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The Moderating Effect of Learning Independence On

the Effect of Reciprocal Teaching Method On

Students’ Critical Thinking Skill (Experimental Study
on Economic Subject of Class X IPS SMA N 1 Sumber
- Cirebon Regency).
Entin Jumantini1, Lili Karmela Fitriyani2, Widayati3
1Masterof Education, Graduate School of Kuningan University, 2Master of Management, Graduate
School of Kuningan University, 3Student of Graduate School of Kuningan University
{[email protected]}

Abstract. The ability to think critically is very important for students because one’s
ability to be able to succeed in his life is determined by, among others, his thinking skills,
especially in the effort to solve life's problems that he faces. The purpose of this study is
to test the theory of CTL (Constructivist Theories of Learning) by analyzing the first,
The Effect of Reciprocal Teaching learning methods and Discussion methods on
students' critical thinking skills. Second, the effect of learning independence on students'
critical thinking skills. Third, the effect of the interaction between the Reciprocal
Teaching Method and learning independence on students' Critical Thinking Skill. The
method used in this study is an experimental method with a comparative approach. The
design used is factorial. The subject of the research were all students of class X IPS3 and
X IPS4 SMA Negeri 1 Sumber, as many as 72 students. The instrument used are
consisted of tests of critical thinking skills and a learning independence questionnaire.
Data was analyzed with the test of two-way ANOVA. Based on the analysis results
obtained: (1) The learning methods affect students' critical thinking skills, with sig. value
0.008 < 0.050, (2) Learning independence has a significant effect on students' critical
thinking skills, with sig value 0,000 < 0.050, (3) There was no interaction effect between
the learning methods and learning independence on students' critical thinking skill, with
sig value 0.432 > 0.050. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that: (1)
learning with the reciprocal teaching method is more effective in improving students'
critical thinking skills compared to the discussion method, (2) There are differences in
the influence of high, medium and low learning independence in influencing the critical
thinking skills of students in the experimental class and control class, the value of
students' critical thinking skills with high levels of learning independence is more
effective when compared to students with moderate and low levels of learning
independence, (3) the moderator variable is not strengthening and weakening the
independent variable, meaning that Reciprocal teaching learning methods and learning
independence both play an important role and provide a major contribution in supporting
the development of students' critical thinking skills

Keywords: Reciprocal Teaching Method; Learning Independence; Critical Thinking


UNISET 2020, December 12, Kuningan, Indonesia

Copyright © 2021 EAI
DOI 10.4108/eai.12-12-2020.2304992
1 Introduction

In education, critical thinking is a competency to be achieved as well as a tool needed to

construct knowledge. The ability to think critically makes it easier for students to achieve the
goals and functions of education, and for students to more easily achieve the goals they want
to achieve. From the results of pre-research at SMA N 1 Sumber Kab. Cirebon, by providing a
test of economic material, it was found that the average value of critical thinking skills in class
X IPS was still low, this was evidenced by the results obtained by the researchers as follows:
Table 1. Pre-Research Results
Number of Students Lowest Score Highest Score Mean
34 20 80 47,65

There are several factors that cause students' low critical thinking skills. From the
description of the problem above, we need an appropriate approach to learning. The low
ability of students to think critically in understanding learning material is due to students lack
of mastery of the concept of learning, teachers do not emphasize understanding of students
and students only accept explanations from the teacher. Such learning activities cause students
to tend to only rote learning or memorize and without understanding or without understanding
what the teacher teaches. This kind of learning makes students passive and less involved in
learning which can lead to saturation and lack of understanding of concepts so that students
are less motivated to learn and result in low learning outcomes of students.
To overcome these problems, we need a learning method that is more interesting and
makes students active in learning. So that the flow of the learning process is not only from the
teacher but students can teach each other. One of the learning strategies in improving students'
critical thinking skills is the reciprocal teaching method developed by Brown & Palin scar
(1982) which is a learning strategy through peer teaching activities. In this strategy, students
act as "teachers" replacing the teacher's role to teach their friends. Reverse learning is
primarily developed to help teachers use collaborative learning dialogues to teach reading
comprehension independently in the classroom. From the background of the problem, the
problems to be examined in this study are:
a. Does the use of the Reciprocal Teaching learning method and the Discussion method
affect the critical thinking skills of students?
b. Does independent learning affect the critical thinking skills of students?
c. Is there an influence of the interaction between the reciprocal teaching method and
independent learning on students' critical thinking abilities?
The purpose of this study was to test the CTL (Constructivist Theories of Learning) theory
by analyzing:
a. The influence of the reciprocal teaching learning method and the discussion method on
the critical thinking skills of students.
b. The influence of independent learning on students' critical thinking skills.
c. The Effect of the Interaction between the Reciprocal Teaching Method and the
Independence of Learning on the Critical Thinking Ability of students.
2 Method

This research was conducted at SMA N 1 Sumber Kab. Cirebon. The target subjects of this
study were two classes, namely class X IPS3 and class X IPS4 with a total of 72 students and
each class of 36 students. The method used in this research is an experimental method with a
comparative approach. Comparative research is a study used to find the effect of certain
treatments on others under controlled conditions, other variables that can affect the
experimental process can be tightly controlled (Sugiyono, 2013: 107). The problem raised in
this study is the critical thinking ability of students. To overcome this problem, an action was
taken in the form of using a reverse teaching approach (reciprocal teaching) to improve
students' critical thinking skills in economic subjects.
The experimental research design used in this study was a factorial design. According to
Sugiyono (2012: 76) factorial design is a modification of the true experimental design (truly
pure experiments), that is, by paying attention to the possibility of variables affecting
treatment (independent variables) on the results (dependent variable). The research design is
described as follows:
Table 2. Research design
(Factor B) Learning Methods (Factor A)
Independence Reciprocal Teaching (A1) Discussion (A2)
Critical thinking skills (Y) Critical thinking skills (Y)
Some of the data collection techniques used to obtain data in this study were observation,
learning independence questionnaire using a closed Likert scale in the form of a checklist (√).
Sugiyono (2011, p. 134) explains that, "The Likert scale is a scale used to measure the
attitudes, opinions and perceptions of a person or group of people about social phenomena",
the critical thinking ability test using pretest and posttest in retrieving data in the field. This
test is used to measure the effectiveness of the reciprocal teaching learning method and the
discussion method on the critical thinking skills of students. The test is in the form of essays
(Mahanal, Zubaidah, Bahri, Dinnurriya, 2016), students' answers were scored using the critical
thinking skills rubric developed by Zubaidah, Corebima, and Mistianah (2015). This test will
be in the form of an essay with a total of 10 questions. Researchers in the preparation of items
and lattice items adjust to existing basic competencies. In the assessment of this test, a score of
0-5 is used.
The results of the validity showed that the instrument used by researchers was valid, with a
correlation of Sig. 0.05 obtained r table> 0.229. Both for the pretest instrument, critical
thinking skills and independence questionnaires. Reliability results showed that the pretest
instrument used was reliable with a Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.702> 0.60, meaning that 9
questions were valid & reliable out of a total of 10 questions, while the independent learning
questionnaire showed reliable results with a Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.910> 0.60 meaning
20 questions. valid & reliable from a total of 20 questions.
For the difficulty level of the experimental group and the control class, the results of the
difficulty level of questions that were considered "very difficult" were 1 item with a
percentage of 10%, "difficult" as many as 5 items with a percentage of 50%, and "moderate"
as many as 4 items with a percentage of 40%. While the results obtained from the test of the
difference between the experimental class and the control class show that for the criteria
"Enough" there are 7 items with a percentage of 70%, "bad" there are 2 items with a
percentage of 20%, and "very bad" there is 1 item with a percentage of 10%.

3 Result and Discussion

An overview of the pretest results was given to two groups of research samples, namely
the experimental group and the control group before being given treatment or treatment, while
the posttest was given after being given treatment or treatment. Based on data processing from
the pretest results of the experimental group and the control group, the following data were
a. Pretest results for the Experiment class, Mean Value of 26, Std. Deviation 8, minimum
value 14, and maximum value 48
b. Pretest Results Control class, Mean Value of 25, Std. Deviation 10, Minimum Value 12,
Maximum Value 52. This means that there is no difference in students' initial abilities
between the experimental class and the control class.
Based on the data processing of the post-test results from the experimental group and the
control group, the following data were obtained:
a. Posttest results for the Experiment class, Mean Value of 54, Std. Deviation 12, minimum
value 36, and maximum value 78
b. Pretest Results Control class, Mean Value of 39, Std. Deviation 11, Minimum Value 12,
Maximum Value 66.
This means that there is a difference in the final ability of students between the
experimental class and the control class.
The description of the results of independent learning in the experimental class with a low
category, there were 9 students or 25%, 14 students or 38.9% learning independence in the
medium category and 13 students or 36.1%. Whereas in the control class learning
independence with the low category there were 10 students or 27.8%, the learning
independence with the medium category was 24 students or 66.7% and the learning
independence with the high category there were 2 students or 5.6%. The normality test is used
to determine whether the population is normally distributed or not. In this study, the normality
test was carried out to determine whether the data in the pretest, posttest, difference (gain) in
the experimental class and control class came from data that was normally distributed or not.
The test criteria are to compare the sig value. (α = 0.05) where if the value is sig. > 0.05 then
the data is declared to be normally distributed, whereas if the value is sig. <0.05, the data is
declared abnormal.
Table 3. Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Class Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Experiment 0.167 36 0.013 0.944 36 0.066
Control 0.107 36 .200* 0.933 36 0.03
Experiment 0.138 36 0.082 0.95 36 0.103
Control 0.089 36 .200* 0.981 36 0.763
Experiment 0.094 36 .200* 0.978 36 0.692
N Gain
Control 0.118 36 .200* 0.936 36 0.039
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

In connection with the pretest data normality assumption and N gain has not been fulfilled,
then the nonparametric test is carried out, namely the Friedman Test with the results obtained
of 0.862> 0.05, so the data is normally distributed. Whereas for the posttest the normality
assumption is met, a two-way ANOVA test can be performed. The next analysis was carried
out with the homogeneity test to determine the variance population, which had the same or
different variances. The homogeneity test was carried out by the Levene test, the results
showed the level of significance or the probability value was above 0.05. Because the
probability> 0.05, the data is homogeneous.
Table 4. Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
Pretest 1.769 1 70 .188
Posttest 2.044 1 70 .157
N Gain .466 1 70 .497
Hypothesis testing with two-way ANOVA analysis obtained the following results:

Table 5. Descriptive Statistics

Dependent Variable: KBK

Method Independence Mean Std. Deviation N
Low 45.7778 10.46157 9
Moderate 49.1429 7.43026 14
Reciprocal Teaching Method High 64.9231 8.62614 13
Total 54.0000 11.92357 36
Low 40.4000 6.58618 10
Moderate 37.0833 11.06470 24
Discussion Methods
High 58.0000 11.31371 2
Total 39.1667 10.90609 36
Low 42.9474 8.82845 19
Moderate 41.5263 11.41298 38
Total High 64.0000 8.88015 15
Total 46.5833 13.58308 72

Table 6. Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: KBK
Source Type III Sum of df Mean Square F Sig. Partial Eta
Squares Squared

Corrected Model 7279.074a 5 1455.815 16.508 .000 .556

Intercept 96787.499 1 96787.499 1097.510 .000 .943
Method 658.538 1 658.538 7.467 .008 .102
Independence 2071.896 2 1035.948 11.747 .000 .263
149.807 2 74.904 .849 .432 .025
Method * Independence
Error 5820.426 66 88.188
Total 169340.000 72
Corrected Total 13099.500 71
a. R Squared = .556 (Adjusted R Squared = .522)
The criteria for rejection and acceptance of the hypothesis:
a. Ha is accepted or Ho is rejected if ρ value <α = 0.05
b. Ha is rejected or Ho is accepted if ρ value> α = 0.05

3.2 Hypothesis 1
Referring to table 4:13 of the results of hypothesis testing through Tests of Between-
Subjects Effects on the method line, the calculated f value is 7, 467 and the sig value. equal to
0.008 <0.050, thus Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. This means that the learning method
affects the critical thinking ability of students. The amount of influence is stated by the partial
square eta of 0.102, which means that the effect of the learning method is 10.2% on students'
critical thinking abilities. Based on the results of the research above, it can be analyzed that
the reciprocal teaching and discussion learning methods produce different influences on
students' critical thinking skills.
3.3 Hypothesis 2
In the independence line, the calculated f value is 11.747 and the sig value. equal to 0.000
<0.050 then Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. This means that independent learning affects
the critical thinking ability of students. The magnitude of the influence is stated by the partial
square eta of 0.263. This means that the effect of independence is 26.3% on the critical
thinking ability of students. Based on the research results above, it can be analyzed that
learning independence has a significant effect on students' critical thinking skills. The results
of the analysis show that the high, medium and low mean (mean) values of learning
independence have different effects on students' critical thinking abilities in the experimental
class and the control class.
3.4 Hypothesis 3
In the line of the method * independence, the calculated f value is 0.849 and the sig value.
amounting to 0.432> 0.050 then Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted. This means that there is no
interaction effect between learning methods and learning independence on students' critical
thinking abilities. The amount of influence is stated by the partial square eta of 0.025. That is,
the interaction between learning methods and independence is 2.5% of students' critical
thinking skills.
Based on the results of the above research states that Ha is rejected with a sig value. ρ>
0.05 so the post hoc test was not carried out. The ANOVA test results show that there is no
interaction between learning methods and independent learning. Independent learning as a
moderator variable does not strengthen and weaken the reciprocal teaching method as an
independent variable. This can be explained from the magnitude of the influence of the
learning method with independent learning on the learning ability of students which is 0.
556.This means that the variability of students' critical thinking skills in economic subjects is
55.6%, with a sig value of 0.432> 0.05 so it can be concluded that no There is the influence of
the interaction given between the learning method and the independent learning together on
the improvement of students' critical thinking skills.
4 Conclusion

a. Learning using the reciprocal teaching method is more effective in increasing the critical.
b. There are differences in the influence of high, medium and low learning independence in
influencing the critical thinking skills of students both in the experimental class using the
reciprocal teaching method and the control class using the discussion method. This can be
seen from the mean value of independent learning in the experimental class which is
higher than the mean value of learning independence in the control class. The value of
critical thinking skills of students with a high level of learning independence is more
effective when compared to students with moderate and low levels of learning
c. Independent learning as a moderator variable does not strengthen and weaken the
reciprocal teaching method as an independent variable, so it can be said that both
reciprocal teaching learning methods and independent learning play an important role and
contribute greatly in supporting the development of students' critical thinking skills.


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