Confusing Word M

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Confusing Word

1. Problem
a countable noun
A thing that is difficult to deal with or to understand
So if there’s a must be that problem .Big problems can be such big fun

2. Trouble
an uncountable noun
Anything that causes difficulty,worry and incovinience ,ot that prevents you from doing something

3. Affect = Mempengaruhi
Effect = Efek/dampak
 This phone has a lot of negative effects
 This government affects you

4. where are you ?

 They were here
 We’re big family
 I wear a new dress

5. I live here
 I couldn’t hear anything.
 She has long dark hair.
 Let's go out for some fresh air.
 the heir to the throne

6. I have quit my job

 I have quit smoking
 It’s quite warm outside today
 She is quiet because she is eating now

7. Take a deep breath

 Just calm down and breathe

8.a cake of soap

 a bowl/cup of soup

A : I’d like rice pasta and pig
B: A pig ?
The alive animal ?
A: The pig’s meat
B: Oh you mean pork
A :Pork... thank u
Okey anything to drink ?
B: I’ll have a bear
A : Bear bear bear
B :A bear ?
Another animal ?
We say beer
A :A beer sorry

10. He said that he was sad because his cat died

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