Xi Science Form Non Railway

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BNR Excellence Academy/(Sr.

Admission into Class XI - 2024– 2025
(Only For Non-Railway candidate)
Stream Science Choice of Stream …………… 1st /2nd

1.Name of the candidate: -___________________________________________________

2.School from which passed _________________________________________________
Recent Passport
3. Mother’s Name __________________________________________________________
Size Photograph
4. Father’s / Guardian’s Name ________________________________________________
5. Date of Birth of the candidate ___________________________________________________
(Self-attested photo copy of Class X Board admit card should be attached)
6. Category: UR______/SC______/ST_____OBC ____( Self attested copy of caste certificate must be attached )
7.Priority Category type for non-Railway candidate (Tick the correct one) [Documentary proof must be submitted]
1. Grandchildren/Children of Retired Railway staff. Children of 1st degree relative of Railway Staff (nephew
/nieces). Sworn certificate of the staff concerned will be mandatory
2. Children of Central Government employees (Other ministry /department/ PSU)
3. Children of State Government employees
4. Children of licensed Railway porters
5. Children of contractual staff engaged by Railway directly/ indirectly (To be certified personally by the
Branch officer of the contracting department in case of indirect engagement)
6. Children of Residents of railway Towns/Areas.
7. Others
8. Aadhar No. ____________________________ 9. WhatsApp No. ____________________________________
10. Email ID __________________________________________________________________________________
11. Parents/Guardians Mobile Number. (1)_______________________ (2) ______________________________

12.Name of the Board from which passed _______________________________________________________________

13.Class 10th Roll number/ UID _______________________14. Passing year _____________________________
15. Religion _________________________________ 16. Gender ________________________________-______
17. Present Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
18. Marks obtained in CBSE/Equivalent Exam: - Eng. _____________________________________

2nd Lang (Except Eng.) _____________Maths ____________ _Sci ______________ Social Sc. ______________________

Addl. subject ________________ (Please attach attested Photo copy of statement of marks)

Compulsory Subjects- English, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science

Optional Subjects combinations- Option-1 –Mathematics, Biology
Option-2- Mathematics, Music Option-3- Biology, Music [Choose (tick)any one option]
The admission is purely PROVISIONAL subject to the fulfillment of the admission criteria as per CBSE norms.
[Non-Railway Candidates will be considered on merit basis subject to the availability of the vacant seats after
the admission of Railway wards and Non railway wards who has passed from Railway school.]

Signature of the candidate Signature of the parent.

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