Filling of Post of DD (EDP) On Deputation Basis Reg30724.

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N o. A-12O2a // 2024-Estt.

Govemment of India
Departrrrent of Personnel & Training
Staff Selection Commieeion

Block No. -12, CGO Compler

Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003.
Dated:d lJuly,202a


Subr Filling up 01 (one) ex-Cadre post (Group 'A') of Deputy Director (Elechonic
Data Processing ) in Staff Selection Commission on deputation basis'

Staff Selection Commission invites applications for filling up 01 (one) ex-

Cadre post (Group'A') of Deputy Director (Electronic Data Processing )post in Staff
selection Corrrrission on deputation basis. The details of the posts along with the
eligibility criteria, education qualification/experience etc. required for each posts is
given in the enclosed Annexure-L

2. The appointment will be made on dePutation basis initially for a period of 03

years, which can be extended for a period not exceeding seven years, and will be
govemed by instructions issued vide DoPT vide OM No. 5/8/2009-Estt (PayJI)
dated as amended from time to time. The fixation of Pay/deputation
(duty) allowance shall be govemed by instructions issued by DoPT from time to

3. The maximum age limit on deputation shall not exceed 56 years as on closing
date of receipt of application by the Com:nission. The Commission reserves the right
not to fill up any or a1l the above vacancies.

4. The application in the prescribed pro-forma (Annexure-Il), together with all

necessary documents i.e. cadre clearance, vigilance clearance, copies of APARs etc.
and'Certificate from the Employer' should reach to the undersigned, through
proper channel, within 2 months from the date of publication of the advertisement in
Employment News.

5. It is clarified that any form of conditional forwarding from the employer or

applications received without prescribed documents and 'Certificate of Employer'
will be rejected.
6. The applicants must ensure that their application(s) should reach SSC through
proper channel by the Last date ptescribed for receipt of applications' However' they
may also send an advance copy of the application(s) to ssc well before the last date
prescribed and ensure forwarding of their application through proper channel

7. This may kindly be given wide publicity.

Encl:- As above.
L \.t
Under Secretary (Esft.)


't A11 the Ministries/Departments/Organizations of the Govt' of lndia'

Copy to:-

1. Ms. fasmine, Under Secretary (Estt.B), Department of Personnel & Training'

North Block, New Delhi.
Eligibility criteria for DD(EDP): -

S.No. Name of Post & Qualification/ Requirements No. of

Pay Scale posts
1. Deputy Officers under the Central Government/ State 01
Director Governments/ Universities/ Recognized Research
(Electronic Institution/ Public Sector Undertakings/ Statutory,
Data Semi-Government or Autonomous Organizations: -
Processing) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis; or
Pay Matrix Level (ii) with five years regular service in posts in Level-9
11 or equivalent; or
(Pre-revised pay (iii) with eight years regular service in posts in
scale PB-3 +G P - Level-6 or equivalen| and
Rs. 6600) (Period of deputation including period of deputation
in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding
this appointment in the same or some organisation/
department of the Central government shall
ordinarily not exceed 3 years).
(i)Master's degree in Statistical Mathematics/
Operations Research, Physics or Economics/
Commerce (with statistics) or Degree in
Engineering/ Computer Science of a recognized
University or equivalent.
(ii) 7 years' experience of electronic data processing
work out of which at least 3 years' experience
should be in actual programming on electronic
Note 1: Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion
of the U.P.S.C. in case of candidates otherwise well
Note 2: the qualification regarding experience is
relaxable at the discretion of the U.P.S.C. in the
case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes if at any stage of selection the
UPSC is of the opinion that sufficient number of
candidate s from these communities possessing the
requisite experience are not likely to be available to
fill up the vacancies reserved for them.
Formal training in computer programming/system
desiqn/ analysis.

The last date of receipt of applications will be two months from the publication of this
vacancy in Employment News.

Please paste
passport size
photograph here

t Name and address (In Block


2. Post Applied for (Separate

appllcatious are to be setlt
for dllferert postsl
3 Date of Birth

4. Date of superannuation

5 Sta tus of your present

employer (Pl. specify whether
Central Govt./State
Govt/Autonomous/ Statutory
Body/ PSU/others (specify))

6. Initial date of appointment

in Govt. Service

7 Ofhce address with

Telephone No. & email

Page 2 of 7
8 Residenti al Address with
Telephone No.

9 Present post held , along with

Pay Lcvel and present Basic
Pay /Pay Scale/pay Band
and Grade Pay of the post

10 Educati onal Qualifications

11. Pleas e S ta te cl ear ly he th er 1n th e ligh t of en

trie s mad e by you be low you mee t th e
requisite Es sen tial Ed u C tio nal and o th qualifica tion
S an d wor k expenen ce qu rre d
for the post (if anv qu alifica ti ons have been tre a te d
AS equ val en t to th e one pre scn bed
ln th e Rule s. s ta te the au thori ty for the same)

Essential Qualific ation/Experienci Qualific ations/Experience

required possessed by the ollicer


Desirable (wherever a.

72 Detail S of Em plol.rnen t ln chro nol ogical order, en cl ose a parate

se shee t duly
au th en ti c a ted by your sl gna ture if th e Space below
1S lns u fhcien t.

Office/Institution Post From To Scale Nature of duties

Held of
Pay (In details)
in old

Page 3 of 7

13 Nature of present emploJrment i.e., ad-

hoc or Temporary or euasi-permanent
or Permanent

74. In case of present employment is held

on deputation/contract basis, please

A. The date of initial appointment.

B. Period of appointment on

C. Name of the parent

offtce f organization to which
you belong.

15. Please state whether you are working

in the same department and are in the
feeder grade or feeder to feeder grade.

15. Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? If

yes, give the date from which the
revision took place and indicate the
pre-revised scale.

Page 4 of 7
t7 Total emoluments as per month now
18 Additional information, if any, which
you would like to mention in support
ofyour suitability for the post, (This
among other things may provide
information wit1: regard to

(i) additional academic qualification

(ii)Professional training and

(iii) work experience over and above

prescribed in the vacancy
(Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if
the space is insullicient)

19 Please state whether you are

applylng for Deputation
(ISTC) /Absorption / Reemployment
Basis. (Officers under Central/State
Governments are only eligible for
"Absorption " Candidates of non-
Govemment Organizations are
eligible only for short Term

20 Remarks (The candidates may

indicatelnformation with regard to

(i)Research publications and reports

and special projects
(ii)Awards/ Scholarship/ Offi cial

(iiilAffrliation u/ith the professional

bodies/institutions/societies and (iv)
any other information. (Note:
Enclose a separate Sheet if the space
is insufficient)

Page 5 of 7
2l Please sate briefly how you find yourself best suitable for the posts appiied for:

I have carefully gone through the vacanry circular/advertisement, and I am

well aware that the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by documents submitted by
me will also be assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the
post, It is also certified that the information fumished above is correct and true to
the best of my knowledge. In event of my selection, I shall abide by terms and
conditions of the services attached to the post.



Date: -

Page 6 of 7
(Certification by the Employer / Cadre Controlling Authority)

The information/details provided in the above application by the applicant are true and correct as
per the facts available on records. He / She possesses educational qualifications and experience
mentioned in the Advt. lf selected, helshe will be relieved immediately.

2. lt is also certified that: -

i) There is no vigilance or disciplinary case pending / contemplated against Shri / Smt

ii) His/her integrity is certified.

iii) His/her CR Dossier in original is enclosed

/ photocopies of the ACRS for the last 5 years duly
attested by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary of the Govt. of lndia or above are enclosed.


No major / minor penalty has been imposed on him / her during the last 10 years Or A list of major /
minor penalties imposed on him / her during the last 10 years is enclosed (as the case may be)

(v) cadre controlling Authority has no objection to the consideration of the applicant for the posts
mentioned in this advertisement.

Name and Designation_
Tel No.

Office Seal

Place: -

Date: -

List of enclosures: -






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