 50, NA 0 (3d4), TT U
▶ Entangle: A victim hit by a frond
is entangled and suffers 1d4 automatic
damage on each subsequent round. May Svirfneblin
make a STR check each round to escape.
Short, thickset demihumans with long
▶ Clusters: Each frond is treated as noses and gnarled, hairless, grey skin.
an individual monster, but clusters of Also known as deep gnomes. Dwell deep
multiple fronds are controlled by a single in the Underworld in labyrinthine lairs
semi-intelligent “brain” in the seabed. riddled with cunning secret passages and
AC 5 [14], HD 1 (4hp), Att 1 × weapon
(1d6 or by weapon), THAC0 19 [0], MV
60’ (20’), SV D8 W9 P10 B14 S11 (Svir-
fneblin 1), ML 8 (10 in sight of leader or
chieftain), AL Neutral, XP 10, (leader:
20, bodyguard: 35, chieftain: 75), NA 1d8
(5d8), TT C
▶ Surprise: On a 1–4 underground, due
to ability to blend into stone.
▶ Infravision: 90’.
▶ Light sensitivity: Suffer a –2 penalty to
attack rolls and a –1 penalty to AC when
in bright light (daylight, continual light).
▶ Leader: A 2 HD leader (with 11hp) is
present for every 20 svirfneblins.
▶ Clan chieftain and bodyguards: A 4
HD chieftain (with 18hp) and 1d6 3 HD
bodyguards (with 1d4 + 9hp) live in the
lair. The chieftain gains a +1 bonus to
▶ Summon earth elemental: Once per
day, leaders and chieftains can summon
an 8 HD earth elemental (see Old-School
Essentials Classic Fantasy) for 1d6 turns.
▶ Hate deep ones and mind lashers:
Normally attack on sight.
▶ Mines and machines: Love machin-
ery, mining, and gems.
▶ Severing: A bite attack roll of 18 or
Tarrasque higher indicates that one of the target’s
Legendary, gargantuan (50’ long) reptili- extremities (determined randomly, e.g.
an monstrosities dreaded throughout all 1–2: leg, 3–4: arm, 5–6: head) is severed.
lands. Spend most of their time sleeping ▶ Regeneration: A damaged tarrasque
in their underground lairs. Emerge peri- gains 1hp at the start of each round.
odically and ravage vast swaths of land, ▶ Return from death: If killed (0hp),
consuming all plants and animals in the will regenerate, reforming completely
path. Tarrasques are quite possibly the from even only a tiny piece.
most feared monster of all.
▶ Killing permanently: Only possible
AC –3 [22], HD 36** (162hp), Att 2 × by reducing to 0hp then using a wish.
claw (1d12), 1 × bite (5d10 + severing), 1 ▶ Energy reflection: Immune to energy
× tail (2d12), 2 × horn (1d10), THAC0 5 rays, cones, and bolts (lighting, cold,
[+14], MV 90’ (30’), SV D2 W3 P4 B3 S6 magic missiles, etc.). 1-in-6 chance of the
(18), ML 10, AL Neutral, XP 17,750, NA attack being reflected back at its origin.
0 (1), TT Carapace
▶ Fire immunity: Unharmed by fire.
▶ Aura of terror: Creatures of under 3
▶ Mundane damage immunity: Can
HD who behold a tarrasque are paralysed
only be harmed by magical attacks.
with terror until it is out of sight. Crea-
tures of more than 3 HD will instead flee ▶ Carapace: 10d10 diamonds (1,000gp
in terror for 6 turns. Creatures of 7 HD or value each) can be extracted from the
higher may save vs paralysis to resist. carapace. It is also possible to craft magic
shields from the plates.
▶ Charge: In first round of combat,
when not in melee. Requires a clear run ▶ Sleeping: Sleep in lair for months or
of at least 20 yards. Horns inflict double years, before emerging for 1–2 weeks of
damage. voracious feeding.
▶ Unique: It is rumoured that there may
only be a single tarrasque.
Titan Poisonous Toad
Warty amphibians with bright orange or
Gargantuan (22’ tall) humanoids of radi- red markings. As large as a great hound,
ant beauty and athletic build. Beneficent weighing 150 to 250 pounds.
of character, but prone to megalomania.
AC 7 [12], HD 2* (9hp), Att 1 × bite
Natives of higher planes, but sometimes
(1d4+1 + poison), THAC0 18 [+1], MV
have strongholds in the mortal world.
60’ (20’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1),
AC 0 [19], HD 20*** (90hp), Att 1 × ML 6, AL Neutral, XP 25, NA 1d8 (1d8),
giant weapon (8d6) or spells, THAC0 6 TT None
[+13], MV 150’ (50’), SV D2 W2 P2 B2
▶ Poison: Causes death (save vs poison).
S4 (20), ML 10, AL Lawful, XP 5,450, NA
1 (1d2), TT E, L × 10, M Trapper
▶ Invisibility: At will. Become visible
when attacking or casting spells. Intelligent, cunning predators that stretch
their stony, amorphous bodies flat across
▶ Levitation: At will. Move vertically up large areas of floor. Wait for victims to
to 20’ per round. walk across, then fold up, trapping the
▶ Spell casting: Know how to cast 2 victims. Typically cover a 20’ square area
cleric spells of each level (1st to 5th) and (though larger specimens are occasional-
2 magic-user spells of each level (1st to ly encountered). Dwell underground.
6th). Each spell known may be cast once
AC 3 [16], HD 12* (54hp), Att 1 × trap
per day. (See spell lists in Old-School
(1d8), THAC0 10 [+9], MV 30’ (10’),
Essentials Classic Fantasy.)
SV D6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (12), ML 11, AL
▶ Language: Speak the tongues of all Neutral, XP 1,900, NA 1 (0), TT G
▶ Lure: Often form a protrusion resem-
▶ Giant companions: 2-in-10 chance of bling a chest near centre to lure prey.
a storm giant (see Old-School Essentials
Classic Fantasy) being encountered with ▶ Surprise: On a 1–5, due to camou-
titans. flaged appearance.
▶ Trap: Affects all within the 20’ square
Toad, Giant area the trapper covers. A single attack
roll is made and compared against the
Frost Toad AC of all targets.
Intelligent giant (8’ long) toads with ▶ Trapped victims: Cannot move, auto-
warty, frost-rimed skin. Dwell in icy matically suffer 1d8 damage per round.
climes or deep underground. Can attack the trapper only if they had a
AC 3 [16], HD 5* (22hp), Att 1 × bite short weapon (e.g. dagger, short sword)
(3d4), THAC0 15 [+4], MV 90’ (30’), in hand when trapped.
SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (5), ML 8, AL ▶ Suffocation: Trapped victims die after
Neutral, XP 300, NA 1d4 (3d6), TT C 6 rounds due to suffocation.
▶ Cold aura: All creatures within 10’ ▶ Damage reduction: Half damage from
suffer 3d6 damage per round. fire and cold-based attacks.
▶ Language: Speak their own strange

Aquatic humanoids with silvery skin,
blue-green hair, and scaled legs ending
in fins. Dwell in warm waters both in
shallows and at great depths.
AC 5 [14], HD 3 (13hp), Att 1 × weapon
(1d6 or by weapon), THAC0 17 [+2],
MV 150’ (50’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16
(3), ML 9, AL Lawful, XP 35 (leader: 175,
king: 900), NA 0 (1d6 × 10), TT F
▶ Magic resistance: +4 bonus to all
saving throws against magic.
▶ Weapons: Tridents (1d6 damage),
crossbows, daggers.
▶ Mounts: Roving bands are usually
mounted on hippocampi (p22) or giant
seahorses (p37).
▶ Leaders: For every 10 in a group, there
is a 5 HD leader.
▶ Lairs: Beautiful castles on the seabed
or caverns sculpted into undersea rocks. Turtle, Giant
Lairs are lavishly decorated with coral.
▶ Triton king: A 9 HD triton rules the
Sea Turtle
lair. The king has a magical conch shell Giant (20’ long), peaceful marine reptiles
which he can blow (up to 3 times per that drift in warm oceans, eating sea
day) to calm rough seas in a 1-mile radi- plants. Dangerous if threatened.
us, to summon 6d6 hippocampi (p22) AC 3 [16], HD 15 (67hp), Att 1 × bite
or giant seahorses (p37), or to cause (4d4), THAC0 9 [+10], MV 10’ (3’) / 150’
marine animals within 240’ to flee for 3d6 (50’) swimming, SV D8 W9 P10 B10 S12
turns (save versus spells). (8), ML 7, AL Neutral, XP 1,350, NA 0
▶ Priests: In the lair, there is a high (1d3), TT None
priest (with the abilities of a 10th level ▶ Tip boats: 50% likely to emerge under
cleric) and 1d4 priests (4th level clerics). canoes or small boats, tipping them over.
▶ Magic-users: In the lair, there is a 75% Snapping Turtle
chance of a triton with the abilities of a Giant (10’ long), aggressive predatory
magic-user (level 1d6+4). turtles that lurk in the shallows of lakes
▶ Guardians: Use trained sea creatures and large rivers.
to guard their homes.
AC 3 [16], HD 10 (45hp), Att 1 × bite
▶ Divine purpose: According to legend, (6d4), THAC0 11 [+8], MV 30’ (10’),
tritons were brought to the mortal world SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (5), ML 8, AL
from the plane of elemental water for Neutral, XP 900, NA 0 (1d4), TT None
some special purpose which will be
▶ Surprise: On a 1–4, due to hiding
revealed when the time is right.
motionless underwater.
▶ Long neck: Can bite up to 10’ away.
Violet Fungus Wasp, Giant
Giant (5’ tall), carnivorous mushrooms 5’ long, highly aggressive, carnivorous
that can creep around slowly. Live under- insects. Paralyse creatures with their sting
ground, among shriekers (see Old-School then lay eggs in the victim, which is then
Essentials Classic Fantasy), which they devoured by the larvae as they hatch.
resemble. Feed on the rotting remains of Dwell in warm and temperate climates.
living creatures which stray too close. AC 4 [15], HD 4* (18hp), Att 1 × bite
AC 7 [12], HD 3* (13hp), Att 2 × tentacle (2d4), 1 × sting (1d4 + poison), THAC0
(2d4 + rot), THAC0 17 [+2], MV 10’ (3’), 16 [+3], MV 60’ (20’) / 210’ (70’) flying,
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 12, AL SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 10, AL
Neutral, XP 50, NA 1d4 (0), TT None Neutral, XP 125, NA 0 (1d20), TT L × 20
▶ Rot: Tentacles rot flesh. Save versus ▶ Poison: Causes permanent paralysis
poison to avoid. If the save fails, the dam- and death after 1d4 days (save vs poison).
age inflicted by the hit can only be healed ▶ Vulnerable to fire: If a wasp is dam-
by magic. aged with fire (e.g. burning oil, torches),
its wings are burned off.
▶ Nests: Some giant wasps build nests of
wood pulp. These lairs house 2d20 wasps.

1’ spheres of bobbing, torch-like light
that lure people to their doom in bogs or
traps. Feed on the energy of dying souls.
AC 0 [19], HD 6 (27hp), Att 1 × lightning
(1d10), THAC0 14 [+5], MV 180’ (60’),
SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (6), ML 11, AL
Chaotic, XP 275, NA 1d3 (1d6), TT G
▶ Invisibility: At will. Cannot attack
while invisible.
▶ Mundane damage immunity: Can
only be harmed by magical attacks.
▶ Energy immunity: Unharmed by elec-
trical attacks. Minimum damage from fire.
Water Fiend ▶ If reduced to 5 or less hp: Will reveal
location of treasure hoard.
Evil spirits that inhabit pools. Take a ser-
pent-like form and lash out at approach- Winter Wolf
ing creatures.
Large (8’ long), intelligent wolves of an evil
AC 4 [15], HD 3+3* (16hp), Att 1 × strike disposition. Scintillating, silvery-white fur
(grab), THAC0 16 [+3], MV 120’ (40’), and pale blue eyes. Dwell in cold climates.
SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (6), ML 9, AL
Chaotic, XP 75, NA 1d3 (1d3), TT I AC 5 [14], HD 6* (27hp), Att 1 × bite
(2d4) or 1 × frost breath (6d4), THAC0
▶ Formation: Takes 2 rounds to form. 14 [+5], MV 180’ (60’), SV D10 W11 P12
▶ Grab: The victim must save versus B13 S14 (6), ML 9, AL Chaotic, XP 500,
paralysis or be dragged underwater. NA 0 (2d4), TT I + pelt
▶ Submerged victims: Each round: suf- ▶ Frost breath: All within 10’ of mouth
fer 1d4 automatic damage and must save suffer damage (save vs breath for half).
versus death or become unconscious. An
▶ Breath frequency: Every 10 rounds.
unconscious victim dies after 3 rounds.
▶ Cold immunity: Unharmed by cold-
▶ Resistance to sharp weapons: Only
based attacks.
suffer 1 point of damage.
▶ Vulnerable to fire: Suffer an extra
▶ Return from death: If killed (0hp),
point of damage per die of fire damage.
will reform with full hp in 2 rounds.
▶ Pelt: Worth up to 5,000gp intact.
▶ Energy resistance: Cold attacks par-
alyse for 1d3 rounds (no damage). Half
damage from fire attacks.
▶ Killing permanently: Only by magic
(e.g. dispel evil, purify food and water).
▶ Water-bound: Must remain in water.
▶ Command water elemental: 50%
chance of being able to take over com-
mand of a water elemental that is within
Xorn Yeti
5’ tall, radially symmetric monsters with Large (8’ tall), shaggy ape-like monsters
powerful jaws atop their body and a with vicious claws and a taste for human
clawed arm, a stumpy leg, and an eye on flesh. Dwell in isolated, icy regions.
each of their 3 sides. Eat rare minerals. AC 5 [14], HD 4+4** (22hp), Att 2 × claw
Natives of the plane of elemental earth (1d6 + icy squeeze), THAC0 15 [+4], MV
who venture to the material plane on 150’ (50’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (4),
occasion in search of food. ML 8, AL Neutral, XP 275, NA 1d6 (1d6),
AC –2 [21], HD 7 (31hp), Att 1 × bite TT D
(6d4), 3 × claw (1d3), THAC0 13 [+6], ▶ Surprise: On a 1–4, due to camouflage
MV 90’ (30’), SV D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (7), in snow and ice.
ML 8, AL Neutral, XP 450, NA 1d4 (0), ▶ Icy squeeze: On an attack roll of 20,
TT J, L × 5 victim is squeezed for 2d8 extra damage.
▶ Surprise: On a 1–5, due to blending in ▶ Paralysing gaze: Any who are sur-
with stone. prised must save versus paralysis or be
▶ Move through stone: Can meld into frozen still for 3 rounds.
stone and earth, moving at full speed. ▶ Paralysed victims: Can be struck au-
▶ Smell metals: Up to 20’ away. tomatically with both claws and squeezed
▶ Demand metals: Will leave characters for an additional 2d8 damage.
alone if fed on precious metals. Other- ▶ Vulnerable to fire: 50% extra damage.
wise, 90% likely to attack.
▶ Energy immunity: Unharmed by fire
or cold-based attacks. Half damage from
electrical attacks.
▶ Earth spells: Move earth pushes 30’
and stuns for 1 round, stone to flesh or
transmute rock to mud reduces AC to
9 [10] for 1 round, pass-wall inflicts
1d10+10 damage.
Encounter Tables
Dungeons How to Roll an Encounter
Roll 1d20 and look up the result on the
This section provides encounter tables by column in the table below that cor-
dungeon level, using the monsters found responds to the dungeon level being
in this book. explored. The result indicates the monster
Special tables may also be created to encountered, with the number appearing
reflect the different balance of monsters in parentheses.
inhabiting a specific dungeon.

Dungeon Encounter By Level: 1–3

d20 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
1 Brown Mould (1d3) Ankheg 3 HD (1d2) Ankheg 3 HD (1d6)
2 Brownie (3d6) Brown Mould (1d8) Brown Mould (1d10)
3 Coffer Corpse (1) Coffer Corpse (1) Coffer Corpse (1d3)
4 Dark Creeper (1) Dark Creeper (1) Dark Creeper (1d4)
5 Dog, Wild (2d6) Dog, Wild (2d6) Deep One (2d12)
6 Drow (1d2) Duergar (1d6) Drow (2d4)
7 Duergar (1d2) Frog, Poisonous (1d6) Duergar (2d6)
8 Frog, Mutant (3d6) Gas Spore (1d3) Flail Snail (1)
9 Gas Spore (1d3) Gullygug (2d6) Gas Spore (1d3)
10 Gullygug (2d6) Homunculus (1) Ghast (1)
11 Homunculus (1) Mutoid (2d6) Mutoid (2d8)
12 Leprechaun (1) Mycelian (1d12) Mycelian (2d8)
13 Mutoid (1d8) Necrophidius (1) Necrophidius (1d3)
14 Mycelian (1d6) Piercer 2 HD (3d8) Piercer 3 HD (4d6)
15 Necrophidius (1) Poltergeist (1d8) Poltergeist (2d6)
16 Piercer 1 HD (3d6) Pseudo-Dragon (1) Rot Grub (5d6)
17 Poltergeist (1d3) Rot Grub (5d6) Svirfneblin (2d8)
18 Rot Grub (5d4) Toad, Poisonous (1d8) Toad, Poisonous (2d6)
19 Svirfneblin (1d4) Violet Fungus (1d2) Violet Fungus (1d4)
20 Toad, Poisonous (1d4) Water Fiend (1) Water Fiend (1d3)

Using With Other Monster Books
Referees who are using additional mon-
sters from other books (e.g. the monsters
in Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy)
may roll encounters as follows:
1. Select encounter table: Randomly
determine which encounter table to
use. For example, if Classic Fantasy
monsters and monsters from this book
are being used, a d6 roll of 1–3 may
indicate a Classic Fantasy monster and
4–6 a monster from this book.
2. Roll on encounter table: Roll on the
selected encounter table as normal.

Dungeon Encounter By Level: 4+

d20 Level 4–5 Level 6–7 Level 8+
1 Ankheg 5 HD (1d6) Amphisbaena (1d3) Dragon, Brass (1d4)
2 Caryatid Column (1d12) Banshee (1) Dragon, Bronze (1d4)
3 Deep One (3d12) Caryatid Column (3d6) Dragon, Copper (1d4)
4 Disenchanter (1d2) Drider (1d4) Dragon, Silver (1d4)
5 Drow (3d6) Flail Snail (1d4) Dragonne (1)
6 Duergar (3d6) Ghast (2d4) Eye of Terror (1)
7 Flail Snail (1) Gibbering Mouther (1d3) Ghost (1)
8 Ghast (1d3) Hook Beast (3d6) Golem, Iron (1)
9 Gibbering Mouther (1) Krell (1d3) Golem, Stone (1)
10 Hook Beast (2d6) Lizard, Flame (1d4) Hag, Black (1)
11 Krell (1) Lizard, Subterr. (1d6) Hulker (1d4)
12 Otyugh 6 HD (1) Mind Lasher (1d4) Lamia (1)
13 Slithering Tracker (1) Otyugh 6 HD (1d3) Lurker Above (1)
14 Snake Person (1d3) Rakshasa (1d4) Mimic (1)
15 Spawn of the Worm (1d3) Remorhaz 7 HD (1) Mind Lasher (1d8)
16 Spider, Phase (1d4) Revenant (1) Revenant (1)
17 Toad, Frost (1d4) Slithering Tracker (1) Roper (1d2)
18 Violet Fungus (2d4) Snake Person (1d6) Shambling Mound (1d3)
19 Water Fiend (1d4) Will-o’-the-Wisp (1d3) Slug, Giant (1)
20 Will-o’-the-Wisp (1) Xorn (1d4) Trapper (1)

Wilderness Using With Other Monster Books
Referees who are using additional mon-
This section provides encounter tables by sters from other books (e.g. the monsters
terrain type, using the monsters found in in Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy)
this book. may roll encounters as follows:
Special tables may also be created to 1. Select encounter table: Randomly
reflect the different balance of monsters determine which encounter table to
inhabiting a specific wilderness region. use. For example, if Classic Fantasy
monsters and monsters from this book
are being used, a d6 roll of 1–3 may
How to Roll an Encounter indicate a Classic Fantasy monster and
1. Roll 1d8: Look up the result on the 4–6 a monster from this book.
column in the table below that corre- 2. Roll on encounter table: Roll on the
sponds to the terrain being explored. selected encounter table as normal.
The result indicates which sub-table to
consult. Aerial Encounters
2. Roll 1d12: Look up the result in the Always use the Flyer table, in sub-table 1,
sub-table indicated. opposite.

Wilderness Encounter By Terrain

Barren, Hills, Clear,
d8 Mountains City Grasslands Desert Forest
1 B—Animal C—City G—An./Mon. D—An./Mon. F—Animal
2 1—Dragon C—City G—An./Mon. D—An./Mon. F—Animal
3 1—Dragon C—City 1—Dragon 1—Dragon 1—Dragon
4 1—Flyer C—City 1—Flyer 1—Flyer 1—Flyer
5 B—Humanoid C—City G—Humanoid 1—Flyer F—Humanoid
6 B—Monster C—City G—Humanoid D—Humanoid 1—Insect
7 B—Monster C—City 1—Insect D—Humanoid F—Monster
8 B—Monster 1—Undead 1—Insect 1—Undead F—Monster

d8 Jungle Lake, River Ocean, Sea Settled Swamp

1 J—Animal 1—Flyer 1—Dragon* 1—Dragon 1—Dragon
2 J—Animal 1—Dragon 1—Flyer 1—Flyer 1—Flyer
3 1—Dragon L—Humanoid O—Swimmer 1—Insect S—Humanoid
4 1—Flyer L—Humanoid O—Swimmer C—Settled 1—Insect
5 J—Humanoid 1—Insect O—Swimmer C—Settled S—Monster
6 1—Humanoid L—Swimmer O—Swimmer C—Settled S—Swimmer
7 1—Insect L—Swimmer O—Swimmer C—Settled 1—Undead
8 J—Monster L—Swimmer O—Swimmer C—Settled 1—Undead
* Re-roll dragons marked with an asterisk.

Wilderness Encounter Sub-Table 1
d12 Dragon Flyer Insect Undead
1 Dragon, Brass Couatl Ankheg Banshee
2 Dragon, Brass Homunculus Ankheg Banshee
3 Dragon, Bronze Mantis, Giant Flail Snail Coffer Corpse
4 Dragon, Bronze Nightmare Flail Snail Coffer Corpse
5 Dragon, Copper Peryton Mantis, Giant Ghast
6 Dragon, Copper Peryton Rot Grub Ghast
7 Dragon, Silver Phoenix Slug, Giant Ghost
8 Dragon, Silver Pseudo-Dragon Slug, Giant Ghost
9 Pseudo-Dragon Pseudo-Dragon Spider, Phase Necrophidius
10 Amphisbaena* Sphinx Spider, Phase Necrophidius
11 Dragonne* Wasp, Giant Wasp, Giant Poltergeist
12 Lizard, Flame* Wasp, Giant Wasp, Giant Revenant
Wilderness Encounter Sub-Table B: Barren, Hills, Mountains
d12 Animal Humanoid Monster
1 Amphisbaena Banshee Gas Spore
2 Bulette Coffer Corpse Ghost
3 Disenchanter Ettin Lamia
4 Dog, Wild Ghast Leucrocotta
5 Dragonne Hag, Black Leucrocotta
6 Gorilla Jackalwere Nightmare
7 Lizard, Flame Leprechaun Peryton
8 Lizard, Subterranean Mutoid Peryton
9 Spider, Phase Scorpionoid Roper
10 Toad, Giant, Frost Svirfneblin Sphinx
11 Wasp, Giant Titan Will-o’-the-Wisp
12 Winter Wolf Yeti Xorn
Wilderness Encounter Sub-Table C: City, Settled
d12 City Settled
1 Brownie Ankheg
2 Coffer Corpse Brownie
3 Dog, Hunting Bulette
4 Dog, War Dog, Hunting
5 Ghast Dog, Wild
6 Ghost Ghast
7 Gullygug Ghost
8 Homunculus Gullygug
9 Lamia Jackalwere
10 Leprechaun Leprechaun
11 Mutoid Mutoid
12 Mutoid Wasp, Giant

Wilderness Encounter Sub-Table D: Desert
d12 Animal/Monster Humanoid
1 Amphisbaena Jackalwere
2 Bulette Jackalwere
3 Dog, Wild Dog Mantid
4 Dragonne Mantid
5 Ghast Mantid
6 Ghost Mutoid
7 Lamia Rakshasa
8 Leucrocotta Scorpionoid
9 Lizard, Monitor Scorpionoid
10 Mantis, Giant Scorpionoid
11 Sphinx Snake Person
12 Wasp, Giant Snake Person
Wilderness Encounter Sub-Table F: Forest
d12 Animal Humanoid Monster
1 Amphisbaena Brownie Catoblepas
2 Disenchanter Brownie Gas Spore
3 Dog, Wild Dog Ettin Ghost
4 Flail Snail Gullygug Gibbering Mouther
5 Frog, Mutant Hag, Black Otyugh
6 Frog, Poisonous Jackalwere Peryton
7 Gorilla Leprechaun Poltergeist
8 Pseudo-Dragon Leprechaun Roper
9 Slug, Giant Mutoid Slithering Tracker
10 Spider, Phase Mycelian Spider, Aranea
11 Toad, Poisonous Satyr Violet Fungus
12 Wasp, Giant Shambling Mound Will-o’-the-Wisp
Wilderness Encounter Sub-Table G: Clear, Grasslands
d12 Animal/Monster Humanoid
1 Amphisbaena Brownie
2 Ankheg Jackalwere
3 Bulette Jackalwere
4 Dog, Wild Leprechaun
5 Dragonne Mantid
6 Hippopotamus, Normal Mantid
7 Leucrocotta Mutoid
8 Lizard, Flame Mutoid
9 Mantis, Giant Rakshasa
10 Nightmare Snake Person
11 Spider, Phase Snake Person
12 Wasp, Giant Titan

Wilderness Encounter Sub-Table J: Jungle
d12 Animal Humanoid Monster
1 Amphisbaena Ettin Couatl
2 Flail Snail Gullygug Ghost
3 Gorilla Gullygug Gibbering Mouther
4 Hippo, Behemoth Gullygug Nightmare
5 Hippo, Normal Hag, Black Otyugh
6 Lizard, Monitor Mantid Otyugh
7 Mantis, Giant Mutoid Pseudo-Dragon
8 Rot Grub Rakshasa Roper
9 Slug, Giant Shambling Mound Roper
10 Spider, Phase Shambling Mound Sphinx
11 Toad, Poisonous Snake Person Violet Fungus
12 Wasp, Giant Snake Person Violet Fungus
Wilderness Encounter Sub-Table L: Lake, River Sub-Table O: Ocean, Sea
d12 Humanoid Swimmer d12 Swimmer
1 Brownie Fish, Electric Eel 1 Fish, Swordfish
2 Brownie Fish, Pike 2 Hag, Sea
3 Gullygug Frog, Mutant 3 Hippocampus
4 Gullygug Frog, Poisonous 4 Jellyfish, Giant
5 Gullygug Gullygug 5 Lamprey, Giant
6 Hag, Black Hippo, Behemoth 6 Locathah
7 Leprechaun Hippo, Normal 7 Merrow
8 Merrow Lamprey, Giant 8 Sahuagin
9 Merrow Merrow 9 Sea Serpent, Greater
10 Merrow Spider, Aquatic 10 Seahorse, Giant
11 Mutoid Turtle, Snapping 11 Triton
12 Mutoid Water Fiend 12 Turtle, Sea
Wilderness Encounter Sub-Table S: Swamp
d12 Humanoid Monster Swimmer
1 Ettin Banshee Fish, Electric Eel
2 Ettin Catoblepas Fish, Pike
3 Gullygug Frog, Mutant Gullygug
4 Gullygug Frog, Poisonous Gullygug
5 Gullygug Ghost Gullygug
6 Hag, Black Leucrocotta Lamprey, Giant
7 Merrow Otyugh Lamprey, Giant
8 Merrow Rot Grub Merrow
9 Mutoid Spawn of the Worm Merrow
10 Shambling Mound Toad, Poisonous Spider, Aquatic
11 Shambling Mound Will-o'-the-Wisp Turtle, Snapping
12 Snake Person Will-o'-the-Wisp Water Fiend

Open Game License
DESIGNATION OF PRODUCT IDENTITY creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic
All artwork, logos, and presentation are product elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork,
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The game statistics and descriptions of the following or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or
monsters are Open Game Content: Anhkheg, Brown graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered
Mould; Bulette; Caryatid Column; Coffer Corpse; trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the
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Efreeti, Greater; Ettin; Eye of the Deep; Flail Snail; Gas that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its
Spore; Ghast; Gibbering Mouther; Golem, Clay Golem; products or the associated products contributed to
Golem, Flesh Golem; Golem, Iron Golem; Golem, Stone the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”,
Golem; Hag, Black Hag; Hag, Sea Hag; Hippocampus; “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit,
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7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Dark Creeper from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright
Product Identity, including as an indication as to 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene,
compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, based on original material by Rik Shepard.
independent Agreement with the owner of each element Disenchanter from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright
of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene,
compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark based on original material by Roger Musson.
or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work
containing Open Game Content except as expressly Eye of the Deep from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright
licensed in another, independent Agreement with the 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene,
owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. based on original material by Gary Gygax.
The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content Flail Snail from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002,
does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based
Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used on original material by Simon Tilbrook.
in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and Gas Spore from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002,
interest in and to that Product Identity. Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary
You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that Gygax.
you are distributing are Open Game Content. Hippocampus from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene
Agents may publish updated versions of this License. and Erica Balsley, based on original material by Gary
You may use any authorized version of this License to Gygax.
copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content Jackalwere from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002,
originally distributed under any version of this License. Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based
10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of on original material by Gary Gygax.
this License with every copy of the Open Game Content Lurker Above from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright
You Distribute. 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene,
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or based on original material by Gary Gygax.
advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Necrophidius from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright
Contributor unless You have written permission from 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene,
the Contributor to do so. based on original material by Simon Tilbrook.
12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to Piercer from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002,
comply with any of the terms of this License with respect Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and
to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary
judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may Gygax.
not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
Rot Grub from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002,
13 Termination: This License will terminate Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene and
automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary
and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming Gygax.
aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the
termination of this License. Slithering Tracker from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright
2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene,
14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to based on original material by Gary Gygax.
be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only
to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. Strangle Weed from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright
2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene,
15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Open Game License v 1.0 © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Trapper from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002,
Inc. Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, on original material by Gary Gygax.
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, B/X Essentials: Monsters © 2017 Gavin Norman. Author
Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, Gavin Norman.
David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D.
Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Monsters © 2018
material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Gavin Norman.
Caryatid Column from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy: Monsters ©
2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, 2020 Gavin Norman.
based on original material by Jean Wells. Old-School Essentials Advanced Expansion Set:
Coffer Corpse from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright Advanced Fantasy: Monsters © 2021 Gavin Norman.
2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, END OF LICENSE
based on original material by Simon Eaton.

Index of Monsters
Amphisbaena4 Gorilla20 Pseudo-Dragon33
Ankheg4 Gullygug21 Rakshasa34
Banshee4 Hag21 Remorhaz34
Brownie5 Hippocampus22 Revenant35
Brown Mould 5 Hippopotamus22 Roper35
Bulette5 Homunculus22 Rot Grub 35
Caryatid Column 5 Hook Beast 23 Sahuagin36
Catoblepas6 Hulker23 Satyr36
Coffer Corpse 6 Jackalwere23 Scorpionoid37
Couatl7 Jellyfish, Giant 23 Seahorse, Giant 37
Dark Creeper 7 Krell24 Sea Serpent (Greater) 37
Deep One 8 Lamia24 Shambling Mound 37
Demonic Knight 8 Lamprey, Giant 25 Slithering Tracker 38
Disenchanter9 Leprechaun25 Slug, Giant 38
Djinni (Greater) 9 Leucrocotta25 Snake Person 38
Dog10 Lich26 Spawn of the Worm 39
Dragon10 Lizard, Giant 27 Sphinx39
Dragon, Multichromatic 12 Locathah27 Spider, Giant 40
Dragonne12 Lurker Above 28 Strangle Weed 41
Drider13 Malfyr28 Svirfneblin41
Drow13 Mantid28 Tarrasque42
Duergar14 Mantis, Giant 29 Titan43
Efreeti (Greater) 14 Merrow29 Toad, Giant 43
Ettin15 Mimic29 Trapper43
Eye of Terror 15 Mind Lasher 30 Triton44
Eye of the Deep 16 Mutoid30 Turtle, Giant 44
Fish, Giant 16 Mycelian31 Violet Fungus 45
Flail Snail 17 Necrophidius31 Wasp, Giant 45
Frog, Giant 17 Nightmare31 Water Fiend 46
Gas Spore 18 Otyugh32 Will-o’-the-Wisp46
Ghast18 Peryton32 Winter Wolf 46
Ghost19 Phoenix32 Xorn47
Gibbering Mouther 19 Piercer33 Yeti47
Golem20 Poltergeist33


120 terrifying new monsters inspired by the
weird and wondrous 1970s Advanced rules!
▶ Bestiary: Mimics, piercers, shambling mounds,
banshees, coffer corpses, terrible eyes, metallic dragons,
liches, drow, deep ones, the terrifying tarrasque and
many more classic Advanced era monsters!
▶ Encounter tables: Complete encounter tables for
dungeon levels 1–8+ and all types of wilderness terrain.
Attack Matrix
Attack Roll to Hit AC
Monster HD THAC0 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Normal H 20 [–1] 20 20 20 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
Up to 1 19 [0] 20 20 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
1+ to 2 18 [+1] 20 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
2+ to 3 17 [+2] 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
3+ to 4 16 [+3] 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7
4+ to 5 15 [+4] 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6
5+ to 6 14 [+5] 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5
6+ to 7 13 [+6] 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4
7+ to 9 12 [+7] 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
9+ to 11 11 [+8] 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
11+ to 13 10 [+9] 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2
13+ to 15 9 [+10] 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 2
15+ to 17 8 [+11] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 2
17+ to 19 7 [+12] 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 2
19+ to 21 6 [+13] 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
21+ or > 5 [+14] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Monster Saving Throws

Hit Dice Death Wands Paralysis Breath Spells
Normal Human 14 15 16 17 18
1–3 12 13 14 15 16
4–6 10 11 12 13 14
7–9 8 9 10 10 12
10–12 6 7 8 8 10
13–15 4 5 6 5 8
16–18 2 3 4 3 6
19–21 2 2 2 2 4
22 or more 2 2 2 2 2

Monster Morale: Roll 2d6 Monster Reactions: Roll 2d6

Result: Higher than morale score: mon- CHA modifier: Of interacting PC applies.
ster surrenders or flees.
When to check: First death on side; side Monster Reaction Roll
half incapacitated. 2d6 Result
Morale scores of 2 or 12: Score of 2: 2 or less Hostile, attacks
Never fights (unless cornered). Score of 3–5 Unfriendly, may attack
12: Never checks morale. 6–8 Neutral, uncertain
9–11 Indifferent, uninterested
12 or more Friendly, helpful
Game Statistics Movement Rate (MV)
The speed at which the monster can
Armour Class (AC) move. (Encounter movement rate noted
The monster’s ability to avoid damage. in parentheses.)
Ascending AC: The optional AAC score Modes of movement: If the monster
is listed afterwards in square brackets. has multiple modes of movement (e.g.
walking, flying, climbing), they are listed
Hit Dice (HD) individually, separated by slashes.
The number of d8s rolled to determine an
individual’s hit points. Morale Rating (ML)
The monster’s likelihood to flee in battle.
Asterisks: The number of special abilities
the monster has, for XP calculation. Alignment (AL)
Modifiers: Modifiers to the HD (e.g. +3, The monster’s affiliation to Law, Neutrali-
–1) are applied after rolling hit points. ty, or Chaos.
Fractional Hit Dice: Some monsters are XP Award (XP)
listed as having less than one HD, either Pre-calculated XP award for the monster.
as ½ (roll 1d4) or as a fixed number of hp.
Average hit points: The average hit point Number Appearing (NA)
value is listed in parentheses. The number of monsters encountered in
the dungeon or wilderness/lairs.
Attacks Usable Per Round (Att)
The attacks that the monster can use Treasure Type (TT)
each round, with the inflicted damage in The letter code used to determine the
parentheses. treasure possessed by the monster(s).
Alternative attack routines: Square
brackets are used to distinguish between Infravision
alternative attack routines that a monster All non-human monsters have infravi-
may choose from. sion to 60’ (unless specified otherwise).
Saving Throw Values (SV) Languages
The monster’s saving throw values: D:
Death/poison; W: Wands; P: Paralysis/ 20% of intelligent monsters speak Com-
petrification; B: Breath attacks; S: Spells/ mon (unless specified otherwise).
Save as HD: The HD at which the mon-
ster saves is listed in parentheses (NH in- The following monsters in this book are
dicates that it saves as a normal human). classified as “persons”, for the sake of
magical effects: brownie, dark creeper,
Attack Roll “to Hit AC 0” (THAC0) deep one, drow, duergar, gullygug, sea
The monster’s ability to hit in combat, hag, homunculus, leprechaun, mutoid,
indicating which row of the attack matrix mycelian, sahuagin, svirfneblin, triton.
it uses when attacking.
Attack bonus: The monster’s attack
bonus (required when using the optional
rule for Ascending AC) is listed after-
wards in square brackets.
Less than 1 HD 3 HD 6 HD
Brownie Ankheg Amphisbaena
Gas spore Deep one Ankheg
Leprechaun Fish, giant swordfish Drider
Rot grub Hag, sea Leucrocotta
Piercer Lizard, giant subterranean
1 HD Seahorse, giant Mantid
Dark creeper Spider, giant aquatic Nightmare
Dog, hunting Spider, giant aranea Otyugh
Drow Strangle weed Snake person
Duergar Triton Will-o’-the-wisp*
Frog, giant mutant Violet fungus Winter wolf
Frog, giant poisonous Water fiend
Gullygug 7 HD
Mutoid 4 HD Ankheg
Mycelian Ankheg Banshee*
Piercer Fish, giant pike Catoblepas
Svirfneblin Flail snail Dragon, brass
Ghast Lizard, giant flame
2 HD Gibbering mouther Otyugh
Brown mould* Gorilla Rakshasa*
Coffer corpse* Hippocampus Remorhaz
Dog, war Jackalwere* Xorn
Dog, wild Jellyfish, giant
Fish, giant electric eel Merrow 8 HD
Homunculus Peryton* Ankheg
Locathah Piercer Dragon, copper
Necrophidius Spawn of the worm Dragonne
Piercer Wasp, giant Hag, black
Poltergeist* Yeti Hippopotamus, normal
Pseudo-dragon Lizard, giant monitor
Sahuagin 5 HD Mind lasher
Toad, giant poisonous Ankheg Otyugh
Caryatid column Remorhaz
Disenchanter* Revenant*
Hook beast Scorpionoid
Lamprey, giant
Slithering tracker
Spider, giant phase
Toad, giant frost
9 HD 11 HD 15 HD
Bulette Eye of terror Djinni (greater)*
Couatl Golem, clay* Turtle, giant sea
Dragon, bronze Lich*
Golem, flesh* Remorhaz 16 HD
Lamia Dragon, multichromatic
Malfyr* 12 HD
Mimic Remorhaz 18 HD
Remorhaz Roper* Golem, iron*
Shambling mound Slug, giant
Sphinx* 20 HD
10 HD Trapper Efreeti (greater)*
Demonic knight Phoenix*
Dragon, silver 13 HD Titan
Ettin Eye of the deep
Ghost* Remorhaz 36 HD
Hippopotamus, Tarrasque*
behemoth 14 HD
Hulker Golem, stone*
Lurker above Remorhaz * Monster cannot be
Mantis, giant Sea serpent (greater) harmed by mundane
Remorhaz weapons. Magic or silver
Turtle, giant snapping required.

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