Unit 1 (Part-1)
Unit 1 (Part-1)
Unit 1 (Part-1)
Unit 1 – Introduction
• Environmental studies – importance and scope,
multidisciplinary nature; Concept of sustainability and
sustainable development
• Ecosystems – Concept, structure and function; Pond
ecosystem, forest ecosystem; Food chain, food webs;
Concept of ecological succession
• Bio- geographical zones of India; Levels of biological
diversity- Genetic, species and ecosystem; Biodiversity
Hotspots with special reference to India; Threats to
• Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ;
Endangered and endemic species – Concept;
Afforestation – Social forestry, Agroforestry, green belt
Environmental studies:
Environment is derived from the French word Environner,
which mean encircle or surrounding. Environment is a
complex of many variables, which surrounds man as well as
the living organisms. Environmental studies describe the
interrelationships among organisms, the environment and all
the factors, which influence life on earth, including
atmospheric conditions, food chains, the water cycle, etc. It is
a basic science about our earth and its daily activities, and
therefore, this science is important for one and all.
Symptoms of Unsustainability:
The symptoms of unsustainability are:
• Ecological Symptom: Depletion of ozone layer, global
warming, acid rain, extinction of species and declining
forest cover etc.
• Economic Symptom: Economic tension, intra-
generational and inter-generational inequities.
• Social Symptom: Wars and social disturbances resulting
in mass destruction.
• The term ecosystem was coined by AG Tansley in 1935.
• An ecosystem can be defined as a structural and
functional unit of biosphere or segment of nature
consisting of community of living beings and the physical
environment, both interacting and exchanging materials
between them.
• It is a biological community where living and non-living
components of the planet interact with each other.
Structure of Ecosystem
The structure of an ecosystem is made of two main
components: biotic and abiotic components. The biotic
component interacts with the abiotic components to
maintain the flow of energy. The energy is distributed in the
environment. The ecosystem includes 2 main components for
a working ecosystem:
• Biotic Component
• Abiotic Component
Biotic component – Plants, animals, microorganisms, aquatic
plants, and all other living creatures are the biotic
components of the ecosystem. These biotic components can
be classified into:
Producers: All autotrophs like plants, phytoplankton, etc. that
can produce their food using sources like sun, water, carbon
dioxide, or any other chemical elements belong to this
Consumers: All heterotrophs, primarily animals, that are
dependent on the producers or other organisms are called
consumers. These consumers are subdivided into the
following groups:
• Primary consumers (Herbivores): such living organisms
which obtain food directly from plants such as cows,
goats, rabbits, and sheep, are considered primary
• Secondary consumers (Carnivores): Animals which feed
upon primary consumers and obtain food are known as
secondary consumers. The secondary consumer can be
omnivores or carnivores. Examples Dog, cat, snake etc.
• Top consumers (Top carnivores): Those animals which
kill other animals and eat them, they are not killed and
eaten by other animals in the nature. Example lion,
Hawk, Man, etc.
Abiotic component –
Abiotic components of an ecosystem are the non-living
factors that influence and shape the environment. These
components play crucial roles in determining the types of
organisms that can survive and thrive in a particular
ecosystem. Some of the key abiotic components include:
Climate: Factors such as temperature, precipitation, humidity,
and wind patterns significantly impact ecosystems. They
determine the overall weather conditions and seasonal
variations that organisms must adapt to.
Topography: The physical features of the land, including its
elevation, slope, and relief, influence factors like drainage
patterns, soil formation, and microclimates within an
Geology: The underlying geological structure and
composition of the land affect soil fertility, mineral
availability, and the presence of natural resources. Different
types of rocks and their weathering processes also contribute
to shaping the landscape.
Soil: Soil properties such as texture, pH, nutrient content, and
water retention capacity play a critical role in determining the
types of plants that can grow in an area. Soil fertility is crucial
for supporting plant growth and, consequently, the entire
food web.
Water: Availability of water, whether in the form of
freshwater bodies (such as rivers, lakes, and ponds) or marine
environments (oceans and seas), is essential for the survival
of all organisms. Water quality and its chemical composition
are also vital factors.
Light: Sunlight is the primary source of energy for most
ecosystems. Light availability and intensity influence
photosynthesis rates in plants and algae, which form the base
of the food chain.
Functions of Ecosystem:
The function of an ecosystem is governed by natural
conditions and are not influenced by man-made activities.
There are two main functions of ecosystem i.e. energy flow
and nutrient cycling.
Energy flow
• Energy flow in an ecosystem is defined as the movement
or transfer of energy from one trophic level to another
in an ecosystem. The energy that is passed is in the form
of chemical energy.
• Energy is one of the two most important components of
ecosystem; it is a must for the existence of the living
• The energy is in the form of fixed energy and radiant
energy (fixed energy – stored in objects and substance
as chemical energy; radiant energy – comes from
electromagnetic waves/ sun, i.e. light)
• The flow of energy is unidirectional i.e. energy can only
flow from producer to carnivores.
• Radiant energy is trapped by autotrophic plants or
primarily producers during photosynthesis to convert
radiant energy into chemical energy in the form of
• From there the energy is transferred to consumers and
• Energy is lost during its transfer from one trophic level
to the next. Only 10% of the energy available is transfer
to the next trophic level. Organisms use the energy in
respiration, excretion and other metabolic activities.
Food chain
• A food chain refers to the order of events in an
ecosystem, where one living organism eats another
organism, and later that organism is consumed by
another larger organism.
• The flow of nutrients and energy from one organism to
another at different trophic levels forms a food chain.
• The food chain also explains the feeding pattern or
relationship between living organisms.
Food webs
• A food web (or food cycle) is the natural interconnection
of food chains and a graphical representation (usually an
image) of what-eats-what in an ecological community
• In a food web, a single organism is consumed by many
predators or it consumes several other organisms.
• Due to this, many trophic levels get interconnected, and
the food chain fails to showcase the flow of energy in
the right way.
• But the food web is able to show the proper
representation of energy flow, as it displays the
interactions between different organisms.
• When there are more cross interactions between
different food chains, the food web gets more complex.
• This complexity in a food web leads to a more
sustainable ecosystem.
Nutrient cycling
The nutrient cycle, also known as the biogeochemical cycle,
refers to the movement and exchange of organic and
inorganic matter necessary for life within ecosystems. These
cycles are essential for maintaining the balance of nutrients
in the environment and ensuring the sustainability of life on
Here are the key components and processes involved in
nutrient cycles:
1. Carbon Cycle:
• Involves the movement of carbon between the
atmosphere, oceans, soil, and living organisms.
• Processes include photosynthesis (carbon uptake by
plants), respiration (release of carbon dioxide by
organisms), decomposition, and combustion.
2. Nitrogen Cycle:
• Nitrogen is a crucial component of proteins and nucleic
• Processes include nitrogen fixation (conversion of
atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia), nitrification,
assimilation (incorporation of nitrogen into organic
compounds), ammonification (conversion of organic
nitrogen to ammonia), and denitrification (return of
nitrogen to the atmosphere).
3. Phosphorus Cycle:
• Phosphorus is essential for DNA, RNA, and ATP.
• Involves weathering of rocks, uptake by plants, and
cycling through the soil and water.
• Unlike carbon and nitrogen, phosphorus does not have a
significant atmospheric component and primarily cycles
through the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.
4. Water Cycle:
• Involves the continuous movement of water between
the atmosphere, land, and oceans.
• Processes include evaporation, condensation,
precipitation, infiltration, runoff, and transpiration
(water loss from plants).
5. Sulphur Cycle:
• Involves the global circulation of sulphur between the
lithosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere.
• Processes include weathering of rocks, volcanic
eruptions, bacterial processes in soil, and human
activities such as burning fossil fuels.
6. Oxygen Cycle:
• Involves the circulation of oxygen within the biosphere
and atmosphere.
• Generated mainly through photosynthesis and
consumed through respiration and combustion.
Secondary Succession:
Secondary succession occurs in environments that have been
disturbed, but where soil remains intact. Examples include
abandoned agricultural fields, areas recovering from forest
fires, or areas following human-induced disturbances like
logging. The process unfolds as follows:
• Pioneer Species Colonization: Initially, fast-growing and
shade-intolerant plants, such as grasses and annual
plants, colonize the disturbed area. These species rapidly
exploit available resources.
• Soil Development: As pioneer species grow and die, they
enrich the soil with organic matter, enhancing its fertility
and structure. This enables the establishment of larger
plants like shrubs and young trees.
• Climax Community: Over time, the community
transitions through a series of stages with increasingly
complex vegetation. Eventually, it reaches a climax
community similar to the one that existed before the
disturbance. The composition of the climax community
depends on factors such as climate, soil conditions, and
regional biogeography.