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Time & Dates ,2024 Quarter 2ND SEM (MIDTERM)


I. OBJECTIVES as a learner, you are expected as a learner, you are expected as a learner, you are expected as a learner, you are expected
1. to identify the goals and scope of 1. to identify the goals and scope of 1. Recall core values of 1. Identify the different
counseling. counseling. deped principles of Counseling
2. Infer your own perspective on the purpose 2. Infer your own perspective on the 2. Identify the core values 2. Appreciate the
of counseling by citing applicable purpose of counseling by citing of counseling importance of having a
situation. applicable 3. Work with the team principle in life
3. Participate during class
3. perform the Think-Pair-Share
A. Content Standards disciplines of counseling
B. Performance demonstrate a high level of understanding of the basic concepts of counseling through a group presentation of a situation in which practitioners of
Standards counseling work together to assist individuals, groups, or communities involved in difficult situations (e.g., post disaster, court hearing about separation of
celebrity couple, cyber bullying)
C. Learning 1. identify the goals and scope of counseling HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ib-3
Competencies / 2. demonstrate comprehension of the principles of counseling HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ib-4
Objectives. 3. discuss the core values of counseling HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ib-5
II. CONTENT 1. The Discipline of 1. The Discipline of Counseling 1. The Discipline of Counseling
Counseling 1.1 Counseling 1.1 Counseling
1.1 Counseling 1.1.1 Definitions 1.1.1 Definitions
1.1.1 Definitions 1.1.2 Goals 1.1.2 Goals
1.1.2 Goals 1.1.3 Scope 1.1.3 Scope
1.1.3 Scope 1.1.4 Core values 1.1.4 Core values
1.1.4 Core values 1.1.5 Principles 1.1.5 Principles
1.1.5 Principles
A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide CG pg. 1 CG pg. 1

2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages Discipline and Ideas inApplied Social Sciences Discipline and Ideas inApplied Social Discipline and Ideas inApplied Discipline and Ideas inApplied
Authors: Dela Cruz A.R.; Fernandez C.; Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences
Melegrito M.L. Valdez Authors: Dela Cruz A.R.; Fernandez Authors: Dela Cruz A.R.; Authors: Dela Cruz A.R.;
Phoenix Publishing House C.; Melegrito M.L. Valdez Fernandez C.; Melegrito M.L. Fernandez C.; Melegrito M.L.
Phoenix Publishing House Valdez Valdez
Phoenix Publishing House Phoenix Publishing House
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
- Start the class with a prayer - Start the class with a prayer - Start the class with a - Start the class with a
Introductory Activity - Checking of Attendance - Checking of Attendance prayer prayer
(____ minutes). Motivation: Recap about the past lesson - Checking of Attendance - Checking of Attendance
FOUR PIC- ONE WORD: Motivation: Motivation:
Call a student to enumerate the
Ask the students to recite the different core values of
core values of the counseling.
school. (2mins.) What have you searched about
the principles of counseling?
DepEd Core Values:
• Maka-Diyos
• Makatao
• Makabayan
• Makakalikasan
answer: help
Vocabulary Activity:
What words describe these statements?
Choose and circle your answers from the other
1. to aid (someone to do something),
by sharing the work, cost, or burden of
2. to improve the condition of something
3. to relieve (someone) in need, sickness, pain,
or distress
Activity/Strategy (____ Learning Activities 1: REBOOT YOUR MEMORY - Choose a partner The teacher will present examples “Prinsipyo Mo, Isulat Mo”
minutes). - Ask these following of core values from different Instructions:
• What profession helps address a person’s organizations (e.g., other 1. In a piece of paper, students
questions and write your
specific projects, business successes, government agencies, business will write their principle in life.
general conditions and transitions in life, answer in a 1 whole sheet institutions, etc.) 2. All papers will be collected
relationships, or profession. of paper. Examples: and placed in a box.
______________________________ Questions: Chowking 3. Three papers will be picked
• What is the field of applied social sciences 1. Have you gone to a counseling • Appreciate other people’s from the box.
that provides guidance, help, and support session? If yes, let him/her briefly interest beyond work 4. Let the students read and
to individuals who are distraught by a diverse discuss his/her discuss their principle.
set of problems in their lives. experience. Cebu Institute of Technology
- ______________________________ 2. If have no counselling yet? Ask if University: (10mins.)
Learning Activities 2: RECALL AND will he or she is willing to have • S-pirit of altruism
RECONNECT counseling? Why • P-assion for excellence
What can counseling provide to an or why not? • I-ntegrity
individual? Write your answers inside the 3. What scope of counseling covers • R-esponsibility
shape. the problem of your friend? • I-nnovativeness
• T-eamwork
• T-enacity

Analysis (____ Continue the activity. Guide Question: Processing question:

minutes). Essential Questions Why is there a need for an 1. What transpires you to have
• What is counseling? organization to establish its core these principles?
• What are the goals of counseling? values? (7mins.) 2. How do these principles affect
• What are the scopes of counseling? your life as student? (8mins.)
- • In which aspects of human life can
counseling be of real value?
Abstraction (____ - The teacher distributes handouts and - Continue the activity The teacher will discuss the Discuss the Principles of
minutes). will discuss the purpose of definition of a core values and the Counseling through a
Counseling. core values of Counseling and its PowerPoint presentation.
importance through graphic (10mins)
organizer. Principles of Counseling:
Think, Pair, and Share/ 1. Reassurance
Square: (15mins.) 2. Release of emotional tension
Guide Question:
1. Why do you think that the 3. Clarified thinking
counselors should adhere and 4. Reorientation
dwell to a set of counseling 5. Listening skills
6. Respect
7. Empathy & positive regard
8. Clarification, confrontation,
and interpretation.
9. Transference and

Ask the students to answer the

1. Which among the counseling
principles do you agree most?
2. Do you think that all these
principles are necessary in
counseling? Why or why not?

Application (____ Create a Mind Map that will illustrate your Answer the following: (individual) Give the core values of counseling Video showing about
minutes). enablers (people who help and the importance of these to counseling. (5mins.)
you in times of need). On the next level, write the field and its members. http://youtu.be/46WFCo_vHao
down the issues or problem you can ask (5mins.) Processing Question:
from. Explain your answer. Expected Answer: 1. What principles of
1. Respect for human dignity counseling did the
1. Partnership counselor exhibit in the
2. Autonomy video clip?
3. Responsible caring
4. Personal integrity

Assessment (___ Think of two (2) situations wherein you True or False type of quiz. Justify Assignment/ Journal Writing:
minutes). needed any form of assistance your answers using what you Write an essay elucidating
about life matters: academics, relationships, learned in the how the principles of
family, identity, and financial concerns, with lesson. (1 mins.) counseling can be applied to
whom did you share your problem? Discuss 1. Counselor’s act with care and
daily dealings.
each on the first column. On the 2nd column, respect for individual and cultural
briefly write how you were able to overcome differences.
those. On the last column, write the names 2. Counselors can harm their
of your enablers whom you shared your clients provided with valid and
problems and helped you, state how he/she legal reasons.
helped you. 3. Counselors can divulge
information regarding their
4. Counselors can make-up stories
to protect the interest of his or
her profession.
5. Counselor’s practice within the
- scope of their competence.

Assignment/Agreement “Be My Counselor”

(____ minutes). Fill-in Note: The teacher will only
below any of the four choose through draw lots 3 pairs
purposes to present in the class.
1. Through a role-playing (dyad),
demonstrate how the
counseling principles can be
exhibited in a counseling
2. Pair up with a classmate.
Assign which of you will act as a
counselor and a counselee.
3. In five minutes, the counselee
thinks of a life issue to bring up
with the counselor and the
counselor applies the principles
of counseling.
4. Start the role-play.
5. After five minutes, reverse


Prepared by: Checked by:


SHS-II G11 Curriculum Head

Noted by:

School Principal I

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