100 Clear Grammar Tests - Reproducible Grammar Tests

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Clear Grammar

Keith S. Folse
_ Joseph Gabriella
Linda Hadeed
Jeanine Ivone
_ April Muchmore-Vokoun
~ Elena Vestri Solomon
Makoto Yoshii
JAN ~— 201i

100 Clear Grammar Tests


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100 Clear Grammar Tests :

Reproducible Grammar Tests

for Beginning to Intermediate
PS P/EFly Classes

Keith S. Folse
Joseph Gabriella
Linda Hadeed
Jeanine Ivone
April Muchmore-Vokoun
Elena Vestri Solomon
Makoto Yoshii

Ann Arbor


Copyright © by the University of Michigan 2000
All rights reserved
ISBN 0-472-08654-5
Published in the United States of America by
The University of Michigan Press
Manufactured in the United States of America

2003 2002 2001 45312

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored

in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise,
without the written permission of the publisher.

Tests may be photocopied for classroom use.

To the Teacher

100 Clear Grammar Tests is a set of one hundred reproducible (photocopiable) tests on
common grammar points covered in beginning and intermediate ESL grammar books.
The tests in this book are intended to accompany Clear Grammar 1, 2, and 3. However, in
actuality, the tests are suitable for use with any beginning to intermediate ESL grammar
Each grammar point has at least two tests devoted to it. For example, Test 20 and Test
21 cover wh- questions, and Test 71 and Test 72 both cover past progressive tense. More
difficult grammar points or grammar points that encompass more material may have three
or four tests in this book.
Some of the benefits of having multiple tests available for teachers (and learners)

teachers can find a test that resembles their own teaching style;
teachers can find a test that resembles the way the learners expect to be tested;
teachers can use one test as a practice test and still have one (or more) for the actual
learners can see their progress in various ways because the tests use a variety of ques-
tion types;
learners learn in different ways with different styles, so tests with different kinds of
questions are a good thing; and
learners can have a second (or third) chance with a grammar point if the teacher per-
mits this.

It should be noted that the tests included in this book were written by seven different
instructors with seven writing styles, seven teaching styles, and seven testing variations.
reason for this high number of authors was to produce a book of tests that would include a
variety not only of types of questions but also of approaches to testing. In many ways, the
one hundred tests in this book are different, but in many ways they are similar.
There is no one who knows your teaching situation and your learners better
than you do, so it is up to you to choose testing materials that match not only
what has been taught, that is, the content, but also the way in which the students
were taught, for example, drill, conversation, writing, and the way in which the
students are accustomed to being tested. While experimentation and innovation
are appropriate to the classroom, learners under the stress of a testing situation
may not do well on tests that are outside of what they are expecting.
We have tried to include a wide array of types of questions in the tests. Examples in-
clude matching, multiple choice, error location, error correction, completion (filling in the
blanks), connecting sentence parts, rearranging word order, grammatical identification (e.g.,
underline the verbs in these sentences), and manipulation (e.g., change the verbs to past
tense). It is important for teachers to make sure that their students are familiar with and as
comfortable as possible with the types of questions used in the test. Students may have
problems answering a question because they do not know the answer, but they should not
have problems answering the question because of the question itself.

For teachers’ convenience, there are three ways to access a test for a given grammar

1. Ifyou are using the Clear Grammar series, simply look for the book and unit number
in the table of contents. For example, if you want to test Unit 4 from Book 2, you
would look through the table of contents for that unit number in that particular book.
The appropriate tests for Unit 4 in Book 2 are Tests 40 and 41.

2. Ifyou want a test on a specific grammar point but are not using the Clear Grammar
series, you should look for the name of the grammar point in the table of contents.
For example, if you want a test on articles, you would look down the listing of gram-
mar points until you find the term articles. The appropriate tests for articles are Test 35
and Test 36.

3. A third way to access a test on a given grammar point is to use the index at the back
of the book. If you want a test on prepositions, you would look through the alphabet-
ized list until you find the term prepositions, and then you will find that Test 29 and
Test 30 deal with this particular grammar point.

To the Teacher vi

The following listing gives the test number (which appears at the top of every test), the
corresponding volume (book) number and unit number from the Clear Grammar series,
and a description of the grammar point.

TEST1 ~— Book 1, Pre-Unit basic grammatical terms (noun,

verb, adjective)

TEST2 Book 1, Pre-Unit basic grammatical terms (noun,

verb, adjective)

TEST3 ~=Book 1, Unit 1 present tense of be

TEST 4 ~~ Book 1, Unit 1 present tense of be

TEST5 ~—_—Book 1, Unit 2 present tense of regular verbs

TEST6 = Book 1, Unit 2 present tense of regular verbs

TEST7 Book 1,Review 1 and2__ present tense of be; regular verbs
TEST8 Book 1, Unit 3 demonstratives (this, that, these, those)
TESTS ~~ Book 1, Unit 3 demonstratives (this, that, these, those)

TEST 10 = Book 1, Unit 4 possessive adjectives (my, your, etc.)

TEST 11 = Book 1, Unit 4 possessive adjectives (my, your, etc.)
TEST 12 Book 1,Review 3and4 demonstratives; possessive adjectives

TEST 13 = Book 1, Unit 5 past tense of be

TEST 14 = Book 1, Unit 5 past tense of be

TEST 15 ~=—Book 1, Unit 6 past tense of regular and irregular verbs
TEST 16 = Book 1, Unit 6 past tense of regular and irregular verbs
TEST 17 ~=Book 1, Review 5 and 6__past tense of be, regular and irregular verbs

TEST 18 ~—Book 1, Review 1-6 present tense of be, regular verbs;

demonstratives; possessive adjectives;
past tense of be, regular and irregular verbs © 28
TEST 19 Book 1, Review 1-6 present tense of be, regular verbs;
demonstratives; possessive adjectives;
past tense of be, regular and irregular verbs 30
TEST 20 Book 1, Unit 7 wh- questions 32
TEST 21 Book 1, Unit 7 wh- questions 34
TEST22 Book 1, Unit 8 word order 36
TEST 23° Book 1, Unit 8 word order 38
TEST24 Book 1, Review 7 and 8 wh- questions; word order 39
TEST 25 Book 1, Unit 9 present progressive tense 41
TEST 26 Book 1, Unit 9 present progressive tense 42
TEST 27 Book 1, Unit 10 count vs. noncount 44
TEST 28 Book 1, Unit 10 count vs. noncount 46
TEST 29 Book 1, Unit 11 prepositions 47
TEST 30 Book 1, Unit 11 prepositions 49
TEST 31 Book 1, Review 9-11 present progressive tense; count vs.
noncount; prepositions 50

TEST 32 Review of Book 1 present tense of be, regular verbs;

demonstratives; possessive adjectives;
past tense of be, regular and irregular
verbs; wh- questions; word order; present
progressive tense; count vs. noncount;
prepositions 52

TEST33 Review of Book 1 present tense of be, regular verbs;

demonstratives; possessive adjectives;
past tense of be, regular and irregular
verbs; wh- questions; word order; present
progressive tense; count vs. noncount;
prepositions 55

Review of Book 1 Multiple Choice Questions De

Book 2, Unit 2 articles 60

TEST36 Book 2, Unit 2 articles 61

: TEST 37 - Book 2, Unit 3 be going to +VERBS 63

TEST 38 Book 2, Unit 3 be going to + VERBS 65

Book 2, Review 2 and 3 articles; be going to +VERBS 67

Contents viii
TEST 40 Book 2, Unit 4 irregular past tense 69

TEST 41 Book 2, Unit 4 irregular past tense 7A

TEST 42 BooksleUnitse2"5: review of verb tenses (present, past,

6, and 9; Book 2, present progressive, be going to)
Units 3 and 4 73

TEST 43 Book 1, Units 1, 2,5, review of verb tenses (present, past,

6, and 9; Book 2, present progressive, be going to)
Units 3 and 4 75

TEST 44 Book 1, Units 1, 2,5, review of verb tenses (present, past,

6, and 9; Book 2, present progressive, be going to)
Units 3 and 4 CH

TEST 45 Book 2, Unit 5 how questions 72

TEST 46 Book 2, Unit 5 how questions 81

TEST 47 Book 2, Review 4 and 5 irregular past tense; how questions 83

TEST 48 Book 2, Unit 6 adverbs of frequency 85

TEST 49 Book 2, Unit 6 adverbs of frequency 86

TEST 50 Book 2, Unit 7 object pronouns 88

TEST 51 Book 2, Unit hi object pronouns 89

TEST 52 Book 2, Review 6 and 7 adverbs of frequency; object pronouns 91

TEST 53 Book 2, Unit 8 one and other 93

TEST 54 Book 2, Unit 8 one and other 95

TEST 55 Book 2, Unit 9 possessive 97

TEST 56 Book 2, Unit 9 possessive 99

TEST 57 Book 2, Review 8 and 9 one and other; possessive 100

TEST 58 Book 2, Unit 10 comparative and superlative 102

TEST 59 Book 2, Unit 10 comparative and superlative 104

TEST 60 Book 2, Unit 11 modals 106

TEST 61 Book 2, Unit 11 modals 108

TEST 62 Book 2, Unit 12 problem words 109

TEST63 Book 2, Unit 12 problem words Lokal

TEST 64 Book 2, Review 10-12 comparative and superlative; modals;

problem words 1

TEST65 = Review of Book 2 articles; be going to; irregular past tense;
oe how questions; adverbs of frequency;
object pronouns; one and other; possessive;
comparative and superlative; modals;
problem words 115

TEST66 Review of Book 2 articles; be going to; irregular past tense;

oo how questions; adverbs of frequency;
object pronouns; one and other; possessive;
comparative and superlative; modals;
problem words Mle

TEST 67 Review of Book 2 Multiple Choice Questions 1

: TEST 68 Book 3, Unit 2 phrasal verbs 122

-TEST69 = Book BeOnite phrasal verbs 124

-TEST70 = Book 3, Unit 2 phrasal verbs 126

-TEST71. = Book 3, Unit 3 past progressive tense 129
TEST 72 Book 3, Unit 3 past progressive tense 131

-TEST73 ~=Book 3, Review 2 and3__ phrasal verbs; past progressive tense 133

TEST 74 various units review of verb tenses (present, past, present

— progressive, be going to, past progressive) 135

TEST 75 various units review of verb tenses (present, past, present

oe progressive, be going to, past progressive) 137

TEST 76 various units review of verb tenses (present, past, present

oo progressive, be going to, past progressive) 139

TEST77 = Book 3, Unit 4 present perfect tense 141

TEST 78 = Book 3, Unit 4 present perfect tense 143
TEST 79 ~ Book 3, Unit 5 adverbs of manner (-ly / by / with) and
oe related terms 145

TEST 80 Book 3, Unit 5 adverbs of manner (-ly / by / with) and

_ related terms 147
TEST 81 Book 3, Review 4 and5__ present perfect tense; adverbs of manner
(-ly / by / with) 149

TEST 82 _ Book 3, Unit 6 prepositions after verbs and adjectives 151

TEST 83 Book 3, Unit 6 prepositions after verbs and adjectives 153

TEST 84 = Book 3, Unit 7 passive voice 155

TEST 85 = Book 3, Unit 7 passive voice £57

TEST 86 = Book 3, Review 6 and 7 prepositions after verbs and adjectives;
passive voice 159

TEST 87 ~—Book 3, Unit 8 relative clauses 161

TEST 88 — Book 3, Unit 8 relative clauses 162

TEST 89 _—_—Book 3, Unit 9 infinitives and gerunds 164

TEST90 = Book 3, Unit 9 infinitives and gerunds 166

TEST 91 ~— Book 3, Unit 9 infinitives and gerunds 167

TEST 92 = Book 3, Review 8 and 9 relative clauses; infinitives and gerunds 168

TEST 93 ~—Book 3, Unit 10 connectors 170

TEST 94 = Book 3, Unit 10 connectors 172

TEST95 = Book 3, Unit 11 VERB + D.O./I.O. (direct/indirect

objects) To / For 174

TEST 96 = Book 3, Unit 11 VERB + D.O./I1.O. (direct/indirect

objects) 176

TEST97 Book 3,Review 10 and 11 connectors; VERB + D.O./L.O. (direct/

indirect objects) 178

TEST 98 Review of Book 3 phrasal verbs; past progressive tense;

present perfect tense; adverbs of manner
(-ly / by / with); prepositions after verbs
and adjectives; passive voice; relative
clauses; infinitives and gerunds;
connectors; VERB + D.O./I.O.
(direct/indirect objects) 180

TEST99 Review of Book 3 phrasal verbs; past progressive tense;

present perfect tense; adverbs of manner
(-ly / by / with); prepositions after verbs
and adjectives; passive voice; relative
clauses; infinitives and gerunds;
connectors; VERB + D.O./I.O.
(direct/indirect objects) 183

TEST 100 Review of Book 3 Multiple Choice Questions 185

Answer Key 189

Test Index 197

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TEST 1 Parts of Speech
‘am \
Clear Grammar 1, Pre-Unit GRE

Name Date -_

Part 1 Underline the nouns in these sentences. ==

1. Florida, Arizona, and Texas are warm states.
Nancy and Jennifer like expensive restaurants.

The blue book is under the yellow chair. pe8)

te I usually eat big, red apples for breakfast. I
5. The brown dog is happy.

Part 2 Underline the verbs in these sentences.

1. Florida, Arizona, and Texas are warm states.

Nancy and Jennifer like expensive restaurants.

The blue book is under the yellow chair.

I usually eat big, red apples for breakfast.

aN The brown dog is happy.


Part 3 Underline the adjectives in these sentences.

1. Florida, Arizona, and Texas are warm states.

Nancy and Jennifer like expensive restaurants.

The blue book is under the yellow chair.

oe I usually eat big, red apples for breakfast.

5. The brown dog is happy.

Part 4 The underlined word in each pair of sentences is the same word, but the part of
speech (noun, verb, adjective) is different. Write n (noun), v (verb), or adj (adjective) on the
lines to tell whether the words are nouns, verbs, or adjectives.

1. Ann wants to paper her bedroom on Saturday.

2, Nancy needs to write a paper for school on Monday.

3. [like to sit in the dark.

4. Don was afraid to sit in the dark room.

5. Mohammed asked me to go to the dance on Friday.

6. Nina likes to swim, but she doesn’t like to dance.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 1 1:

TEST 2 Grammatical Terms
Clear Grammar 1, Pre-Unit
= Name Date

= Part 1. Look at the underlined word in each sentence. Write n (noun), v (verb), or
© adj (adjective) to show what part of speech the word 1s. |
O 1. _~ Many ships travel between Miami and Caracas every week.
Lge) 2. ____ _The number of ships in Miami now is incredible.
8) 3. ____ +That company ships boxes from Miami to Caracas.
4. __-—— Be careful with that knife or you might cut yourself.

5. ____—«— If you have a bad cut, you must clean it immediately.

6... Mt == -Vdon'tilike to: cutuny:erass:

7. ____—— This test question is too difficult.

8. ____—S—‘ This test has many difficult questions.

9. _____——‘ Teachers test students because it helps students learn.

10. ______——_ His job is to put the groceries in plastic bags.

11. ___—_- Joseph bags groceries at the supermarket.

12, ____—S- A plastic bag is stronger than a paper bag.

Part 2 Write n, v, or adj above each of the underlined words to show if it is a noun,
a verb, or an adjective.

1. The apple trees in the yard are not very tall.

2. The driver had a cut on his back from the car accident.

3. I didn’t back the car into the tree, so I didn’t cause this accident.

4. Please write your complete name on the back of the test paper.

5. How many countries in Africa can you name?

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 2

TEST 3 Present Tense of Be
Clear Grammar 1, Unit 1

Name Date

Part 1 Underline the correct words or phrases in this conversation. —

Kelly: Hi, Nathan. How @ (am, is, are) you?
Nathan: @ | (’m, ’te,’s) fine. You look tired. @ (What’s, What’re) up?
Kelly: I @ (am, is, are) tired. I studied last night for five hours. 08)

Nathan: Why? a

Kelly: @ (Anz, Is, Are) you serious? We have a grammar test today.

* Nathan: The grammar test @ (am not, isn’t, aren’t) today.

Kelly: Yes, @ (I am, it is, they are).

Nathan: Kelly, the test @ (am, is, are) not today.

Kelly: Nathan, @ you (’m,’s, re) wrong. Here comes Dennis.

Ask him.

Dennis: Hi, guys. @ (Hows, How’re) it going?

Nathan: @ (Is the grammar test, The grammar test is) today?

Dennis: Why do you ask that question?

Nathan: Kelly says the test @ (am, is, are) today, but I say that & (am, is, are) not true.

Dennis: Well, Nathan, you @ (am, is, are) wrong. Kelly @ (am, is, are) right. The test

@ (am, is, are) at 2:00 today.

Nathan: Oh, no! @ I (’m,’s,, re) in big trouble now!

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 3

Part 2 Each sentence has three underlined words. One of the words contains an error.
Circle the error and write a correction above it.

oe |
1. Ontario and Nova Scotia is provinces in Canada.
= William have hungry now because he didn’t eat breakfast or lunch today.
© January is 31 days, but April and June have 30.
Soo Ann: Are you ready to eat dinner now?
Jason: Yes, of course I’m.

The name of those mountains are the Himalayas.

Bader isn’t thirsty, but I’m.

I want to buy those curtains because they is very cheap.

When the students be late to class, the teacher is extremely angry at them!

Canada, the United States, and Mexico in North America.

10. The main reason for all the problems in those three countries are the bad economy.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 3

TEST 4 Present Tense of Be
Clear Grammar 1, Unit 1 —
Name Date =

Part 1 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of be: am, is, are. oh

1. Russia a big country. | =|

tow I in bed at 11 BM. every day. =

3. Andrea and I good students. =

4. She in the kitchen right now. p=

5. Mike and Cathy in Washington, D.C., today.

6. They good at math.

Tabed very hungry. I want something to eat.

8. The students in the classroom American.

9. The weather very nice today.

10. You from a big city, and I from a small town.

Part 2 Write the two possible short answers for each question.

1. Is John in the bathroom now?


2. Are you and Mary in different classes this semester?


3. Are you thirsty?


4. Is Mrs. Smith the smartest teacher in that school?


5. Is the TOEFL a very difficult test?


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 4 5.

Part 3 Write the correct words (am, is, are) in the blanks.

Tee you from China?”

ba B: “No, I from China. I from Japan.”

a0} A: “Oh,I see.”

= 2 35 this for here or to go?”

© B: “For here. I want to sit down and eat it now.”

Ve /
— S Susan and Lucy college students?”

Y B: “No, they college students. They still in high

td school.”

gee ae we going in the right direction?”

B: “Yes, I think so. I pretty sure that this the right


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 4

TEST 5 Present Tense
om )

of Regular Verbs P=
Clear Grammar 1, Unit 2 —_

Name Date
Part 1 Read the sentences carefully and then underline the correct form of each verb. 3
1. Joe (catch, catches) fish every morning from the pier. He (want, wants) to eat fish 3
every night for dinner. Joe and the pelicans (try, tries) to catch the fish first.

2. I (watch, watches) T.V. at 6:30 every evening. I (like, likes) to watch the evening news

on Channel 28.The newsperson on that channel (talk, talks) a lot about international


3. Susan and James (go, goes) kayaking on the weekends. They (like, likes) to explore the

Hillsborough River. The alligators (watch, watches) them.

4. Our tennis team (train, trains) hard to be the best.We (practice, practices) five days a

week after school.

5. I (wash, washes) my clothes on Saturday, Mary (do, does) her laundry on Monday, and

the twins, Julie and Jennifer, (do, does) theirs on Friday.

6. Steve (play, plays) the guitar very well. He and James (write, writes) the music them-

selves. The band (perform, performs) in clubs on the weekends.

Part 2 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs.

(cook) ifs Do you for yourself every day?

(type) Mark the letters for his boss.

(listen) Marta, Jane, and Paula to their teacher.

(arrive) lS
ee The plane from New York at 3:00 P.M. on Thursdays.

(like) I to walk in the evenings.

(understand) We Italian when it is spoken slowly.

(deliver) The mail person the mail to my home every day

except Sundays.

(use) John a proper car shampoo to wash his car.

(jog) We two miles after lunch every day.

(share) 10. Ahmad and Omar an apartment near the university.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 5 7.

TES?6 © Present Tense
an of Regular Verbs
= Clear Grammar 1, Unit 2
3°) e

= Name Date
|Gp) Part 1 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs.

oS 1. (study) Fred and Chris _ every day.

a 2. (write) Nancy an e-mail to her family once a week.

(4 3. (watch) The cat the fish swim in the bowl.

4. (think) Good students of new ways to learn.

5. (know) My father how to speak Italian.

Part 2 Underline the correct negative form of each verb.

1. Lee (don’t, doesn’t) like to eat sushi.

2 Henri (don’t, doesn’t) want to travel this month.

3. Oliver and I (don’t, doesn’t) swim in the ocean.

4. Elias and Ben (don’t, doesn’t) play well together.

5 Jennifer (don’t, doesn’t) drink coffee.

Part 3. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

Lies your mother like to cook?”

“Yes, she likes to cook spaghetti.”

(A) Do (Gy “Is

(B) Does (D)- Are

Dera Yoko and Mizuki students?”

“Yes, they are. They study English.”

(A) Do (C) Is
(B) Does (D) Are

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 6

Sa) rt Lee and Ann work at the hotel?”

“Yes, they do. They work four nights per week.’

(A) Do (C) Is ©
(B) Does (D) Are fy

4. “Michael married to Allison?” i

“Yes, he is. They got married in April.” G)

(A) Do (Cyn is z

(B) Does (D) Are =|

5. “_ Jackie like to watch television?” =

“Yes, she does. She watches it every night.” fd

(A) Do (Cys

(B) Does (D) Are

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 6 9

TEST 7. Review
So |
Sen Clear Grammar 1, Units 1 and 2
= Name Date

= Part 1 Underline the correct forms of be.

L 1. Roberto (is, am, are) a student at the university.
bo 2. Suzanne and Brett (is, am, are) married.
© 3. Barry (is, am, are) an intelligent person.
4. I (is, am, are) a citizen of the United States.
5. Yukiko and Michio (is, am, are) citizens of Japan.

Part 2. Read each sentence. If it is correct, circle C. If it is not correct, circle X and
write a correction on the line.

Care 1. Nancy no is a student.

X 2. My father isn’t Italian.

C X 3. This room are not warm.

C XK 4. The dog not black.

C X_ 5. Susan is not from China.

Part 3. Read the words and then make a question. Use the correct form of be.

1. in-class / you / (be)

in America / your parents / (be)

now/ ten o’clock / it / (be)

ee a student / you / (be)

5. in/ your seat / I / (be)

Part 4 Read the questions in Part 3. On the lines below, write short answers for those


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 7 10

Part 5 Write the missing verb forms.

1. Icry, you cry, he 4. I have, you have, it

Dr I watch, you watch, she 5. Iam, you are, she


2: I study, you study, he 6. Ido, you do, he a)

Part 6 Write three affirmative sentences and three negative sentences. Use a different G)
verb in each sentence. Write true sentences about yourself, your family, your friends, or —

your classroom. pe8)

i. (affirmative)
(affirmative) a)


N (negative)


Part 7 Write the correct words on the lines. Use the correct pronouns and the correct
forms of affirmative and negative verbs.

i, (speak) Q: you Russian?

A; No, Russian. I speak English.

Zs (study) Q: your mother

AA biology.

O. (have) (O): your sister

ala a Cat.

a dog.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 7 11>

TEST 8 Demonstratives

Clear Grammar 1, Unit 3
= INGine? ee ee i A a ed ee Date

= Part 1 Write this, that, these, or those on the lines. Use the words in parentheses to help
ae) you choose the correct answer.
oO 1; oe(there) dogs are very smart.
‘g°) 2. (here) In university, we have seven colleges.
iB) 3_4(there) Are rare books? They look really old.
4. (here) Does she like music?

5. (there) nine packages are not for you.

6. (here) We don’t have kind of weather in my country.

7. (there) Everybody knows tests are very difficult.

8. (here) software is easy to use.

9. (here) cars are very expensive.

10. (here) cat is male.

Part 2) Write this, that, these, or those on the lines.

Situation: Tom and Mike are at a party.

Tom: Hey, Mike. Who is @ man standing over there?

Mike: Which man?

Tom: @ man at the counter.

Mike: You mean @ tall man in the green shirt?

Tom: Yes.

Mike: I don’t know. But he came with three other people.

Tom: Really? Which people?

Mike: He came with @ woman over there by the door. I think she is

his wife.

Tom: Yes,I see her now.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 8 12

Mike: And he came with @ two boys over there. I think they are his


Tom: Yes, I think you’re right. They are his sons. ==

Mike: Why do you ask? a

Tom: I think his name is Jonathan Yates. If he is Jonathan Yates, then I want to speak to
him. —

Mike: About what?
Tom: About some business. I want to give him @ envelope. It is espe-
cially for him. It has several pages of information about my company. pa8)
Mike: OK, good luck! —_

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 8 13

TEST 9 Demonstratives
| vl
as Clear Grammar 1, Unit 3
= Name Date

= Part1 = Write this or these on the lines.

a i spoon
2 spoons
© 3 steak knife
4 steak knives
5: large suitcase

6 very large suitcases

7 map

8 pictures

Part 2} Write that or those on the lines.

Le town





wild dogs

shopping mall

Se delicious desserts

Part 3. Complete the sentences by underlining the correct words in parentheses.

1. (This, These) car is mine. (That, Those) car belongs to my sister.

2 (This, These) tea is too hot. (That, Those) tea is iced tea.

3 (This, These) sunglasses are broken. (That, Those) are too big.
4 (This, These) disks are yours. (That, Those) disks belong to Aisha.

5. (This, These) computer does not work well, but (that, those) one is much faster.

6 (This, These) classroom is for English. (That, Those) classroom 1s for science.

7. (This, These) pictures are very modern. (That, Those) pictures are antiques.

8 (This, These) exercises are very easy. (That, Those) exercises in the other book are very hard.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 9 14

TEST 10 Possessive Adjectives
Clear Grammar 1, Unit 4 ==
Name Date =

Part 1 Write the correct possessive adjectives on the lines. Use my, your, his, her, its, our, can 3

or their. a)

Eee car
2. Maria apartment

aoe they dog

4. the dog bone

‘5. you books

6. you and I suitcase

7. Tom and Jane garden

8. she ball

oy they tents

10. heandI tent

11. our friends picnic

12. his aunt horse

13. we camper

14. your cats food

15. she and Gina party

Part 2 Complete the sentences. Use my, your, her, his, its, our, or their.

1. Iam sitting in the den. desk is untidy. I have to clean it soon.

2. Alison and Nicholas are playing in the garden. I can see them now because

house is next door to mine.

3. |My brothers live on the same street as I do. houses are near each

other, so we can visit each other easily.

4. Peter’s Jeep is blue. car has a Wyoming license plate.

5. My sister and I play volleyball for the school team. team is in second


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 10 15

6. You have many fishing rods. rods are very expensive.

7. I like to swim every day. pool is heated in the winter.

ci 8. Sarah has two brothers. brother Greg goes to college in Kentucky.
other brother graduated from the University of Texas last month.
= 9. You are wearing jeans. jeans are torn.

= 10. The neighbors have two dogs. dogs bark all the time.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 10 16

TEST 11 Possessive Adjectives
Clear Grammar 1, Unit 4 @
Name Date

Parti Read each sentence. If it is correct, write C on the line. If it is not correct, write —

X on the line and write a correction above the sentence. a

1. He and his brother are handsome. =

Jessica her shirt is pretty.
en 1

She is a Spanish teacher. His name is Angela.

We house is in Tampa.

oS Julia and Ursula are
ener German. Their country is in Europe.

Part 2 Underline the correct words.

1. Does Susan like (she, her) roommate?

Do you want to come to (I, my) party?

(They, Their) house is beautiful.

(They, Their) like to decorate the house.

(I, My) know your sister.


Part 3 Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive adjectives.

1. She is from Japan. name is Ichiko.

2. Iam from the United States. native language is English.

3. Nancy and Henry live in Colorado. favorite sport is skiing.

4. My sister and I love music. favorite musician is Elton John.

5. Eduardo is tired. That’s why eyes are closed.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 11 17

TEST 12 Review
Se |
ut Clear Grammar 1, Units 3 and 4
= Name Date

= Part 1 Write this, that, these, or those on the lines.

ta 1. (here) avocados are not ripe. They are still hard.
2. (there) book is too difficult for me, so I need an easier one to read.
ise) 3. (there) clouds are very dark. I think it will rain soon.
4. (here) telephone bill is not mine.
5. (here) theater tickets are very expensive.

6. (there) purple grapes have seeds in them. I prefer the green ones.

7. (there) computer has a 19-inch monitor.

8. (here) My father prefers weekly magazine.

9: (here) oranges are from Florida. They are really juicy.

10. (there) The horses like to run in field.

Part 2 Underline the correct words.

1. Did Jane bring (you, your) swimsuit with her?

This is (I, my) diary.

Where did the letter carrier put (we, our) package?

(They, Their) house is on 56th Street.

Marta put (she, her) suitcase on top of the car, and it fell off.

oS Tony is working on (he, his) boat at the dock.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 12 18

Part 3 Read each sentence. If it is correct, write C on the line. If it is not correct, write
X on the line and write a correction above the sentence.


1. This exercise is easy. His understands it.

2. The cake is delicious.

We ate her all.

3. What is your grade in English? 0)

4. My house has a large garden and a swimming pool. 3

5. You bicycle is very good. It is a mountain bike. —

6. The gardener cuts our grass every week in the summer.

7. These book are too heavy for me to carry.

8. That restaurant is very cheap, and the food is delicious.

9. Those chicken lays eggs every morning.

10. This earrings are too heavy for my ears.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 12 19

TEST 13 Past Tense of Be
a Clear Grammar 1, Unit 5
= Name Date

= Part 1 Read the short passage. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of be.
o> / Kareen and I went to a restaurant last night.We both liked the
es food very much. Kareen @ very happy because the food
i) ee not very expensive.A meal at that restaurant is usually
WY $20 for one person, but last night our dinner @ only $25

for the two of us. The meal @ excellent.

The vegetables

5) fresh, and the desserts @ delicious!

Part 2 Read the short passage. There are five mistakes. Circle the mistakes and write the
correct form above the mistakes.

When I was a little girl, my favorite friend is Susan. Susan were very nice to

me. She was very quiet. She don’t was loud like some of my other friends. Susan

and I liked to play sports. She were very good at running, and I was very good at

gymnastics. Susan don’t were rude to other people. She always spoke nicely to

everybody. Susan was a good person, a good sport, and a good friend.

Part 3 Complete the sentences with the correct negative form of be.

1. Karla a good athlete when she was in college.

2. Yangsoon and I happy when we saw our low test scores.

3. Jacqueline and Elias hungry after they ate their candy.

4. Dan comfortable in his new jeans because they were very tight.

Dimohie married when she graduated. She got married later.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 13 20

Part 4 Read each statement and then make a yes/no question using the word yesterday.
Write short answers on the lines below the questions.

1. It is hot today. co

Question: ra)

2. Iam late for class today. G)



3. The teacher is happy today. a)


4. The news is interesting today.



5. The sky is blue today.



© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 13 21

TEST 14 Past Tense of Be
Clear Grammar 1, Unit 5
= Name Date

= Part 1 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of be: am, is, are, was, or were.

jo Leeeek there yesterday.

2. Susan and Pat at the coffee shop now.

Y 3. Mr. Jones at the library 20 minutes ago.

4. Mark in the kitchen now.

52 Kate andl at the department store last Sunday.

Gialk in my office right now.

Peombhey: at the restaurant an hour ago.

8. She busy at this moment.

Part 2 Complete the sentences with the correct negatives.

1. They didn’t do well on the test. They ready for the test.

238 Ene car a Toyota. It was a Honda.

3. Ms. Smith and Ms. Jones easy teachers last year. The students didn’t

like them very much.

4. Michael Jordan a football player. He was a basketball player.

5. The'class very easy. It was sometimes difficult to understand the


6. “They in Texas last week. They were in Mexico.

Part 3 Read each statement and then make a question changing the word today to

1. The restaurant is open today.

They are busy today.

The lions are very sleepy today.

The dog is very hungry today.

wieTim and Mike are very happy today.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 14 22

TEST 15 Past Tense of Regular
and Irregular Verbs =
Clear Grammar 1, Unit 6 =
Name Date o

Part 1 Write the correct forms of the verbs on the lines. =

T (read) I the book for two hours yesterday. =

2. (do) Did you the homework? aE,

3. (spend) She more than three hours on the homework yesterday. as

4. (speak) He to his friends about the accident two days ago.

Be) (leave) I my country for the United States about a year ago.

6. (sell) I all my books to my friends last year.

7. (choose) They to study art at a university in Canada.

8. (buy) She a new car last Sunday. She says that the car runs great.

Part 2 Write the correct verbs in the blanks. Use the correct verb tenses. You may use
some verbs more than once.




1. Last night I for the big vocabulary test for five hours. I also

a letter to my parents. My friend Jeremy called me, so we

on the phone for an hour. He me about his life in a

big city. Before I to bed, I a glass of milk. Sleeping was

difficult. In fact, I for only three hours. That’s why I’m so tired today.

2. Yesterday | to a party. It fun. I a lot

of people. People and went constantly. I my old

friend Gloria Jenkins. She and I from the same little town in Ohio.

I couldn’t it. This back a lot of memories of my

home. That night I Cathy, my high school sweetheart. I just had

to hear her voice.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 15 23

TEST 16 Past Tense of Regular
and Irregular Verbs
Soe |
= Clear Grammar 1, Unit 6
= Name Date
OO Part 1 Write the past tense forms of the verbs on the lines.
to 1. I walk 9. she talks
ov 2. he bakes 10. you smile
—) 3. they help 11. we listen

4. you finish 12. Iphone

5. it proves 132,he. cook

6. we need 14. I wait

7. they enter 15. he repeats

8. he shaves 16. she asks

Part 2 Complete the sentences with the past tense of the verbs in parentheses.

1. Leslie (come) to my house last night.

2. I (fly) on a 747 on my last trip from Frankfurt to New York.

3. Dana and George (visit) their cousins in Paris twice last year.

4. Millions of years ago, dinosaurs (roam) the face of the earth.

5. The professor (try) to help the students with their papers.

6. We (talk) until 3:00 a.m. last weekend at the Flamingo Club.

7. The little girl (drop) her ice cream on the floor.

8. The program we (see) last night on television was very interesting.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 16 24

Part 3 Write the past tense forms of the verbs on the lines.

1. bring 11. grow

Ze catch 12. shake Si

3. choose PS pay: a)

4.. k know 14. > tide

rid we
B. eat Lop hear —*
G5--lay 16. hide =

7. think 17. forget =

8. get 13.-"'ron =

9. fly 19% Sell iy

10. have 20. sleep

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 16 25

TEST 17 Review
bn Clear Grammar 1, Units 5 and 6
= Name Date

= Part 1 Fill in the spaces below with the correct forms of these verbs. Use the correct
ta verb tenses. You may use some verbs more than once.
1. Paul and I shopping yesterday. The mall very

crowded. It a long time to find a parking spot. People

everywhere. We four hours in the mall and tired, so

we a cup of coffee at a nice coffee shop.We many

gifts for our friends and family.

Den || a dream last night. In the dream a man to my

house. He a red outfit. He a big man. He

on a sofa and relaxed. He , ‘Do you have any

wishes?” I , Yes, I want to be able to speak English.” He

me in the eyes and his hand inside a huge bag.

He out a book and it to me.I sO

excited when I the title of the book. It Clear


Part 2 Answer these questions using short negative answers.

1. Did you study last night?


2. Were they tired yesterday?


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 17 26

3. Was he a movie star?


4. Did Suzy and Mike have a good time at the party? co


5. Did you understand the speaker’s English?

No, G)


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 17 27

TEST 18 Review
Soe |
Sn Clear Grammar 1, Units 1-6
= Name Date

= Part 1 Each sentence contains an error. Circle the incorrect part and write the correc-
ta tion above it.
OO 1. France and England two countries in Europe.
ise} I no am hungry because I ate dinner at 5:00.
aa) My favorite color for pants are black.
Do you hungry?

ee You in America?

Part 2 Read each sentence. If it is correct, write C on the line. If it is not correct, write
X on the line and write a correction above the sentence.

1. Does your parents speak English?

Is your brother like to dance?

Louis doesn’t like to eat asparagus.

he Do you want to travel? No, I am not.

5. My mother doesn’t plays the piano.

Part 3 Write this, that, these, or those on the lines. Use the words in parentheses to help
you choose the correct answer.

1. (there) Do you like book?

2. (there) students are from Italy.

3. (here) cats are very beautiful.

4. (there) car is very expensive.

Sar u(Mere) class is very interesting.

Part 4 Underline the correct words.

1. (My,I) test score is 90.

(Our, We) father is out of town.

(His, He) loves to play tennis.

(Her, She) cat weighs 10 pounds.

Nad (Their, They) study hard to learn English quickly.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 18 28

Part 5 Read each sentence. If it is correct, write C on the line. If it is not correct, write
X on the line and write a correction above the sentence.
1. Today it is hot, but yesterday it is not very hot.

After I finished my homework yesterday, I was very tired. om

I no was happy before I learned how to use the computer. =

a You were sad yesterday?

Se G)

5. Was your sister good at math when she was young? p08)
Part 6 Write the past tense forms of the verbs below. 3
1. study 6. need a)

2. watch 7. Try jd
3. play 8. hop

4. stop 9. hope

Be datice 10. wish

Part 7 Read the words and then write past tense questions. Write negative answers on
the lines below the questions.

1. you / like to dance / when you were in junior high school

Question: |


2. your mother / cook for you / when you were young



3. your parents / call you / last night



4. your mother and father / speak English at home / when you were young



5. your grandparents / visit America / before you were born



© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 18 29 -

TE ST 19 Review
Se |
= Clear Grammar 1, Units 1-6
= Name Date

= Part 1 If the underlined verb is wrong, write the correct verb form above it. If it is cor-
us rect, write C above it.

O Kevin has his grammar test in his hand. He is not happy. He receive a very
A) bad grade on this test. In fact, he fails the test. He write the wrong answer for half
i) of the questions, so his score on this test was only 50 percent. If you want to pass
=) a grammar test at this school, you have to get at least 70 percent correct. Kevin is

usually a good student. He usually studies very hard, but Kevin didn’t study for

this test. The night before the test, Kevin no feel well. He have a bad headache.

He took some aspirin, but the aspirin no help. Now Kevin is worried because his

grade on the test was so bad. He want to take the test again if the teacher will let

him do this.

Part 2 Underline the correct words in this conversation.

Doctor: Hi, Dan. How are you today?

Dan: Not so good. I hurt (this, my, the) back.

Doctor: Really? How did you do (that, these)?

Dan: I picked up a heavy box, and I felt something strange in (the, my, this) back.

Doctor: Is it the first time that you’ve had (these, this) problem?

Dan: No, sometimes I have problems with (my, his, those) shoulders.

Doctor: Tell me again—what did you pick up?

Dan: It was a box. A woman at work had a heavy box and needed some help. I picked

up (my, her, those) box and put it in (my, her, those) car.

Doctor: How much did (this, that) box weigh?

Dan: About 40 pounds.

Doctor: (That, Those) is a lot to pick up.

Dan: At the time, the pain wasn’t too strong, but now it really hurts.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 19 30

Doctor: Here are some pills that should help with the pain. Take two of (this, these) pills

before you go to bed and get a lot of rest. If you don’t feel better in three or four

days, call me again. =

Dan: OK. Thanks, doctor.

Doctor: Don’t forget. If you don’t feel better, call (that, those, my) office and make
another appointment. It’s important to take care of (those, your, these) problem —

as quickly as possible.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 19 31.

TEST 20 soWh- Questions
: Clear Grammar 1, Unit 7
= IN ane 8 ee ct ee Date

= Part 1 Underline the correct word in these conversations.

& 1. A: (Where, What, Why) do you usually eat for lunch?

ra B: Not much. I often skip lunch.

a 2. A: Excuse me. I’m looking for Jim Gulikson.

U B: Gee, I don’t know. Hey, Sarah. (Where, When, Whom) is Jim?

C: Sorry, but I don’t know.

3. A: I like these watches.

B: Yes, but (when, why, which) watch do you like the best?

4. A: (Why, Where, Which) do you want to go to the bank now?

B: Because I don’t have enough money.

5. A: (Which, When, What) is your new address?

B: It’s 1493 Nelwood Road.

Part 2. Circle the error in each sentence. Write a correction on the line.

1. What means huge?

Where you worked last year?

Where did you born?

When the grammar exam is?

a Why Samantha did that?

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 20 32

Part 3. Write wh- questions for these answers about Karen Morales.

£: Jae

B : Her new phone number is 555-2291.



ee): She’s a doctor. G)

oe : She works at Memorial General Hospital. =

ee) : She was born on March 10, 1970.

B: Dr. Pearson was her favorite professor in medical school.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 20 33;

TEST 21 Wh- Questions
Sn Clear Grammar 1, Unit 7
= Name Date

= Part 1 Fill in each blank with the correct question word: who, what, where, when, which,
hes or why.
>/ ecg do you live?
A) A: I live in Michigan.
i) 220); is the winter holiday?

A: It is in December.

i ae is your teacher?

A: My teacher is Ms. Hudson.

yi © do you want to learn English?

A: I want to learn English because it will help me professionally.

55-0: is your favorite color?

A: My favorite color is blue.

Part 2 Make questions by substituting who, what, why, when, and where for the underlined

1. Valerie’s major is French.

The dog is in the garden.

I go to sleep at 11:00.

Mr. Garlitz is my favorite teacher.

Nina eats chocolate because it is delicious.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 21 34

Part 3. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

eer is your phone number?”

My phone number is 555-4127. 9

(A) Which (C) Where a)


(B) What (D) When

2. “When 2 =
“My birthday is September 30th.” =

(A) was your birthday (C) is your birthday =

(B) is his birthday (D) your birthday is a

Denke to the doctor?” food

“T went to the doctor because I felt sick.”

(A) Why did you go (C) When did you go

(B) Where did you go (D) With whom did you go

—- mathematics?”

“TI study mathematics at Davis Community College.”

(A) Where you study (C) When do you study

(B) Why do you study (D) Where do you study

at book is your favorite?”

“T like Charlotte’s Web.”

(A) When (C) Why

(B) Which (D) Who

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 21 Bois

So |
TEST 22 Word Order
Sn Clear Grammar 1, Unit 8
= Name Date

= Part 1 Write complete sentences using the words below. Pay attention to word order.
ta 1. dinner / We eat / at 6:00 p.m. / in the kitchen
4°) 2. study / 1 / in Tampa / at the University of South Florida
3. lives / My sister / on Fowler Ave. / in an apartment

4. is / at 11:00 / My appointment / in the morning

5. in the refrigerator / The apples were / yesterday

Part 2 Put these sentence parts in correct order. Write the new sentences on the lines.

1. ina/ house / lived / in 1970 / we / on Fletcher Ave. / small

2. bought / a / my brother / boat / year / last / big

3. in her new kitchen / baked / cake / Nora / delicious / a / night / last

4. has / garden / my mother / a / large

5. my / has / sister / house / a / blue

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 22 36

Part 3. Read each sentence. If it is correct, write C on the line. If it is not correct, write
X on the line and write a correction above.

1. I live in a house large.

2. These are cookies delicious.


3. Clara has beautiful roses in her garden. pe)

4. Please come at noon here. =

5. My shoes are under my bed in my room. jad

6. I study English at a university large.

7. I hungry.

8. Jessica loves chocolate cookies.

9. Mike drives a yellow cab.

10. Are expensive these shoes.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 22 37—

TEST 23 Word Order
aa Clear Grammar 1, Unit 8
e Name Date

= Part 1 Write complete sentences using the words below. Pay attention to word order.
hs 1. at5pmM./ she has / at the university / class
4°) 2. here / after class / he has / lunch
3. inthe room / is / the book / on the table

4. ina house / on 50th Street / they live

5. I drink / in the morning / coffee / in my office

6. likes to sit / Ms. Robinson / in first class / on a 747

7. they use / every day / software / in the computer lab

8. she / small / in / lives / a / house

9. dinner / we often eat / in the Indian restaurant / at the same table / on Main Street

10. every day / from 4 to 5 / he practices / typing

Part 2 Read this short passage. There are three phrases that are unusual English. In these
three phrases, the word order is somewhat strange. Underline the phrases and write the
corrections above them.

Stephanie is my best friend. On Siena Street she lives. She has a large house

blue. This house is new. She likes in the morning to read a newspaper. She enjoys

cooking. She always cooks scrambled eggs for breakfast. She eats breakfast after

she reads the newspaper.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 23 38

TEST 24 Review
Clear Grammar 1, Units 7 and 8 D
Name Date =

Part 1 Fill in each blank with the correct question word: who, what, when, where, which, =
or why. =

ie QO: are your favorite actors?” =|

A: “Sylvester Stallone and Dustin Hoffman are.” a8)


omg): do you live?”


A: “T live in Los Angeles on Loyola Street.”

oe do you eat slowly?”

A: “TI eat slowly because I want to lose weight.”

a QQ: * did you eat for dinner last night?”

A: “TI ate pizza and a salad.”

veh @ uae do you want to go to the mall?”

A: “I want to go at 1:00.”

Part 2 Read each sentence. If it is correct, write C on the line. If it is not correct, write
X on the line and write a correction above the sentence.

1. Q: “Where does your mother live?”

A; ~ She lives in Paris.”

2. Q: “When do you go to sleep at night?”

A: “In my room.”

3. Q: “What means fib?”

A: “It means a small lie that is not important.”

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 24 39 |

4. Q: “Why do you listen to rock music?”

A: “T listen to it because I like the rhythm.”

So |
4°) 5. Q: “What do Suzanne has in the box?”
= A: “She has some books and some pencils.”
tas Part 3 Put these sentence parts in correct order. Write the new sentences on the lines.
Sn 1. apartment / small / live / I / in /a
QW 2. was born /I/ July 18th / at / 10:00 a.m. / on

3. inthe library / Maria studies / psychology / every night

4. to class / every day / the students / go

5. bought / beautiful / Fred / a / dog

Part 4 Read each sentence. If it is correct, write C on the line. If it is not correct, write
X on the line and write a correction above the sentence.

1. Diana bought three small rings.

2. These are beautifuls glasses.

3. The blue chair is very comfortable.

4. Margo has two dogs small.

5. In this school David teaches every day.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 24 40

TEST 25 Present

Progressive Tense ==
Clear Grammar 1, Unit 9 =

Name Date a
Part 1 Write each expression in the present progressive tense. Put an X by the verbs =
that you cannot use in present progressive. 3
1. they stand 6. she prefers

2. you say Je a tepeat jd

3. I remember 8. we take

4. he listens 9. you possess

5. they like 10. she hears

Part 2. Write the correct form of the verb in each sentence.

(eat) 1. He can’t repair your car now. He lunch.

22 He : four meals a day.

(write) 3. Before I go to bed, I usually in my diary.

4. J a letter to my parents now.

(believe) 5. I didn’t the news two days ago.

Gx ol the news now.

(use) 7. Joan the computer every day.

8. Joan’s brother the computer now.

(need) 9. Students don’t usually the teacher’s help in the lab.

10. The students the teacher’s help in the lab now.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 25 41

TEST 26 Present
o Progressive Tense
= Clear Grammar 1, Unit 9
= Name Date
o>) Part 1 Write the correct form of the verb in each sentence.
a (study) 1. Brett is in his room now. He science.
2. Brett every day.
J) (drink) 3. Maxwell eight glasses of water every day.

4. Maxwell can’t talk now. He water.

(eat) 5. Nina sushi once a week.

6. Nina can’t come with us. She sushi now.

(listen) 7. Mike to the news now. He wants to hear the weather.

8. Mike to the news every day.

(play) 9. Alison with her children now.

10. Alison with her children every day after work.

Part 2 Write a question using the words below. Then write a short answer. If it is pos-
sible, use the present progressive tense. If it is not possible to use the present progressive
tense, use the simple present tense.

1. Yoko and Ichiko—speak English—with each other (Yes)



2. it—rain—now (No)



3. you—love—your mother (Yes)


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 26 42

4. you—need—food and water (Yes)

A: ‘ee
5. Steven—watch—television (No) @
me *

i i ee oes SEES

Part 3 Read each sentence. If it is correct, write C on the line. If it is not correct, write =
X on the line and write a correction above the sentence.
Lem 4
1. Elaine is teaching in Cooper Hall right now.

2. The cats no are eating their food right now.

3. Tm needing a new car.

4. Does Sheila going to the store now?

uw The students like to dance.

Part 4 Write each verb in the present progressive tense. Be careful with your spelling.
Put an X by the verbs that you cannot usually use in the present progressive tense.

i open 6. watch

Ze Sit 7. love

3. want 8. help

4. eat 9. remember

= «dance 10. like

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 26 43

TEST 27 : Count vs. Noncount
a Clear Grammar 1, Unit 10
= Namie: Settle?
Tots bie ee eS Date

= Part 1 Underline the correct forms in these conversations.

& 1. A: Iam really thirsty. Do you have anything to drink?

ra B: Yeah. I have (some, any, a few) iced tea. Let me make you a glass.

o 2. A: I want to make (an, some) apple pie for dessert.

U B: There are two apples in the refrigerator.

A: Only two? We need (a few, a little) more apples to make a really good pie.

3. A: We are going out for dinner tonight. Do you want to come with us?

B: No, thanks. Maybe next time. I don’t have (much, many) money right now.

4. A: Excuse me. Where can I find salt in this store?

B: I’m sorry. I don’t think we have (some, any) salt. Let me check for you.

A: Thank you.

5. A: Wow! Look at that family over there!

B: They sure have (much, a lot of) children!

Part 2 Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Elena: Did you have any homework last night?

Keith: Yes, the teacher gave us homework.

(A) many (C) any

(B) much (D) alot of

2. Makoto: I needa cup of to make this cake. Can you get it for me?

Sally: Yes. Here you go.

(A) sugar (C) sand

(B) bread (D) tea

3. Rita is a vegetarian.She won't eat___———s meat at all.

(A) many (C) any

(B) much (D) alot of

©2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 27 44

4. Linda: I want to hang this poster on my wall. Where are the tacks?

Irene: think there are_—_in the kitchen drawer.

(A) alittle (en EN ©

(B) one (D) alot of S

5. Melinda: Where did you buy that shirt? By

Karen: At the mall. It has everything. There are a lot of great___ there. G)

(A) thing (C) _ shirt =

(B) money (D) _ stores =

Part 3. Circle the error in each sentence. Write a correction on the line. me }
1. They ate much fried chicken for dinner. fod

Z There is many people at the party.

3. Bob has very difficult writing class.

4. There are a books about English in the library.

5. The teacher doesn’t need some help.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 27 45

TEST 28 = Count vs. Noncount
bo Clear Grammar 1, Unit 10
= Name Date

= Part 1 Write a, an, or some on the lines.

tad They didn’t have problem with the decision.
I put cream in my coffee.
© English is international language.
Do you have Japanese money with you?
We have exam tomorrow.

There are apples on the table.

I can finish this in minute.

Part 2} Write many or much on the lines.

He is a man of words.

Children usually don’t drink coffee.

When you travel, don’t carry cash.

This homework will not take time.

I’ve never seen so people.

They need to buy textbooks.

Do you usually need help from the teacher?

Part 3. Write a few or a little on the lines.

4; I’m going to California with friends.

She has dollars in her pocket.

There is time left to study before the exam.

They had trouble with food when they first came to America.

He likes to put lemon in his iced tea.

The army needs good men and women.

ee You only have

ON days to finish your holiday shopping.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 28 46

TEST 29 Prepositions
Clear Grammar 1, Unit 11 (@

Name Date

Part1 Read the story below. Fill in the blanks with the correct word: in, at, or on. —=

My best friend, Marilyn, and I have a lot in common.We were both born =
@ June 22nd. However, Marilyn was born @ =:
1967, and I was born @ 1968.We lived @

Green Street when we were children but never @ the same


time.We went to the same high school @ Kearney, Nebraska.

However, Marilyn left after one year. We studied @ the

University of Nebraska, but we didn’t take the same classes.We got married

8] the same place @ different days. It is

very strange that we didn’t meet each other until we started working

10) the same hospital. However, I am glad that we finally

met each other and became good friends!

Part 2 Answer the questions below. Write in complete sentences. Use in, at, on.

1. When were you born?

2. Where do you live? (city)

3. What time do you get up every day?

4. Where do you study English?

5. Where is your school located? (street name)

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 29 47 |

Part 3 Circle the error in each sentence. Write a correction on the line.

1. I live on 1307 Clifford Avenue.

ci Call me at the morning.
© Bob lives at Paris.

oy I don’t like to go out in the night.

= a
2 We need to meet them in 5:00.
= |

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 29 48

TEST 30 Prepositions
Clear Grammar 1, Unit 11 aw
Name Date ss
Part 1 Write the correct prepositions on the lines. a

1. 6 RM. 6. December 16 =
2. Taco Bell YF Friday =

a: 1998 8. Florida =

4. January 2. noon j=

Di 3245 Hastings Street 10. Canada

Part 2 Write at, on, or in on the lines.

1. They usually have a meeting Monday.

2. Can you reach the book the top shelf?

3. Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday November.

4. I’ve just put some paper _ the printer.

By) Even December, it’s not very cold in Florida.

6. I need to get some money the bank.

7. Let’s have lunch together noon tomorrow.

8. My apartment is 56th Street.

9. My favorite TV show starts 8 PM. Monday.

10. Don't forget your mother’s birthday. It’s March 16th.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 30 49 |.

TEST 3 1 ‘Review
v= :
ee Clear Grammar 1,J Units 9-11
= Name Date

= Part 1 Write the correct form of the verb in each sentence.

5 (study) 1. I usually English for at least two hours a day.

SSE 2. I can’t watch the movie because I for a test right now.

oy (have) 3. The school a new computer lab now.

U 4. The university ten colleges.

(explain) 5. Mr. Smith is a good teacher. He always the content very


He the grammar right now, but I just don’t get it.

(want) 7. We to study English and communicate in that language.

8. They to get a score of 500 on TOEFL now.

Part 2 Underline the correct quantity words.

1. I don’t have (much, a few) milk in the refrigerator.

2. You are not supposed to eat (many, a lot of ) oily food.

3. Living expenses in that country are cheap. You only need (a little, a few) money every


I had (a few, a little) trouble reading the map.

Do you have (much, many) English books at home?

I don’t buy (many, a lot of ) meat at the store.

I’m worried. There’s only (a little, a few) time until the final exam.

ND He didn’t know (many, much) French words, so he couldn’t communicate with

French people when he went to France last year.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 31 50

Part 3 Write at, on, or in on the lines.

My good friend Brenda came to visit me @ 1999. She arrived la

(2) Tampa International Airport @ Sunday, so the airport ay

wasn’t very crowded. Brenda arrived @ my birthday, April 5.That’s why ~

I remember the date so clearly. G)

It was her first time to be @ Florida. She and I went to Busch Gar- o
dens @ Monday. It was fun. The park was open @ 9 a.m. and 3

closed @ midnight. Later that night, we ate 9) an Italian =

restaurant @ Clearwater. The weather was nice. It’s already quite warm mp

@ April here @ Tampa. oe

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 31 51

TEST 32 Review of Book 1
es Clear Grammar 1, Units 1-12
= Nati 8 oe a ee coe oe a a ee Ee Date

= Part 1 Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

oc 1. ____Jan like to work here?

— (A) Is (C) Do

o (B) Are | | m) oe
ws 2. ____ you and your sister happy in this country?

(A) Is (Cyr Ds

(Bye Are (D) Does

3. ______ your father in the United States?

(A) Is (C) Do

(B) Are (D) Does

4. _______ Lee and Ann like to dance?

(A) Is (C) Do
(B) Are (D) Does

5. _
Amy and Lou in class now?

(A) Is (C) Do
(B)s pAre (D) Does

Part 2 Write this, that, these, or those on the lines. Use the words in parentheses to help
you choose the correct answer.

(here) 1. I need to read book.

(there) 5 5.2 dog is similar to my dog.

(here) a cats are very cute!

(there) 4. I want to buy shoes.

(here) 5. Do you like music?

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 32 52

Part 3. Underline the correct words.

1. Do you like (you, your) teacher?

(They, Their) child is beautiful.

(I, My) know how to speak English. 0B

isl (We, Our) mother is in Italy.
5. (He, His) loves to play football. =

Part 4 Read each sentence. If it is correct, write C on the line. If it is not correct, write =:
X on the line and write a correction above the sentence.

1. The food at the restaurant no was very good.


2. Iwas walk to school with my sister yesterday.

3. Does Emily study French?

4. Icryed when I watched the movie.

5. I don’t was in class yesterday.

Part 5 Write wh- questions using the words below. Pay attention to word order.

1. sister / little / is / where / your

2. English / why / studying / you / are

3. actor / who / is / favorite / your

4. birthday / is / your / when

5. startle / mean / does / what

Part 6 Write a question using the words below. Then write a short answer. If it is
possible to do so, use the present progressive tense. If it is not possible to use the present
progressive tense, use the simple present tense.

1. Juan and Manuel—speak Spanish—now (Yes)



2. your mother—like—asparagus (No)


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 32 53

3. Ann—want—a gift (Yes)


ca As
4. it—snow—now (No)
= Q:

= iA
tes 5. Ryan—play—football (Yes)
O (0 es ee ene The ome at we eee ee
iy?) sale
WO Part 7 Read each sentence. If the underlined part is correct, write C on the line. If it is
not correct, write X on the line and write a correction above the sentence.

1. The teacher gave us a few homeworks.

2. I don’t have much books.

3. She has a few pencils. Maybe she will give us one.

4. I drink a lot of coffee because I love it.

5. Brett has beautiful new car.

Part 8 Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.

1. Iwas born July.

2. Our class begins 9:00 the morning.

3. School begins the fall.

4. The hotel is located Michigan Ave. Chicago.

5. Our graduation dinner was Bennigan’s State Street.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 32 54

TEST 33 Review of Book 1
Clear Grammar 1, Units 1-12

Name Date =

Error Correction Each sentence has one grammatical error that you have studied. —_

Circle the error and write a correction above the error. a)

1. Mrs. Nelson has a beautiful flowers garden. 3
eee 3

2. My favorite color doesn’t green.


3. Does Rita have she suitcase with her?

4. When I was in elementary school, everyone weared a uniform every day.

5. Do your car have a CD player in it?

6. Does Monica from Turkey?

7. I don’t like these color for men’s shirts.

8. Is Zina speak English very well?

9. The names of the two best students in my class is Mariana and Mohamad.

10. He put those book in the box, and I took them to the library.

11. There are any sandwiches on the table for you.

12. This computer and those stereo belong to Lina.

13. Abraham Lincoln were the president of the United States during the Civil War.

14. Both Wes and Charlene prefer to live near they’re parents.

15. Do you have much brothers and sisters?

16. Ifyou want help with your homework, you can call me at I work number.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 33 55

17. All the students in my math class fail the final exam yesterday.

18. The students are not happy when they saw the test yesterday.
A) 19. What did you go on your last vacation?

= 20. The most dangerous animal in the tropical areas of those countries a small spider.
lon 21. I didn’t understood the lesson in grammar class yesterday.
4°) 22. Iam not knowing the answer to that question.
=) 23. The driving test in that state is not an examination difficult.

24. Where did you go on January?

25. Carol prefers to study in the night because her roommate is not usually there.

26. Most young people like very much that kind of music.

27. What book do you reading in your English class this week?

28. When we went to France, we had wonderful time there.

29. We don’t had a good time at the beach last Sunday because the weather was bad.

30. Did you able to find your keys last night?

31. Where you learned English?

32. The grammar class no is very interesting.

33. When flight number 882 arrived?

34. His dessert favorite is chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream on top.

35. Ican’t go to the store with you because I help my father now.

36. Luke and Ursula prefer to shop there in Monday.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 33 56

TEST 34 Review of Book 1
Clear Grammar 1, Units 1-12 ~
Name Date 8,
Multiple Choice Circle the letter of the correct answer. oO

ft “Fim in a house.” =

“No, that isn’t true. Tim lives in an apartment.” =

(A) lived (C) live =

(B) _ lives (D) was live j=

2. “That sentence is very short.”

“Yes, you're right. This sentence have many words.”

(A) am not (C) don’t

(B) doesn’t (D) isn’t

3. “Was the food good at the restaurant?”

7 . I enjoyed it very much.”

(A) No, it wasn’t. (C) No,I wasn’t.

(B) Yes, it was. (D) Yes, I was.

4. “Is Kate a good student?”

“No, she isn’t. She “i

(A) don’t have a book (C) don’t do her homework

(B) doesn’t try hard (D) doesn’t studies much

a = write letters tor”


(A) Who you (C) _Who do you

(B) Whom you (D) Whom you do

6. “___ book did you like the best?”

(A) Which (C) Why

(B) Whom (D) When

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 34 57

7. “Are you studying English at school?”

<No; | > ees

bo (A) you are (C) you aren’t

— (B) we are (D) we aren't

= 8. “Grammar class is very difficult.I___ that class very well.”

= (A) am not understanding (C) do not understand

hs (B) am not understand (D) don’t understanding

= 9. “It wasn’t cold today, and I wanted some fresh air,so I ___ the window.”

iy] (A) was open (C) open

= (B) was opened (D) opened

10. “I really want to read a good book in English.”

“T have some books here on this shelf. Do you want to borrow one of


(A) these (C) those

(B) _ this (D) that

11. “What are you going to get from the store?”

“I’m going to buy a loaf of 4

(A) meat (C) sugar

(B) bread (D): cheese

12. “Does Walter have a car?”

“Yes, he does. is a gray Toyota Celica.”

(A) He car new (C) His new car

(B) He new car (D) His car new

13. “Where does Mr. Brown live?”

“He lives on a

(A) 1234 Sunset Avenue (C) Chicago

(B) Sunset Avenue (D) Chicago, Illinois

14. “Oh, there’s Betsy. I her now.”

(A) see (C) am not see

(B) am seeing (D) don’t seeing

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 34 58

15. “What did you do during the holiday?”

“Not much. We very busy.’

(A) didn’t (Ow dont —

(B) wasn’t (D) weren't reY

16. “Let’s work on the project at a a

“All right. That sounds good to me.” G)

(A) June 12 (C) the afternoon =

(B) Sunday (D) 4:00 =

L7., “We have our on Monday.” Q)

(A) there English classes (C) English classes there ray

(B) there classes English (D) classes English there

18. “T need a pen to fill out this form.”

“Oh, I think I have pen in my bag. Let me check.”

(A) a (C) any

(B) an (D) some

19: “Was the test very long?”

“Yes, it was.At the end of che test,

(A) the students were tired. (C) the tired students were.

(B) were tired the students? (D) tired were the students.

20. “Do you and your wife have a son?”

“Yes, we do. son is named Patrick, and he lives in Detroit.”

(A) His (G) sHe

(B). Our (D) We

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 34 59

Test 35 Articles
Clear Grammar 2, Unit 2

Name Date

Part 1 Write a, an, the, or — on the lines.

dy Joe: | When is the game?

Mike: Which game do you mean? soccer game or football game?

Joe: The football game.

Mike: Ohl! It’s on _____ Tuesday.

Joan: Where is apple I put on the table?

Sue: Iputitin___ refrigerator. I didn’t know that you needed it now.

April: Do you have ___ envelope? I need one so I can mail this letter.

John: No,I don’t. But Ihave ______ stamp if you need one.
Sen Ken: Does ___ sun rise in the west?
Cara: ‘That’s not ______ very difficult question.
= Jean: Would you like drink?

ae) Sean: No, thanks. I’m not thirsty.

OO Yesterday I bought cake.We ate cake at school today.
as Jose: can’t find book that you gave me. Do you know where book is?
Jane: Ymsorry, but I forgot to tell you. I have it.
Le) Hawaii is located in Pacific Ocean.

I plan to visit Netherlands next year. I really want to see Amsterdam.

After searching all morning, I finally found jacket my brother gave me for

my birthday.

Part 2} Write a or an on the lines.

ie ____-—s- good book 7. —. AtricansAmerican

___—sihelpful person 8.) 2. Pwhole apple

as» American 9. a JeUp

eee peice LO; = tinge przza

A ee unitorm lil 2 ‘telephose

Cx ____-—- very delicious dish 12. hour

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 35 60

TEST 36 Articles
Clear Grammar 2, Unit 2

Name Date

Part1 Write a, an, the, or — on the lines.

1. Susan: Mom, may I borrow _____ car tonight?

Mother: Here are_____ keys, but you will need to put ___ gas in it.

Susan: | How do you want me to pay for___ gas?

Mother: By credit card or cash. Either is OK.

2.. Bob: Michael told you where we're going this weekend, right?

Sami: Yes, he did.

Bob: Well, what do you think about our plans for__ vacation to

foreign country?

Sami: I think it will be exciting to visit ___ Mexico, but I’m still studying oy

Epes Spatiish language.

bere 4
Bob: Ican speak ___ English as well as__ Spanish so I will be all right.

Se) (Gina: Iprefer____ history to _____ mathematics. How about you?
Roberta: Actually,l like ____ science the best, especially ____ chemistry.
We did ry

____ experiment in class yesterday. made _____ rocket that actually flew
into the air.

4. fill: What types of books do you like to read?

Miriam: Ilike to read____ fiction, but occasionally I like ____ ex citing real life

adventure stories.

Lindsey: I prefer ____ biographies.

De joe: Does anyone live in__ house on ______ corner?

Peter: No, it’s been empty for months. However, the agent has _ buyer from

—____ New York.

Joe: Ineed to rent___ apartment, not buy _____ house.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 36 61

Part2 Write a, an, the, or — on the lines.

Ts 22 nonthof = Januarytias Se ele == days

2.) ihé white; seuss Bengalase—7) tiger — cub ise Se cute © Santina,

3. _ = skiing is = fon todo. sein

2= winter:

4°" 1 prefer __s to go to_____ beach in surmimer:

5.7 1 my faverite 5" food's weal S pasta with ae 2 tomatownd

meat __" "sauce.

6. ___ Thanksgiving is___ holiday ___ when _____ many Americans eat

big meal. (HINT: It’s not the only holiday when this happens.)

7. —_ @anadaisin "North Se Aenicags fatid anes ISOS


8. ___ Costa Ricaand___—Belizearein__— Ceentral_=————s America.

9. One of____ main ____ languages that people speak in ____ Algeria is__

ee 10.. __
_ fogging'is one of = most = — > popular =
2 formset

= Part 3 Read each sentence. If the underlined part is correct, circle C. If it is not correct,
ae) circle X and write a correction above the sentence.
oe C xX 1. Iprefer to eat sandwich with cheese.
Gc x 2. The India is in Asia.
C xX 3. I bought vegetables and milk at the supermarket.

C xX 4. Beach at Siesta Key has very white sand.

C X 5. Hlorida is very famous for its oranges.

C X _ 6. The pizza at Sergio’s is very delicious.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 36 62

TEST 37 Be Going Io + VERBS
Clear Grammar 2, Unit 3

Name Date

Part 1 Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

de. Andy: ____ out dancing this weekend?

Kanesha: Yes, we are.

(A) Are you going go (C) You going to go

(B) Are you going to go (D) Do you go

2. Katrina: _____ to water the plants before we left on vacation?

Billy: No. I forgot. I hope they are going to be okay.

(A) Are you going remember (C) Did you remember

(B) Are you remember (D) Do you remember ~-

3. I usually don’t go to concerts, but tonight we ____ my favorite singer! >)
(A) are going to see (C) go see =

(B) are going see (D) go to see G)

4. Jerry: Ym hungry. Can I have a cookie? Q3
Dad: Don’t eat anything! We ____ dinner in five minutes. =
(A) do have (C) are going have
(B) did have (D) are going to have
5. Mike: 1____ really hard for the test last night.

Will: Good.Then you should get a good grade.

(A) was study (C) am going to study

(B) studied (D) am study

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 37 63

Part 2 Answer the questions below. Use complete sentences and be + going + to.

1. What are you going to do tonight?

2. Are you going to go out this weekend?

3. What are you going to do at the end of the semester?

4. Is your family going to visit you here?

5. When is the class going to study the next chapter in the grammar book?

Part 3 Circle the error in each sentence. Write a correction on the line.

1. Sara and Richard are going get married next year.

N 2. We going to go to the museum last night.

Sen 3. Do they going to meet their old friends tomorrow?
= 4. My mother are going to be very mad at me.

= 5. Where you are going to go on vacation?


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 37 64

Test 38 Be Going To + VERBS
Clear Grammar 2, Unit 3

Name Date

Part 1 Underline the correct time expression.

i’ I study English (right now, every day, tomorrow).

They are going to go out to dinner (tonight, every day, last Friday).

We visited our grandmother (last month, right now, the day after tomorrow).

We are going to leave (last year, tonight, two days ago).

She went to Japan (tomorrow, right now, last year).

He is watching TV (right now, last year, every day).

The teacher (is going to go, is going, goes, went) to Japan every summer.

I (going to eat, am eating, eat, ate) ice cream now. a)


eeeThey often (are going to visit, are visiting, visit) their grandparents.

Cindy and Jan (are going to play, are playing, play, played) at the park yesterday.

Joe (is going to be, is being, is, was) in New York next summer. G)

© Most of the students in my class this semester (are having, have, had) only one

brother or sister. =:
Patt 2 Read each sentence. If it is correct, circle C. If it is wrong, circle X and write a oy

correction on the line.

c xX 1. Shirts are going to be on sale yesterday.

C X 2. Do Joe and Sarah are going to go out tonight?

C X 3. What we are going to do after dinner?

C xX 4 The final exam for this class is going to be easy.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 38 65

Part 3 Write yes/no questions based on the sentences below.

1. They are going to go to a concert together.

2. Jane is going to attend her class reunion.

3. We are going to do our homework together.

4. You are going to listen to your favorite CD tonight.

5. Larry is going to study for a big exam after dinner.



© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 38 66

TEST 39 Review
Clear Grammar 2, Units 2 and 3

Name Date

Part1 Write a, an, the, or — on the lines.

1. Jack: How many keys do you have on your key chain?

Hank: 1 think I have six of them.

Jack: Well, is that confusing? I mean, is it hard to remember which is which?

Hank: No,not at all. For example,___ big one with the red writing is for my

house, and __ smallest key is for my desk at work.

2.. When I went shopping, I bought ____ coat. I’m going to Canada next week, so Pll

have a chance to wear___ coat very soon.

3. ____ president of ____ United States is paid over__ $400,000 per year. cy
4. _____ textbook that we use in this class focuses on _____ grammar of modern @
English poetry. =f

Se Can you tell’me main reason that you want to go to___s Mexico now? G)
Part 2 Write a, an, or — on the lines.
A, ugly dog 4. umbrellas % month
Ze ugly dogs D green umbrella 8. hard problem =)

3. small ugly dog 6. green umbrellas 9. family reunion

Part 3 Read each sentence. If it is correct, write C on the line. If it is not correct, write
X on the line and write a correction above the sentence.

1. Jenna going to study with Todd.

2. Isn't she going to go out tonight?

3. They not going to help with the class project.

4. We're going to play tennis together at noon.

5. They going to fly to San Diego during spring break.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 39 67

Part 4 Circle the correct form of each verb.

1. It (is snowing, is going to snow, snows, snowed) in Chicago right now, but the weather

here is quite warm.

2. Yesterday Jan and I (are visiting, are going to visit, visit, visited) Ned in the hospital.

3. All of us students (are going to eat, eat, ate) dinner together tonight.

4. If you (are speaking, speak, spoke) English every day, of course your speaking ability

will improve a lot.

5. An hour from now, we (are going to play, play, played, playing) football in the park.



© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 39 68

TEST 40 Irregular Past Tense
Clear Grammar 2, Unit 4

Name Date

Part 1 Write the correct forms of the verbs on the lines. Pay attention to the verb tense.

1. (speak) He to Susan a week ago.

2. (lose) My favorite team the game last Sunday.

3. (send) Jonathan some flowers to his grandmother yesterday.

4. (fly) In winter, the birds in this area to South America.

5. (hear) We the news on the radio just now. I was so surprised!

Part 2 Read the story and write the correct forms of the verbs.

I @ (get) up at 6 A.M. almost every day, but this morning ao

I @ (get) up late. I usually & (eat) breakfast, D

but I @ (have) no time today. I @ (leave) my a

apartment at 9 a.m. and @ (drive) to work. On the way to G)

work, I @ (hear) some noise from my engine, and soon the car o
@ (stop) .1@ (know) what the problem =

@® (be) .1@ (call) a nearby car repair =

shop, and a mechanic @ (come) to look at my car. There ah

® (be) two problems with the engine, but he dam

@ (repair) them. It ® (cost) me about $200.I

@ (arrive) late to work. Today @& (be) not a

good day for me. I ®@ (explain) the situation to my boss, and she

© (get) angry at all. She @ (be) a great boss,

and I @ (like) her a lot.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 40 69

Part 3. Answer these questions with complete sentences.

1. Did Mary give him a card? Yes,

2. Did Rick know her last name? No,

3. Did you go to the store? Yes;

4. Did she find her book bag? No,

5. Did they break the window? Yes,

6. Did he become sick? No,

7. Did the shirt cost a lot? Yes,

8. Did you take the bus to work? No,


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 40 70

TEST 41 Irregular Past Tense
Clear Grammar 2, Unit 4

Name Date

Part 1 Write the past tense of the verbs on the lines.

1. know 7. sing

2. find 8. fly

®. tead 9. sleep

4. eat 10. lose

5. drink lAvhe-come

6.. meet 12. win

Part 2 Write the correct forms of the verbs on the lines.

1. (ride) I a big horse last summer. ©

2. (stand) We for two hours in the rain yesterday trying to get ~

tickets. on
3. (ring) They our doorbell very late last night, so we didn’t amg
. Ou
answer it. =

4. (make) My grandmother bread every day when she lived in =

France. pe)

5. (shoot) The hunters twenty ducks this morning. re)

6. (spend) He all his money when he bought his car.

We (tear) Maria her dress when she fell down.

8. (understand) The test was so easy that we it all.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 41 71

Part3. Read this paragraph and fill in each blank with the correct form of the verb that
is in parentheses.

Last summer I @ (fly) to Paris on Air France. It

@ (take) seven hours from NewYork.

The city

@ (be) beautiful, and the weather @ (be)

hot. I @ (stay) in a small hotel overlooking the River

Seine. My friends also @ (come) from America.We

@ (speak) French as much as possible, but it

© (be) very difficult at first.We @ (be)

so happy there.We @ (eat) very good food. The bread and

cheese @ (be) so fresh! I ® (take) lots

of photos, and we ® (see) many different sights.


@® (climb) to the top of the Eiffel Tower, which

N ® (be) very exciting. I @ (love) Paris,

bes and I @ (want) to go again soon.



© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 41 72

TEST 42 Verb Tenses
Clear Grammar 1, Units 1, 2,5, 6, and 9
Clear Grammar 2, Units 3 and 4

Name Date

Part 1 Write the correct forms of the verbs on the lines. Pay attention to the verb tense.

lid (assist) He the teacher in the computer lab


(go) The students play soccer tomorrow.

(cut) Jose himself while he was shaving two

days ago.

(eat) They too much during the last Christ-

mas vacation.

We thought we ready for the exam, but

we didn’t do well.

He to school every day, doesn’t he? G)


Tina Mike very much now.

Lucy and I students at the same univer- =

sity five years ago.
Leap 4
She when she heard the sad news

10. (make) ‘Taro tea for us now.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 42 73

Part 2 Read the story. Choose verbs from the box to fill in the blanks. Be sure to use
the correct form of each verb.

vi be have go come see cost pay _ leave enjoy

Ee I like to @ to the movies on

= weekends. It usually @ me only four dollars

© because I @ a student ID now. Yesterday

to 1@ to a very cheap theater. It only

a0} © me a dollar. Yes, I only

ise i oie
re dole There
wd ;
eo a lot of people in the theater.

When I go to the movies, I always @

the previews. (Previews are the advertisements of the movies that

9) the theater very soon.) I enjoyed the

nN movie and @ the theater at 10 pM. I
o 11) another movie next weekend. I can’t wait
= till then!


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 42 74

TEST 43 Verb Tenses
Clear Grammar 1, Units 1, 2,5, 6, and 9 _—

Clear Grammar 2, Units 3 and 4 pe)

Name Date G)

Part 1 Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

tee jacks Wheres.) .Willand Cassandra. ?

Sam: ‘To the beach. If they drive quickly, they will get there by 10 a.m. pe8)

(a) do... go (C) are ...going

(3). are... go (D) is... going

2. Bob: What’s this red stuff on my chicken?

Lisa: It’s paprika. Hungarian people commonly paprika as a spice.

(A) use (C), are use

(B) using (D) uses

3. April: Listen! Why those dogs 2

Mike: Maybe they are nervous about something.

(A)-— is; bark (C) Mido. bark

(B) are’. bark (D) are... barking

4. Joseph: Is Gertrude a German language teacher?

Michelle: Yes, but she French last year.

(A) teached (C) teach 1297)

(B) is teaching (D) taught

5. George: you to Rachel’s party last night?

Ned: No, I worked till midnight.

(A) Do... g0 (Cy) Werte... 26

(By) Did...go (D) Are...go

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 43 75

Part 2 Read the story and write the correct forms of the verbs.

Dear Mom,

vi Thank you for your last letter. I @ (receive)

S it yesterday after school.

= Right now I me (take) a break

= from my studies, so I (3) (have)

thea a few minutes to write you a short letter. Everything here

@ (be) fine. My classmates and I

go] @ (be) eee
ere 8 vervyaibisy withischool=
wa) work. As you know, final exams @ (come)
soon, so we & (study)

every night this week at the library until it

@ (close) at midnight. Before

I forget, I @ (have) some

N bad news. @ (remember) you
= my friend Bill? Well, he

= @ (have) a pretty bad car

accident last month. He @ (stay)

in the hospital for two weeks, so he 13) (go, neg)

dan to school during that time. The university

wy @ (tell) him to take the rest

of the semester off. He @ (come)

back next semester. Well, I 16) (have, neg)

time to write more. I just

@ (want) to tell you that I love

you and miss you! Please write back soon.

Your son,


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 43 76

TEST 44 Verb Tenses

Clear Grammar 1, Units 1, 2,5, 6, and 9 =

Clear Grammar 2, Units 3 and 4 a)

Name Date G)

Part 1 Fill in each blank using the subject and verb that are in parentheses. Be sure to
use the correct verb tense. 3
Phil: Hey,Vic. How @ (be / you) 3
Vic: @ (1/ do) OK.

Phil: © (I / have) something to ask you.

Vic: Sure. What @ (you / want) to know?

Phil: What @ (you / do) next Saturday?

Vic: @ (I / not / know) . Why?

Phil: @ (1/ go) to Nedra’s house last night.

© (we / decide) to go to the park.

© (you / want) to go with us?

Vie: @ (many people / go) there on the weekend?

Phil: @ (I / not / be) sure.

Vic: When was the last time that @ (you and Nedra / have)

a picnic there?

Phil: About three weeks ago. ® (it / be) on a Saturday. 1097)

Vic: Well, @ (there / be) many people there?

Phil: No, not really. @ (we / have) a great time, and

that’s why @ (we / want) to go there again.

Vic: OK. @ (it / sound) good to me. I think that

© (1/ go) with you and Nedra next Saturday.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 44 77

Part 2 Read each sentence. If the underlined verb is correct, write C on the line. If it is
not correct, write X on the line and write a correction above the verb mistake.

ie We are going to go to the zoo tomorrow.
= I didn’t had a good feeling after I finished that job interview.
ae) All of the clerks are attending a sales meeting right now.
tex She took the prices off the gifts, and then she wrap them with colorful paper.
Chung doesn’t get to class on time because he woke up late.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 44 78

TEST 45 How Questions
Clear Grammar 2, Unit 5

Name Date

Part 1 Underline the correct words in these conversations.

ie (Oe How (much, many, often) time do you spend working in your yard every week?

A: About two hours.

: How (tall, long, short) is the Statue of Liberty?

: It is 152 feet and 2 inches.

: How (long, often, many) does the teacher give a test?

: She gives one once a week.


: How (far, long, much) away from school do you live?

: My apartment is only two miles away.


Q: How (many, often, old) is your watch?

vA My father bought it for me, so I am not sure, but it’s made of gold. =
Part 2 Write a how question for each of these sentences. Use the words in italics to help
you write the correct question.
ae 4

z Michael and Kim jogged five miles this morning. nm

It took 17 years to build the Taj Mahal.

Mount Everest is 8,848 meters tall.

Mom needs two cups of sugar to make Lisa’s birthday cake.

The chess club meets once a week.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 45 79

Part 3 Underline the error in each sentence. Write a correction on the line.

il) How often you go to the beach?

2. What angry was your dad when you told him

him about the accident?

How long is it to the grocery store from here?

How much brothers and sisters do you have?

How high is Michael Jordan?



© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 45 80

TEST 46 How Questions
Clear Grammar 2, Unit 5

Name Date

Part1 Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

OR How did that CD cost you?

A: $15.00.

2, (OF: How was she in the hospital?

A : Three days in total.

oun): : How is your sister?

A ones 5'5™

4. Q: : How is the school from here?

A : About three miles.



ee): : How students are there at your English language school?

Af : I think we have around 100 students. =

62.0 : How does the wrestler weigh? oy

A: : I would say at least 200 pounds.

Hes KOS: How is that student?

A: : I don’t know, but she looks too young to be a college student.

3, KOK: How do you go to the library each week?

vt ; Almost every day.

SiO: : How is your apartment?

Falk: Well, there are three bedrooms. It’s a good size.

OR): : How did it take you to get here?

A: : It took us about three hours.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 46 81

Part 2 Write a how question for each of these sentences.

1. The puppy is only three months old.

2. Kent weighs only 130 pounds.

3. Lin studied English every day in high school.

4. Matt is 5'11".

5. It’s about 20 miles to the next town.

6. There are 2.2 pounds in a kilo.

7. There are 100 tests in this textbook.

= 8. They dated for two years before they got married.

© 9. The mall was very crowded before the holidays.
eo /
as 10. I usually drive 60 miles per hour.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 46 82

TEST 47 Review
Clear Grammar 2, Units 4 and 5

Name Date |

Part 1 Write the past tense of the verbs on the lines.

1. become We ats

2. bring 12. make |

3. mean 13. build

4. run 14. blow

>.) scome 15. buy

O- acead 16. choose

7. throw 17. wear

2) \ tell 18. win am |


9. «shut 19. spread a>)

10. put 20. fly =

Part 2 Read this short paragraph and fill in the correct forms of the verbs. od
I live near the Everglades in southern Florida. What a beautiful =

place it is! Yesterday I (go) @ fishing. =

I (see) @ many strange birds feeding at the


lake. There (be) @ an alligator on the bank RO

in the sun. The sky (be) @ blue, and the

sunshine on my face (feel) @ good. After

lunch I (close) @ my eyes and

(fall) @ asleep. I

(sleep) @ for only a short time. Then my

fishing pole (move) @ suddenly. I

(have) @ a fish on my line, but it

(swim) @ away before I could reel it in.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 47 83

Part 3 Fill in the blanks with the correct words to complete these questions.

1... AxsHow is your swimming pool?

B: 6.6 feet at the deep end.

2: A> How does that package weigh?

B: 10 pounds.

3. A: How is it to Nashville from here?

B: 17 miles.

4. A: How is your grandfather?

B: He’s 87.

5. A: How do you work out?

B: Three times a week.

as 6. A: How can you run?
= B: 3 miles without stopping.

ae) 7. A: How people can sleep in your tent?
OO B: 4.
) 8. A: How rice did you cook?
Wad 3 cups

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 47 84

TEST 48 Adverbs of Frequency
Clear Grammar 2, Unit 6

Name Date

Part 1 Match the adverb of frequency on the left with the phrase on the right that has
the same meaning.

i rarely A. some of the time

2 always B. much of the time

3. often C. not at any time

4. never D_ almost never

ay usually E. most of the time

6. sometimes F all of the time

Part 2 Rewrite the following sentences using an adverb of frequency.

1. The students study in the library all of the time.

2. Iam happy all of the time.

3. The teacher is almost never in her office after class.

4. You will find Jun at his favorite coffee shop most of the time.

Part 3. Correct the errors in these sentences.

1. The students do always their homework on time.

2. You do study how often? ;

3. What time are you go usually to the store?

4. The grammar teacher have always a book or paper in her hand.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 48 85

TEST 49 = Adverbs of Frequency
Clear Grammar 2, Unit 6

Name Date

Part 1 Write new sentences using an adverb of frequency.

1. My dog likes to eat all of the time.

2. On the weekends, we go to the movies most of the time.

3. Rob and Peter almost never go to bed before midnight.

4. Much of the time I don’t eat breakfast. I have just a cup of coffee most of the time.

,ee 5. My neighbors almost never use their swimming pool. It is empty most of the time.

= 6. On Sunday mornings, I wash my car most of the time.

9 7. Mary and Louise don’t do their English homework at any time!
U Part 2 Fill in each blank with the correct adverb of frequency.

tle not at any time

2 all of the time

DO. some of the time

4 most of the time

5: almost never

6. much of the time

Ds almost never

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 49 86

Part 3. Underline the correct forms.

1. The children (take usually, usually take) their lunch to school.

I (always read, read always) the cartoons first when I read the newspaper. |

Hurricanes (usually occur, occur usually) in the summertime. |

I (go never, never go) jogging before breakfast. |

My computer teacher (seldom gives, gives seldom) homework.

People (fail rarely, rarely fail) the driving test because it is easy.

The students (practice sometimes, sometimes practice) on the golf course. |

Flights from San Francisco (often are, are often) delayed due to the weather.

eS Peter and Marc (rollerblade usually, usually rollerblade) to school. |

= © I (never can, can never) understand Mr. Choi. He speaks with a heavy accent.





© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 49 87

TEST 50 Object Pronouns
Clear Grammar 2, Unit 7

Name Date

Part 1 Underline the correct form of each pronoun or adjective.

1. Please give this book to (she, her).

2 (We, Our) luggage was not on the plane.

3 I went to the concert with (me, my) girlfriend.

4 Brian works at a bank. (He, Him) likes to work there.

5. (I, My) parents love (I, me) very much.

6 Roberto has a wonderful accent. I love to hear (him, he) speak.

7. My brother and his friends like to play soccer. (They, Them) are very good players.

8 My husband and I bought a new car. (We, Our) like (it, its) very much.
oO Part 2 Write the correct form of each pronoun or adjective.

= 1. Our apartment is very dirty. are going to clean

= today.
Same 2. My mom asked my sister to go to the store. wants
O to buy some milk.
S 3. We were absent this morning. Did Ms. Cooper give class homework?

U 4. John forgot to bring book to class. couldn’t do any

of the exercises.

5. Anna wants to bring friend to the party. Is it okay?

6. The boys threw a rock at the window. damaged

very badly.

Part 3 Circle the error in each sentence. Write a correction on the line.

1. Does her want to meet the new teacher?

Kevin went with we to the theater.

They live near I.

They need to buy he a birthday present.

beeMe don’t like to play games.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 50 88

TEST 51 Object Pronouns
Clear Grammar 2, Unit 7

Name Date

Part1 In each blank on the left, write the correct letter of the matching object pronoun.

Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns

ai‘ C!S SCthey Is, Jone

fee SC. She B. him

eee C. you

eee 4. it D. them

meee 15... he Baus

foe. Os WE Bo cher.

meee. «6/. «6YOU G. it ‘sm

Part 2. Underline the correct pronouns.
1. It is important to give (they, them) the correct change.

2. Ihave to telephone (her, she) tonight before 10:00 pm.

3. That package is for (we, us), not for (they, them).
4. The house at the end of the street belongs to (she, her).
5. Jane is coming to see (I, me) this afternoon. as

6. Mary’s dog is a poodle. She never takes (it, its) for a walk.
7. We visit our family in Louisiana every Thanksgiving.
We usually visit (they, them) for

a week.

8. Please call the office and give (they, them) your fax number.

9. John called and left a message for you to call (he, him) back.

10. That order is for (I, me). The other one is for (her, she).

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 51 89

Part 3 Read each sentence. If the underlined part is correct, circle C. If it is not correct,
circle X and write a correction above it.

€ xX Megan gave her book to Chris for the weekend.

Jamie and Marco gave we a ride home after the party.

The teacher told he to go to the office after class.

Jane’s father gave her a computer for her birthday.

The wind blew they off course in their boat.

The fruit is very cheap now, so we will buy a lot.

The police officer gave me a ticket for speeding.

Sn My brother called me for some information, so I gave it to he.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 51 90

TEST 52 Review
Clear Grammar 2, Units 6 and 7

Name Date

Part 1 Each sentence has two blanks. Fill in one of the blanks with the correct adverb of
frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never, or ever. Do not write anything in the
other blank in the sentence.

1. I play tennis seven days a week. I play every day.

2. We only drink champagne on New Year’s Eve, so I drink


3. The bus stops here every hour on the hour. It is on

time, so don’t be late.

4. The desert is very dry because there is very little rain. It rains

in the desert. ©

5. Some vegetarians only eat vegetables and fruit. They eat He

meat or fish. , iy

6. Other vegetarians will eat a little white meat from time to time. They ag
eat chicken or fish. =

7. Peter studies hard for his tests and gets good grades. He makes =
an A. mY

8. In the monsoon season in India it rains heavily every day. It rains INO

during the monsoon season.

9. Lorna gets to work at 8 A.M., but for the past two

days she has been late. This is really odd!

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 52 91

Part 2. Underline the correct form of each pronoun or adjective.

i This package is for (our, we, us).

(Me, My, I) classes begin on Monday.

(He, Him) is a very clever computer programmer.

Do (you, your) go to the movies often?

(Them, They, Their) will be going to the soccer match in Orlando on Saturday.

(She, Her) has lost 30 pounds in weight since she started running.

That dog is very naughty. (Its, It) does not obey anyone.

CS (Me, My, I) dream is to win the lottery.

Part 3 Read this passage. There are nine mistakes. Circle the mistakes and write the cor-
rect form above each mistake.

Yesterday all of me family went to the beach.

We took a picnic lunch with

us. We found a nice place to sit by the water. My son and her friend brought us
= sail boat, and they went out in him. It was very windy, so they had a good time.

© My wife and me sat on us chairs in the sun and read our books.We brought
Sn sandwiches to eat. It was good. My daughter Juliet didn’t bring a friend. Her was
wed alone, so her was bored. I built her a sand castle later on, and then we all went
swimming. There were many fish in the water.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 52 92

TEST 53 One and Other
Clear Grammar 2, Unit 8

Name Date

Parti Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Lynn: Do you have a pen?

Wes: Ithink thereis____—_—siin my desk.

(A) it (C) some

(B) one (D) other

2. Bob has three cars. Two of them are blue,and __—_is red.

(A) two (C) the other

(B) it (D) another

3. I need to buy three birthday presents for my mom. I bought one yesterday. I have to )
buy today. Her party is tonight. @
(A) the other one (C) the others =<

(B) the others ones (D) another one G)

4. Patty: Susan can’t find her grammar book. O3
Bud: Ithink isin her bedroom. =}
(A) it (C) some
(B) one (D) others
5. Tim: We need five apples for dessert.
Are there five in the refrigerator?

Tina: No, only four. We'll need to get at the grocery store.

(A) other one (C) another one

(B) the others one (D) anothers

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 53 93

Part 2 Read these sentences. Fill in the blanks with these words: one, it, other, another,
others, the other, or the others.

1. This shirt is dirty. I need to put on one before we leave.

2. This grocery store is closed. Don’t worry. are open.

3. My brother has two children. One is named Rachel, and is named


4. We need a spoon to stir this soup. Do you have 2

5. My purse is in the living room. Can you get for me?

6. The classroom is very crowded. Five students are studying. Four students are writing

papers. are listening to the teacher.

7. Some people arrived at 7:00 BM. arrived at 9:00 P.M.

8. Can I have sheet of paper? I made a mistake on this one.

9. Art wants that piece of chocolate. Please give to him.

10. This computer isn’t working. We’re going to have to use

tsa Part 3. Circle the error in each sentence. Write a correction above the sentence.
= 1. This book looks interesting, so I might buy one.
See 2. Lions and bears are mammals. A monkey is other example.
3. Bob wants that apple. Please give one to him.
=) 4. My sons are Jim and Bob. One is in Florida, and another is in Texas.

5. Blue is a good color for a shirt. White is other.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 53 94

TEST 54 One and Other
Clear Grammar 2, Unit 8

Name Date

Parti Fill in the blanks with one of these words: one, it, other, another, others, the
other, and the others.

A few days ago, I went to visit my grandmother. On the way, I stopped at a

bakery to buy her some chocolate chip cookies. They are her favorite. Since the

bakery was out of chocolate chip cookies, I went to @ . This

bakery had chocolate chip cookies, and the woman behind the counter gave me

2] to taste. @ was so good that I decided to

buy some for myself, too.

After leaving the bakery, I was feeling tired, so I decided to take a taxi the ‘)
rest of the way to grandmother’s house. I waved at a taxi as @ ~
passed by, but the driver didn’t see me. So I walked to the other corner, where

two taxis were parked. [asked (5) driver if he would take me, G)
but he said he was waiting for a passenger. Then, I asked @ QJ
driver. However, she was off duty, and I ended up walking to my grandmother’s 3
house. When I arrived there, Grandmother wasn’t even home!

Part 2 Read each sentence. If the underlined part is correct, write C on the line. If the
underlined part is not correct, write X on the line and write a correction above the error.

1. Ihad three pieces of candy. I ate two and gave another one to my friend.

2. Some people like fish. Another people like different kinds of seafood.

3. To me, choosing a car involves two things. One is cost, and the other is


4. Our Mazda is a small red car. Our another car is a dark gray Toyota.

5. Ihave one cat, and she is enough. I don’t want other.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 54 95

Part 3. Write another, the other, it, one, others, or the others on the lines. In some cases,
more than one answer is possible.

1. That was a great hamburger! I think I’ll have

2. A: Where is my math book?

B: Isn’t on the kitchen table with your books?

3. A: Which TV show do you want to watch? This one?

B: No, I want to watch the you had on earlier.

4. I found one of my shoes but not

5. I don’ like these gloves. Do you have that I can try on?


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 54 96

TEST 55 Possessive
Clear Grammar 2, Unit 9

Name Date

Part 1 Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Jackie: pencil is this?

Marv: It’s Bob’s.

(A) Who (C) Whom

(B) Whose (D) What

2. is very messy.

(A) The top the table (C) The top of the table

(B) The table’s top (D) The top of the table’s

3. Hank: [ oe

Fran: I think it is April’s. (@D

(A) Whose hat is that (C) Who is that hat =

(B) Whose is that hat : (D) Who that hat is G)

4. Andrew is husband. a)

(A) hers (Geshe =

(B) her (D) her's ra¥

5. This is newspaper. a
(A) yesterdays (C) yesterday’s

(B) of yesterday (D) the yesterday’s

Part 2 Combine each pair of sentences to make a new sentence. Use the correct posses-
sive form.

1. Michael has a dog. It is black and white.

2. Mr. Erb owns a house. It is very big.

3. Laura has a hobby. It is stamp collecting.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 55 97

4. The mail is from Japan. The mail belongs to Rachel.

5. The bird has a nest. It is high in the oak tree.

Part 3 Read this short passage. Circle the mistakes and write the correct forms above
the mistakes. There are 3 mistakes. (Hint: Check possessive forms.)

This magazine is very interesting. The name of the magazine 1s Egyptian Ad-

ventures. It is about the history of Egypt.

I bought this magazine at the bookstore on Forest Avenue.

The magazine’s

price is $7. I think this magazine is a little expensive.

The price of the magazine

NN needs to be cheaper.
= Egyptian Adventures is printed by Adventure Publishers.
This is not the only

© magazine of Adventure Publishers.
They print another famous magazine. That
ae magazine’s name is World Events. The information in this magazine is very impor-
wad) tant for history teachers.
Adventure Publisher’s magazines are very interesting. I hope you will read

one of them in the future.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 55 98

TEST 56 Possessive
Clear Grammar 2, Unit 9

Name Date

Part 1 Write the corresponding subject pronouns on the lines.

i” my 4. their

2. his 53 our

3. your 6. her

Part 2 Fill in the blanks with a possessive adjective.

When I was in Japan last year, I wanted to climb Mount Fuji. Since I forgot

to bring @ hiking shoes, I borrowed a pair from my friend

Tim. Unfortunately, @ shoes were too big, so I had to buy a

pair of @ own shoes. Then, someone told me that I should

wear a hat. Since I did not have a hat with me either, I asked another friend. He oy

didn’t have a hat, but his sister did, and he said I could borrow @
hat. I wanted to, but the hat was too big, so I had to buy @
own. When I went to buy a hat, I also bought a pair of long pants, some gloves, =:
and a flashlight. Then, I realized that I did not have enough money to buy a 3
train ticket to Mount Fuji. I was still able to go, though, because some friends

who had a car told me they wanted to go. I told them that if we could use nN
6 car, we could go together.

‘Part3 Circle the correct possessive forms.

1. The movie’s end / end of the movie was disappointing.

Z I found this wallet at the airport, but I don’t know whose / who’s it is.

3. The car of the basketball player / basketball player’s car was very expensive.

4. Is this their / theirs disk or mines / mine?

5. Alice: Since it’s raining out, can I borrow your / yours umbrella?

Bill: | My / Mine’s / Mine is broken, but here’s my sister / sister’s. You can use

her’s / hers.

6. Whose / who’ turn is it to drive?

7. That’s not my pencil. It’s her’s / hers.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 56 99

TEST 57 Review
Clear Grammar 2, Units 8 and 9

Name Date

Part 1 Write one, it, another, other, the other, or the others on the line as appropriate.

1. Steve: Where’s the key to the house?

Mike: I don’t know. I thought you had

2. Bob: Remember to call your friends from class about the camping trip.

Rick: I will. And you will call our friends, right?

3. Janet: What’s in the bag?

Ted: Philadelphia soft pretzels. Would you like ?

a 4. Sue: Which sweater do you like, this blue one or this red one?
Gina: I don’t like either of them. Why don’t you choose 2
= 5. Tony: Do you remember Dr.Tan from USS. history class last semester?
a Joe: Yes, of course. I think he’s teaching course on American history.
Ve /
A) 6. Ken: I visited Japan, Korea, and Hong Kong while I was in the military.
wes) Ann: Really? Did you visit any countries during that time?
Part 2 Write the correct possessive forms in the blanks.

1. Teacher: Does anyone know book this is?

Student: I think it’s Rod’s. He called me last night and told me he lost his book.

2) Clerk: Is that your purse, miss?

Customer: No, it’s not . Maybe you should ask the woman standing

over there. Perhaps it’s

3. Jack: I'll meet you at my friends’ house.

Tina: I'd rather we go together because I don’t know where

house is.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 57 100

Part 3 Read each sentence. If it is correct, write C on the line. If it is not correct, write
X on the line and write a correction above the sentence.

1. The car’s price is $10,000.

2. The cake is on the table’s top.

3. I don’t know whose wallet this is.

4. I don’t know who’ going to go to the picnic.

5. Are those your floppy disks or are they mines?

6. I think this house is the professor’s. He’s very rich.

7. The hotel’s name is Country Inn.

8. My dogs name is Cuddles. ~



© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 57 101

TEST 58 = Comparative
and Superlative
Clear Grammar 2, Unit 10

Name Date

Part 1 Look at the chart. Then complete the following sentences with the correct form
of the verb in parentheses. Use the comparative or superlative form. Be sure to add than
with comparative forms.

Potter’s Garden Center Rose Information Chart

Flower Stem
Color Size Length Popularity

Charlie Chaplin light red 3 inches 9 inches 10 bushes sold

this year
N American Beauty medium red 5 inches 10 inches 45 bushes sold
o this year

= Passion dark red 4 inches 12 inches 60 bushes sold

= this year

1. All the roses are red. However, the American Beauty rose is
ten (dark) the Chaplin.
WY 2. The Passion rose is (dark) rose of all.

3. The flower of the Chaplin rose is (small) the flower of

the American Beauty rose.

4. The flower of the American Beauty rose is (big) of all.

5. The Chaplin rose has (short) stem.

6. The American Beauty’s stem is (long) the Chaplin’s


7. This year the store sold (few) Chaplain roses than

Passion roses.

8. The Chaplin rose is (popular) the American beauty.

9. The Passion rose is (popular) of all.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 58 102

Part 2 Look at the chart. Then complete the sentences with the correct form of the
word in parentheses. Use the comparative or superlative form. Be sure to add than with
comparative forms.

Daytona Speedway Racing Statistics

* A pit stop is a break in a race when the race car gets new tires and its engine is checked.
** mph = miles per hour.
**xA lap is one time around the race track.

ie Car 1. was (slow) Car 2.

2. Car 3 was (fast) car of all.

3. In speed, Car 1 did (bad) of all. [em )

4. Car 2 went (far) Car 1. D
5.) Car 3 went (far) of all the racers. ban 4

6. Car 2 only made 6 laps, but Car 1 made (few) laps G)

of all. O3
7. Car 2 stopped (less) Car 3.

8. Car 2 stopped (less) of all the racers. s)


9. Overall, Car 3 was (good) racer of all.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 58 103

| TEST 59 Comparative
and Superlative
Clear Grammar 2, Unit 10

Name Date

Part 1 Write the comparative or superlative forms of the words in parentheses on

the lines.

i aeikam (tall) than my brother Mike.

2. This is (interesting) book we have ever read.

3. Sarah’s cakes are good, but Jane’s are (good).

4. Some people get better grades because they study hard. Others get better grades be-

cause they are (intelligent).

N 5. Ifyou don’t find a (fast) way to get there, we are go-

me ing to be late.
= Part 2 Read each sentence. If it is correct, write C on the line. If it is not correct, write

= X on the line and write a correction above the sentence.

1. This is a more easier way of solving that math problem.
) 2. Your sister’s room is cleaner than yours.
3. Mr. Jones is the most nicest teacher in the school.

4. Parents are usually more wise than their children.

5. I like this chair best because it is the comfortablest.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 59 104

Part 3. Write the comparative and superlative forms of the following list of words on
the lines.

Comparative Superlative

1. delicious





Part 4 Fill in the blanks with a comparative or superlative form.

The other day I went shopping with my sister. What a frustrating

experience! First, we stopped at a clothing store, where my sister tried on

a pair of gloves. Since they were too big, my sister asked the clerk if he had a

1) pair. He did, but they were in a different


color, so we went to another store.At that store, my sister found the gloves in the

size and color she liked, but they were 6 than


in the first store. When she asked the clerk why they were so expensive, he be-
came angry, so we left. Since I was sick of shopping by that point, I took my

sister to @ clothing store I could find. It was

huge. In fact, when I first walked in the store, I couldn’t believe the size of this
store! My sister finally found a pair that she liked and could afford, but then she ry

decided that she really didn’t need to buy a pair of gloves.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 59 105

TEST 60 = Modals
Clear Grammar 2, Unit 11

Name Date

Part 1 Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Clerks at fast-food restaurants often say, “ I help you?”

(A) Will (C) May

(B) Must (D) Would

2. Excuse me._____ you pass me the salt?

(A) Shall (C) Must

(B) Will (D) Should

3. This cake is too sweet.It___———sAhave so much sugar in it.

N (A) wouldn’t (C) couldn't

Ses (B) didn’t (D) shouldn’t

4. Do you have plans for the holidays? What__—s do on New Year’s Eve?

= (A) will (C) | shall you

(B) would you (D) are you going to

oO 5. I turned the heat on half an hour ago, but it’s still cold in here.It___——s be warm
in here by now.
FT (A) has to (C) should

(B) is going to (D) would

6. When _____ you like to go shopping? Any time is OK with me.

(A) may (C) can

(B) had better (D) would

7. Vmcold.______ you close the window, please?

(A) Might (C) Will

(B) May (D) Should

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 60 106

_ 8. Masako is her name, and she speaks Japanese perfectly.She _____ be Japanese.

(A) will (C) would

(B) must (D) ought

9. ____syou do me a favor? How can I save this file in the computer?

(A) Should (C) May

(B) Would (D) Must

10. We____ clean the room now. Mommy and Daddy are coming home soon.

(A) can (C) going to

(B) could (D) _ had better

Part 2 Underline the correct modals in this conversation about a special dinner

A; | Tomorrow is your birthday. I’d like to take you out for dinner.

B: Another birthday? I @ (shouldn’t, can’t, wouldn’t) believe I @ (will, can, might) be


A: Where @ (could, will, would) you like to go? I want to take you out to dinner at a

really nice restaurant for your birthday.


B: No, you @ (wouldn’t, shouldn’t, couldn’t) do that. It’s not necessary. G)


Yes, I would really like to. @ (Would, Could, Might) you like to go to the Thai

restaurant that we went to before? =

B: Yes, that sounds really nice. But tomorrow is Friday, so there @ (had better, must have,
might) be a lot of people there.We @ (can, must, may) have to wait for a long time.

A: Don’t worry. I know a friend who works there. I @ (will, am going, should) to ask
him to reserve a table for us.

B: Really, that @ (can, must, would) be wonderful.

Don’t eat too much for lunch tomorrow.

You @ (may, had better, can) be hungry for

- a big dinner.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 60 107

TEST 61 - | Modals
Clear Grammar 2, Unit 11

Name Date

Part 1 Circle the correct modal form.

1. Ifyou want to do well on the English test tomorrow, you might /should study.

2. This watch should / must be Jim’s. He said he lost his watch here yesterday.

3. Istill don’t know what I’m going to do this weekend. I must / had better / might go

to the beach.

4. Ken will / would return to Japan next summer.

5. Last month my house was robbed twice. You can / had better lock your back door, too.

Part 2 Complete the sentences and questions by writing the modal in parentheses on
the correct line.
& iv I use your phone to call my roommate? (may)
2. Where we buy tickets to the concert? (can)
= 3. When they begin the test? (should)

ae) 4. How Ann get in touch with you? (can)

O Part 3. Read each sentence. If it is correct, write C on the line. If it is not correct, write
X on the line and write a correction above the sentence.
<3) 1. Can you speak Japanese?
=) 2 He may leaves early because his class will begin at 8 A.M.

3. They may not come to the party because they had better study for a test.

4. She wants to see that movie, but she can’t. She has to pack for her business


If I were rich, I would travel to Europe and Asia.

Some of my friends might not to go to the party.

That knife isn’t very sharp. You ought use another one.

oS If you want to win the tennis tournament next month, you'd better

practice more often.

9. Last month we must buy more firewood because the weather was so cold.

10. That food 1s so salty. Should you really to eat food like that?

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 61 108

TEST 62 Problem Words
Clear Grammar 2, Unit 12

Name Date

Part 1 Read the short passage. Underline the correct words.

This (is, are, has, have) a picture of my family. My family is (very, too) large. I

(is, are, has, have) three brothers and four sisters. (Almost, Most) all of my siblings

are older than I am. I am only older than my little sister, Sara. Of all my brothers

and sisters, Sara is my favorite. She (is, are, has, have) only five years old. She is

(very, too) tiny, pretty, and smart. Unlike (almost, most) children her age, she

rarely cries. When she does, it is usually because she (is, are, has, have) hungry. Her

favorite food is ice cream. She would eat it (almost, most) every day if she could.

I like to spend time with her. We go to the zoo a lot. There we can look at all a2)

of the interesting animals and eat all the ice cream we (want, wants). Some people
(ask, asks) if it is difficult for me to be a good big sister to Sara. I tell them no. I

love my little sister (very, too) much, so it is easy!


Part 2 Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the correct answer. re

i= Pam: Is there much salt in the soup? =
Cassie: No.1 think it tastes good.

(A) too (C) some nN

(B) very (D) have

2. Jennie went to the doctor ____ some medicine to make her feel better.

CA) to (C)) for

(B) have (1D) care

3. The United States____——_—a. very large population.

(A) are (C) have

(B) is (D) has

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 62 109

4. Alan: ____ a grocery store nearby?

Jean: Yes.There is one two blocks from here.

(A) There is (C) Does there

(B) Is there (D) Do there

5. I eat healthy food .I rarely eat junk food.

(A) most of time (C) almost the time

(B) most of the time (D) some of the time

Part 3 Circle the error in each sentence. Write a correction on the line.

1. Tampa, Orlando, and Miami there are all in the same state.

2. This jacket have two pockets.

3. Bobby is a cold.

4. When we went to the beach, there was a lot of people.

5. She moved to a larger apartment to more space.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 62 110

TEST 63 Problem Words
Clear Grammar 2, Unit 12

Name Date

Part 1 Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

t I listen to the news every night ____ my English.

(A) for improving (C) to improving

(B) for improve (D) to improve

Because they were driving too fast, they the car in front of them.

(A) almost hitting (C) most hitting

(B) almost hit (D) most hit

The food in the countries we visited _—_—s good.

(A) was too (C) was very ‘om

(B) were too (D) were very @
a mall in this town?

(A) Does : (C) There are G)

(B) Do there (D) Is there Qs
She __, so she went to bed early last night. 3
(A) 1s tired (C) _ has tired
(B) was tired (D) had tired
Part 2. Circle the correct form.

1s Susan (had, was) twenty years old before she left Australia.

The teacher (is, has) busy now, so he can not meet with you.

We are (almost, most) at the top of the mountain!

This hamburger is (too, some) big. I can’t eat it all by myself.

The number of tickets (is, are) limited, so we should buy them soon.

(Almost, Most) Japanese eat rice for more than one meal every day.

I didn’t like the shirt, but I bought it (to, for) give it to a friend.

ae This is a special spoon that is used (to, for) the sauce that goes on top of the peas.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 63 111

9. My score was 99, so I (almost, most) got a perfect score.

10. The reason for all his school problems (is, are) that he doesn’t study very much.

11. (Almost, Most) all of the workers received a 5 percent raise in their salary.

12. [like the food there, but I hate to go to that restaurant because you have to wait (too,

very) long to get your food.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 63 112

TEST 64 Review
Clear Grammar 2, Units 10-12

Name Date

Part 1 Write the correct comparative and superlative forms on the lines by each word.

Comparative Superlative

1. good





quick ‘ee)

eS serious
Part 2 Circle the correct word.

1. Since you have to leave See you will / should / would go to bed early.

2. Will / May I use your phone to call my brother? He is waiting for me to pick him up.
3. I have to study tonight, but if I have the time I would / might / should come to the
party. ry,

4. It’s hot out there! Could / Can / Would you like something cold to drink?
5. When Jan was in high school, she could / would / might play the piano very well.

Part 3 Write to, for, very, too, almost, or most on the lines as appropriate.

1. ‘Teachers spend of their time helping students and grading papers.

Some economists think that Japanese people work hard.

This ice cream is tasty.

Joan and Kim bought a card their teacher on her birthday.

It seems as if I spend all my money at the coffee shop where I study.

Recently, plane tickets have been expensive for me to fly home.

people like to travel to other countries.

oe Susan used a large wooden spoon stir the fudge.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 64 113

Part 4 Draw lines between the two parts to make complete sentences.

i May I use your phone carry those packages?

B . Can I help you because I want to stayin shape.

4). I had better not eat dessert to call my parents?

4. If my car breaks down in the desert, visit your parents this summer?

5 . Will you return to France to what should I do?

6 . If |want to graduate, I must take a course in auto mechanics.

Part 5 Read each sentence. If the underlined part is correct, write C on the line. If the
underlined part is not correct, write X on the line and write a correction above the error.

6 There have many reasons why people steal.

There are several books on the table.

N Do there any reason why there is no class today?

There’s many people who would love to go to Hawaii on vacation.
= How many pounds have there in a kilogram?



© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 64 114

TEST 65 Review of Book 2
Clear Grammar 2, Units 1-12

Name Date

Part1 Use the time line below to answer the following questions. Write complete

Carol Barber’s Life

tooo 1975, 1986 1987 1988e11990 1992 1992; 319940 941996 Now 2010
born move to finish moveto buya marry first visit buya second visit
in Dallas, high San dog Tom childis Hawaii house — childis Europe
Tampa, Texas school Diego, born on born
Florida: California vacation

1. What is Carol’s last name?

2. How old is Carol?

3. Why did Carol go to Hawaii?

4. How many children does Carol have?

5. What type ofpet did Carol buy in 1988? 183)

6. What is Carol going to do in 2010?

7. In which city did Carol live the longest?

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 65 115

Part 2 Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

Ve Wendy goes to school every day. She goes to school.

(A) rarely (C) always

(B) often (D) sometimes

Can you hand that hammer? I need to put this picture up on the wall.

(A) 1 (C) my
(B) me (D) mine
This knife is dirty. Give me

(A) other one (C) the others

(B) the others ones (D) another one

Bob got a speeding ticket yesterday. He to attend traffic school, or they'll take

his license away.

(A) want (C) going

nN (B) has (D) will

dees You ____ call your mother. She is probably worried about you.
(A) _ better (C) are going

= (B) should (D) ought to

©Seon Part 3. Underline the correct answers.

OO 1, Do you know (a, the) price of (Leo’s new car, the new car of Leo)?
ae (A, The) best score on (the test of yesterday, yesterday’s test) was 97.
wad Ds Due to (the good skills of the players, the players’ good skills), our team won (an, the)

opening game of the football season last Friday.

Perhaps (a, the) word gumbo, which refers to a special dish from (Louisiana, the

Louisiana), originated in (Africa, the Africa).

Because of (the quality of this computer, this computer’s quality), it is truly an

excellent buy.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 65 116

TEST 66 Review of Book 2
Clear Grammar 2, Units 1-12

Name Date

‘Part 1 Possessive Forms. Circle the letter of the usual possessive form.
iR A. the car’s trunk 5. A. the gardener’s wheelbarrow

B. the trunk of the car B. the wheelbarrow of the gardener

A. the computer’s monitor 6. A. tomorrow’s news

B. the monitor of the computer B. the news of tomorrow

A. Mary’s last name 7 Ase Greece’s-capital

.B. the last name of Mary B. the capital of Greece

A. the china’s pattern 8. A. the beach’s location

B. the pattern of the china B. the location of the beach om)


Part 2 Comparative and Superlative. Underline the correct answers.

cam \
ie Texas is (big, bigger, more big, the biggest, most big) than Michigan.

Peter is (old, older, the oldest, more older) than Richard.


The (intelligent, most intelligent, more intelligent) pet is the dog.

ad Susan and Miriam have (the most, more) fun when they are with each other than
when they are with their other friends. oy
ae 4

We live in the mountains of Colorado. Every summer we take a trip to the beaches in
Florida. My children love to go to the beach. For them, summertime is (happy,

happier, the happiest) time of the year.

I find that Professor Stanley is far (interesting, more interesting) than Professor Smith.

That painting is (more lighter, lighter) than the other one.

This package is (more bigger, bigger) than yours.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 66 117

Part 3 Articles. Fill in the blanks with a, an, —, or the.

f. Tony and Alice are going to move to San Francisco. He has been offered

new job in electronics.

They are very excited to go. Alice

always wanted to move. She is going to apply for position at junior

college to teach chemistry. They have a lot of furniture and two cars. They are

going to take all__——s furniture and ____ two cars with them. They will send

them by _____ truck, but Tony and Alice will fly.

Saturday is______—first day of ____ weekend in the Western world. In

some parts of --25

— world; __*
2 — Saturday 1s —--
> > first day of sos 35 weekaig

_____ Middle East, for example, week begins on ____ Saturday.

This means__—_—sw weekend consists of ___—s Thursday and__ Friday.

Yesterday was______ first snowfall of ____ year.____ avalanche started on one

of _____ high mountain passes, and many people were cut off by ____ snow.

air rescue planes had to be called out, and large number of

t= paramedics were called in to help with situation. It was amazing that
no one was killed except old horse.
= Part 4 Underline the correct answers.
ts & How (far, long) (may, can) you play tennis on a sunny afternoon?
(Almost, Most) half of the students in my group bought a present (for, to) the coach.
4°) (How come, Why) Shakespeare (write, wrote) that play like that?
ae In my family, we (usually eat, eat usually) (almost, most) of our meals together in the
dining room. However, sometimes we eat in the living room in front of the TV.

(How, What) reasons did he (give, gave) for (miss, missing) (another, other) class


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 66 118

TEST 67 Review of Book 2
Clear Grammar 2, Units 1-12

Name Date

Multiple Choice Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Joe: | What did you get your sister for her birthday?

John: bought her____ new mixer because she likes to bake.

(A) an (C) ‘the

(B) a (D) one

2. _____ Marcy and June going to go shopping tomorrow?

. (A) Will KC) Pare

(B) Is (D) Do
3. Mark: Why don’t we go see The Fly at the movie theater tonight? am)

Sue: Thanks for the offer, but I that movie last week with Jack. OD

(A) was see (C) already see oa

(B) have seen ’ (D) saw G)

4. Steve: did you live in China? a

Ann: Ten years. =

(A) How many (C) How much =

(B) How long (D) How often Oh

5. Ken: Where is Joe? hed

Ben: 1 don’t know for sure, but I think he is at the library. Joe ____ studies at the


(A) seldom (C) always

(B) rarely (D) never

6. Jane: Why are you so late picking me up for our date?

Steve: Well, the professor wanted to talk to Rod and ____ about our final


Aye 1 (C) them

(B) me (D) Steve

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 67 119

7. Please give me piece of paper. One sheet will not be enough for this test.

(A) other (C) the others

(B) the another (D) another

8. ____is that on the coffee table?

(A) Who’s book (C) Whose book

(B) The book of whom (D) Whom’s book

9. Hotels are expensive in Tokyo, but in London they are even

(A) expensiver (C) expensivest

(B) more expensive (D) most expensive

10. Because I have a test tomorrow, I can’t go to the football game.I really ___ study.

(A) may (C), #can

(B) must (D) could

11. Thissteakis I cantteatut.all?

q (A) too big (C)_ very big

ol (B) very biggest (D) too bigger

= 12. Customer: Are all of the clothes on this table on sale?

S Clerk: ____are, but not all of them. You’ll have to check the tag on each

fae) item.
W (A) Almost of the clothes (C) Most clothes

— (B) Most of the clothes (D) Almost clothes

av 13. You have to be up very early tomorrow for your camping trip. You ____ your

bad clothes tonight.

(A) will pack (C) can pack

(B) could pack (D) had better pack

14. Ifwe had the money, we ____ on a nice vacation this summer.

(A) could go (C) can go

(B) will go (D) will be able to go

15. Sheis___———s and _____ than you. That’s why she got into Harvard.

(A) more serious, more smart (C) _ seriouser, smarter

(B) more serious, smarter (D) more serious, more smarter

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 67 120

16. Abe: | Whose keys are those?

Frank: They’re

(A) my (C) mine

(B) mines (D) my own

17. Phil: The pizza’s great. Can I have slice?

Ron: Well, okay. Just one more slice. Otherwise, there won’t be enough for


(A) the other (C) another

(B) other (D) one

18. Why dont weask___ if they need directions? They look lost.

(A) to them (GC) aathey,

(B) them (D) their

19. Sue: | Why doesn’t Joan ever come to the beach with us on Sundays?

Mary: Well, she almost plays tennis with Jack on weekends. ‘am’

(A) never (C) rarely D

(B) always (D) sometimes ~

20. LastnightI___———s home,__————s20 laps,___ dinner, and then went to bed. G)

(A) drive, swim, ate (C) drived, swam, eated o

(B) drove, swum, ate (D) drove, swam, ate :


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 67 121

TEST 68 Phrasal Verbs
Clear Grammar 3, Unit 2

Name Date

Part 1 Match the phrasal verb on the left with its meaning on the right.

1. Please help put the fire out. A. wait

2. He tore his paper up. B. stop trying

3. You can put the glasses on now. C. review

4. She came across some old pictures. D. extinguish

5. Ifyou need extra help, you can countonme. E. wear

6. She can’t put up with her roommate. F find by chance

7. We should go over the answers again. G. depend on

8. Leslie gaveup after the third time. H. complete

9. Hold on while I get my coat. I. tolerate

10. I couldn’t get through that book. J. break into small pieces

Part 2 Add the correct words to complete the paragraph using phrasal verbs.

Yesterday I woke @ at 7:30.The first thing I did was try @

my new soccer uniform. It fit me just right! Then I put @ my lucky

necklace. It was the championship game, so I was counting @ the extra

“luck” that my necklace could give me! After that, I went downstairs for breakfast

to make my favorite meal, eggs and toast. I looked in the refrigerator and noticed

that I had run @ of eggs.As a result, I ate cereal instead. After breakfast, I

called @ my coach, Tom. I had to ask him to pick me @ be-

~ cause my car was broken. I was so surprised when Tom told me the news. The
ea game was called @ because of bad weather! I was so upset with the
= news that I went back to bed and stayed there for the rest of the day.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 68 122

Part3 Correct the errors in the following sentences. Write your corrections above the

1. I look my sister after when my parents are not home.

2. My new hat is in the closet. Put on it to see how it looks.

3. Hurry! Get on the car before it starts to rain.

4. Billy’s piano was beautiful, but he had to give away it because it was too big for his


5. The students handed on the tests at the end of the class period.

6. The first thing I do when I come home from work is turn it the TV on.

7. When Roger is depressed, he calls his old high school friends on.

8. Luisa ran her boss into at the mall.

9. Tony loves baseball, so every time he wants to see the baseball scores he looks it up

on the computer.

10. Even though Christopher is my brother, I don’t get along him with.

(amp )





© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 68 123
TEST 69 Phrasal Verbs
Clear Grammar 3, Unit 2

Name Date

Part 1 Underline the correct preposition or verb in the following sentences.

13 A: What happened at your interview?

B: My application was turned (off, down, away).

A: Do you have your boarding pass with you?

: Of course I do. I’d never be able to get (up, on, over) the plane without it.

: The weather was bad, so the game was (turned, called, canceled) off.

: I hope it will be rescheduled.

: Hey, you’ll never guess who I just (fell, ran, turned) into at the store!

OK, I give up. Who was it?

: Danny Whitfield. Do you remember him? He used to work at the bank.

: Of course I remember him. He called me (to, up, on) about two weeks ago.

: Don’t forget to put (of, on, up) a coat when you go out.

: I will (dress, put, make) it on right away.

A: Will you turn (up, off, on) the television when you go to bed?

: Do you want me to (put, turn, make) down the volume? Is it disturbing you?

A: Why are you working so late?

: Iam trying to (put, make, add) together this presentation for tomorrow.
= : Why are you working out so much?

= : Iam going to (make, try, look) out for the team next week.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 69 124

9 A : Good luck tomorrow! If you don’t make the team on your first try, don’t give

(on, up, out), OK?

B : I won't. I know that some slots on the team might open up later on in the

semester because many of the players have to (fall, drop, go) out because they

fail their classes.

Oss Al Would you set (up, on, with) the tables by the window?

Bs: I have already put them (in, away, on). I'll go back and get them.

Part2 Use the correct phrasal verbs from the box to fill in the blanks.

with off out on up at down

Mary and Tom wanted to take a summer vacation to some place that was

special, but they didn’t know where to go. They got a sheet of paper and wrote

Gp the names of all the places that they wanted to visit. Before

they put a place on the list, both Mary and Tom had to agree on the place.

If they didn’t agree, they had to cross that place @ their list.

After an hour of discussion, they came @ &

a list of ten places. However, this list was too long, so they had to figure

5] which place was the best for them.

How much is a ticket? How much is the hotel? How much is food?

When should they travel? Mary and Tom had to figure @ the

answers to all of these questions and many others. In the end, they decided

@ two places: Hawaii and Egypt.

Mary and Tom called @ their travel agent. They set

9} an appointment with her. Last Monday they went to


her office. The travel agent used her computer to look @ some

important information about each place. Mary and Tom looked oY


11) some brochures and listened to the travel agent. They

were able to find @ everything that they needed to know

in order to make their decision. Amonth later, Mary and Tom went to Hawaii.
They had a wonderful time because they planned their trip so well. =

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 69 125
TEST 70 Phrasal Verbs
Clear Grammar 3, Unit 2

Nannie! 2. 2S ee ee SE PR eee See Date

Multiple Choice Write the letters of all the correct sentences on the line.
1. A. Jason turned off the lights.

Jason turned the lights off.

Jason turned off them.

Jason turned them off.

Rene is listening to a CD.

Rene is listening a CD to.

Rene is listening to it.

Rene is listening it to.

Why don’t you try these shoes on?

Why don’t you try them on?

Why don’t you try on these shoes?

Why don’t you try on them?

& I’m counting Daniel on.

I’m counting him on.

I’m counting on Daniel.

I’m counting on him.

We ran Paula into at the bank.

We ran into Paula at the bank.

We ran into her at the bank.

We ran her into at the bank.
© Mario finally got the flu over.

= Mario finally got over the flu.

= Mario finally got them over.
o Mario finally got over.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 70 126

She gave back them.

She gave them back.

She gave the earrings back.

She gave back the earrings.

Dave tore up the bill.

Dave tore the bill up.

Dave tore it up.

Dave tore up it.

How did you figure out it?

How did you figure it out?

How did you figure the answer out?

How did you figure out the answer?

10. He finally caught up the other students.

He finally caught the other students up.

He finally caught up with them.

He finally caught them up with.

dA Who’s looking after your children?

Who’s looking your children after?

Who’s looking after them?

Who’s looking them after?

iz It took me a long time to catch it on.

It took me a long time to catch on.

It took me a long time to catch on it.

It took me a long time to catch.

13; Kids like to make up stories.


Kids like to make them up.


Kids like to make stories up. oy


sbe Kids
6a like to make up them.

ae 1

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 70 127
14. A. He took off his old shoes and tried on the new ones.

B. He took his old shoes off and tried on the new ones.

C. He took his old shoes off and tried the new ones on.

D. He took off his old shoes and tried the new ones on.

15. A. When the alarm clock went off, I turned the light on.

B. When the alarm clock went it off, I turned the light on.

6 When the alarm clock went off, I turned on the light.

D. When the alarm clock went it off, I turned on the light.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 70 128

TEST 71 Past Progressive ‘Tense
Clear Grammar 3, Unit 3

Name Date

Part 1 Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Jimmy: I called you last night, but you didn’t answer. Where were you?

Pauls 1 my car. It took me over one hour to get it clean.

(A) wash (C) was washing

(B) am washing (D) was washed

2. Paula: You missed the quiz this morning. What happened?

. Steve: I know. Can you believe it? While you were taking the test,I____ my tire

on the highway.

(A) changing (C) was changed

(B) was changing (D) changed

3. Barbara: Bill, you look really tired! Didn’t you sleep last night?

Bill: There were so many people at my apartment yesterday because my room-

mates___a party. When I got home from work and saw the fun, I de-

cided to join everyone.

(A) having (C) was having

(B) has (D) were having

4. Peter: you a black motorcycle yesterday? I thought I saw you

speeding down Main Street.

Melissa: As a matter of fact, I was. My car broke down a few days ago, so my brother

gave me his motorcycle to use for a few days till my car is fixed.
[am )

(A) Were ... driving (Cyr) Did? . drive


(B) Was... drive (D)) Are =. sdriving oy


5. Lisa: Do you remember what you when the space shuttle exploded in


Mary: 1 do.I was studying for a test when my mother came into my room and told =
me about the accident. =
(A) were doing (C) was done

(B) done (D) did ee)

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 71 129
Part 2 Read each sentence and write either the simple past form or the past progressive
form of the verb on the line.

(listen) Te to the radio when I heard the news about the plane


2. Last night after dinner I to my new CD.

(play) 3. Little Marcie with her new toys and then went to bed.

4. Little Marcie with her toys when her brother came

into the room and began to fight with her.

(bake) 5. aBo a wonderful chocolate cake!

6. While Bo a cake, I was preparing the main dish.

(drive) Z: y ou to New New York
York when
when the
th storm


8. you to New York by yourself?

(ive, ne g) 9.: Nelelson in Mexico a long

in Mexi long time.
time. He lived
He lived there
th onlynly a

few months.

10. Nelson in Mexico when the earthquake hit.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 71 130

TEST 72 Past Progressive ‘Tense
Clear Grammar 3, Unit 3

Name Date

Part 1 Write these verbs in the simple past and past progressive tenses.

Simple Past Past Progressive

1. You sing

2. They drive

3. I walk

4. He reads

5. We listen

6. She does

7. It squeaks

8. You cook

9. Ido not type

10. He lives

Part 2 Use the simple past or the past progressive tense in the following.

1. I (study) until midnight last night.

2. I (study) when the lights went out.

3. My friends (argue) loudly in the theater when

someone (tell) them to be quiet.

4. Jonas (eat) an enormous breakfast before going to


5. We (eat) dinner when the news came on last night. om |

6. At seven o’clock yesterday evening I (work) aw

7. Last New Year’s we (travel) in Europe when a family os

illness (end) our trip. rp)

8. The team (practice) for the game last Saturday when ey

it (begin) to rain. 2


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 72 131

Part 3 Use either the simple past or the past progressive forms of the verbs to complete
this paragraph.

Nancy @ (not learn) to drive until

she @ (be) twenty years old. She
© (live) in Atlanta when she

@ (decide) to take her driving test.

She @ (fail) the test the first time

because she @ (hit) another car by

mistake. She finally @ (pass) the test.

She @ (decide) to buy a new car while

she @ (watch) an advertisement on

television. She @ (choose) a big red

truck, but while she @ (go) home, she

® (drive) into the back of a police car.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 72 132

TEST 73 Review
Clear Grammar 3, Units 2 and 3

Name Date

Part 1 Read the meaning of each phrasal verb and then fill in the blank with the miss-
ing word.

Phrasal Verb Meaning

1. look =, be.caretul

Ze ern = meet by chance

3. get = complete

4. put = _ return to the correct place

5. break = end a relationship

6. put = _ postpone

7. Stara = increase the volume

8. run (of ) = not have any more

9) ~put = _ return to the original place

10. look = try to find information in a dictionary, the

computer, a phone book, etc.

Part 2 Fill in the blanks with the correct words to complete the dialogues.

Dialogue 1

Anna: Please don’t throw that scarf (1) . It’s one of my favorites.

Bill: Sorry, Anna. I came (2) it while I was looking for my sunglasses. I

didn’t know it was yours. Here, put it (3) . It looks good with

your outfit.
(am )


Dialogue 2
Roberto: Have you checked (4) at your hotel yet?

Lucy: Yes, but it took me almost twenty minutes to fill (5) the regis-

tration card. It was so complicated!


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 73 133
Dialogue 3

Marvin: I can’t figure (6) this algebra problem, and it’s driving me crazy!

Sherry: Yl help you. Ah, here’s the problem.

You left (7) one of the

You can’t solve the problem without that number!

Part 3. Underline the correct words.

1. While Martha (was driving / drove) to work this morning, she had an accident.

2. The twins always work together at home. For example, yesterday while Lisa (was

washing / were washing) the dishes, Lucinda (mopped / was mopping) the floor.

3. While the students (were took / were taking) the test, the teacher (walked / was walk-

ing) around the room.

4. Michael (was playing / played) a video game when the fire alarm suddenly went off.

5. What (did she think / was she thinking) when she sold her new car for only two

thousand dollars?

Part 4 Look at the schedule and then write five sentences using the past progressive
tense (one for each of the things on his schedule).

Billy’s schedule: yesterday

from 12:00 pM. to 2:30 pM. Study for exam.

from 3:00 P.M. to 5:30 pM. Shop for gifts.
from 6:00 P.M. to 6:30 pM. Eat dinner.
from 7:00 pM. to 9:00 pM. Do homework.
from 9:00 P.M. to 11:00 RM. Watch television.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 73 134

TEST 74 Review of Verb Tenses
Clear Grammar 1, Present, Past, Present Progressive
Clear Grammar 2, Be Going to
Clear Grammar 3, Past Progressive
Name Date

Part 1 Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. John: What the capital of Romania?

Sam: 1 think it’s Bucharest.

(A) be (C) was

(B) is (D) is there

2. David: How many brothers ?

Yvette: None.I’m an only child.

(A) do you have (C) you have

(B) have you (D) are you

3. Bobby: Tomorrow I to the mall. Do you want to come?

Gretchen: No, thanks. I'll be out of town.

(A) will going (C) am going to go

(B) going (D) go

4. Brenda: Howard, you don’t look well.

Howard: You're right, Brenda.I____ a cold a few days ago.

(A) catched (C) am caught

(B) catch (D) caught

5. William: What ____ last night at 6:00 p.Mm.? I tried to reach you.
eB |
Keith: Playing tennis. It’s what I usually do on Sundays.

(A) did you do (C) you did

(B) were you doing (D) were you did


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 74 135
Part 2 Read the story and then write the correct forms of the verbs.

My summer vacation last year @ (be)

excellent! I @ (travel) with my family to

Europe.We @ (land) in London first, and

after visiting England we @ (fly) to France.

France @ (be) famous for its food, night life,

and museums, so we @ (make) sure to visit

everything in Paris. After Paris, we @ (go)

south to Italy. I will never forget my first day in Rome. While I

© (walk) down
Via Veneto, I

© (run into) Sophia Loren! Her movies

@® (be) famous all over the world, I think.

She @ (shoot) a film on that street!

I @ (take) her picture and

® (get) her autograph. I

@® (regret, neg) going on this vacation

at all! In fact, I @ (look at) my photo

album from this trip all the time.

Part 3. Write complete sentences using the words below. Watch for the tense of the
words given to you.

Yesterday / I / go / to the doctor.


What / you do / last night at 7:00 p-M.?


o She / go to work / early / and / come / home / late. (It is her usual routine.)

tee 3.
fae) Joe / wash / the car, / paint / the house, / and / study / for exams last week.
= 4.
ae) While / Mary / clean / the house / yesterday, / her roommate / watch television.
O 5,

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 74 136

TEST 75 Review of Verb Tenses
Clear Grammar 1, Present, Past, Present Progressive
Clear Grammar 2, Be Going to
Clear Grammar 3, Past Progressive
Name Date

Underline the correct verb tense.

1. Quentin: Did you hear about the car accident near the bank yesterday?

Janice: Yes, Idid. Laura (calls, is going to call, called, was calling) me last night. I

(watch, watched, was watching, am going to watch) TV when she (is going
to call, called, was calling, calls) me.

Quentin: What did she (telling, tells, told, tell) you exactly?

Janice: She didn’t have a lot of news at the time, but she (tell, tells, telling, was ( mp)

telling, told) me what she knew. (Are you wanting, Do you want, Did you

want) to go with me to the mall now? oy

base 4

Quentin: No, thanks. I (am reading, read, was reading, reads) the newspaper now.
cae 1
When I finish, I (am drive, drive, drives, was driving, drove, am going to

drive) to my office to get some files that I need. re

2. Darren: Are you busy tomorrow? ry,

Peter: Not really. Why? nm

Darren: Some friends and I (going, go, are going to go, went, goes) to the baseball

game at Wrigley Field.

Peter: Let me think. I (am having, have, had) to cut the grass in the morning.

What time is the game?

Darren: Not till 7. It’s a night game.

Peter: I don’t usually (doing, does, did, do) anything special, so I want to go for

sure! It would be fun to do something different.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 75 137
3. Vanessa: I (called, am calling, am going to call) your house last night, but nobody (is,

was, is going to be) there. (Were you going, Did you go, Are you going)
S| out?
t Ellen: Yes, I (am going, go, goes, went) to the mall with wack and Sam.
= Vanessa: I (try, am trying, was trying) to find you because I (want, wanted, wants) to

= know if you wanted to go with us to see a movie.

sa Ellen: Oh, sorry, but thanks for thinking of me. So did you guys (go, went, going,
eo / goes) to a movie?
4°) Vanessa: Yes, we (see, saw, were seeing, am going to see, sees) Out of Africa.
ced Ellen: Is that a new movie? What’s it about?
Vanessa: No, it’s kind of old, but it’s a great movie. It’s pretty sad. I mean, the ending

is good, but the story is kind of sad.

Ellen: Did Laura go with you? That sounds like the kind of movie that she (enjoy,

enjoys, enjoyed, is enjoying, was enjoying, is going to enjoy).


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 75 138
TEST 76 Review of Verb Tenses
Clear Grammar 1, Present, Past, Present Progressive os
Clear Grammar 2, Be Going to oY)
Clear Grammar 3, Past Progressive eS
Name Date a

Part1 Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the correct answer. :

1 in 1975. ry)
(A) am born (C) was born oO,

(B) had borned (D) were born

2. Rob usually ____a gallon of milk every week. This week he forgot to get some.

| (A) buy (C) does buy

(B) buys (D) bought °

3. You_____ take an umbrella with you. It is going to rain today. aw

(A) ought (C) should =

(B) would : (D) going to rep)
4. David _____ television when the phone rang. He never got to see the end of the a

show. =

(A) watched (C) watch =

(B) did watch (D) was watching =

5. John ______ ready to go to the store for some chicken. INO

(A) is (C) has

(B) are (D) have

6. Mr. Green grammar last semester.

(A) taught (GC) «did teach Qa

(B) teach (D) teached ip

7. The police you a ticket if you keep speeding. aa

(A) go to give (C) are going to give G)

(B) be going to give (D) is going to give zm


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 76 139

8. The telephone . Will someone please answer it?

(A) ringing (C) rings

ec (B) is ringing (D) 1s ring

bss a bad grade on the last test.
9. Michael studied very hard after he
= (A) got (C) get
= (B) did get (D) was getting
bes 10. 21 years old to drink alcohol in the United States?
oO (A) Do you better be (C) Do you have to be
© (B) Do you must have (D) Are you must have
= Part 2. Circle the error in each sentence. Write a correction on the line.

ue They were fight when the police arrived.

We are going go to the movies tonight.

They should to apologize for being rude.

The goalie catched the soccer ball.

On,She did talk to her mom last night.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 76 140
TEST 77 Present Perfect Tense
Clear Grammar 3, Unit 4

Name Date

Part 1 Write the past participle forms in the spaces provided.

Present Past Past Participle

en) begin began

2. bring brought

3. buy bought

4. drink drank

pice! felt

6. know knew

vem see saw

8. show showed

9. speak spoke

10. write wrote

‘Part 2 Read each sentence and write in either the simple past form or the present per-
fect form of the verb.

(travel) Li Norma to Pakistan early last year.

Ds Norma to Pakistan at least three times.

(eat) I so much over the holidays! I can’t wait

for them to end.

I so much for lunch. I think I’m going to

be sick.

Susie all the chapters so far. She’s going

(read) [

to do well on the test. wy


Susie all the chapters in one day.

(sell) = you

your car at the auction? =

you =
your car yet?
Lae §

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 77 141
(go) 9. Charles isn’t here at the office now. He

already home.

10. Charles home this morning at 6 A.M.

Part 3. Underline the correct words.

1. How long (do you live / have you lived) here?

Mary (has never seen / never saw) a ballet, but she’d love to one day.

(Did the boys come / Have the boys come) to class yesterday?

Sheila (has worn / wore) glasses since 1997.

eeIn September, Rodney (got / has gotten) married.


Part 4 Use for or since to complete each sentence.

1. Julia’s studied French thirteen years.

2. Robert hasn’t seen his best friend NOIR.

3. I haven’t had a vacation three years.

4. The Smithson kids have owned their dog just over six months.

5. Ican’t believe you haven’t been to the circus you were a child.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 77 142
TEST 78 Present Perfect Tense
Clear Grammar 3, Unit 4

Name Date

Part 1 Write the correct negative and question forms of the present perfect tense.

Negative Question

i -L7 sing

2. he / drive

3. we / choose

4. they / fall

®2\< you / eat

Part 2 Read the two sentences and then combine them into one sentence using since
or for.

1. I have a new house.I bought it in 1997. (since)

2. Juan studies English. He began to study English three years ago. (for)

3. Nina plays the piano. She learned how to play in 1972. (since)

4. I love eating sushi. I first ate itin 1993. (for)

5. Nancy works at the university. She was hired three years ago. (since)





© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 78 143
Part 3 AJapanese girl named Midori is traveling in the United States. Her best friend in
Japan is named Brenda, a girl from Canada. Brenda speaks English, so of course Midori had
to write this letter in English! Read the letter and underline the correct form of each verb.

Dear Brenda,

Hi. How are you? I’m fine, but I miss you a lot. I am

enjoying my visit here in the U.S., and I am learning quite

i lophie, la (met, have met) many interesting people since

I ee (came, have come) here two months ago. My roommate,

Lisa, is wonderful. She @ (visited, has visited) Japan

several times, and she even knows how to speak a little

Japanese! Last month, Lisa and I 4 ) (went, have gone) to

Disney World, and we 5] (had, have had) a great time. I

@ (took, have taken) some pictures when we went there, so

I will mail them to you as soon as I can. I hope all is

well with you. Please write to me as soon as you can.



Part 4 Read the statement and then write the verb in parentheses in the correct tense.
Use simple past or present perfect tense.

(wear) 5 eee | this shirt twenty times.

Ee | this dress on my wedding day.

(catch) Se bred a cold last week.

4. Fred the bus every day this week.

(read) 5. Mike the newspaper this morning at


~*~ Mike many Stephen King novels.

t= (talk) ae | to many different doctors about my cat.
= 8. The doctor I to yesterday said my cat is

= healthy.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 78 144

TEST 79 Adverbs of Manner
and Related Terms
Clear Grammar 3, Unit 5

Name Date

Part 1 Rewrite the sentences using a verb and an adverb of manner.

fe Bob has clear speech.

They are good dancers.

He is a fluent speaker of Greek.

eeShe is a rapid reader.


They are good note takers.

Part 2 Underline the correct adjective or adverb forms.

‘lf Our school’s soccer team plays very (well / good) at home.

She talked (nervous / nervously) to her boss.

A (loud / loudly) noise woke me up at 3 A.M.

Sue is such a good student. She works (hardly / hard) in all her classes.

The tourist spoke (slow / slowly) so that the hotel clerk would understand him.

Everyone was surprised when Johnny answered the question (correct / correctly).

Why did I get a speeding ticket? I was driving my new sports car too (fast / fastly).

Every time Bernice gets nervous, she whistles (quiet / quietly) through her teeth.

ND Don’t
oo buy that new CD.The musicians in that band play very (badly / bad).

10. Some people say that she is a (good / well) golfer, but I don’t agree.





© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 79 145
Part 3. Underline the correct words.

1 Mark was able to lose thirty pounds (with diet / by dieting) and exercising.

2h Did you know that you can handle your finances much better (with a computer / by

a computer)?

(By study / By studying) every day, Sheila passed the entrance exam.

We went to New York (by car / with a car), but it took us over twenty-four hours.

You can save yourself some time every morning (by not worrying about / by don’t

worrying about) the clothes you will wear.

That restaurant is so popular that you can only get in (by reservation / with a reser-


(By calling / By call) the employment office every day, I was finally able to get a job.

Small renovation projects can usually be handled (by small tools / with small tools).

One hundred years ago, the only way to travel to and from Europe was (with a

boat / by boat).

10. (By not eating / By don’t eating) too many appetizers, I enjoyed the rest of the meal.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 79 146

TEST 30 Adverbs of Manner
and Related Terms
Clear Grammar 3, Unit 5

Name Date

Part 1 Write the adverb forms of these adjectives.

1. beautiful 8. stupid

2. good 9. nqaiet

Ss) extreme 10. sad

4. angry Tt cfast

5. bright 12. new

6. quick 13. slow

in recent 14. bad

Part 2 Underline the correct adjective or adverb forms.

1. The sun shone (bright, brightly) at midday.

2. There was a (loud, loudly) knocking at the door just after the clock struck midnight.

3. Peter had such a (good, well) backhand that he won the game (easy, easily).

4. Maria had (well, great) grades because she worked (hardly, hard).

5. Our neighbors (recent, recently) bought a new house.

The principal spoke (angry, angrily) to the students.

ReThe (angry, angrily) man shouted at the children after they had thrown stones at his


8. The old woman stared (silent, silently) into space. She was (extreme, extremely) sad.
9. The horse galloped as (fast, fastly) as it could across the fields. a=

10. James had a bad cold so he felt (bad, badly).




© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 80 147

Part 3. Write by or with on the lines.

i Did you send the message e-mail or regular mail?

2 Philip plays tennis his left hand and Jay his right.

8). It is better to open the wine a corkscrew.

4 I prefer to travel plane rather than car because it is

much quicker.

At most places, I can pay credit card.

However, at the small gas station near my house, I can only pay


The class is going to the Kennedy Space Center bus.

Jane won the match her old racket.

Part 4 Underline the correct verb forms.

Le We cleaned up the yard (by cutting, to cut) the grass.

The students failed their test (not studying, by not studying) carefully beforehand.

The cook created wonderful food (by using, to use) fresh ingredients.

I learned to speak Spanish (to spend, by spending) three months in Spain.

The writer took four months (by writing, to write) his book about health.

Cee Summer is the best time (seeing, to see) the whales in the ocean.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 80 148

TEST 81 Review
Clear Grammar 3, Units 4 and 5

Name Date

Part 1 Read each situation and then write a negative sentence using yet.

Situation 1. Lucy always wakes up at 7:00 a.m. It’s 6:45 a.m.

Situation 2. The boys are taking the test. They still have 20 minutes till the end of class.

Situation 3. Rhonda wanted to go shopping yesterday, but she didn’t have time. She needs

to buy some groceries.

Situation 4. The twins are seniors in high school. They will graduate in June.

Situation 5. Next month I will travel to Morocco for the first time.

Part2 Correct the errors in the following sentences. Write corrections above the sentences.

1. Kendra lives in London for eight years.

2. That was the worst play I ever see in my life!

3. Have you ever drove in the snow? It’s extremely dangerous.

4. Although I went to Europe last summer, I didn’t travel to Venice yet.

[amp )


5. Billy wants to see the new Spielberg film, but I already saw it many times.

sa 4


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 81 149
Part 3. Underline the correct words or phrases.

Jill: How did you do on the test?

Samantha: I have the feeling I did (1) (extremely / extreme) well.

Jill: Really? I bet you studied (2) (hardly / hard).

Samantha: I did. (3) (By use / By using) the extra materials at the library, I got all the in-

formation I needed.

Jill: That’s great, Sam. You know, maybe I should do the same thing. I didn’t do too

(4) (well / good) on this test.

Samantha: How is that possible? The teacher even told us that we could take the test

(5) (with our notes / by our notes)!

Jill: I know, but I write (6) (terrible / terribly), so I couldn’t read my information.

Samantha: I'll teach you how to keep your notes organized and (7) (easy / easily) to read.

Jill: Thanks, Sam. (8) (With your help / By your help), maybe I’ll do better on the

next test.

Samantha: Well, I’'d better go. Let’s meet at the library this weekend, and I'll show you

how to write more (9) (legible / legibly).

Jill: It’s a date. I need to learn this skill (10) (quickly / quick) if I want to pass this



© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 81 150

TEST 82 Prepositions after
Verbs and Adjectives
Clear Grammar 3, Unit 6

Name Date

Part 1 Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.

1. A: “I didn’t know that you wanted me to type the report for you.”

B: “That’s what you said the last time. 1 am fed up ___ your excuses. Do the job

correctly next time!”

2. A: “We are looking forward visiting you in June. Would you be interested

going to a play while we are there?”

B; “That sounds great.

We don’t live far a good theater.”

3. The president of a university is responsible a variety of things.A good uni-

versity president should be acquainted all aspects of the American education


4. You really need to concentrate your studies. If you continue to ignore your

classwork, you will not be happy your grades at the end of the semester.

5. That restaurant is famous its seafood.

You can always count them to

have the freshest fish and shrimp in the city.

Part 2 Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Carol: Ugh! I’m not sure I like the way this tastes. I ___ gumbo.

Henry: Try another bowl. It really is very good.

(A) am not used to eat (C) am not used to eating

(B) not used to eat (D) not used to eating ‘ee


2. I want to thank you for____ so hard on this project.

(A) work (C) to work

(B) working (D) worked



© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 82 151

3. Monica is crazy her new boyfriend. She spends all her time with him.

(A) with (CO) gar

(B) in (D) about

4. Tom: The boss wants to talk ____ you. He says he is disappointed with your


Tony: I must be in a lot of trouble. I hope he doesn’t fire me!

(A) for (C) about

(B) to (D) of
5. Did you know that drinking a lot of wine can be harmful__ your health?

(A) with (C) in

(B) on (D) to

Part 3. Circle the error in each sentence. Write a correction on the line.

1. This book full of interesting information.

2. Sally is used to live in the United States,

but now she lives in Canada.

3. Iam sorry about spill soup on your shirt.

4. She is worried to her husband. He’s been very sick.

5. This shirt is similar for another one I have.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 82 152

TEST 83 Prepositions after
Verbs and Adjectives
Clear Grammar 3, Unit 6

Name Date

Part1 Add the correct prepositions to the verbs below.

1. This book doesn’t belong ___ me; it’s Lisa’s.

2. Have you seen my car keys? I’ve looked everywhere them.

3. Why do I respect Bob so much? I can depend ____ him whenever I have a


4. You're all wet! What happened ____—sryou?

5. Can youthink___a good place to eat tonight?

6. Shelley forgot ____ her doctor’s appointment, so now she has to reschedule it.

7. The final exam consists___——s one: hundred multiple choice questions.

8. Ifyou concentrate___—_,. the vocabulary, maybe you’ll remember it better.

eel waited,
- _ my sister all afternoon, but she never showed up.

10. My roommate complains everything!

Part 2 Match the phrases in the right column with the corresponding phrases in the left

1. Mary is polite A in a career in nursing.

I’m so tired B about moving to a new city.

She’s interested C. to Davey Jones?

You look familiar. Are you related D. to everyone.

oe She’s worried E of the hot Florida weather. om)





© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 83 153
Part 3 Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.

When I first moved to Canada, I had problems getting used @___——__—sitthe

different customs. One day, however, I decided to try to speak @__——s some

of my neighbors. I was surprised @ ___ their friendly response. They were

actually happy @ __—_—smeeetting their foreign neighbor. In fact, one neighbor

invited me into his home to meet everyone else. I realized that his family was

similar @__———s mine, and that made me feel very good. His children were

very cute and polite@__———_—sme. His wife brought out some delicious snacks,

and we ate and talked @__————__—seach other for two hours. This get-together

was so nice that I forgot @______ my loneliness! I thanked them@

their hospitality and invited them to my home the following day. I was very

excited @ the new friends I made that day.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 83 154

TEST 84 Passive Voice
Clear Grammar 3, Unit 7

Name Date

Part1 Answer the following questions. Make complete sentences and use the passive

1. When were you born?

2. Where were you born?

3. What were you called (named)

when you were a child?

Part 2 Underline the correct verb forms.

1. The final grammar test (was taken, took) by all of the students.

2. Ihave finished all my chores. My bed (is made, made). My room (is cleaned, cleaned).

My laundry (is done, done). Now I can take a break!

3. The science class (was finished, finished) the experiment for homework.

4. The little boy (completed, was completed) the work before his brothers.

5. Don’t worry about the chair. It (was broken, was breaking) before you sat in it.

Part 3 Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Waiter: How is your steak?

Customer: It ____ enough. Can you take it back, please?

(A) isn’t cooking (C) doesn’t cook

(B) hasn’t been cooked (D) wasn’t cook

2. Ohno! My wallet . We need to call the police.

(A) was stolen (C) is stolen Cc


(B) stole (D) was steal

3. Wewere___ the new movie. You shouldn’t go see it. It was too violent!

(A) impressing with (C) impressed with G)


(B) not impressing with (D) not impressed with


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 84 155
4. They are trying to find a good place to eat.

(A) tired about (C) tired of

(B) tired because (D) tired to

5: Als 2

B: No, they weren’t. What gave you that silly idea?

(A) Aliens were built the pyramids in Egypt?

(B) Were the pyramids in Egypt built by aliens?

(C) The pyramids in Egypt were built by aliens?

(D) The pyramids in Egypt built by aliens?

Part 4 Circle the error in each sentence. Write a correction on the line.

di; The book was written in 1982 by a writer.

I am very boring by this class.

We will married on June 22nd.

The problem was happened last night.


The experiment was do by three famous scientists.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 84 156

TEST 85 Passive Voice
Clear Grammar 3, Unit 7

Name Date

Part 1 Fill in the blanks with the correct passive voice forms.

1. I painted three rooms over the weekend.

Three rooms over the weekend.

2. Many people signed the Declaration of Independence.

The Declaration of Independence by many people.

3. We wrote the textbook in 1997.

. The textbook inploO7:

4. They were fixing the radio when the explosion occurred.

The radio when the explosion occurred.

5. You should take an aspirin for a headache.

An aspirin for a headache.

Part 2. Underline the correct verb forms.

1. In baseball, the ball (is hit / hits) by the batter before he runs across the bases.

Bobby (injured / was injured) in a car accident.

The instructor (is teaching / is being taught) the students geometry next week.

Your reservations (must make / must be made) at least two weeks in advance.

On the TOEFL, the directions (must be followed / must followed) exactly.

The burglar (arrested / was arrested) two days after the robbery.

For security reasons, all the final exams (are kept / keep) in a safe until test day.

Sally (is being driven / is driving) her own car to California. Cc


RS The soccer players (have to be practiced / have to practice) every afternoon after

a 4

10. How many times (have I told / have I been told) you to wear your jacket when it’s G)

cold outside?


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 85 157
Part 3. Write the passive forms of the verbs in parentheses.

1. This store (close) . Let’s go somewhere else.

2. The copies that (make) on this machine are difficult to read.

3. Lisa was married for three years, but now she (divorce)

4. If eggs (fry) too long, I don’t like the taste or the texture.

5. What a beautiful pool! How often (clean) your pool :

6. Ohno! My wallet (go) !Where could it be?

7. Look at Steve sleeping in the back of the classroom. He must (bore)

with this lesson.

8. Did you see Lucy at the party? She (look) so happy when

she (receive) sO many presents.

9. I (tire) last night, so I went directly to bed without studying.

10. When she didn’t win first place at the track and field competition, she (disappoint)


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 85 158

TEST 86 Review
Clear Grammar 3, Units 6 and 7

Name Date

Part 1 Add the correct prepositions to the verbs below.

1. The party last night was so much fun. When I looked my watch, I couldn’t

believe it was already midnight!

2. Karen spent over eighty dollars on the opera ticket, but she was disappointed

the performance of the singers.

3. I didn’t know you were interested archaeology!

4. I’m sorry I can’t talk now. I’m waiting an important phone call.

5. Ifyourre finished ___—sw your homework, let’s go out for pizza.

6. Look, it’s Dr. Chancey! She’s known _____her research on bone diseases.

7. I didn’t know that Darlene was successful__ medicine.

8. Bob and Nancy are looking forward ____ their trip to the Seychelles this summer.

9. This book is similar ___—“_ the one I read last month.

10. Gretchen is still complaining about her test score. ’m fed up _____ it!

Part 2 Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Ralph: Why are you so sleepy today?

Jane: I my trip to my parents’ house.

(A) am exhausted from (C) exhausted from

(B) exhaust from (D) am exhausted in

2. Rose: Is she single?

Mark: No, she a millionaire from England. om)


(A) married to (C) is married by

(B) be married to (D) is married to

ae 4


Loam 4

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 86 159
3. Omar: What’s wrong?

dae I the teacher’s explanation. Can you help me?

(A) am confuse by (C) confuse

(B) am confused by (D) am confused from

4. Nancy: Why did you leave the party early?

Beth: I___ the music, so I went home.

(A) am bored from (C) was bored with

(B) was bored from (D) bored with

5. Ned: Are you finished ____ the dictionary?

Stan: Just give me two more minutes.

(A) by (C) Stor

(B) with (D) from


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 86 160

TEST 87 Relative Clauses
Clear Grammar 3, Unit 8

Name Date

Part 1 Combine each pair of sentences into one sentence that has a relative clause.

1. The professor just started speaking.

The professor is very famous.

2. The tiger escaped from the zoo. The tiger was finally caught and killed.

3. This is a great park.We used to visit it all the time in college.

4. Police officers are honest people.

You can go to them when you need help.

5. He turned in the homework this morning.

The homework was late.

Part 2 Read each sentence. If it is correct, write C in the blank. If it is not correct,
write X and write a correction above the sentence.

1. Where is the girl which you like working with?

2. Joe was the only person who came to the Halloween party without a

3. The math book which is on the table belongs to my brother.

4. The suitcase that I wanted to use for my trip it is broken.

5. Do you know the person from whom he bought his car?

6. Who’s pencil is that?


Part 3 Underline the main (independent) clauses in each sentence.

1. Dali is a painter whose work I really like.


2. I don’t know the person to whom this letter is addressed. G)

am 4

3. My friend’s pet snake, which was from South America, died last week.

4. I like to wear the blue bathing suit that my brother gave me for my birthday when I . 3
go to the beach.

5. Who’s the person who called you so late last night?
© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 87 161
TEST 88 Relative Clauses
Clear Grammar 3, Unit 8

Name Date

Part 1 Underline the relative clauses in the following sentences.

1. The woman who lives in the apartment above us is very loud.

I want to see the new movie which stars Julia Roberts.

Be careful! The traffic light that is found on that corner is broken.

Have you met the teacher whose grammar book we use?


5. You can borrow the dictionary that is on the bookshelf.

Part 2 Underline the correct relative pronouns.

1. Billy: Can you move your car for me, please? It’s in a reserved space.

Sue: No, the car (that / whose / who) is in the parking space isn’t mine.

poy Wii: Where do you want to go tomorrow?

Zoe: How about going to the new restaurant (whose / who / which / whom)

opened last week downtown?

3. Marta: How can you sleep with all that barking?

Leo: The dog (that / who / whose) barking is so loud doesn’t bother me as much

as the traffic noise!

4. Diana: Do we need to take notes on the sentences (that / whom / who / whose)

are on the blackboard?

Teacher: Remember, if something is written on the board, it’s important!

4°) 5. Mike: Have you tried the new Windart software program yet?
= Lisa: No, the computer (that’s / who / whom / which) I use at home is not
= powerful enough.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 88 162

Part 3. Read the sentence and then write a new sentence by including the second one
within the first.

die The architect designed a home. The home is in the gothic style.

Here are the groceries. I bought them.

The dog is friendly. Its tail is wagging.

People don’t like snowstorms.

They live in the south.

The music was loud. It was played at the party last night.

Part 4 Put parentheses around the words that are optional in the following sentences.

t. Wendy bought the dress that was hanging in the store window.

2s The plants that are in the garden are dying.

The candidate who was elected to office is rather young.

People who are working at the university have more vacation time than those who are

working in business.

The girls who were given the prize looked nervous when they got up on stage.






© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 88 163
TEST 89 _sInfinitives and Gerunds
Clear Grammar 3, Unit 9

Name Date

Read the letter below. Circle the correct form in each underlined pair.

Dear Dr. Iva Problem,

Six months ago I started @ dating / date a wonderful

man, Troy. He is almost perfect. There is just one thing

wrong with him. He smokes. Normally, I would avoid

@ dating / to date a smoker, but when I met Troy, I

couldn’t resist. I enjoy (3) being / to be with him too


Troy has had a big impact on my life. He has always

urged me & following / to follow my dreams. For example,

when we first met, I was overweight and had always wanted

@ being / to be thinner. Troy persuaded me @ beginning /

to begin Ty losing / lose those extra pounds. I did,

and now I am thinner and healthier than I ever have been.

In addition, he will do just about anything it takes to

make me happy. However, the one thing I really want him

© doing / to do is to stop @ smoking / to smoke.

Two months ago, he promised @ StoppsnGar/saacOns top.

I was very excited about his @ quitting / to quit.

on Unfortunately, I was only happy for a short time. Last

des week I caught him smoking. He doesn’t know that I have

Lg) found out he is secretly doing this. I really don’t feel
like @ confronting / to confront him about his problem.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 89 164

I am tired of @ dealing / to deal with the issue. He

already knows that I don’t want him @ smoking / smoke and

that I fear for his health. @ Complaining / To complain

more just won’t do anything.

Do you think I should advise him @ seeing / to see

a psychologist? @ Telling / To tell him this would be

very hard for me. However, if you think it is the right

thing to do, I will do it because I love him. I really

need your advice.


Non-Smoker in Nevada




© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 89 165

TEST 90 Infinitives and Gerunds
Clear Grammar 3, Unit 9

Name Date

Part 1 Write the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses on the lines.

1. I didn’t know how (do) my math homework, so I called a friend.

2. They are homesick and often think about (quit) school and

(go) home.

3. John wants to learn (play) the violin as well as his brother.

4. Ifyou want to master English, you cannot avoid (talk) to Americans.

5. We tried to convince Connie to come with us, but she refused (listen).

Part 2 One of the underlined parts of each sentence contains a mistake. Find it and fix
it by writing a correction above the sentence.

1. I remember to buy a kimono for my sister when I was in Japan.

Talking to friends in different countries are fun.

I suggested going to a movie and even offered paying for him.

ke Walking is not as enjoyable as to eat is.


5. Since you seem to enjoy to do my laundry, I have decided to let you do it every week.

Part 3 Indicate whether each verb takes a gerund, an infinitive, or both by writing G, I,
or B on the line.

il decide 4. postpone 7. begin

2 continue 5: offer 8. suggest

3: pretend 6. try oD intend

on Part 4 Puta check mark on the line by the pairs of sentences that have the same meaning.

tes uf We have problems, but I will continue to love you.

4°) We have problems, but I will continue loving you.
= 2. Jane had a date, so she stopped studying at the library.
ae) Jane had a date, so she stopped to study at the library.
oO oh John remembered buying milk at the store.
tom John remembered to buy milk at the store.
iB) 4. He started to work here in 1997.
WD He started working here in 1997.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 90 166

TEST 9 1 : Infinitives and Gerunds
Clear Grammar 3, Unit 9

Name Date

‘Part1 Underline the correct forms.

1. He promised (to write / writing) me a letter.

We Irene postponed (to go / going) on her trip till next year.

3: To learn gerunds and infinitives, many teachers suggest (to practice / practicing)

sample sentences.

> Sheila is used to (living / live) in Alaska.

The students hope (passing / to pass) the final exam next week.

Whenever I can,I avoid (driving / to drive) late at night.

We've been thinking about (to transfer / transferring) to another school.

Even though she lives in Florida, Paula enjoys (to ski / skiing).

DMLuisa decided (to look for / looking for) a new job.

10. I can’t help (to eat / eating) chocolate!

‘Part 2 Connect the phrases in the right column with the corresponding phrases in the
left column.

1. Tavoid A. to keep in shape.

2. I wanted him B. eating chocolate cake because it’s fattening.

3. She stopped C. take the test again.

4. Marvin looks forward to D._ getting married.

5. The teacher made them E. smoking last year.

6. She goes to the gym FE to invite me to have dinner.




© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 91 167

TES’ 92 Review
Clear Grammar 3, Units 8 and 9

Name Date

Part 1 Underline the relative clause in each sentence.

1. The police officer who is standing on that corner is my uncle.

Children whose parents will not attend the play can receive a refund for their tickets.

Which book is the one that you wanted to buy?

The cake which is on the table is for my sister’s birthday party tonight.

Se Students who do not do their homework usually do not learn very much.

Part 2 Combine each pair of sentences into one sentence that has a relative clause.

1. The man is holding the blue umbrella. He is my father.

2. The book is on the kitchen table. I am reading the book for English class.

3. The man was holding the winning lottery ticket. He looked very happy.

4. The dog was chasing the cat down the street. That dog is mine.

5. I played the violin. My uncle gave me the violin.

Part 3 Read each sentence. If the underlined part is correct, write C on the line. If it is
not correct, write X on the line and write a correction above the error.

aa) _—s_1._—s« T expect to work in Japan next year.

= 2. We avoid to drink too much soda.

ae) 3. They put off to mow the lawn because it was hot outside.
tes 4. Cindy and Mike look forward to going skiing in Colorado every year.
wand 5. The parent refused letting her son stay out past midnight.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 92 168

Part 4 Circle the correct form. If both forms are correct, circle both.

ik I remembered buying / to buy it, but I forgot to give it to him.

Zz To eat / Eating spaghetti every Sunday is a tradition in her family.

oy They stopped to eat / eating at a restaurant that their friend recommended.

4 Whatever we do, we try to do / doing our best.

Drinking a variety of fruit juices are / is good for the health.

Say / Tell me how to do this math problem. I’m confused.

Kim wants her older brother to take / taking her to the movies.

a If you decide to work / working hard, you will eventually succeed.


om 4



© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 92 169
TEST 93 Connectors
Clear Grammar 3, Unit 10

Name Date

Part 1 Fill in the blanks with 10, in order to, or for. Sometimes more than one answer is

1. Iam studying here improve my English skills.

2. My brother is working save money for school.

> 3. My sister is reading philosophy books a better understanding of the


4. I exchanged my blue shirt a red one.

5. The teacher gives us exams measure our ability.

Part 2 Combine each pair of sentences to make one complete sentence. Use the correct
combination of the following connectors: and ... too / so / either / neither or but.
Remember to use the correct punctuation.

1. Espresso is very strong coffee. Cuban coffee is very strong coffee.

2. Barbara doesn’t have a cold. Warren doesn’t have a cold.

3. Brad has to write a report for class. I have to write a report for class.

4. They don’t need to talk with the teacher. Susan needs to talk to the teacher.

5. I like to use the Internet to get information for my research papers. I don’t like to use

the library to get information for my research papers.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 93 170

Part 3. Combine each pair of sentences to make one complete sentence. Use one of the
following connectors: however, therefore, so. Remember to use the correct punctuation.

1. I studied very hard for my driver’s license test. I failed it.

2. Bob opened the window. The cool air could come inside the room.

3. You need to pass the next test. You had better study very hard.

4. Jennifer wanted to take a picture of her friend. Her camera was broken.



om 1

Lem 3


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 93 171
TEST S4 Connectors
Clear Grammar 3, Unit 10

Name Date

Part 1 Write fo or for on the lines in order to answer the question why.

1. I bought my house get a break on my taxes. It is common for people to invest

in real estate save money.

2. Suzanne went to the mall a gift for her husband. She went there buy

a computer game.

3. My brother called me _____ advice on his relationship. He expected get

helpful suggestions from me.

4. Louise went dancing ___ find some peace and relaxation. For Louise, dancing is

the best activity peace and relaxation.

5. I usually go to the Japanese restaurant on Milton Street ____ eat sushi. I like to go

to this restaurant dinner.

Part 2. Write and or but on the lines.

1. Henry loves working, Freddy prefers to relax.

2. Nancy loves cooking, her sister never cooks.

3. Keith plays tennis, so does Elena.

4. Patti likes chocolate, so does Jean.

5. November is a cold month, so is December.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 94 172

Part 3. Write the second part of the sentence. Write two answers for each item. Use too,
so, either, and neither in your answers.

1. I love to play the piano. My sister loves to play the piano.

I love to play the piano,

I love to play the piano,

2. Elephants aren’t small. Gorillas aren’t small.

Elephants aren’t small,

Elephants aren’t small,

3. Florida is a hot state. Arizona is a hot state.

Florida is a hot state,

Florida is a hot state,

4. Jennifer doesn’t like homework. Elias doesn’t like homework.

Jennifer doesn’t like homework,

Jennifer doesn’t ike homework,

5. Brian bought a new house. Nina bought a new house.

Brian bought a new house,

Brian bought a new house,-

Part 4 Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. I love watching television. , | have a job that takes most of my time.

(A) Therefore (C) However

(B) So (D) To
2. I went shopping this weekend ____ I wouldn’t have to go during the week.

(A) therefore (C) however

(B) so (D) to
3. It rained all weekend.___, it was impossible for us to paint our house.
(A) Therefore (C) However
(B) So (Dy Lo oO)



© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 94 173

objects): To / For
Clear Grammar 3, Unit 11

Name Date

Part1 Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the correct sentence.

1. (A) The teacher repeated the directions to the class.

(B) The teacher repeated the class the directions.

2. (A) The bank changed me my money.

B ) The bank changed my money for me.

3. (A) The professor asked for Bertha a difficult question.

(B) The professor asked Bertha a difficult question.

4. (A) The bank charged too much in fees this month to me.

(B) The bank charged me too much in fees this month.

5. (A) Larry lent Maria his car while hers was being fixed.

(B) Larry lent to Maria his car while hers was being fixed.

Part 2. Find the mistakes in the sentences below and write the corrections on the lines.

1. Shelley opened the door to me because my hands were full.

2. May I introduce you Joe?

3. My new electronic dictionary saves for me a lot of time looking up words.

© 4. Michelle has written to me many letters this year.
= 5. I got for my mother many gifts when I went to Paris.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 95 174

6. Elaine passed the folder for Mr. Klein so he could look at it.

7. My brother explained me the algebra equation.

8. Can you do for me a favor?

9. Ican’t find my car keys. Please find me them.

10. Mr. Jones bought to his wife a beautiful ring for her birthday.





© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 95 175
Clear Grammar 3, Unit 11

Name Date

Part 1 Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the correct sentence.

t. A)
My father bought dishes to me.

(B) My father bought dishes for me.

2. (A) I tried to explain my sister the answer.

(B) I tried to explain the answer to my sister.

3. (A) The doctor prescribed the medicine for her.

(B) The doctor prescribed the medicine to her.

4. (A) Ishowed the kitten from my nephew.

(B) Ishowed the kitten to my nephew.

5. (A) The letter carrier brought me a letter.

(B) The letter carrier brought for me a letter.

Part 2 Write to me, for me, or me on the lines.

1. The waiter is getting a menu.

2. Anita introduced her cousin

3. Iasked Ben to do a favor

4. I didn’t understand the question, so the teacher repeated it

5. He wished luck in my new home.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 96 176

Part 3 Circle the correct word.

1. Alina (suggested, asked) me to come to her party.

Fred (gave, got) a new blanket to Lena.

My mother (brought, found) a new shirt for me.

Nancy (repeated, pronounced) the word to me.

a The store (charged, cashed) me too much for my new suit.

Part 4 Read each sentence. If it is correct, write C on the line. If it is not correct, write
X on the line and write a correction above the sentence.

i Who sold to you your car?

I took my niece to the doctor.

This coupon saved me a lot of money.

When he returned, Fred described his trip to the Caribbean.

Don closed the door to me.




© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 96 177

TEST 97 Review
Clear Grammar 3, Units 10 and 11

Name Date

Part 1 Write to or for on the lines in order to answer the question why.

1. Angela went to the United States learn English.

2. Louise went to the doctor___——s medication.

3. Brian went to the party be with his friends.

4. I lent my brother money ____ help him with his bills.

5. Diane called her teacher___ an explanation of the homework.

Part 2 Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Fred loves sailing. __—_—s, he can only sail on the weekends.

(A) Therefore (C) However

(B) So (D) To
2. Nancy bought a new computer ___ encourage her kids to study.

(A) therefore (C) however

(B) so (D) to
3. Don studies hard ——sSAhe can do well in school.

(A) therefore (C) however

(B) so (D) to

4. I want to be healthy.___, I eat well and exercise regularly.

(A) Therefore (C) However

(B) So (D) ‘To

5. Barry works hard,____ no one was surprised when he bought his new car.
ten (A) therefore (C) however
© (B) so (D) to

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 97 178

Part 3 Write to, for, or — on the lines.

1. My sister mentioned the party me yesterday.

2. My niece made a birthday card me.

3. As I was leaving, Bernard wished me luck.

4. I couldn’ sleep, so my father read a story me.

5 We were relieved when the teacher changed the test date us.

Part 4 Read each sentence. If the underlined part is correct, write C on the line. If it is
not correct, write X on the line and write a correction above the error.

1. I read a book to my nephew until he fell asleep.

2. Jenny was surprised when the parrot spoke to her.

3. His daughter’s wedding cost to Ted $5,000.

4. I enjoy doing favors for my friends.

5. The teacher got angry because my classmate did my homework to me.


on 1



© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 97 179
TEST 98 Review of Book 3
Clear Grammar 3, Units 1-12

Name Date

Part 19 Write the correct words on the lines.

1. It was raining incredibly hard, so the coach called the game

2. Kids have great imaginations, so they like to make ____ stories sometimes.

3. Why don’t you try these shoes ? Those don’t look very comfortable.

4. Question number seven is very difficult to figure ___—_—s«. Can you understand it?

5. The cake tasted bad because he left ____ the sugar by mistake.

Part 2 Underline the correct verb forms.

1. Sammy: Have you ever (flying, flown, fly) on a 747?

Hector: No, but I (have flown, flew, am flying, was flying) on a 757 when I went to


Sammy: Really? How (was, has been) that?

Hector: It’s a big plane, and it (was, has been, was being) a wonderful trip. Before we

left, we (were made, made, have made) plans for everything, including the

hotels and places to visit.

2. Sandra: Wow, this weather (is, is being) really cold!

Colin: You're right. I (have never seen, never saw, am never seeing, have never been

seen) the temperature so low!

Sandra: Hey, (do you see, have you seen, were you seeing) Kevin today?

Colin: Yes, I just saw him in the computer room. He (printed, has printed, was
printing) some letters.
Lae) Sandra: Do you think he (has still been, is still, was still) there now?

= Colin: He might be there, but you’d better hurry if you want to catch him.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 98 180

Part 3 Of the two underlined parts in each sentence, one is correct and one is wrong.
Circle the wrong part and write a correction above it.

1. People who travel with car a lot should maintain the engine.

Before a long road trip, it’s important for the driver to check the engine careful.

By do this before every trip, the driver can reduce unexpected engine problems.

es To keep an engine running as efficient as possible, it’s important to use the proper fuel.

5. When the car is on the road, it’s important to watch out for dangerously driving con-

ditions such as heavy traffic or bad weather.

Part 4 Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.

1. approve ian 6. beconvinced _ 11. be familiar

2. belong sted 7. be jealous oe ed ew 12. beinnocent —

3. wait J nat oa 8. be used pees 13. be good se ON.

4. forget EL Oey | 9. be full ie ear 14. be sick ees

peaecomplan (i. 10. be different parr See besharnatal) jen oe

Part 5 Underline the correct verb forms.

1. I first (heard, was heard) the news about the accident at seven o’clock, but in fact the

news (reported, was nepored was reporting) before that.

2. According to the first report, only two cars (involved, were involved, were involving)

in the accident, but later reports (stated, were stated) that as many as five cars were in

the accident.

3. The report that (broadcast, was broadcast, was broadcasting) at seven o’clock was not

very clear because the information was continuing to arrive from the accident scene.

4. The police think that a red BMW (hit, was hit) by a large white truck, but they are

not so sure of this.

5. Some think that the BMW (hit, was hit) the truck, not vice versa. c
6. According to the most recent police report, the truck (traveled, was traveling, was i)
traveled) east on Highway 603 when the BMW (entered, was entered) the highway. =



© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 98 181

Part 6 Read each sentence. If the underlined part is correct, write C on the line. If it is
not correct, write X on the line and write a correction above the error.

i The winter we had last year was milder than this year’s winter.

The magazines that he read them contained a lot of new vocabulary.

Many of the people which live near me have exquisite flower gardens.

Players participating in this year’s tournament must pay $100 to enter.

Players who are having problems with hotel arrangements should let me know.

Palm trees grow well in areas have a very warm climate.

The name of the director whose company had the most sales is Delores King.

ey The countries that border on Mexico are the United States, Guatemala, and


Part 7 Underline the correct forms.

Ly Greg; Frank, you left the butter on the table. Did you intend (to do, doing, do) that?

Frank: Yes, I did that on purpose. I wanted (to let, letting, let) the butter (to get, get-

ting, get) a little soft.

Greg: What for?

Frank: I’m going to make some biscuits and some cornbread.

The biscuits require

softened butter, and (so, too) does the cornbread.

Greg: Well, just be sure to give some of them (for me, to me, me) when they’re done!

2. Anna: How were your interviews this morning?

Kevin: The first one went OK, (and, so, but) the second one wasn’t too good.

Anna: What happened in the second one?

Kevin: It was strange.

The man asked (me, to me, for me) a question.

Anna: That doesn’t sound (strange, strangely) to me.

aa) Kevin: Yes, but immediately after I answered the question, he asked the next one. There
tos was no time in between questions. In fact, it seemed like a race of some kind.
= Anna: Did you try to slow things down (to, by, for) talking about other things?

= Kevin: I tried (to do, do) lots of things, but the interviewer cut me off each time and
ae) went to the next question.
O Anna: But the first interview went OK?
ye) Kevin: I think so. It wasn’t outstanding, and it wasn’t really bad (neither, either).
All in
aad all, I think it went OK.

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 98 182

TEST 99 Review of Book 3
Clear Grammar 3, Units 1-12

Name Date

Each sentence contains two underlined parts. Write C above the underlined part if it is
correct. If there is an error, write a correction on the line.

1. The car that you bought just last year have had several problems already.

We were enjoyed driving to the lake, and we were able to get there by follow the map.

Have you ever received a gift you didn’t like very much?

The accident was happened when I was driving home last night.

I’m accustomed to eat scrambled eggs for breakfast, and my wife isn’t.


We were really boring, so we decided to drive to Susan’s house to talk to her.

Debbie speaks slow, so it is easily to understand her.

Can you tell me the name of the woman who’s husband works at the post office?

I try to avoid returning calls, too, but it’s not good to put off them for too long.

10. For make sure my cold didn’t get worse, I asked the doctor to prescribe some a)

medicine to me.



© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 99 183
11. Iam living here for about two years, and I hope keeping on living here much longer.

12. He’s crazy about baseball, so he always tries to attend a local game if there is one.

13. Are you finished with the files whom Dr. Giles gave you?

14. I was embarrassed by what happened, so I left quickly the room.

15. The annoyed sounds that we heard them from midnight till dawn kept us awake.


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 99 184

TEST 100 Review
Clear Grammar 3, Units 1-12

Name Date

Multiple Choice Circle the letter of the correct answer.

Ig You have to the fire before it spreads.

(A) put up (C) put out

(B) put off (D) put over

Because there was no food in our refrigerator, we decided to

(A)? eatin (Gyr enc over

(B) eat at (D) eat out

I’m sorry I didn’t get your phone call.I__—a shower at 7:00 P.M. so I didn’t hear

it ring.

(A) were taking (C) took

(B) was taking (D) was taken

My family in this house since 1892.

(A) lived (ie tives

(B) is living (D) _ has lived

I_____raw fish, but I’d like to try it one day.

(A) have never eaten (C) never ate

(B) am never eaten (D) has never eaten

Cheryl’s drawings are incredible! She draws very

(A) well (C) good

(B) goodly (D) _wellishly

Lauren was able to pass the test day and night.
(A) to study (C) _ by study Qu

(B) study (D) _ by studying G)



© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 100 185
8. Spanish was not difficult for Mara because it’s not so different her native

language, which is Italian.

(A) than

(B) from

9. One of the biggest differences between Arabic and English is that Arabic

from right to left.

(A) writes (C) written

(B) is wrote (D) is written

10. Did you know that a Japanese consulate in Miami, Florida?

(A) located (C) are located

(B) is located (D) locate

11. I hada very experience yesterday. Let me tell you about it.

(A) embarrass (C) embarrassing

(B) embarrassingly (D) embarrassed

12. The little girl in the yard is my niece.

(A) who is playing (C) which is playing

(B) whose playing (D) _ is playing

13. The news report disturbed me.

(A) Isaw (C) seeing

(B) whose I saw (D) whol saw

14. If we decide for dinner, we'll give you a call.

(A) to going out (C) going out

(B) to go out (D) go out

15. After her bad car accident, Susan decided to stop

(A) driving (C) to drive

on (B) to driving (D) drive

© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 100 186
16. The teacher made a pop quiz.

(A) the students to take (C) to take the students

(B) take the students (D) the students take

lee Norman doesn’t live here, and

(A) neither doesn’t Lisa (C) neither does Lisa

(B) Lisa doesn’t (D) Lisa does

18. I have so much studying to do.__, I can’t go out with you tonight.

(A) therefore (C) However

(B) so (D) Therefore

19: I just moved to a new place! Let me

(A) describe to you (C) describe it to you

(B) describe it you (D) describe you

‘20. I couldn’t answer number three on the test.Can you tell__——s?

(A) the answer for me (C) to me the answer

(B) for me the answer (D) me the answer



am 3

cam 3


© 2000 University of Michigan 100 Clear Grammar Tests TEST 100 187
Answer Key
Test 1 p. 1: Part 1. 1. Florida, Arizona, Texas, states Test 9 p.14:Part 1.1. this 2. these 3. this 4. these
2. Nancy, Jennifer, restaurants 3. book, chair 5. this 6. these 7. this 8. these Part 2. 1. that
4. apples, breakfast 5.dog Part 2.1.are 2.like 2.those 3. those 4. that 5.that 6. those 7. that
3.is 4. eat 5.is Part 3.1. warm 2. expensive 8.those Part 3.1.This,That 2.This,That 3.These,
3. blue, yellow 4. big, red 5. brown, happy Part 4. Those 4.These, Those 5.This, that 6. This, That
1.v 2.n 3.n 4.adj 5.n 6.v 7.These, Those 8.These, Those
Test2 p.2: Part 1.1.n 2.n 3.v 4.v 5.n 6.v Test 10 p.15:Part 1.1.my 2.her 3. their 4. his
7.adj 8.n 9.v 10.n 11.v 12.n Part 2. 1. adj,n, (OR her OR its) 5. your 6. our 7. their 8. Her
n,adj 2.n,n,n,adj,n 3.v,n,n,n 4. v,adj,n,n, adj 9. their 10. our 11. their 12. her 13. our 14. their
ie nV 15. their Part 2.1.My 2.their 3. Our 4.His
Test 3 p.3:Part 1.1.are 2.’m 3.What’s 4.am 5. Our 6.Your 7.My 8.Her, Her 9.Your
5. Are 6.isn’t 7. it is 8.is 9.’re 10. How’s 11. Is 10. Their
the grammar test 12.is 13.is 14. are 15.is 16. is Test 11 p.17: Part 1.1.C 2. X;Jessica’s shirt is
17.’m Part 2. 1.are provinces in 2.is hungry now pretty. 3. X; Her name is Angela. 4. X; Our house
3. January has 31 4. of course 1am 5. mountains is isin Tampa. 5.C Part 2.1.her 2.my 3.Their
the 6. thirsty, but ] am 7. they are very 8. the stu- 4.They 5.I Part 3.1.Her 2.My 3.Their 4. Our
dents are 9. are in North 10. three countries is 5. his
Test 4 p.5: Part 1.1.is 2.am 3.are 4.is 5. are Test 12 p. 18: Part 1.1.These 2.That 3. Those
6.are 7.am 8.are 9.is 10.are,am [Part 2. 1. Yes, 4.This 5.These 6.Those 7.That 8. this 9. These
he is. No, he isn’t. 2. Yes, we are. No, we aren't. 10. that Part 2.1. your 2.my 3.our 4.Their
3. Yes, I am. No, I’m not. (OR Yes, we are. No, we 5. her 6. his Part 3. 1. X;He understands it. 2. X;
aren't.) 4.Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. 5. Yes, it is. No, We ate it all. 3.C 4.C 5. X;Your bicycle is very
itisn’t. Part 3.1.Are,am not,am 2.Is 3.Are, good. 6.C 7.X;These books are too heavy for
aren't, are 4.Are, am, is a : me to carry. 8.C 9. X;That chicken lays eggs
Test 5 p.7:Part 1. 1. catchés, wants, try 2. watch, every morning. 10. X;These earrings are too
like, talks 3. go, like, watch 4. trains, practice heavy for my ears.
5. wash, does, do 6. plays, write, performs Part 2. Test 13 p. 20: Part 1.1. was 2. was 3. was 4. was
1. cook 2.types 3. listen 4. arrives 5. like 6. un- 5. were 6. were Part 2.1.is = was 2. were = was
derstand 7. delivers 8.uses 9.jog 10. share 3. don’t was = was not 4. were = was 5. don’t
Test 6 p.8: Part 1. 1. study 2. writes 3. watches were = was not Part 3.1. was not 2. were not
4. think 5. knows Part 2. 1. doesn’t 2. doesn’t 3. were not 4. was not 5. was not Part 4. 1. Was it
3.don’t 4. don’t 5. doesn’t Part 3.1.B 2.D g A hot yesterday? Yes, it was. / No, it wasn’t. 2. Were
aC 5) Bi you late for class yesterday? Yes, I was. / No, I
Test 7 p.10: Part 1.1.is 2.are 3.is 4.am 5. are wasn’t. 3. Was the teacher happy yesterday? Yes, she
Part 2. 1. X, Nancy is not a student. 2.C 3. X,This was. / No, she wasn’t. 4. Was the news interesting
room is not warm. 4. X,The dog is not black. yesterday? Yes, it was. / No, it wasn’t. 5. Was the sky
5.C Part 3.1.Are you in class? 2. Are your parents blue yesterday? Yes, it was. / No, it wasn’t.
in America? 3. Is it ten o’clock now? 4.Are you a Test 14 p. 22: Part 1.1.was 2.are 3. was 4.is
student? 5.Am ] in your seat? Part 4. 1.Yes, I am. 5. were 6.am 7.were 8.is Part 2. 1. weren’t
OR No, I’m not. 2.Yes, they are. OR No, they’re 2. wasn’t 3. weren't 4. wasn’t 5. wasn’t 6. weren’t
not: 3.Yes, it is. OR No, it isn’t. 4. Yes, 1am. OR Part 3. 1. Was the restaurant open yesterday?
No, I’m not. 5.Yes, you are. OR No, you aren't. 2. Were they busy yesterday? 3. Were the lions
Part 5.1. cries 2. watches 3.studies 4. has 5. 1s very sleepy yesterday? 4. Was the dog very hungry
6. does Part 6. Answers will vary. Part 7.1. Do, yesterday? 5. Were Tim and Mike very happy
speak; I don’t speak 2. Does, study; she does not yesterday?
study, She studies 3. Does, have; she doesn’t have, Test 15 p.23:Part 1:1.read 2.do 3.spent 4. spoke
She has 5. left 6.sold 7. chose 8. bought Part 2. 1. studied,
Test 8 p. 12: Part 1.1.Those 2. this 3. those 4. this wrote, talked, told, went, got, slept 2. went, was,
5.Those 6.this 7.those 8.This 9.These 10.This met (OR saw), came, saw, come (OR came),
Part 2.1.that 2.That 3. that 4. that 5. those 6. this believe, brought, called

Test 16 p. 24: Part 1.1. walked 2. baked 3. helped yesterday. Part 2. 1.We lived in a small house on
4. finished 5. proved 6. needed 7. entered Fletcher Ave. in 1970. 2. My brother bought a big
8. shaved 9. talked 10.smiled 11.listened boat last year. 3. Nora baked a delicious cake in
12. phoned 13. cooked 14. waited 15. repeated her new kitchen last night. 4. My mother has a
16. asked Part 2.1.came 2.flew 3.visited large garden. 5. My sister has a blue house. Part 3.
4. roamed 5.tried 6. talked 7. dropped 8.saw 1. X; large house 2. X; delicious cookies 3. C
Part 3.1. brought 2.caught 3. chose 4. knew 4.X; here at noon 5.C 6. X; large university
5.ate 6.laid 7. thought 8. got 9. flew 10. had 7.X;am hungry 8.C 9.C 10. X;These shoes are
11. grew 12.shook 13. paid 14. rode 15. heard expensive. OR These are expensive shoes.
16. hid 17. forgot 18.ran 19. sold 20. slept Test 23 p. 38: Part 1. 1. She has class at the univer-
Test 17 p. 26: Part 1. 1. went, was, took, were, spent, sity at5 pM. 2. He has lunch here after class.
were, drank, bought 2. had, came, wore, was, sat, 3.The book is on the table in the room. 4.They
said, said, looked, put, took, gave, was, saw, was live in a house on 50th Street. 5.1 drink coffee in
Part 2.1.1 didn’t 2. they weren’t 3. he wasn’t my office in the morning. 6. Ms. Robinson likes
4. they didn’t 5.1 didn’t to sit in first class on a 747. 7.They use software in
Test 18 p. 28: Part 1. 1. France and England are two the computer lab every day. 8. She lives in a small
countries in Europe. 2.1 am not hungry because I house. 9.We often eat dinner at the same table in
ate dinner at 5.00. 3. My favorite color for pants is the Indian restaurant on Main Street. 10. He prac-
black. 4. Are you hungry? 5.Are you in America? tices typing from 4 to 5 every day. Part 2.1.On
Part 2. 1. X; Do your parents speak English? 2. X; Siena Street she lives. = She lives on Siena Street.
Does your brother like to dance? 3.C 4. X;Do 2.a large house blue = a large blue house 3. in the
you want to travel? No, I do not. 5. X; My mother morning to read a newspaper = to read a news-
doesn’t play the piano. Part 3.1.this 2. Those paper in the morning
3.These 4.That 5.This Part 4.1.My 2. Our Test 24 p. 39: Part 1.1.Who 2.Where 3.Why
3.He 4.Her 5.They Part 5.1. X;Today it is hot, 4.What 5.When Part 2.1.C 2.X;Where do you
but yesterday it was not very hot. 2.C 3. X;I was go to sleep at night? 3. X;What does fib mean?
not happy before I learned how to use the com- 4.C 5. X;What does Suzanne have in the box?
puter. 4. X;Were you sad yesterday? 5.C Part 6. Part 3. 1. I live in a small apartment. 2.1 was born
1. studied 2. watched 3. played 4. stopped at 10 A.M. on July 18th. 3. Maria studies psychol-
5. danced 6.needed 7. tried 8. hopped 9. hoped ogy in the library every night. 4. The students go
10. wished Part 7. 1. Did you like to dance when to class every day. 5. Fred bought a beautiful dog.
you were in junior high school? No, I didn’t. Part 4.1.C 2. X;These are beautiful glasses. 3. C
2. Did your mother cook for you when you were 4. Margo has two small dogs. 5. David teaches in
young? No, she didn’t. 3. Did your parents call you this school every day.
last night? No, they didn’t. 4. Did your mother and Test 25 p. 41: Part 1. 1. are standing 2. are saying
father speak English at home when you were young? 3.X 4. is listening 5.X 6.X 7.am repeating
No, they didn’t. 5. Did your grandparents visit 8. are taking 9.X 10.X Part 2.1. is eating 2. eats
America before you were born? No, they didn’t. 3. write 4.am writing 5. believe 6. believe 7. uses
Test 19 p. 30: Part 1. C, received, failed, wrote, C, C, 8.is using 9.need 10. need
C, didn’t feel, had, C, didn’t help, C, wants Part 2. Test 26 p. 42: Part 1. 1. is studying 2. studies
my, that, my, this, my, her, her, that, That, these, my, 3. drinks 4. is drinking 5. eats 6. is eating 7. is
your listening 8. listens 9.is playing 10. plays Part 2.
Test 20 p. 32: Part 1.1.What 2.Where 3. which 1. Are Yoko and Ichiko speaking English with each
4.Why 5.What Part 2. 1.What does huge mean? other? Yes, they are. 2. Is it raining now? No, it
2.Where did you work last year? 3. Where were isn’t. 3. Do you love your mother? Yes, I do. 4.Do
you born? 4.When is the grammar exam? 5.Why you need food and water? Yes, I do. 5. Is Steve
did Samantha do that? Part 3. 1.What is her new watching television? No, Steve isn’t. Part 3.1.C
phone number? 2.What is her job? OR What is 2. X;The cats are not eating their food right now.
her occupation? OR What does she do? 3.Where 3. X; I need a new car. 4. X; Is Sheila going to the
does she work? 4.When was she born? 5.Who store now? 5.C Part 4.1. opening 2. sitting 3. X
was her favorite professor in medical school? 4. eating 5. dancing 6. watching 7.X 8. helping
Test 21 p.34: Part 1.1.Where 2.When 3.Who 9.X 10.X
4.Why 5.What Part 2. 1.What is Valerie’s major? Test 27 p. 44: Part 1.1.some 2.an,a few 3.much
2.Where is the dog? 3.When (OR What time) do 4Vany 5-a lot of Part 2:15D) 2EA\ 3¥@ 45 Casa
you (OR J) go to sleep? 4. Who is your (OR my) Part 3.1. much = a lot of 2.is = are 3. has very =
favorite teacher? 5.Why does Nina eat chocolate? has a very 4. are a books = are books 5.some = any
Part:3, (2B 2, CC 39As4 Doo: Test 28 p. 46: Part 1.1.a 2.some 3.an 4.some
Test 22 p. 36: Part 1. 1.We eat dinner in the kitchen 5.an 6.some 7.a Part 2.1.many 2. much
at 6:00 pM. 2.1 study at the University of South 3.much 4.much 5.many 6.many 7.much
Florida inTampa. 3. My sister lives in an apartment Part 3.1.a few 2.a few 3.a little 4.a little 5.a
on Fowler Ave. 4. My appointment is at 11:00 in little 6.a few 7.a few
the morning. 5.The apples were in the refrigerator Test 29 p. 47: Part 1.1.0n 2.in 3.in 4.0n 5.at

Answer Key 190

6.in 7.at 8.in 9.on 10.at OR in Part 2. An- 5. the, the,a ,— ,an,a Part 2.1.The month of
swers will vary. 1.1 was born on January 29. 2.1 January has 31 days. 2. The white Bengal tiger cub
live in Tampa. 3.1 get up at 6 A.M. every day. 4.1 is a cute animal. 3. Skiing is fun to do in winter
study English at the English Language Institute. (OR the winter). 4.1 prefer to go to the beach in
5. My school is located on Huron Avenue. Part 3. summer (OR the summer). 5. My favorite food is
1. on,I live at 1307 Clifford Avenue. 2. at, Call me pasta with tomato and meat sauce. 6. Thanksgiving
in the morning. 3. at, Bob lives in Paris. 4. in the, is a holiday when many Americans eat a big meal.
I don’t like to go out at night. 5. in,We need to 7. Canada is in North America and so is Mexico.
meet them at 5:00. 8. Costa Rica and Belize are in Central America.
Test 30 p.49: Part 1.1.at 2.at 3.in 4.in 5.at 9. One of the main languages that people speak in
6.0n 7.on 8.in 9.at 10.in Part 2.1.0n 2.0n Algeria is Berber. 10. Jogging is one of the most
3.0n,in 4.in 5.in 6.at 7.at 8.on 9.at,on popular forms of exercise. Part 3. 1. X;a sandwich
10. on 2. X;India 3.C 4. X;The beach 5.C 6.C
Test 31 p.50: Part 1.1.study 2.am studying 3. has Test 37 p.63: Part 1.1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B
4. has 5. explains 6. is explaining 7. want 8. want Part 2. 1. 1 am going to study tonight. (Answers
Part 2.1. much 2.a lot of 3.a little 4. a little may vary.) 2.Yes, 1 am going to go out this week-
5.many 6.a lot of 7.a little 8. many Part 3. 1.in end. (No, I am not going to go out this weekend.)
2.at 3.0n 4.0n 5.in 6.0n 7.at 8.at 9.at 10.in 3.1 am going to take a vacation. 4. No, my family
il seek S22 bo} is not going to visit here. OR Yes, my family is
Test 32 p.52:Part 1.1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B going to visit here. 5. The class is going to study
Part 2.1.this 2. That 3.These 4. those 5. this the next chapter in the grammar book next Mon-
Part 3.1. your 2.Their 3.1 4. Our 5.He Part 4. day. Part 3.1. get = to get 2. going to go = went
1. X;no was = wasn’t 2. X; was walk = walked 3.Do =Are 4.are = is 5. you are = are you
eee. 4. X; cryed = cried 5. X; don’t was = wasn’t Test 38 p.65: Part 1.1. every day 2. tonight 3. last
Part 5. 1.Where is yeur little sister? 2. Why are you month 4. tonight 5. last year 6. right now
7. goes
studying English? 3.Who is your favorite actor? 8.am eating 9. visit 10. played 11. is going
to be
4. When is your birthday? 5.What does startle 12. have Part 2.1. X; Shirts are going to be
on sale
mean? Part 6. 1. Are Juan and Manuel speaking tomorrow (OR today). (OR Shirts were on sale
English now? Yes, they are. 2. Does your mother yesterday.) 2. X;Are Joe and Sarah going to go out
like asparagus? No, she doesn’t. 3. Does Ann want tonight? 3. X;What are we going to do after din-
a gift? Yes, she does. 4. Is it snowing now? No, it ner? 4.C Part 3. 1.Are they going to go to a con-
isn’t. 5. Is Ryan playing football? Yes, he is. Part 7. cert together? 2. Is Jane going to attend her class
1. X;a little homework 2. X; many books 3.C reunion? 3.Are we going to do our homework to-
4.C 5.X;a beautiful new car Part 8.1.in 2. at, in gether? 4.Are you going to listen to your favorite
3.in 4.0n,in 5. at, on CD tonight? 5. Is Larry going to study for a big
Test 33 p.55: 1. flowers = flower 2. doesn’t = isn’t exam after dinner?
3. she = her 4. weared = wore 5. Do = Does Test 39 p.67: Part 1.1.—,—, the, the 2.a, the
onDoes = Is: 7athese|= this 83s = Does: 91s = 3.The, the, — 4.The, the 5.the,— Part 2. 1.an
are 10. book = books 11. any = some 12. those = ee AEA eel) SAO MON Oya sak batts:
that 13. were = was 14. they’re = their 15. much = 1. X;is going 2.C 3. X;are not going 4.C 5. X;
many 16.1 = my 17. fail = failed 18. are = were are going Part 4. 1.is snowing 2. visited 3. are go-
19.What = Where 20. countries a = countries is a ing to eat 4. speak 5. are going to play
21. understood = understand 22.am not knowing Test 40 p. 69: Part 1.1.spoke 2. lost 3.sent 4. fly
= don’t know 23.an examination difficult = a dif- 5. heard Part 2.1. get 2. got 3.eat 4. had 5. left
ficult examination 24.0n = in 25. in the night = 6. drove 7. heard 8.stopped 9. knew 10. was
at night 26. very much that kind of music = that 11. called 12.came 13. were 14. repaired 15. cost
kind of music very much 27.do = are 28. had 16. arrived 17. was 18. explained 19. didn’t get
wonderful = had a wonderful 29. don’t had = 20.is 21. like Part 3.1. Mary gave him a card
didn’t have 30. Did = Were 31. you learned = 2. Rick didn’t know her last name 3.1 went to the
did you learn 32.no is = is not 33. flight number store 4.she didn’t find her book bag 5. they broke
882 arrived = did flight number 882 arrive the window 6.he didn’t become sick 7. the shirt
34. dessert favorite = favorite dessert 35. help = cost a lot 8.1 didn’t take the bus to work
am helping 36. in = on Test 41 p.71: Part 1.1. knew 2. found 3. read
Test 34 p.57:1.B 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.D 4.ate 5. drank 6.met 7.sang 8. flew 9. slept
SCM lO Asie Bel Co Bel4 As1>.© 10.lost 11.came 12. won Part 2.1. rode 2. stood
GED eli CMs sAe19°A 2018 3.rang 4.made 5.shot 6.spent 7.tore 8. under-
Test 35 p. 60: Part 1. 1.The, the, — 2. the, the stood Part 3.1. flew 2.took 3. was 4. was
3.an,a 4.the,a 5.a 6.a,the,— 7.the, the 8.—, 5. stayed 6.came 7.spoke 8. was 9. were 10..te
the 9. the,— 10.the,— Part 2.1.a 2.a 3.an 11. were 12.took 13.saw 14. climbed 15. was
Tae aod .anes. ae) asl03a) 117) 12 Jan 16. loved (OR love) 17. want
Test 36 p. 61: Part 1.1. the, the, —, the 2.a,a,—, Test 42 p.73:Part 1.1. assisted 2. are going to
eS BS Sa 3. cut 4.ate 5. were 6. drives 7.loves 8. were

Answer Key 191

9. cried 10.is making Part 2.1. go 2. costs 3. have 4. usually 5. rarely (OR seldom) 6. often 7. sel-
4. went 5. cost 6. paid 7. were 8. enjoy 9. are dom (OR rarely) Part 3. 1. usually take 2. always
coming to 10. left 11.am going to see read 3. usually occur 4. never go 5. seldom gives
Test 43 p.75:Part 1.1.C 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.B 6. rarely fail 7. sometimes practice 8. are often
Part 2.1. received 2.am taking 3. have 4.is 5. are 9. usually rollerblade 10. can never
6. are coming 7. are studying 8. closes 9. have Test 50 p. 88: Part 1.1. her 2. Our 3.my 4.He
10. Do, remember 11. had 12. stayed 13. did not 5.My,me 6.him 7.They 8.We, it Part 2. 1.We,
go (OR didn’t go) 14.told 15. is going to come it 2.She, her 3. our 4. his, He 5. her 6.They, it
16. do not have (OR don’t have) 17. wanted Part 3, 1, her = she 2.we = us 351 =me 43he=
Test 44 p.77: Part 1.1. are you 2.1 am doing 3.1 him 5.Me =I
have 4.do you want 5. are you going to do 6.1 Test 51 p.89: Part 1.1.D 2.F 3.A 4.G 5.B 6.E
don’t know. 7.I went 8.We decided 9.Do you 7.C Part 2.1.them 2.her 3.us,them 4. her
want 10.Do many people 11. I’m not 12. you 5.me 6.it 7.them 8.them 9.him 10. me, her
and Nedra had 13.It was 14. were there 15.We Part 351, G) 22xGius' 3) X¢ him 4) C5 .xXeithem
had 16. we want 17.It sounds 18. I’m going to 6.C 7.C 8.X; him
go (OR I'll go) Part 2.1.C 2. X; didn’t have 3.C Test 52 p.91: Part 1. 1. always play 2. rarely drink
4. X; wrapped 5. X; wakes 3.is always 4. rarely rains 5. never eat 6. some-
Test 45 p.79: Part 1.1.much 2. tall 3. often 4. far times eat 7. always makes 8. always rains 9. usually
5. old Part 2. 1. How far did Michael and Kim jog? (OR always) gets Part 2.1.us 2. My 3.He 4. you
2. How long did it take to build the Taj Mahal? 5.They 6.She 7.It 8. My Part 3. me family = my
3. How tall is Mount Everest? 4. How much sugar family, her friend = his friend, us sail boat = their
does Mom need to make Lisa’s birthday cake? sailboat, in him = in it, My wife and me = My
5. How often does the chess club meet? Part 3. wife and I, us chairs = our chairs, It was good =
1. you go = do you go 2.What = How 3. long = They were good, Her was alone = She was alone,
far 4. much = many 5. high = tall her was bored = she was bored.
Test 46 p. 81: Part 1.1.much 2. long 3. tall 4. far Test 53 p.93:Part 1.1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.C
5.many 6.much 7. old 8. often 9. big 10. long Part 2.1. another 2. Others 3. the other 4. one
Part 2. 1. How old is the puppy? 2. How much 5.it 6.The others (OR Others) 7. Others 8. an-
does Kent weigh? 3. How often did Lin study other (OR the other) 9.it 10. another Part 3.
English in high school? 4. How tall is Matt? 1. one = it 2. other = another 3. one = it
5. How far is it to the next town? 6. How many 4. another = the other 5. other = another
pounds are there in a kilo? 7. How many tests are Test 54 p.95: Part 1.1. another 2.one 3.It 4. it
there in this textbook? 8. How long did they date 5.one 6.the other Part 2.1. X; the other one
before they got married? 9. How crowded was the 2.X; Other 3.C 4. X; other 5.X; another Part 3.
mall before the holidays? 10. How fast (OR How 1. another 2. it, other 3. one (OR other) 4. the
many miles per hour) do you usually drive? other 5. others
Test 47 p.83:Part 1.1. became 2. brought 3. meant Test 55 p.97: Part 1.1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C
4.ran 5.came 6.read 7. threw 8. told 9. shut Part 2. 1. Michael’s dog is black and white. 2. Mr.
10. put 11.saw 12.made 13. built 14. blew Erb’s house is very big. 3. Laura’s hobby is stamp
15. bought 16. chose 17. wore 18. won 19. spread collecting. 4. Rachel’s mail is from Japan. (OR
20. flew Part 2.1. went 2.saw 3. was 4. was The mail from Japan is Rachel’s.) 5. The bird’s nest
5. felt 6. closed 7. fell 8.slept 9. moved 10. had is high in the oak tree. Part 3. The magazine’s
11.swam Part 3.1.deep 2. much 3. far 4. old price = The price of the magazine, only magazine
5. often 6. far 7.many 8.much of Adventure Publishers = Adventure Publishers’
Test 48 p.85:Part1.1.D 2.F 3.B4.C 5.E6.A only magazine, That magazine’s name = The name
Part 2. 1. The students always study in the library. of that magazine
2.1 am always happy. 3.The teacher is rarely in her Test 56 p.99: Part 1.1.1 2.He 3.You 4.They
office after class. 4.You will usually find Jun at his 5.We 6.She Part 2.1.my 2.his 3.my 4. her
favorite coffee shop. Part 3. 1.The students always 5.my 6.their Part 3.1. end of the movie
do their homework on time. 2. How often do you 2. whose 3. basketball player’s car 4. their, mine
study? 3. What time do you usually go to the 5. your, Mine, sister’s, hers 6.Whose 7. hers
store? 4.The grammar teacher always has a book Test 57 p.100: Part 1.1.it 2. other 3. one
or paper in her hand. 4. another 5. another 6. other Part 2. 1. whose
Test 49 p. 86: Part 1. 1. My dog always likes to eat. 2.mine, hers 3. their Part 3.1. X; price of the car
2. On the weekends, we usually go to the movies. 2.X; top of the table 3.C 4.C 5.X;mine 6.C
3. Rob and Peter rarely (OR seldom) go to bed 7. X; the name of the hotel 8. X; dog’s
before midnight. 4.I don’t often eat breakfast. I Test 58 p. 102: Part 1.1. darker than 2. the darkest
usually have just a cup of coffee. 5. My neighbors 3. smaller than 4. the biggest 5. the shortest
rarely use their swimming pool. It is usually empty. 6. longer than 7. fewer 8. less popular than 9. the
6. On Sunday mornings, I usually wash my car. most popular Part 2. 1.slower than 2. the fastest
7. Mary and Louise never do their English home- 3. the worst 4. farther than 5.farthest 6. the
work! Part 2.1.never 2. always 3. sometimes fewest 7. less than 8. the least 9. the best

Answer Key 192

Test 59 p. 104: Part 1. 1. taller 2. the most interest- 7. lighter 8. bigger Part 3.1.—,a,—,—,a, a, —,
ing 3.better 4. more intelligent 5. faster Part 2. the, the,— 2.—, the, the, the, —, the, the, the, —,
1. X;This is an easier way of solving that math the, —, the, —, — 3. the, the, An, the, the, —, a,
problem. 2.C 3. X; Mr. Jones is the nicest teacher the, an Part 4.1.long,can 2. Almost, for 3. How
in the school. 4. X; Parents are usually wiser than come, wrote 4. usually eat, most 5. What, give,
their children. 5. X;I like this chair best because it missing, another
is the most comfortable. Part 3. 1. more delicious, NeStG7 spsilOne Bes Ceo.De4sbeouGGxBa7yD
the most delicious 2. worse, the worst 3. more 8°59, BelOsB. 1iAGI 2B 135)" 145A 1528
tired, the most tired 4. more pleasant, the most 16IC 7 C13. Be 19982205)
pleasant 5. farther, the farthest Part 4. 1. smaller Test 68 p.122: Part 1.1.D 2.J 3.E 4.F 5.G 6.1
2. more expensive 3. the biggest (other answers are (Cue B) OVA MO! aPart 241 sup y2son 3.0n
possible, but all should be in the superlative form) 4.0n 5.out 6.up 7.up 8. off Part 3.1. look my
Test 60 p.106: Part 1.1.C 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.C sister after = look after my sister 2. Put on it =
CrP 7a@. 8aBe9 Bells) Part 25 iicanit 2. wall Put it on 3.0n = in 4. give away it = give it away
3. would 4.shouldn’t 5.Would 6. might 7. may 5. handed on = handed in 6. turn it the TV on =
8.am going 9. would 10. had better turn the TV on 7. calls his old high school friends
Test 61 p. 108: Part 1.1.should 2. must 3. might on = calls on his old high school friends 8. ran her
4. will 5. had better Part 2.1. May I 2. can we boss into = ran into her boss 9. looks it up = looks
3. should they 4.can Ann Part 3.1.C 2. X; leave them up 10. get along him with = get along with
3. X; they have to study for a test 4.C 5.C 6.X; him.
might not go 7. X; ought to use 8.C 9. X;we Test 69 p. 124: Part 1.1.down 2.0n 3. called
had to buy 10. X; Should you really eat 4.ran,up 5.on, put 6. off, turn 7. put 8. try
Test 62 p. 109: Part 1. is, very, have, Almost, is, very, 9.up, drop 10. up,away Part 2.1.down 2. off
most, is, almost, want, ask, very Part 2.1.A 2.C 3.up 4. with 5. out 6.out 7.0on 8.up 9. up
5))-42.3"5.B) Part. 1. there are all = “are all 10.up 11.at 12. out
2. have two pockets = has two pockets 3. is a Test 70 p.126:1.A,B,D 2.A,C 3.A,B,C 4.C,D
cold = has a cold (OR is cold) 4. there was = bes @i6.Bi7- Bae,DES TASB. G39)BiG D
there were 5. to more space = for more space HOKCSAVANG 2S BMISTAY BiGeil4Ay BYE D
(OR to have more space) ISAS
Test 63 p.111: Part 1.1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.B Test 71 p.129: Part 1.1.C 2.B 3.D
Part 2.1. was 2.is 3. almost 4.too 5.is 6. Most 4.A 5.A Part 2. 1. was listening 2. listened
7.to 8.for 9.almost 10.is 11.Almost 12. too 3. played 4. was playing 5. baked 6. was baking
Test 64 p. 113: Part 1. 1. better, the best 2. easier, 7.Were you driving 8. Did you drive 9. did not
the easiest 3. more rapid, the most rapid 4. farther, live 10. was not living
the farthest 5. nicer, the nicest 6. worse, the worst Test 72 p.131: Part 1.1.studied 2. was studying
7. quicker, the quickest 8. more serious, the most 3. were arguing, told 4.ate 5. were eating 6. was
serious Part 2.1.should 2.May 3.might 4.Would working 7. were traveling, ended 8. was practic-
5. could Part 3.1.most 2.too 3. very 4.for 5. al- ing, began Part 2. 1. sang, were singing 2. drove,
most 6.too 7.Most 8.to Part 4.1. May I use were driving 3. walked, was walking 4. read, was
your phone to call my parents? 2. Can I help you reading 5. listened, were listening 6. did, was doing
carry those packages? 3.I had better not eat 7. squeaked, was squeaking 8. cooked, were cook-
dessert because I want to stay in shape. 4. If my ing 9. did not type, was not typing 10. lived, was
car breaks down in the desert, what should I do? living Part 3.1. did not learn 2. was 3. was living
5. Will you return to France to visit your parents 4. decided 5. failed 6. hit 7. passed 8. decided
this summer? 6. IfI want to graduate, I must take a 9. was watching 10. chose 11. was going 12. drove
course in auto mechanics. Part 5. 1. X;There are Test 73 p. 133: Part 1.1.look out 2.run into 3. get
2.C. 3. X;Is there 4. X;There are 5. X; How through 4. put away 5. break up 6. put off 7. turn
many pounds are there up 8.run out (of) 9. put back 10. look up Part 2.
Test 65 p. 115: Part 1. 1. Carol’s last name is Barber. 1.away 2.across 3.0n 4.in 5. out (OR in) 6. out
2. Carol is — years old. (Answers will vary; subtract 7. out Part 3.1. was driving. 2. was washing,
1968 from the current year to find Carol’s current mopped. (OR was mopping.) 3. were taking,
age.) 3. Carol went to Hawaii on vacation. walked. (OR was walking.) 4. was playing. 5. was
4. Carol has two children. 5. Carol bought a dog she thinking. Part 4. 1. Billy was studying for his
in 1988. 6. Carol is going to visit Europe in 2010. exam from 12:00 P.M. to 2:30 pM. 2. He was
7. Carol has lived the longest in San Diego. Part 2. shopping for gifts from 3:00 to 5:30 pM. 3. He was
1.C 2;B 3.D) 4.B 5.B) Part 3. 1. the, Leo’s new eating dinner from 6:00 to 6:30 pM. 4. He was
car 2.The, yesterday’s test 3. the players’ good doing his homework from 7:00 to 9:00 pM. 5. He
skills, the 4. the, Louisiana, Africa 5. the quality was watching television from 9:00 to 11:00 p.m:
of this computer Test 74 p. 135: Part 1.1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.B
Test 66 p.117:Part1.1.B2.B3.A4.B5.A6.A Part 2.1. was 2. traveled 3. landed 4. flew 5. is
7.B 8.B Part 2.1. bigger 2. older 3. most intelli- 6.made 7. went 8. was walking 9.ran into 10. are
gent 4.more 5.the happiest 6. more interesting 11. was shooting 12. took 13. got 14. didn’t regret

Answer Key 193

(OR don’t regret) 15. look at Part 3. 1. Yesterday I hasn’t gone shopping yet. (OR Rhonda hasn’t
went to the doctor. 2. What did you do last night bought groceries yet.) 4.The twins haven’t gradu-
at 7:00 pmM.? (OR What were you doing last night ated from high school yet. 5.I haven’t traveled to
at 7:00 pM.?) 3. She goes to work early and comes Morocco yet. (OR I haven’t been in Morocco yet.)
home late. 4. Joe washed the car, painted the Part 2. 1. lives = lived (OR has lived, has been
house, and studied for exams last week. 5.While living) 2. ever see = have ever seen 3. ever drove
Mary was cleaning the house yesterday, her room- = ever driven 4. didn’t travel = haven’t traveled
mate watched (OR was watching) television. 5. already saw = have already seen Part 3. 1. ex-
Test 75 p. 137: Part 1. 1. called, was watching, called, tremely 2. hard 3. By using 4. well 5. with our
tell, told, Do you want, am reading, am going to notes 6. terribly 7. easy 8.With your help
drive, 2. are going to go, have, do, 3. called, was, 9. legibly 10. quickly
Did you go, went, was trying, wanted, go, saw, enjoys Test 82 p. 151: Part 1.1. with 2. to, in, from 3. for,
Test 76 p.139: Part 1.1.C 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A with 4. 0n, with 5.for,on Part 2.1.C 2.B 3.D
6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.C Part 2.1.They were 4.B 5.D Part 3.1. book full = book is full 2. is
fighting when the police arrived. 2. We are going used to live = used to live 3. spill = spilling 4. to
to go to the movies tonight. 3. They should apolo- = about 5. for = to
gize for being rude. 4. The goalie caught the soc- Test 83 p. 153: Part 1.1.to 2.for 3.0n 4.to 5. of
cer ball. 5. She talked to her mom last night. 6.about 7.of 8.0n 9. for 10. about Part 2.1.D
Test 77 p.141: Part 1.1. begun 2. brought 2B SAG ASG, 5.Be Part'35 Itto#2.\tor/ wath ouby,
3. bought 4. drunk 5. felt 6. known 7. seen (OR at) 4. about 5.to 6.to 7.to (OR with)
8. shown (OR showed, but only in perfect tenses) 8. about 9. for 10. about
9.spoken 10. written Part 2.1. traveled 2. has Test 84 p. 155: Part 1.1.I was bornin 19____
traveled 3. have eaten 4. ate 5.has read 6. read 2.1 was born in Philadelphia (or another city or a
7. Did you sell 8. Have you sold 9. has, gone country). 3.I was called Parti2lsawas
10. went Part 3.1. have you lived 2. has never taken 2. is made, is cleaned, is done 3. finished
seen 3. Did the boys come 4.has worn 5. got 4. completed 5. was broken Part 3.1.B 2.A 3.D
Part 4.1. for 2.since 3.for 4. for 5. since 4.C 5.B Part 4. 1.in 1982 by a writer = in 1982
Test 78 p. 143: Part 1. 1. I haven’t sung. Have I (omit the phrase “a writer” because this is not new
sung? 2. He hasn’t driven. Has he driven? 3.We information) 2. boring = bored 3. will married =
haven’t chosen. Have we chosen? 4.They haven't will be (OR get) married 4. was happened =
fallen. Have they fallen? 5.You haven’t eaten. Have happened 5. was do = was done
you eaten? Part 2. 1.I have had a new house since Test 85 p. 157: Part 1.1. were painted 2. was signed
1997. 2. Juan has studied English for three years. 3. was written 4. was being fixed 5. should be
3. Nina has played the piano since 1972. 4.1 have taken Part 2.1.is hit 2. was injured 3. is teaching
eaten sushi for (years will vary; subtract 1993 from 4. must be made 5. must be followed 6. was ar-
the current year) years. 5. Nancy has worked at the rested 7. are kept 8.is driving 9. have to practice
university since (year will vary; subtract three from 10. have I told Part 3.1. is closed 2. are made
the current year). Part 3.1. have met 2. came 3.is divorced 4. are fried 5.is, cleaned 6. is gone
3. has visited 4. went 5.had 6. took Part 4. 7.be bored 8. looked, received 9. was tired
1. have worn 2. wore 3. caught 4. has caught 10. was disappointed
5.read 6. has read 7. have talked 8. talked Test 86 p. 159: Part 1.1. at 2. with (OR in) 3.in
Test 79 p. 145: Part 1. 1. Bob speaks clearly. 2. They 4. for 5. with 6.for 7.in 8.to 9.to 10. with
dance well. 3. He speaks Greek fluently. 4. She ergs NI OID) Se18) 4G 5.18}
reads rapidly. 5. They take notes well. Part 2. Test 87 p. 161: Part 1. 1.The professor who (OR
1. well 2. nervously 3.loud 4. hard 5. slowly that) just started speaking is very famous. OR The
6. correctly 7. fast 8. quietly 9. badly 10. good professor who (OR that) is very famous just started
Part 3.1. by dieting 2. with a computer 3. By talking. 2. The tiger which (OR that) escaped
studying 4. by car 5. by not worrying about from the zoo was finally caught and killed. 3. This
6. with a reservation 7. By calling 8. with small is a great park (OR which OR that) we used to
tools 9. by boat 10. By not eating visit all the time in college. 4. Police officers are
Test 80 p. 147: Part 1.1. beautifully 2. well 3. ex- honest people (whom OR who OR that) you can
tremely 4. angrily 5. brightly 6. quickly 7. re- go to when you need help. 5. He turned in the
cently 8. stupidly 9. quietly 10.sadly 11. fast homework which (OR that) was late this morning.
12. newly 13.slowly 14. badly Part 2. 1. brightly Part 2.1. X, you like (OR that you like OR who
2.loud 3. good, easily 4. great, hard 5. recently you like OR whom you like) 2.C 3.C 4. X, trip
6. angrily 7. angry 8. silently, extremely 9. fast is 5.C 6. X,Whose Part 3.1. Dali is a painter.
10. bad Part 3.1. by, by 2. with, with 3. with 2.1 don’t know the person. 3. My friend’s pet
4. by, by 5. by 6. with 7.by 8. with Part 4. 1. by snake died last week. 4.1 like to wear the blue
cutting 2. by not studying 3. by using 4. by bathing suit. 5.Who’s the person?
spending 5.to write 6. to see Test 88 p. 162: Part 1. 1. who lives in the apartment
Test 81 p. 149: Part 1. 1. Lucy hasn’t woken up yet. above us 2. which stars Julia Roberts 3. that is
2.The boys haven’t finished the test yet. 3. Rhonda found on that corner 4. whose grammar book we

Answer Key 194

use 5. that is on the bookshelf Part 2. 1. that picture of her friend; however, her camera was
2. which 3. whose 4.that 5. which Part 3.1.The broken.
architect designed a home which (OR that) is in Test 94 p.172: Part 1.1.to,to 2. for, to 3. for, to
the gothic style. 2. Here are the groceries I bought 4.to, for 5.to,for Part 2.1. but 2. but 3.and
(OR that I bought OR which I bought). 3.The 4.and 5.and Part 3. 1. and so does my sister, and
dog which (OR that) is wagging its tail is friendly. my sister does too. 2. and neither are gorillas, and
4. People who (OR that) don’t like snowstorms gorillas aren’t either 3. and so is Arizona, and
live in the south. 5.The music which (OR that) Arizona is also 4. and neither does Elias, and Elias
was played at the party last night was loud. Part 4. doesn’t either 5. and so did Nina, and Nina did
1. that was 2. that are 3. who was 4. who are, who TOON Part 4a Cao besaA
are 5. who were Test 95 p.174: Part 1.1.A 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.A
Test 89 p.164:1. dating 2. dating 3. being 4. to Part 2. 1. opened the door to me = opened the
follow 5.to be 6.to begin 7. losing 8. to do door for me 2. introduce you Joe = introduce
9.smoking 10.to stop 11. quitting 12. confront- you to Joe 3. saves for me = saves me 4. written to
ing 13.dealing 14.smoking 15. Complaining me = written me 5. got for my mother = got my
16. to see 17. Telling mother 6. passed the folder for Mr. Klein = passed
Test 90 p. 166: Part 1.1. to do 2. quitting, going the folder to Mr. Klein 7. explained me the algebra
3. to play 4. talking 5.to listen Part 2. 1.to buy = equation = explained the algebra equation to me
buying 2. are = is 3. offered paying = offered to 8. do for me a favor = do a favor for me (OR do
pay 4.to eat = eating 5. to do = doing Part 3.1.1 me a favor) 9. find me them = find them for me
Zepeol 4G 5:1 6B 7B 8.G 90 Pat 4.1.4 10. bought to his wife = bought his wife
2— 3.— 4.7 Test 96 p.176: Part 1.1.B 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A
Test 91 p. 167: Part 1.1.to write 2. going 3. prac- Part 2.1.me 2.to me 3.forme 4.to me 5.me
‘ticing 4. living 5. to pass 6. driving 7. transferring Part 3.1.asked 2. gave 3. found 4. repeated
8. skiing 9.to look for 10. eating Part 2.1.B 2.F 5. charged Part 4.1. X; you your car? (OR your
eee) 5.C orl car to you?) 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.X; for me
Test 92 p. 168: Part 1. 1. who is standing on that Test 97 p.178:Part 1.1.to 2.for 3.to 4.to 5. for
corner 2. whose parents will not attend the play Partial Gea. Daoebma4sAn 5:5) Part 35 lito
3. that you wanted to buy 4. which is on the table ARGC Bs AIG) Byatore Wea EC. AC BE PG
5. who do not do their homework Part 2.1.The cost Ted 4.C 5. X; did my homework for me.
man who is holding the blue umbrella is my father. Test 98 p. 180: Part 1.1. off 2.up 3.0n 4. out
2.The book that (OR which OR —) I am reading 5. out Part 2. 1. flown, flew, was, was, made 2. is,
for English class is on the kitchen table. 3. The have never seen, have you seen, was printing, is still
man who (OR that) was holding the winning lot- Part 3. 1. with car = by car 2. engine careful =
tery ticket looked very happy. 4.The dog that engine carefully 3. By do = By doing 4. efficient
(OR which) was chasing the cat down the street is as = efficiently as 5. dangerously driving = danger-
mine. 5.I played the violin that (OR which OR ous driving Part 4.1. of 2.to 3.for 4. about
—) my uncle gave me. Part 3.1.C 2. X; avoid 5. about 6.o0f 7.of 8.to 9.of 10. from 11. with
drinking 3. X; put off mowing 4.C 5. X; refused 12. of 13.at 14. of 15.to Part 5.1. heard, was re-
to let Part 4.1.to buy 2. Eating 3.to eat 4.to do ported 2. were involved, stated 3. was broadcast
5.is 6.Tell 7. to take 8. to work 4. was hit 5. hit 6. was traveling, entered Part 6.
Test 93 p. 170: Part 1.1. to (OR in order to) 2. to 1.C 2.X;that he read 3. X; who live 4.C 5.C
(OR in order to) 3. for 4. for 5.to (OR in order 6. X; areas which (OR that) have 7.C 8.C
to) Part 2. 1. Espresso is very strong coftee, and so Part 7. 1. to do, to let, get, so, to me 2. but, me,
is Cuban coffee. (OR Espresso is very strong cof- strange, by, to do, either
fee, and Cuban coffee is too.) 2. Barbara doesn’t Test 99 p. 183:1.C, has had 2. enjoyed, by follow-
have a cold, and neither does Warren. (OR Barbara ing 3.C,C 4. happened, C 5. accustomed to
doesn’t have a cold, and Warren doesn’t either.) eating, but 6. were really bored, C 7. speaks
3. Brad has to write a report for class, and so do I. slowly, easy to understand 8.C, woman whose
(OR Brad has to write a report for class, and I do husband 9. C, put them off for too long 10.To
too.) 4.They don’t need to talk with the teacher, make, for 11. have been living (OR have lived),
but Susan does. 5.I like to use the Internet to get to keep on living 12.C,C 13.C, that Dr. Giles
information for my research papers, but I don’t like (OR which Dr. Giles OR Dr. Giles) 14. C,
to use the library. Part 3. 1.1 studied very hard for quickly left 15. annoying, heard
my driver’s license test; however, I failed it. 2. Bob Test 100 p.185:1.C 2.D 3.B 4.D5.A 6.A
opened the window so the air could come inside. (2D SeBEO D107 Bei Ca 2cARTsVAG 4B
3.You need to pass the next test; therefore, you had 1SeAIGs Dil CalsaDs 19 1G. 205D
better study very hard. 4. Jennifer wanted to take a

Answer Key 195

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Test Index

Numbers refer to test numbers, not page numbers.

A, an Dis 20, 99,50

Adjective 2
Frequency 48, 49, 52, 65, 66, 67
Manner 79, 80, 81, 98, 99, 100
A few vs. a little 21, 28; 91, 32, 33, 34
A lot of 21, 20; Sty 32, 39; 34
Articles 35, 36, 65, 66, 67
Present 3, 4; 7, 18, 19; 32,33; 34
Past 13, 14:18, 19; 32,33, 34
Be going to See Verbs
Comparative and superlative 58, 59, 64, 65, 66, 67
Connectors 93.9459 7,98 99100
Count vs. noncount 21 Zonal, S25 OOP OF
Demonstratives 8,9, 18, 195,32,.33, 34
Direct vs. indirect objects
(D.O./1.O.) D5), Soy S7/, ts, GEL ING
Gerunds 89; 90) 917 925985995 1100
How questions 45, 46, 47, 65, 66, 67
Infinitives rons) NO), WML Oho OE) IO)
Irregular verbs PS Gn. Se LOS 22395 3454041847
Many vs. much AB Pas SYD, Se) 314!
Modals 60, 61, 64, 65, 66, 67
Noun 12
Object pronouns HOR OZ ODN OONO/4 959907975985 99 100
One and other See Other
Other 53, 54,57, 65, 66, 67
Part of speech 12,
Passive voice See Verbs
Past See Verbs
Past progressive See Verbs
Phrasal verbs 68769) 70873598. 99" 100
Adjectives 10; 11, 18) 19, 32, 33,34
’s vs. s’ vs. of 55, 56, 57, 65, 66, 67
Present perfect See Verbs

Present progressive See Verbs
Prepositions 29°30: Sino 2 9S oNo4
After verbs/adjectives 82, 83, 86, 98, 99, 100
Problem words 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67
Relative clauses 87, 88, 92, 98, 99, 100
The 35,36
These vs. those 8, 9, 18, 19, 32, 33, 34
This vs. that 8,9, 18, 19.:32°33734
To me vs. for me 955 96) 97295.995100
Verbs il
Be going to 37, 38, 65, 66, 67
Irregular past 15, 16, 17; 18, 19; 32; 40, 41, 47, 65, 66, 67
Present 5.6, 7, 18,19332,83234
Passive voice 84, 85, 86, 98, 99, 100
Past (regular) 153, 16, 18; 19532, 33,34
Past progressive 71, 72, 73, 98, 99, 100
Present perfect 77, 78, 81, 98, 99, 100
Present progressive 25) 26: 3283534:
Verb tense review 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44, 74, 75, 76, 98, 99, 100
Wh- questions 20, 21, 24, 32, 33, 34
Word order 22: 23) 24; 32) 33 4

Review units of various

grammar points: 32, 33, 34, 65, 66, 67, 98, 99, 100

Test Index 198

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