Format 2106
Format 2106
Format 2106
Project Associate
Smt. Kamala & Sri Venkappa M. Agadi
College of Engineering and Technology, Laxmeshwar-582116
Department of Computer Science & Engineering – 2022-23
This is to certify that Ms/Mr. ………………………….. bearing the USN …………….. has
satisfactorily completed the course of implementation of Mini Project entitled “…………..”,
prescribed by the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi for the degree course in
the laboratory of Computer Graphics & Visualization in the semester 6 th. This mini project
report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in the respect of project
It is my proud privilege and duty to acknowledge the kind of help and guidance
received from several people in preparation of this seminar. It would not have been
possible to prepare this report in this form without their valuable help, cooperation and
Place: Lakshmeshwar
1. Introduction (0-0)
1.1 What is OpenGL 01
1.2. How OpenGL is useful in Computer Graphics? 02
1.3. Structure of OpenGL 05
5. Implementation (15-21)
5.1. Built in functions 15
5.2. Source Code 18
6. Testing (22)
6.1. Unit Testing 22
6.2. System Testing 22
6. Snapshots (23-25)
7. Conclusion (26)
8. Bibliography (27)