Fta RFP To Setup Poultry Demo Farms
Fta RFP To Setup Poultry Demo Farms
Fta RFP To Setup Poultry Demo Farms
TIME: 5.00 PM
TEL: +254 (20) 0202721771
EMAIL: [email protected]
QUESTION SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Questions or requests for clarification
regarding this RFP must be submitted via email
[email protected] not later than August 4 , 2021.
FTA - ECAN is inviting qualified and experienced bidders (supplier) to submit
their proposals for set up of poultry demonstration farms on income
generating activities for Fairtrade certified coffee producer
organizations in Kenya. Please take the time to carefully read and become
familiar with the proposal requirements. All proposals submitted for
consideration must be received by the time as specified above under the
The RFP is being requested by FTA-ECAN which is or shall be located at
Westcom Point Block C, Mahiga Mairu Road, Westlands, PO Box 3308-00200,
Nairobi, Kenya
The objective and ultimate goal for this RFP is to solicit for qualified and
experienced suppliers for provision of the above-named services.
contracting work must include a name and description of the organizations
being contracted.
The following timeline (23rd August to 3rd September 2021) has been established
to ensure that the proposal objective is achieved; however, the timeline shall be
subject to change when deemed necessary by FTA-ECAN
3RD SEPTEMBER 2021 (Assignment’s completion date)
FTA-ECAN shall reserve the right to cancel, suspend, and/or discontinue any
proposal at any time they deem necessary or fit without obligation or notice to
the proposing bidder.
Financial Information
State whether the Bidder or its parent company (if any) has ever filed for
bankruptcy or any form of Reorganization under the Bankruptcy Code.
State whether the Bidder or its parent company (if any) has ever received
any sanctions or is currently under investigation by any regulatory or
governmental body.
Proposed Outcome
Below is the summary of the specific work to be completed, timelines and
desired skills and/ or experiences:
Two (2) separate open-sided poultry houses (deep litter system) and each
house should accommodate 100 chickens (i.e., 100 layers and 100 improved
indigenous chicken) with floor space of 3 birds/m2 for layers and 4 birds/m 2
for improved indigenous chicken. Perch space is 20cm/bird irrespective of
bird category.
Floor: concrete/cement.
Roof: cost-friendly iron sheet and design that allows good airflow and water
drainage when it rains.
Height: 6 to 7 feet (eaves) stud long and 10 to 12 feet at the center.
Width: should not exceed 25 feet
Length: convenient for 100 birds
Door size: 6 feet by 2.5 feet (wooden). At the entry, there should be a
concrete foot bath.
Foundation: concrete extending 1 to 1.5 feet underground and 1 to 1.5 feet
above the ground and it should extend 1.5 feet outside the wall
Sidewalls: 1 foot to 1.5 feet followed by wire netting and hooks for hanging
curtains to protect birds from extreme wind/cold
The house for the layers hens should have laying boxes
The length of the house should be in the east-west direction to prevent direct
sunshine over the poultry
The house must be strongly built with concrete and wooden foundation
Supply of farm inputs: day-old chicks (improved indigenous and layers
chickens) from credible supplier, feeds and drugs for one month (in
consultation with Ministry of Agriculture Extension Agents, producer
organization and Fairtrade Africa)
Consultation with stakeholders (producer organization, government
extension agents, FTA and where possible private sector extension service
providers during set up
5. Have the ability to deliver work to world-class standards within very limited
periods of time.
Application Process
Interested and qualified firm(s), institutions or individual experts should
submit their applications no later than 10 th August 2021, which should
include the following:
Firm(s)/individuals/institutions profile;
Detailed Curriculum Vitae of the team proposed to carry out the
Detailed request for proposal (which should not exceed 5 pages) per
demonstration farm focusing on structural plan sketch, design and layout
sketch; Bill of Quantities (BOQ), workplan and two separate financial
proposals (including professional fees) per demonstration farm.
3 References (including contacts of clients) of similar assignment
undertaken in the past.