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1. Introduction surface, and occurs when the surfaces have a contact angle
of less than 90◦ , whereas if the surface is hydrophobic, the
Superhydrophobic surfaces are of considerable interest for value of the contact angle is greater than 90◦ . Surfaces
various technological applications due to their extreme water with a contact angle between 150◦ and 180◦ are called
repellent properties. Advances in nanotechnology, including superhydrophobic. The contact angle depends on several
micro/nanoelectromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS), have factors, such as surface energy, roughness, the manner of
stimulated development of new materials and design of surface preparation, and surface cleanliness (Adamson 1990,
surfaces which should require hydrophobic surfaces and Israelachvili 1992, Bhushan 1999, 2002, 2005).
interfaces with low adhesion and friction. Hydrophobic (water- Superhydrophobic surfaces also have very low water
repellent) surfaces can be constructed either by using low contact angle hysteresis. The contact angle hysteresis is the
surface energy materials or by chemically treating surfaces difference between the advancing and receding contact angles.
with materials such as polytretafluoroethylene, silicon, or If additional liquid is added to a sessile drop, the contact
wax. Another technique that can be used to increase the line advances and an advancing contact angle is measured.
hydrophobicity of a hydrophobic surface is to increase the Alternatively, if liquid is removed from the drop, the contact
surface area by increasing surface roughness. If a surface angle decreases to a receding value before the contact retreats.
is initially hydrophilic, then introducing roughness to that For a droplet moving along the solid surface, the contact angle
surface will make it even more hydrophilic (Wenzel 1936, at the front of the droplet (advancing contact angle) is greater
Nosonovsky and Bhushan 2005). Wetting (hydrophilic than that at the back of the droplet (receding contact angle), due
property) is characterized by the static contact angle, or to roughness and surface heterogeneity, resulting in the contact
simply contact angle, made between a water droplet and a angle hysteresis. In addition to high contact angle, another
wetting property of interest for liquid flow applications is a
1 Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.
very low water roll-off angle, which denotes the angle to which
a surface may be tilted for roll-off of water drops (i.e., very low and presented optimal designs for superhydrophobic surfaces.
water contact angle hysteresis) (Extrand 2002, Kijlstra et al For a rough surface, a composite solid–liquid–air interface may
2002). form with air pockets trapped in the valleys between asperities,
Analytical models have been presented in the past to as opposed to the homogeneous solid–liquid interface. The
determine how roughness affects hydrophobicity. Wenzel transition to the composite solid–liquid–air interface results in
(1936) developed the first model, which is based on the a decrease in the solid–liquid contact area, so that the liquid
consideration of net energy decrease during the spreading of contacts the solid at the peaks of the asperities. Transition
a droplet on a rough surface. A rough surface has a larger to the composite interface can decrease the contact angle
solid–liquid interface area, leading to a larger net energy. hysteresis, so that a drop would move more easily, and can
It is responsible for the increase in the contact angle for a increase the contact angle. Highly hydrophobic surfaces
hydrophobic surface and the decrease in contact angle for a have been fabricated directly by incorporating high roughness
hydrophilic surface. Wenzel developed an equation that relates to the surface, and high contact angles have been reported
the contact angles of rough and smooth surfaces, θ and θ0 for surfaces with micrometre- and nanometre-scale roughness
respectively, using the roughness factor Rf , (Hozumi and Takai 1998, Coulson et al 2000, Miwa et al
2000, Oner and McCarthy 2000, Lau et al 2003). Recent
cos θ = Rf cos θ0 . (1) studies have been carried out on nanopatterned polymers
that show that introducing roughness will either increase the
The roughness factor is defined as the ratio of the total hydrophobicity or hydrophilicity, depending on whether the
surface area of the rough surface and the projected area of initial flat surface is hydrophobic or hydrophilic, respectively
the rough surface or the footprint of the total surface area. (Burton and Bhushan 2005).
The model predicts that roughness enhances hydrophobicity if Tribological properties play an important role in many
θ0 > 90◦ . If θ0 is less than 90◦ , then the contact angle for applications requiring hydrophobic surfaces. Therefore, it
the rough surface will decrease with increasing Rf . Shibuichi is important to study the adhesion and friction properties of
et al (1996) measured the contact angle for various liquids on hydrophobic surfaces. Wetting results in the formation of
a rough surface and found that for wetting liquids the contact menisci at the interface between solid bodies during sliding
angle decreases with increasing roughness, whereas for non- contact, which increases adhesion and friction (Bhushan
wetting liquids it increases. 1999, 2002). Understanding the combination of surface
It is noted that equation (1) is only valid for moderate characterization along with the adhesion and friction properties
values of Rf , when −1 Rf cos θ0 1. For high can allow improved hydrophobic surfaces to be created.
roughness, a wetting liquid will be completely absorbed by Many researchers have paid attention to the study of
the rough surface cavities while a non-wetting liquid cannot hydrophobic materials that can be found in nature. The leaf
penetrate into surface cavities, resulting in the formation of surfaces of hundreds of different plant species have been
air pockets, leading to a composite solid–liquid–air interface. studied to see the effect of roughness on hydrophobicity
Cassie and Baxter (1944) extended Wenzel’s equation, which (Neinhuis and Barthlott 1997, Wagner et al 2003). In
was originally developed for the homogeneous solid–liquid comparison with other plant species, lotus leaves have a very
interface, for the composite interface. For this case, there are high contact angle with water and show strong self-cleaning
two sets of interfaces: a liquid–air interface with the ambient properties known as the ‘lotus effect’ (Barthlott and Neinhuis
environment surrounding the droplet, and a flat composite 1997).
interface under the droplet involving solid–liquid, liquid–air, Burton and Bhushan (2006) studied the effects of the
and solid–air interfaces. In order to calculate the contact angle microbumps and the wax (crystals that are a mixture of large
for the composite interface, the equation is given by: hydrocarbon molecules, measuring about 1 nm in diameter) of
hydrophobic leaves on the hydrophobicity. They used contact
cos θ = Rf f SL cos θ0 − f LA (2) mode AFM to make measurements, which had the potential
to damage the soft leaves. It is expected that tapping mode
where fSL and f LA are fractional flat geometrical areas of would be more desirable to make roughness measurements of
the solid–liquid and liquid–air interfaces under the droplet, biological leaves. Therefore tapping mode AFM is used in this
respectively. This model shows that when roughness increases paper for surface characterization. While the study by Burton
the contact angle approaches 180◦ , however, it does not provide and Bhushan (2006) focused on microbumps, it is expected that
any particular form of dependence of the areas of the solid– nanobumps on the top of a microbump may play an important
liquid and liquid–air interfaces, and does not explain under role in surface wettability, and their morphology and their
which conditions the composite interface forms. Johnson and effects have not been studied to date. In this study, the role of
Dettre (1964) showed that the homogeneous and composite microbumps and nanobumps is examined by analysing surface
interfaces correspond to the two metastable states of a droplet. characterization on the micro- and nanoscale of hydrophobic
Even though it may be geometrically possible for the system leaves. As a comparison, hydrophilic leaves were also studied
to become composite, it may be energetically profitable for the to better understand the role of wax and roughness. As well as
liquid to penetrate into valleys between bumps and to form the measuring and characterizing surface roughness using various
homogeneous interface. methods of measurement, the contact angle and adhesion and
Based on an understanding of the effect of roughness friction properties of these leaves were also measured. An
on the contact angle and the roughness distribution found in examination of these properties and a quantitative analysis of
leaves, Nosonovsky and Bhushan (2005, 2006) proposed a the surface structure and their interpretations are the subject of
stochastic model for roughness-induced hydrophobic surfaces this paper.
B Bhushan and Y C Jung
2.2. Instrumentation
To examine the surface of the leaves, SEM micrographs were
taken using a JEOL JSM-820 scanning electron microscope.
Fresh leaf samples were affixed to aluminium stubs using
double-sided conductive tape and air dried. All specimens
Figure 1. Scanning electron micrographs of the relatively rough, were sputter-coated with a less than 10 nm thick Au/Pd coating.
water-repellent leaf surface, such as Nelumbo nucifera (lotus) and
Colocasia esculenta and the relatively smooth, wettable leaf The contact angle, a measure of surface hydrophobicity,
surfaces, such as Fagus sylvatica and Magnolia grandiflora. was measured using a Rame-Hart model 100 contact angle
goniometer and water droplets of deionized water. All
measurements were made at 22 ± 1 ◦ C and 50 ± 5% RH. The
2. Experimental details measurements were reproducible to within ±2◦ .
As mentioned earlier, the tall bumps on freshly cut lotus
2.1. Samples and colocasia leaves cannot be measured using an AFM.
In order to obtain the surface dimensions that represent the
For this study, two hydrophobic leaves—lotus and colocasia— surface structure found on the leaves found in nature, an optical
and two hydrophilic leaves—fagus and magnolia—were profiler (NT-3300, Wyko Corp., Tuscon, AZ) was used for all
selected. Lotus and colocasia are characterized by papillose of the leaves. The tall bumps on the leaves are well within
epidermal cells responsible for the creation of papillae or the Z -range limitation of the optical profiler of 2 mm, and
bumps on the surfaces, and an additional layer of epicuticular therefore the entire vertical range of the leaf can be measured.
waxes which are a mixture of large hydrocarbon molecules A greater Z -range is a distinct advantage over other types of
measuring about 1 nm in diameter. Fagus and magnolia are surface roughness measurements, but it has a maximum lateral
characterized by sunken and raised nervature, respectively resolution of approximately 0.6 µm (Bhushan 1999, 2002). A
(Barthlott and Neinhuis 1997). The four leaves were obtained scan size of 60 µm × 50 µm, which is the highest magnification
from two different sources. Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) and for the optical profiler, was used to scan the leaves.
fagus (Fagus sylvatica) leaves only grow during warmer For additional surface roughness, adhesion and friction
periods of the year. They need, at least, a constant temperature measurements, microscale and nanoscale measurements were
of 18 ◦ C to grow, and typically grow from the end of May carried out using a commercial AFM (D3100, Nanoscope IIIa
to the beginning of October. Therefore, research on these controller, Digital Instruments, Santa Barbara, CA). This AFM
leaves needs to be carried out during this period. On the has a Z -range of about 7 µm, and cannot be used to make
other hand, colocasia (Colocasia esculenta) and magnolia measurements of fresh lotus and colocasia because the P –V
(Magnolia grandiflora) grow throughout the year and are distance of fresh lotus and colocasia is greater than 15 µm.
readily available. Lotus was obtained from Aquarius Water Therefore, dried lotus and colocasia, which have a lower
Gardens in Ramsey, Indiana and colocasia, fagus, and P –V distance, were measured. The scan size used in these
magnolia were obtained from the Franklin Park Conservatory measurements was 50 µm. However, as the P –V distance
in Columbus, Ohio. Figure 1 shows the micrographs of each of roughness for both lotus and colocasia is low enough to
leaf measured using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). make measurements on top of the microbumps in a 2 µm scan,
Due to their biological nature, plants get contaminated nanoscale measurements were carried out on both the fresh and
with various particles. Each leaf was cleaned by placing it dried states. The P –V distance of fresh fagus and magnolia is
under running water, which will remove any contaminants due low enough that fresh leaves can be measured with an AFM at
to the self-cleaning ability of the leaves, known as the ‘lotus both 50 and 2 µm. A 2 µm scan was selected on the top of a
Micro- and nanoscale characterization of hydrophobic and hydrophilic leaf surfaces
B Bhushan and Y C Jung
Micro- and nanoscale characterization of hydrophobic and hydrophilic leaf surfaces
Figure 4. (a) Surface height maps and 2D profile of hydrophobic and hydrophilic leaves using an optical profiler. For lotus, fagus and
magnolia leaves, a microbump is defined as a single, independent microstructure protruding from the surface. For colocasia, a microbump is
defined as a single, independent protrusion from the leaf surface, whereas a ridge is defined as a structure that surrounds each bump and is
completely interconnected on the leaf. (b) Curve fit for a bump on hydrophobic and hydrophilic leaves using an optical profiler. The radius of
curvature is calculated from the parabolic curve fit of the bump.
hexagonal packing geometry which allows for the maximum has been given to the profiles to show how closely the profile
number of bumps in a given area. The bumps of lotus and both is followed. The radius of curvature for any function is known
bumps and ridges of colocasia contribute to the hydrophobic to be:
nature since they both increase the Rf factor and result in air (1 + y (x)2 )3/2
R(x) = (7)
pockets between the droplet of water and the surface. In fagus y (x)
and magnolia height maps, short bumps on the surface can where R(x) = radius of curvature, y (x) = first derivative of
be seen. This means that with decreased bump height, the the function, and y (x) = second derivative of the function.
probability of air pocket formation decreases, and the bumps By using the second-order curve fit of the profiles, the radius
have a less beneficial effect on the contact angle. of curvature can be found.
Figure 4(b) shows the 2D profiles for all of the leaves. A Using these optical surface height maps, different
curve has been fitted to each profile to show exactly how the statistical parameters of bumps and ridges can be found to
bump shape behaves. For each leaf a second-order curve fit characterize the surface: peak to valley ( P –V ) height, mid-
B Bhushan and Y C Jung
Figure 4. (Continued.)
width, and peak radius (Bhushan 1999, 2002). Here, mid- even at loads as low as 2 nN. This could be due to the
width is defined as the width of the bump at a height equal substantial frictional force generated as the probe scanned over
to half of peak to mean value. Table 1 shows these quantities the sample. The frictional force can damage the sample. The
found in the optical height maps for four leaves. Comparing tapping mode technique allows high resolution topographic
the hydrophobic and hydrophilic leaves, it can be seen that the imaging of sample surfaces that are easily damaged, loosely
P –V height for bumps of lotus and colocasia is much taller held to their substrate, or difficult to image by other AFM
than that for bumps of fagus and magnolia. The peak radius techniques (Bhushan 1999, 2002). As shown in figure 5, with
for bumps of lotus and colocasia is also smaller than that for the tapping mode technique, the soft and fragile leaves can be
bumps of fagus and magnolia. However, the values of mid- imaged successfully. Therefore the tapping mode technique
width for bumps of the four leaves are similar. was used to examine the surface roughness of the hydrophobic
and hydrophilic leaves using an AFM in this study.
3.3. Leaf characterization using an AFM
3.3.1. Comparison of two techniques. To measure 3.3.2. Surface characterization. It was stated earlier that
topographic imaging of the leaf surfaces, both contact and because of the large P –V distance of the lotus leaf, AFM
tapping modes were used to characterize the lotus leaf. cannot be used in the conventional way. A new method was
Figure 5 shows surface height maps of dried lotus obtained developed to fully determine the bump profiles. In order
using the two techniques. In contact mode, the local height to compensate for the large P –V distance, two scans were
variation for a lotus leaf was observed in a 50 µm scan size. made for each height: one measurement that scans the tops
However, little height variation was obtained in a 2 µm scan, of the bumps and another measurement that scans the bottom
Micro- and nanoscale characterization of hydrophobic and hydrophilic leaf surfaces
B Bhushan and Y C Jung
Figure 6. (a) Surface height maps and 2D profile showing the top scan and bottom scan of a dried lotus leaf in a 50 µm scan because the P –V
distance of a dried lotus leaf is greater than the Z -range of an AFM, and both fresh and dried lotus in a 2 µm scan. (b) Surface height maps
and 2D profile of colocasia using an AFM in both 50 and 2 µm scans. (c) Surface height maps and 2D profile of fagus and magnolia using an
AFM in both 50 and 2 µm scans.
using AFM are presented in figure 8. Reproducibility for sample will occur and the adhesive force will increase. After
both adhesive force and coefficient of friction is ±5% for the leaf has dried, the moisture that was in the plant material
all measurements. For each type of leaf, adhesive force is gone, and there is not as much deformation of the leaf when
measurements were made for both fresh and dried leaves using the tip comes into contact with the leaf sample. Hence, the
a 15 µm radius tip. It is found that the dried leaves had a lower adhesive force is decreased because the real area of contact has
adhesive force than the fresh leaves. Adhesive force arises decreased.
from several sources in changing the presence of a thin liquid The adhesive force of fagus and magnolia is higher than
film, such as an adsorbed water layer, that causes meniscus that of lotus and colocasia. The reason is that the real area
bridges to build up around the contacting and near contacting of contact between the tip and leaf sample is expected to be
bumps as a result of surface energy effects (Bhushan 1999, higher in hydrophilic leaves than that in hydrophobic leaves
2002). When the leaves are fresh there is moisture within the because of their high affinity to water and consequently higher
plant material that causes the leaf to be soft, and when the meniscus forces (Bhushan 1999, 2002).
tip comes into contact with the leaf sample, the sample will The coefficient of friction was only measured on a dried
deform and a larger real area of contact between the tip and plant surface with the same sliding velocity (10 µm s−1 ) in
Micro- and nanoscale characterization of hydrophobic and hydrophilic leaf surfaces
Figure 6. (Continued.)
different scan sizes, rather than including the fresh surface the coefficient of friction also decreases in each leaf. The
because the P –V was too large to scan back and forth with reason for such dependence is the scale dependent nature of the
the AFM to obtain friction force. As expected, the coefficient roughness of the leaf surface. Figure 6 shows AFM topography
of friction for hydrophobic leaves is lower than that for images and 2D profiles of the surfaces for different scan sizes.
hydrophilic leaves due to the real area of contact between The scan size dependence of the coefficient of friction has
the tip and leaf sample, similar to the adhesive force results. been reported previously (Poon and Bhushan 1995, Koinkar
When the scan size from microscale to nanoscale decreases, and Bhushan 1997, Tambe and Bhushan 2004).
B Bhushan and Y C Jung
Figure 6. (Continued.)
3.3.4. PDFs and roughness parameters. The probability 50 µm scan. It can be seen that the heights of the nanobumps
density functions (PDFs) of the AFM data of leaf surfaces on the surface of hydrophilic leaves are small compared with
were constructed for hydrophobic and hydrophilic leaves using those on the surface of hydrophobic leaves. Generally, a
the previously mentioned PDF statistical program, as shown in correlation length, β ∗ represents the wavelength structure of
figure 9. PDFs in the 2 µm scan are closer to the Gaussian a random surface. It is found that the correlation lengths of
rough surface than those in the 50 µm scan. lotus and colocasia are less than those of fagus and magnolia
For comparison of surface characterization between in both 50 and 2 µm scans. A surface with a high negative
microbumps and nanobumps, statistical software was used to skewness has a larger number of local maxima above the mean,
calculate roughness distribution parameters σ, β ∗ , Sk and K mostly located near the summit, as compared to a Gaussian
which correspond to standard deviation, correlation length, distribution; for a positive skewness, the converse is true.
skewness, and kurtosis, respectively (Bhushan 1999, 2002). A surface with a low kurtosis has a larger number of local
Data for all leaves at both 50 and 2 µm scans are presented in maxima above the mean randomly distributed as compared
table 2. Values of σ for lotus and colocasia are approximately to that of a Gaussian distribution; again, for a high kurtosis
ten times larger than those for fagus and magnolia in the 2 µm the converse is true (Bhushan 1999, 2002). Sk and K for
scan, but on the other hand, they are almost the same in the hydrophobic and hydrophilic leaves in both 50 and 2 µm scans
Micro- and nanoscale characterization of hydrophobic and hydrophilic leaf surfaces
Figure 7. (a) Curve fit for a bump on a lotus leaf using an AFM. The
radius of curvature is calculated from the parabolic curve fit of the
bump. (b) Curve fit for bump and ridge on a colocasia leaf using an
AFM. The radius of curvature is also calculated from the parabolic
curve fit. (c) Curve fit for bumps on fagus and magnolia leaves using
an AFM. The radius of curvature is also calculated from the
parabolic curve fit of the bump.
B Bhushan and Y C Jung
Figure 8. Adhesive force for both fresh and dried leaves, and the
coefficient of friction for dried leaves for both 50 and 2 µm scan size
for hydrophobic and hydrophilic leaves. All measurements were
made using a 15 µm radius borosilicate tip. Reproducibility for both
adhesive force and coefficient of friction is ±5% for all
Micro- and nanoscale characterization of hydrophobic and hydrophilic leaf surfaces
Figure 9. Probability density function of hydrophobic and hydrophilic leaves obtained using AFM in 50 and 2 µm scans. PDFs were
calculated using a statistical program.
angle hysteresis is low, and drops rebound easily and can set a superhydrophobic surface. Roughness factors of nanobumps
into a rolling motion with a small tilt angle. are much larger than those of microbumps and are responsible
for the increase in contact angle for hydrophobic surfaces. For
4. Conclusions the water droplets sitting on the nanobumps, with decreased
spacing between bumps, the probability of air pocket formation
In this paper, we have investigated what makes surfaces
hydrophobic by analysing surface roughness, adhesion and increases, and the contact angle increases and contact angle
friction data for hydrophobic and hydrophilic leaves on the hysteresis decreases (Cassie–Baxter equation). In the case of
microscale and nanoscale. Attempting to remove the surface the hydrophilic leaves, while the height of the microbumps can
layer, it was found that no wax exists on the hydrophilic leaves be comparable to that of the hydrophobic leaves, the height of
but a thin wax film exists on the hydrophobic leaves. The the nanobumps is small. From the analysis of roughness on
combination of wax and roughness of the leaf is what creates the micro- and nanoscale, it is found that the nanobumps on
B Bhushan and Y C Jung
the top of the microbumps play a more important role than the Hozumi A and Takai O 1998 Preparation of silicon oxide films
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coefficient of friction is dependent on the scan size. Koinkar V N and Bhushan B 1997 Effect of scan size and surface
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National Science Foundation (No. ECS-0301056). The authors Miwa M, Nakajima A, Fujishima A, Hashimoto K and
would like to thank Dr Tae Wan Kim for helpful discussions on Watanabe T 2000 Effects of the surface roughness on sliding
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