University of Sargodha: Admission Form For Pharm-D (5 Years Course) (Annual System)
University of Sargodha: Admission Form For Pharm-D (5 Years Course) (Annual System)
University of Sargodha: Admission Form For Pharm-D (5 Years Course) (Annual System)
Admission Form for Pharm-D (5 Years Course) (Annual System)
Mention Professional___________________
The Candidate
Regular Late College Fresh Compartment / Failed as a whole must paste here a
recent coloured
( T i c k t h e r e l e v a n t b o x e s ) photograph
1. Name of College _______________________________________________
Do not staple or
2. Registration No. University of Sargodha pin up
Information about F.Sc. or equivalent Examination Passed:
st nd
1 or 2
Examination Year Roll No. Marks Division Board
Information about Latest Passed Exam: (only for 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Professional Students)
1st or 2nd
Examination Year Roll No. Marks University
Year of last appearing in Pharm-D _________ Prof. ________ Annual Exam, 200 ___ Under
1st or 2nd
Roll No. ______
1. I declare that all the particulars mentioned above are correct and in case of any difficulty
arising out of inaccuracy therein, I shall be responsible for the same.
2. I shall not take part in walk out or protest in any paper during the examination.
10. The year of passing F.Sc. or equivalent Examination 1st or 2nd Annual______________________
Roll No. _____________ Name of the Board _________________________________________
11. Information about Latest Passed Exam: The year of passing Pharm-D. ___________ Professional, 1st /2nd
Annual Examination 20 ___ Roll No. _________marks obtained __________ (Only for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
Professional candidate)
Year of appearing in Pharm D __________. Professional _____ 1st /2nd Annual Examination ________ under Roll
No. ____________ and eligible to reappear in Paper/s.
1. ________________________________ 2. _______________________________
3. ________________________________ 4. _______________________________
5. ________________________________ 6. _______________________________
7. ________________________________ 8. _______________________________
Declaration: - I hereby declare that:- 1) All the particulars mentioned above are correct and that in case of any
difficulty arising out of inaccuracy therein, I shall be responsible for the consequences.
2. I shall not take part in walkout or protest in any paper during Examination.
3. I have read the instructions carefully given at the back of this page & Roll No. Slip and shall abide by them.
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1. The candidate is directed to read instructions hereunder before filling in the Admission and Fee Receipt
Forms carefully. The Admission Form will be liable to be rejected if correct Registered No. is not mentioned or
incomplete or incorrect entry is made in the Form. The incomplete Admission Form shall be rejected and returned
forthwith. The University shall not take any responsibility for the consequences.
2. Each candidate (Male / Female) must paste latest passport size Photographs, duly attested at the specified
places in the Admission Form.
3. The Examination begins on the date/s given in the Date Sheet. Every candidate must keep his / her
National Identification Card with him / her in the Examination Hall while taking the Examination.
4. The Admission Form will be entertained only if the attested photocopy of the Registration Card, issued by
the University, is attached with the Form alongwith other documents.
5. The candidates must attach attested copies of latest pass result card and Computerized National Identity
Card. The compartment/ failed as a whole candidates must attach attested copy of latest fail result card and
Computerized National Identity Card.
Certified that the applicant has fulfilled the conditions laid down under the statutes enforced in the year of
Examination and that:
a) The student concerned has been on the rolls of the College during the academic year immediately
preceding the Examination.
b) He has attended, not less than two third of the total number of lectures delivered to his class in each paper,
separately in theory and practical, during the academic year immediately preceding the Examination.
c) His performance, as judged through class tests, assignments etc. has been satisfactory.
d) His / Her character and conduct have been good.
e) He / She has, passed F.Sc/ previous professional exams in accordance with the prescribed Regulations.
f) He / She has filled in and signed the Admission Form in my presence, and the particulars filled in by him /
her on the reverse are correct and nothing has been concealed.
Dated _______________
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1. The candidate is directed to fill in the Admission and Fee Receipt Forms carefully.
Incomplete forms shall be rejected and returned forthwith. The Forms will be considered to have
reached the University Office when these are received complete in all respects. In all other cases,
late fee/double fee will be charged accordingly.
2. The fee is payable through the prescribed Branches of Habib Bank Ltd. on the Challan
prescribed for the University of Sargodha. Money Orders, Postal Orders, Bank Drafts and cheques
shall not be accepted.
6. Fee paid Rs. ______________ Bank Challan no. ______________ Dated __________________
Name of Bank and Branch ________________________________________
Name & Address of the Candidate Name & Address of the Candidate
_________________________________ _____________________________________
_________________________________ _____________________________________
_________________________________ _____________________________________
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Online downloaded