Experiment 9

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CXPesLment -9

OL,iective- desiAstaetningMuti-vi
o a bsador
Hindoo Com Prato e and

Name: Ashewsh Ransan

KoL Ho:- 926|b2e13

Sec D
Bsead boand
&qi prrent Mutti -output De
3- Compone nt
Poser Supely, oscilscopc
iode: Two-LNHos(2)
op-AmP one- LM H12 me)
555 ti me - LMSS
Kesisto -Tern -3.3kal 2),2kaz),5-6k) tbal4j,
18 kacz) ,32xnlI)
Poten tomete- one oto
CapacitoH: Tuo o-1uF,booMF

Compso OndAstasle Mutivibrat

Menolithic op-Amps cee inexpe rsive Vesti le and yeible they
Com aso be wsed fos appli cotí on ohee 9t Unvel ves
Thon- Uneat Cnput otput sulationshi p. A
is thl
OPen (ooP Confiwation
openattonad amplifiet
manne thee ae OPences in a nen-inet
n this numbe o appicatiens cf cpam p
modey Such as mPraoM,
|dgital itefacing devices namey dueets, limiteu Gn
Conv eds oneof t
8 im plest
Compars too Voltase aPPies at the
A conPs atos
the od put Sho to in py omd
ohich One S
the Larger of the tuo
be Smaue o
to The cutput
bne Cemp ditent
ad to th input
n th
nosml Dp-amp tor Coe oB a
dve Un the jnput edampie, (S there (s a Sinoseu dal
Qmd oudud in
Wave Ahereas Cn invanjay be
a Si'nso udad
Enput s Sinajoud al Wae
Sinasoudal On d oept
be Sine. 9tt Can not neecd to
OUso be
in the Case o a Squa lalae ESpeciatiy
LAave t ComRrato |hen 34 is a Sine
a &quae laave
The sss tme
fox enraling accatePouide tne
time delay
A Single Ssr CAn time os osulation.
Provide tme delay Yangny
trom mio Se co nd to hocos oheuas
Coune time
Can have
Theye funof on moxi'nee
mum Wmin8
dea tn
Targe of days.
mang omalb2
di_itay mit ed

APPUcations bf ComPsatoss
Comprato sed trn
Om d eentral Processin a units -
These nreYDcontrollex MCus)
Hhe binay numbend
Such s apliat'on in hich
Aem Pretue, poShepesentin Phgsica Vasu otles
utren ce value ition etc.
muto4 Conto.
Poocess Contblle
ubed in
RasSoooxd Vefi cation
|aplicton and bto me lvic
1 wlindo dele eto t
A otndoto
detectos cocut Cated (indoo compote
C(scuit o duat
edge emib ciscul t
deteumne wheat het an mkno wn (nput is
Preci'se erence
Huoo com prator to deiect thyeshe ld VoHases, 9494 mploy
velHoge nde

othe hand oitpet

deteAion Sisr cOhen th monitioing Udtoye
|becomes but of a
Cestain Songe
at is oves

asle to Supovise heathey
Pouseu hnh mon
Songe. St is malny 4doptedothinfos
the nosmel
Ecu, ASiL-elc]b automohve
`y51em duch as
nd chage ApAS, invotus
Veuches etc eontoling nis on n clectncal
Astable Mui- vibr ato
3t is
be oee n tsce Tunni ng oScitafo had oscifolek
bla too &taB es y
eutput hlave fom.Cunnunty Prducirg
Tho det'ce
Auwo Sto
Positi ve
Othen As Secdbacte rom Orn pifieo o 4hk
On 0ne
Crd of fecdha cle, he taov,is to4
on Ae ctscult is diven to Sodurotion
Staic) and h tyandi SHoh onbn the ohe hand,
O (enta n nsymnt
tinme, the csud
ondition evere wi
Sallciatcd onst stos otning opf Crnd
tomyistoh tuning oM dhe Cud-off

Thee asce
0f Astable Mwti-vibratox.

lage Povidln g feedback
hab a loo' Phase
to the othet
beconse cach
Ho is hc t, tte fee4
is the Posttrve omd Umity. Cn caseback adio bluo
colle cfun load Ond R K2C1:R3c
xesiThe stoyout put os Rg ts 4ha.
the transi Stx
tromssto sutne
Omd out Out o)Cncteases
|Wave out Pud by Axen sij4o
Satwjaton br driving the Aansistor 4o

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