Janvi Final Report
Janvi Final Report
Janvi Final Report
Project Submitted to
Govt. Holkar (Model, Auton- Directorate of Forensic Services, Govt. Holkar (Model, Autonomous)
omous) Science College, In- Junga, Himachal Pradesh Science College, Indore (M.P)
dore (M.P)
INDORE- 452017 (M.P.) INDIA
(NAAC Accredited "A++ " Grade)
This is to certify that Miss. Janvi Patidar M.Sc. Final Year, has car-
ried out his project work entitled "Extraction of DNA from saliva sample " at workplace
Directorate of Forensic Services, Junga, Himachal Pradesh submitted to Department of
Forensic Science, Govt. Holkar (Model, Autonomous) Science College, Indore in the partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Masters of Science. The work was carried out
by the student under the supervision of an External Guide Dr. Aparna Sharma and an Internal
Guide Prof. Isha Sahu.
I hereby declare that the work entitled " Extraction of DNA from
Saliva Samples" presented in this project is an original piece of work carried out under the
guidance of internal guide Prof. Isha Sahu and external guide Dr. Aparna Sharma in the
name of external institute Directorate of Forensic Services, Junga which is being submitted
to the Department of Forensic Science, Govt. Holkar (Model, Autonomous) Science Col-
lege, Indore for partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Degree of Masters in
Science. This is further certified that this project work has not been submitted in part or full for
any other degree or diploma of this or any other institute.
Janvi Patidar
M.Sc. Final Year
Saliva is a food fluid that mixes with food in the mouth during chewing by teeth. It acts as a
digestive juice and softens the food, allowing for an easier digestion process. Salivary glands
produce this substance. Moreover, Saliva is a dark, colourless, opalescent fluid found in the
mouths of humans and other vertebrates at all times. Air, mucus, proteins, mineral salts, and
amylase make up this fluid. Saliva gathers Sthe mouth cavity. The human mouth excretes one
to two Liters of fluid every day.
Saliva (commonly referred to as spit) is an extracellular fluid produced and secreted by sali-
vary glands in the mouth. In humans, saliva is around 99% water, plus electrolytes, mu-
cus, white blood cells, epithelial cells (from which DNA can be extracted), enzymes (such
as lipase and amylase), and antimicrobial agents (such as secretory IgA, and lysozymes).
The enzymes found in saliva are essential in beginning the process of digestion of dietary
starches and fats. These enzymes also play a role in breaking down food particles entrapped
within dental crevices, thus protecting teeth from bacterial decay. Saliva also performs a lu-
bricating function, wetting food and permitting the initiation of swallowing, and protecting
the oral mucosa from drying out.
✓ Normally the daily production of whole saliva ranges from 0.5 to 1.0 litter.
STAGE 1: Production of primary saliva from the cells of secretory end pieces and interca-
lated ducts which is an isotonic fluid.
STAGE 2: The primary saliva is modified as it passes through the striated and excretory ducts
mainly by reabsorption and secretion of electrolytes the final saliva that reach the oral cavity
of hypotonic.
• Protective properties
• Lubrication
• Maintenance of PH
• Digestion
• Taste
• Excretion
• Water balance
• Oral hygiene
• Salivary diagnosis
• Diagnosis
• 99% of this hypotonic fluid in water
• Remaining 1% consists dissolve organic and inorganic Constituents.
A. Amylase
B. Maltase
C. Lingual lipase
D. Lysozyme
E. Carbonic anhydrase
F. Kallikrein
1. Protein
2. Blood group antigen
3. Free amino acid
4. Non protein nitrogenous substance urea, uric acid creatinine
A) Sodium (0-80mg/100ml)
B) Potassium (60-100mg/100ml)
C) Calcium (2-11mg/100ml)
D) Phosphate (6-71mg/100ml)
E) Chloride (50- 100mg/100ml)
F) Fluoride (.01-.04mg/100ml)
G) Bicarbonate (0-40mg/100ml)
H) Thiocyanate (2mg)
I) Hydrogen ion (PH range is 5.0-8.0)
• Oxygen (0.18-25vol%)
• Nitrogen (0.9vol%)
General Secretion
Saliva is always a hypotonic solution but it needs to be produced from concentrated extra-
cellular fluid and modified.
The fluid secreted from the acini is overall isotonic with the extracellular fluid:
During ductal modification, there is little change in volume however concentrations of some
of the ions change:
The ductal cells have a maximum rate of modification and therefore the more rapidly saliva is
produced, the less it is modified (excluding bicarbonate).
Fig – Diagram showing the modification of saliva.
Resting Saliva
At rest, the acinar secretion is highly modified and has the following characteristics:
• Low volume
• Very hypotonic
• Neutral or slightly acidic
• Few enzymes
Stimulated Saliva
When the production of saliva is stimulated, flow exceeds the ductal cells’ maximum rate of
modification and so the acinar secretion is modified less:
• High volume
• Less hypotonic than resting saliva
• Alkaline
We have recently improved the performance of the DNA IQ™ System on the Maxwell® 16
Instrument by increasing extraction and isolation efficiencies. First, we designed a new LEV
plunger using a proprietary material that increases isolation efficiency. Second, we improved
extraction efficiency by introducing an optimized DNA extraction buffer. In this article, we
demonstrate the resulting increase in DNA yield across a variety of samples, and compare
these results to data generated by organic extraction.
3.2 Evaluation of Maximum DNA Yield from a New Non -invasive Buccal
Collection Device Following Various Extraction Protocols
Background: As the demand in genetic testing increases, various fields look toward collection
methods that are non-invasive and efficient in recovering deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) for
testing that will allow for high first-pass success rates.
Objective: Two extraction methods (Prep Filer™ Express Forensic Extraction and the Max-
well® RSC Buccal Swab DNA Kits) were optimized to increase DNA yield from a buccal cell
collection device (Gentueri's Collect Eject™ Swab).
Materials and Methods: Buccal swabs were processed under varying incubation parameters
using a forensic workflow. The Prep Filer method was adjusted to test longer incubation
times and more aggressive agitation. The Maxwell method was adjusted to test incubation
temperatures and duration.
Results: Quantitative results showed that increased agitation can yield more DNA through
the Prep Filer extraction, but longer incubation times did not increase DNA recovery. The re-
sults from the Maxwell study showed no significant difference between incubation tempera-
tures or times.
Conclusions: The results indicate that various applied genetic fields can utilize a non-inva-
sive, simple collection method using the Collect Eject device in conjunction with extraction
methods already implemented in laboratories to collect 5000 ng of DNA or greater from a
buccal cell collection.
3.3 Increasing DNA extraction yield from saliva stains with a modified
Chelex method
3.4 Collection and Extraction of Saliva DNA for Next Generation Sequencing
Authors: Michael R. Goode1, Soo Yeon Cheong1, Ning Li1, William C. Ray1,2, Christopher
W. Bartlett1,3 et.al., The preferred source of DNA in human genetics research is blood, or cell
lines derived from blood, as these sources yield large quantities of high-quality DNA. However,
DNA extraction from saliva can yield high quality DNA with little to no degradation/fragmen-
tation that is suitable for a variety of DNA assays without the expense of a phlebotomist and
can even be acquired through the mail. However, at present, no saliva DNA collection/extrac-
tion protocols for next generation sequencing have been presented in the literature. This proto-
col optimizes parameters of saliva collection/storage and DNA extraction to be of sufficient
quality and quantity for DNA assays with the highest standards, including microarray genotyp-
ing and next generation sequencing.
3.5 Isolation of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) from Saliva and Forensic Sci-
ence Samples Containing Saliva
DJ Walsh, M.S., AC Corey, B.S., RW Cotton, Ph.D., L Forman, Ph.D., GL Herrin, Jr,
Ph.D., CJ Word, Ph.D., DD Garner, Ph.D.et,al.,Saliva and saliva-stained materials were
examined as potential sources of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) for DNA analysis and identity
testing. In this paper, the authors demonstrate that DNA was isolated and DNA banding pat-
terns suitable for DNA typing were obtained from fresh saliva and various saliva-stained ma-
terials, such as envelopes, buccal swabs, gags, and cigarettes. Furthermore, DNA and DNA
banding patterns were obtained from actual forensic evidentiary samples containing mixed
saliva/semen stains. The DNA banding patterns obtained from saliva or saliva-stained mate-
rial were indistinguishable from the patterns obtained from blood or hair from the same indi-
vidual. Intact DNA was readily isolated and DNA banding patterns were obtained from saliva
stored at −20°C and dried saliva stains stored under varying conditions. We conclude that sa-
liva and saliva-stained material can be good sources of DNA for analysis and for DNA typing
in certain forensic settings.
Ľubica Janovičov 1, Dominika Holániová 1, Barbora Vlková1 and Peter Celec 1, et.al.,
Salivary DNA is widely used for genetic analyses because of its easy collection. However, its
extracellular fraction in particular, similar to the extracellular DNA (ecDNA) in plasma,
could be a promising biomarker for oral or systemic diseases. In contrast to genetics, the
quantity of salivary ecDNA is of importance and can be affected by the pre-analytical pro-
cessing of samples, but the details are not known. The aim of our study was to analyse the
effects of centrifugation and freezing of saliva on the concentration of ecDNA in saliva. Fif-
teen healthy volunteers, free of any known systemic or oral diseases, were asked to collect
unstimulated saliva samples. Aliquots were centrifuged at 1600× g and frozen or directly
processed. The fresh or thawed cell-free saliva samples underwent subsequent centrifugation
at 16,000× g. The supernatants were used for DNA isolation and quantification using fluo-
rometry and real-time PCR. While freezing had minimal effects on the salivary ecDNA con-
centration, another centrifugation step decreased ecDNA considerably in both fresh and
frozen samples (by 97.8% and 98.4%, respectively). This was mirrored in the quantitative
PCR targeting a nuclear (decrease by 93.5%) and mitochondrial (decrease by 97.7%) ecDNA
sequence. In conclusion, in this first study focusing on the technical aspects of salivary ec-
DNA quantitation, we show that, regardless of its subcellular origin, the concentration of ec-
DNA in saliva is mainly affected by additional centrifugation and not by the freezing of cen-
trifuged cell-free saliva samples. This suggests that most salivary ecDNA likely is associated
with cell debris and apoptotic bodies. Which fraction is affected by a particular disease
should be the focus of further targeted studies.
Saliva found at crime scenes is one of the most common types of evidence used to support
the involvement of a victim or suspect in a specific crime, such as sexual contact. Forensic
saliva samples are often mixed with other body fluids, such as sweat or vaginal fluid from the
victim in a sexual assault case. This mixture can cause difficulties when using DNA typing to
perform personal identification because there is currently no technique that is practically used
in most forensic laboratories for selectively isolating saliva cells or DNA from mixed sam-
ples. Moreover, because α-amylase activity, an indicator of most saliva identification meth-
ods, can be slightly detected in other body fluids, careful attention should be paid to saliva
identification tests of other body fluid-containing samples to determine whether the detected
activity is saliva- or non-saliva-derived.
Bitemarks are most frequently found in violent crimes, especially in those that involve sexual
assaults. Saliva samples can provide information on the assailant's blood type, secretor status,
and on the presence or absence of salivary amylase and other proteins. A saliva collection kit
should include a control and a sample tube, each containing eight 12-15 mm cotton threads
which have been obtained from rinsed sheeting. The vials should have a 2-3 mm hole melted
in their plastic stoppers to allow the threads to air dry after they have been moistened in the
swabbing process.
SCENE EXAMINATION: Forensic investigators thoroughly examine the crime scene for
any potential saliva stains or traces, such as on clothing, objects or surface.
Visible stains or suspected saliva spots are documented through photography and sketches.
Personal protective equipment (PPE): investigator should wear appropriate PPE, including
gloves, face masks, and protective clothing to prevent contamination of the sample and pro-
tect themselves from potential hazards.
Saliva sample collection usually involves spitting into a collection tube or using a swab to
collect saliva from inside of the mouth. It’s a sample and non-invasive process commonly
used in various medical tests and research studies.
Collection tools: - sterile cotton swabs or specialized collection devices are used for sample
Collection tubes or envelops are labelled with unique identifiers, including the date, time, lo-
cation, and case number, to maintain chain of custody.
Swabbing technique: -
Swabs are moistened with a sterile buffer solution to enhance sample collection.
Good saliva collection requires documenting items which may affect results, as well as fol-
lowing procedures which avoid the possibility of contaminating saliva with substances that
could interfere with the immunoassay. Before starting saliva collection from a research par-
ticipant, we recommend the following precautions: Avoid foods with high sugar or acidity, or
high caffeine content, immediately before sample collection, since they may compromise the
assay by lowering saliva pH and increasing bacterial growth. Document consumption of alco-
hol, caffeine, nicotine, and prescription/over-the-counter medications within the prior 12
hours. Document vigorous physical activity and the presence of oral diseases or injury. Do
not eat a major meal within 60 minutes of sample collection. Rinse mouth with water to re-
move food residue and wait at least 10 minutes after rinsing to avoid sample dilution before
collecting saliva.
It is always best to freeze samples at or below -20ºC immediately after collection to preserve
the sample for possible use in future studies. If freezing is not possible, to minimize degrada-
tion of unstable analytes and to prevent bacterial growth (25), refrigerate immediately at 4°C
and maintain at this temperature for no longer than necessary (ideally less than 2 hours) be-
fore freezing at or below -20ºC (temperature of a regular household freezer). Samples stored
for more than 4 months should be frozen at -80ºC. Freezing and centrifugation also helps pre-
cipitate mucins in the samples, which makes pipetting easier. We recommend samples are ex-
pressed or centrifuged to remove saliva from swab collections as soon as possible and prior to
freezing at temperatures of -20ºC or below in order to minimize freeze-thaw cycles. How-
ever, samples can be frozen in the swab for up to 6 months.
Storing samples at temperatures between 2°C to 8°C (36°F to 46°F) to slow bacterial growth
and enzyme activity.
Freezing: Storing samples at -20°C (-4°F) or lower to prevent degradation of nucleic acids
and proteins.
Stabilization solutions: Adding chemical stabilizers to saliva samples to prevent degra-
dation of biomolecules.
Drying: Lyophilization (freeze-drying) of saliva samples to remove moisture and preserve
biomolecules for long-term storage.
Samples can be stored at -80ºC for several years; the exact time has not been determined and
may vary by analyte. However, many samples that have been stored properly for over four
years have shown little or no degradation. We recommend you consult the literature or con-
tact Salimetrics for details.
On the day samples are to be assayed, bring samples to room temperature, vortex, and then
centrifuge at 1500 x g for 15 minutes. If the samples appear viscous, centrifuge for a greater
amount of time, or break up the clot with a pipette tip and re-centrifuge. Assays should be
performed using only clear saliva, avoiding any sediment present in the bottom of the tube.
When pipetting viscous solutions such as saliva, greater accuracy in sample volume is ob-
tained by aspirating slowly, in order to avoid the formation of bubbles. Re-centrifuge tubes
following each freeze-thaw cycle since additional precipitates may develop upon refreezing.
Libelling: Clearly label the collection container with the participant’s information, includ-
ing name, date of birth, collection date, and unique identifier.
Storage: Store the collected saliva samples in a cool, dry place to prevent degradation. Avoid
exposure to extreme temperatures or direct sunlight.
4.4. Extraction of DNA From saliva –
✓ Tris --------------0.0605g--------------0.121g
✓ NaCl --------------0.292g----------------0.584g
✓ EDTA-------------0.0185g---------------0.037g
✓ SDS----------------0.8g--------------------1.6g
• Proteinase k
• Thio glycerol
• Nuclear- free water
• Lysis buffer
• Elution buffer
❖ Instrument Specifications:
• Number of Samples: Up to 16
• Power Requirements: 100–240 VAC (volts alternating current) ,50/60Hz (Hertz), 2.5A
❖ Maxwell instrument
The Maxwell® RSC Stabilized Saliva DNA Kit is designed for automated DNA extraction
from stabilized saliva samples using the Maxwell® RSC Instruments. This kit is optimized
for maximum yield and purity. The Maxwell® RSC Stabilized Saliva DNA Kit delivers
high-yield DNA from a non-invasive collection method. The Maxwell® RSC Instrument can
process from 1 to 16 samples and the Maxwell® RSC 48 can process from 1 to 48 samples
in a single run. The Maxwell® RSC Stabilized Saliva DNA Kit is also compatible for use on
the Maxwell® CSC Instrument in RUO Mode.
This kit is designed for clinical research labs needing high-quality DNA from stabilized sa-
liva samples for molecular-based HLA typing and genetic testing.
❖ Casework kit for Maxwell / Maxwell® RSC Stabilized Saliva
DNA Kit -
❖ Process of extraction of saliva sample from maxwell:
• Saliva sample
• 1.5ml fresh Eppendorf tube
• Proteinase k
• Vortex
• Dry bath
• Centrifugation machine
• Sodium acetate
• Chilled ethanol
• Mili- Q water
• Now add 400-500 microliter Phenol chloroform isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1) to it.
• Centrifuge for 15min at 14000rpm
• Discard ethanol and allow the tube containing extracted DNA for dry bath for at least
half an hour to dry out the pellets.
• Again, put it on dry bath for 10min and we will get DNA extracted
The composition of saliva can be influenced by various factors, which include:
1. Diet:
- Consumption of different types of food and beverages can alter the pH, enzyme lev-
els, and other chemical components in saliva.
2. Hydration Status:
- Dehydration can reduce the volume and change the concentration of electrolytes
and other substances in saliva.
3. Medications:
- Certain medications, such as antihistamines, antidepressants, and diuretics, can af-
fect salivary flow and composition.
4. Health Conditions:
- Diseases and conditions such as diabetes, Sjögren's syndrome, and infections can
impact saliva production and its components.
5. Age:
- Salivary composition can change with age, often resulting in decreased saliva pro-
duction in older adults.
6. Hormonal Changes:
- Hormonal fluctuations, such as those occurring during pregnancy, menopause, or
menstrual cycles, can affect saliva composition.
7. Smoking and Alcohol Consumption:
- These habits can alter the chemical composition and decrease the protective com-
ponents of saliva.
8. Oral Hygiene and Health:
- Poor oral hygiene and the presence of dental diseases can influence the microbial
composition and overall chemistry of saliva.
9. Genetic Factors:
- Genetic predisposition can play a role in determining the baseline composition and
flow rate of saliva.
10. Time of Day:
- Circadian rhythms can cause variations in saliva composition, with different en-
zyme and hormone levels fluctuating throughout the day.
11. Stress and Emotions:
- Psychological stress and emotional states can impact saliva production and its bio-
chemical makeup.
12. Stimulus Type:
- The nature of the stimulus (e.g., chewing, taste, smell) can lead to differences in
the quantity and quality of saliva produced.
-Wear appropriate PPE such as lab coats, gloves, safety goggles, and masks.
2. Hygiene Practices:
- Avoid touching face, especially eyes, nose, and mouth, while handling samples.
3. Work Area:
- Use fume hoods or biosafety cabinets if working with volatile or biohazardous samples.
1. Biosafety Levels:
-Determine the appropriate biosafety level for the sample (BSL-1, BSL-2, BSL-3, BSL-4).
- Follow specific protocols for each biosafety level.
2. Containment:
- Label samples clearly with necessary information (e.g., contents, date, and hazard level).
3. Disposal:
1. Chemical Safety:
- Understand the properties** of the chemicals being handled (e.g., flammability, toxicity).
- Refer to Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for specific handling and storage instruc-
2. Storage:
Saliva samples are crucial in forensics for several reasons:
• DNA Analysis: Saliva contains epithelial cells that contain DNA. DNA extracted
from saliva can be compared with DNA from crime scenes, victims, or suspects to es-
tablish identity or exclusion.
Drug and Alcohol Testing: Saliva can be tested for the presence of drugs or al-
cohol, providing valuable information in cases involving impaired driving or drug-re-
lated offenses.
Trace Evidence: Saliva can contain trace amounts of other substances, such as
food particles or chemicals, which can provide additional clues or evidence in a case.
Extracting DNA from saliva is a vital procedure in genetic analysis, offering a non-invasive,
straightforward, and efficient method to obtain genetic material.
1. Quality and Quantity: Saliva provides a sufficient quantity of high-quality DNA suitable
for various genetic analyses, including PCR, sequencing, and genotyping.
3. Stability: Saliva samples, when collected and stored properly using stabilization solutions,
maintain DNA integrity over time, facilitating long-term studies and biobanking.
4. Cost-Effectiveness: The process is generally cost-effective, as it reduces the need for spe-
cialized personnel and equipment for sample collection and handling.
5. Applications: DNA extracted from saliva is widely used in various fields, including medi-
cal diagnostics, ancestry testing, forensic investigations, and personalized medicine, showcas-
ing its versatility and utility.
In summary, DNA extraction from saliva is a reliable and practical method for obtaining ge-
Lindner et al. (et al., 20XX) discuss enhancements in forensic casework performance through
updates in extraction and isolation methodologies for the Maxwell® 16 instrument.
Pißarreck et al. (et al., 20XX) evaluate the maximum DNA yield achievable from a new non-
invasive buccal collection device across various extraction protocols.
Sweet et al. (et al., 20XX) present a modified Chelex method aimed at increasing DNA ex-
traction yield from saliva stains.
Goode et al. (et al., 20XX) describe methods for the collection and extraction of saliva DNA
specifically tailored for next-generation sequencing applications.
Methods for the isolation of DNA from saliva and forensic science samples containing saliva
are detailed in the work by various authors (et al., 20XX).
Janovičová et al. (et al., 20XX) investigate pre-analytical factors influencing extracellular
DNA in saliva, highlighting their impact on downstream genetic analyses.