Reduced Edt Information Booklet

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Information Booklet
Version 2 April 2019

Údarás Um Shábháilteacht Ar Bhóithre

Road Safety Authority
Reduced Essential
Driver Training

What is Reduced EDT? How to become a

Reduced EDT programme is a competent driver
mandatory driver training programme
The Road Safety Authority (RSA) and
for drivers from outside of Ireland who
road safety organisations around the
currently hold a valid full car licence
world have tried to find out what
but come from a country who does not
makes people competent and safe
have a licence exchange agreement
drivers. It’s clear that the way you
with Ireland.
learn to drive is most important.
We acknowledge that foreign drivers
have experience from driving in the
What is a competent jurisdiction they have left. The driving
driver? environment in Ireland may differ
significantly to the jurisdiction of the
A competent driver is able to drive with
returning foreign driver (driving on
care and has the knowledge, skills and
the left hand side of the road, sitting
attitude to deal with hazards safely. To
on the right hand side of the vehicle
be a competent driver you should:
and rules such as turning left on a red
 have good observation skills, light). So to help you to continue to
be a safer driver, we introduced a six
 be considerate to other road hour Reduced Essential Driver Training
users and share the road safely (EDT) course.
with them,
The Reduced EDT Course identifies a
 exercise self-control and use basic standard of driving skills which
your own judgement to ensure are at a minimum the higher level
your safety, the safety of your skills and knowledge required. These
passengers and that of other sessions will prepare foreign drivers
road users, not only for their Irish driving test but
 understand the consequences for integration into the Irish driving
of choices between safe and environment.
risky driving,
 never take risks on the road or
drive aggressively.

Reduced Essential Driver Training 1

Before we tell you more about driver training that maybe required,
Reduced EDT, here is a guide to some visit our website and follow
of the terms we use in this booklet the link ‘Find an Instructor’.
and how they relate to the Reduced
Your ADI will keep you informed of
EDT course.
your progress as you build up your
knowledge and skills throughout
the course. If for any reason you are
not happy with your training or have
concerns about your progress, please
talk to your ADI first. They will probably
be able to sort out any issues you have.
You can switch ADIs during the course
but remember to get your ADI to sign
Learner permit off on and upload each session you
have completed before making any
A learner permit allows you to drive, change. If you have any problems or
with some restrictions, so you can get need more information, contact Driver
the practice you need to become a Education section – email [email protected].
safe, competent driver before you
take your test.
You are not required to wait for six Logbook
months to take a driving test. However
you are required to take the Reduced
EDT course of driving tuition. This gives
you a chance to practise and to gain
more driving experience in this country.
Always carry your learner permit while
Essential Driver Training (EDT)
you’re driving.
Údarás Um Shábháilteacht Ar Bhóithre
Road Safety Authority

Approved Driving
At your first session, your ADI will give
Instructor (ADI) you a personal Logbook which you
Only instructors approved by the RSA must hold on to, even if you change
can deliver the Reduced Essential ADIs. Your Logbook sets out the session
Driver Training course, only those plan for each session of the Reduced
approved can give you the official Essential Driver Training (EDT) course.
Logbook. ADIs have the training As you complete each session, your
resources to deliver the course. We ADI will record your progress in your
monitor the work of each ADI so you Logbook, sign it and upload onto the
can learn with confidence. To find an RSA EDT portal.
ADI in your area and any additional

2 Reduced Essential Driver Training

Take care of your Logbook – keep it safe Each session has a set of expected
and bring it along with you to each outcomes – these describe what you
session so your ADI can update it. It’s should be able to do at the end of a
your responsibility to make sure your session. Your ADI will select routes that
Logbook is updated after each session. will allow you to use the skills covered
If you switch to another ADI, they in the session. At the end of each
can only sign off on the sessions you session, your ADI will tell you what
complete with them. skills you need to practise and identify
any additional training required.
Now that you are more familiar with
You must play your part and prepare
some of the terms we use, let’s look
for the next session.
at what Reduced EDT is and what it
involves for you. Remember – the Reduced EDT course
alone is not enough to make you a
competent driver. You will need to
What is Reduced EDT? practise as much as possible with
a Sponsor, who must be the holder
Reduced Essential Driver Training, is a
of a full category “B” licence for at
mandatory driver training programme
least two years, and additional formal
consisting of 6 one hour sessions
driving lessons should form part of all
designed for the holders of a current
training plans, using the skills you have
full valid car (category B) driver
learnt in one session to prepare for the
licence from a country that does not
next session so as to get the best from
have a licence exchange agreement
your training. Your ADI will advise you
with Ireland. Reduced EDT will help
about other instruction and support
you learn some of the most vital
you may need while practicing.
driving skills as well as improve your
knowledge and understanding of road
safety in Ireland.
Why do I need to
We have developed this course from
the Learner Driver Training (LDT)
do Reduced EDT?
syllabus, which covers all of the skills Reduced EDT will prepare you for the
and behaviours that a competent driver Irish Driving enviornment. We have
needs to have. During your training, used a risk-based approach to develop
your ADI will refer to this syllabus. You the Reduced EDT course. This means
can view it at any time at that it focuses on learning the skills,
understanding and behaviours you will
There are 6 one-hour sessions in the
need to deal with the hazards you will
course. Appendix A in this booklet has
face when driving. We know this will
the syllabus for each of the sessions
make a big difference to road safety.
and explains what you should expect
from each session. You must take the The course means that the training
sessions in the order set out. Your you receive from your ADI will be
ADI will record each session in your consistent, and this will help you to
Logbook. become a safe and responsible driver.

Reduced Essential Driver Training 3

Their role is to develop your skills Before you attend your first session,
and good road behaviour so that it make sure you have everything you
continues as a lifelong habit. need. Your ADI will check your learner
permit. If you provide the vehicle for
You must complete the Reduced EDT
your training, they will also check
course before you can take your
insurance, motor tax, NCT and the
driving test.
roadworthiness of the vehicle. If your
ADI is not happy with any of these, they
Preparing for your may not go ahead with your session.
first session You must sign a declaration that these
are in order before each session.
When you contact an ADI, ask them
for advice on how to prepare for the At your first session, your ADI will
Reduced EDT course. They may suggest register you and give you your
you do some reading, sessions or Logbook. They will then set out the
practice before you begin Reduced aims of the course and any rules about
EDT. If you follow your ADIs advice and things such as asking questions and
practise driving with your Sponsor taking breaks.
between your formal driving lessons, At the end of each session, your ADI
you should be able to achieve the will sign, date and stamp your Logbook
expected outcomes set out in each to confirm you have completed that
session plan. session and upload the session on to
These booklets are good resources the RSA EDT portal. They will also give
for learning: you feedback on whether you met
the outcomes for the session. They
ish Rule Book
will advise you on what you need to
Rules of the Road Údarás Um Shábháilteacht Ar Bhóithre Road Safety Authority

oad saves lives and prevents

ward language and aimed at all
ans, cyclists, motorcyclists and
e Road sets out the laws, and
riving practice.
practise and how to prepare for the
oad Signs, Markings and Lights
• Penalty Points • Rules and
next session.
g Practice and Safety.

fficial RSA Rule Book

roads, cycle tracks or footpaths,
e out their first learner permit,

Where can I practise

e, those who are preparing for
driving test and
ady licensed drivers.
e for every road user.

se. Complete.
my driving?
With a learner permit (even though you
Revision No. 6: April 2018
Rules of the Road

enure Road East, Rathgar, Dublin 6, Ireland.

53 1 492 2777;
may hold a full licence from another

ó Ghleann na Muaidhe, Cnoc an tSabhaircín,

jurisdiction), you can drive on most
roads in the Irish Republic but you are
aile Átha Cliath, Béal an Átha, Co. Mhaigh Eo.
y Business Park, Primrose Hill, Dublin Road,
o. Mayo.
90 50 60 80 fax: (096) 25 252 Údarás Um Shábháilteacht Ar Bhóithre

not allowed on a motorway. Your ADI or

[email protected] website: Road Safety Authority

an accompaning driver who has held a

full Irish car licence for at least 2 years
• The Rules of The Road must be with you at all times.
• Learning to Drive manual
• EDT Logbook

4 Reduced Essential Driver Training

Remember track of your progress and prepare for
your driving test.
It is an offence for a Learner Driver to
drive unaccompanied by a Qualified By logging on to and
Driver. The learner driver and the clicking on the My EDT tab.
owner of the vehicle may be fined. To view your essential driver training
The vehicle may be detained by An records online, simply set up an
Garda Siochana. account for My EDT.
All you need to fill in is your full name,
date of birth and driver number.
What happens when
With MyEDT you can view your
I finish Reduced EDT? training record: what sessions youv’e
You should apply for your driving test completed, and when they were
and in the mean time try to get as uploaded and what EDT sessions you
much practice as you can on different have left to do. You can also print off
types of roads and in different traffic any or all of your driving sessions.
conditions. If there are any differences between
In preparing for your driving test, your online record of sessions and the
keep a learning frame of mind as you sessions you’ve actually completed,
practise. You can do more training with contact your driving instructor. Your
your ADI. A mix of formal and informal instructor will be able to update or
training is a good way to develop correct anything in My EDT.
your driving skills and risk awareness. You should talk to your driving
Discuss the risks and how to reduce instructor about your progress and
them with your ADI to help you learn be guided by him /her. Everyone is
more quickly and effectively. different: and If you need more lessons,
If you have already applied for your your instructor will let you know.
driving test and the RSA have received If you’re ready for your driving test,
details of your training from your ADI you can apply on line.
you will be given a test appointment.
If you have not already applied for a
test be guided by your ADI as to when Sharing information
it will be appropriate to apply, he or
she will be fully familiar with driving Please note, when you have completed
test waiting times and is best placed to the Reduced Essential Driver Training
advise you. certain information will be shared with
the Road Safety Authority so it can
You can now view all your EDT training make sure you fulfil the Reduced EDT
records online. With your own requirements. This will include your
personalised essential driver training name, driver number and details of the
application (My EDT), you can keep Reduced EDT lessons you completed.

Reduced Essential Driver Training 5

Appendix A

Reduced Essential
Driver Training
The 6 sessions in this Redcued Essential Driver Training (EDT) programme
are designed to:
 help you prepare for the practical driving test;
 cover some of the most important skills and behaviours (driving habits)
that a returning foreign driver must have;
 guide your progress; and
 highlight the contribution the Approved Driving Instructor (ADI)
makes to this process.
We have also developed a separate Learner Driver Training (LDT) syllabus. It sets
out the ‘best practice’ that you and your ADI should follow so that you can develop
the full range of knowledge, skills and behaviours that a safe and responsible
driver needs. In addition, the Reduced EDT programme focuses on the particularly
crucial driving skills.

Reduced Essential Driver Training syllabus

The Reduced EDT programme does not cover all of the LDT syllabus. Instead, it
focuses on the driving behaviours that research shows contribute most to collision
and injuries. The Reduced EDT works with the driver to improve their knowledge,
understanding and behaviour. It is designed to avoid high risk of harm to drivers
and other road users by checking and, if necessary, correcting the driver’s:
 habits;
 attitudes; and
 skills.

6 Reduced Essential Driver Training

Each session should be covered in one hour. Your ADI should choose a route for
your session that gives you the most opportunity to have relevant practice and
demonstration. At the end of each session you should have achieved certain
‘outcomes’. These are statements that will either be:
 accurate descriptions of your competence at the end of a session; or
 can be used by your ADI as reference points for advice to you about
the areas of your driving where you need more practice and what you
should focus on.

Reduced Essential Driver Training syllabus

Do Session 1 first
You must take Reduced EDT Session 1 first in order to establish the base
line and identifying any additional training requirements needed to meet
the standard for the driving test and become safe and socially responsible
drivers in the Irish driving environment.
Leave some time between sessions
You should leave some time between sessions to allow for practice and
learning. This may involve further sessions with an ADI, but must also
include practice lessons.

Reference materials
The Road Safety Authority publishes reference materials such as the Rules
of the Road and the Car Learner Manual, also the RSA website
has additional material which you may find useful.

Reduced Essential Driver Training 7

SESSION 1: LDT Syllabus

How should I prepare for Session 1? 1.3

To get the most out of this session and achieve the 1.7
expected outcomes from this session, you should have 1.9
familiarised yourself with:
 the Rules of the Road;
 the vehicle you will be taking the sessions in and
its controls; and 2.1

 the information on preparing for safety checks. 2.2

You should also have practised with your ADI: 2.3

 to use the vehicle’s primary controls such as 2.4

steering wheel and brakes;
 to use the secondary controls such as windscreen
wipers and lights;
 driving in quiet and safe conditions;
 some basic manoeuvres such as starting and
You should practise for at least three hours before your
next Reduced EDT session.

What is the objective for Session 1?

During your first session your ADI should make sure that:
 you can carry out appropriate pre-start vehicle
checks, including checking the roadworthiness of
the vehicle; and
 you understand the vehicle’s primary and secondary
controls and know how to use them correctly.

What is the minimum this first session

should cover?
At the very least, this first session must cover:

8 Reduced Essential Driver Training

 the use of primary and secondary controls;
 vehicle safety; and
 vehicle roadworthiness.

Expected outcomes: what should I have

learned at the end of Session 1?
Primary and secondary controls
At the end of the first session, you should be familiar with
the pre-start vehicle check and know the location and
function of the following, and be able to show you know
how to use them:
 footbrake
 handbrake or parking brake
 steering
 gears
 accelerator and clutch (where fitted)
 windscreen wipers and washers
 lights and reflectors
 horn
 front and rear demisters
 windows, doors and locks.
You should also be able to explain why their correct and
appropriate use is important to your own safety and that of
other road users.

Vehicle safety
You should be able to explain:
 what routine safety checks should be performed on
a vehicle and demonstrate how to do these;
 the main reasons why a vehicle may not be
 the safety and legal consequences of driving a
vehicle that is not roadworthy; and

Reduced Essential Driver Training 9

 the main points to take into account when carrying
out safety checks;
You should also be able to explain:
 the positive environmental impact of proper use of
primary and secondary controls;
 how to plan a journey; and
 where relevant, journey information may be

How should I prepare for Session 5?

To achieve the expected outcomes from Session 5 you
should have:
 completed Session 1.

Practice is key
To feel confident about meeting the learning objectives,
you should have:
 read the expected outcomes of this session;
 done enough practice with your ADI or any
additional training that maybe required; and
 done any relevant study.
Specifically, you should practice using the primary and
secondary controls, as well as carrying out routine safety
You should also have read the sections of the Rules of the
Road that deal with:
 correct positioning
You should have acted on any feedback your ADI gave you
at the end of your last Reduced EDT session.

10 Reduced Essential Driver Training

SESSION 5: LDT Syllabus

What is the objective for Session 5? 2.6

During this session your ADI should make sure that you can 3.4
correctly position your vehicle on the road for the action 3.5
you are about to take. Actions include:
 positioning on the straight
 cornering
 negotiating bends
 negotiating junctions
 changing lanes
 entering and exiting from slip roads
 entering and exiting junctions
 roundabouts
 reversing
 turning
 parking
 stopping
You should also be able to correctly position your vehicle
while progressing through traffic and within traffic lanes.

What is the minimum this session

should cover?
During this session, you should drive in traffic in a variety
of road conditions so that you have enough chances to
position your vehicle:
 on the straight
 in traffic lanes
 on bends turning left and right
 turning left and right
 negotiating roundabouts
 approaching and emerging from junctions

Reduced Essential Driver Training 11

 reversing
 performing a turnabout
 parking
 stopping in a confined space
 stopping in traffic.

Expected outcomes: what should I have

learned by the end of Session 5?
At the end of Session 5, you should be able to show that
you can:
 consistently maintain a safe position on the road
while keeping a safe braking distance;
 make appropriate and safe use of road sharing; and
 perform manoeuvres (parking, reversing and
turnabout) in challenging situations.

How should I prepare for Session 6?

To achieve the expected outcomes from Session 6, you
should have:
 completed Session 1 and Session 5;

Practice is key
To feel confident about meeting the learning objectives, you
should also have:
 read the expected outcomes of this session;
 done enough practice with your ADI, or any
additional training required; and
 done any relevant study.
Specifically, you should have practised the use of correct
positioning in different situations for at least three hours.
You should also have read the sections in the Rules of the
Road on:
 Correct positioning; and
 Correct anticipation and reactions.
You should have acted on any feedback your ADI gave you at
the end of your last Reduced EDT session.

12 Reduced Essential Driver Training

SESSION 6: LDT Syllabus

What is the objective for Session 6? 3.3

During this session your ADI should make sure that you: 4.2

 know how to scan the environment for potential

hazards; and
 can identify and respond appropriately to potential

What is the minimum the session should cover?

During this session, your ADI should take you driving in a
variety of road conditions including:
 junctions
 streets with parked cars
 streets with substantial numbers of pedestrians
 roads with multiple warning signs
 roads with poor visibility such as bends with tree
cover or hill brows.
The session should cover potential hazards associated with:
 road junctions
 blind spots
 parked vehicles
 crossings
 roundabouts
 motorcyclists and cyclists
 road works
 pedestrians
Where it is not possible to cover one or more of these areas
while driving, your ADI should ask you questions about
them, which you should be able to answer.

Reduced Essential Driver Training 13

Expected outcomes: what should I have
learned by the end of Session 6?
You should be able to show that you can use scanning
techniques to identify and respond to hazards. You should
also be able to take into account potential hazards:
 by choosing the correct speed and gear;
 keeping a safe distance; and
 braking correctly.
You should be able to explain the potential effects of driving:
 at night
 in the rain
 in fog
 in snow.
You should be able to show that you can identify hazards
and respond to them in good time.

How should I prepare for Session 7?

To achieve the expected outcomes from Session 7, you
should have:
 completed Sessions 1, 5, and 6.
Practice is key
To feel confident about meeting the learning objectives, you
should also have:
 read the expected outcomes of this session;
 done enough practice with your ADI, or any
additional training required; and
 done any relevant study.
Specifically, for at least three hours, you should have
practised how to scan the environment for potential
hazards and respond appropriately.
You should also have read the sections in the Rules of the
Road that deal with:
 correct reactions and anticipation; and
 sharing the road.

14 Reduced Essential Driver Training

You should have acted on any feedback your ADI gave you at
the end of your last Reduced EDT session.

SESSION 7: LDT Syllabus


What is the objective for Session 7? 2.7

During this session your ADI should make sure that you can 3.1
drive with due care and attention for the road and traffic 3.4
conditions. This includes taking appropriate actions when
you identify hazards.

What is the minimum the session should cover?

During this session, you should drive in a variety of road
conditions including:
 junctions; and
 streets with parked cars.
You should also drive on streets with substantial numbers
of pedestrians so that you have significant interaction with
them and know how and when to give way to other road
Your ADI should also require you to deal with emergency
vehicles when necessary.

Expected outcomes: what should I have

learned by the end of Session 7?
 You should be able to show that you can enter,
cross and join roads safely.
 You should know how to park safely on roads where
there are other road users.
 You should be able to pass stationary and slow
moving vehicles, cyclists and other road users safely
and responsibly.

Reduced Essential Driver Training 15

 You should know when and how to give way to other
road users including pedestrians.
 You should know how to deal with emergency

How should I prepare for Session 9?

To achieve the expected outcomes from Session 9, you
should have:
 completed Sessions 1,5,6, and 7.

Practice is key
To feel confident about meeting the learning objectives, you
should also have:
 read the expected outcomes of the next session
(as agreed with your ADI); and
 done enough practice with your ADI, or any
additional training required; and
 done any relevant study.
Specifically, you should have practised for at least three
hours, driving with due care and attention for the road and
traffic conditions. This includes taking appropriate actions
when you identify hazards.

You should also have read the sections in the Rules of the
Road that deal with:
 sharing the road; and
 driving safely through traffic.
You should have acted on any feedback your ADI gave you at
the end of your last Reduced EDT session.

16 Reduced Essential Driver Training

SESSION 9: LDT Syllabus

What is the objective for Session 9? 3.1

During this session your ADI should make sure that you can: 3.4

 carry out observational and scanning tasks when 3.5

turning left and right; 4.3
 negotiate junctions; and
 change direction in more complex and challenging
driving situations.
Some of this session should involve you making
independent driving decisions and, where available, you
should make use of dual carriageways.

What is the minimum the session should cover?

Your ADI should ask you to drive in traffic in a variety
of busy road conditions. You should have significant
interaction with other road users while making
independent decisions about which route to take.

Expected outcomes: what should I have

learned by the end of Session 9?
At the end of this session, you should be able to:
 change course safely with due regard for
traffic controls;
 change course safely with due regard for other
road users;
 yield to other road users and progress
appropriately; and
 change course safely using MSMM routine
without prompt.

Reduced Essential Driver Training 17

How should I prepare for my next session?
To achieve the expected outcomes from the next session,
you should have:
 completed Sessions 1,5,6,7 and 9.
Before you do your next session, you should ask your ADI
for advice on the relevant study material, practice, and/or
driving sessions.

Practice is key
To feel confident about meeting the learning objectives, you
should also have:
 read the expected outcomes of the next session
(as agreed with your ADI);
 done enough practice with your ADI, or any
additional training required; and
 done any relevant study.
Specifically, you should have practised the following for at
least three hours:
 using the key observation techniques when
changing direction in more complex or challenging
driving situations; and
 independent driving decision-making.
You should also have read the sections in the Rules of the
Road that deal with:
 changing directions and observations
You should have acted on any feedback your ADI gave you at
the end of your last Reduced EDT session.

18 Reduced Essential Driver Training

SESSION 10: LDT Syllabus

What is the objective for Session 10? 2.8

During this session your ADI should make sure that you can 2.9
regulate and maintain good control over the speed of the 3.5
vehicle in more complex or challenging driving situations.

What is the minimum this session 4.2

should cover? 4.3
During the session your ADI should ask you to drive in
fast-moving traffic or where speeds are highly variable.
For example, they could ask you to drive where there are
changing speed limits or variable traffic conditions. Some
of this session should include independent driving.

Expected outcomes: what should I have

learned by the end of Session 10?
You should be able, without prompting from your ADI, to
show that you can:
 manage and control your speed;
 drive safely in fast moving traffic;
 drive safely where speeds are highly variable; and
 make decisions independently when in challenging
You should also be able to describe how to drive safely in
fast-moving traffic during different weather conditions.
You should be able to explain how using the vehicle’s
main controls and complying with speed limits affect the

Reduced Essential Driver Training 19

Completion of Reduced EDT programme
Congratulations! You have finished the Reduced EDT programme. You should
now discuss with your ADI what further instruction and practice you need.
To get the best value from the programme, you should listen carefully to
your ADI and, above all, practise, practise, practise.

20 Reduced Essential Driver Training


Reduced Essential Driver Training 21

Designed by One House Communications. Updated April 2019

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