General Knowledge 2023-24 Edition

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Compiled By: Davood Sarwar Shigri


Compiled By: Davood Sarwar Shigri

2023-24 EDITION

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Compiled By: Davood Sarwar Shigri

Youngest in the world...................................... 18

Hottest in the World ........................................ 18
A Profile of the World ....................................... 2
Largest ............................................................. 19
Important Questions on 7 Continents ............... 2
Strongest in the World ..................................... 19
Asia ................................................................. 2
National Flags of Different Countries ............. 19
Africa .............................................................. 3
Common Things in the World ......................... 20
Australia ......................................................... 4
The First Introduced Items by Different
Europe ............................................................ 5
Countries.......................................................... 21
North America................................................ 6
Maximum in the world .................................... 21
South America ................................................ 6
Important Islands ............................................. 22
Antarctica ....................................................... 6
Most in numbers in the World ......................... 22
Important International Organizations .............. 7
Most or Common Things ................................. 23
United Nations ............................................... 7
English Language ............................................ 24
European Union (EU) ..................................... 8
Oceans and Seas .............................................. 24
Shanghai Cooperation Organizations (SCO)... 9
Rivers Associated with Colors......................... 25
Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Forests.............................................................. 25
(ASEAN) .......................................................... 9
Deserts ............................................................. 26
Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) .... 9
World’s Largest Producer ................................ 26
African Union ............................................... 10
Fastest in the World ......................................... 27
SAARC ........................................................... 10
Important Gateways ......................................... 27
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) . 11
Famous Seaports .............................................. 27
UNESCO ........................................................ 11
World’s Famous Mountain .............................. 28
Important International Organizations and its
Headquarters .................................................... 12 Important Architectures & Archiects............... 29

Mottos of international Organizations ............. 13 Symbols ........................................................... 29

Logos of the international Organisations ......... 13 Cultures............................................................ 30

Important Boundary Lines of the World .......... 14 Pakistan’s Largest, Biggest, Highest, Lowest,
Oldest, Tallest etc. ........................................... 31
World’s Famous Rivers ................................... 14
News Agencies ................................................ 34
World’s Biggest ............................................... 15
Important Treaties............................................ 35
World’s Smallest.............................................. 16
Important Parliaments of Different Countries . 35
World’s Oldest ................................................. 16
Official Residences of Heads of Different States
World’s Longest............................................... 17
......................................................................... 36
Longest Contruction Records .......................... 17

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Nick Name of Different Countries ................... 37 Most in Number in Continents ........................ 58

Games and Sports ............................................ 37 Wonders of the world ...................................... 58
Cricket .............................................................. 38 Historical Buildings and its Founders.............. 59
Distinctive Names of Cities of Pakistan .......... 40 Countries having maximum ............................. 59
Fathers of Different Disciplines ....................... 40 Countries without Different Items ................... 60
Famous Poets ................................................... 41 Nick Name of the Countries ............................ 60
Nobel Prize....................................................... 41 Founders of Some Important Countries ........... 61
Football ............................................................ 42 Notable Travelers ............................................ 61
Computer ......................................................... 42 Nick Names of Cities ....................................... 62
Social Networking Sites & their Founders ...... 43 Hockey ............................................................. 63
Vitamins ........................................................... 44 Important Revolutions ..................................... 63
Important Books and Authors .......................... 45 Important Universities of the World ................ 64
National Symbols of Pakistan .......................... 47 Landlocked Countries ...................................... 64
Last rulers......................................................... 48 The First in World ........................................... 65
World War I ..................................................... 48 First in Pakistan ............................................... 66
World War II .................................................... 49 Streets .............................................................. 68
Major Military Operations in History .............. 49 Books ............................................................... 68
Atom Bomb History......................................... 50 Languages ........................................................ 69
Military Strenths .............................................. 50 Global Warming .............................................. 69
Name of important Parliaments ....................... 51 Earthquakes ..................................................... 70
Important Terms............................................... 52 Religions of the World - Founders, Books,
Worship Places ................................................ 71
List of Phobias ................................................. 53
Old Names of Pakistan’s Cities ....................... 72
List of Philes .................................................... 53
Space Exploration ............................................ 72
Important Airlines ............................................ 54
Malaria ............................................................. 73
Long March History......................................... 55
Water ............................................................... 74
Guinness book.................................................. 56
Popular Leaders ............................................... 74
Pakistani Records in Guinness Book ............... 56
Important Theories .......................................... 75
Important Glaciers ........................................... 57
Most Repeated MCQs/Past Papers MCQs ...... 75
Largest Reserves .............................................. 57

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Important Tables ............................................ 113  Terrain: Highest elevation is Mt.

International Organizations, Headquarters & Everest at 8,850 m (29,035 ft) and
Founding Year ............................................... 113 lowest land depression is the Dead Sea
at –411 m (-1,349 ft) below sea level.
World's 14 Highest Mountain Peaks (Above
8000 Meters) ...................................................... 1 The greatest ocean depth is the Mariana
Trench at –10,924 m (-35,840 ft) in the
Countries and National Emblem ........................ 1
Pacific Ocean.
World’s Top 10 Tallest Buildings ...................... 2  Land use: Arable land: 10.43%.
Space Agencies .................................................. 3 Permanent crops: 1.15%. Other 88.42%.
Irrigated land: 3,096,621.45 sq km.
Countries Having Same Capital Name .............. 4
Old & New Names of the Countries .................. 4 Population: 8 billion
List of Countries, Capitals, Currencies .............. 5 Political divisions:
195 sovereign nations, 72 dependent areas,
and 6 disputed territories.

A Profile of the World

Geography Important Questions on 7 Continents

 Age: 4.55 billion years old Asia

 Total area: 510.072 million sq km 1. The largest continent by size &
(196.940 million sq mi). population is:
 Land area: 148.94 million sq km Answer: Asia
(57.506 million sq 2. Continent Asia is also known as:
 Water area: 361.132 million sq km Answer: Home of Man
(139.434 million sq 6). 3. How many countries are there in Asia?
 Coastline: 356,000 km (221,208 mi). Answer: 48
Note: 70.9% of the world is water, 4. Which is the largest country in Asia by
29.1% is land. land area?
 Land boundaries: 251,060 km Answer: Russia
(156,262.58 mi.), not counting shared 5. Which is the largest desert in Asia?
boundaries twice Answer: Gobi Desert
6. Which is the largest desert of South
 Climate: Two large areas of polar
climates are separated by two rather
Answer: Thar
narrow temperate zones from a wide
7. Which country in Asia is the most
equatorial band of tropical to subtropical
Answer: India
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8. Which country in Asia is the world's 22. The country Russia is located in:
largest producer of rice? Answer: Europe & Asia
Answer: China 23. Mount Everest, the highest peak in the
9. The only a country which uses Euro world, is located in which Asian
Currency out of 48 countries in Asia? country?
Answer: Cyprus Answer: Nepal
10. Which is the smallest state in Asia? 24. Which country in Asia is known as the
Answer: Maldives "Land of the Rising Sun"?
11. Sea that separates Asia from Africa is? Answer: Japan
Answer: Red Sea
12. Which mountain range Separates Asia Africa
and Europe? 25. Which continent has the most number of
Answer: Ural countries?
13. The only land locked country in Answer: Africa
Southeast Asia is: 26. How many countries are there in Africa?
Answer: Loas Answer: 54
14. Which country is known as the "Buffer 27. 27% of world’s countries are located in:
State of Asia"? Answer: Africa
Answer: Afghanistan 28. Continent Africa is also known as:
15. Who is known as “Flying Bird of Asia”? Answer: Dark continent / Cradle of
Answer: Abdul Khaliq Mankind
16. Turkey connects which two continents? 29. Which African country is known as the
Answer: Asia and Europe "Pearl of Africa"?
17. Egypt connects which two continents? Answer: Uganda
Answer: Asia and Africa 30. What is the official language of Nigeria,
18. Egypt is located in Africa and: the most populous country in Africa?
Answer: Asia Answer: English
19. Which one is the largest (area wise) 31. Which is the largest country in Africa by
country in Central Asia? land area?
Answer: Kazakhstan Answer: Algeria
20. Which Asian country is home to the 32. Which African country is the most
most nuclear power plants? populous?
Answer: China Answer: Nigeria
21. Which Asian country has the most 33. Which African country is famous for its
number of neighbours? annual wildebeest migration?
Answer: China Answer: Tanzania
34. What is the largest waterfall in Africa?
Answer: Victoria Falls
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35. Which African country is known for its Australia

vibrant music genre called "Afrobeat"? 47. The smallest continent by size &
Answer: Nigeria population is:
36. Which African country is the largest Answer: Australia
producer of diamonds? 48. Continent Australia is also known as:
Answer: Botswana Answer: Island continent
37. Which is the longest river in Africa? 49. The continent without a glacier is:
Answer: Nile River Answer: Australia
38. Which country in Africa is known as the 50. What is the capital city of Australia?
"Rainbow Nation"? Answer: Canberra
Answer: South Africa 51. Which is the largest state in Australia by
39. Which African country is famous for its land area?
ancient rock-cut churches in Lalibela? Answer: Western Australia
Answer: Ethiopia 52. The Great Barrier Reef, one of the
40. Which country in Africa is known for its world's natural wonders, is located off
wildlife safaris in the Serengeti National the coast of which Australian state?
Park? Answer: Queensland
Answer: Tanzania 53. Which Australian city is famous for its
41. Which African country is known as the iconic opera house?
"Giant of Africa" due to its large Answer: Sydney
population? 54. Which is the largest desert in Australia?
Answer: Nigeria Answer: Great Victoria Desert
42. Which African city is often referred to as 55. The Sydney Harbour Bridge is often
the "Gateway to Africa"? referred to by which nickname?
Answer: Cairo Answer: Coathanger
43. Which African country is home to the 56. Which Australian state is known for its
Maasai Mara National Reserve? unique wildlife, including kangaroos and
Answer: Kenya koalas?
44. Which African country is known as the Answer: Queensland
"Land of the Pyramids"? 57. The famous rock formation known as
Answer: Egypt Uluru (Ayers Rock) is located in which
45. Which is the highest mountain in Africa? Australian territory?
Answer: Mount Kilimanjaro Answer: Northern Territory
46. What is the largest desert in Africa? 58. Which Australian state is home to the
Answer: Sahara Desert famous wine regions of Barossa Valley
and McLaren Vale?
Answer: South Australia

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59. The official currency of Australia is: 73. The first European to reach India by sea
Answer: Dollar was:
60. What is the highest mountain in Answer: Vasco da Gama
Australia? 74. The first European to attack India was:
Answer: Mount Kosciuszko Answer: Alexander
61. Continent which has no active volcanic 75. Who is called Man of Destiny in
regions is: Europe?
Answer: Australia Answer: Napoleon
62. Great Barrier Reef Australia is known 76. The highest mountain peak in Europe is:
as: Answer: Mount Elbrus
Answer: Pearl of the Crown 77. Which country is called Playground of
63. Officially, Australia is also known as: Europe?
Answer: The Commonwealth of Answer: Switzerland
Australia 78. Number of landlocked countries in
64. Which is the biggest and most populous Europe?
city in Australia? Answer: 16
Answer: Sydney 79. The world’s Most successful
organization is:
Europe Answer: European Union
65. Europe Day is celebrated every year on: 80. How many countries are the member of
Answer: 9 May EU?
66. The 3rd most populated continent is: Answer: 27
Answer: Europe 81. Where is European Union’s
67. Number of countries in European headquarter?
Continent? Answer: Brussels
Answer: 44 82. Members in the parliament of EU?
68. Continent with maximum landlocked Answer: 732
countries: 83. How many stars are on the EU flag?
Answer: Europe Answer: 12 Stars
69. Continent with lowest birth rate is: 84. Separation of UK from EU is called?
Answer: Europe Answer: Brexit
70. The continent which has not desert is: 85. Current Ambassador of the EU to
Answer: Europe Pakistan?
71. The longest river in Europe is: Answer: Dr. Riina Kionka
Answer: Volga River
72. The The first person to link Europe and
Asia was:
Answer: Marco Polo
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North America 98. The smallest country in South America

86. How many countries is in North is:
America? Answer: Surinam
Answer: 23 countries 99. How many Landlocked Countries are in
87. Which is the third largest continent (by South America?
Area) of the world? Answer: 2
Answer: North America 100. Which is the largest country in South
88. What is the largest country in North America?
America by land area? Answer: Brazil
Answer: Canada 101. Which South American country is
89. Which two countries share the longest known for the ancient Inca ruins of
international border in the world? Machu Picchu?
Answer: United States and Canada Answer: Peru
90. Which U.S. state is known as the 102. Which country in South America is
"Golden State"? the only one with English as its official
Answer: California language?
91. What is the highest peak of North Answer: Guyana
America? 103. Which South American country is
Answer: Denali (Mt. McKinley) famous for its tango dance and beef
92. What is the largest lake in North production?
America? Answer: Argentina
Answer: Lake Superior 104. Which South American country is
93. What is the longest river in North located on the eastern coast of the
America? continent and shares a border with
Answer: Missouri Argentina?
94. What is the lowest point of North Answer: Uruguay
America? 105. Most Populated Country of South-
Answer: Death Valley America is:
95. Which biggest island of the planet Answer: Brazil
located in the North America? 106. Continent of South America covers
Answer: Greenland ___ of the total land of earth?
Answer: 11.8%
South America
96. How many countries are there in South Antarctica
America? 107. Which portion of the world is called
Answer: 12 “Uninhabited”?
97. South America is also known as: Answer: Antarctica
Answer: Bird continent
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108. The Continent Antarctica lies at the: 120. The highest mountain in the
Answer: South Pole Antarctica is:
109. Antarctica is the only Continent in Answer: Mount Vinson Massif
the world, known to be: 121. As a result of which treaty, ozone
Answer: Snake free hole in Antarctica is slowly healing.
110. About ________% of Antarctica is Answer: Montreal protocol
covered by ice.
Answer: 98%
Important International Organizations
111. The maximum temperature that has
been recorded in Antarctica? United Nations
Answer: 18.3° C 122. The United Nations was founded on:
112. The lowest temperature that has been Answer: October 24, 1945
recorded on 21 July 1983 is: 123. Who coined the name of United
Answer: 89.2 °C Nations?
113. In 1978, who became the first person Answer: F.D Roosevelt
to be born in Antarctica? 124. Headquarters of UNO are situated at:
Answer: Emilio Marcos Palma Answer: New York, USA
114. Pakistan launched its “Antarctic 125. In which city the United Nations was
Programme” sent The first expedition created?
was in: Answer: San Francisco
Answer: 1991 126. The motto of UNO is:
115. The Continent Antarctica covers the Answer: It’s your world!
total _____area of world. 127. When was UN Flag adopted on?
Answer: 2.75% Answer: 7 December 1946
116. The continent without time zone is: 128. Which organ of the United Nations
Answer: Antarctica has ceased its operations?
117. The coldest, windiest and driest Answer: Trusteeship Council
continent is: 129. There are _______ non-permanent
Answer: Antarctica members of the Security Council.
118. Continent Antarctica is also known Answer: 10
as: 130. The most powerful organ of United
Answer: Forgotten Continent Nations is:
119. Greatest concentration of volcanoes Answer: Security Council
are in 131. United Nations Decade 2010-2020 is
Answer: Antarctica for:
Answer: Deserts and the Fight against
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132. The first Secretary General of United 143. Who is the current President of
Nations was: European Commission?
Answer: Trygve Lie Answer: Ursula von der Leyen
133. The 6th organ, "Trusteeship Council" 144. Who is the current head of EU
of the United Nations suspended parliament?
operation on November 01, 1994, with Answer: Roberta Metsola
the independence of: 145. What is the number of members in
Answer: Palau the parliament of European Union?
134. The United Nations has ____ Answer: 732
principal organs. 146. European Economic Community
Answer: Six (EEC)/ Common Market was established
135. The headquarters of United Nations in:
Environmental Programme is situated at: Answer: 1957
Nairobi 147. The European Union (EU) was
136. The current secretary general of established by the Treaty of:
UNs? Answer: Maastricht
Answer: Antonio Guterres from 148. When did the European Union
Portugal launch its currency” EURO” for the
137. The current president of UN general public?
Assembly is: Answer: January 1, 2002
Answer: Csaba Kőrösi from Hungry 149. How many white stars have on
138. Pakistan officially joined the United European Union flag?
Nations (UN) on: Answer: 12 Stars
Answer: 30 September 1947 150. Separation of United Kingdoms from
139. The first female representative of European Union is called:
Pakistan in the UN was? Answer: Brexit
Answer: Shaista Ikramuliah 151. UK (Britain) Joined EU in which
European Union (EU) Answer: 1973
140. How many countries are members 152. United Kingdom (UK) left the
of European Union? European Union (EU) after 46 years on:
Answer: 27 Answer: 31 Jan 2020
141. Where European Union’s 153. Who is the Current Ambassador of
headquarter is located? the European Union to Pakistan?
Answer: Brussels Answer: Dr. Riina Kionka
142. Where is the headquarters of the 154. In 1953, the European Union
European Parliament? originated through European Coal Steel
Answer: Strasbourg, France
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Community became Operational. Who 164. Pakistan, along with India, has
put forward this idea in 1950? become a full member of the SCO on:
Answer: Robert Schumann Answer: June 9, 2017

Shanghai Cooperation Organizations Association of Southeast Asian Nations

155. China founded International Alliance 165. Association of South-East Asian
“Shanghai Five” in: Nations (ASEAN) was established on:
Answer: April 1996 Answer: August 8, 1967
156. Shanghai Five specially focused on 166. What was the main objective of the
battling terrorist threats from: foundation of ASEAN?
Answer: Afghanistan Answer: To accelerate economic
157. SCO has its Secretariat progress in Southeast Asia
(Headquarters) at: 167. Members of Association of
Answer: Beijing, China Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
158. What is the number of total Members are___?
of SCO? Answer: 10
Answer: 8 Members 168. Who is the current Secretary-General
159. What are the official languages of of ASEAN?
SCO? Answer: Lim Jock Hoi
Answer: Chinese & Russian 169. Headquarter of ASEAN is situated
160. Members of Shanghai five was in which city?
consisted of Russia. China, Kazakhstan, Answer: Jakarta, Indonesia
Kyrgyzstan and__. 170. The headquarter of the “Asian
Answer: Tajikistan Development Bank”?
161. In June 2001, which Central Asian Answer: Manila, Philippines
State was invited to join the Shanghai 171. Where was the first summit of
Five and the group was officially named ASEAN held?
the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Answer: Bali
Answer: Uzbekistan Organization of Islamic Cooperation
162. Who is the current Secretary General (OIC)
of SCO? 172. OIC stands for _________.
Answer: Zhang Ming Answer: Organization of Islamic
163. Iran, India and Pakistan gained Cooperation
observer status in Shanghai Cooperation 173. Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
Organization in: (OIC) was founded on:
Answer: July 2005 Answer: September 25, 1969
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174. How many Countries are members 185. Headquarter of the African Union
of OIC? (AU) is located in:
Answer: 57 Answer: Addis Ababa
175. Organization of Islamic Cooperation 186. Which day is observed as Africa
(OIC) has __ official languages. day?
Answer: 3 Answer: 25 May
176. OIC changed its name from 187. What was the main objective of the
Organisation of the Islamic Conference foundation of OAU?
to Organisation of Islamic Cooperation To Promote African Unity and Solidarity
in: 188. Currently how many countries are
Answer: 2011 the members of African Union?
177. The permanent Secretariat of OIC is Answer: 55
located in: 189. Who is the current Chairman of
Answer: Jeddah African Union?
178. Organisation of Islamic Cooperation Answer: Macky Sall
(OIC) was founded on: 190. Organization of African Unity was
Answer: September 25, 1969 disbanded on:
179. The OIC was founded in: 9 July 2002
Answer: Morocco 191. How many stars are there in the
180. Which are two Non-Muslim African Union’s flag?
countries of OIC? 55 gold stars to represent the Member
Answer: Guyana and Suriname States
181. How many founding members OIC
has at the time of its establishment? SAARC
Answer: 25 192. When was SAARC founded?
182. Pakistan joined the OIC to observe Answer: 8 December, 1985
The first -ever ‘International Day to 193. The first SAARC summit was held
Combat Islamophobia’ on: ln 1985 in:
Answer: 15th March Answer: Dhaka
183. Organization of Islamic Cooperation 194. SAARC has its headquarters in:
(OIC) has _____ official languages. Answer: Kathmandu, Nepal
Answer: 3 195. Who first presented the idea of
African Union Answer: Zia ur Rehman of Bangladesh
184. The organisation of African Unity 196. Which of following countries got
(OAU) was established with its observer status in SAARC?
headquarters in: Answer: Japan and China
Answer: 1963
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197. SAPTA is a trade agreement by: threat of :

Answer: SAARC Nations Answer: Communist Block
198. Name the first Secretary-General of 209. What are the official languages of
Abu-al-Ahsan English and French
199. 2010-2020 in the SAARC decade of: 210. The North Atlantic treaty (NATO)
Answer: Intra-regional Connectivity was signed in:
200. Who is the current secretary general Answer: 1949
of SAARC? 211. The headquarter of NATO is located
Answer: Esala Ruwan Weerakoon in:
201. The 19th SAARC Summit, which Answer: Brussels
was postponed due to the URI Attacks 212. NATO is a/an _______ alliance.
was supposed to be held in which Answer: Military
country? 213. NATO stands for:
Answer: Pakistan Answer: North Atlantic Treaty
202. There are ______ members of Organization
SAARC? 214. How many Countries Are the
Answer: 8 Members of NATO?
203. Which SAARC Member Country has Answer: 30
Largest Literacy Rate among the 215. Who is the current Secretary General
following? of NATO?
Answer: Sri Lanka Minister Jens Stoltenberg
204. Total area of the world covered by
SAARC countries? UNESCO
Answer: 3% 216. World Heritage Day is celebrated
205. Total world’s population occupied every year on:
by SAARC countries? Answer: 18 April
Answer: 21% 217. UNESCO established World
Heritage Day in:
North Atlantic Treaty Organization Answer: 1983
(NATO) 218. UNESCO was founded in:
206. The North Atlantic treaty (NATO) Answer: 1945
was signed in: 219. Headquarter of 'UNESCO' is located
Answer: 1949 in:
207. NATO also known as: Answer: Paris, France
Answer: Washington Treaty 220. How many member states UNESCO
208. NATO was founded with the aim of has:
increasing ability of West to resist the Answer: 195
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221. Total UNESCO World Heritage Important International Organizations

Sites in the world? and its Headquarters
Answer: 1157 232. The International Court of Justice is
222. The largest number of World located in:
Heritage Sites are in: Answer: The Hague
Answer: Italy (58 sites) 233. The European Union's working
223. Which continent has the most listed capital is in:
heritage sites? Answer: Brussels
Answer: Europe (503 sites) 234. The headquarter of NATO is located
224. The only Heritage Site shared by two in:
countries? Answer: Brussels
Answer: Iguazu National Park 235. The Headquarter of Green Peace
225. The first World Heritage Site is: International is located in:
Answer: Galapagos Islands Answer: Amserdam
226. The most number of World Heritage 236. The headquarter of Amnesty
Sites in Asian? International is in:
Answer: China (56 sites) Answer: London
227. The most number of Heritage Sites 237. The headquarter of Transparency
in Africa? International is in:
Answer: South Africa (10 sites) Answer: Berlin
228. Most number of Heritage Sites in 238. The headquarter of Red Cross is in:
South American? Answer: Geneva
Answer: Brazil (23 Sites) 239. The headquarters of WTO & ILO are
229. Most number of Heritage Sites in in:
Latin America? Answer: Geneva, Switzerland
Answer: Mexico (35 sites) 240. The
230. How many World Heritage sites are permanent Secretariat of SAARC is
in Pakistan? located in:
Answer: Six Answer: Kathmandu, Nepal
231. The only continent without a World 241. In which country are the
Heritage Site? headquarters of the multinational
Answer: Antarctica company Nestle?
Answer: Switzerland
242. Which city in Switzerland was the
headquarters of the League of Nations
Answer: Geneva

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243. Headquarter of the African Union 254. The motto of Amnesty International
(AU) is located in: is:
Answer: Addis Ababa Answer: It’s better to light a candle than
244. The headquarter of the “Asian to curse the darkness ✓
development Bank” ?
Answer: Manila (Capital of Philippines)
Logos of the international Organisations
255. Which plant is on the logo of United
Mottos of international Organizations Nations?
245. The motto of United Nations (UN) Answer: Olive Branches
is: 256. Olive Branch on the logo of UN is a
Answer: It’s your world! symbol of:
246. The motto of the European Union Answer: Peace
(EU) is: 257. How many stars are there on the
Answer: 'United in Diversity' European Union flag?
247. The motto of the African Union Answer: 12 Stars
(AU) is: 258. 12 Stars on the European Union flag
Answer: A United and Strong Africa represent:
248. The motto of the World Health Answer: Perfection & Unity
Organization (WHO) is: 259. How many rings are there on the
Answer: Health for All Olympics logo?
249. The motto of International Football Answer: Five
Association (FIFA) is: 260. The five rings of the Olympic Games
Answer: For the Game, For the World logo represent?
250. The motto of International Cricket Answer: Five Continents
Council (ICC) is: 261. Which is used as the logo of the
Answer: Great Sport, Great Spirit World Wide Fund?
251. The motto of the World Bank (WB): Answer: Panda
Answer: Working for a World Free of 262. Panda on the logo of WWF is
Poverty symbol of:
252. The motto of The North Atlantic Answer: Nature & Wildlife
Treaty Organization, NATO is: 263. Which animal is on World Health
Answer: A Mind Unfettered in Organization logo?
Deliberation Answer: Snake
253. The motto of ASEAN is: 264. Snake on the logo of WHO is a
Answer: One Vision, One Identity, One symbol of:
Community” Answer: Health & Medicine

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265. How many Doves are there on 276. The boundary line between Iran and
SAARC logo? Iraq:
Answer: Seven doves Answer: 31st Parallel:
266. Seven Doves on the SAARC logo 277. The boundary line between South
represent: Vietnam & North Vietnam:
Answer: Initial seven members Answer: 17th Parallel
267. How many colors are there on 278. The boundary between Libya and
ASEAN flag? Sudan:
Answer: 4 Colors Answer: 20th Parallel:
279. The boundary between Egypt and
Important Boundary Lines of the World
Answer: 22nd Parallel
268. The boundary line between Pakistan
280. The boundary between Iran and Iraq:
and India:
Answer: 31st Parallel:
Answer: Radcliffe Line
281. The boundary between South Korea
269. The boundary lin be between
and North Korea:
Pakistan and Afghanistan:
Answer: 38th Parallel
Answer: Durand Line
282. The boundary between The USA and
270. The boundary line between Poland
and Germany:
Answer: 49th Parallel:
Answer: Hindenburg Line
283. The boundary between The USA and
271. The boundary line between Poland
and Germany:
Answer: Medicine Line:
Answer: Oder-Neisse Line
284. The Republic of Cyprus and Turkish
272. The boundary line between China
and India:
Answer: Green Line / Attila Line/UN
Answer: McMahon Line
Buffer Zone
273. The boundary line between Germany
and France:
Answer: Maginot Line World’s Famous Rivers
274. The boundary line between Lebanon 285. Which is the longest river in the
and Israel: world?
Answer: Blue Line: Answer: Nile
275. The boundary line between Russia 286. World’s largest river in terms of the
and Finland: volume of its flow is:
Answer: Mannerheim Line Answer: Amazon
287. The longest river in Pakistan is:
Answer: River Sindh
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288. Which river is called father of 304. Orange is the name of river:
waters? Answer: South Africa
Answer: Indus
289. After Indus river the longest river in
World’s Biggest
Pakistan is:
305. The biggest island of the world is:
Answer: Sutlej river
Answer: Greenland
290. Which river is the longest European
306. The biggest planet of solar system is:
Answer: Jupiter
Answer: Volga River
307. The biggest library in the world is:
291. Which is the second longest river of
Answer: Library of Congress
North America?
308. The biggest museum in the world is:
Answer: Missouri
Answer: British Museum
292. Yellow Sea lies between:
309. The biggest Ocean of the world is:
Answer: China and Korea
Answer: The Pacific
293. Blue River is located in:
310. The biggest mosque of the world is:
Answer: U.S
Answer: Masjid al-Haram
294. Maya River is located in:
311. The biggest country by area is:
Answer: Russia
Answer: Russia
295. Which of the following rivers
312. The biggest city (area) in the world
crosses the Equator twice?
Answer: Congo
Answer: Mount Isa Australia
296. River Skeena flows through:
313. The biggest palace in the world is:
Answer: North America
Answer: Vatican (Italy)
297. River Darling flows through:
314. The biggest cinema house in the
Answer: Australia
world is:
298. Red river is present in:
Answer: Roxy, New York
Answer: USA
315. The biggest flower of the world is:
299. Oxus River is flowing between:
Answer: Rafflesia (Java)
Answer: Afghanistan and Tajikistan
316. The biggest dam of the world is:
300. Yangtze kiang river is located:
Answer: Three Gorges (China)
Answer: China
317. The biggest flower in the universe is:
301. Which is the largest river of Asia?
Answer: Rafflesia Arnoldii
Answer: Yangtze kiang
318. The biggest clock in the world is:
302. Which is the largest river Africa?
Answer: Big Ben ( London)
Answer: Nile
319. The biggest park in the world is:
303. Thames is a famous river of:
Answer: Green Land’s National Park
Answer: UK

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320. The biggest restaurants chain is: 335. The smallest land animal in the
Answer: McDonalds world is:
321. The biggest airport in the world at Answer: Etruscan Shrew
Dallas is situated in: 336. The smallest animal in the world is:
Answer: U.S.A Answer: Tardigrade
322. Which animal has the biggest eyes of 337. The smallest animal in Holy Quran
any living creature? is:
Answer: Horse Answer: Mosquito
323. Grand Central Terminal, Park 338. World’s smallest Islamic state by
Avenue, New York is the world's: area is:
Answer: Largest railway station Answer: Maldives
324. The largest ocean of the world is: 339. Smallest bone in human body is:
Answer: Pacific Answer: Stapes or Stirrup
325. The largest peninsula in the world is:
Answer: Arabia
World’s Oldest
340. The oldest university of the world is:
World’s Smallest Answer: Bologna University
326. The smallest country in the world is: 341. The oldest religion of the world is:
Answer: Vatican City Answer: Hinduism
327. The smallest bird in the world is: 342. The oldest news agency of the world
Answer: Humming Bird is:
328. The smallest sea of the world is: Answer: AFP
Answer: Baltic Sea 343. The oldest flag of the world is:
329. The smallest planet in solar system Answer: Denmark
is: 344. The oldest anthem of the world is:
Answer: Mercury Answer: Japan
330. The smallest continent of the world 345. The oldest monarchy of the world is:
is: Answer: Japan
Answer: Australia 346. The oldest parliament of the world
331. The smallest republic in the world is: is:
Answer: Nauru Answer: Iceland
332. The smallest river in the world is: 347. The oldest airline of the world is:
Answer: Roe River Answer: KLM
333. The smallest Island in the world is: 348. The oldest city of the world is:
Answer: Bishops Rock Answer: Damascus
334. The smallest desert in the world is:
Answer: Carcross Desert
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349. The oldest democracy of the world 364. The world’s longest Road Tunnel is
is: Laedal Tunnel is:
Answer: UK Answer: Norway (24.51 km long)
350. What is the oldest known science? 365. The world’s longest Railway
Answer: Astronomy Platform :
351. The oldest civilization of the world Answer: Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh,
is: India)
Answer: Sumerian 366. The world’s longest Ship Canal is:
Answer: St. Laurence Seaway (USA
and Canada)
World’s Longest
367. The world’s longest River Dam is:
352. Longest canal in the world is:
Answer: Hirakud Dam, Odisha, India
Answer: Grand Canal of China
368. The world’s longest Mountain
353. Longest railway line in the world is:
Range is:
Answer: Trans Siberian Railway
Answer: Andes (South America, Length
354. The longest rail tunnel in the world
= 5500m)
369. The world’s longest Wall is:
Answer: Seikan (Japan)
Answer: Wall of China
355. The longest river in the world is:
Answer: Nile
356. The longest mountain range in the Longest Contruction Records
world is: 370. Which Country build world’s longest
Answer: Andes sea bridge?
357. Longest day on the earth is: Answer: China
Answer: 21 June 371. Which country has opened world's
358. The longest river in the Asia is: longest glass-bottomed bridge?
Answer: Yangtze Country Answer: Vietnam
359. The longest Coastline in the world is: 372. Which country built world’s largest
Answer: Canada data center radio telescope?
360. The longest cave of the world is: Answer: China
Answer: Mammoth Cave 373. Which country built World's largest
361. The longest strait in the world is: solar park?
Answer: Strait of Malacca Answer: Singapore
362. The longest street in the world is: 374. Which country Built World's the first
Answer: Yonge Street, Canada ‘Bitcoin City'?
363. The longest Bridge in the world: Answer: El Salvador
Answer: Danyang–Kunshan Grand
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375. Which country is going to build the 386. Who is the youngest Nobel Laureate
world’s the first floating city? from Pakistan?
Answer: South Korea Answer: Malala Yousafzai
376. Which Country has built the world’s 387. The youngest “Foreign Minister” of
Longest Cantilever? Pakistan?
Answer: Dubai Answer: Bilawal Zardari
377. Which country built world's largest 388. Who is the youngest chairman senate
air purifier? of Pakistan?
Answer: China Answer: Sadiq Sanjrani
378. Which Country built the World’s 389. Which is the youngest mountain
tallest Timber tower “Mjos Tower”? range on the earth?
Answer: Norway Answer: Himalayas
390. The youngest Pakistani female
Aerospace Engineer?
Youngest in the world
Answer: Arooba Faridi
379. The youngest person to ever win a
Nobel Prize?
Answer: William Lawrence Bragg Hottest in the World
380. Who is the youngest person to climb 391. The hottest continent on the earth is:
Mount Everest? Answer: Africa
Answer: Malavath Purna 392. The hottest desert of the world is:
381. The youngest person to win an Answer: Sahara Desert
Olympic gold medal? 393. The hottest place in the world is:
Answer: Marjorie Gestring Answer: Azizia, Libya
382. Who is the youngest person to 394. The hottest planet of solar system is:
become a billionaire? Answer: Venus
Answer: Jung-Youn 395. The warmest ocean in the world is:
383. The youngest person to win Answer: Indian Ocean
Academy Award for Best Actor? 396. The hottest Drink on Earth is:
Answer: Adrien Brody Answer: Vato Loco
384. The youngest recipient of Nishan-i- 397. The hottest layer of atmosphere is:
Haider? Answer: Thermosphere
Answer: Rashid Minhas 398. The hottest lake of the world is:
385. Youngest Prime Minister of Pakistan Answer: Frying Pan Lake
was: 399. The hottest known star is:
Answer: Benazir Bhutto Answer: WR 102
400. The hottest gas on Earth is:
Answer: Argon
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401. The hottest part of Earth is: 414. Where is the world’s largest gold
Answer: The core depository?
402. The hottest natural thing on Earth is: Answer: Federal reserve bank Manhattan
Answer: Lava
403. The hottest place in Pakistan is:
Strongest in the World
Answer: Jacobabad
415. The strongest currency in the world?
Answer: Kuwaiti dinar
Largest 416. The strongest passport in the world?
404. What is the world’s largest food Answer: Japan
company? 417. The strongest army of the world?
Answer: Nestle Answer: USA
405. What county has the largest army in 418. The strongest metal of the world?
the world? Answer: Tungsten
Answer: China 419. The strongest nation on earth?
406. What is the world’s largest herb? Answer: USA
Answer: Banana 420. The strongest economy in the world?
407. What is the world’s largest airline? Answer: United States
Answer: Aeroflot 421. The strongest acid of the world?
408. Where is the largest church in the Answer: Fluoroantimonic
world Vatican in? 422. The world’s strongest Military
Answer: Rome Alliance?
409. Which country has the largest Answer: NATO
Orthodox Church? 423. The magnitude of strongest
Answer: Russia earthquake?
410. Proportionately which creature has Answer: 9.5
the largest brain? 424. The strongest antibiotic ever created?
Answer: The Ant Answer: Vancomycin 3.0
411. What is the world’s largest living
National Flags of Different Countries
Answer: Blue Whale
425. Which country has the oldest flag of
412. Which is the largest fishing ground
the world?
in the world?
Answer: Denmark
Answer: North sea
426. The Union Jack is the flag of which
413. What is the largest environmental
organization in the world?
Answer: UK
Answer: Greenpeace

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427. A shipwreck image is on which 439. What colours is the flag of the
country’s flag? United Nations?
Answer: Bermuda Answer: Blue & White
428. Which country’s flag is different on
each side?
Common Things in the World
Answer: Paraguay
440. What is the common symbol on flags
429. The world’s only non-quadrilateral
of the world?
flag is:
Answer: Star
Answer: Nepali flag
441. What's most commonly used
430. Which country has the largest flag in
password on computer systems?
the world?
Answer: Password
Answer: Brazil
442. The most common name in the world
431. What is the most common color on
world flags?
Answer: Muhammad
Answer: Red
443. What is the most common fear
432. What is the rarest color on national
people have?
Answer: Public Speaking
Answer: Purple
444. What is the most common disease in
433. The Irish flag is often confused with:
the world?
Answer: Ivory Coast
Answer: Dental
434. Australian flag is often confused
445. What is the most commonly
prosecuted illegal act?
Answer: New Zealand
Answer: Speeding
435. Which country has the most colors
446. What is the second most common
on its flag?
international crime?
Answer: Belize
Answer: Art theft
436. Which country’s flag has an image
447. What is the most common item
of a country?
traded internationally?
Answer: Cyprus
Answer: Petroleum and its by products
437. How many stars are on the Chinese
448. What is the most common name
given to girls in USA?
Answer: Five
Answer: Ashley
438. What symbols are on the flag of the
449. What common word comes from the
Latin for who are you?
Answer: Hammer & Sickle
Answer: Quiz

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450. Most common English word in the 461. The first country to introduce
world? universal suffrage for women?
Answer: The Answer: New Zealand
462. The first country to introduce the
concept of public education?
The First Introduced Items by Different
Answer: Germany
463. The first country the first to
451. The first country to introduce old age
introduce the Internet?
Answer: United States
Answer: Germany
464. The first country to introduce
452. The first country to introduce paper
concept of national parks?
Answer: United States
Answer: China
453. The first country to introduce 8-hour
work day? Maximum in the world
Answer: Denmark 465. Which country has the maximum
454. The first country to introduce soccer number of neighbors?
in Europe? Answer: China
Answer: Switzerland 466. Which country has the maximum
455. The first country to introduce number of universities?
supersonic transport aircraft? Answer: India
Answer: Russia 467. Which country has the maximum
456. The first country to introduce nuclear number of time zones?
weapons? Answer: France
Answer: USA 468. The maximum number of Nobel
457. The first country to introduce license Prize winners are from?
plates? Answer: USA
Answer: France 469. The maximum number of lakes are
458. The first country to introduce the located in:
concept of democracy? Answer: Canada
Answer: Greece 470. The maximum number of islands are
459. The first country to introduce the located in:
decimal number system? Answer: Indonesia
Answer: India 471. The maximum suffered country in
460. The first country to introduce the World War II is:
printing press? Answer: Japan
Answer: China

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472. Which Planet has maximum number 484. Indonesia is a country with around__
of moons? islands.
Answer: Jupiter Answer: 13,000
473. Which planet has maximum number 485. Largest island in the Indian ocean is:
of satellites? Answer: Madagascar
Answer: Saturn 486. The largest island in the
474. Which species is in maximum Mediterranean sea is:
number on the earth? Answer: Sicily
Answer: Insects 487. Famous Sumatra island is located in:
475. Which language has maximum Answer: Indonesia
number of letters? 488. Manora Island at the shore of:
Answer: Cambodian Answer: Arabian sea
476. The river passes through maximum 489. Baffin Island is located in which
number of countries is: country?
Answer: Danuber Answer: Canada
490. Hens and Chicken island is located
Important Islands
Answer: New Zealand
477. The largest island of the world is:
491. Indian city Mumbai consist of:
Answer: Greenland
Answer: 7 islands
478. Greenland is located in:
492. Honshu island is in:
Answer: Atlantic Ocean
Answer: North West Pacific
479. The 2nd largest island of the world
Answer: New Guinea Most in numbers in the World
480. Land of thousand Island is nick name 493. Which country in the world has most
of: neighbors?
Answer: Indonesia Answer: China (14)
481. Largest Island of Pakistan is: 494. Which country has most number of
Answer: Astola Island universities in the world?
482. How many Islands are there in Answer: India
Pakistan? 495. Which of the following country host
Answer: 12 Islands most refugees?
483. Which Island is known as Sandwich Aswer – Turkey
Island: 496. Which country contains the most
Answer: Hawaiian Island volcanoes in the world?
Aswer – Indonesia

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497. Which country has most official 509. Which language has the most words?
languages in the world? Answer: English
Answer: Bolivia (37 languages) 510. Which fruit contains the most
498. Which country is the most protein?
sanctioned country in the world? Answer: Avocado
Answer: Russia 511. Which country consumes the most
499. The most dispersed country in the coal each year?
world is: Answer: China
Answer: Maldives 512. The USA has the most rail track,
500. Country with largest coast line is: what country second?
Answer: Canada Answer: Canada
501. Which country has maximum 513. What is the most mentioned name in
airports? the Bible?
Answer: USA Answer: David, Jesus is 2nd
502. Which country has most player in the 514. Which country has the most
list of cricket hall of fame? elephants?
Answer: England Answer: Tanzania
503. Which Country is with most 515. What is the most common fear
smartphone users? people have?
Answer: China Answer: Public Speaking
516. Which country drinks the most beer?
Answer: Germany
Most or Common Things
517. Which country consumes the most
504. Which song is sung the most in the
fish per capita?
Answer: Japan
Answer: Happy Birthday
518. What word in English has the most
505. What is the most common disease in
the world?
Answer: Drunk
Answer: Dntal Caries
519. Oil is the most traded product in the
506. What word in English has the most
world what is the 2nd?
Answer: Coffee
Answer: Set
520. What is the most used expression in
507. Who is the most filmed author:
any language on earth?
Answer: Shakespeare over 300
Answer: Ok
508. Which country grows the most
521. Who has won the most Oscars?
Answer: Walt Disney
Answer: Russia

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English Language 535. Who is the most filmed author:

522. English is the official language of Answer: Shakespeare over 300
how many countries? 536. Which English name produces the
Answer: 67 most nicknames”
523. Which language has the most words? Answer: Elizabeth
Answer: English
524. The father of English poetry is:
Oceans and Seas
Answer: Geoffrey Chaucer
537. The largest ocean of the world is:
525. The only word of English contains
Answer: Pacific Ocean
all five vowels:
538. The smallest ocean of the world is:
Answer: Sequoia
Answer: Arctic Ocean
526. The most assigned book in English
539. The warmest Ocean of the world is:
Answer: Indian Ocean
Answer: Romeo and Juliet
540. The busiest ocean of the world for
527. Most of the English words begin
trade is:
Answer: Atlantic Ocean
Answer: S
541. The deepest part of the ocean is:
528. Which is the oldest word of English?
Answer: Mariana Trench
Answer: I
542. The largest sea of the world is:
529. The most commonly used letter in
Answer: South China Sea
the English is:
543. The smallest sea of the world is:
Answer: E
Answer: Baltic Sea
530. How many letters does the longest
544. The warmest sea of the world is:
word in English have?
Answer: Red Sea
Answer: 45 letters
545. The most earthquake prone zone lies
531. A new word is added to the
dictionary every:
Answer: Pacific Ocean
Answer: Two hours
546. Which ocean is known as Ring of
532. What word in English has the most
Answer: Pacific Ocean
Answer: Drunk
547. The 2nd largest ocean in the world
533. The most used expression in any
language on earth is:
Answer: Atlantic Ocean
Answer: Ok
548. Atlantic Ocean is also known as:
534. Which word in English has the most
Answer: Herring Pond
549. Bermuda Triangle is located in:
Answer: Set
Answer: Atlantic Ocean
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550. Sea whose boundaries touch 3 562. Silver River is located in which
continents is: country?
Answer: Mediterranean Answer: USA
551. Black Sea is also known as:
Answer: Euxine Sea
552. Almost 50% of total water on earth
563. The largest rainforest in the world is:
is in_.
Answer: Amazon
Answer: Pacific Ocean
564. Amazon rainforest spans over
Rivers Associated with Colors Answer: 9
553. Red River is located in which 565. The Amazon rainforest is also
country? known as the _
Answer: USA Answer: Lungs of the planet
554. Yellow River is located in which 566. Which continent has many
country? rainforest?
Answer: China Answer: South America
555. White River is located in which 567. Major Portion of Amazon rainforest
country? is situated in:
Answer: USA Answer: Brazil
556. Black River is located in which 568. The world’s largest mangrove forest
country? is:
Answer: Jamaica Answer: Sundarbans Forest
557. Blue River is located in which 569. What country is the most covered by
country? forests?
Answer: USA Answer: Surinam
558. Orange River is located in which 570. What country is the 2nd most
country? covered by forests?
Answer: South Africa Answer: Solomon Island
559. Pink River is located in which 571. What country has the largest area of
country? the forest?
Answer: Canada Answer: Russia
560. Green River is located in which 572. The first country to ban complete
country? “Deforestation” is:
Answer: USA Answer: Norway
561. Gold River is located in which 573. The color to show the trees & forest
country? in the map?
Answer: USA Answer: Green
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574. The minimum land area 588. “Dasht-e-Lut” desert is located in:
recommended for forest: Answer: Iran
Answer: 33% 589. Great Victoria Desert is located in:
575. What % of the Earth’s land is Answer: Australia
covered by forest? 590. Gobi desert is located in:
Answer: 30% Answer: Mongolia
576. Forest area in Pakistan as a 591. The Painted Desert lies in:
percentage of land is: Answer: Arizona
Answer: 4.8 %
577. Which is the oldest forest of
World’s Largest Producer
592. Largest producer of Uranium is:
Answer: Junipur
Answer: Kazakhstan
578. Which is the largest forest of
593. Largest producer of Wool is:
Answer: Australia
Answer: Changa Manga
594. Largest producer of Saffron is:
Answer: Iran
Deserts 595. Largest producer of Fertilizer is:
579. The largest desert in the world is: Answer: USA
Answer: Sahara Desert 596. Largest producer of Coal is:
580. The smallest desert in the world is: Answer: China
Answer: Carcross 597. Largest producer of Fish is:
581. The only fertile desert in the world Answer: China
is: 598. Largest producer of Copper is:
Answer: Thar Desert Answer: China
582. The world coldest desert is: 599. Largest producer of Rubber is:
Answer: Antarctic Answer: Thailand
583. The world highest cold desert is: 600. Largest producer of Rice is:
Answer: Sarfaranga Answer: China
584. The world hottest desert is: 601. Largest producer of Wheat is:
Answer: Sahara Answer: China
585. The desert lies both in India & 602. Largest producer of Silver is:
Pakistan: Answer: Mexico
Answer: Thar 603. Largest producer of Natural Gas is:
586. The continent which has not desert: Answer: Russia
Answer: Europe 604. Largest producer of Rubber is:
587. Famous Katpana desert is located in: Answer: Thailand
Answer: Baltistan
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605. Largest producer of Sugarcane is: Important Gateways

Answer: Brazil 621. Which city is called the 'Gateway to
the East'?
Answer - Beirut
Fastest in the World
622. Which city is called “gateway to
606. World’s fastest bird is
Middle East’?
Answer: Peregrine falcon
Answer - Dubai
607. World’s fastest land Animal is
623. Turkey connects which the two
Answer: Cheetah
608. World’s fastest marine animal is
Answer - Asia and Europe
Answer: Sailfish
624. Egypt connects which the two
609. World’s fastest shark is
Answer: shortfin mako
Answer - Asia and Africa
610. World’s fastest-sinking city is
625. Afghanistan connects which two
Answer: Jakarta
important region?
611. World’s fastest growing tree is
South Asia and Central Asia
Answer: Empress Splendor
626. Which country is called gateway of
612. World’s fastest manned aircraft is
Answer: North American X-15
Answer - Netherlands
613. World’s fastest car is
627. Gateway of invaders is:
Answer: Lamborghini
Answer - Khyber Pass
614. World’s fastest bowler is
628. Which strait is called tear gate?
Answer: Shoaib Akhtar
Answer: Bab el-Mandeb
615. World’s fastest century scorer is
629. Which city the Gateway of Pakistan?
Answer: AB de Villiers
Answer: Karachi
616. World’s fastest land snake is
630. Which city is called “Gateway of
Answer: Black mamba
617. World’s fastest super computer is
Answer: Mumbai
Answer: Frontier
631. Which country connects South,
618. World’s fastest growing economy is
Central, and West Asia?
Answer: China
Answer: Pakistan
619. World’s fastest growing religion is
Answer: Islam Famous Seaports
620. World’s fastest selling book is
632. “Shanghai” is the seaport of:
Answer: Bible
Answer: China
633. “Abadan” is the seaport of:
Answer: Iran

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634. “Alexandria” is the seaport of: 652. “Panama City” is the seaport of:
Answer: Egypt Answer: Panama
635. “Amsterdam” is the seaport of: 653. “Doha” is the seaport of:
Answer: Netherlands Answer: Qatar
636. “Aqaba” is the seaport of: 654. “Jeddah” is the seaport of:
Answer: Jordan Answer: Saudi Arabia
637. “Bandar Abbas” is the seaport of: 655. “Lattakia” is the seaport of:
Answer: Iran Answer: Syria
638. “Bin Qasim” is the seaport of: 656. “Tripoli” is the seaport of:
Answer: Pakistan Answer: Libya
639. “Bristol” is the seaport of:
Answer: England
World’s Famous Mountain
640. “Buenos Aires” is the seaport of:
657. International Mountain Day is
Answer: Argentina
observed every year on:
641. “Kolkata” is the seaport of:
Answer: 11 December
Answer: India
658. What is the theme of World’s
642. “Cardiff” is the seaport of:
Mountain day 2022?
Answer: England
Answer: Women move mountains
643. “Lisbon” is the seaport of:
659. How many peaks are there above
Answer: Portugal
8000 meters?
644. “Liverpool” is the seaport of:
Answer: 14
Answer: England
660. How many peaks are there in Nepal
645. “Manchester” is the seaport of:
above 8000 Meter?
Answer: England
Answer: 8
646. “Marseilles” is the seaport of:
661. How many peaks above 8,000 meters
Answer: Italy
are found in Pakistan?
647. “Melbourne” is the seaport of:
Answer: 5
Answer: Australia
662. Mount Everest is found in which
648. “Montreal” is the seaport of:
mountain range?
Answer: Canada
Answer: Himalaya range
649. “Mumbai” is the seaport of:
663. The The first man to reach the top of
Answer: India
Mount Everest is:
650. “Naples” is the seaport of:
Answer: Edmund Hillary
Answer: Italy
664. Who was the The first blind man to
651. “Oslo” is the seaport of:
climb Mt. Everest?
Answer: Norway
Answer: Erik Weihenmeyer

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665. Which is the highest peak of Important Architectures & Archiects

Pakistan? 678. The architect of Taj Mahal was:
Answer: K2 Answer: Ustad Ahmad Lahouri
666. Who was the first person to summit 679. The architect of Burj Khalifa was:
K2 in 1954? Answer: Adrian Smith
Answer: Lino Lacedelli 680. The architect of Faisal Mosque was:
667. Who was the first Pakistani to climb Answer: Vedat Dalokay
the K-2? 681. The architect of Eiffel Tower was:
Answer: Ashraf Aman Answer: Gustave Eiffel
668. Who became first Pakistani woman 682. The architect of “The Blue Mosque"
to climb K2? was:
Answer: Samina Baig Answer: Mehmed Ağa
669. K-2 peak is the _____ highest peak 683. The architect of Minar E Pakistan
of the World? was:
Answer: Second Answer: Murat Khan
670. What is the total height of K-2 Peak? 684. The architect of Quaid-e-Azam tomb
Answer: 8611 meter was:
671. K-2 is Also Known As: Answer: Yahya Merchant
Answer: Godwin Austin 685. The architect of Mazar e Iqbal:
672. K-2 is present in which mountains Answer: Zain yar Jang Bahadur
range? 686. The architect of painting “Mona
Answer: Karakoram Lisa” was:
673. Which Range is called Roof of the Answer: Leonardo da Vinci
World? 687. The architect of painting “Last
Answer: Pamir Plateau Super” was:
674. Which mountain peaks is called Answer: Leonardo da Vinci
Killer Mountain? 688. The architect of “Big Ben” was:
Answer: Nanga Parbat Answer: Augustus Pugin
675. What is the highest peak in the 48 689. The architect of Konark Sun Temple
contiguous U.S states? was:
Answer: Mount Whitney Answer: Narasimhadeva I
676. Which is the highest mountain peak
in Europe?
Answer: Mount Elbrus
690. Wheel is a symbol of:
677. Which is the highest mountain of
Answer: Progress
691. Owl is a symbol of:
Answer: Mt. Kilimanjaro
Answer: Wisdom
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692. Olive branch is a symbol of: Cultures

Answer: Peace 710. Punjab Culture Day is celebrated on:
693. Lotus is a symbol of: Answer: March 14
Answer: Culture & Civilization 711. Balochi Culture Day is celebrated
694. Sun is a symbol of: on:
Answer: Life Answer: March 2
695. Moon is a symbol of: 712. Pashtun Culture Day is celebrated
Answer: Mystery on:
696. Dove is a symbol of : Answer: 1st Sunday of Sept
Answer: Peace 713. Sindhi Culture Day is celebrated on:
697. Rose is a symbol of: Answer: 1st Sunday of Dec
Answer: Love 714. The oldest civilization in the world
698. Wolf is a symbol of: is:
Answer: Intelligence Answer: Mesopotamian
699. Eagle is a symbol of: 715. The literal meaning of culture is:
Answer: Strength and Freedom Answer: To cultivate something
700. Deer is a symbol of: 716. Culture is usually assumed to be:
Answer: Peace Answer: Always changing
701. Bald Eagle is a symbol of: 717. Lotus is a symbol of:
Answer: Strength and Nobility Answer: Culture & Civilization
702. Bat is a symbol of: 718. The Inca Civilization flourished in:
Answer: Good luck & Happiness Answer: South America
703. Spider is a symbol of: 719. Harappa near Sahiwal was the centre
Answer: Patience & Persistence of:
704. Tiger is a symbol of: Answer: Persian civilization
Answer: Courage 720. Moenjodaro is a 4,000-year-old city
705. Butterfly is a symbol of: of:
Answer: Hope Answer: Indus Civilization
706. Sword is a symbol of: 721. The script of Indus valley
Answer: Power Civilization?
707. Skull is a symbol of: Answer: Dravidian
Answer: Death 722. Center of Ghandhara civilization is
708. Arrow is a symbol of: in:
Answer: Direction Answer: Taxilla
709. Fox is a symbol of: 723. Mohenjodaro is located on
Answer: Cleverness & Wit the________
Answer: West of Indus River

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724. Clash of civilization is written by: 737. The biggest airline of Pakistan is:
Answer: Samuel Huntington Answer: PIA
725. S. Huntington mentioned 738. The biggest railway workshop in
__civilizations. Pakistan?
Answer: Eight Answer: Mughalpura (Lahore)
739. The largest city of Pakistan is:
Answer: Karachi
Pakistan’s Largest, Biggest, Highest,
740. The largest District of Pakistan is:
Lowest, Oldest, Tallest etc.
Answer: Chaghi
726. The biggest mosque in Pakistan is:
741. The biggest desert found in Pakistan
Answer: Faisal Mosque Islamabad
727. Tallest building of Pakistan is:
Answer: Thar
Answer: Muslim Commercial Bank
742. The highest battle field in Pakistan
Building (Karachi)
728. Oldest forest of Pakistan is:
Answer: Siachin Glacier
Answer: Janipur (Found between
743. The hottest place in Pakistan is:
Loralai And Ziarat
Answer: Jacobabad
729. Longest Motorway in Pakistan is:
744. The biggest airport of Pakistan is:
Answer: M-8
Answer: Quaid-e-Azam Airport Karachi
730. Biggest Hockey Stadium of Pakistan
745. The biggest Commercial Bank of
Pakistan is:
Answer: National Hockey Stadium
Answer: Habib Bank Limited
746. The oldest airline of Pakistan is:
731. Biggest industry of Pakistan is:
Answer: Orient Airline
Answer: Textile
747. The oldest private Airline of
732. Where the biggest Salt Mine located
Pakistan is:
in Pakistan?
Answer: Hajvery Airline
Answer: Jhelum
748. The largest & longest river is:
733. The Largest Oil refinery is:
Answer: Indus (2896 Km) 1800 miles
Answer: Pak-Arab Oil Refinery
749. The biggest man-made lake found in
734. The biggest industrial unit in public
Pakistan is:
sector is:
Answer: Keenjhar Lake (Thatha)
Answer: Pakistan Steel Mills
750. The biggest natural lake in Pakistan
735. The biggest province by population
Answer: Manchar Lake (Dadu)
Answer: Punjab
751. Pakistan’s largest Stock Exchange is:
736. Biggest library in Pakistan is:
Answer: Karachi Stock Exchange
Answer: Punjab Library
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752. The highest pass in Pakistan is: 764. The oldest Pakistani TV Station in
Answer: Khunjerab Pass (6000 meters) located in:
753. The biggest Gas field in Pakistan is: Answer: Lahore
Answer: Sui Gas field 765. Largest Trade partner of Pakistan is:
754. The biggest hydroelectric power Answer: USA
station is: 766. The lowest point below the sea level
Answer: Tarbela Dam in Pakistan_?
755. The largest jungle of Pakistan is: Answer: Arabian Ocean
Answer: Changa Manga 767. The biggest Thermal power station
756. The highest military award in founded in-
Pakistan is: Answer: Pakistan Kot Addou
Answer: Nishan-e-Haider 768. The biggest export item in Pakistan
757. The highest civil award is: is:
Answer: Nishan-e- Pakistan Answer: Textile (Cotton)
758. The tallest minaret in Pakistan is: 769. The highest rainfall area of Pakistan
Answer: Four minarets of Shah Faisal is:
Mosque with a height of 286 feet each. Answer: Murree
759. The tallest mountain pass in Pakistan 770. The largest min excavated in
is: Pakistan is:
Answer: Muztagh Pass (Nothern Areas) Answer: Salt Mines Khewra
height 19,030 feet 771. The largest stadium of athletics of
760. The Tallest Mountain Peak in Pakistan:
Pakistan is: Answer: Islamabad
Answer: K-2 (Karakoram) height 772. The highest population density rate
28,269 feet in Pakistan is:
761. The tallest railway station Pakistan Answer: Islamabad
is: 773. The lowest population density rate in
Answer: Khan Mehtarzai (height 2,221 Pakistan is:
feet) Answer: Chaghi district
762. The The first coin of Pakistan was 774. Largest seaport of Pakistan_____?
designed by: Answer: Karachi
Answer: Brandley 775. The largest radio station in Pakistan
763. The area lowest rainfall in Pakistan is:
is: Answer: Islamabad
Answer: Nokkundi 776. The highest radio station in Pakistan
Answer: Gilgit

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777. The longest road in Pakistan is: 792. The coldest place in Pakistan is:
Answer: Pakistan Highway Answer: Skardu
778. The largest Division of Pakistan is: 793. The highest dam in Pakistan is:
Answer: Kalat Answer: Mangla Dam
779. The smallest division of Pakistan is: 794. The highest glacier of Pakistan is:
Answer: Karachi Answer: Siachen
780. The shortest river of Pakistan is: 795. The longest glacier of Pakistan is:
Answer: Ravi River Answer: Siachen
781. The largest Canal of Pakistan is: 796. The largest Island of Pakistan is:
Answer: Llovd Barrage Canal Answer: Manora
782. The largest Hospital in Pakistan is: 797. The oldest Barrage of Pakistan is:
Answer: Nishtar Hospital Answer: Sukkur Barrage (1932)
783. The largest mausoleum in Pakistan 798. The biggest Barrage of Pakistan is:
is: Answer: Sukkur Barrage (1932)
Answer: Quaid-e-Azam Tomb, Karachi 799. The The first constructed barrage of
784. The largest circulating Daily Pakistan is:
Newspaper of Pakistan is: Answer: Sukkur Barrage
Answer: Jang 800. The highest mountain peak of
785. The largest circulating English Daily Pakistan is:
Newspaper of Pakistan is: Answer: K-2 (8611 meter or 28251)
Answer: Daily News 801. The highest railway station of
786. The biggest park in Pakistan is: Pakistan is:
Answer: Ayub National Park Answer: Khan Mehtarzai
787. The largest Dam in Pakistan is: 802. The highest road in Pakistan is:
Answer: Terbela Dam Answer: Sharah-e-Karakorm (Sharah
788. The largest Earth filled Dam in Resham)
Pakistan is: 803. The oldest news agency of Pakistan
Answer: Terbela Dam is:
789. The oldest Nuclear reactor of Answer: APP (Associate Press of
Pakistan is: Pakistan)
Answer: Karachi Nuclear Power Plant 804. The The first news agency of
(1972) Pakistan is:
790. The biggest fort of Pakistan is: Answer: APP
Answer: Rani Kot Fort (Haiderabad) 805. The biggest cricket stadium of
791. The oldest fort of Pakistan is: Pakistan is:
Answer: Daraward Fort Answer: National Stadium Karachi

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806. The largest shipping company of 819. Which news agency launched the
Pakistan is: world's first artificial intelligence news
Answer: Pakistan national Shipping anchor in 2018?
Corporation Answer: Xinhua
807. The largest university of Pakistan is: 820. News Agencies of the World
Answer: Punjab University BELGA is the news agency of:
808. The largest (biggest) province by Answer: Belgium
area is: 821. AGI is the news agency of which
Answer: Balochistan country?
Answer: Africa Italy
822. AFP is the international news agency
News Agencies
809. The oldest news agency of Pakistan
Answer: France
823. Notimex is the news agency of:
Answer: APP (Associate Press of
Answer: Mexico
824. PNA is the news agency of:
810. The first news agency of Pakistan is:
Answer: Philippines
Answer: APP
825. SANA is the news agency of which
811. Reuters is the famous news agency
Answer: Syria
Answer: Britain
826. SABA is the news agency of:
812. BBC is a news agency of?
Answer: Yemen
Answer: UK
827. SAPA is the news agency of:
813. IRNA is a news agency of:
Answer: South Africa
Answer: Iran
828. JANA is the news agency of which
814. Ziana is news agency of:
Answer: Zimbabwe
Answer: Libya
815. WAFA is news agency of:
829. AP is a non-profit news agency of:
Answer: Palestine
Answer: US
816. Interfax & TASS are the news
830. MAP is the news agency of:
agency of:
Answer: Morocco
Answer: Russia
831. KYODO NEWS is the leading news
817. Xinhua News Agency is the main
agency in:
news agency of:
Answer: Japan
Answer: Korea China
832. CNS is second largest state-owned
818. News agency PTI belongs to which
news agency in:
Answer: Hong Kong, China
Answer: India
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833. KCNA is the news agency of: 847. ANTARA is the news agency of:
Answer: North Korea Answer: Indonesia
834. WAFA is the news agency of:
Palestine Important Treaties
835. AGERPRES is the national news 848. Treaty of Hudaybiyyah was signed
agency of which country? in:
Answer: Romania Answer: 628
836. Which is the news agency of 849. Treaty of Westphalia was signed in:
Bangladesh? Answer: 1648
Answer: BSS 850. Treaty of Vienna was signed in:
837. Which country's news agency is Answer: 1815
known as Antara? 851. Treaty of Versailles was signed on:
Answer: Indonesia Answer: 1919
838. Bakhtar News Agency is the official 852. Treaty of Sevres was signed in:
state news agency of: Answer: 1920
Answer: Afghanistan 853. The North Atlantic Treaty was
839. TAP is the news agency of which signed in:
country? Answer: 1949
Answer: Tunisa 854. Treaty of Paris was signed in:
840. Anatolia Agency (AA) is an agency Answer: 1783
of which country? 855. Indus Waters Treaty was signed in:
Answer: Turkey Answer: 1960
841. The oldest news agency in the world 856. NPT was entered into force in :
is? Answer: 1970
Answer: AFP 857. Camp David Accord was concluded
842. AFP is the news agency of: in:
Answer: France Answer: 1978
843. ITAR-TASS is the news agency of 858. The Open Skies Treaty was signed
which country in:
Answer: Russia Answer: 1992
844. WAFA is the news agency of:
Answer: Palestine
845. SANA is the news agency of: Important Parliaments of Different
Answer: Syria Countries
846. Saba is the news agency of: 859. The lower house of the Indian
Answer: Yemen Parliament is known as:
Answer: Lok Sabha

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860. The upper house of the Indian 873. What is the name of Israel’s
Parliament is known as: Parliament?
Answer: The Rajya Sabha Answer: KNESSET
861. What is the name of Chinese 874. The name of the Parliament of Japan
parliament? is:
Answer: National People’s Congress Answer: Diet
862. Iranian parliament is also called:
Answer: Majlis or The Islamic
Official Residences of Heads of Different
consultative assembly
863. British Parliament is also called the :
875. The residence of the President of
Answer: Mother parliament
United States is:
864. In British Parliament, The Senate is
Answer: White house
also called:
876. The residence of the president of
Answer: House of Lords
France is:
865. Which country has its parliament
Answer: Elysee Palace
named as “National congress”?
877. The residence of the British Prime
Ans. Argentina , Brazil, Bolivia
Minister is:
Answer: Downing Street
866. The parliament of Pakistan is known
878. The residence of the PM of Sri
Lanka is:
Answer: Majlis-e-Shoora
Answer: Temple Trees
867. What is the name of Turkey’s
879. The residence of the P M of Japan is:
Answer: Sōri Daijin Kantei
Answer: Grand National Assembly of
880. The residence of the President of
Russia is:
868. The name of the parliament of Japan
Answer: The Kremlin
881. The residence of the President of
Answer: Diet
India is:
869. Which country's parliament is called
Answer: Rashtrapati Bhavan
882. The residence of President of Turkey
Answer: Russia✓
870. Name of the Germany parliament is: Answer: Presidential Complex
Answer: Bundestag 883. The residence of the president of
871. Riksdag” is the parliament of: Pakistan is:
Answer: Sweden Answer: Aiwan-e-Sadr
872. Name of the Iceland parliament is:
Answer: Alpingi (Assembley of all)
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884. The residence of the President of 898. Afghanistan is known as:

Kyrgyzstan is: Answer: Graveyard of Empires
Answer: White House 899. Egypt is known as:
885. The residence of the President of Answer: The Gift of the Nile
Canada is: 900. South Africa is known as:
Answer: 24 Sussex Drive Answer: Rainbow Nation
886. The residence of Queen of England 901. Canada is known as:
is: Answer: The Great White North
Answer: Buckingham Palace 902. Chile is known as:
887. The residence of the President of Answer: Land of Poets
Singapore is: 903. USA is known as:
Answer: Istana Answer: Uncle Sam
888. The residence of the President of 904. Venezuela is known as:
South Korea is: Answer: Land of Grace
Answer: Blue House 905. New Zealand is known as:
889. The residence of the President of Answer: Land of the Long White Cloud
Ukraine is: 906. Albania is known as:
Answer: Mariinsky Palace Answer: Land of the Eagles
890. The residence of King of Saudi 907. Belarus is known as:
Arabia is: Answer: The White Rus
Answer: Kasr-i-Mantra 908. England is known as:
891. The residence of King of Belgium is: Answer: Land of Hope and Glory
Answer: Castle of Laeken 909. Finland is known as:
Answer: Land of a Thousand Lakes
910. Iceland is known as:
Nick Name of Different Countries
Answer: Land of Fire and Ice
892. Bhutan is known as:
911. Italy is known as:
Answer: Land of the Thunder Dragon
Answer: the Boot
893. China is known as:
912. Switzerland is known as:
Answer: The Red Dragon
Answer: Land of Milk and Honey
894. Indonesia is known as:
913. Ukraine is known as:
Answer: The Emerald of the Equator
Answer: The Bread Basket of Europe
895. Japan is known as:
Answer: Land of the Rising Sun
896. Mongolia is known as: Games and Sports
Answer: Land of the Blue Sky 914. What is the distance of Marathon
897. Thailand is known as: Race?
Answer: Land of Smiles Answer: 26 miles 385 yards
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915. What is the width of goal post in the Governments:

game of football? Answer: Punjab
Answer: 24 Feet 928. Thomas Cup is associated with
916. Jahangir Khan is famous in which which Game:
sport? Answer: Badminton
Answer: Squash
917. How many Players are in a
Volleyball Team?
929. Which country discovered Cricket?
Answer: 6 Players
Answer: England
918. Bull’s Eye is used in which game of :
930. Who is known as the father of
Answer: Shooting
919. The length of Cricket bat
Answer: W.G Grace
931. ICC was founded in the year”:
Answer: 38
Answer: 1909
920. How many feathers in shuttle in
932. International Cricket Council (ICC)
headquarters is located in:
Answer: 16 feathers
Answer: Dubai
921. Devis Cup is associated with the
933. Which Cricket World Cup Pakistan
game of:
has won?
Answer: Tenis
Answer: 1992
922. Wellington Trophy is related to
934. Pakistan defeated England by __runs
which game?
in the final of 1992 World Cup?
Answer: Rowing
Answer: 22
923. Durand Cup is associated with the
935. Pakistan won the 1992 World Cup. It
game of:
was ___in a row of ICC World Cup.
Answer: Football
Answer: 5th
924. The Swaythling Cup is associated
936. Pakistan won the Cricket T20 World
with the game of:
Cup in________?
Answer: Table tennis
Answer: 2009
925. America Cup is associated with
937. 2023 cricket world cup will be
which sports?
hosted by __________?
Answer: Yatching
Answer: India
926. Lay Up Shot Cup is associated with
938. Pakistan is going to host Champions
which sports?
Trophy in______?
Answer: Basketball
Answer: 2025
927. JEEVIKA, is the Rural Livelihoods
939. In which country 2022 ICC men’s
project of which of the following State
T20 World Cup is scheduled to be
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played in October and November? 950. Who has taken the most wickets in
Answer: Australia Asia Cup history?
940. Who is champion of T20 World Cup Answer: Lasith Malinga (33 wickets)
2021? 951. Which country is the most successful
Answer: Australia team in Asia Cup?
941. In which year, overs in Cricket Answer: India With Seven Titles
World Cup reduced to 50 from 60? 952. Which is the second most successful
Answer: 1987 team in Asia Cup?
942. Which one of the following Answer: Sri Lanka with five
cricketers has represented two different 953. How many times have Pakistan won
countries in ICC Cricket World Cup? the Asia Cup?
Answer: Kepler Wessels Answer: Two
943. Who hold the record of taking 4 954. Asia Cup 2018 held in which
wickets in 4 consecutive balls in Cricket country?
World Cup? Answer: UAE
Answer: Lasith Malinga 955. Which team has won the Asia Cup
944. The The first ever Test match in the 2018?
history of Cricket was played between Answer: India
England and Australia in: 956. The first captain of Pakistan’s
Answer: 1877 cricket team:
945. When PCB Pakistan Cricket Board Answer: Abdul Hafeez Kardar
affiliated to ICC? 957. Pakistan cricket team The first
Answer: 28 July 1952 visited:
946. Which among the following cricketer Answer: India
is referred as “The Don”? 958. The first century was made by
Answer: Australian Cricketer Sir Donald Pakistani Player Nazar Mohammd
George Bradman against India in Lacknow in:
947. Asia Cup 2022 has been shifted from Answer: 1954
original host Sri Lanka to UAE because 959. The 15th edition of Asia Cup-2022
of: held from:
Answer: Economic and political crisis Answer: 27 Aug to 11 Sep
in Sri Lanka 960. Which nation will host Asia cup
948. The The first Asia Cup was held in: cricket in 2022?
Answer: 1984 Answer: UAE
949. Who has scored the most runs in 961. Asia Cup 2022 has been shifted from
Asia Cup history? original host Sri Lanka to UAE because
Answer: Sanath Jayasuriya (1220 runs) of:

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Answer: Economic and political crisis Fathers of Different Disciplines

in Sri Lanka 973. Who is called the Father of History?
Answer: Herodotus
974. Who is called the Father of
Distinctive Names of Cities of Pakistan
962. Punjab is known as:
Answer: Ibn Khaldun
Answer: Land of Five River
975. Who is called the father of
963. Lahore is known as:
Answer: Erastosthenes
Answer: City of Colleges
976. Who is called the father of
964. Karachi is known as:
Answer: City of light
Answer: Galileo Galilee
965. Faisalabad is known as:
977. Who is called the father of
Answer: Manchester of Pakistan
Answer: Adam Smith
966. Karachi is known as:
978. Who is called the father of Idealism?
Answer: Gateway of Pakistan
Answer: Plato
979. Who is called the Father of
967. Islamabad is known as:
Answer: Brasilia of Pakistan
Answer: Isaac Newton
980. Who is called the father of English
968. Peshawar Faisalabad is known as:
Answer: City of Textiles
Answer: G. Chaucer
981. Who is called the father of Biology?
969. Swat is known as:
Answer: Aristotle
Answer: Switzerland of Pakistan
982. Who is called the father of Internet?
Answer: Vint Cerf
970. Bradford is known as:
983. Who is called the father of
Answer: Little Pakistan
Answer: Charles Babbage
971. Khyber Pass is known as:
984. Who is called the father of
Answer: Gateway of Invaders
972. Kaghan Valley is known as:
Answer: Carolus Linnaeus
Answer: Pearl of the Himalaya
985. Who is called the father of Modern
Answer: Wilhelm Wundt

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Famous Poets Nobel Prize

986. Who is the father of Urdu poetry? 1003. The The first Nobel Prize was given
Answer: Amir Khusro in:
987. Who is the The first Poet of the Answer: 1901
Pushto? 1004. In how many fields Nobel Prize is
Answer: Amir Krore given?
988. The greatest Sufi poet of Balochi? Answer: Six
Answer: Mast Tawakali 1005. Which country awards the Nobel
989. Who is the famous Poet of Sindhi? Prize?
Answer: Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai Answer: Sweden
990. Who is the famous Poet of Punjabi? 1006. Nobel Peace Prize is given in:
Answer: Baba Farid Answer: Oslo, Norway
991. Who is the father of English poetry? 1007. The first woman to win Nobel Prize
Answer: Geoffrey Chaucer is:
992. Who is the father of Arabic poetry? Answer: Marie Curie
Answer: King Imru' al-Qais 1008. The most Nobel Prize winner
993. Who is the father of Chinese poetry? country is:
Answer: Qu Yuan Answer: USA
994. Who is the father of Persian poetry? 1009. The 2nd Most Nobel Prizes winner
Answer: Abu Abdallah Rudaki country is:
995. Who is the father of Spanish poetry? Answer: UK
Answer: Félix Rubén García 1010. Nobel Prize is awarded every year
996. Who is the father of French poetry? on:
Answer: Charles Baudelaire Answer: Dec 10
997. Who is the father of German poetry? 1011. Youngest person to win Nobel Prize?
Answer: Opitz Answer: Malala Yousafzai
998. Who is the father of Russian poetry? 1012. The first Muslim to win Nobel peace
Answer: A.Sergeyevich Pushkin prize?
999. Who is the father of Italian poetry? Answer: Anwar Sadat
Answer: Dante Alighieri 1013. The first Muslim woman to win
1000. Who is the father of Telugu poetry? Nobel Prize?
Answer: Allasani Peddana Answer: Shirin Ebadi
1001. Who is the father of Hindi poetry? 1014. The first Asian to win the Nobel
Answer: B.Harishchandra Prize:
1002. Who is the father of Bengali poetry? Answer: Rabindranath Tagore
Answer: Ishwar Chandra Gupta

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1015. What was the nationality of Alfred 1026. Which country won most FIFA
Nobel? World Cups with five times?
Answer: Swedish Answer: Brazil
1016. The The first Nobel Prize was 1027. Which country has ranked top in
awarded in: FIFA world ranking?
Answer: 1901 Answer: Brazil
1017. The Nobel Prize has been awarded in 1028. Who has become the only player to
_____ fields. score 818 goals in Football History?
Answer: 6 Answer: Cristiano Ronaldo
1018. For which of the following 1029. Which is the number one game in the
disciplines is Nobel Prize awarded in: World?
Answer: Physics and Chemistry, Answer: Soccer (Football)
Physiology or Medicine, Literature, 1030. FIFA World Cup 2022 will held in:
Peace and Economics Answer: Qatar
1019. The Nobel Peace Prize 2012 in the 1031. 2022 FIFA World Cup will begin on:
field of "Peace" was awarded to? Answer: 21 November 2022
Answer: European Union (EU) 1032. FIFA World Cup 2022 ends on:
Answer: 18 December 2022
1033. The most expensive FIFA World
Cup in history?
1020. FIFA was founded in?
Answer: 2022 FIFA World Cup
Answer: 1904
1034. Official sponsors of FIFA WC-22
1021. The 2018 FIFA World Cup was
hosted by?
Answer: QatarEnergy, Crypto, BYJU'S
Answer: Russia
1035. This will be the 1st World Cup in
1022. The 2018 FIFA World Cup was won
Answer: The Arab & Muslim country
Answer: France
1036. What is the name of the mascot of
1023. Which country was the runner-up of
World Cup 2022?
The 2018 FIFA World:
Answer: La'eeb
Answer: Croatia
1024. Pakistan Ranked _____in FIFA
world rankings. Computer
Answer: 200th out of 211 1037. Who is the father of Internet?
1025. FIFA announced will co-host the Answer: Vint Cerf
2023 Women's World Cup? 1038. The The first network that planted
Answer: Australia & New Zealand the seeds of internet was:
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1039. Which device is required for the 1051. What is meant by a dedicated
Internet connection? computer?
Answer: Modem Answer: Which is assigned one and
1040. Which is the oldest search engine of only one task
the internet? 1052. Who is the Current CEO of
Answer: WebCrawler Microsoft?
1041. Speed of internet connection is Answer: Satya Nadella
measured in: 1053. DOS stands for:
Answer: Mbps Answer: Disk Operating System
1042. The process of keeping addresses in 1054. BIOS stands for__________?
memory for future use is called? Answer: Basic Input Output system
Answer: Caching
1043. Which networking solution is
Social Networking Sites & their Founders
suitable for networking in a building?
1055. Google was founded in 1998 by:
Answer: LAN
Answer: Larry page and Sergey Brin
1044. For a small website, one needs
1056. Facebook was founded in 2004 by:
space from the:
Answer: Mark Zuckerberg.
Answer: Internet Service Provider (ISP)
1057. YouTube was founded in 2005 by:
1045. FTP stand for:
Answer: Jawed Karim & Steve Chen
Answer: File Transfer Protocol
1058. Twitter was founded in 2006 by:
1046. ________ are set of rules and
Answer: Jack Dorsey & Evan Williams
procedures to control the data
1059. WhatsApp was founded in 2009 by:
transmission over the internet?
Answer: Brian Acton & Jan Koum
Answer: Protocol
1060. Instagram was founded in 2010 by:
1047. Main protocol used in internet is?
Answer: Mike Krieger & Kevin
Answer: TCP/IP
1048. ______ Percent of the youth have
1061. Skype was founded in 2003 by:
access to the Internet in Pakistan.
Answer: Niklas Zennström & Janus
Answer: 15%
1049. How many Pakistani do not know
1062. Telegram was founded in 2013 by:
what the Internet is?
Answer: Pavel Durov & Nikolai
Answer: 69pc
1063. Wikipedia was founded in 2001 by:
1050. Human beings are referred to as
Answer: Jimmy Wales, Larry Sanger
Homosapinens, which device is called
1064. LinkedIn was founded in 2003 by:
Sillico Sapiens?
Answer: Reid Hoffman
Answer: Computer
1065. Zoom was founded in 2011 by:
Answer: Eric Yuan 2011
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Vitamins 1080. Vitamin__________ is also known

1066. Deficiency of vitamin A as Ascorbic Acid.
causes dryness of: Answer: Vitamin C
Answer: Skin and Night Blindness 1081. A ______contains more vitamin C
1067. Vitamin A is stored as Ester in: than an orange.
Answer: liver Answer: Guava
1068. Riches source of Vitamin A is: 1082. Vitamin C is also necessary
Answer: Eggs for utilization of:
1069. Vitamin A is found in: Answer: Iron
Answer: Dairy products 1083. The food which contains largest
1070. Water soluble vitamin are: amount of Vitamin C is:
Answer: B and C and all other are fat Answer: Tomato
soluble 1084. Cod liver oil contains:
1071. Vitamin B helps: Answer: Vitamin D
Answer: maintain normal appetite and 1085. Riches source of Vitamin D is:
good digestion Answer: code liver oil
1072. Vitamin B-1 is available in: 1086. Vitamin D is essential for:
Answer: yeast Answer: Calcium metabolism
1073. Vitamin B2 has what other name? 1087. Cheese contains vitamin
Answer: Riboflavin Answer: D
1074. Vitamin capable of formation of 1088. Vitamin E promotes oxygenation
blood is: and acts as
Answer: B12 Answer: Anti aging
1075. Vitamin C is a preventer of: 1089. Vitamin E is called:
Answer: infectious disease Answer: anti-aging agent
1076. Vitamin C is also called: 1090. Vitamin E helps in:
Answer: Skin food Answer: fertility process
1077. Vitamin C can easily be lost in: 1091. Vitamin E is necessary for:
Answer: Cooking and food storage Answer: Iron utilization; normal
1078. Vitamin_____ cannot be stored reproductive function
in human body. 1092. Vitamin E is for:
Answer: Vitamin C Answer: Reproduction
1079. Scurvy, arising due to deficiency of 1093. Vitamin K helps to form prothrobin
vitamin C, it is related to: (fibro gin) one of the enzymes helpful in
Answer: Gastro-intestinal disorder Answer: blood clotting
1094. Collagen is the substance that gives:
Answer: Elasticity to skin

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1095. Carbon dioxide we release comes 1110. Major component of honey is:
from: Answer: Glucose
Answer: food that we eat 1111. Three main food nutrients are:
1096. Fats are made of: Answer: carbohydrates, protein and fats
Answer: carbon, hydrogen and oxygen 1112. Meat is rich in iron we need to make:
1097. Protein found in: Answer: Blood cells
Answer: in milk is 1113. Eating of coconut increases man’s:
1098. Too much presence of the Potassium Answer: Mental faculties
salt in human blood increase the risk of: 1114. Food poisoning can result from the
Answer: Heart attack. eating of too much:
1099. Milk contains : Answer: Toadstools
Answer: lactose 1115. Celluloses are:
1100. Vitamin not stored in human body is Answer: carbohydrates
Answer: C 1116. Ascorbic acid is essential for:
1101. Deficiency of Calcium leads to: Answer: The formation of bones and
Answer: Rickets teeth
1102. Sodium is necessary of:
Answer: nervous system
Important Books and Authors
1103. Ground nut has maximum?
1117. Book “The Battle for Pakistan” is
Answer: Protein
written by:
1104. Digestion of fat in intestine is aided
Answer: Shuja Nawaz
1118. Book ”The Idea of Pakistan” is
Answer: Emulsification
written by?
1105. Hair, finger nails, hoofs, etc are
Answer: Stephen Philip Cohen
all make of:
1119. The “Emergence of Pakistan” book
Answer: Protein
is written by:
1106. Deficiency of sodium and potassium
Answer: Ch Muhammad Ali
1120. The Author of book “Pakistan: A
Answer: Muscular cramps, headache
Hard Country” is:
and diahrae
Answer: Anatol lieven
1107. Milk contains:
1121. The book” Friends not Masters” was
Answer: 80% water
written by:
1108. Deficiency of Thiamine causes:
Answer: General Ayoub Khan
Answer: Beri Beri
1122. “My Brother” book was written by:
1109. Glucose is the source of energy for:
Answer: Fatima Jinnah
Answer: Human brain
1123. The author of “Great Tragedy” is:
Answer: Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
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1124. The book “We have learnt nothing 1137. The book confession was written by:
from history” was written by? Answer: Rousseau
Answer: Asghar Khan 1138. Quaid –e-Azam Jinnah. The story of
1125. Who is the author of the a Nation is written by:
book”Struggle for Pakistan”? Answer: G.Allana
Answer: A. I.H. Qureshi 1139. Heroes and Hero-Worship was
1126. The lessons for a post pandemic written by:
world, is a recently launched book, Answer: Carlyle
written by: 1140. Foundation of Pakistan was written
Answer: Fareed Zakaria by:
1127. The book sapiens was written by Answer: Sharif-uddin Pirzada
Answer: Yuval Noah Harari 1141. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam was
1128. Book “Jinnah of Pakistan” is written written by:
by: Answer: Edward Fitzgeranld
Answer: Stanley Wolpert 1142. Gitanjali was written by?
1129. Think and Grow Rich” was written Answer: Rabindranath Tagore
by: 1143. Asrar-e-khudi is written by:
Answer: Napoleon Hill Allama Iqbal
1130. The The first published Urdu book 1144. Bal-e-Jibril is written by:
is: Answer: Allama Iqbal
Answer: 1875 Dan Majlis 1145. Bang-e-dara is written by:
1131. What author's The first novel was Answer: Allama Iqbal
Hike and the Aeroplane 1146. Javaid Nama is written by:
Answer Sinclair Lewis Answer: Allama Iqbal
1132. Who wrote David Copperfield 1147. Jawab-e-Shikwah is written by:
Answer: Charles Dickens Answer: Allama Iqbal
1133. Who wrote Arms and the Man and 1148. Payam-e-Mashriq is written by:
Man and Superman Answer: Allama Iqbal
Answer: George Bernard Shaw 1149. Zabur-e-Anjam is written by:
1134. Which English romantic poet wrote Answer: Dr. Allama Iqbal
Endymion 1150. Zarb-e-Kaleem is written by:
Answer: John Keats Answer: Dr. Allama Iqbal
1135. Shahnama-i-Islam was written by: 1151. Bostan is written by:
Answer: Hafeez Jalandri Answer: Sheikh Saadi
1136. Man who ruled India was written by: 1152. Gulistan is written by:
Answer: Philip Woodruff Answer: Sheikh Saadi

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1153. Darbar-i-Akbari is written by: 1170. National tree of Pakistan is:

Answer: Azad, Muhammad Hussain Answer: Deodar
1154. Hayat-i-Jawid is written by: 1171. National animal of Pakistan is:
Answer: Hali Answer: Markhor (a type of goat).
1155. Ktab al Shifa is written by: 1172. National emblem of Pakistan is:
Answer: Ibn Sina Answer: Crescent
1156. Mirat ul Aroos is written by: 1173. National sport of Pakistan is:
Answer: Nazir Ahmed Answer: Hockey
1157. Muqaddamah is written by: 1174. National Language of Pakistanis:
Answer: Ibn Khaldun Answer: Urdu
1158. Shaer o Shaeri is written by: 1175. National Food of Pakistanis:
Answer: Altaf Hussain Hali Answer: Nihari
1159. Mussaddas-i-Hali is written by: 1176. National Animal of Pakistan is:
Answer: Altaf Hussain Hali Answer: Markhor
1160. Naqsh-e-Faryadi is written by: 1177. National Poet of Pakistan is:
Answer: Faiz Ahmed Faiz Answer: Allama Muhammad Iqbal
1161. Tehzeeb al Ikhlaq is written by __? 1178. National Heroes of Pakistan is:
Answer: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Answer: Quaid-e-Azam, Fatima Jinnah
1162. Tafhim ul quran is written by: 1179. National Mosque of Pakistan is:
Answer: Syed Abdul ala Maudoodi Answer: Faisal Mosque
1163. Yadgar-i-Galib is written by: 1180. National Library of Pakistan is:
Answer: Hali Answer: National Library of Pakistan,
1164. Arabian Nights is written by: Islamabad
Answer: Sir Richard Buton 1181. National Mausoleum of Pakistan is:
1165. An Ideal Husband is written by: Answer: Mazar-e-Quaid
Answer: Oscar Wilde 1182. National Dress of Pakistan is :
1166. Anthony Cleopatra is written by: Answer: Shalwar Kameez
Answer: W. Shakespeare 1183. National Fruit of Pakistan is:
1167. As you like it is written by: Answer: Mango
Answer: W. Shakespeare 1184. National River of Pakistan is:
Answer: Indus River
1185. National Drink of Pakistan is
National Symbols of Pakistan
Answer: Sugarcane Juice
1168. National flower of Pakistan is:
1186. National Motto of Pakistan is:
Answer: Jasmine
Answer: Faith, Unity, Discipline
1169. National bird of Pakistan is:
1187. National Vegetable of Pakistan is:
Answer: Chakore
Answer: Lady Finger

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1188. National Mountain of Pakistan is 1201. Who was the last king of Egypt
Answer: K-2 Answer: Sah Farooq
1189. National Colour of Pakistan is: 1202. Who was the last last Fatimid caliph?
Answer: Dark Green Answer: Al-Adid
1190. National Badges of Pakistan is: 1203. Who was the last governor of
Answer: Nishan-e-Haider, Tamgha-e- undivided Punjab?
Imtiaz Answer: Sir Evan Jenkins
1191. National Aquatic Animal of Pakistan 1204. Who was the last person to die in
is: ww1?
Answer: Indus River Dolphin Answer: Henry Gunther
1205. Who was the last person to die in
Last rulers
Answer: Henry Gunther
1192. Who was the last ruler of Ottoman
1206. The Last Hindu ruler of the Sub-
continent was:
Answer: Mehmed VI
Answer: Raja Pirthavi Raj
1193. Who was the last ruler of Soviet
1207. Who was the last ruler of the Gupta
Answer: Mikhail Gorbachev
Answer: Vishnugupta
1194. Who was the last ruler of Lodi
1208. Who was the last Tsar of Russia?
Answer: Nicholas II
Answer: Ibrahim Lodi
1209. Who was the last king of the
1195. Who was the last Viceroy of India?
Bahmani Empire?
Answer: Lord Mount Batten
Answer: Kalim-Allah Shah
1196. Who was the last King of Mughal
1210. Who was the last Governor-General
of Pakistan?
Answer: Bahadur Shah Zafar
Sikandar Mirza
1197. Who was the last ruler of Ummayed
Answer: Marwan World War I
1198. Who was the last king of Rome? 1211. The WW-1 started on:
Answer: Lucius Tarquinius Superbus Answer: 28th July, 1914
1199. Who was the last Emperor of 1212. The WW-1 ended on:
France? Answer: 11th November, 1918
Answer: Napoleon III 1213. The war started with the
1200. Who was the last ruler of the assassination of:
Tughlaq dynasty? Answer: A.F Ferdinand
Answer: Nasiruddin Mahmud
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1214. WW-1 was fought between: 1229. The The first belligerent act of
Answer: Allies & Central Powers WWII:
1215. Allies powers are: Answer: Germany’s attack on Poland
UK, France, Italy, Russia 1230. The WW-II was fought between:
1216. Central powers are: Answer: Axis Powers & Allies
Answer: Germany, Austria, Ottoman 1231. Allies powers consisted of:
1217. The award given to war heroes was: Answer: UK, France, Italy, Russia
Answer: Victoria Cross 1232. Axis powers consisted of:
1218. Number of deaths of soldiers in Answer: Germany, Italy, Japan
WW-1? 1233. The first Axis Power to surrender?
Answer: 9.7 million Answer: Italy
1219. Number of deaths of Civilians in 1234. Number of deaths of soldiers in
WW-1? WW-II?
Answer: 10 million Answer: 15 million
1220. Number of wounded people in WW- 1235. Number of deaths of Civilians in
1? WW-I1?
Answer: 21 million Answer: 45 million
1221. WW-1 was won by: 1236. Number of wounded people in WW-
Answer: The Allies II?
1222. Who was blamed for WW-I? Answer: 25 million
Answer: Germany 1237. The most military deaths in WW-II
1223. Which treaty ended WW-I? from?
Answer: Treaty of Versailles Answer: Soviet Union
1224. Treaty of Versailles was signed on: 1238. Which Power won the WW-II?
Answer: 28 June 1919 Answer: Allied powers
1225. Institution, formed for peace after 1239. When did America enter the WWII?
WW-I was: Answer: December 7, 1941
Answer: League of Nations 1240. Nuclear Bomb The first used in
1226. Remembrance Day of WW-1 is on: history during
Answer: 11th November Answer: WW-II
1241. Who was the leader of the Nazis?
Answer: Hitler ✓
World War II
1227. The WW-I1 started on:
Answer: September 1, 1939 Major Military Operations in History
1228. When did WW-II end? 1242. The US operation against Taliban in
Answer: September 2, 1945 2001 is called:
Answer: Operation Enduring Freedom
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1243. The German invasion of Russia 1255. How many nuclear-weapon states are
during WW-II is called: there under the NPT?
Answer: Operation Barbarossa Answer: Five
1244. The operation of killing Osama bin 1256. How many countries have
Laden in Abbottabad was: successfully detonated nuclear weapons?
Answer: Operation Neptune Spear Answer: 9 countries
1245. The operation led by the United 1257. On which day, Hiroshima Day is
States against Iraq in 1991 was: marked by Japan every year?
Answer: Operation Desert Storm Answer: 6th August
1246. Soviet Union invasion of Manchuria 1258. The Atomic Bomb was dropped on
is known as: the city of Hiroshima on?
Answer: Operation August Storm Answer: August 6, 1945
1247. The operation to capture Saddam 1259. The Atomic Bomb was dropped on
Hussein is called: the city of Nagasaki on?
Answer: Operation Red Dawn Answer: August 9, 1945
1248. The bombardment conducted by US 1260. What was the name of atomic bomb,
in Vietnam in 1965 was: dropped on the city of Nagasaki?
Answer: Operation Rolling Thunder Answer: Fat Man
1249. Operation conducted by Turkey in 1261. What was the name of atomic bomb,
Syria against Kurd Militia? dropped on the city of Hiroshima?
Answer: Operation Peace Spring Answer: little Boy
1250. The operation launched by Pakistan 1262. How many people died in Hiroshima
in Kashmir in 1965 was: and Nagasaki?
Answer: Operation Gibraltar Answer: 90,000–146,000 people
1251. The operation launched by Allied
forces against Nazi-occupied France?
Military Strenths
Answer: Operation Overlord
1263. Which country has highest spending
1252. The US program to arm & finance
on military?
the Mujahideen in Afghanistan was:
Answer: USA
Answer: Operation Cyclone
1264. Which country has 2nd highest
spending on military?
Atom Bomb History Answer: China
1253. Who did invent atom bomb? 1265. Which country has largest number of
Answer: Hahn Otto nuclear warheads?
1254. Which was the first country to Answer: Russia
develop an atomic bomb?
Answer: The United States
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1266. Which country has 2nd large number 1278. Which is the world’s biggest arms
of nuclear warheads? company?
Answer: USA Answer: Lockheed Martin
1267. Which country is the largest arms
importer in the world?
Name of important Parliaments
Answer: India
1279. Riskdag is the name of parliament
1268. Which country is the 2nd largest arms
Answer: Swedish
Answer: Saudi Arabia
1280. What is the name of Chinese
1269. Which country is the largest arms
exporter in the world?
Answer: National people’s Congress
Answer: USA
1281. What is the name of Israel’s
1270. Which country is the 2nd largest arms
Answer: Russia
1282. Which of the following is the
1271. Which Country has the strongest
Parliament of japan?
Army in the World?
Answer: Diet
Answer: USA
1283. Duma is the name of the Assembly
1272. Which Country has the largest Army
in the World?
Answer: Russia
Answer: China
1284. The Parliament of the Malaysia is:
1273. How many nuclear-weapon states are
Answer: Dewan Rakyat
there under the NPT?
1285. Cortes Generales is the official name
Answer: Five
of the Parliament of:
1274. How many countries are declared
Answer: Spain
nuclear powers?
1286. The parliament of Pakistan is known
Answer: 9
1275. Atomic bomb was The first
Answer: Majlis-e-Shoora
successfully developed by:
1287. Name of the Iceland parliament is:
Answer: United States
Answer: Alpingi (Assembley of all)
1276. Atomic bomb was successfully
1288. Name of the Germany parliament is:
developed in:
Answer: Bundestag
Answer: 1945
1289. Parliament or House of the Nation of
1277. The World’s Second Largest
the Bangladesh also known as:
Weapons Manufacturer is?
Answer: Jatiya Sangsad
Answer: China
1290. Peoples Majlis is the Parliament of:
Answer: Maldives
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1291. Which country’s parliament is called 1304. A coalition government meAnswer:

“Mother of all Parliaments? Answer: Government formed by two or
Answer: Britain more political parties.
1292. Which countries have its parliament 1305. Hung Parliament meAnswer:
name as “National congress”? Answer: Parliament in which no single
Answer: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, party has an overall majority.
Venezuela 1306. Radical meAnswer:
Answer: One who advocates
revolutionary changes in the current
Important Terms
1293. The term Black Gold is used for:
1307. Sleeping Partner meAnswer:
Answer: Petroleum
Answer: One who has invested in
1294. The term Black Diamond is used for:
business but takes no active part in its
Answer: Coal
1295. The term Common People is used
1308. Addiction meAnswer:
Answer: Curving for certain drugs or
Answer: Hoi Polloi
1296. The term Intifada is used for:
1309. Slump meAnswer:
Answer: Uprising
Answer: Uncertainty of price.
1297. The term Mens rea is used for:
1310. Barter system meAnswer:
Answer: Exchange of good
Answer: Actual intension
1311. Inflation refers to:
1298. The term Reiwa is used for:
Answer: Free flow of the money in the
Answer: Japan’s Calendar
1299. Capital punishment meAnswer:
1312. Bounded labor meAnswer:
Answer: The death sentence or penalty
Answer: forced labor
1300. Apartheid
1313. A condominium:
Answer: Racial Segregation
Answer: The joint control of a state's
1301. Feminism:
affairs by other states.
Answer: Belief that women's
1314. Great leap forward was a:
subordination to men should end
Answer: Chinese economic programme.
1302. Bullet Vote
1315. What is Scotland Yard?
Answer: Decisive vote in counting
Answer: British criminal investigation
1303. Balance of payment:
Answer: The balance between nation’s
expenditure on imports and its receipts
from exports

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List of Phobias List of Philes

1316. Anemophobia is the fear of: 1333. A person who is loves words. A
Answer: Winds Lover of words:
1317. Musophobia is the fear of: Answer: Logophile
Answer: Rats 1334. A person who is loves languages. A
1318. Pathophobia is the Fear of: Lover of languages.
Answer: Disease Answer: Linguaphile
1319. Acrophobia is the fear of: 1335. A person who loves dogs or canines.
Answer: Heights Answer: Cynophile
1320. Ombrophobia is fear of: 1336. A person who loves old artifacts and
Answer: Rain aesthetics from the past:
1321. Arachnophobia is fear of: Answer: Retrophile
Answer: Spider 1337. A person who is fond of the cinema.
1322. Ergophobia is fear of: Answer: Cinephiles
Answer: Work 1338. A person who collect and loves
1323. Heliophobia is the fear of: book.
Answer: Sunlight Answer: Bibliophile
1324. Dendrophobia is the fear of: 1339. A person who loves of being alone.
Answer: Trees Answer: Autophile
1325. Agoraphobia is the fear of: 1340. A person who loves women.
Answer: Public Place Answer: Gynophile
1326. Achluophobia is the fear of: 1341. A person who loves men.
Answer: Darkness Answer: Androphile
1327. Claustrophobia is the fear of: 1342. A person who like cats, a cat lover.
Answer: Confined spaces Answer: Ailurophile:
1328. Aviophobia is the fear of: 1343. A person who love flowers.
Answer: flying Answer: Anthophile
1329. Algophobia is the fear of: 1344. A person who loves teddy bear.
Answer: Pain Answer: Arctophile
1330. Cibophobia is the fear of: 1345. A person who loves stars, galaxy,
Answer: Food universe, astronomy.
1331. Atephobia is the fear of: Answer: Astrophile
Answer: Imperfection 1346. A person who loves thunder and
1332. Xenophobia is the fear of: lightning.
Answer: Stranger or Foreigner Answer: Ceraunophile
1347. A person who loves sun.
Answer: Heliophile

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1348. A person who loves lakes. 1362. Dragon Air is an airline of:
Answer: Limnophile Answer: Hong Kong
1349. A Person who loves clouds are 1363. SIA is the airline of which country?
nephophile. Answer: Singapore
Answer: Nephophile 1364. Aegean Airline belongs to which
1350. A Person who loves lover of rain. country?
Answer: Pluviophile Answer: Greece
1351. Oenophiles are the persons who love 1365. SNAS Aviation is an airline of which
to drink wine. country?
Answer: Oenophile Answer: Saudi Arabia
1352. A person who loves to drink coffee. 1366. The first public airline of Pakistan
Answer: Javaphile: was:
1353. Nyctophiles are the persons who Answer: Orient Airline
love night or darkness. 1367. Which airlines is the largest and
Answer: Nyctophile National airline of Israel?
1354. A person who loves snakes. Answer: EL AL
Answer: Ophiophile 1368. “Biman” is the name of airline of:
1355. A person who loves mountain: Answer: Bangladesh
Answer: Orophile 1369. Cathy Pacific is an airline of:
1356. A person who loves moon. Answer: Hong Kong
Answer: Selenophile 1370. One-Two-Go Airlines is the airline
1357. Thalassophile are the person who of which country?
loves sea and oceans. Answer: Thailand
Answer: Thalassophile 1371. Shaheen Air Line is the airline of:
1358. A person who loves dreams. Answer: Pakistan
Answer: Oneirophile 1372. Ariana airline is an airline of:
Answer: Afghanistan
1373. Delta airline is the airline of:
Important Airlines
Answer: USA
1359. Mahan Airline belongs to which
1374. Freedom Air’ is an airlines of:
Answer: New Zealand
Answer: Iran
1375. KLM is the airline of:
1360. “Emirates Airlines” is the airline of:
Answer: Netherlands
Answer: UAE
1376. Middle East Airline belongs to
1361. Etihad Airline belongs to which
which country?
Answer: Lebanon
Answer: UAE

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1377. Olympic Airways belongs to which 1392. Queensland and Northern Territory
country? Aerial Service is the airline of:
Answer: Greece Answer: Australia
1378. “Lufthansa is the airline of: 1393. Qantas is an airline of:
Answer: Germany Answer: Australia
1379. Which of the following is Japan 1394. Ariana is airlines of which country
airline? Answer: Afghanistan
Answer: JAL
1380. EVA is the Airline of:
Long March History
Answer: Taiwan
1395. Who undertook the Long March of
1381. Hainan Airline is the airline of:
Answer: China
Answer: Chinese Communists
1382. Qantas Airways is the airline of:
1396. The Chinese Communist Party
Answer: Australia
(CCP), was founded in:
1383. Cathay Pacific is the airline of:
Answer: 1921
Answer: Hong Kong
1397. When did the Long March start?
1384. Bheman airline belongs to:
Answer: 1934
Answer: Bangladesh
1398. How many Communists were in the
1385. What is the name of Italian airline?
Long March?
Answer: Alitalia
Answer: 85,000 Communists
1386. What is the name of Sri Lankan
1399. Who was the leader of the
Communist Army during the Long
Answer: Air Lanka
1387. Which of the following is French
Answer: Mao Zedong
1400. What was the time period of the
Answer: Air France
Long March?
1388. Which of the following is Russian
Answer: Oct-1934 to Oct-1935
1401. Estimated number of miles covered
Answer: Aeroflot
by the Communist Chinese Army during
1389. Sun Airline belongs to:
the Long March
Answer: Nepal
Answer: 9,000 kilometres (5,600 mi)
1390. Silk airways is an airline of:
1402. The last dynasty which ruled China,
Answer: Singapore
before becoming Republic of China in
1391. Blue Airlines belongs to which
1912, was:
Answer: Qing Dynasty
Answer: Pakistan

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1403. Which of the following was the first Pakistani Records in Guinness Book
dynasty in China? 1412. Who became the youngest Microsoft
Answer: Xia dynasty Certified Professional (MCP) in 2005?
1404. When did Chinese Communist Party Answer: Arfa Karim
(CCP) come in power? 1413. Who was the tallest man in the world
Answer: 1949 (1982-1998) with the height of 7.8f?
1405. Which country successfully launched Answer: Alain Channa
its most powerful rocket “Long March- 1414. Who bowled a ball with highest
5B”? electronically measured speed 161.3
Answer: China Km/h?
Answer: Shoaib Akhtar
1415. Who had his name in Guinness Book
Guinness book
for producing the largest number of
1406. Which year did the first “Guinness
Qawali 125 albums?
World Records" book get published?
Answer: Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
Answer: 1955
1416. Who has his name in Guinness Book
1407. What year was the founder of the
in 1994 with highest number of audio
"Guinness World Records" murdered by
the Provisional Irish Republican Army?
Answer: Attaullah Khan Esakhelvi
Answer: 1975
1417. Jahangir Khan has won the most
1408. How many languages is the
World Championship Squash titles_
"Guinness World Records" published in?
Answer: 23
Answer: Eight
1409. How many records does the book
1418. Who became the world's youngest
itself hold?
civil judge at the age of 20 years?
Answer: 1
Answer: Muhammad Ilyas
1410. How many countries has the
1419. Who was a Pakistani physician,
"Guinness World Records" been
published a smallest Quran in Cairo in
published in?
Answer: 100
Answer: Dr. Muhammad Karim
1411. The Guinness Book of Records
broke a world record to become the
1420. Who has the world record for pulling
world's best selling book in:
the heaviest vehicle with a beard?
Answer: 1978
Answer: Mohammed Sadi, by pulling a
Truck (1700 kg)
1421. Who set a new weight lifting records
by carrying 65 kilograms (143 lb) with

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the help of a cord attached to his ear? 1433. Siachin Glacier and Biafo Glacier
Answer: Zafar Gill are located in which region?
1422. Who had made a a record for Answer: Baltistan
breaking 284 walnuts with a hand in one
Largest Reserves
Answer: Mohammad Rashid from
1434. Which country has the largest
reserves of Oil?
Answer: Venezuela
Important Glaciers 1435. Which country has the largest
1423. How many countries are in there in reserves of natural gas?
the world having glaciers? Answer: Russia
Answer: 50 1436. Which country has the largest
1424. Which continent is without glaciers? reserves of Uranium?
Answer: Australia Answer: Australia
1425. Which is the world biggest glacier? 1437. Which country has the largest
Answer: Lambert Glacier reserves of Gold?
1426. The world’s longest glacier Answer: USA
“Lambert” is located in: 1438. Which country has the largest
Answer: Antarctica reserves of Diamond?
1427. Which is the longest non-polar Answer: Russia
glacier in the world? 1439. Which country has the largest
Answer: Fedchenko, 77km reserves of Coal?
1428. Which is the second largest non- Answer: USA
polar glacier in the world? 1440. Which country has the largest
Answer: Siachin Glacier, 76km reserves of Copper?
1429. Which is the world's third longest Answer: Chile
glacier outside the Polar Regions? 1441. Which country has the largest
Answer: The Biafo Glacier reserves of Iron?
1430. Which is the smallest glacier of the Answer: Australia
world? 1442. Which country has the largest
Answer: Gem Glacier (USA) reserves of Silver?
1431. Which country has more glaciers Answer: Mexico
than almost anywhere on Earth? 1443. Which country has the largest
Answer: Pakistan reserves of Phosphorus?
1432. How much area of Mountain region Answer: Morocco
is covered by glaciers in Pakistan?
Answer: 13%
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1444. Which country has the largest 1456. The continent has the most wind
reserves of fresh water? resources?
Answer: North America Answer: Antarctica
1457. Which continent has many
Most in Number in Continents
Answer: South America
1445. Which continent has the most
1458. Which continent has the longest
Answer: Africa
Answer: Asia
1446. Which continent has the most
1459. Which continent has the most oil?
Answer: Africa
Answer: Asia
1460. Which continent has no glaciers?
1447. Which continent has most fresh
Answer: Australia
Answer: Antarctica
1448. Which continent has the most lakes? Wonders of the world
Answer: North America 1461. The The first wonder of the world
1449. Which continent has the most is:
deserts? Answer: The Pyramids of Egypt ✓
Answer: Australia 1462. Only object of earth can be seen
1450. The second most populated from moon.
continent? Answer: Great Wall of China
Answer: Europe 1463. The Great Wall of China was built
1451. Which continent has the most rivers? by:
Answer: Asia Answer: Qin Shi Huang
1452. Which is the most populated 1464. Machu Picchu was built by:
continent? Answer: Pachacutec
Answer: Asia 1465. Who made Statue of Christ the
1453. Which continent has the most Redeemer?
islands? Answer: H. de Silva Costa
Answer: Asia 1466. The Eiffel tower is located in:
1454. Which continent has the most Answer: France
diamonds? 1467. Square is situated in:
Answer: Africa Answer: Moscow
1455. Which continent has the most 1468. The leaning tower of Pisa is located
beaches? in:
Answer: Asia Answer: Italy

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1469. Statue of Liberty is located in: 1485. Qutb Minar was constructed by:
Answer: New York Answer: Humayun
1470. Statue of liberty was gifted to 1486. Agra Fort was built by:
America by: Answer: Akbar
Answer: France 1487. Sheesh Mahal was built by:
1471. Taj Mahal was built by Mughal Answer: Shah Jahan
Emperor: 1488. Wazir Khan Mosque was built by:
Answer: Shah Jahan Answer: Shah Jahan
1472. Who was the architect of Taj Mahal?
Answer: Ustad Ahmad Lahouri
Countries having maximum
1473. Pharos of Alexandria was built by:
1489. Which country has maximum
Answer: Sostratus of Cnidus
Historical Buildings and its Founders Answer: USA
1490. Which country has maximum
1474. The Taj-Mahal was built by:
Answer: Shah Jahan
Answer: USA
1475. Attock fort was constructed by:
1491. Which country has maximum
Answer: Akbar
1476. G.T Road was constructed by:
Answer: Pakistan
Answer: Sher Shah Suri
1492. Which country has maximum
1477. Lahore was built by:
Nuclear Weapons?
Answer: Akbar
Answer: Russia
1478. Bibi Ka Maqbara was built by:
1493. Which country has maximum
Answer: Aurangzeb
1479. Peacock Throne was built by:
Answer: India
Answer: Shah Jahan
1494. Which country has maximum Time
1480. Shalimar Bagh was built by:
Answer: Shah Jahan
Answer: France
1481. Badshahi Mosque was built by:
1495. Which country has maximum
Answer: Aurangzeb
1482. Alamgiri Gate was built by:
Answer: China
Answer: Aurangzeb
1496. Which country has maximum
1483. Rohtas Fort was built by:
Answer: Sher Shah Suri
Answer: China
1484. Moti Masjid of Red fort was built
1497. Which country has maximum no. of
Answer: Sher Shah
Answer: Bangladesh
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1498. Which country has maximum highest 1512. In which country there is no
Peaks? rectangular flag?
Answer: Nepal Answer: Nepal
1499. Which country has maximum no. of 1513. In which country there is no national
tube-wells? Anthem?
Answer: India Answer: Cyprus
1500. Which country has maximum 1514. In which country there is no written
universities? constitution?
Answer: India Answer: UK

Countries without Different Items Nick Name of the Countries

1501. In which country there is no river? 1515. Finland is known as:
Answer: The Vatican Answer: Land of Thousand Lakes
1502. In which country there is no capital? 1516. Indonesia is known as:
Answer: Nauru Answer: Land of Thousand Island
1503. In which country there is no snake? 1517. Algeria is known as:
Answer: New Zealand Answer: Land of Fertile Fields
1504. In which country there is no railway? 1518. Holland is known as:
Answer: Afghanistan Answer: Land of Tulips
1505. In which country there is no Jail? 1519. Canada is known as:
Answer: Netherlands Answer: Land of Snow
1506. In which country there is no PM? 1520. Mongolia is known as:
Answer: Singapore Answer: Land of Blue sky
1507. In which country there is no temple? 1521. Wales is known as:
Answer: Saudi Arab Answer: Land of songs
1508. In which country there is no Night? 1522. Norway is known as:
Answer: Norway Answer: Land of the Midnight Sun
1509. In which country there is no police? 1523. Japan is known as:
Answer: Palau Answer: Land of Rising Sun
1510. In which country there is no arm 1524. Nepal is known as:
force? Answer: Land of Mountains
Answer: Iceland 1525. Canada is known as:
1511. In which country there is no Answer: Land of Lilies
mosquitoes? 1526. Bangladesh is known as:
Answer: Iceland Answer: Land of Golden Fiber
1527. Pakistan is known as:
Answer: Land of Silver Fiber
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1528. Thailand is known as: 1545. Founder of Russia was:

Answer: Land of White Elephants Answer: Russia Peter I
1529. India is known as: 1546. Founder of Saudi Arabia was:
Answer: Land of Spices Answer: Ibn Saud
1530. South Africa is known as: 1547. Founder of Singapore was:
Answer: Land of Rainbow Answer: Lee Kuan Yew
1531. Spain is known as: 1548. Founder of UAE was:
Answer: Land of Rabbits Answer: Sheikh Zayed
1532. Lebanon is known as: 1549. Founder of Vietnam was:
Answer: Land of Milk & Honey Answer: Ho Chi Minh
1533. Palestine is known as:
Answer: Land of Prophets
Notable Travelers
1534. Bangladesh is known as:
1550. Christopher Columbus was from:
Answer: Land of Rivers
Answer: Italy
1551. Columbus discovered America in:
Founders of Some Important Countries Answer: 1492 AD
1535. Founder of Turkey was: 1552. Marco Polo was a famous:
Answer: Kamal Atatürk Answer: Traveler
1536. Founder of Pakistan was: 1553. The famous traveler “Marco Polo”
Answer: Quaid-e-Azam was from:
1537. Founder of Afghanistan was: Answer: Spain
Answer: Ahmad Shah 1554. The path Marco Polo took is now
1538. Founder of Iran was: known as:
Answer: Ruhollah Khomeini Answer: Silk Route
1539. Founder of India was: 1555. Ibn Battuta was from:
Answer: Mahatama Gandhi Answer: Tangier, Morocco
1540. Founder of America was: 1556. Ibn Battuta visited India in the reign
Answer: George Washington of:
1541. Founder of China was: Answer: Sultan M. Tughlaq
Answer: Sun Yat-sen 1557. Ibn Battuta came to India in:
1542. Founder of Bangladesh was: Answer: 1334
Answer: Mujibur Rahman 1558. The first European to reach India by
1543. Founder of Malaysia was: sea was:
Answer: Tunku Abdul Rahman Answer: Vasco da Gama
1544. Founder of Myanmar was: 1559. Vasco De Gama was a famous
Answer: Aung San traveler from:
Answer: Portugal
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1560. Vasco da Gama discovered the sea 1572. Which city is called “Little
route to India in: Pakistan'?
Answer: 1498 Answer: Bradford
1561. Who discovered “The Cape of Good 1573. Which city is called “Gateway to the
Hope”? East'?
Answer: Bartolomeu Dias Answer: Beirut
1562. The first man to set foot on all five 1574. Which city is called “City of Ghosts
continents was: & Temples'?
Answer: Captain Cooks Answer: Banaras
1563. The first person to link Europe and 1575. Which city is called "City of Golden
Asia was: Gate"?
Answer: Marco Polo Answer: San Francisco
1564. America was named after: 1576. Which city is called the “City of
Answer: Amerigo Vespucci Palaces”?
1565. The first woman to go around the Answer: Mexico City
world was: 1577. Which city is called the “Pyramid
Answer: Jeanne Baret City”?
1566. Int’l Mother Language Day is Answer: Cairo
celebrated on: 1578. Which city is called "Forbidden
Answer: February 21 City"?
Answer: Beijing
Nick Names of Cities
1579. Which city is called "City of Seven
1567. Which city is called “City of Hills"?
Mosques? Answer: Rome
Answer: Dhaka 1580. Which city is known as the “City of
1568. Which city is called “Golden City”? Light?
Answer: Johannesburg Answer: Karachi
1569. Which city is called “City of 1581. Which is called City of Sky-
Conferences”? scrapers?
Answer: Geneva Answer: New York
1570. Which city is called the City of 1582. Which is called city of spices in
Angels? kerala?
Answer: Los Angeles Answer: Kozhikode
1571. Which city is called "Port of Five
Answer: Moscow

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Hockey 1594. FIH (International Hockey

1583. 2023 Men’s FIH Hockey World Cup Federation) was founded in:
was played in India from: Answer: 1924
Answer: 13 Jan to 29 Jan
1584. Which country was the host of 2023
Important Revolutions
Hockey World Cup?
1595. The Iranian Revolution was took
Answer: India
place in:
1585. 2023 Hockey World Cup was the
Answer: 1979
___edition of world cup.
1596. The Iranian Revolution was led by:
Answer: 15th
Answer: Ruhollah Khomeini
1586. Which country has won the 15th
1597. French revolution was took place in:
Hockey World Cup title 2023?
Answer: 1789
Answer: Germany
1598. Who led the French Revolution?
1587. Which team is the runner up of
Answer: M. Robespierre/ Napoleon
Hockey World Cup 2023?
1599. Slogan of the French Revolution:
Answer: Belgium
Answer: Liberty, equality, fraternity
1588. Who was the best player of the
1600. The Chinese Revolution was took
Hockey World Cup 2023?
place in:
Answer: Best Player- Niklas Wellen;
Answer: 1911
Best Goalkeeper- Vincent Vanasch;
1601. Who was the hero of Chinese
1589. Maximum hockey world Cups won
by which country?
Answer: Mao Zedong
Answer: Pakistan
1602. Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
1590. How many times Pakistan won the
come in power?
hockey World Cup?
Answer: 1949
Answer: Four
1603. Bolshevik Revolution started in
1591. When Pakistan won the World
which country?
Hockey Cup in which year?
Answer: Russia
Answer: 1971, 1978, 1982 and 1994
1604. Bolshevik Revolution was took place
1592. Hokey World Cup is being played
after every 4 years from:
Answer: 1917
Answer: 1982
1605. The Russian revolution of 1917 was
1593. Four-time champions’ team, failed to
begin in:
qualify for Hockey WC 2023 is:
Answer: Petrograd
Answer: Pakistan
1606. The leader of the Bolshevik party
Answer: Lenin
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1607. Orange Revolution in Ukraine took 1619. Which is the Pakistan's top
place in: university in QS Rankings 2023?
Answer: 2004 Answer: NUST
1608. The American Revolution begin in:
Answer: 1775
Landlocked Countries
1609. The American Revolution was led
1620. A country or region, surrounded by
land, without a sea coast is:
Answer: George Washington
Answer: Landlocked
1621. How many countries are there
Important Universities of the World landlocked in the world?
1610. Which one is the World top ranked Answer: 44
university? 1622. Which is the largest landlocked
Answer: Oxford (UK) country in the world?
1611. The world’s 2nd top, Harvard Answer: Kazakhstan
University is in: 1623. Which is the Second Largest
Answer: United States Landlocked Country in the World?
1612. The oldest University in the World Answer: Mongolia
is: 1624. Which is the third largest landlocked
Answer: University of Bologna country in the world?
1613. United Nations University lies in: Answer: Chad
Answer: Japan 1625. How many countries are landlocked
1614. The most number of universities in in Asia continent?
the world is in: Answer: 12
Answer: India 1626. How many landlocked countries are
1615. The oldest university of Pakistan is: located in Africa continent?
Answer: University of the Punjab Answer: 16
1616. The Woman University in Pakistan 1627. How many landlocked countries are
is: there in Europe continent?
Answer: Fatima Jinnah Women Answer: 16
University, Rawalpindi 1628. Which continents have no
1617. Which city is called the City of landlocked country?
Universities? Answer: Australia, Antarctica, North
Answer: Jamshoro America
1618. When GCU got the status of 1629. Which neighbor country of Pakistan
university in: is landlocked?
Answer: 2002 Answer: Afghanistan

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1630. Which two countries are the only 1641. The The first person to reach the
“doubly landlocked” countries? South Pole:
Answer: Liechtenstein and Uzbekistan Answer: Amundsen
1642. The The first country to print book:
Answer: China
The First in World
1643. The The first country to issue paper
1631. The first person to draw the map of
Answer: China
Answer: Anaximander
1644. The The first country to commence
1632. The first person to go on both the
a competitive examination in civil
poles (North and South) was?
Answer: Roald Amundsen
Answer: China
1633. The first person the climb the Nanga
1645. The first President of the U.S.A
Answer: Hermann Buhl
Answer: George Washington
1634. Who is the first person to walk in the
1646. The first Prime Minister of Britain:
space in 1965?
Answer: Robert Walpole
Answer: Alexel Leonov
1647. The first Governor-General of the
1635. Who is the first person to step on the
United Nations:
Answer: Trygve Lie (Norway)
Answer: Neil Armstrong
1648. The first country to win the football
1636. Who was the first person the climb
World cup was:
the Nanga Parbat?
Answer: Uruguay
Answer: Hermann Buhl
1649. The first country to prepare a
1637. Who is the first person to walk in the
space in 1965?
Answer: U.S.A.
Answer: Alexel Leonov
1650. The first Governor-General of
1638. Who was the first person to reach
Mount Everest?
Answer: M. Ali Jinnah
Answer: Sherpa Tenzing, Edmund
1651. The first country to host NAM
Percival Hillary
1639. The first woman to fly to space was:
Answer: Belgrade (Yugoslavia)
Answer: Valentina Tereshkova
1652. The first European to attack India:
1640. The The first person to reach the
Answer: Alexander, The Great
North Pole:
1653. The first European to reach China:
Answer: Robert Peary
Answer: Marco Polo

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1654. The first person to fly an 1666. The first woman to climb Mount
aeroplane: Everest
Answer: Wright Brothers Mrs. Junko Tabei (Japan)
1655. The first person to sail around the 1667. The first woman cosmonaut of the
world: world
Answer: Magellan Answer: Tereshkova (Russia)
1656. The first country to send a man to the 1668. The first woman President of the
moon: U.N. General Assembly:
Answer: U.S.A. Answer: Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
1657. The first country to launch Artificial 1669. The first man to fly into space:
satellite in the space Answer: Yuri Gagarin (Russia)
Answer: Russia 1670. The first batsman to score three test
1658. The first country to host the modern century in three successive tests on
Olympics: debut:
Answer: Greece Answer: Mohd. Azharuddin
1659. The first city on which the atom 1671. The first man to have climbed Mount
bomb was dropped: Everest Twice
Answer: Hiroshima (Japan) Answer: Nawang Gombu
1660. The first person to land on the 1672. The The first U.S. President to
moon resign Presidency
Answer: Neil Armstrong followed by Answer: Richard Nixon
Edwin E. Aldrin
1661. The first shuttle to go in space:
First in Pakistan
Answer: Columbia
1673. The first Pakistan Postal stamp
1662. The first spacecraft to reach on Mars
issued on:
Answer: Viking—I
Answer: July 1948
1663. The first woman Prime Minister of
1674. The first DNA Test laboratory in
Answer: Margaret Thatcher
Answer: Islamabad (March, 2006)
1664. The first Muslim Prime Minister of
1675. The first martial law was imposed in
a country:
Answer: Benazir Bhutto (Pakistan)
Answer: 7 October 1958
1665. The first woman Prime Minister of a
1676. The first female gold champion in
Answer: Mrs. S. Bandamaike (Sri
Answer: Shehzadi Gulfam

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1677. The first female representative of 1689. The first woman Prime Minister in
Pakistan in the UN Pakistan?
Answer: Shaista Ikramullah Answer: Benazir Bhutto
1678. The first female deputy speaker in 1690. The first female Speaker of National
Pakistan? Assembly?
Answer: Begum Jahanara Shahnwaz Answer: Fahmeeda Mirza
1679. The first female minister of 1691. The first Finance Minister of
Population? Pakistan?
Answer: Dr. Attiya Inayatullah Answer: Ghulam Muhammd
1680. The first female Pakistani minister of 1692. The first census in Pakistan in?
finance? An: 1951
Answer: Benazir Bhutto 1693. The first natural gas reserves were
1681. The first female minister of law and discovered in Pakistan-
human rights? Answer: Sui (1952)
Answer: Shahida Jamil 1694. The first Pakistani female athlete
1682. The first female “foreign ministry who won gold medal in SAF Games?
spokesperson? Answer: Naseem Hameed
Answer: Tasleem Aslam 1695. The first railway track?
1683. The first private Airline of Pakistan? Answer: Karachi and Kotri (1861)
Answer: Hajvery Airline 1696. The first bio-gas plant was installed
1684. The first public airline of Pakistan? in:
Answer: Orient Airline Answer: 1974
1685. The first Nuclear reactor of Pakistan 1697. The first Five year plan of Pakistan:
is: Answer: (1955-1960)
Answer: Karachi nuclear power plant 1698. The first Pakistani who climbed
1972 Mount Everest?
1686. The first Speaker of Constitution Answer: Nazir Sabir (2000)
Assembly? 1699. The first Pakistani who draw
Answer: Molvi Tameez ud Din Pakistani flag in North Pole?
1687. The first Pakistani who received Answer: Numira Saleem
Nobel Prize? 1700. The first emergency was declared in
Answer: Dr. Abdus Salam (1979 in Pakistan?
Physics) Answer: July 25, 1948
1688. The first Pakistani who received 1701. The first rocket launched by
Lenin Prize? Pakistan?
Answer: Faiz Ahmad Faiz (1961) Answer: Rahbar

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1702. The first missile launched by 1714. Dalal Street in Mumbai is famous
Pakistan? for:
Answer: Hat 70 Answer: Stocks Exchange Market of
1703. The first female Governor of Mumbai
Pakistan? 1715. Elgin Street in Scotland is famous
Answer: Begum Ra’an Liaqat Ali for:
1704. The first Chief of staff of the Armed Answer: The World's Shortest Street
Forces? 1716. Harley Street in London famous for:
Answer: Tikka Khan Answer: Specialists of Medicine and
1705. The first Chief of staff of the Air Surgery
Force? 1717. Lombard Street in San Francisco is
Answer: Air Marshal Zaffar Ahmed famous for:
1706. The first Chief of staff of the Navy? Answer: World's Crookedest Street
Answer: Hafeez Ahmed 1718. La Rambla street in Barcelona is
famous for:
Answer: Busiest Street
1719. Oxford Street in London is famous
1707. Wall Street in New York is famous
Answer: Busiest Shopping Center
Answer: Stocks Exchange Market
1720. Canal Street in USA is famous for:
1708. Downing Street in England is
Answer: Widest Street
famous for:
1721. Vicolo della Virilita Street in Italy is
Answer: Residence of British PM
famous for:
1709. Broadway Street in US is famous
Answer: World’s Narrowest Street
1722. Life Show Street in Taipei is famous
Answer: Cinema Halls
1710. Fleet Street in London is famous for:
Answer: Fortune-Telling
Answer: Newspapers & Press Agencies
1711. Baldwin Street in New Zealand is
famous for: Books
Answer: World's Steepest Street 1723. World Book Day is celebrated on:
1712. Bond Street in England is famous Answer: 23 April
for: 1724. Which city is World Book Capital
Answer: Jewelry and Tailoring 2023?
1713. Yonge Street in Toronto is famous Answer: Accra (Ghana)
for: 1725. World Book Day was designated by:
Answer: World’s Longest Street Answer: UNESCO

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1726. The The first book of the world was: 1739. English is the official language of
Answer: Epic of Gilgamesh __countries?
1727. The The first revealed book was: Answer: 67
Answer: Taurat 1740. Which continent has the most
1728. The world’s The first printed book languages?
was: Answer: Asia
Answer: Diamond Sutra 1741. Which country has maximum
1729. The The first country to print book Languages?
was: Answer: India
Answer: China 1742. Which country has most official
1730. The The first published Urdu book languages?
was: Answer: Bolivia
Answer: Dan Majlis 1743. The most used expression in any
1731. The printing press was invented by: language is:
Answer: John Gutenberg Answer: Ok
1732. The The first book printed by 1744. Which language has the most words?
Gutenberg was: Answer: English
Answer: The Bible 1745. Which language has most number of
1733. The The first library of the world letters?
was located in: Answer: Cambodian
Answer: Morocco 1746. Which word in English has the most
1734. The biggest library of the world is: definitions?
Answer: Library of Congress Answer: Set
1735. The world's largest e-book library 1747. The largest English speaking country
was: is:
Answer: Z-Library Answer: USA

Languages Global Warming

1736. How many languages are spoken in 1748. Global warming also refers to as:
the world? Answer: Climate Change
Answer: 7151 1749. Result of greenhouse effect is:
1737. Language with most native speakers’ Answer: Global Warming
is: 1750. The main cause of global warming
Answer: Chinese is:
1738. Most spoken language in the world Answer: Carbon Dioxide
Answer: English
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1751. Contribution of carbon dioxide to Earthquakes

global warming is: 1763. The worst earthquake since 1939
Answer: 60% was recently hit in?
1752. The largest contributor of carbon Answer: Turkey
emissions is: 1764. The magnitude of the recent
Answer: China earthquake in Turkey was:
1753. Mainly, Ozonosphere is depleted by: Answer: 7.8
Answer: CFCs 1765. The magnitude of the world’s
1754. The Ozone Layer lies in: biggest earthquake:
Answer: Stratosphere Answer: 9.5
1755. Which ultraviolet rays is most 1766. What was the world's deadliest
dangerous? earthquakes?
Answer: UVC Answer: China (1556)
1756. In global warming, the temperature 1767. The estimated death toll in China
of: (1556) was:
Answer: Troposphere increase Answer: 830,000
1757. The main function of the earth’s 1768. Most affected country by earthquake
ozone layer is to: in Asia is:
Answer: Filter out UVs Answer: China
1758. A process, removes carbon dioxide 1769. Most affected country by earthquake
from the air: in South Asia?
Answer: Photosynthesis Answer: India
1759. Paris agreement: global warming 1770. The place of origin of an earthquake
will be decreased below: is called:
Answer: 2 °C Answer: Seismic focus
1760. The Kyoto Protocol was established 1771. Earthquakes are most frequent in the
in: zone of :
Answer: 1997 in Japan Answer: Pacific Ocean
1761. The Kyoto Protocol talks about__. 1772. The worst Earthquake in the history
Answer: Pollution of Pakistan was:
1762. Ozone hole in Antarctica is healing Answer: 2005
as result of: 1773. The magnitude of 2005 earthquake
Answer: Montreal protocol in Pakistan was:
Answer: 7.6
1774. Which area in the world witness’s
highest seismic earthquake activity in

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the world? Religions of the World - Founders, Books,

Answer: Cir-cum Pacific belt Worship Places
1775. The study of earthquake is called: 1787. The founder of Judaism was:
Answer: Seismology Answer: Moses (A.S.)
1776. Earthquake in ocean crust is called: 1788. The founder of Christianity was:
Answer: Tsunami Answer: Jesus
1777. A point on the surface of the earth 1789. The founder of Taoism was:
vertically above the focus is known as: Answer: Tao-te-Ching
Answer: Epicenter 1790. The founder of the Buddhism was:
1778. The place of origin of an earthquake Answer: Siddhartha Gautama
is called: 1791. Baba Guru Nanak is founder of:
Answer: Seismic focus Answer: Sikhism
1779. Earthquake can also cause: 1792. The founder of the Confucianism
Answer: Volcanic eruption was:
1780. The most affected country in Answer: Confucius
America is? 1793. Holy Quran is the sacred book of:
Answer: Mississippi Valley Answer: Muslim
1781. What is the name of instrument used 1794. The holy book of the Sikh religion
for measuring earthquake intensity? is:
Answer: Modified Mercalli Scale Answer: Guru Granth Sahib
1782. The most popular unit of measuring 1795. Vedas is the holy book of:
earthquake: Answer: Hinduism
Answer: Richter scale 1796. Torah is the religious book of:
1783. The epicenter of the earthquake is: Answer: Judaism
Answer: At ground level directly above 1797. Sacred book of Christianity is:
hypocenter Answer: Bible
1784. The Richter magnitude of earthquake 1798. “Tripitika” is a religious book of:
is determined from: Answer: Buddhism
Answer: Log of the amplitude of waves 1799. “Avesta” is a religious book of:
1785. An earthquake having a magnitude Answer: Zoroastrianism
of 6.5 on Richter is termed as: 1800. “The Lun Yu” is a sacred book of:
Answer: Strong Answer: Confucianism
1786. Which instrument is used for 1801. The place of worship of Muslim is:
recording the occurrences of the Answer: Mosque
earthquake? 1802. The place of worship of Buddhism
Answer: Seismograph is:
Answer: Stoopa

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1803. The place of worship of Hindus is: 1818. The old name of Attock was:
Answer: Temple Answer: Cambell pur
1804. The place of worship of Jews is: 1819. The old name of Faisalabad was:
Answer: Synagogues Answer: Lyallpur
1805. The place of worship of Christianity 1820. The old name of Sahiwal was:
is: Answer: Montgomery
Answer: Church 1821. The old name of Bin Qasim was:
1806. The place of worship of Sikhism is: Answer: Pepri
Answer: Gurdwara 1822. The old name of Muslim Bagh was:
1807. A sacred place for Muslims, Jews, Answer: Hindu Bagh
Christians is: 1823. The old name of Pakpatten was:
Answer: Jerusalem Answer: Ajodhan pur
1808. Golden Temple is the sacred place 1824. The old name of Islamabad was:
of: Answer: Raj Shahi
Answer: Sikhism 1825. The old name of Karachi was:
1809. Synagogue is place of worship of: Answer: Kalanchi
Answer: Judaism 1826. The old name of Lahore was:
1810. After Christianity & Islam, third Answer: Mahmood pur
biggest religion is: 1827. The old name of Gujranwala was:
Answer: Hinduism Answer: Khan Pur
1811. The religion of Persian people before 1828. The old name of Zhob was:
Islam was: Answer: Fort Sanemars
Answer: Zoroastrianism 1829. The old name of Peshawar was:
1812. Zoroastrians worship: Answer: Persha pur
Answer: Fire 1830. The old name of Swat was:
1813. Khana Kaba is scared place of: Answer: Rowdayan
Answer: Muslim

Space Exploration
Old Names of Pakistan’s Cities 1831. Int’l Day of Human Space Flight is
1814. The old name of Hyderabad was: observed on:
Answer: Neroon Kot Answer: April 12
1815. The old name of Quetta was: 1832. When did the first human space
Answer: Shal Kot flight start?
1816. The old name of Jaccoabad was: Answer: April 12, 1961
Answer: Khan Garh 1833. The first person to travel space was:
1817. The old name of Sialkot was: Answer: Yuri Gagarin
Answer: Salwan Kot
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1834. The first man to set foot on the Moon Malaria

was: 1847. When World Malaria Day is
Answer: Neil Armstrong observed?
1835. The first woman to fly in space was: Answer: 25 April
Answer: Valentina Tereshkova 1848. The first case of malaria was
1836. The first Space Agency of the world reported in:
is: Answer: 20 Aug 1897
Answer: NASA 1849. The main cause of Malaria is:
1837. The first man to orbit the earth was: Answer: Mosquito
Answer: John Geln 1850. The deadliest animals in the world is:
1838. The world's The first artificial Answer: Mosquito
satellite in space was: 1851. Malaria is a disease which effects:
Answer: Sputnik 1 Answer: Spleen
1839. The The first space station built by 1852. The germ Plasmodium was
America named as: discovered by:
Answer: Sky lab Answer: Charles Laveran
1840. The The first space satellite 1853. The first vaccine to malaria created
launched by Pakistan was: by:
Answer: Rehbar-1 Answer: Dr Edward Jenner
1841. Which creature was first sent to 1854. Mosquito that spreads malaria is:
space? Answer: Anopheles
Answer: Dog (Laika) 1855. The most dangerous type of malaria
1842. Yuri Gagarin was from which is:
country? Answer: P. Falciparum
Answer: Russia 1856. Most effected country from malaria
1843. How long did Gagarin's space is:
mission last? Answer: Nigeria
Answer: 1 hr 48 min 1857. Malaria is most commonly seen
1844. When did Neil Armstrong landed on from:
the Moon? Answer: July – September
Answer: July20,1969 1858. The reservoir of malaria is:
1845. The most powerful space telescope Answer: Man
is: 1859. The extrinsic incubation period of
Answer: James Webb Telescope malaria is:
1846. The James Webb Space Telescope Answer: 10-20 days
was launched on:
Answer: Dec, 25 2021

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1860. People die each day from malaria, as 1872. The surface of the earth covered by
per WHO? water is:
Answer: 1,600 Answer: 71 percent
1861. Trials of new vaccine begin in 1873. The percentage of the total land area
Mozambique in: of Earth is:
Answer: 2003 Answer: 29 %
1862. Best indicator to measure malaria 1874. An adult men’s bodies contain ____
prevalence? percent water.
Answer: Spleen Rate Answer: 60 %
1875. Water is also known as:
Universal Solvent
1876. An average person needs water per
1863. World water day is celebrated on:
Answer: 22 March
Answer: 3-5 liters
1864. The The first World Water Day was
1877. The country with the highest water
celebrated in:
consumption is:
Answer: 1992
Answer: China
1865. The theme of World Water Day 2023
1878. The highest water consumption per
capita is:
Answer: Accelerating change
Answer: Saudi Arabia
1866. Which country has the fresh water in
Answer: Brazil Popular Leaders
1867. The largest freshwater lake in the 1879. The founder of Islamic Republic of
world is: Iran was:
Answer: Lake Superior Answer: Ayathullah khumaini
1868. The world’s 2nd largest fresh water 1880. Ayathullah khumaini got popularity
lake is: due to the:
Answer: Lake Victoria Answer: Iranian Revolution
1869. The largest fresh Water Lake in 1881. When did Islamic Revolution occur
subcontinent is: in Iran?
Answer: Manchar Lake Answer: 1979
1870. The common use of freshwater in the 1882. The first Black President of South
world is in: Africa?
Answer: Agriculture Answer: Nelson Mandela
1871. What percentage of earth’s water is 1883. Nelson Mandela became President of
fresh water: SA in:
Answer: 3 Percent Answer: 1994
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1884. Nelson Mandela remained in prison 1896. Big Bang Theory was propounded
for? by:
Answer: 27 Years Answer: Georges Lemaitre
1885. Nelson Mandela got popularity due 1897. Theory of constructivism was given
to: by?
Answer: Anti-Apartheid Movement Answer: Alexander Wendt
1886. Who is the leader of the French 1898. Game theory was given by:
Revolution? Answer: John V. Neumann
Answer: Napoleon 1899. Law of gravitation was given by:
1887. Napoleon Bonaparte was the king of: Answer: Issac Newton
Answer: France 1900. Who came up with three laws of
1888. The Man of Destiny in European motion?
history: Answer: Issac Newton
Answer: Napoleon 1901. Theory of Social conflict was given
1889. Adolf Hitler became chancellor of by:
Germany in? Answer: Ibne Khaldun
Answer: 1933 1902. Theory of mutation was given by:
1890. “Mein Kampf “or My fight is a book Answer: Watson
of? 1903. Concept of anomie was developed
Answer: Adolf Hitler by:
1891. Which political party was associated Answer: Durkheim
with Hitler? 1904. First Atomic theory was proposed
Answer: Nazi by:
1892. Who initiated the World War II? Answer: John Dalton
Answer: Adolf Hitler 1905. Theory of Evolution was proposed
1893. Who is the president of Syria? by:
Answer: Bashar al-Assad Answer: Charles Darwin
1894. Bashar al-Assad got popularity 1906. Theory: Expanding Universe was
during the: given by:
Answer: Syrian Civil War Answer: Hubble ✓

Important Theories Most Repeated MCQs/Past Papers MCQs

1895. Theory of Relativity was proposed 1907. Which Muslim country is member of
by: NATO:
Answer: Albert Einstein Answer: Turkey

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1908. What are the total members of 1921. Famous poet of English Shakespeare
member states of UN Security Council? was born:
Answer: 15 Answer: 1564
1909. Who won Chile presidential 1922. SAARC occupied total area of the
elections in December 2021? world?
Answer: Gabriel Boric Answer: 3%
1910. Founding members of ECO:
Answer: Iran, Turkey, Pakistan 1923. The Declaration of independence of
1911. Gilgit is capital city of: the American Colonies was adopted by
Answer: Gilgit Baltistan the Constitutional Congress on July 4,
1912. The number of non-permanent 1776 at:
members of UNSC? Answer: Philadelphia
Answer: 10 1924. For how many years Mughul Kings
1913. How many member countries in ruled over India?
RECP: Answer: 331
Answer: 15 1925. The Magno Carta was signed by
1914. Which is not the member of Quad King John on:
countries? Answer: 15th June 1215
Answer: Norway 1926. Marco Polo was the famous :
1915. Who becomes the first Transgender Answer: Traveler
Doctor in Pakistan? 1927. Derawar fort is located near:
Answer: Dr. Sara Gill Answer: Bahawalpur
1916. B3W stands for 1928. The highest peak of Karakoram
Answer: “Build Back Better World” Range is:
Answer: K2
1917. Tasmania is separated front Australia 1929. The headquarters of the IMF is
by: located in:
Answer: Bass Strait Answer: Washington, D.C
1918. Ergophobia is a fear of: 1930. Nelson Mandela died on:
Answer: Work Answer: December 5, 2013
1919. The Conference of Head of States of 1931. Sick man in Europe is:
OIC is convened every: Answer: Turkey
Answer: 3 Years 1932. Land of the midnight sun is called
1920. Wall Street is famous for: for which country:
Answer: Banking, finance and stock Answer: Norway
exchange 1933. World's famous bridge "Golden
Gate" is in:
Answer: San Francisco
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1934. Which country does not have a 1947. Meteorology is:

written constitution? Answer: study of weather
Answer: United Kingdom 1948. The famous novel “Guns of
1935. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is Navarone” is authored by:
situated in: Answer: Alistair Maclean
Answer: Italy 1949. The International Court of Justice is
1936. The weight of one litter of water is : located in:
Answer: 1 kg Answer: The Hague
1937. Ayub Khan, the former President of 1950. Red Blood cells in the body carry:
Pakistan, was the author of: Answer: Oxygen
Answer: Friends not Masters 1951. A device that forms a barrier
1938. World Heritage Site is a place of between a secure and an open
special cultural or physical significance environment is:
that is listed by: Answer: Firewall
Answer: UNESCO 1952. Hryvna is the currency of which of
1939. Panama Canal is located in: country?
Answer: Central America Answer: Ukraine
1940. Japan is called the land of : 1953. Zadar is seaport of:
Answer: the rising sun Answer: Crotia
1941. The Wimbledon tennis tournament is 1954. Which country is called Land of
played on: Druk Yul?
Answer: grass Answer: Nepali
1942. The number of square feet in one 1955. Famous Wall Street is located in:
acre is: Answer: New York
Answer: 43,560 1956. 24 Parallel Line is the boundary line
1943. John Milton was famous for his: which was declared between:
Answer: Poetry Answer: Pakistan and India
1944. ICIJ is the abbreviation of: 1957. Mesopotamia is old name of:
Answer: International Consortium for Answer: Iraq
Investigative Journalists
1945. Which of the following birds cannot 1958. The The first NAM (Non-Aligned
fly? Movement) conference was held in at”
Answer: Kiwi Answer: Belgrade, Yugoslavia
1946. In common computer terminology 1959. Kate Middleton Duchess of
‘downtime’ means: Cambridge is the wife of:
Answer: time during which a system Answer: Prince William
remains out of order 1960. The Sinai Peninsula is located in:
Answer: Egypt
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1961. Headquarter of the African Union 1972. Kalabari Desert is located in:
(AU) is located in: Answer: Mozambique
Answer: Addis Ababa 1973. The “Swaythling Cup” is related to
1962. Where is the head quarter of IAEA the game of:
located? Answer: Table Tennis
Answer: Vienna 1974. "Wheel" is a symbol of:
1963. Which country is located in “Levant" Answer: Progress
region? 1975. Which of the following is a Baltic
Answer: Syria State?
1964. According to Forbes Magazine the Answer: Bulgaria
world’s most powerful man is: 1976. Maple Leaf is the national emblem
Answer: Xi Jinping of:
1965. The Prime Minister of Pakistan is: Answer: Canada
Answer: Nawaz Sharif, (Now,Shahbaz 1977. Which sea is located in Central Asia?
Sharif) Answer: Aral Sea
1966. The member of the Southeast Asia 1978. Which one is boundary line between
Treaty Organization were: Poland and Germany:
Answer: 8-Nations (US, UK, France, Answer: Hindenburgi
Australia, Pakistan, Philippines, 1979. Amnesia is related to loss of:
Thailand, New Zealand Answer: Memory
1967. In the US presidential election, 1980. Which is the language with most
where is the largest number of alphabets:
“Electoral College” is from: Answer: Cambodian
Answer: California 1981. Where is "Bridge of, No return"
1968. The agreement which provided for located:
territorial allocations as spheres of Answer: On the border of France and
Western Influence in the Middle East in Germany
case of break-up of the Ottoman Empire, 1982. Dong is the Currency of?
is known as: Answer: Myanmar
Answer: Balfour Declaration 1983. Africa Fund has been created by:
1969. The Inca Civilization flourished in: Answer: OAU
Answer: South America 1984. Name of most polluted city in the
1970. The famous book "East of Eden" Is world:
the work of: Answer: Mexico
Answer: John Steinbeck 1985. Who wrote SASSI PANU:
Answer: Hashim Shah
1971. Tegel is the international airport of:
Answer: Germany
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1986. Famous Novel Pride and Prejudice is 1999. Berbers, or Amazighs, are an ethnic
written by: group of several nations mostly
Answer: Jane Austen inhabitant of?
1987. "MANAT" is the currency of: Answer: North Africa
Answer: Turkmenistan 2000. Which from the Following Countries
1988. In which country's cricket team were is not the member of BRICS?
the famous 3 W's (Weeks, Warrol and Answer: Belgium
Walcote? 2001. The approximate Circumference of
Answer: West Indies the Earth at the equator is?
1989. Which game do you associate a Answer: 40075 km
Puck: 2002. “Siachen Glacier” is situated in?
Answer: Ice Hokey Answer: Karakorum Range
1990. Headquarters of OIC is in: 2003. Siachen dispute started in?
Answer: Jeddah Answer: 1984
1991. Father of political economy: 2004. K2 is also known as?
Answer: Adam Smith Answer: Goodwin Austin
1992. Germany attacked Poland in: 2005. The height of Nanga Parbat is?
Answer: WWII Answer: 8,126m
1993. Iran launched monkey into space in: 2006. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad All
Answer: 2013 Jinnah resigned from Congress in?
1994. How many memorandum of Answer: 1920
understanding (MOUs) was signed by 2007. The old name of Chennai is?
Pakistan and China on CPEC? Answer: Madras
Answer: 51 2008. The United Kingdom EU referendum
1995. The United Nations has how many (or the Brexit referendum) was took
observer states? place on?
Answer: 2 Answer: 23 June 2016
1996. The war between Saudi led Rebels 2009. Mamnoon Hussain was president of
and Yemeni govt. started in: Pakistan from?
Answer: March 2015 Answer: 2013-2018
1997. The Fastest test hundred was scored 2010. Tourmaline is classified as a semi-
by? precious stone and the gemstone can be
Answer: Brendon McCullum found in?
1998. Which country will host 2022 Winter Answer: Chitral
Olympics? 2011. How many articles are there in 1973
Answer: China constitution?
Answer: 280 Articles

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2012. Abdul Sattar Edhi was born in? 2026. Major power projects on river
Answer: Bantva, India Jhelum are?
2013. According to OAG the world busiest Answer: Nelum Jhelum
road is? 2027. Tarbela Dam generates electricity
Answer: Ontario Highway by?
2014. Montreal is a city of country? Answer: Turbines
Answer: Canada 2028. PSL 2018 was by was won by:
2015. Tirich Mir (peak) is located in which Answer: Islamabad United
mountain range? 2029. PSL 2018 final was played B/W?
Answer: Hindukash Answer: Peshawar Zalmi & Islamabad
2016. The old name of Japan was? 2030. Warsak Dam has been built on?
Answer: Nippon Answer: River Kabul
2017. Mirza Ghalib was born in? 2031. Mangla Dam is located on?
Answer: Agra Answer: River Jhelum
2018. Badshahi mosque is in Lahore built 2032. Simla is a resort in:
by Aurangzeb in? Answer: India
Answer: 1673 2033. Hitler party which came into power
2019. ATR42 has ____ engines? in 1933 is known as
Answer: 2 Answer: Nazi Party
2020. Pakistan imports tin and palm oil 2034. Eritrea, which became the 182nd
from? member of the UN in 1993, is in the
Answer: Malaysia continent of
2021. Pakistan detonated nuclear bombs Answer: Africa
in? 2035. The height of all 4 Minars of
Answer: Chaghi Hills Badshai Mosque are
2022. CPEC Connects Gwadar with: Answer: 177 feet
Answer: China 2036. Who made the design of Pakistan's
2023. Winter Rains are brought in Pak by? The first Stamp Ticket
Answer: Western Distributions Abdur-rehaman Chugtai
2024. New formation of Lake in Gilgit 2037. Which bay of the Atlantic, between
Baltistan due to landsldng? northern Spain and western France, is
Answer: Attabad Lake noted for its rough seas and high tides
2025. Terrorist attacks were controlled on Answer: Bay of Arizona
large scale by operation : 2038. Largest Arms Importer of the World
Answer: Zarb-E-Azab is
Answer: India

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2039. The D-8 is an organization of eight 2052. Epsom (England) is the place
___ countries. associated with
Answer: Developing Answer: Horse racing
2040. World Trade Organization was 2053. Who was the The first person to
established in: address the United Nations in Hindi:
Answer: 1995 Answer: Atal Behari Vajpayee
2041. Which country, on the map of world, 2054. The availability of cash and other
appears as "Long Shoe"? cash-like marketable instruments that are
Answer: Italy useful in purchases and investments are
2042. There are _______ members commonly known as
of SAARC. Answer: liquidity
Answer: 8 2055. When did Fatima Jinnah joined All
2043. Which country from the following is India Muslim league
NOT the member of UNO? Answer: 1939
Answer: Vatican City 2056. The first human heart transplant
2044. Which from the following countries operation conducted by Dr. Christian
is NOT a member of D-8? Bernard on Louis Washkansky, was
Answer: India conducted in
2045. Which from the following countries Answer: 1967
does NOT yeild veto-power? 2057. Which sign of the zodiac is also
Answer: Canada called The Waterbearer
2046. The first May is observed Answer: Aquarius
internationally as: 2058. Which common childhood illness
Answer: Labour Day related to shingles is also called varicella
2047. Suez Canal is between: Answer: Chickenpox
Answer: Mediterranean Sea and Red 2059. Of which Caribbean country is
Sea Montego Bay the main tourist centre
2048. The Suez Canal is in: Answer: Jamaica
Answer: Egypt 2060. The name of which Roman god
2049. The largest democratic country in means 'shining father' in Latin?
the world is: Answer: Jupiter
Answer: India 2061. Quid-e-Azam's mother tongue was:
2050. FFC stands for: Answer: Gujrati
Answer: Film Finance Corporation 2062. Which SAARC Member Country has
2051. What name is given to members of Largest Literacy Rate
the Roman Catholic Society of Jesus Answer: Sri Lanka
Answer: Jesuits

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2063. Pakistan's National Flag was 2074. The first China War was fought
prepared by between
Answer: Ameer-ud-din Qadwai Answer: China and Britain
2064. How many counters has each player 2075. Pakistan's The first coin was issued
in a game of backgammon on
Answer: 15 Answer: 3rd January 1948
2065. Which Country is the Second largest 2076. Attock fort was constructed by
Arms Exporter of the World Answer: Akbar
Answer: Russia 2077. Mancher lake situated in
2066. Which is the largest Oil Producing Answer: Jamshoro
Member Country of OPEC 2078. What are the flat, treeless plains of
Answer: Saudi Arabia Argentina called
2067. Which food item takes its name from Answer: Pampas
the French for twice cooked 2079. What name is given to the programs
Answer: Biscuit run by a computer, as opposed to the
2068. Which Country has the oldest hardware
monarchy Answer: Software
Answer: Japan 2080. The The first census was
2069. Pakistan's standard time was conducted in India 'during the reign
suggested by of:
Answer: Proffessor Muhammad Anwar Answer: Lord Mayo
2070. Golf player Vijay Singh belongs to 2081. When was the monopoly of East
which country India Company in trade brought
Answer: Fiji under the control of British crown?
2071. Guarantee to an exporter that the Answer: 1773 A.D
importer of his goods will pay 2082. When did Vasco da Gama come
immediately for the goods ordered by to India?
him, is known as Answer: 1498
Answer: Letter of Credit (L/C) 2083. Which of the following
2072. The first Afghan War took place in Englishmen was honored by Jahangir
Answer: 1839 with the title of 'Khan'?
2073. Gulf cooperation council was Answer: William Hawkins
originally formed by 2084. Which religious scholar tried to
Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi eradicate different innovations from
Arabia and United Arab Emirates the religion?
Answer: Haji Shariatullah

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2085. The The first edition of Assar- 2096. Who was the ruler of medieval
us-Sanadid appeared in: India who is credited with the
Answer: 1846 building of the grand trunk road?
2086. Sir Sycd Ahmad Khan became Answer: Sher Shah Suri
chief judge in: 2097. Supreme court of Pakistan has
Answer: 1846 declared NRO null and void and
2087. British government sold Kashmir unconstitutional and ordered to
to Gulab Singh in: reopen all cases withdrawn under
Answer: 1846 NRO with immediate effect on:
2088. East India company occupied Answer: 16th December 2009
Punjab in: 2098. What is the total length of canals
Answer: 1849 in Pakistan?
2089. The most famous court-poet (in Answer: 6429 kilometers
Hindi literature) of Akbar was: 2099. Central Asian state is enriched with
Answer: Abdur-Raim- Khan-i- the world’s largest mineral resources?
Khanan Answer: Turkmenistan
2090. sher shah was well-known for his 2100. The Church of Saint Sophia is
administrative skills, especially his: among the Seven Wonders of the World.
Answer: Land Revenue System It is situated in:
2091. After Shariatullah who made the Answer: Istanbul
fara movement strong and popular? 2101. International Committee of the
Answer: Dudhu Minn Red Cross (ICRC) headquarters is in:
2092. The mughal emperor who died to Answer: Vienna
sudden fall from the staircase was: 2102. The Famous Monroe Doctrine
Answer: Humayun was enunciated in:
2093. Who amongst the following lost Answer: 1823
his kingdom in Hindustan but 2103. The 'Ashes' cricket trophy is
retries? It after about 15 years in contested between:
exile? Answer: England and Australia
Answer: Humayun 2104. One billion is equal to how many
2094. The coin Rupia was The first million?
issued by: Answer: 1000 million
Answer: Sher Shah Suri 2105. The famous 'Han Dynasty'
2095. Who was the founder of Firaizi flourished from:
Movement? Answer: 206 B.C.–220 A.D
Answer: Haji Shariatullah

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2106. The name of which animal is an 2120. What colour is the ball worth three
Aboriginal term meaning 'no water' points in snooker?
Answer: Koala Answer: Green
2107. The Wrigley Building is located in 2121. Which two primary colours are
which US city mixed to make purple?
Answer: Chicago Answer: Red and Blue
2108. Which is known as City of 2122. The most beautiful stone-Marble is
Skyscrapers extracted from which province of
Answer: New York Pakistan?
2109. Driest place in the world is Answer: KPK
Answer: Death Valley (California) 2123. On which area of the moon did
2110. Largest Museum in the world is in: Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins make
Answer: USA their landing on 20 July 1969?
2111. World environment day is on: Answer: Sea of Tranquility
Answer: 5th June 2124. What name is more commonly given
2112. The world oldest known city is: to a tree of the genus Taxus?
Damascus Answer: Yew
2113. Hindenburg Line is in between: 2125. The longest river in Pakistan is:
Answer: Germany and Poland Answer: River Sindh
2114. The The first prime minister of 2126. In which cartoon series do the
Bangladesh was: characters Chef and Cartman appear/
Answer: Mujibur Rehman Answer: South Park
2115. Headquarter of Ghandhara 2127. In which country is the port of
civilization is in: Dieppe?
Answer: Taxilla Answer: France
2116. Which country is largest in area: 2128. What type of creature is a fulmar?
Answer: Russia Answer: A bird
2117. The largest planet is: 2129. What sort of creature is a margay?
Answer: Jupiter Answer: Cat
2118. In which country did the Rottweiler 2130. What sort of creature is a hairstreak?
originate Answer: Butterfly
Answer: Germany 2131. Who was the first president of the
2119. Which colour is produced by adding United States of America?
together yellow and cyan? Answer: George Washington
Answer: Green 2132. Which is the national flower of
Answer: Jasmine

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2133. Where is the tomb of Mughal 2145. In which year did the Titanic sink on
Emperor Jahangir its maiden voyage
Answer: Lahore Answer: 1912
2134. At which sport have Keiji, Okada 2146. Which country is the world's largest
and Yuko Hasama been world producer of coffee
champions? Answer: Brazil
Answer: Karate 2147. What are the three main languages of
2135. In which US state is the port of Switzerland
Tarpon Springs? Answer: German, French and Italian
Answer: Florida 2148. The Second largest city of Pakistan
2136. Ice cream was the first produced in is
which country in the 17th century? Answer: Lahore
Answer: Italy 2149. The large moon Miranda is a satellite
2137. The total Area of the Capital of of which planet of the solar system
Pakistan 'Islamabad' is___? Answer: Uranus
Answer: 907 sq Km 2150. Of which country is Margrethe II the
2138. What is the official language of reigning queen?
Mexico? Answer: Denmark
Answer: Spanish 2151. Mount Cook is the highest mountain
2139. In which century did the Crimean of which nation in the South Pacific?
War take place? Answer: New Zealand
Answer: 19th 2152. In which European city are the
2140. In which US state is the city of Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the
Tallahassee? Kremlin?
Answer: Florida Answer: Russia
2141. Who starred as Superman in the 2153. How many white stars are on the
1970s and 1980s film series? national flag of the USA?
Answer: Christopher Reeve Answer: 50
2142. Which is the national bird of 2154. A howdah is a seat used for riding on
Pakistan? the back of which animal
Answer: Chakor Answer: Elephant
2143. Who was the second wife of King 2155. In which US state is the city of San
Henry VIII of England Diego
Answer: Anne Boleyn Answer: California
2144. The Painted Desert lies in which US 2156. Who was the Greek goddess of war
state and wisdom
Answer: Arizona Answer: Athena

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2157. What is the world's largest living 2169. Which bird with a distinctive call
mammal? lays its eggs in the nests of other birds?
Answer: Blue Whale Answer: Cuckoo
2158. In 1976, Israeli troops stormed a 2170. Who was the The first Emperor in
hijacked plane at which Ugandan China
airport? Answer: Qin Shi Huagdi
Answer: Entebbe 2171. Which body of water separates the
2159. What is the name of the large salty North Island and South Island of New
lake which lies between Israel and Zealand?
Jordan Answer: Cook Strait
Answer: Dead Sea 2172. To which country did the Dc-10
2160. In which sport is the term belong which exploded in air over Niger
'hookcheck' often used? on September 19,1989?
Answer: Ice hockey Answer: France
2161. Gatun Lake is part of which canal? 2173. On which sea is the island of Corfu
Answer: Panama Canal situated?
2162. In US politics, who carries the Answer: Adriatic Sea
nickname 'the Veep' 2174. What was the United States largest
Answer: Vice-President single land acquisition?
2163. Which is Australia's largest city by Answer: Louisiana Purchase
population? 2175. What is the second largest desert in
Answer: Sydney the world after the Sahara desert?
2164. Which country is the most popular Answer: Arabian Desert
destination for foreign tourists? 2176. What country was Band Aid's 1984
Answer: France record produced to raise money for
2165. The Flathead Lake Monster is said to Bangladesh?
exist in which US state? Answer: Ethiopia
Answer: Montana 2177. The Olympic Games are held after
2166. Which US president was every:
assassinated by John Wilkes Booth? Answer: Four years
Answer: Abraham Lincoln 2178. For the Olympics and World
2167. What number is between five and Tournaments, the dimensions of
one on a dartboard? basketball court are:
Answer: 20 Answer: 28 m x 15 m
2168. How many squares has a 2179. What are the five colours of the
chessboard? Olympic rings?
Answer: 64

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Answer: Blue, Yellow, Black, Green 2189. During World War II, when did
and Red. Germany attack France
2180. Each year World Red Cross and Red Answer: 1940
Crescent Day is celebrated on__? 2190. In what city did James Mclamore
Answer: May 8 and David Edger ton open the first
2181. Who was the The first U.S President Burger King in 1954?
who was not from Massachusetts or Answer: Miami, Florida
Virginia 2191. DRDL stands for
Answer: Andrew Jackson Answer: Defence Research and
2182. Federation Cup, World Cup, Development Laboratory
Allywyn International Trophy and 2192. In which future U.S state did Custer
Challenge Cup are awarded to winners make his famous Last Stand?
of? Answer: Montana
Answer: Volleyball 2193. What author confessed' "My stories
2183. Famous sculptures depicting art of written when sober are stupid"
love built some time in 950 AD - 1050 Answer: F. Scott Fitzgerald
AD are: 2194. What Kansas City’s name means
Answer: Khajuraho temples 'potato' in the Kansa language?
2184. In what state is the geographic center Answer: Topeka
of the United States located 2195. Who was the first Indian Chief of
Answer: South Dakota Army Staff of the Indian Army?
2185. Fire temple is the place of worship of Answer: Gen. K.M. Cariappa
which of the following religion 2196. How tall is the pitcher's mound in
Answer: Zoroastrianism (Parsi major League Baseball?
Religion) Answer: 10 inches
2186. Who was the The first cartoonist to 2197. FRS stands for:
win a Pulitzer Prize for a comic strip Answer: Fellow of Royal Society
Answer: Garry Trudeau 2198. What device's invention was the
2187. Georgia, Uzbekistan and main reason for demise of the Pony
Turkmenistan became the members of Express?
UNO in: Answer: Telegraph
Answer: 1992 2199. During World War I Germany was
2188. Germany signed the Armistice defeated in the Battle of Verdun on the
Treaty on ____ and World War I ended? western front and Romania declared war
Answer: November 11, 1918 on the eastern front in the year
Answer: 1916 AD

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2200. What is the highest peak in the 48 2212. The Partridge Family TV show, what
contiguous U.S states? did the singing family travel in:
Answer: Mount Whitney Answer: Bus
2201. Hamid Karzai was chosen president 2213. Himalayan Mountaineering Institute
of Afghanistan in: is at
Answer: 2002 Answer: Darjeeling
2202. Durand Cup is associated with the 2214. Which position did Doug Harvey
game of play in the NHL
Answer: Football Answer: Defense man
2203. What playwright's The Glass 2215. During the first crusade, crusaders
Menagerie appeared on Broadway and reached Jerusalem and captured it in:
was made into three movies Answer: 1099 AD
Answer: Tennessee Williams 2216. Free market is
2204. The first International Peace Answer: Market where the price of a
Congress was held in London in commodity is determined by free play of
Answer: 1843 AD the forces of supply and demand.
2205. What was the only Grand Slam event 2217. Which U.S. state has the second
that eluded Monica seles in both 1991 most area that is covered by water?
and 1992? Answer: Michigan
Answer: Wimbledon 2218. East Timor, which became the 191st
2206. Dr. Zakir Hussain was member of the UN, is in the continent
Answer: The The first Muslim of:
president of India Answer: Asia
2207. In Robinson Crusoe, what does the 2219. What was English trumpeter John
title character name the native he? Shore's claim to fame in 1711?
Answer: Friday Answer: Inventor of the tuning fork
2208. Hockey was introduced in the Asian 2220. GNLF stands for:
Games in: Answer: Gorkha National Liberation
Answer: 1958 in Tok Front
2209. How many acres are in square mile? 2221. What college's men's basketball team
Answer: 640 below is not nicknamed the Wildcats?
2210. ESCAP stands for: Answer: Cincinnati
Answer: Economic and Social 2222. Fa-Hien was:
Commission for Asia and Pacific Answer: The The first Buddhist pilgrim
2211. Which U.S President was born the of China to visit India during the reign of
earliest? Chandragupta Vikramaditya
Answer: George Washington

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2223. What is the title character's name in 2235. Tallest tree in the world?
Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice Answer: Redwood
Shylock? 2236. Tallest Animal is?
Answer: Antonia Answer: Giraffe
2224. Which U.S subway system has the 2237. The smallest Republic is?
most miles of track Answer: Nauru
Answer: Washington, D.C 2238. Coldest Planet?
2225. In 1967, which country below did Answer: Neptune
not fight Isreal in the Six day war: 2239. Hottest planet with surface
Answer: Lebanon temperature 464oC is?
2226. How many continents border the Answer: Venus
Arctic Ocean? 2240. Fastest Planet is?
Answer: 3 Answer: Mercury
2227. Which U.S President first appeared 2241. Common element in atmosphere is?
on the face of the dime on Jan 30, 1946? Answer: Nitrogen
Answer: Franklin Roosevelt 2242. Largest bone in human body is?
2228. Who was the only golfer to win the Answer: Femur
British open in three different decades in 2243. The first President of USA was?
the 20th century Answer: George Washington
Answer: Gary Player 2244. Brightest Planet is?
2229. What profession was the The first to Answer: Venus
accept what we now call tips 2245. The first judge woman high court of
Answer: Barbers Pakistan was?
2230. In which country are the aptly named Answer: Majida Rizvi
Snowy Mountain located 2246. Fastest Growing tree in the world is?
Answer: Australia Answer: Eucalyptus
2231. What was the The first Peanuts 2247. Largest state of USA is?
television special Answer: Alaska
Answer: A Charlie Brown Christmas 2248. Biggest restaurants chain?
2232. The The first black president of Answer: McDonalds
South Africa was? 2249. The first country to give women
Answer: Nelson Mandela right to vote is?
2233. The least Populous Continent? Answer: New Zealand
Answer: Antarctica 2250. Robert Peary reached North Pole in:
2234. Country who spends largest on Answer: 1909
Answer: USA

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2251. How many pair of ribs are in human 2266. Sri Lanka was formerly known as?
body? Answer: Ceylon
Answer: 12 2267. People of which country are known
2252. Harvard University is in? as Kiwis?
Answer: New Jersey Answer: New Zealand
2253. The sum of angels in a triangle is? 2268. Mosaad is the secret intelligence
Answer: 180 degree agency of:
2254. HIV was identified in? Answer: Israel
Answer: 1983 2269. “Scotland Yard” is a police
2255. One barrel of petroleum is equal to? department of:
Answer: 42 US Gallons Answer: UK
2256. How many kinds of circuit? 2270. Dolly was the name of the:
Answer: 02 Answer: The first cloned sheep
2257. How many times protons are heavier 2271. Which theory of justice is based on
than electrons? the principle “Kill the sin not the
Answer: 1836 sinner”?
2258. Qazi Muhammad Essa belonged to? Answer: Reformative Theory
Answer: Baluchistan 2272. Onyx is a kind of?
2259. “Kindergarten” refers to? Answer: Marble
Answer: Nursery School 2273. The chemical name of common salt
2260. Who is the founder of social media is?
network “Facebook”? Answer: Sodium Chloride (NaCl)
Answer: Mark Zuckerberg 2274. Ozone layer protects life on earth
2261. What is meant by “Petticoat from?
Government”? Answer: Ultraviolet rays
Answer: A government run by a woman 2275. Sunlight falling on our skin causes to
2262. ATM stands for: produce?
Answer: Automated Teller Machine Answer: Vitamin D
2263. The second largest religion of the 2276. Capital punishment meAnswer:
world is? Answer: The death sentence or penalty
Answer: Islam 2277. Hematology is the study of?
2264. Nelson Mandela was the president Answer: Blood
of? 2278. Which component of the diet
Answer: South Africa prevents constipation?
2265. CNG is an abbreviation of: Answer: Fiber
Answer: Compressed Natural Gas

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2279. Stanley Cup is associated with which 2293. Sound waves are ________ waves?
of the following sport? Answer: Longitudinal
Answer: Ice Hockey 2294. The SI unit of Heat is?
2280. Which of the following sports is Answer: Joule
associated with Davis Cup? 2295. Rohtas Fort was built by?
Answer: Lawn Tennis Answer: Sher Shah Suri
2281. When did Pakistan first time 2296. The joint operations center of
participate in Davis Cup? Islamic Military Counter Terrorism
Answer: 1948 Coalition (IMCTC) is in:
2282. Synagogue is the place of worship of Answer: Riyadh
which religion? 2297. In which year Pakistan and China
Answer: Judaism joint Venture of JF7 Thunder Aircraft
2283. The Eiffel Tower is located in? started?
Answer: Paris Answer: 2003
2284. The height of Eiffel Tower is ______ 2298. How many mm are there in 10 cm?
feet? Answer: 100mm
Answer: 1063 2299. Gimpo airport is situated in:
2285. Where was Albert Einstein born? Answer: South Korea
Germany (14 March 1879 – 18 April 2300. Which country has maximum time
1955) zones in the world?
2286. Napoleon Bonaparte was the King Answer: France
of? 2301. NATO is a name of:
Answer: France Answer: military alliance
2287. Who was the first Asian to have 2302. Suez Canal is situated in:
received the Nobel Prize? Answer: Egypt
Answer: Sir Rabindranath Tagore 2303. RAW is an intelligence agency of:
2288. The 2018 FIFA World Cup was Answer: India
hosted by? 2304. The political office of Taliban is in?
Answer: Russia Answer: Doha
2289. Who did build TAJ Mahal? 2305. The headquarter of Transparency
Answer: Shah Jahan International is in___
2290. World largest dam made of mud is: Answer: Berlin
Answer: Tarbela 2306. The largest wheat producing country
2291. Major component of honey is: in the world is?
Answer: Glucose Answer: China
2292. Vitamin C is also called:
Answer: Skin food

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2307. Which year witnesses massive flood 2320. Which country called” land of
in Pakistan? maple leaf”?
Answer: 2010 Answer: Canada
2308. The highly populous city of the 2321. Which country is known as “Land of
world is? Rising Sun”?
Answer: Tokyo Answer: Japan
2309. Niagra Falls are situated in? 2322. “Durand Line” is a boundary line
Answer: New York State between:
2310. The first Nobel Prize was awarded Answer: Pakistan & Afganistan
in: 2323. The earth moves from:
Answer: 1901 Answer: West to East
2311. Which is the deepest ocean in the 2324. Seismology is the study of?
world? Answer: Earthquake
Answer: Pacific 2325. Velocity of sound is maximum in:
2312. Which is the saltiest sea of the Answer: Mtals/solid
world? 2326. Famous painting Mona lisa is made
Answer: Mediterranean Sea by:
2313. Of the total water on the earth, fresh Answer: Leonarda Da vinci
water reserves constitute approximately: 2327. Boundary line between Canada and
Answer: 2.7% United States is:
2314. The Union Flag, or Union Jack, is Answer: 49th Parallel Line
the national flag of: 2328. Which continent has no desert
Answer: United Kingdom Answer: Europe
2315. The currency of Ethiopia is: 2329. Which of the game is also called
Answer: Birr “Ping Pong”?
2316. What does word ‘geo’ mean? Answer: Table Tennis
Answer: Earth 2330. United Nations Security Council
2317. What is meant by the term “Fourth comprises of how many members?
Estate”? Answer: 15
Answer: The press; the profession of 2331. There are _____ non-permanent
Journalism members of the Security Council.
2318. Waterloo is located in: Answer: 10
Answer: .Belgium 2332. The most powerful organ of United
2319. Xenophobia is a fear of: Nations is:
Answer: Strangers Answer: Security Council

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2333. What do you understand by En 2347. How many balls are used in the
route? game of snooker?
Answer: On the way Answer: 22
2334. Michelangelo was a famous? 2348. Aristotle was the ——— of Plato?
Answer: Artist Answer: Student and Colleague at the
2335. Famous painting “Creation of Academy in Athens
Adam” was painted by: 2349. Which country is called the “Land of
Answer: Michelangelo Rabbits”?
2336. Who said these words “Man without Answer: Spain:
society is either beast or God”? 2350. ‘Mein Kampf’ is autobiography of:
Answer: Aristotle Answer: Adolf Hitler
2337. Who said “Man is a social animal”? 2351. Golden Temple, Amritsar is a holy
Answer: Aristotle place of?
2338. Who said “A thing of beauty is joy Answer: Sikh
forever”? 2352. The scout movement was started by
Answer: John Keats Sir Robert Baden-Powell in?
2339. Sui generis is Latin term for? Answer: 1907
Answer: Unique 2353. Kamal Attaturk abolished the
2340. I.Q. is an abbreviation of: Ottoman Caliphate?
Answer: Intelligence Quotient Answer: 1924
2341. Steve Jobs earned fame during his 2354. When Alexander invade the India?
association with? Answer: 326 BC
Answer: Apple 2355. “Hyde Park” London is famous for:
2342. SIM stands for: Answer: Public Meeting And
Answer: Subscriber Identity Module Assemblage
2343. Dengue Fever is also called: 2356. The highest title in Judo is?
Answer: Breakbone Fever Answer: Black Belt
2344. Wall Street is famous for? 2357. The first satellite was launched by?
Answer: banking, Finance, Stock Answer: USSR in 1957
Exchange 2358. The largest island in the world is?
2345. Mont Blank is disputed between the Answer: Greenland
countries? 2359. The book “Conquest of Happiness”
Answer: France and Italy was written by?
2346. What is the national bird of China? Answer: Bertrand Russel
Answer: The Red-Crowned Crane 2360. The largest desert of the world is?
Answer: Sahara

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2361. “Riode Janerio” is the seaport of? 2375. Name the chief who deceived Tippu
Answer: UK Sultan
2362. The oldest written language is? Answer: Mir Sadiq
Answer: Sumerian 2376. Name the chief who deceived
2363. The oldest language in Pakistan is: Sirajudduala in the Battle of Plassy?
Answer: Sindhi Answer: Mir Jafer
2364. What does Latin word “Aqua” 2377. In which part of your body would
mean? you find the cruciate ligament?
Answer: Water Answer: Knee
2365. The French Revolution began in the 2378. What is the name of the main
year: antagonist in the Shakespeare play
Answer: 1789 Othello?
2366. The slogan of the French Revolution Answer: Lago
was: 2379. What element is denoted by the
Answer: Liberty, equality and fraternity chemical symbol Sn in the periodic
2367. Who is called the Father of Comedy? table?
Answer: Aristophanes Answer: Tin
2368. “Modus Operandi” means? 2380. What is the name of the 1976 film
Answer: Way of doing something about the Watergate scandal, starring
2369. The founder of the The first Afghan Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman?
rule in India was: Answer: All the president’s men
Answer: Ibrahim Lodi 2381. How many of Henry VIII's wives
2370. Which is the most populous city of were called Catherine?
the world? Answer: 03
Answer: Tokyo 2382. What was the most popular girls
2371. World's largest Delta is: name in the UK in 2019?
Answer: Bangladesh Answer: Olivia
2372. How many countries in Continent of 2383. Which comedian was the second
Africa? permanent host of Never Mind the
Answer: 54 Buzzcocks after Mark Lamarr?
2373. The smallest Sea of the World is: Answer: Simon Amstell
Answer: Baltic Sea 2384. What is the currency of Denmark?
2374. The only Pakistani Prime Minister Answer: Krone
removed through Vote of No- 2385. Which Tennis Grand Slam is played
Confidence? on a clay surface?
Answer: Imran Khan Answer: The French Open (Roland

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2386. In which European country would 2397. How many permanent teeth does a
you find the Rijksmuseum? dog have?
Answer: Netherlands Answer: 42
2387. Who was the head of state in Japan 2398. What does the Latin Tempus mean in
during the Second World War? English?
Answer: Emperor Hirohito Answer: Time
2388. What is the smallest planet in our 2399. How many countries are there in the
solar system? region of Europe? (Recognised by the
Answer: Mercury United Nations)
2389. Which legendary surrealist artist is Answer: 44
famous for painting melting clocks? 2400. How many notes are there in a
Answer: Salvador Dali musical scale?
2390. Which football club plays its home Answer: 7
games at Loftus Road Continental 2401. What temperature centigrade does
United States has 4 time zones, can you water boil at?
name them? Answer: 100 Degree Centigrade
Answer: Queen's Park Rangers 2402. What company is also the name of
2391. What was the Turkish city of one of the largest rivers in the world?
Istanbul called before 1930? Answer: Amazon
Answer: Constantinople 2403. What in the animal kingdom is a
2392. Name the Coffee shop in US sitcom doe?
Friends. Answer: A female deer
Answer: Central Perk 2404. What is the tallest mountain in the
2393. How many human players are there world?
on each side in a polo match? Answer: Mount Everest
Answer: Four 2405. What is the 2nd tallest mountain in
2394. In what year did Tony Blair become the world?
British Prime Minister? Answer: K2
Answer: 1997 2406. How many centimeters in a meter?
2395. How many times has England won Answer: 100
the men's football World Cup? 2407. What language is spoken in Norway?
Answer: Once (1966) Answer: Norwegian
2396. From what grain is the Japanese 2408. What is the busiest airport in Britain
spirit Sake made? called?
Answer: Rice Answer: London Heathrow

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2409. Who is next in line to the British 2422. The first lady federal minister?
throne after Queen Elizabeth II? Answer: Vikarun Nisa Noor (Tourism)
Answer: Prince Charles 2423. The first state to join Pakistan was:
2410. What number is a baker's dozen? Answer: Bahawul Pur, 1954
Answer: 13 2424. The first Woman University is
2411. Name of US president who was a located in
film actor? Answer: Fatima Jinnah Women
Answer: Ronald Reagan University Rawalpindi
2412. Who is Current Elected Comedian 2425. The first governor of Punjab?
President of Ukraine? Answer: Francis Moody
Answer: Volodymyr Zelensky 2426. The first Muslim Governor of
2413. Which country is called the “Land of Punjab-
thousand Lakes”? Answer: Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar
Answer: Finland 2427. The first daily Urdu newspaper after
2414. Which country is called “Land of the creationof Pakistan was:
Thousand Islands”? Answer: Amroz 1947.
Answer: Indonesia 2428. Pakistan’s the first lady pilot was:
2415. What was the nationality of Alfred Answer: Shukriya Khanum
Nobel? 2429. The first museum of Pak established
Answer: Swedish in Karachi in:
2416. The Earth surface is divided in Answer: 1950
__________ Continents. 2430. Pakistan’s The first Bank was
Answer: 7 Continents Answer: United Bank (7th August,
2417. ______was first to 1947)
recognize Pakistan. 2431. The first Agriculture Reforms
Answer: Iran in Pakistan:
2418. Pakistan opened its first embassy in: Answer: Jan: 24, 1959
Answer: Iran 2432. The first Chief Election
2419. Egypt was first to open its embassy Commissioner of Pakistan was:
in: Answer: Mr. Khan F.M.Khan (25th
Answer: Pakistan March, 1956)
2420. The first governor of State Bank? 2433. The first Muslim Commander in
Answer: Zahid Hussain Chief of Pak:
2421. The first lady governor? Answer: Ayub Khan
Answer: Rana Liaquat Ali (Sindh) 2434. The first Radio Station of Pakistan
1973-1976. was established in:
Answer: Karachi

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2435. The first T.V station was setup 2448. The first elected Prime Minister?
at Lahore on: Answer: Z. A. Bhutto
Answer: Nov: 26, 1964 2449. The first and only Vice President of
2436. The first Lady Major General in Pakistan?
Pak: Answer: Nur-ul-Amin
Answer: Dr. Shahida Malik 2450. The first Chief Minister of Punjab?
2437. The first Space satellite was Answer: Iftikhar Hussain Memdoot
launched by Pakistan in: 2451. The first Chief Minister of Sindh?
Answer: 1990 Answer: Ayub Khoro
2438. The first private TV Channel STN 2452. The first Chief Minister of Khyber
launched in Pakhtunkhwa?
Answer: 1990 Answer: Dr. Khan Sahib
2439. The first Chairman Senate was: 2453. The first Chief Minister of
Answer: Habibullah Khan Balochistan?
2440. The first woman judge of High Answer: Sardar Atta ullah Mengal
Court: 2454. The first Governor of Sindh?
Answer: Majida Rizvi Answer: Ghulam Hussain Hidayatullah
2441. Who became the first woman judge 2455. The first Governor of Khyber
of Supreme Court of Pakistan? Pakhtunkhwa (NWFP?
Answer: Ayesha Malik Answer: Sir George Cunningham
2442. The first Secretary General of 2456. The first Muslim Governor of
Pakistan is Khyber Pakhtunkhwa?
Answer: Ch: Mohd Ali Answer: Sahibzada Mohammad
2443. The first Person who received Khurshid
Nishan-e-Haider? 2457. The first Governor of Balochistan?
Answer: Captain Raja Sarwar Answer: Lt. Gen Riaz Hussain
2444. The first Governor General of 2458. The first Governor of Gilgit-
Pakistan was: Baltistan?
Answer: Quaid-e-Azam Answer: Shamma Khalid
2445. The first President of Pakistan was: 2459. The first Joint chief of Staff
Answer: Iskandar Mirza committee?
2446. The first Prime minister of Pakistan: Answer: General Muhammad Sharif
Answer: Nawab Liaqat Ali Khan 2460. The first Commander-in-chief of
2447. The first elected President of Army?
Pakistan was: Answer: Gen.Frank Meservy
Answer: Field Marshal Ayub Khan

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2461. The first Muslim Commander-in- 2473. Salt Home of the world is in:
Chief of Army? Answer: Pakistan
Answer: G.M. Ayub Khan 2474. ____ is called Land of Pure People.
2462. The first Commander-in-chief of Air Answer: Pakistan
Force- Air vice Marshal? 2475. Which city is called City of
Answer: Allan Perry Keene greeneries?
2463. The first Muslim Commander-in- Answer: Islamabad
chief of Air force? 2476. Bread Basket of Pakistan is:
Answer: Air Marshal Asghar Khan Answer: Punjab
2464. The first Commander-in-chief of 2477. Indian Intelligence agency RAW
Navy- Rear : stands for:
Answer: Admiral James Wilfred Jefford Answer: Research and Analysis Wing
2465. The first Muslim Commander-in- 2478. The headquarters of OPEC is in:
chief of Navy? Answer: Vienna
Answer: Haji Muhammad Sadique 2479. The deepest known point on the
Chaudhry earth is in Mariana Trench in the Pacific
2466. The first Cruise missile- Ocean near:
Answer: Hatf VII (Babur) August 11, Answer: Philippines
2005 2480. Niagra Falls is situated on the border
2467. The first constitution of Pakistan of:
was enforced on: Answer: USA and Canada
Answer: March 23, 1956 2481. Arabian Sea is part of:
2468. Second constitution of Pakistan was Answer: Indian Ocean
enforced on: 2482. Which country is peninsula:
Answer: 8 June 1962 Answer: Saudi Arabia
2469. Third constitution of Pakistan was 2483. The largest Islamic country by area:
enforced on: Answer: Kazakhstan
Answer: 14 August 1973 2484. The largest arms exporters in the
2470. The first Foreign Minister of world is:
Pakistan? Answer: U.S.A
Answer: Sir Zafarullah Khan 2485. Gastric Juice is a secretion of glands
2471. The first SOS village of Pakistan? present in the:
Answer: Lahore (1977) Answer: Stomach
2472. _______is called the Killer Mountain 2486. Mach Number is a term associated
of the world. with the speed of:
Answer: Nanga Parbat Answer: Ships

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2487. Almost 44% of Pakistan's budget 1858)?

expenditure goes to: Answer: Lord Canning
Answer: Debt Services 2500. Which part of Pakistan is famous for
2488. In the total population of Pakistan, dates production:
share of Punjab province is almost: Answer: Nawabshah
Answer: 57% 2501. In the proposed plan of local
2489. In the total area of Pakistan the share government in Pakistan, the village
of Punjab is about: police shall be formed at the level of:
Answer: 25% Answer: Union Council
2490. Ghauri-II is a: 2502. The people living below the poverty
Answer: Medium Range Missile line in Pakistan are approximately:
2491. The range of Pakistan's Shaheen-I Answer: 44 million
missile is: 2503. In 1962, which organization of the
Answer: 750 km Muslim world was formed:
2492. Which of the following sectors is Answer: OIC
providing maximum electricity in the 2504. Which of the following vitamins
country: maintains normal clotting of blood:
Answer: Thermal Answer: Vitamin K
2493. The largest consumer of petroleum 2505. Which country has the longest
products In the country is: coastline (243,788) km in the world:
Answer: Transport sector Answer: Canada
2494. Sandy region near Bahalwalpur is 2506. Yuan is the currency of:
called: Answer: China
Answer: Cholistan 2507. Protein is found in:
2495. Pakistan is situated at: Answer: Pulses
Answer: Tropic of Capricorn cancer 2508. Cryptography is a branch of science
2496. Harappa near Sahiwal was the which deals with:
centre of: Answer: The study of secret writings
Answer: Persian civilization civilization 2509. Tirich Mir Is the highest peak of:
2497. The cultural 264 enter of Gandhara Answer: Hindukash Range
civilization was situated at: 2510. Neelum Valley is situated in:
Answer: Taxila Answer: Azad Kashmir
2498. National Police Academy is situated 2511. After Siachen the second largest
in: glacier in Pakistan is:
Answer: Sihala Answer: Baltura
2499. Who was the last Governor General 2512. East India Company came to India
of East India Company from (1856- for trade during the reign of Mughat

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Emperor: 2525. The Mosque of Prophet (P.B.U.H}

Answer: Akbar✓ (Masjid-i-Nabvi) was damaged due to
2513. When Interpol was formed: fire in the reign of:
Answer: 1923 Answer: Walid Bin Malik
2514. Ozone was discovered The first by: 2526. Who made the Arabic official
Answer: Schonbein language:
2515. Tuberculin was discovered by: Answer: Abdul Malik bin Marwan
Answer: Koch 2527. Khwailid bin Asad was the father
2516. Device used for keeping ships of:
standstill in water: Answer: Hazrat Marya Kubtia
Answer: Anchor 2528. People read newspaper because:
2517. The major language of Algeria is: Answer: They want to know what is
Answer: Arabic happening in the world
2518. The blood vessels that carry blood 2529. The "Politics" is considered as the
away from the heart are the: first book on art of government. identify
Answer: Artery the author:
2519. Which controls the chain reaction in Answer: Aristotle
a nuclear reactor: 2530. Under the continental division of
Answer: Moderator world, Brazil is situated in:
2520. Which of the following metals is Answer: South America
used for the manufacturing of heating 2531. Dragon is the national symbol of:
elements provided in electric presses: Answer: China
Answer: Nichrome 2532. Thomas Cup is given in the game of:
2521. In which of the following units Answer: Badminton
magnetic intensity is expressed: 2533. What is meant by the term
Answer: Oersted condominium:
2522. A mixture of which of the following Answer: Joint government of a territory
gases is used in, the manufacturing of by two or more state
electric bulb: 2534. Pride and Prejudice is the famous
Answer: Oxygen and Argon novel of:
2523. What inspirations are given in Surah Answer: Jane Austen
Hujra: 2535. Who was Cleopatra?
Answer: Society Answer: The name of seven queens of
2524. Hazrat Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) was Egypt
in the house of____ when he went to 2536. When a disease spreads over a large
Meeraj: area of earth's surface at one time, it is
Answer: Hazrat Umay Hani
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called: 2549. The Nobel Prize for peace is given in

Answer: Epidemic disease the city of:
2537. Identify Mariana Trench: Answer: Oslo
Answer: Deepest part of ocean in south 2550. Which country is situated on the
Pacific Ocean equator:
2538. Of the total world area, Asian Answer: Kenya
continent approximately: 2551. Which country is called Playground
Answer: 30% of Europe:
2539. Which is smallest continent in the Answer: Switzerland
world: 2552. Firearm Magazine was invented by:
Answer: Australia Answer: Horace Smith
2540. The area between Tropic alid Cancer 2553. World Women Day is celebrated on:
and Tropic of Capricorn, where the sun Answer: 8 March
is vertically overhead at some point of 2554. Headquarters of ICAO is in:
the year is called: Temperate Zone✓ Answer: Montrial
2541. Dead Sea is salt lake between: 2555. A solid piece of iron sinks in the
Answer: Israel and Jordan water but floats in mercury. This is
2542. Identify the largest ocean in the because of the:
world: Answer: Density of iron is iron is more
Answer: Pacific Ocean than that of water but less than that of
2543. Mediterranean Sea is connected to mercury
the Atlantic Ocean by the strait of: 2556. Which of the following lakes is
Answer: Gibraltar considered to be Asia's greatest reserve
2544. Rotterdam is a sea port of : of migratory birds:
Answer: Netherlands Answer: Haleji lake
2545. Identify the two Central Asian States 2557. Identify the largest Peninsula:
connected by the Aral Sea: Answer: Arabia
Answer: Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan 2558. Identify the old name of Iraq:
2546. Victoria Falls is in: Answer: Mesopotamia
Answer: Zimbabwe 2559. Which city is called forbidden city:
2547. Identify the location of Takla Makan Answer: Lhasa
desert: 2560. Which city is called city of mosques:
Answer: Xinjiang Answer: Dhaka
2548. Dan Man palace is the official 2561. Identify the land of Rising sun:
residence of: Answer: Japan
Answer: President of Sri Lanka 2562. Identify the land of maple leaf :
Answer: Canada

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2563. Which of two countries are 2576. The headquarters of (I.A.E.A) is

connected with Channel Tunnel: situated in:
Answer: France and England Answer: Vienna
2564. Big Ben is: 2577. International Dateline is located on:
Answer: Clock Answer: 180°Longitude
2565. Identify the world largest fresh water 2578. The Medal of honor is the highest
lake: military award of:
Lake Superior Answer: USA
2566. Why wall street is so famous: 2579. In the election of American
Answer: Stock Exchange Market of President, the largest number of electoral
New York college members are elected from the
2567. If you landed at Dalles International state of:
Airport you will be in: Answer: New York
Answer: New York 2580. Russia is likely to destroy its Mir
2568. Adams Peak is in: space station in near future owing to:
Answer: SriLanka Answer: Completion of its life
2569. What is the length of Great Wall of 2581. The More Islamic Liberation Front is
China: struggling for an independent state is:
Answer: 2250 kms Answer: Philippines
2570. Point out the stories of Empire State 2582. The Chief of the United Nations
Building New York: High Commissioner for Refugees
Answer: 102 (UNHCR) Rudolph Lubbers, was the
2571. Which country can be identified by former prime Minister of :
its unique Kiwi bird: Answer: Netherlands
Answer: New Zealand 2583. After Saudi Arabia, which of the
2572. Who is the founder of scout following countries is the largest
movement: producer of oil:
Answer: Robert Baden Powell Answer: Iran
2573. Scandinavia consists of: 2584. Head works had been constructed on
Answer: Norway, Sweden, Denmark✓ River:
2574. Which country launched Ariane-5 Answer: Chenab
satellite in the space: 2585. The world largest under sea railway
Answer: France tunnel is proposed to be constructed
2575. Who is called Man of Destiny in between:
European history: Answer: Russia and Japan
Answer: Napoleon 2586. What do you understand by Intifada:
Answer: Uprising

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2587. The proposed Basha Dam on Indus 2599. P.O.N.M. stands for:
River would be constructed in: Answer: Pakistan Oppressed Nations
Answer: N.W.F.P. Movement
2588. Headquarters of Commonwealth of 2600. The world largest gold producing
Nations is in: country is:
Answer: London Answer: South Africa
2589. Mauritius is an island state in the: 2601. The world famous bridge Golden
Answer: Indian Oceans Gate is located in:
2590. Nikkei is a stock exchange index of: Answer: San Francisco
Answer: Tokyo 2602. The highest population growth rate is
2591. The world free economy with lowest of:
taxes and lack of trade barriers is that of: Answer: Bangladeshi
Answer: Hong Kong 2603. Plutocracy is a form of Government
2592. A nuclear agriculture research centre controlled by the:
of Pakistan has developed crop by the Answer: Wealthy class
name of: 2604. The historic site Mehrgarh was
Answer: Niab-78 discovered on the right bank of the:
2593. Identify the personality of Bernard Answer: Indus river
Kouchneu: 2605. Kilik pass is situated in:
Answer: United National Chief Answer: Karakuram range
Administrator in East Timor 2606. The headquarters of Food and
2594. Wheel is a symbol of: Agriculture Organization (FAO) is
Answer: Prosperity Located in:
2595. The Stonehange is among the seven Answer: Rome
wonders of the world situated in: 2607. Dasht-e-Lut desert is located in:Iran
Answer: England Constitution of which country
2596. The majority of Kurd population is convention ridden?
living in: Answer: Britain
Iraq and Turkey 2608. Constitution of which country is the
2597. The world largest Uranium producer briefest constitution of the world:
country is: Answer: America
Answer: Canada 2609. Who was the The first lady Prime
2598. Which of the following seas lies Minister of Israel?:
between two parts of Turkey: Answer: Florida Mira
Answer: Sea of Marmara 2610. Ang Sang Suchi was the liberation
leader of which country?
Answer: Burma /Myanmar

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2611. In which country Direct Democracy expiration of:

is applied: Answer: Three months
Answer: Afghanistan 2625. Who is Wimbldon Champion of
2612. Which is right arm of Red Sea: Tennis for the year of 2004:
Answer: Mediterranean Sea Answer: Roger Federer
2613. Which American state is called 2626. What do you understand by the term
Bread Basket: Kerb in the foreign currency dealings:
Answer: California Answer: The exchange rate of
2614. What is Cremlin? currencies in the open market
Answer: Headquarters of Russian 2627. After the dissolution of Soviet Union
Federation three of its nuclear weapons states have
2615. In which of Country Special Equity signed Non-Proliferation Treaty. Identify
Court exists: them:
Answer: England Answer: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine,
2616. Thomas Cup is giving for the game 2628. Which of the following renowned
of: Greek political philosophers has written
Answer: Badminton in his famous book "The Republic":
2617. The Noble Prize for Peace is given in Justice is the interest of the stronger part:
the city of: Answer: Plato✓
Answer: Stockholm 2629. Olympic Games 2004 were held in:
2618. What is length of Great Wall of Answer: Athens
China: 2630. Which is the fections wants to end
Answer: 2250 km British rule in the Northern Ireland:
2619. Who is founder of Scout Movement: Answer: Irish Republican Army
Answer: Robert Bade Powell 2631. The Bofors Scandal occurred in:
2620. International Dateline is located on: Answer: India
Answer: 180 longitude 2632. Cr. PC stands for:
2621. The UN Security Council consists Answer: Criminal Procedure Code
of: 2633. Tora Bora mountains are in:
Answer: 15 members Answer: Eastern Afghanistan
2622. The Suez Canal connects: 2634. Col. Moammer Al-Gadhafi was the
Answer: Mediterranean and Red sea president of:
2623. Which Strait separates India from Sri Answer: Libya
Lanka: 2635. Labour Party is a political party in:
Answer: The Palk Strait Answer: U.K.
2624. An ordinance promulgated by the 2636. China is a state based on:
President stands repealed at the Answer: Single party System
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2637. Luba is a name of: 2651. USA consists of:

Answer: A language Answer: 50 States
2638. Mrs. Madeleine Albright was the 2652. Kwacha is the currency of:
foreign minister of: Answer: Malawi
Answer: U.S.A 2653. Which language is spoken by a large
2639. What is Cathy Pacific? number of people of the world?
Answer: Airline Answer: Chinese
2640. Paul Martin Jr. was the Prime 2654. Dark continent is:
Minister of: Answer: Africa
Answer: Canada 2655. S.A.S. is a name of:
2641. Abdullah Abdullah, was the Foreign Answer: International Airline
Minister of: 2656. Carlos Soul Menem was the
Answer: Afghanistan president of:
2642. Amara Essy is the Chairman of: Answer: Argentina
Answer: African Union 2657. Gloria Arroyo is the newly elected
2643. Hans Blix belongs to: president of which country:
Answer: Sweden Answer: Philippines
2644. From which who was the president 2658. West Indies ArgOlusegun Obasanjo
of ICC? is the president of which country:
Answer: Ehsan Mani Answer: Nigeria
2645. Federation Bristol is important sea- 2659. Highest Fertility Rate In the world is
port of: of:
Answer: U.K. Answer: Yemen
2646. Moro Islamic Liberation Front is 2660. Chalna is seaport of:
struggling for Independence in: Answer: Bangladesh
Answer: Mindanao 2661. Chechnya is important to Russia
2647. The Secretary General of because:
Commonwealth of Nations belongs to: Answer: Russian oil pipe lines pass
Answer: New Zealand through it
2648. What is meant by Summary Trial? 2662. The main objective of IMF:
Answer: Short trial before a magistrate Answer: To make foreign exchange
2649. Of which continent Greece and resources available for those countries
Bulgaria form a Part: facing balance of payments difficulties✓
Answer: Europe 2663. The world's largest island is:
2650. Land of thousand lakes is: Answer: Greenland
Answer: Finland

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2664. Among the SAARC countries 2676. The Eastern Mediterranean Island
highest per capita income is of: Cyprus is divided between:
Answer: Sri Lanka Answer: Turkey and Greece
2665. The Russian Nuclear Submarine 2677. What do you understand by the term
submerged under water in: Apartheid?
Answer: Barents Sea Answer: Racial Segregation
2666. Corbillion Cup is given in the game 2678. What is meant by the term Bullet
of: Vote?
Answer: Table Tennis Answer: Decisive vote in counting
2667. Diego Garcials a: 2679. The distance of a place South or
Answer: USA military base in Indian North of Equator is called:
Ocean Answer: Latitude
2668. Identity the The first South Asian 2680. 1 inch is equal to:
country which has ratified Answer: 2.54 centimeter
comprehensive test ban treaty (CTBT): 2681. Balance of payment is understood as:
Answer: Bangladesh Answer: The balance between nation’s
2669. When stock market is rising it is expenditure on imports and its receipts
called: from exports
Answer: Bullish 2682. Which country of the world is called
2670. Twentieth century American woman the land of free people?
scientist Grace Hopper contributed in the Answer: Thailand
field of: 2683. The currency of Indonesia is:
Answer: Computer Answer: Answer: Rupiah
2671. The term of the office of Judge of the 2684. The monetary unit of Bangladesh is
International Court of Justice is: Answer: Taka
Answer: Nine years 2685. What is the standard monetary unit
2672. Bristol is a seaport of: of Turkey
Answer: U.K. Answer: Lira
2673. In which of following regions 2686. The currency of Israel is _________.
Chechnya is located: Answer: Shekel
South Caucasus✓ 2687. Asia Watch is:
2674. What is contraband? Answer: Human rights organization✓
All smuggled materials 2688. The world's famous bridge Golden
2675. Feminism is a: Gate located in:
Answer: Belief that women's Answer: San Francisco
subordination to men should end

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2689. Abdul Al Zahrawi was the greatest 2702. Which country is called the "Land of
Muslim: Golden Fibre"?
Answer: Surgeon Answer: Bangladesh
2690. What is Acrophobia? 2703. Which country is called the "Land of
It is the fear of heights thousand Lakes"?
2691. The acceleration caused by gravity Answer: Finland
per second is: 2704. World Teachers’ Day is celebrated
Answer: 32 feet on:
2692. MASDA is space agency of: Answer: 5th October
Answer: Japan 2705. Which organization inaugurated the
2693. Davis Cup Is associated with which ‘World Teachers’ Day?
sport/game: Answer: UNESCO
Answer: Lawn Tennis 2706. UNESCO proclaimed 5 October to
2694. Pakistan Is separated from Tajikistan be World Teachers' Day in:
by: Answer: 1994
Answer: Wakhan Corridor 2707. Where is the headquarters of
2695. Skhalin Islands enriched with oil UNESCO?
reserves are claimed by: Answer: Paris, France
Answer: Russia and Japan 2708. How many UNESCO World
2696. Taiwan was separated from the Heritage sites are in Pakistan?
People's Republic of China in: Answer: Six
Answer: 1949 2709. What is the other name of World
2697. What is meant by sine die: Teachers' Day?
Answer: Without fixing a date Answer: International Teacher Day
2698. The population of world has now 2710. Which country has the largest
reached: number of UNESCO World Heritage
Answer: 8 billion Sites?
2699. The world largest desert in area is: Answer: Italy
Answer: Sahara 2711. Who invented exams?
2700. Which country is called "Land of Answer: Henry Fischel
Thousand Islands"? 2712. Pedagogy is the study of:
Answer: Indonesia Answer: Teaching Methods
2701. Indonesia is an archipelago 2713. Oldest cantonment of Pakistan is:
comprising approximately ____ islands. Answer: Kohat
Answer: 17,500 2714. Head Quarter of Pak Army is at:
Answer: Rawalpindi

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2715. HQ of Air force is at: 2728. The number of Railway stations

Answer: Chaklala in Pak:
2716. HQ of Navy is at: Answer: 965
Answer: Islamabad 2729. Rabi crops are grown b/w months of:
2717. Photograph on the coin of one rupee Answer: Oct- March
is Quaid’s photo. 2730. Chenab and Jehlum flow from :
“2 rupee is Badshahi Mosque (chk) Answer: Kashmir
“ 10 rupee note is Khyber Pass. 2731. Tirchmir is the highest peak of:
“ 50 rupee note is Answer: Hindukash
“ 100 is Quaid’s Residecy, Ziarat Quetta. 2732. Length of Pak-Iran border is
“ 500 is Badshahi Mosque, Lahore. Answer: 805 km
“ 100 is Jehangir’s Tomb. 2733. Length of Pak-China border is
“ 5000 is of Faisal Mosque, Islamabad. Answer: 595 km
2718. __________of total area of Pakistan 2734. Length of Pak-Afghan border is:
is forests (standard is 25%) Answer: 2052 km or 1300 miles
Answer: 4.8% 2735. 5 rivers flow in Punjab that are:
2719. Hub dam and Thadho Dam are Answer: Ravi, Sutlaj, Chenab, Indus &
in Malir Karachi near: Beas
Answer: Gadap Town. 2736. Warsak dam is on:
2720. Map of Shah Faisal Mosque was Answer: Kabul River
made by: 2737. Rawal Dam is on:
Answer: Wahdat Diloky of Turkey Answer: Kurrang River
2721. Tarbela dam is in: 2738. Khanpur dam is on:
Answer: Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Answer: Haro River
2722. Raeewind is in: 2739. Tanda dam is in:
Answer: Kasur Answer: Baluchistan
2723. Baitul Maal established in: 2740. Tarbela dam was completed in:
Answer: 1992 Answer: 1969
2724. General sales tax, under the 2741. Length of Indus is:
constitution 1973 is a: Answer: 3180 km
Answer: Federal Subject 2742. Source of Indus is:
2725. Pak: national flag was adopted on: Answer: Mansoorowar Lake in Gilgit
Answer: 11 August, 1947 2743. Muztag pass connects:
2726. Jasmine adopted on _____? Answer: Gilgit-Yarkand (China)
Answer: July 5, 1961 2744. Khankum Pass connects:
2727. National drink is___________? Answer: Chitral-Wakhan (Afghanistan)
Answer: Cane Juice

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2745. The Shandur Pass connects: 2759. Geographical divisions of Pakistan

Answer: Chitral and Gilgit are:
2746. Khyber Pass connects: 1. Northern Mountains
Answer: Peshawar-Kabul 2. Western off-shoots of Himalayas
2747. Kulk pass connects: 3. Baluchistan Plateau
Answer: Gilgit-China 4. Potohar Plateau & Salt range
2748. Bolan Pass connects: 5. Lower Indus Plain,
Answer: Queta-Afghanistan 6. Thar Desert
2749. Tochi pass connects Pak: 2760. Kot Diji is a fort in:
Answer: China Answer: Khairpur
2750. Length of Silk Rourte (Korakorum 2761. Ancient mosque of Pakistan is at:
Route) is: Answer: Bhambhor
Answer: 965 km 2762. Time taken to sing National Anthem
2751. Geneva Pact was signed on: is:
14th April, 1988. Answer: 1 minute, 20 sec
2752. Simpla Pact was signed on: 2763. Texila is in Punjab and ____.
Answer: 3rd July, 1972 Answer: NWFP
2753. Number of words in national anthem 2764. Rashid Minhas martyred in:
of Pakistan: Answer: August 1971
Answer: 50 2765. Mangla dam is on:
2754. Number of lines in national anthem Answer: River Jehlum
of Pakistan 2766. _________ persons have
Answer: 15 received Nishan-e-Hyder.
2755. Tarbela dam is in NWFP (Abotabad) Answer: 10
on: 2767. Kharif (Summer Season) crops
Answer: Indus river.(Largest) include:
2756. Mangla dam is in AJK on: Answer: Cotton, rice, sugar cane, maize,
Answer: Jehlum River (Highest) Jaur and Bajra.
2757. Rivers of Pakistan? 2768. Rabi (Winter OCT-March) crops are:
Punjab== Ravil, Chanab, Sutlaj Answer: wheat, gram, barley and
Sindh ==Indus, Hub. tobacco
NWFP==Kabul, Sawat, Zhob. 2769. There are ______rivers
Baluchistan==Bolan. in Baluchistan.
2758. What is the percentage of area Answer: 7
covered by Balochistan province?? 2770. Mast Tawakkal was the poet of _?
Answer: 42% Answer: Balochi

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2771. Khanpur dam is near: 2785. ________signed first time

Answer: Haripur on Pakistan’s currency notes?
2772. Skardu is also called: Answer: Sir Victor Turner
Answer: “Little Tibet” 2786. Pakistan’s National Flag was
2773. Swat became part of Pakistan in: prepared by:
Answer: 1969 Answer: Ameer-ud-din Qadwai
2774. The most precious gemstone 2787. Abdur-rehaman Chugtai made the
“Emerald” are found in: design of Pakistan’s
Answer: Swat Answer: The first Stamp Ticket
2775. The alphabet of Pushto was prepared 2788. Pakistan’s National Anthem’s
by: Composition was accepted on:
Answer: Saifullah Answer: 21 August 1949
2776. The first poet of Pushto was: 2789. There were ______Post Offices in
Answer: Amir Karar Pakistan at the time of its Creation.
2777. Saiful Maluk is near: Answer: 3542
Answer: Naran 2790. __________is famous for Telephone
2778. Dera Adam khan is famous for: Industry.
Answer: Gun factory Answer: Hari Pur
2779. Pakistan’s standard time was 2791. Who prepared the map of Minar-e-
suggested by: Pakistan?
Answer: Professor Muhammad Anwar Answer: Mr. Mirat Khan
2780. ___was the first person who gave the 2792. Quaid-e-Azam took an oath as
title “Quid-e-Azam to Mr. Jinnah for the Governer General of Pakistan from __?
first time. Answer: Mr. Justice Mian Abdur
Answer: Maoulana Mazhar-ud-Din Rasheed
2781. When Muhammad Ali Jinnah was 2793. The height of all 4 Minars
given the title of Quaid-e-Azam? of Badshai Mosque is:
Answer: 1938 Answer: 177 fts
2782. Quid-e-Azam’s mother tongue was: 2794. The National Anthem was sung the
Answer: Gujrati” first time on 13 August 1954 in the voice
2783. Khawaja Nazim-ud-din was the only of:
person in Pakistan’s history who was: Answer: Mr. Hafeez Jhalandari
Answer: The second Prime Minister of 2795. Where the biggest Salt Mine located
Pakistan & also Second Governer in Pakistan?
General of Pakistan. Answer: Mangora
2784. The Height of Minar-e-Pakistan is:
Answer: 196 ft and 4 inch

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2796. The most beautiful stone-Marble is 2810. Which country is known as “Venice
extracted from Province? of the North?
Answer: NWFP Answer: Stockholm
2797. The longest river in Pakistan is? 2811. Larkana is known as:
Answer: River Sindh Answer: Eden of Sindh
2798. In which year did Pak win the cricket 2812. Who is known as “Muslim
world cup? Alexander”?
Answer: 1992 Answer: Uqba bin Nafah (R.A)
2799. When did Pakistan win Olympic 2813. Who is known as the “Father of Civil
gold medal in Hockey for the first time? Service in India”?
Answer: 1964 Answer: Charles Cornwallis
2800. Who is known as “Man of Destiny”? 2814. Who is known as the Poet of Nature?
Answer: Napoleon Answer: William Wordsworth
2801. Who is known as Napoleon of Asia? 2815. Who is known as ‘Little Corporal‘?
Answer: Nadir Shah Answer: Napoleon Bonaparte
2802. Who is known as Sadin of Makkah? 2816. The highest part of the Earth is:
Answer: Hazrat Usaman Bin Abu Talha Answer: Mount Everest
2803. Who is known as Adam-e-Sani? 2817. Highest Dam in world is:
Answer: Hazrat Nooh (A.S) Answer: The Grande(Switzerland)
2804. Who is known as the 'Father of 2818. KLM is an airline of:
Modern India'? Answer: Netherlands
Answer: Raja Ram Mohan Roy 2819. Etihad Airways is an airline of:
2805. Who is known as The Iron Man of Answer: United Arab Emirates
India? 2820. The Earth surface is divided in
Answer: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel _______ continents.
2806. Who is known as the Father of Answer: 7
history? 2821. The Largest Continent (by Area) of
Answer: ‘Herodotus’ the world is:
2807. Who is known as "Poet of East" Answer: Asia
(Shair-e-Mashriq)? 2822. The second Largest Continent (by
Answer: Allama Iqbal Area) of the world is:
2808. Who is known as Malik-ut-Tajjar? Answer: Africa
Answer: Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A) 2823. The Smallest Continent (by Area) of
2809. Who is known as the “Spiritual the world is:
Father of Pakistan”? Answer: Australia
Answer: Muhammad Iqbal

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2824. The Earth's Oceanic water is divided 2840. What was the name of Atomic Bomb
in _______ oceans. that dropped on the city of Nagasaki?
Answer: 5 Answer: Fat Man
2825. The Earth's Largest ocean is: 2841. The Delaware river is in:
Answer: Pacific Answer: United States
2826. The Earth's second Largest ocean is: 2842. The main structural work of the
Answer: Atlantic Eiffel Tower was completed in?
2827. The Earth’s 3rd Largest ocean is: Answer: 1889
Answer: Indian Ocean 2843. The height of Eiffel Tower is _____
2828. The Earth’s 4th Largest ocean is: feet.
Answer: Southern Ocean Answer: 1063
2829. The Earth's Smallest ocean is: 2844. Reuters is the news agency of:
Answer: Arctic Answer: United Kingdom
2830. The world's Largest Lake is: 2845. The currency of Qatar is?
Answer: Lake Superior Answer: Riyal
2831. The hottest desert of the world is: 2846. The International Monetary Fund
Answer: Sahara Desert (IMF) was founded on:
2832. World War I was began in? Answer: 27 December 1945
Answer: 1914 2847. The social network site "Twitter"
2833. World War I was end in? was launched on:
Answer: 1918 Answer: July 15, 2006
2834. World War II was began in? 2848. The National Aeronautics and Space
Answer: 1939 Administration (NASA) was formed in:
2835. World War II was end in? Answer: 1958
Answer: 1945 2849. 8 March is observed internationally
2836. The world's deadliest conflict was? as:
Answer: World War II Answer: Women's Day
2837. The Atomic Bomb was dropped on 2850. 22 March is observed internationally
the city of Hiroshima on? as:
Answer: August 1945 Answer: World Water Day
2838. What was the name of Atomic Bomb 2851. 7 April is observed internationally
that dropped on the city of Hiroshima? as:
Answer: Little Boy Answer: World Health Day
2839. The Atomic Bomb was dropped on 2852. The only country that is also a
the city of Nagasaki on? continent:
Answer: 9 August 1945 Answer: Australia

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2853. The only country to decriminalize all 2859. The only country without an army?
drugs: Answer: Andorra
Answer: Portugal 2860. The only country without a speed
2854. The only country that has 3 capitals: limit:
Answer: Republic of South Africa Answer: The Isle of Man
2855. The only country on earth without 2861. The only country without desert:
coins: Answer: Lebanon
Answer: Saudi Arabia 2862. The only country with all 5 vowels:
2856. The only country in the world Answer: MOZAMBIQUE
without church: 2863. The only country named after a
Answer: Saudi Arabia woman:
2857. The only country with the floating Answer: Santa Lucia
post office? 2864. The only country without a capital:
Answer: India Answer: Nauru
2858. The only country with a two-sided 2865. The only country to have a bible on
flag? their flag:
Answer: Paraguay Answer: Dominican Republic

Important Tables

International Organizations, Headquarters & Founding Year

Name Headquarters Foundation Year
SCO Beijing China 15 June 2001
OIC Jeddah Saudi Arabia 1969
OPEC Vienna Sept 1960
NATOs Brussels Belgium 4 April 1949
G20 Cancún, Mexico 26 Sept 1999
GCC) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 25 May 1981
BRICS Shanghai 2009
The Arab League Al Tahrir Sq., Cairo, Egypt 22.03.1945
African Union Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 26.05.2001
ASEAN Jakarta, Indonesia 08.08.1967
INTERPOL) Lyon, France 7 September 1923
World Bank Washington D.C. (U.S.A.) July 1944
WTO Geneva, Switzerland 1 January 1995
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IMF Washington D.C. (U.S.A.) 27 December 1945

ADB Metro Manila, Philippines 22 August, 1966
ICC Dubai, United Arab Emirates 15 June 1909
FIFA Zurich 1904
SAARC Kathmandu 1985

World's 14 Highest Mountain Peaks (Above 8000 Meters)

Peaks Metre /Feet Location
1. Everest 8848m / 29028ft Nepal
2. K2 8611m / 28250ft Pakistan
3. Kanchenjunga 8586m / 28169ft Nepal
4. Lhotse 8516m / 27940ft Nepal
5. Makalu 8463m / 27766ft Nepal
6. Cho Oyu 8201m / 26906ft Nepal
7. Dhaulagiri 8167m / 26795ft Nepal
8. Manaslu 8163m / 26781ft Nepal
9. Nanga Parbat 8126m / 26660ft Pakistan
10. Annapurna I 8091m / 26545ft Nepal
11. Gasherbrum I 8068m / 26469ft Pakistan
12. Broad Peak 8047m / 26400ft Pakistan
13. Gasherbrum II 8035m / 26362ft Pakistan
14. Shishapangma 8012m / 26285ft China

Countries and National Emblem

Afghanistan Lion
Azerbaijan Flames of fire
Canada Maple Leaf
China Dragon
France Gallic Rooster, Fleur-De-Lis, Marianne
French Polynesia Outrigger Canoe
Germany Golden Eagle
Iran Lion
Iraq Golden Eagle
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Israel Star of David (Magen David)

Italy White, Five-Pointed Star (Stella d'Italia)
Japan Red Sun Disc; Chrysanthemum
Korea, North Red Star
Pakistan Star And Crescent
Russia Bear; Double-Headed Eagle
Saint Lucia Twin Pitons (Volcanic Peaks); Saint Lucia Parrot
Turkey Star And Crescent
United Arab Emirates Golden Falcon
United Kingdom Lion (Britain In General)
United States Bald Eagle

World’s Top 10 Tallest Buildings

Buildings Height Location

Burj Khalifa 2716 ft Dubai

Merdeka 118 2227 ft Malaysia

Shanghai Tower 2073ft China

Abraj Al-Bait Clock Tower 1972ft Saudi Arabia

Ping An International Finance Centre 1966ft China

Lotte World Tower 1819ft South Korea

One World Trade Center 1776ft United States

Guangzhou CTF Finance Centre 1739ft China

Tianjin CTF Finance Centre 1739ft China

China Zun 1731ft China

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Space Agencies
Country Name Acronym Founded

National Aeronautics and Space

United States NASA 1 October 1958

China National Space

China CNSA 22 April 1993

ROSCOSMOS 26 December
Russia Roscosmos

French: Centre National d’Études 19 December

France CNES
Spatiales 1961

Japan Aerospace Exploration

Japan JAXA 1 October 2003

Italy Italian Space Agency ASI 1988

United Kingdom United Kingdom Space Agency UKSA 1 April 2010

Germany German Aerospace Center DLR 1969

Pakistan Space and Upper

16 September
Pakistan Atmosphere Research SUPARCO

Indian Space Research

India ISRO 15 August 1969

Australia Australian Space Agency ASA 1 July 2018

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Countries Having Same Capital Name

S/No Country Capital

1- Djibouti Djibouti city

2- Guatemala Guatemala city

3- Kuwait Kuwait city

4- Luxembourg Luxembourg city

5- Mexico Mexico city

6- Monaco Monaco

7- Panama Panama city

8- San Marino San Marino

9- Singapore Singapore

10- Vatican City Vatican City

11- Andorra Andorra la Vela

12- Tunisia Tunis (close enough)

13- Algeria Algiers (close enough)

14- Brazil Brasilia (close enough)

Old & New Names of the Countries

Old Name New Name
Abyssinia Ethiopia
Angora (Turkey) Ankara
Bohemia, Moravia, Czechoslovakia Czech Republic and Slovakia
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Ceylon Sri Lanka

Constantinople (Turkey) Istanbul
Peking (China) Beijing
Persia Iran
Mesopotamia Iraq
Southern Rhodesia Zimbabwe
Northern Rhodesia Zambia
Saigon (Vietnam) Ho Chi Minh City
Petrograd and Leningrad (Russia) St. Petersburg
Siam Thailand
Tanganyika & Zanzibar Tanzania
Zaire Democratic Republic of Congo
South-West Africa Namibia
Moldavia Moldova
Upper Volta Burkina Faso
Tripolitania and Cyrenaica Libya
Numidia Algeria
Sudanese Republic Mali
Gaul France
French Equatorial Africa Central African Republic, Chad
German East Africa Rwanda and Burundi
Cathay China
Mangi China
Cochin-China, Annam, Tonkin Vietnam
Burma Myanmar
Edo Tokyo
Cho son Korea (North and South)
Kampuchea Cambodia
Formosa Taiwan

List of Countries, Capitals, Currencies

Country Capital Currency
Afghanistan Kabul Afghani
Albania Tirane Lek
Algeria Algiers Dinar

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Andorra Andorra la Vella Euro

Angola Luanda New Kwanza
Antigua and Barbuda Saint John’s East Caribbean dollar
Argentina Buenos Aires Peso
Armenia Yerevan Dram
Australia Canberra Australian dollar
Austria Vienna Euro (formerly schilling)
Azerbaijan Baku Manat
The Bahamas Nassau Bahamian dollar
Bahrain Manama Bahrain dinar
Bangladesh Dhaka Taka
Barbados Bridgetown Barbados dollar
Belarus Minsk Belorussian ruble
Belgium Brussels Euro (formerly Belgian franc)
Belize Belmopan Belize dollar
Benin Porto-Novo CFA Franc
Bhutan Thimphu Ngultrum
Bolivia La Paz Boliviano
Sucre (judicial)
Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo Convertible Mark
Botswana Gaborone Pula
Brazil Brasilia Real
Brunei Bandar Seri Brunei dollar
Bulgaria Sofia Lev
Burkina Faso Ouagadougou CFA Franc
Burundi Gitega Burundi franc
Cambodia Phnom Penh Riel
Cameroon Yaounde CFA Franc
Canada Ottawa Canadian dollar
Cape Verde Praia Cape Verdean escudo
Central African Republic Bangui CFA Franc
Chad N’Djamena CFA Franc
Chile Santiago Chilean Peso
China Beijing Chinese Yuan

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Colombia Bogota Colombian Peso

Comoros Moroni Franc
Republic of the Congo Brazzaville CFA Franc
Zimbabwe Harare United States dollar
Costa Rica San Jose Colón
Cote d’Ivoire Yamoussoukro CFA Franc
(official); Abidjan
(de facto)
Croatia Zagreb Croatian
Cuba Havana Cuban Peso
Cyprus Nicosia Euro
Czech Republic Prague Koruna
Denmark Copenhagen Danish Krone
Djibouti Djibouti Djiboutian franc
Dominica Roseau East Caribbean dollar
Dominican Republic Santo Domingo Dominican Peso
East Timor (Timor-Leste) Dili U.S. dollar
Ecuador Quito U.S. dollar
Egypt Cairo Egyptian pound
El Salvador San Salvador Colón; U.S. dollar
Equatorial Guinea Malabo CFA Franc
Eritrea Asmara Nakfa
Estonia Tallinn Estonia Kroon; Euro
Ethiopia Addis Ababa Birr
Fiji Suva Fiji dollar
Finland Helsinki Euro (formerly markka)
France Paris Euro (formerly French franc)
Gabon Libreville CFA Franc
The Gambia Banjul Dalasi
Georgia Tbilisi Lari
Germany Berlin Euro (formerly Deutsche mark)
Ghana Accra Cedi
Greece Athens Euro (formerly drachma)
Grenada Saint George’s East Caribbean dollar
Guatemala Guatemala City Quetzal
Guinea Conakry Guinean franc

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Guinea-Bissau Bissau CFA Franc

Guyana Georgetown Guyanese dollar
Haiti Port-au-Prince Gourde
Honduras Tegucigalpa Lempira
Hungary Budapest Forint
Iceland Reykjavik Icelandic króna
India New Delhi Indian Rupee
Indonesia Jakarta Rupiah
Iran Tehran Rial
Iraq Baghdad Iraqi Dinar
Ireland Dublin Euro (formerly Irish pound [punt])
Israel Jerusalem* Shekel
Italy Rome Euro (formerly lira)
Jamaica Kingston Jamaican dollar
Japan Tokyo Yen
Jordan Amman Jordanian dinar
Kazakhstan Nur Sultan Tenge
Kenya Nairobi Kenya shilling
Kiribati Tarawa Atoll Kiribati dollar
North Korea Pyongyang Won
South Korea Seoul Won
Kuwait Kuwait City Kuwaiti Dinar
Kyrgyzstan Bishkek Som
Laos Vientiane New Kip
Latvia Riga Lats
Lebanon Beirut Lebanese pound
Lesotho Maseru Maluti
Liberia Monrovia Liberian dollar
Libya Tripoli Libyan dinar
Liechtenstein Vaduz Swiss franc
Lithuania Vilnius Litas
Luxembourg Luxembourg Euro (formerly Luxembourg franc)
Macedonia Skopje Denar
Madagascar Antananarivo Malagasy Ariary
Malawi Lilongwe Kwacha
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Ringgit
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Maldives Male Rufiyaa

Mali Bamako CFA Franc
Malta Valletta Euro
Marshall Islands Majuro U.S. Dollar
Mauritania Nouakchott Ouguiya
Mauritius Port Louis Mauritian rupee
Mexico Mexico City Mexican peso
Federated States of Palikir U.S. Dollar
Moldova Chisinau Leu
Monaco Monte Carlo Euro
Mongolia Ulaanbaatar Togrog
Montenegro Podgorica Euro
Morocco Rabat Dirham
Mozambique Maputo Metical
Myanmar (Burma) Nay Pyi Taw Kyat
Namibia Windhoek Namibian dollar
Nauru no official capital; Australian dollar
government offices
in Yaren District
Nepal Kathmandu Nepalese rupee
Netherlands Amsterdam; The Euro (formerly guilder)
Hague (seat of
New Zealand Wellington New Zealand dollar
Nicaragua Managua Gold Cordoba
Niger Niamey CFA Franc
Nigeria Abuja Naira
Norway Oslo Norwegian krone
Oman Muscat Omani rial
Pakistan Islamabad Pakistani rupee
Palau Melekeok U.S. dollar
Palestine Ramallah, East Palestine Pound
Panama Panama City Balboa; U.S. dollar
Papua New Guinea Port Moresby Kina

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Paraguay Asuncion Guaraní

Peru Lima Nuevo sol (1991)
Philippines Manila Peso
Poland Warsaw Zloty
Portugal Lisbon Euro (formerly escudo)
Qatar Doha Qatari riyal
Romania Bucharest Romanian Rupee
Russia Moscow Ruble
Rwanda Kigali Rwandan franc
Saint Kitts and Nevis Basseterre East Caribbean dollar
Saint Lucia Castries East Caribbean dollar
Saint Vincent and the Kingstown East Caribbean dollar
Samoa Apia Tala
San Marino San Marino Euro
Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome Dobra
Saudi Arabia Riyadh Riyal
Senegal Dakar CFA Franc
Serbia Belgrade Serbian Dinar
Seychelles Victoria Seychelles rupee
Sierra Leone Freetown Leone
Singapore Singapore Singapore dollar
Slovakia Bratislava Euro
Slovenia Ljubljana Slovenian tolar; euro (as of 1/1/07)
Solomon Islands Honiara Solomon Islands dollar
Somalia Mogadishu Somali shilling
South Africa Pretoria Rand
Cape Town
South Sudan Juba Sudanese Pound
Spain Madrid Euro (formerly peseta)

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Sri Lanka Colombo; Sri Sri Lankan rupee

Kotte (legislative)
Sudan Khartoum Sudanese Pound
Suriname Paramaribo Surinamese dollar
Swaziland Mbabane Lilangeni
Sweden Stockholm Krona
Switzerland Berne Swiss franc
Syria Damascus Syrian pound
Taiwan Taipei Taiwan dollar
Tajikistan Dushanbe Somoni
Tanzania Dar es Salaam; Tanzanian shilling
Thailand Bangkok Baht
Togo Lome CFA Franc
Tonga Nuku’alofa Pa’anga
Trinidad and Tobago Port-of-Spain Trinidad and Tobago dollar
Tunisia Tunis Tunisian dinar
Turkey Ankara Turkish lira (YTL)
Turkmenistan Ashgabat Manat
Tuvalu Vaiaku village, Tuvaluan Dollar
Funafuti province
Uganda Kampala Ugandan new shilling
Ukraine Kiev Hryvnia
United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi U.A.E. Dirham
United Kingdom London Pound sterling
United States of America Washington D.C. Dollar
Uruguay Montevideo Uruguay peso

Uzbekistan Tashkent Uzbekistani sum

Vanuatu Port-Vila Vatu

Vatican City (Holy See) Vatican City Euro

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Venezuela Caracas Bolivar

Vietnam Hanoi Dong
Yemen Sanaa Rial
Zambia Lusaka Kwacha


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