The Black Bestiary 2e

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Hack 2:

Another collection offearsome fantasy

foes for use with The Black Hack
Assassin Vine ... 3 Infernal Lord... 6
Avenging Angel... 3 Kitsune ... 6
Azer... 3 Kobold... 6
Barghest... 3 Kraken ... 6
Beast Horde ... 3 Living Statue ... 6
Bone Blade ... 3 Lizard-Men ... 6
Catfolk... 3 Man-Hunter... 6
Centaur... 3 Mantis-Men ... 6
Dark Elf... 3 Merfolk... 6
Dark Naga... 3 Mimic ... 6
Death Crystal... 3 Mind-Eater... 7
Deathwing... 4 Morlock... 7
Dire Rat... 4 Orcs ... 7
Dire Wolf... 4 Pegasus ... 7
Dracolich... 4 Phantom Rider (Undead) ... 7
Dragon-Men ... 4 Pheonix... 7
Dragonturtle ... 4 Plague Fiend... 7
Drake ... 4 Rat Swarm... 7
Dryad... 4 Raptor... 7
Elder God... 4 Rust Monster... 7
Earth Elemental... 5 Sasquatch... 7
Faun ... 5 Shadow Mastiff... 8
Frog-Men ... 5 Shark-Men ... 8
Frost Wolf... 5 Storm Giant... 8
Gibbering Mouther... 5 Turtle-Men ... 8
Grey Render... 5 Warg... 8
Hag... 5 Wraith (Undead) ... 8
Half-Demon ... 5 Will-o-Wisp ... 8
Imp ... 5 Wind Elemental... 8
Infernal Knight... 5 Wyvern ... 8
Written By
Nathan Carmen
Art By
Patrick E. Pullen
Black Hack By
David Black

A note on special abilities:

Since monsters only roll for damage, any notes on rolling advantage or disadvantage should be
for the players. For ease ofuse with the Cleric's turning ability, undead have been marked.

Assassin Vine Bone Blade
What look like normal vines are actually a These ape-like beasts have a large and deadly
carnivorous plant that entwines its foes, bone protruding from each forearm. They are
crushing them to death. territorial animals that will impale intruders
HD: 3 on sight.
Actions and Specials: Entangle (1d6) + If HD: 4
damaged by the entangle, the hero is caught Actions and Specials: 2 Bone Claws (1d10)
up in the vines. They may take no actions
besides a STR or DEX test to get free from the Catfolk
vines. A hero takes (1d6) damage every Quick and cunning creatures, Catfolk only
moment they are entangled. strike when they believe they have a significant
Avenging Angel HD: 1
A powerful force for good, the Avenging Angel Actions and Specials: Can see in the dark.
seeks the death ofits god's enemies. Clerics Adds +1 to any rolls for DEX tests against a
who turn from the faith may come face to face Catfolk.
with such a creature.
HD: 10 Centaur
Actions and Specials: Can fly. Can cast With the lower halfofa horse and the upper
the Hold Person or Silence spells as an action. halfofa man, Centaurs are nomadic creatures
Can cast the Holy Word Spell once per fight. who can be wild drinkers.
HD: 3
Azer Actions and Specials: Can move up to far
These fiery dwarf-like creatures have a special away range as part ofan action.
affinity for gems and will try to steal them
whenever possible. Dark Elf
HD: 3 Hidden in the depths ofthe earth, Dark Elves
Actions and Specials: Fiery Skin – Any who often worship evil gods and plot the
deal damage to an Azer in close range must destruction ofthe surface world.
make a DEX test or take (1d4) fire damage. HD: 1
Actions and Specials: Can cast the
Barghest Darkness Spell once per fight. Can see in the
This beast looks like a cross between a goblin dark.
and a wolf. Barghests can be very powerful
foes who delight in stealing the residual life- Dark Naga
energy offresh corpses. A snake-like creature with a woman's face,
HD: 4 Dark Nagas are evil guardians who often
Actions and Specials: Increases 1 HD for protect artifacts ofvital importance.
every three corpses it devours. HD: 8
Actions and Specials: Poisonous Bite (1d12)
Beast Horde + ifthe hero is damaged, CON test or take
An odd assortment ofvarious animal heads (1d6) damage for the next (1d4) moments. May
and limbs, a Beast Horde is a walking cast the Dispel Magic or Invisibility Spells as
abomination. Some believe it was created by an action.
an insane druid long ago.
HD: 7 Death Crystal
Actions and Specials: 4 Claws (1d4) + 4 A vaguely humanoid figure made ofcrystal,
Bites (1d4). Cannot be taken by surprise. Death Crystals kill but for no known reason,
yet they seem to delight in it.
HD: 5

Actions and Specials: 1 Crystal Shard (2d4) targets make a DEX test or take (2d6) damage.
from close to nearby range. Heals 1d4 HP each May be used once per fight.
moment. Stops healing once HP reaches 0.
Takes double damage from sound based Dragonturtle
attacks. Massive draconic turtles, Dragonturtles are
true terrors ofthe deep.
Deathwing HD: 8
A large black bird with the general appearance Actions and Specials: Steam Breath - Close
ofa crow or raven, Deathwings seem to feed or nearby targets make a DEX test or take
offoffear, only eating their prey once it is (3d6) damage. May be used once every (1d4)
motionless with fright. moments. Has 9 Armor Points.
HD: 6
Actions and Specials: Screech – all nearby Drake
targets, WIS test or be paralyzed for (1d4) Wingless monsters, some consider them the
rounds, may be used once per (1d6) moments. “ponies” ofdragonkind, yet this is far from the
Can fly. truth. They are
powerful and
Dire Rat clever
Large disease-ridden rats, these beasts are creatures.
willing to eat almost anything ifsufficiently HD: 7
hungry. Actions and
HD: 1 Specials: Close
Actions and Specials: 1 Bite (1d3) + CON or nearby
test ifdamaged by bite. Failure means targets make a
disadvantage on all CON tests until at least 8 DEX test or
hours rest have occurred. take (2d6)
damage. May
Dire Wolf be used once
Large wolves, these creatures are capable of every (1d4)
hunting on their own and often do so. moments.
HD: 3
Actions and Specials: 1 Bite (2d6) Dryad
Beautiful tree
Dracolich spirits, Dryads
A dragon raised from the dead, Dracoliches are often appear as
horrible monsters given new life. women made of
HD: 9 wood and bark.
Actions and Specials: Upon first seeing a HD: 2
Dracolich, WIS test or add an additional +2 to Actions and
all attribute rolls. Is not affected by 1st or 2nd Specials: May
level spells ofany kind. Immune to cold. instantly
Breathes Death - 1d4 nearby targets make a appear by any
DEX test or take (3d8) necromantic damage. tree from close to far away range as an action.

Dragon‐Men Elder God

Some dragons take the form ofhumans and Ancient and terrible forces for evil, Elder Gods
mate. Their offspring are the dragon-men, appear in many different forms but almost
scaly humanoids who often are very greedy always reek ofmisery and death. Their very
HD: 5 presence is disheartening and saps the energy
Actions and Specials: Close or nearby ofthose around them.
HD: 12 Grey Render
Actions and Specials: Slam (2d12), all These lanky, Grey Skinned monsters have
attribute rolls made at a elongated mouths that droop low. They feed
disadvantage. offoftheir prey by sapping their
strength with large, menacing claws.
Earth Elemental HD: 4
A being made ofdirt and Actions and Specials: 3
stone, Earth Elementals Draining Claws (1d6) + if
function on basic the last attack deals
instinct. damage, -2 STR for 1
HD: 2 hour.
Actions and
Specials: 1 Slam Hag
(2d4), may burrow These large
beneath the earth. witches are ugly by
nature, often with complex
Faun plots to wreak havoc on mankind. Sometimes
Half-Men, Half-Goat, Fauns are pleasant they form a coven; a group ofhags that work
creatures that love women. together for an even greater, and more sinister
HD: 2 purpose.
Actions and Specials: May use the Charm HD: 4
Spell once per fight. Actions and Specials: 2 Claws (1d6) May
cast any 1st level Conjurer Spell. May do so a
Frog‐Men total ofthree times per fight.
Primarily living in swamps, Frog-Men are
humanoid creatures with their own secret Half‐Demon
agenda. These creatures are human in appearance,
HD: 1 save their horns and tail. Many follow their
Actions and Specials: Can leap up to a demonic heritage towards the path ofevil.
nearby range as part ofan action. HD: 1
Actions and Specials: 2 Claws (1d3) and
Frost Wolf Horns (1d3)
Living high in the mountains, Frost Wolves are
about the size ofa Dire Wolf, but much more Imp
intelligent. They can speak and often hatch Little demonic minions, Imps like to cause
plans with Frost Giants. havoc wherever they go. They often serve a
HD: 3 more powerful master.
Actions and Specials: 1 Bite (1d10) + Frost HD: 1
Breath – all nearby targets make a DEX test or Actions and Specials: Pitchfork (1d6), can
take (2d6) damage. May be used once per fly. Immune to fire.
battle. Immune to cold.
Infernal Knight
Gibbering Mouther Specialized soldiers who work for a powerful
This horrifying collection ofmouths, eyes, and demon overlord, Infernal Knights are trained
flesh often calls out in a jumble ofscreams. to kill, and do so quickly.
HD: 4 HD: 5
Actions and Specials: Upon first hearing a Actions and Specials: May cast the Fireball
Gibbering Mouther, WIS test or lose next Spell once per fight. HD count as level for
action. A Gibbering Mouther cannot be determining damage. Immune to fire.
Infernal Lord Lizard‐Men
Truly powerful demons, Infernal Lords rule Savage creatures that often live in swamps,
over sections ofhell with tenacity. They hate Lizard-Men are known for eating their meals
anything good and fight against the forces of while they are still alive.
righteousness with everything they have. HD: 1
HD: 9 Actions and Specials: Can hold breath
Actions and Specials: May cast the Fireball underwater for one hour.
Spell twice per fight. HD count as level for
determining damage. Immune to fire. Man‐Hunter
These odd goblinoid creatures were said to be
Kitsune developed by a powerful Conjurer long ago, to
Fox-like humanoids with shape-changing grow stronger as their numbers dwindled.
abilities, Kitsune are tricky creatures who Legend has it these nasty beasts turned on
often coax others into doing their bidding. their creator and now seek to torment
HD: 3 humans, hunting them for sport.
Actions and Specials: May use the HD: 1
Polymorph Spell as an action, but only on Actions and Specials: 1 Bite (1d4) + bite
themselves. Disadvantage on all CHA tests deals +1 damage for every other Man-Hunter
against a Kitsune. 2 Claws (1d3) that has fallen this fight. Only has (1d6) HP.

Kobolds Mantis‐Men
These small creatures resemble a lizard or These primitive monsters are simply human
dragon. Despite their weak combat sized praying mantises with orc-like
capabilities, they are surprisingly smart and intelligence. It is said they are cannibalistic,
capable ofdevising deadly traps. feeding on their own kind ifthey find
HD: 1 their victim to be “weak.”
Actions and Specials: Has HD: 1
only (1d4) HP. Disadvantage on Actions and Specials:
INT tests against Kobolds. 2 Claws (1d4)

Kraken Merfolk
One ofthe most fearsome Beautiful creatures who
beasts ofthe sea, the sometimes lure adventurers to a
Kraken is a giant squid that watery grave.
attacks large ships and drags HD: 1
them into the depths. Actions and Specials: Can
HD: 9 breathe underwater.
Actions and Specials: 8 Tentacles (1d12)
Can breathe underwater. Mimic
Carnivorous monsters who can appear as
Living Statue different kinds ofinanimate objects, they
Some wizards use animated statues to guard instinctively know what kind ofobject to take
their towers and magical libraries. These the form of. Many adventurers have died from
structures, though not intelligent, are deadly the bite ofwhat they thought was a treasure
in combat. chest.
HD: 5 HD: 3
Actions and Specials: Immune to non- Actions and Specials: Can appear as any
magical weapons. Has 6 Armor Points. mundane object such as a treasure chest, a
WIS test made with +2 to the roll can
determine ifthe object is actually a Mimic.
Mind‐Eater target from close, nearby, or far away range
These hairy beasts often dwell within caves with a blast offire (2d8). When a Pheonix dies,
and the like. They are naturally very intelligent it rises from its own ashes in (2d6) days.
creatures who have an almost vampiric need to Spreading the ashes far enough can prevent
feed offofothers intelligence. resurrection.
HD: 7
Actions and Specials: 2 Claws (1d10) + if Plague Fiend
damaged by a Claw, INT test, failure reduces Sickly creatures with bone-white skin, Plague
INT score to 4 for 1 hour. Fiends enjoy eating the flesh ofthe infected.
HD: 6
Morlock Actions and Specials: Diseased Aura - All
These incredibly pale creatures have large red nearby targets make a CON test or subtract
eyes and speak in broken screeches and (1d3) from their CON score. This continues
moans. They live in perpetual darkness, every day until the disease is removed with the
fearing light above all else. appropriate spell. Ifthe CON score reaches 0,
HD: 2 the hero dies. This ability may be used once
Actions and Specials: Can see in the dark. per fight.
Can walk on ceilings and walls. Heroes have -2
to any attribute roll against the Morlock ifit is Rat Swarm
in the presence oflight. Sometimes even the smallest ofcreatures can
be a threat in large numbers. Rat Swarms can
Orcs be very deadly when provoked.
Brutal warriors with green skin, Orcs are HD: 2
willing to fight with very little provocation. Actions and Specials: Many Bites (1d4),
HD: 1 this is one attack that may be used to hit all in
Actions and Specials: 1 Sword (1d6), Orcs nearby range. Cannot be taken by surprise.
have (1d10) HP.
Pegasus These dinosaurs are known for their pack
Flying horses, Pegasus are a rarity and prized tactics, often surprising weaker-looking prey
by many. They are very difficult to catch in jungle areas.
HD: 2 HD: 2
Actions and Specials: Can fly. Can move up Actions and Specials: 2 Claws (1d4) and 1
to far away range as part ofan action. Bite (1d6). Hunt in packs.

Phantom Rider (Undead) Rust Monster

A haunting figure with a black cloak and steed, These large bugs appear in many ways like a
these monstrosities are said to be a warning of beetle. They feed offofrust however, and will
death for those who see it. They are resilient as attack anyone they believe might hold a source
well, said to be the assassins ofdeath itself. offood.
HD: 4 HD: 3
Actions and Specials: Ignores one point of Actions and Specials: 1 Bite (1d4) +
damage each time it is hit. Antennae, DEX test or one non-magic weapon
or armor on the hero is rusted away.
A massive bird made ofpure fire, these Sasquatch
creatures are said to represent the vibrant yet Hairy ape-like creatures who often dwell in
deadly cycle oflife. forests, Sasquatch are strong and capable
HD: 8 killers.
Actions and Specials: May attack one HD: 5

Actions and Specials: Foul Stench - A WIS Warg
test from up to distant range can reveal a These black-haired dogs are intelligent and
Sasquatch by their smell. often trick adventurers into elaborate traps.
They are known for actually leading groups of
Shadow Mastiff goblins.
A creature from another plane of HD: 2
existence, Shadow Mastiffs are Actions and Specials: 1 Bite (2d4) Often
deadly in the dark. Their vile accompanied by goblin riders.
nature is often concealed in
the night, only exposed when Wraith (Undead)
it is too late. Apparitions that seek to turn others into their
HD: 5 own kind.
Actions and Specials: Howl HD: 5
– Once per fight, all nearby Actions and Specials: 2 Draining
opponents make a WIS test or flee Claws (1d6) + when damaged, CON test
from the Shadow Mastifffor 1d6 or be drained of1 level. Can fly. Any
moments. Heroes have disadvantage creature killed by a Wraith turns into
on all attack rolls to hit a Shadow one in 1d6 minutes.
Mastiffifit is in the dark.
Shark‐Men Small glowing balls oflight, these bizarre
Blood-thirsty monsters, Shark-Men are creatures charm and lure adventurers
humanoid sharks who will feed on almost away into the bog where they attack and
anything. When they smell blood they often often drown their victims.
become enraged. HD: 4
HD: 2 Actions and Specials: Upon first seeing a
Actions and Specials: 1 Bite (2d4), can Will-o-wisp, WIS test or follow it for 2d4
breathe underwater, can detect a bleeding moments. Can cast the Light Spell as an
creature from up to a mile away. action.

Storm Giant Wind Elemental

Large creatures with the power to bend With territorial and animal-like instinct, Wind
lightning to their will. Elementals are formidable creatures made of
HD: 9 magical air.
Actions and Specials: Hammer HD: 1
(1d10+1d12) or Lightning Bolt, may be thrown Actions and Specials: Slam (1d6) or Wind
from nearby, far away or distant (2d8) Blast (1d6) from far away or distant. Can fly.

Turtle‐Men Wyvern
Slow creatures, Turtle-Men prefer swamps but Draconic in nature, Wyverns have large wings.
are relatively harmless. They are quite friendly They may lack a fire breath but make up for it
but prefer to be left alone. in a stinging, poisonous tail.
HD: 2 HD: 6
Actions and Specials: Turtle-Men cannot Actions and Specials: 1 Bite (1d12) + Tail
move to nearby range as an action. Turtle-Men Sting (1d4) ifthe tail deals damage, CON test
have (2d10) HP. Can hold their breath or be Paralyzed. Can Fly.
underwater for up to one hour.

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THE BLACK HACK, Copyright 2016, Gold Piece Publications; Authors: David Black.

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