Qdoc - Tips - Understanding Divine Direction David Oyedepo
Qdoc - Tips - Understanding Divine Direction David Oyedepo
Qdoc - Tips - Understanding Divine Direction David Oyedepo
David Oyedepo
There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof
are the ways of death.
Proverbs 14:12
There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof
are the ways of death.
Proverbs 16:25
&an, e!en in his best mental state, is incapable of making reliable and
durable decisions. 2e may lay all his cards on the table, or weigh his decisions
on the scales of intellectualism, e!ents and facts. 2is colleagues may e!en
appro!e his ideas which "seemeth right" by their assessment+ but, "the end
thereof is the way of death." 3o human effort can match God*s direction#
4ou may be thinking, "5oes it mean that I can*t simply sit down and plan
what I want to do and pursue it6 )hat is all this ado about direction6" lease
understand that you are limited as a human being, which is why you will
always need God*s guidance. 4our
4our thoughts are not 2is thoughts+ 2is thoughts
on any issue of life are higher, and therefore lead to the highways of life.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my
ways, saith the Lord.
saiah 55:!
4ou need to
t o be di!inely directed, because misdirection can lead to many
years of set back, and can e!en wipe out a man*s destiny.
destiny. &any ha!e tra!elled
out of their countries to other places and ha!e become worse off, because the
answer to any man*s problem is not in a nation, but in God. 2owe!er, I trust
that as you read this book God will instruct and guide you along definite lines.
2e will open your ears to hear 2is direction on issues that had confused you in
the past, and conse7uently,
conse7uently, you will locate
l ocate yourself in God*s master plan.
8hapter 1
(he eality %f 5i!ine lan
"efore formed thee in the be##y $new thee% and before thou
&amest forth out of the womb san&tified thee, and ordained thee
a 'ro'het unto the nations.
(eremiah 1:5
God is a God of plan and purpose. 2e created all things with a particular
ob:ecti!e in mind. ;ust like a manufacturer will naturally create a product with a
set goal in mind, you are created to fulfil a definite purpose on the earth. 4ou
are not here by accident, neither are you a creature of chance. 4ou
4ou belong to a
well<defined place in life.
God has a set race forf or you to run here on earth. (he choice of the particular
race before you is, howe!er, not yours to make+ it is one you must disco!er.
%nce you locate it and run faithfully in it, it has the ability to make you an
outstanding person on the earth. (o (o be ignorant of your place in God*s plan can
lead to a life of toiling and frustration. (his is because God has made you for
where you will shine.
>y this, we understand that all who are born again are e7ually :ustified in
the sight of God. And if so, we are meant to be e7ually glorified. 2owe!er, for
the plan of glorification to materiali'e, we need to locate God*s plan for our
li!es. )riting about his predestination, aul said "ut when it '#eased od,
who se'arated me from my mothers womb, and &a##ed me by his gra&e, To
revea# his 7on in me, that might 'rea&h him among the heathen...
a#atians 1:1516
aul was separated for his assignment right from his mother*s womb. It
e?plains why a man like him could get sa!ed in the first place and I belie!e the
same goes for you and I. @ooking back at where you came from, and bearing in
mind some of the things you were in!ol!ed in, there is absolutely no way you
could ha!e been sa!ed, if God hadn*t separated you from the womb. (hat is
why many, though present at the same meeting where you ga!e your life to
8hrist, and though ha!e heard the gospel preached at se!eral other occasions,
are not con!icted. (his is because they ha!e not been separated unto 8hrist,
they are !essels of wrath. >ut thank God, you are a !essel of mercy#
redestination is a great mystery. >efore I got born again, I was one of the
greatest persecutors of born again 8hristians+ but because I was separated unto
2im from my mother*s womb, 2is mercy located me. 4ou too are separated
unto 2im and as such, you are not destined for shame, but for glory.
8nd not on#y this% but when ebe&&a a#so had &on&eived by one,
even by our father saa&%+For the &hi#dren being not yet born,
neither having done any good or evi#, that the 'ur'ose of od
a&&ording to e#e&tion might stand, not of wor$s, but of him that
&a##eth% t was said unto her, The e#der sha## serve the younger.
omans -:116
(his should help you understand that now that you are born again, you are
on the positi!e side of destiny. 4ou ha!e been accepted in the belo!ed. 4our
sal!ation is an e?pression of God*s lo!e for you.
8hapter /
5isco!er God*s lan
God has a place prepared for you in life+ a disco!ery of that place is what
is called !ision. ntil you make that disco!ery and walk in it, you cannot arri!e
at the glorious destiny God has reser!ed for you. In God*s plan, not e!eryone is
designed to be in business+ neither is e!eryone e?pected to be in go!ernment or
ministry. God has a uni7ue plan for each one of us, and our destiny is anchored
to that plan. )hate!er God has assigned you to do holds a future and will bring
you utmost fulfilment. So locate it and en:oy it.
I once read about the man who owns Ser!ice &aster Inc. 2e was 7uoted as
saying, "I belie!e Ser!ice &aster is a ministry." (he company has /BB,BBB
Psa#m 1:3
)here!er God has mapped out for you in destiny, is a high calling. &any
ha!e gone for their choices rather than God*s plan and purpose for their li!es,
which is where they would shine best. >usiness was my choice before I heard
2is call into full<time ministry. I would probably ne!er ha!e made as much
mark in the business world as I ha!e done in ministry. )hen you follow your
choice instead of 2is will for your life, rather than end up in glory, what you get
is shame and unfulfillment.
"efore their fa&e the 'eo'#e sha## be mu&h 'ained: a## fa&es sha##
gather b#a&$ness. They sha## run #i$e mighty men% they sha## &#imb
the wa## #i$e men of war% and they sha## mar&h every one on his
ways, and they sha## not brea$ their ran$s: <either sha## one thrust
another% they sha## wa#$ every one in his 'ath: and when they fa##
u'on the sword, they sha## not be wounded.
(oe# 2:2!
$nlistment in this army is by !ision. (hat is what puts you in your own
department or unit of the army. 4ou cannot secure a place in it without !ision.
(hat*s why it says, *<either sha## one thrust another% they sha## wa#$
everyone in his 'ath...* $!eryone*s place is well marked out. )hen you are
able to locate your area of calling, then you*re set for triumph in life.
I was reading a maga'ine on the morning of =ebruary 1-, 19C, when the
@ord said to me, *The words have 'ut in your mouth, the same &ommit
into writing, and wi## &ause the same un&tion on the s'o$en words to rest
on the written, bringing about the same effe&t.* (his mandate led to the
establishment of our publishing house. (he books published in our press ha!e
found their way into e!ery part of the world, reaping a bountiful har!est of
testimonies, with many people ha!ing di!ine encounters as they read them.
(hat*s the power of !ision# )e got a letter from the nited States of America
sometime ago. (he writer wanted to know how he could be a distributor of our
books in America. )alking in di!ine plan transforms an ordinary person into an
e?traordinary one#
(here are people in ministry, for instance, who are running e!angelistic
crusades that God has not instructed them to run. So the man stays on there f or
twel!e years, until God finally tells him, "I didn*t send you, you only :oined
them." 4es, God has a master plan for each one of us+ but it is our responsibility
to get the details of the plan from hea!en at e!ery stage that you get to. (his is
because !ision is unfolded in phases. God rarely shows you all there is to 2is
plan at once.
Sometime ago, the @ord said to me, "If you don*t li!e for something, you
don*t become something." 2e was emphasi'ing the need to be single<eyed.
lease note that to li!e for one purpose is to become outstanding. (hat purpose
to li!e for is wrapped up in di!ine plan, which only God can un!eil to you.
5i!ine plan is real# I belie!e that before you get to the end of this book, you
will catch something definite concerning God*s purpose for your life.
8hapter C
)hat Is 5irection6
There is an evi# whi&h have seen under the sun, as an error whi&h
'ro&eedeth from the ru#er: Fo##y is set in great dignity, and the ri&h
sit in #ow '#a&e. have seen servants u'on horses, and 'rin&es
wa#$ing as servants u'on the earth. f the iron be b#unt, and he do
not whet the edge, then must he 'ut to more strength: but wisdom
is 'rofitab#e to dire&t.
9&&#esiastes 1:5=,1
Eision is the unfolding of God*s master plan, whereas direction is the steps
you take to accomplish it. God has called you to preach, wonderful# (hat is a
calling or a !ision. >ut how do you go about it6 (hat is where you need
direction. 5i!ine direction is a lifetime demand. 4ou will ne!er get to a point in
life where you will no longer re7uire direction. In the 8hristian race especially,
you will ne!er get to a point where you no longer re7uire God*s direction. (his
is because life without direction is nothing but continuous frustration# 3o
matter how fast you are tra!elling on the wrong road, when are you e!er going
to arri!e at your destination6 As long as you are on a wrong road, no matter the
kind of encouragement you recei!e on the way, you will ne!er get to where you
are going.
9&&#esiastes 1:1
$!en kings are frustrated without direction. Solomon said, "I*!e seen kings
walking on foot while ser!ants are riding on horses." 2e says it*s an e!il. )hen
kings lose direction they become ser!ants. &inistry is one of the noblest
callings on the earth. 3othing compares with it in nobility and royalty. 3ot e!en
the post of a resident# 4et, for many, there is no e!idence of the dignity and
honour that it carries. 2ow can you be ser!ing in the palace of the &ost 2igh
and still be li!ing a low life6 Solomon*s analysis in $cclesiastes 1B re!eals that
lack of direction is the reason for all the frustration that many suffer today in
their !arious callings.
(rue, many ha!e definite and !ery powerful !isions. >ut they lack the
direction re7uired to accomplish it. So, their !ision becomes like a curse# >ut if
you can locate where you belong in destiny and get the direction on how to get
there, you will become a man to be consulted. (he sub:ect of di!ine direction is
therefore !ery crucial. It is as crucial as the sub:ect of !ision, because though
!ision is what sets the pace for direction, direction is what makes !ision a
reality. 4ou must not watch your life end in frustration because of lack of
9&&#esiastes 1:15
(he labour of the foolish frustrates e!ery one of them# (heir hardwork
does not reduce their hardship in life. )hy6 *"e&ause he $noweth not how to
go to the &ity.* $arlier on in !erse 1B, Solomon said, *but wisdom is
'rofitab#e to dire&t.* (hat means wisdom is what re!eals the "how to" of
e!ery gi!en task+ and that "how to" is what is called direction. 4ou shall not be
wearied anymore# 4ou shall not be frustrated anymore#
$!ery aspect of your hea!enly !ision must be hea!enly directed. 4ou don*t
:ust pick up your bag and baggage and head for a particular city or place, :ust
because you feel that is where you should be. 3o# If you ha!e recei!ed your
call to ministry, business or go!ernment from hea!en, then wait to recei!e the
"how to" from hea!en as well. It is only after you ha!e done this that you can
then set out in pursuit of the !ision.
Proverbs !:33
5i!ine direction come as instructions from the @ord. 5ignity in life,
ministry and e!ery endea!our calls for clarity of !ision. It calls for !ision with
precision. )hen hea!enly !ision lacks hea!enly instructions, it ends one in
frustration. (hat is why 2e said, *Ta$e fast ho#d of instru&tion, for she is thy
#ife.* (he reason many are frustrated in ministry is because they celebrate
!ision, without instruction. (hey ha!e the mandate but don*t ha!e the approach.
God is an orderly God. 3o matter how hard you try, whate!er God has not
commanded can ne!er come to pass. (hat is why I belie!e that one*s greatest
asset in life and ministry is an unbroken connection with hea!en, from where
instructions are recei!ed daily. (he world will only hear those who hear from
ntil you gi!e attention to God*s instructions, the world will not pay any
attention to you. It is those who hold on to 2is commandments that become
commanders. (he difference between success and failure is light, not luck.
For the &ommandment is a #am'% and the #aw is #ight% and re'roofs
of instru&tion are the way of #ife:
Proverbs 6:23
&any are genuinely called, but because they lack access to di!ine
instructions, they are frustrated. (his need not be. $!ery decision you take in
life and ministry should be traceable to specific instructions recei!ed from God,
for instructions are the highways to distinction in life. So much has been said
about !ision, with !ery little being said about instruction. 8onse7uently,
e!eryone pursues and goes about his !ision the way he thinks best. And when
things don*t work as they should, they begin to doubt if God really called them.
>lessed be that day in &ay 191 when I heard the !oice of hea!en say to
me, "(he hour has come, to liberate the world from all oppressions of the de!il,
through the preaching of the )ord of faith+ and I am sending you to undertake
this task."
I heard 2im speak to me as a man would speak to his son. I stayed with
2im for eighteen hours# I saw things and heard 2im !ery clearly. (hat*s why I
can ne!er be snared in any hole, nor be hid in any prison house. (hat*s why I
cannot be a prey to the de!il. (hat*s why where!er I step, I dominate. )hen you
hear from hea!en before you act on earth, e!ery barrier will be turned into signs
and wonders. I don*t do things simply because somebody else is doing it or
because it is the !ogue. ntil I hear from hea!en, I don*t mo!e+ I*m so busy
carrying out the last instruction I recei!ed.
t s >our "irthright
Thus saith the Lord, thy edeemer, the )o#y ?ne of srae#% am
the Lord thy od whi&h tea&heth thee to 'rofit, whi&h #eadeth thee
by the way that thou shou#dest go.
saiah 4!:1=
(he salmist echoes this truth in Psa#m 32:! wi## instru&t thee and
tea&h thee in the way whi&h thou sha#t go: wi## guide thee with mine eye.
)hen God says,
2earing from God secured 2is destiny and preser!ed 2is ministry. If God
led ;esus, then 2e is committed to leading you too. emember ;esus said, "As
my father hath sent me, e!en so send I you" F;ohn. /B/1, meaning that you
ha!e the same heritage with 2im+ you ha!e the same right before the =ather as
2e had. (herefore, you can hear from hea!en e?plicitly as ;esus did.
For as many as are #ed by the 7'irit of od, they are the sons of
omans !:14
%ne of your rights as a son of God is understanding 2is leadings, without
which you may as well be regarded as a child, not a son. %ne of the hallmarks
of sonship is the ability to be led by the Spirit of God. (herefore, until you
grow into sonship, you do not differ from a sinner, and you will suffer the same
confusions as they do.
a#atians 4:13
(he realisation of God*s ultimate plan and purpose for you depends on
your maturity. ntil you de!elop into sonship, the dominion God has reser!ed
for you will ne!er materiali'e. emember the prophecy about ;esus in saiah
-:6; ntil 2e became a Son, the go!ernment could not be placed upon 2is
God has committed 2imself to your guidance this end<time, you must take
ad!antage of it. 2e is committed to directing you. )hen 2e says, "Go in that
direction", 2e goes before you to make the crooked paths straight.
saiah 45:2
(his is one of the benefits of direction. >ut when God has not sent you and
you go, you will surely be confronted by crooked paths, which you don*t ha!e
the power to make straight, *for by strength sha## not man 'revai#* +1 7am.
2:-. @et*s look at saiah 45 again *Thus saith the Lord to his anointed*
$!ery time you*re called, you are anointed to function in that calling.
)hen God called Gideon, 2e said to him, " o in this thy might have not
sent thee;* +(udges. 6:14 . As soon as he recei!ed the call, the might to run
with it came. So you are the anointed God is talking about.
Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to yrus, whose right hand
have ho#den, to subdue nations before him% and wi## #oose the
#oins of $ings, to o'en before him the two #eaved gates% and the
gates sha## not be shut%, wi## go before thee, and ma$e the &roo$ed
'#a&es straight: wi## brea$ in 'ie&es the gates of brass, and &ut in
sunder the bars of iron: 8nd wi## give thee the treasures of
dar$ness, and hidden ri&hes of se&ret '#a&es, that thou mayest
$now that , the Lord, whi&h &a## thee by thy name, am the od of
saiah 45:13
)hen the anointed locates direction, the crooked places are made straight
and the gates of brass are broken in pieces. &uch more, the hidden riches are
made a!ailable and supplies ne!er cease. )ould you pay for a :ob you didn*t
assign anyone to do6 %f course not# >ut that*s what we e?pect God to do when
we run off on our own programmes, without first clearing from 2im.
>ut @amentations CCH asks )ho is he that saith, and it cometh to pass,
when the @ord commandeth it not6 Any step you take without God ha!ing
commanded it will always end in futility. (ry as hard as you may, nothing will
8nd he saith unto them, Fo##ow me, and wi## ma$e you fishers of
/atthew 4:1-
(here were clear indications that our ministry was needed there. A piece of
property had been ac7uired and gi!en to us free of charge. So I felt, ")hy not,
we can be there." I said to the @ord, "(his is a place where what we are doing is
needed." (he pastor who went with me was to return and head the mission
there. Aboard the aircraft on our way back home, we spent about 1C hours,
putting all the plans together. )e went as far as discussing the courses to be
taught in the >ible School. $!erything appeared okay. >ut when we arri!ed
3igeria, the @ord said to me, "$!en though there is a need in ;apan, you are not
the one I am sending there." (he moment 2e said that, I cancelled all the plans
and preparations we had made earlier, because I knew that there is no regret in
following di!ine plan.
(hat is why ;esus said, *...Fo##ow me and wi## ma$e you...* 2e knows
that your making is only guaranteed by the e?tent to which you follow 2im.
eople may mock you as you follow 2im, but God will make you. Speaking
further in (ohn 12:26, ;esus said f any man serve me, #et him fo##ow me%
and where am, there sha## a#so my servant be: if any man serve me, him
wi## my Father honour.
2onour is reser!ed for all who will follow God*s leading. eople may pity
you initially, but at the end, you will become a man to be en!ied. )hen God
called me to ministry and I decided to pursue it full time, a group of concerned
friends gathered together to pray for me. (hey felt that since most pastors then
were in ministry part<time and I was lea!ing my :ob to go full<time, I must be
confused. (hey thought I would star!e to death. I only got to know this when a
member of the team who got married to a friend narrated e!erything to me. >ut
today, my testimony is far from that of star!ation# )hen you submit to God*s
guidance, 2e leads you into glory and honour, not shame and reproach.
8ssum'tion ?r @ire&tion;
Lamentations 3:3=
@et*s look at the other side of the coin in 1 Thessa#onians 5:24 Faithfu# is
he that &a##eth you, who a#so wi## do it.
Gideon had ne!er fought a battle in his life, but he suddenly became a
commander. )e were not told that he had e!en as much as killed a bird with a
catapult before. 2e was a poor farmer, the least in his =amily, which was the
least in Israel. So he was the least of the least# >ut when God called him, the
anointing came with the call and direction ga!e birth to accomplishment. God
ga!e him a !ision. 2e told him, *Thou sha#t save srae# from the hand of the
/idianites* "ut mu&h more, )e dire&ted him on how to go about it
+(udges =. )ith this, he became an outstanding success in Israel.
Then the men of srae# said unto ideon, u#e thou over us, both
thou, and thy son, and thy sons son a#so: for thou hast de#ivered us
from the hand of /idian. Thus was /idian subdued before the
&hi#dren of srae#, so that they #ifted u' their heads no more. 8nd
the &ountry was in Auietness forty years in the days of ideon.
(udges !:22,2!
Psa#m 23:15
)hen you are on track with God, your enemies are irrele!ant. (he %ne
that goes before you to make the crooked paths straight takes care of them. &ay
e!ery deafness and blindness to God*s direction in your life be destroyed right
now, in ;esus name# God spoke to Abraham, and that took him to the top
FGenesis. 1/. God spoke to &oses and made him a name. $!eryone that has
e!er mattered in life and to their generation, heard from God. =rom henceforth,
you will begin to hear from God, because you are also born to matter to your
God can*t lead you into a business and the door be shut against you. It*s not
possible# 4ou didn*t hear from 2im, that*s why you went and came back with
nothing. 4ou gathered all the money you had and dumped it in the wrong
direction, and e!erything went down the drain# $!erything God has e!er
directed me to do has always succeeded, because no one can stop what 2e has
commanded. 3o commandment of God can be confounded by any de!il
anywhere# =rom today, the world will know you*re unstoppable# 2ear from
God, and you will li!e well on the earth.
Psa#ms 11-:15
(he )ord of God directs you on how to go about your :ob or any
assignment committed into your hands. >efore I set out on the commission God
ga!e me Fto liberate the world from all oppressions of the de!il, through the
preaching of the )ord of faith, I had located all the steps I needed to take from
the )ord of God. I got to know that as I go, I am to take no scrip, no bread, no
money in my purse. 2ow did I know that6 =rom /ar$. 6:!: 8nd &ommanded
them that they shou#d ta$e nothing for their 0ourney, save a staff on#y% no
s&ri', no bread, no money in their 'urse:
I also found in the )ord that I should greet no man on the way. (hat is, I
shouldn*t surrender my commission to any man*s authority or lobby men for
supplies+ otherwise, I will frustrate 2is intentions. ;esus said, *8nd as ye go,
'rea&h* Prea&h to affe&t men. *)ea# the si&$, &#eanse the #e'ers, raise the
dead, &ast out devi#s.* That is, *go, 'rea&h to im'a&t #ives.* +/atthew.
If a woman is afraid to labour to bring forth the child she has carried in her
womb for nine months, she will ne!er ha!e the child# I got my calling right and
!ery clearly. I am called to labour in the )ord. All these bits and pieces offered
me the steps I re7uired for my ministry to be reali'ed+ and I found them all in
the )ord.
2ow do I get paid6 )ho pays me6 I found that in omans 1/H. (he
)ord of God says if I minister spiritual things to people, then will I en:oy
material blessings from them. So as long as I sought to make spiritual impacts
on those that listen to me, God would command material blessings in my
direction. (hat way, I won*t need to go about greeting the people. It thus
forbade me from occupying myself with knowing anybody*s house.
4ou need to say this prayer "@ord, as I go through 4our )ord from today,
open my eyes to locate direction at all times. 2elp me to encounter light in my
own area of calling, so that I will know what steps to take. (hank 4ou @ord
4ou can recei!e direction from this Scripture to stay with your assignment.
(hat means you shouldn*t be ashamed of it. @ike aul, you should be able to
say about your assignment, ")oe is me if I preach not the gospel."
(o stand before kings, all you need is to settle down on your :ob, and do it
as though it is the only :ob in the world and the only thing you*re li!ing for.
(hat way, kings will begin to desire your presence# (here*s a man called >ill
>right. 2e*s into ministering to students. 2e*s a celebrity in America now, :ust
by ministering to students who don*t ha!e any political power# ;amie
>uckingham is an editor of a 8hristian maga'ine. 2e is such a celebrity that
when he had cancer, the whole world knew# )hen he got healed, the whole
world knew also. )hy6 2e sat at his :ob. *7eest thou a man di#igent in his
business; he sha## stand before $ings* I recei!ed that instruction, so I
organi'ed my life to li!e for my :ob only.
I ha!e stayed on it for many years now without the thought of taking a
!acation, and I*m ha!ing the best of times. )hen I came into full<time ministry,
I !owed that no man doing it part<time would beat me to it. I would consider
myself a failure if it happened. So I ga!e my entire life to it. I ga!e it all the
push re7uired. I laboured in the )ord and ha!e been able to pro!e that
hardwork doesn*t kill, it only refines.
In 19-, I also found in God*s )ord where it is written And it shall come
to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the !oice of the @ord thy God, to
obser!e and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that
the @ord thy God will set thee on high abo!e all nations of the earth (his was
what inspired me to declare, "It*s impossible for me to preach underground in
the world. I see myself getting to where!er the greatest preachers in the world
get to, since I hearken to 2is !oice and obey 2is commandments."
(he >ible says, *n a## #abour there is 'rofit* +Proverbs. 14:23. (his
also is one of the definite directions I located from the )ord, which ga!e me
the assurance that my labour would ne!er be in !ain. Also, the >ible says
*Loo$ing di#igent#y #est any man fai# of the gra&e of od% #est any
root of bitterness s'ringing u' troub#e you, and thereby many be
)ebrews 12:15
1 (ohn 3:15
=rom these, I know that no matter how much anyone plans to hurt me, I
must retain my lo!e, if I must retain the blessings of God. A dead man doesn*t
recei!e gifts, does he6 )hen you walk in hatred, you walk in lack. 5ead men
don*t take anything to the gra!e. Anyone who li!es in hatred is a dead man+ and
a dead man does not re7uire anything, so he*s left naked.
(hese are all directions that determines the output of your labours. And
they are from the )ord of God. So, e!en if you ne!er get to hear any !oice
from hea!en telling you what to do, you can still recei!e direction for your life
as God speaks to you in 2is )ord. If you are a )ord<lo!er, you will ne!er lack
In @uke , we are told that eter and his men laboured through the night
but caught nothing. (hen ;esus came on the scene and said to him, "@aunch out
into the deep for a catch." 2e ga!e them an instruction+ and when they obeyed,
they pulled in a great catch# 5i!ine direction comes through the )ord. And
who is the )ord6 ;esus. (hat is why you will always locate the right side from
the >ible. It tells you what to do through instructions, which ser!e as direction.
(he Scriptures is one of the a!enues through which the @ord fulfills 2is
promise in Isaiah -1H, to lead you by the way that you should go.
Then the 7'irit said unto Phi#i', o near, and 0oin thyse#f to this
8&ts !:2-
hi#e Peter thought on the vision, the 7'irit said unto him, "eho#d,
three men see$ thee.
8&ts 1:1-
God also gi!es direction through the !oice of the Spirit. )hen eter was
reporting his encounter in Acts 1B, he said 8nd the 7'irit bade me go with
them, nothing doubting... 8&ts 11:12
(he !oice of the Spirit, which is the !oice of the @ord, is a ma:estic !oice#
It breaks the cedars, e!en the cedars of @ebanon. It di!ides the flames of fire.
(he !oice of the @ord is full of power, it*s full of ma:esty# Fsalms /9.
It is !ery essential in e!ery ma:or step you take in life. Is @agos in the
>ible6 3o# So how do you know when you are to go to @agos6 Is $ngland in
the >ible6 2ow would you know when you are to go there6 It is by the !oice of
the Spirit. (hank God for the )ord. >ut thank God also for the !oice of the
(he >ible says in (ohn 16:13: )owbeit when he, the 7'irit of truth, is
&ome, he wi## guide you into a## truth: for he sha## not s'ea$ of himse#f% but
whatsoever he sha## hear, that sha## he s'ea$: and he wi## show you things
to &ome.
(he Spirit speaks# It is time to heed the !oice of the Spirit. If you ha!e
e!er heard God speak to you before, then you ha!e heard the !oice of the Spirit
of God. (he 2oly Spirit speaks either by an inner witness or an outer audible
!oice. aying attention to the !oice of the Spirit is a great step to achie!ing
success in life. >eing sincere in whate!er you are doing is not enough to
guarantee your success, because you can be sincerely wrong. (hat is why you
must know what God*s will is.
I was reading Denneth 2agin*s book, =ollowing God*s lan =or 4our @ife
and I saw something that beautifully illustrates what I am saying here. 2e said
(his was after /0 years in ministry# (his shows that you will always need
direction all the days of your life.
(he !oice of the Spirit is a great asset for triumph in life and ministry. It is
the clearest form of direction, as all that the )ord does is to authenticate that
direction. (o many, ministry is a big burden. )hy6 (hey ha!e gone off track,
chasing the immaterial# =or instance, when God wanted the first tabernacle to
be built, 2e commanded it. &oses came to the people and told them, *...These
are the words whi&h the Lord hath &ommanded* +9Codus. 35:1
4ou don*t need to kill yourself under a pro:ect. If God has not commanded
it, lea!e it# God won*t finance what 2e has not commanded. )hen it is
commanded by God, 2e will perform it F1 (hessalonians. /-. And anyway,
nobody is going to write about the pro:ects you accomplished or built in your
biography. It is irrele!ant. (he only thing that will be recorded against your
name when you are gone is the impact you made on the li!es of men. So why
must you die with the immaterial6
)hen our foreign mission work was to begin, God said to me, "(he
har!est of Africa is o!erripe. ush in and preser!e it from decadence." I had
only been to two nations of Africa before then. >ut after I heard the !oice of the
Spirit, without any feasibility study telling us what the cost of li!ing was like in
those countries or how much money we needed to go there, we stepped out#
God spoke, and the men mo!ed+ and in ten months, we had spent o!er twenty<
two million naira# )hy6 (he !oice of the Spirit offered direction and God
backed it up with di!ine pro!isions.
(he !oice of the Spirit is one of the greatest secrets for kingdom
ad!ancement. It was in ;uly 19H0, that the @ord popped my spiritual ears open,
and I heard the !oice of the Spirit for the first time. Since then, I ha!e ne!er
ceased to hear that !oice.
I command your spiritual ears to pop open, so you too can begin to hear
2is !oice, in the name of ;esus# I curse e!ery blockage that has caused you not
to hear the !oice of the Spirit, blocking your ability to locate precise and
definite direction for your life at e!ery point, in the name of ;esus# I command
your ears to be open now# =rom now on, you will ne!er take any wrong step.
(he God of hea!en will guide your feet. 4ou will always locate the profitable
and producti!e step to take at e!ery point in your life. As you look into God*s
)ord, may you locate sound direction for your life, in ;esus precious name#
et nstru&tions 8nd @o Them
Ta$e fast ho#d of instru&tion% #et her not go: $ee' her% for she is thy
Proverbs 4:13
/atthew =:24
4ou can*t be wise if you do not hear from God. )hat is wisdom6 ;esus
said is, "whosoe!er heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them..."In
5ecember 199C, I had finished putting my itinerary for 199- together. I had
planned to be out of the country fre7uently. >ut the @ord said to me, "4ou shall
go nowhere# I will ha!e you sit down here." I did as 2e commanded and 199-
marked another beginning in our ministry. ;ust by adhering to an hea!enly
instruction, our church increased by se!en thousand people#
(he preaching of the )ord is the main source of growth in our church. (he
)ord rakes in about ninety<nine per cent of worshippers to the church. In the
bid to add to the church in the early days of the church in Daduna, we had a
massi!e crusade at the Ahmadu >ello Stadium. At the end, it didn*t add
anything to the church. )hy6 It wasn*t 2is instruction for e?ecuting the !ision
2e ga!e us+ it was our own effort. (here are, howe!er, other ministries who will
only grow by such outreaches. 2ear this instructions are the only way out of
destruction. So settle down and locate them, so that you don*t keep on
suffering."@ord, what would 4ou ha!e me do6" is the way out. 2onour and
dignity in life and ministry, is a result of clarity of !ision, which I call "!ision
with precision." recision by reason of instructions.
)ow od anointed (esus of <aDareth with the )o#y host and with
'ower: who went about doing good, and hea#ing a## that were
o''ressed of the devi#% for od was with him.
8&ts 1:3!
;esus could do so much because God was with 2im. 2e ne!er did anything
without first ha!ing recei!ed instructions from God the =ather F;ohn. 19<
They sha## run #i$e mighty men% they sha## &#imb the wa## #i$e men
of war% and they sha## mar&h every one on his ways, and they sha##
not brea$ their ran$s:
(oe# 2:=
(o en:oy ease and comfort, you need to constantly tell 2im, "@ord, help
me to hear from hea!en in the pursuit of 4our plan for my life. I don*t want to
miss it, I don*t want to run around in futility nor be stranded.
* 7ee, have this day set thee over the nations and over the
$ingdoms, to root out, and to 'u## down, and to destroy, and to
throw down, to bui#d, and to '#ant.... The word of the Lord &ame
unto me, saying, (eremiah, what seest thou; 8nd said, see a rod
of an a#mond tree.
(eremiah 1:1112
God is saying, "I will gi!e you supernatural speed because you ha!e seen
well." 8larity of !ision enhances supernatural speed, which gi!es colour to your
life and ministry. (aking instructions is the secret of my success in ministry.
)hen I take instructions, I don*t need any other person to agree with me.
%n one of our trips to America, we got to a place and were told we couldn*t
go on because there was a storm and the plane couldn*t fly. )e were also told
that all the connecting flights had been cancelled. )hile e!erybody else was
lea!ing, in confusion, I asked, "@ord, what are 4ou saying6" and I heard 2im
say, "Go forward#" I told other members of my team, and we all matched back
into the plane. )hen they saw us enter the plane again, they asked us, ")here
are you going6" %ne of my men answered, ")e are going forward." )hen the
plane took off, the weather took shape# )hen we arri!ed 5etroit, to take the
connecting flight to Amsterdam, a plane was waiting# (he one we were
supposed to take had left, but another one was waiting. $!en though they had
closed all bookings Faccording to them, we went ahead and boarded the plane.
All because Someone had said to me, "Go forward#"
God has enough assignment for you. Go to 2im and collect the approach
for tackling it. 5on*t go doing things simply because your friend is doing it.
$!ery hardship in getting supplies in ministry is traceable to doing what you
think is right and not what God has commanded. I welcome you to a world of
dignity. It comes by embracing hea!enly instructions and adhering to them, not
minding human comments or condemnation.
)hen I first started preaching prosperity, I recei!ed fiery attacks+ but now,
all my attackers are secret followers of my teachings# God has a message for
you. 2e has an instruction for you. 4ou don*t need to preach prosperity to ha!e
prosperity. ;ust stay on your assignment and you will ne!er know lack of
anything. All you need is plenty of obedience, that will bring you plenty di!ine
saiah 42:1-,22
)hen you miss 2is ways and instructions, you end up in holes and prison
houses. (he eyes see !ision, the ears take instructions. (o be blind and deaf is to
be miserable in life, for, *here there is no vision, the 'eo'#e 'erish.* (here
are many dead ministries today, :ust because they lack God*s instructions. (hey
keep doing what they think is right, and the )ord of God has warned that
There is a way whi&h seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof
are the ways of death.
Proverbs 14:12
4ou don*t lack progress when you walk in God*s instructions. 4ou shine
more and more with e!eryday that comes Fro!erbs. -1. &ay your eyes and
ears be opened, so you can lay hold on 2is instructions, in ;esus mighty name#
2ow do you know if you are on the right track or not6 I ha!e what I call
the acid test for determining if one is on the right track and is successfully
following God*s plan. It is a combination of two things Pea&e and Progress . If
these two are in place, then you are pursuing God*s perfect plan for your life.
wi## hear what od the Lord wi## s'ea$: for he wi## s'ea$ 'ea&e
unto his 'eo'#e, and to his saints: but #et them not turn again to
Psa#ms !5:!
So, if what you ha!e heard is the !oice of the @ord, you can be sure of
peace and progress. ro!erbs -1 makes us understand that the path of a man
who is doing it right shines brighter and brighter each day.
"ut the 'ath of the 0ust is as the shining #ight, that shineth more
and more unto the 'erfe&t day.
Proverbs 4:1!
)ho is :ust6 2e is one who is right and is doing his assignment the way
God has commanded him to. =riend, if your assignment is not gi!ing you rest,
then it*s not the !oice of God you heard. Also, if you are not mo!ing forward in
it, you*re not doing it right. If after four years of going in the direction you
claim to ha!e recei!ed from God, there are still no fa!orable results or proofs,
then you are wrong#
8 &ertain man had a fig tree '#anted in his vineyard% and he &ame
and sought fruit thereon, and found none. Then said he unto the
dresser of his vineyard, "eho#d, these three years &ome see$ing
fruit on this fig tree, and find none: &ut it down% why &umbereth it
the ground; 8nd he answering said unto him, Lord, #et it a#one this
year a#so, ti## sha## dig about it, and dung it: 8nd if it bear fruit,
we##: and if not, then after that thou sha#t &ut it down.
Lu$e 13:6-
=or three years the owner of the fig tree came seeking fruit on the tree but
found none. (he dresser of the !ineyard pleaded with him to gi!e it one more
year, making it a total of four years. If after four years of going in a particular
direction, you still ha!en*t made any form of progress, then know that God is
not leading you in that way. 4ou don*t need any other ad!ice from anyone. ;ust
go ahead and say to God, "@ord, I am wrong. )here do I go from here6"
8nd when ye sha## &ome into the #and, and sha## have '#anted a##
manner of trees for food, then ye sha## &ount the fruit thereof as
un&ir&um&ised: three years sha## it be as un&ir&um&ised unto you: it
sha## not be eaten of. "ut in the fourth year a## the fruit thereof
sha## be ho#y to 'raise the Lord witha#.
Leviti&us 1-:2324
4ou must ha!e something to gi!e to the @ord in the fourth year. All
e?planations for failure are of the de!il. 4ou are not created to fail. Some
complain about the location of their church or business. 4ou don*t ha!e any
problem with location. 4our problem is that of identification identifying
God*s plan and purpose for your life. 5id God command that thing you*re doing
or not6 If 2e did, then, are you doing it the way 2e wants it done6 Are you
diligent and committed on your :ob6 4ou are e?pected to mo!e a step forward
each year. If you*re not, then you*re not doing it right. 4ou would then need to
retrace your steps. Also, are you en:oying God*s peace in that assignment6 If
these two are in place, then you are on course+ but if not, then check your steps,
for possible ad:ustments and corrections.
rere7uisites =or >eing @ed
(here are certain conditions that must be met before you can be di!inely
directed. God does not lead :ust e!erybody on the earth. 3o, not e!erybody is
entitled to 2is leading and direction. 8ertain conditions must be in place, for
you to en:oy di!ine direction.
(he first prere7uisite is that you must be born again. 4ou must be a
co!enant child of God before 2e can lead you.
(esus answered and said unto him, Beri#y, veri#y, say unto thee,
9C&e't a man be born again, he &annot see the $ingdom of od.
(ohn 3:3
=or God to be committed to directing you, you must first be 2is child. 4ou
need to be born of the Spirit, for he who is born of the spirit is spirit. A
spiritually dead man cannot percei!e the things of God.
For as many as are #ed by the 7'irit of od, they are the sons of
omans !:14
God only leads 2is sons, not the sons of men or the sons of the de!il. So,
accepting ;esus as your @ord and Sa!iour is the ticket for di!ine direction.
5i!ine direction is the heritage of only the sons of God.
4ou also need a meek spirit to be guided or directed by God. 5a!id said in
salm /9 (he meek will he guide in :udgment and the meek will he teach
his way. &eekness of the heart must be in place, before God can show you 2is
ways, which are higher than our ways. (he >ible described &oses as the
meekest man in all the earth, so he had access to the ways of God.
)e made $nown his ways unto /oses, his a&ts unto the &hi#dren of
Psa#ms 13:=
3ote that there cannot be meekness without the fear of the @ord.
hat man is he that feareth the Lord; him sha## he tea&h in the
way that he sha## &hoose.
Psa#ms 25:12
4ou also need faith to be directed by God. aul said For we wa#$ by
faith, not by sight: 2 orinthians 5:=
5i!ine direction is not for those that walk by sight, but for those who will
trust God to lead them aright. It is faith that makes a man seek God for di!ine
direction. If you don*t belie!e that God will direct you, then you will not bother
to seek 2is direction.
)ebrews 11:6
1 (ohn 2:2
)owbeit when he, the 7'irit of truth, is &ome, he wi## guide you into
a## truth: for he sha## not s'ea$ of himse#f% but whatsoever he sha##
hear, that sha## he s'ea$: and he wi## show you things to &ome.
(ohn 16:13
(he 2oly Spirit is to show you the things to come. >ut before 2e can do
that, you first ha!e to know 2im and en:oy communion with 2im. 4ou also
ha!e to be conscious of 2is indwelling presence in you. (he 2oly Spirit is a
erson, so you can culti!ate fellowship with. 4ou can talk to 2im, ask 2im
7uestions and seek 2is help.
4ou need 7uietness to en:oy di!ine direction. 3ot :ust a 7uiet outer
en!ironment, but much more, a 7uiet spirit. A!oid a rowdy spirit, for God is a
Spirit and 2e communicates with our spirit.
od is a 7'irit: and they that worshi' him must worshi' him in
s'irit and in truth.
(ohn 4:24
Since our fellowship with God is in the spirit, you need to create 7uietness
around you+ so you can ha!e sweet fellowship with the =ather, where 2e can
instruct you in the way to go.
For thus saith the Lord od, the )o#y ?ne of srae#% n returning
and rest sha## ye be saved% in Auietness and in &onfiden&e sha## be
your strength...
saiah 3:15
Great strength is released to you when you are 7uiet, as a calm spirit
enhances hearing from God.
8nd he said, o forth, and stand u'on the mount before the Lord.
8nd, beho#d, the Lord 'assed by, and a great and strong wind rent
the mountains, and bra$e in 'ie&es the ro&$s before the Lord% but
the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthAua$e%
but the Lord was not in the earthAua$e: 8nd after the earthAua$e
a fire% but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a sti##
sma## voi&e.
1 ings 1-:1112
God*s !oice of leading is, in most cases, a still small !oice, not an
earth7uake. 4ou therefore need 7uietness to pick it. A 7uiet en!ironment can be
of help, but inner 7uietness can be culti!ated e!en in the hustle and bustle of the
a#$ n Love
4ou also need to embrace liberty of the spirit. %ne of its manifestations is
walking in lo!e F/ 8orinthians. C 1H<1. )alking in lo!e is a condition in
which you li!e without malice, anger and are rela?ed with others, forbearing
them in lo!e. (he conscience must be free of all manner of entanglement. $!en
disobedience 7uenches the Spirit F1 (hessalonians. 19.
"e ?'en
4ou need openness of heart too. (hat is, do not be set in your own ways
like concrete+ be willing to ad:ust to God*s instructions, if they contradict your
actions F&atthew. 1C<-. Deep a sensiti!e heart a tender heart before God F/
8hronicles. 109. Allow God to direct your path, for 2e knows it better than
8 mans heart deviseth his way: but the Lord dire&teth his ste's.
Proverbs 16:-
In addition, worship and praise must become your life style, if you must
en:oy constant direction. God inhabits the praises of 2is people Fsalms. //C.
(hus, 2is !oice of direction will come !ery clearly to you when you gi!e 2im
the !enison 2is heart lo!es.
8hapter 0
>enefits %f 5irection
8nd it sha## &ome to 'ass, if thou sha#t hear$en di#igent#y unto the
voi&e of the Lord thy od, to observe and to do a## his
&ommandments whi&h &ommand thee this day, that the Lord thy
od wi## set thee on high above a## nations of the earth:
@euteronomy 2!:1
2earing and hearkening to God*s !oice of direction will set you on high,
abo!e all nations of the earth. =ollowing di!ine direction has benefits. God only
leads a man into the profitable paths of life. 2e leads him into honour, beauty,
dignity and glory+ making him the en!y of other men.
Thus saith the Lord, thy edeemer, the )o#y ?ne of srae#% am
the Lord thy od whi&h tea&heth thee to 'rofit, whi&h #eadeth thee
by the way that thou shou#dest go.
saiah 4!:1=
"eho#d, send an 8nge# before thee, to $ee' thee in the way, and to
bring thee into the '#a&e whi&h have 're'ared. "ut if thou sha#t
indeed obey his voi&e, and do a## that s'ea$% then wi## be an
enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine
adversaries. For mine 8nge# sha## go before thee, and bring thee in
unto the 8morites, and the )ittites, and the PeriDDites, and the
anaanites, the )ivites, and the (ebusites: and wi## &ut them off.
9Codus 23:2,2223
)hen God leads you in a particular direction, 2e takes the e?tra step of
dispatching angels to protect you along that path. 3o force in hell can stop a
man who has disco!ered the plan of God for his life and is pursuing it, as
angelic forces are on hand to fight on his behalf, to cut off any ad!ersary that
dares to come near. (he :ob of the angel assigned to you is to keep you in the
way and to bring you into your destiny. 2e monitors the di!ine plan handed
o!er to you and ensures that it is reali'ed. 2e clears off any opposition that may
want to obstruct you.
1 Thessa#onians 5:24
God is behind the e?ecution of e!ery di!ine plan. %nce you locate 2is plan
for your life and are following it, God stands strong behind you, to accomplish
it. (hat is why to wander out of the course 2e has charted for you is to li!e a
miserable life. In ;oel /, we disco!er that the glory of the end<time army lies in
each one locating where he belongs and abiding there. (hat is why e!en if they
fall on swords, they will not be wounded+ there*s a di!ine hand guiding them.
<either sha## one thrust another% they sha## wa#$ every one in his
'ath: and when they fa## u'on the sword, they sha## not be
(oe# 2:!
(hese men will rise to great heights, become prominent and make wa!es
on the earth. (hey will outshine the earthly stars, all because of the mighty hand
of God behind their operations.
They sha## run #i$e mighty men% they sha## &#imb the wa## #i$e men
of war% and they sha## mar&h every one on his ways, and they sha##
not brea$ their ran$s: The earth sha## Aua$e before them% the
heavens sha## tremb#e: the sun and the moon sha## be dar$, and the
stars sha## withdraw their shining:
(oe# 2:=,1
(o en:oy di!ine backing, you must be on course with God*s di!ine plan.
5i!ine guidance guarantees "di!inely programmed" prominence. 3obody who
locates the ways of God and walk in them e!er ends up a loser. If you allow
God to lead you, 2e will take you to high places in life. All you really need to
make a mark on the earth is to secure God*s backing. If you ha!e God*s backing
on any pro:ect or assignment, no opposition can withstand you. (he secret of
;esus* ministry was that 2e did nothing of 2imself, but as 2e heard fr om God.
And as a result, 2e could not be obstructed, 2is ministry made impact in the
li!es of men, e!en till today.
)is sou# sha## dwe## at ease% and his seed sha## inherit the earth.
Psa#m 25:13
5i!ine direction also eases life for you. 4ou find that because you are
following di!ine plan and en:oy di!ine backing, life is cheapened for you.
eople see you as being e?traordinary, not knowing that what you ha!e is
actually the e?traordinary backing of God. %nce you embrace di!ine plan, you
dwell at ease. &any run from pillar to post, chasing after their own plans.
ather, chase after 2is plans, because e!erything that makes for life and
godliness is contained therein. I am absolutely restful, because I am right at the
centre of di!ine plan. >efore I make any mo!e, I check it o!er and o!er again
with 2im, :ust to be sure I don*t de!iate from 2is plan.
5i!ine guidance makes a man look e?traordinary amidst his peers. )hile
others are struggling to make sales, for instance, God, through 2is angels, is
busy directing customers to buy up the goods of the man that is walking in
di!ine direction. (hat is why if God directs you into a particular business
!enture, e!en if others in the same line of business are frustrated, you will en:oy
God*s fa!our.
)hen God said to me in 199, "Arise, get down to @agos and raise &e a
people", I sent somebody to @agos that same day. (wo weeks later, all the
property needed for the work there to start had been secured with all ease. )e
got a place which had not been inhabited for se!en years for church ser!ice and
another property nearby, which had also not been li!ed in in the last fi!e years
for residential 7uarters# 2e went ahead of us and secured a place for us in good
time. )hen our missionaries arri!ed >angui, in the 8entral African epublic,
they disco!ered that God had told a woman of their coming two days earlier.
2e told her, "(wo missionaries are coming from 3igeria in two days time. Go
and pick them up from the airport." She told her husband to help her pick them
up. God sent us to reap the har!est of Africa, so 2e went ahead of us, to ensure
that our team was not stranded.
Psa#m 23:1,5
=ollowing God*s plan for your life renders the de!il helpless o!er you. 4ou
become unbeatable, a man respected by hell. )hy6 >ecause God cannot send
you on a mission and Satan hi:acks you. 2e may attempt to, by causing uproar
and confusion, so that you don*t ha!e access to God*s !oice+ but once you refuse
to be distracted, Satan cannot handle you. emember that it is God*s will to lead
you to where the pastures are green. 2e is committed to leading you to where
your profiting lies FIsaiah. -1H, but you must be a committed follower.
8hapter H
Access (o (he Eoice %f God
8nd thine ears sha## hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the
way, wa#$ ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye
turn to the #eft.
saiah 3:21
8fter this #oo$ed, and, beho#d, a door was o'ened in heaven: and
the first voi&e whi&h heard was as it were of a trum'et ta#$ing
with me% whi&h said, ome u' hither, and wi## shew thee things
whi&h must be hereafter.
eve#ation 4:1
>efore our ministry took off, I went to God for final instructions. I told
myself that the disciples stayed ten days in the upper room waiting for the
e?plosion that came on the day of entecost. I belie!ed that likewise, God
would deli!er to me the final instructions for the work 2e had called me to do.
So, I separated myself to a room in ;os, determined that before the end of ten
days, I would recei!e 2is instructions. And on the fourth day, the hea!ens
opened unto me and God*s !oice came# I came out of that encounter with a
powerful insight. It was there that God said to me, "I ha!e sent you forth as a
prophet to nations."
4ou need to be ready to pay the price of separation, if you want to hear 2is
!oice. )hen God called aul, he spent three years in Arabia, recei!ing insight
and re!elations from God FGalatians. 11<1. "8ome up hither, and I will
shew thee things which must be hereafter." A separation unto God is to your
own ad!antage. 4ou can*t hear the !oice of God when you spend all your time
roaming about in "earthly places." eople go up to get it, they don*t walk about
all o!er town to get it. So, come out of tradition and camp with God. (ake grace
from 2im, to be able to separate yourself and go up to the mountain of !oices.
Therefore with 0oy sha## ye draw water out of the we##s of sa#vation.
saiah 12:3
4ou need :oy to hear God*s !oice of direction. If you*re not :oyful, your
access to 2im will be blocked. It takes :oy to gain access into the mysteries of
the kingdom of God. It is a great secret for triumph. ;oy must be in place before
you can understand the things of God, for it is with :oy that you draw
re!elations and instructions from God.
>e sha## have a song, as in the night when a ho#y so#emnity is $e't%
and g#adness of heart, as when one goeth with a 'i'e to &ome into
the mountain of the Lord, to the mighty ?ne of srae#. 8nd the
Lord sha## &ause his g#orious voi&e to be heard...
saiah 3:2-3
)hen will 2e cause 2is glorious !oice to be heard6 %nly when you come
to 2im with a song and with gladness of heart# If there*s no gladness of heart,
you become deaf to the !oice of God. >ut when there*s gladness in your heart
and a song in your mouth, then the @ord causes 2is glorious !oice of direction
to be heard. @et nothing take your :oy from you. 2old fast unto it. Somebody
once said, "2appiness is not found, it is created." If you*re not a happy son of
God, you will ne!er be a winning son F5euteronomy /-H<-. It is
compulsory to be happy. In fact, it is dangerous to be sad or gloomy# If you
must win in life, you must be :oyful. $!ery time you*re broken, you lose !ery
precious things such as di!ine direction. Satan steals it from you. 2ear this
again until there*s a song in your heart, you ne!er hear the sound from hea!en.
&oses said, *Te## them to go forward.* If you don*t free yourself from a
failed e?amination, you*ll ne!er pass it. Get up and hit back at it. Allow the
irreparable past to be past or you will pass away with it. If you ha!e lost your
:ob, look for another one. 4ou car had an accident and it can*t be repaired+
belie!e God, work for your money and buy another one. ecei!e the kind of
:oy that buries the past and looks forward to the future right now, in ;esus
mighty name# 3othing makes life more colourful than the !oice of God. I don*t
care how much you pray, but the !oice of God is what gi!es colour to li!ing.
5on*t miss it# 5on*t let any de!il suppress, oppress or depress your soul. It takes
a song to hear a sound from hea!en. 2e said, *"#essed are they that hear the
0oyfu# sound.*
)hen you hear a sound from there, it comes with a blessing for you,
leading you in the way to go, directing you on the steps to take. Somebody said,
"I ha!e ne!er heard the !oice of God." (hat is because you ha!e ne!er been
:oyful or had an acceptable song. )hen you begin to sing acceptable songs of
praise, with gladness of heart, the sound from hea!en becomes your heritage.
Stop running about like the horse and the mule that ha!e no understanding.
4our destiny is tied to your ability to hear God*s !oice of direction from hea!en.
2e said, *Lo, m with you a#ways.* 2ow can 2e be there and you can*t hear
2im6 It is because you ha!e not created a suitable en!ironment for hearing 2is
!oice. &ake it suitable right now by being :oyful always#
)hen you are at a cross<road and you want to know which way to go,
there is a !ery good prescription in saiah 3:2-3. *>e sha## have a
song...with g#adness of heart... and the Lord sha## &ause )is g#orious voi&e
to be heard...*
&any of you are on the !erge of making !ery serious decisions in your life
and then you say, "I*m going to fast." (hat*s not what 2e said. 2e said, "4ou
shall ha!e a song." If you will obey 2im, you won*t ha!e any problem. 4ou
need to become a psalmist before the @ord+ then will you always hear 2is
!oice. )hen $lisha needed direction, he said, *"ut now bring me a
minstre#...* +2 ings. 3:15. (he psalmist always heard God*s !oice. 2e said,
*7even times do 'raise thee.* 2e was addicted to praises, so the !oice of
God was always there for him. 4ou won*t miss your way anymore. 2ea!en*s
telephone line is ne!er through to you without melody in your heart. So, be e!er
(o gain access to 2is !oice, you need to be free from whate!er causes you
to fear or bring sorrow and an?iety. =ight them as though you were fighting
against sin# 4ou must deal with worries and an?ieties as if you were dealing
with adultery. )hy6 (hey rob you of your access to the !oice of God, which is
your secret for sweatless triumph. Sorrow of heart has !ery de!astating effects
on your spiritual destiny. )hen 5r. =rederick D.8. rice !isited Daduna in the
late 19Bs, he said he had ne!er been bowed down once in the last twenty
years# (hat is, he had not been cast down or burdened for twenty years#
If you can see a glorious tomorrow, no de!il can cast you down. If you can
see what is ahead of you, you can afford to insult the de!il and slap him in the
face# 3o reason is strong enough to cast you down. )hate!er casts you down
has made you a failure. It*s time to wake up and take positi!e steps to en:oy the
!alues of redemption. 8oncerns, burdens and an?ieties deafen the ears. ;esus
said something !ery serious in /atthew 6:25:...Ta$e no thought for your #ife,
what ye sha## eat, or what ye sha## drin$% nor yet for your body, what ye
sha## 'ut on...
;esus knows the things people worry themsel!es o!er. eople think on the
wrong things, that*s why ;esus told us what we should concern oursel!es with
"ut see$ ye first the $ingdom of od, and his righteousness% and a##
these things sha## be added unto you.
/atthew 6:33
I made my choice a long time ago on what to think on. In 19H0, I said to
myself, "@et 2im be @ord of all or not @ord at all#" (he way out of an?iety is to
be addicted to God and 2is kingdom. >e hooked to God and 2is kingdom. It
doesn*t make you irresponsible+ on the contrary, it makes you !ery responsible.
4ou can*t be hooked to God and fail. 3o# 2is )ord becomes a lamp to your feet
and a light unto your path, guiding you in the way to go. nderstand that nature
does not permit !acuum. (he brain is always engaged, either positi!ely or
negati!ely. All you need to do is to make your choice on what occupies your
In charging (imothy, aul said /editate u'on these things% give thyse#f
who##y to them% that thy 'rofiting may a''ear to a##. 1 Timothy 4:15
*/editate u'on these things night and day.* If you don*t, something
else will take o!er your mind. &ay you be free from an?iety#
Phi#i''ians 4:6
4our access to God in prayer begins with *"e anCious for nothing...*
4our prayers will not be answered when it is said in an?iety. 5on*t allow little,
little fo?es such as concerns for what to eat, drink, where to sleep, and all that,
make the )ord of God of no effect in your life. )hen you continue worrying
about them day and night, it becomes impossible to walk in the Spirit.
;ohn the belo!ed said in eve#ation 1:1: was in the 7'irit on the
Lords day, and heard behind me a great voi&e, as of a trum'et,
;esus said something in /atthew 6:2=, that will help you o!ercome
an?iety. 2e said hi&h of you by ta$ing thought &an add one &ubit unto his
The Lord ?@ hath given me the tongue of the #earned, that
shou#d $now how to s'ea$ a word in season to him that is weary:
he wa$eneth morning by morning, he wa$eneth mine ear to hear as
the #earned. The Lord ?@ hath o'ened mine ear, and was not
rebe##ious, neither turned away ba&$.
saiah 5:45
@ay unto day uttereth s'ee&h, and night unto night showeth
Psa#m 1-:2
(he e?ploits in ;esus* ministry was founded on, *8s hear, so 0udge...*
>ut how was this possible6 2e had an understanding of times and seasons. 2e
knew when best to get 2is =ather*s attention. *...)e wa$eneth morning by
morning, he wa$eneth mine ear to hear as the #earned.* I call the early
hours of the day "2ea!en*s adio 2our." (hat is the time when instructions are
passed down to those who are tuned to it. (he early hours of the day is hea!en*s
radio hour for the wise. (hose who tune in at that time catch the news from
hea!en, and they go forth to make news on the earth# 2is speech drops upon
people as the dew+ and you know dew falls in the early hours of the morning.
God is on line to all who care to listen to 2im in the early hours of the
morning. (hat is when 2e reaches out for the ears of the sons of men. A study
of those who ha!e recei!ed ma:or instructions from God shows that they hit it
in the early morning hours.
(he !ital pillars of my life and ministry were deli!ered to me in the early
hours. (he eighteen<hour long commission I recei!ed for ministry began in the
early hours of &ay 1, 191. )hen we were to mo!e from Ilorin to Daduna, the
instruction was gi!en to me in the early hour CB a.m. God said to me, "Arise,
get out to 5amascus and there it shall be told you what things are there for you
to do." &y wife and I had been worshipping before 2im, asking 2im whether
to mo!e on to Daduna or continue our operations in Ilorin. (hen 2e asked me
to pick up my >ible and when I did, that )ord :ust came up. It was also in the
early hours of the morning that I recei!ed the instruction, "Arise, get down to
@agos and raise &e a people."
I was ha!ing a nice time, en:oying fellowship with ;esus one early
morning in 19C when I recei!ed the commission for our publishing house. 2e
said tome, "(he words that I ha!e put in your mouth, the same commit into
writing, and I will cause the same unction upon the words you speak to rest
upon the written words, bringing about the same effect."(o further confirm
what 2e had told me, 2e said, *hat thou seest, write in a boo$.* 3ow, by
the grace of God, we ha!e a !ery successful publishing house, that has printed
and dispatched books all o!er the world.
=riend, God is heard in the early hours of the morning# (une in for 2is
instructions in the early hours. (hat*s the time 2e opens up, that*s when 2is
speech drops as the dew upon people. (hat*s when to catch 2im# ;esus would
always get up *a great whi#e before dawn* e!eryday, to recei!e instructions
from the =ather. 4ou can*t be a hea!y sleeper and e?pect to be a star at the same
time. 4ou ha!e to choose one. 4ou are either a sleeper or a star. Sleeping till
0.CB a.m. and stretching at H a.m. is not the way up. 3othing corrupts destiny
like sleep#
4ou are loaded with great potential, I pray that sleep will not destroy it.
4ou don*t ha!e any other enemy than Satan, and all that he does is to steal, kill
and destroy. Sleep steals and destroys destinies and crowns. eople who should
be kings are dying as mere men, because of too much sleep. Sleep kills great
destinies and dreams. It frustrates men and destroys them spiritually. It*s my
prayer that you recei!e strength this hour, to put your early hours of the day to
ma?imum use, standing before the @ord to hear what 2e will say to you.
All through the Scriptures, you will disco!er that the great men who had
encounters with God did so in the early hours.
8nd 8braham gat u' ear#y in the morning to the '#a&e where he
stood before the Lord:
enesis 1-:2=
8nd he hewed two tab#es of stone #i$e unto the first% and /oses
rose u' ear#y in the morning, and went u' unto mount 7inai, as the
Lord had &ommanded him, and too$ in his hand the two tab#es of
stone. 8nd the Lord des&ended in the &#oud, and stood with him
there, and 'ro&#aimed the name of the Lord.
9Codus 34:45
&oses rose up early in the morning and went up to &ount Sinai, as the
@ord had commanded. 2e went there to keep an early morning appointment
with God, and the @ord descended and stood with him there. @ikewise, God is
commanding you, "Son, daughter, get up. I keep early hour appointments with
people. Get up#"
8nd (oshua rose ear#y in the morning, and the 'riests too$ u' the
ar$ of the Lord. 8nd it &ame to 'ass on the seventh day, that they
rose ear#y about the dawning of the day, and &om'assed the &ity
after the same manner seven times...
(oshua 6:12,15
(hey rose up early and compassed the obstacles about and they ga!e way#
If you are obser!ant, you will disco!er that most instructions you ha!e recei!ed
from the @ord came in the early hours of the morning. $!ery time you are at a
crossroad, :ust get up early and meet 2im in worship. 5on*t ask 2im for
anything, :ust worship 2im+ and in the midst of that, 2e will cause 2is glorious
!oice to be heard, saying, "(his is the way, walk ye in it."