Electrical and
Electronic Systems
Fourth Edition
(Automotive Technology: Vehicle Maintenance and Repair)
The right of Tom Denton to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in
accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form
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Typeset in Helvetica
by RefineCatch Limited, Bungay, Suffolk
2.3.4 Amplifiers 34
2.3.5 Bridge circuits 37
2.3.6 Schmitt trigger 37
2.3.7 Timers 38
2.3.8 Filters 38
2.3.9 Darlington pair 40
2.3.10 Stepper motor driver 40
2.3.11 Digital to analogue conversion 41
2.3.12 Analogue to digital conversion 42
2.4 Digital electronics 43
2.4.1 Introduction to digital circuits 43
2.4.2 Logic gates 43
2.4.3 Combinational logic 44
2.4.4 Sequential logic 45
2.4.5 Timers and counters 46
2.4.6 Memory circuits 47
2.4.7 Clock or astable circuits 49
2.5 Microprocessor systems 49
2.5.1 Introduction 49
2.5.2 Ports 49
2.5.3 Central processing unit (CPU) 50
2.5.4 Memory 50
2.5.5 Buses 50
2.5.6 Fetch–execute sequence 51
2.5.7 A typical microprocessor 51
2.5.8 Microcontrollers 53
2.5.9 Testing microcontroller systems 54
2.5.10 Programming 54
2.6 Measurement 55
2.6.1 What is measurement 55
2.6.2 A measurement system 56
2.6.3 Sources of error in measurement 56
2.7 Sensors 58
2.7.1 Thermistors 58
2.7.2 Thermocouples 59
2.7.3 Inductive sensors 60
2.7.4 Hall Effect 61
2.7.5 Strain gauges 62
2.7.6 Variable capacitance 63
2.7.7 Variable resistance 64
2.7.8 Accelerometer (knock sensors) 66
2.7.9 Linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) 68
References 683
Index 685
This page intentionally left blank
If I have used any information, or mentioned a company name that is not listed
here, please accept my apologies and let me know so it can be rectified as
soon as possible.
A amps
AC air conditioning
A/F air/fuel ratio
A/T automatic transmission
AAV anti-afterburn valve (Mazda)
ABS antilock brake system
ABSV air bypass solenoid valve (Mazda)
AC alternating current
ACTS air charge temperature sensor (Ford)
xxx Glossary of abbreviations and acronyms
OS oxygen sensor
OSAC Orifice Spark Advance Control (Chrysler)
P/B power brakes
P/N part number
PA pressure air (Honda)
PAFS Pulse Air Feeder System (Chrysler)
PAIR Pulsed Secondary Air Injection system (GM)
PCM powertrain control module (supersedes ECM)
PECV power enrichment control valve
PERA Production Engine Rebuilders Assn.
PFI port fuel injection (GM)
PGM-FI Programmed Gas Management Fuel Injection (Honda)
PIP profile ignition pickup (Ford)
PPM parts per million
PROM program read only memory computer chip
PS power steering
PSI pounds per square inch
pt. pint
PVA ported vacuum advance
PVS ported vacuum switch
PVS ported vacuum switch
QS9000 Quality assurance standard for OEM part suppliers
Qt. quart
RABS Rear wheel Antilock Brake System (Ford)
RFI radio frequency interference
rpm revolutions per minute
RPO regular production option
RWAL Rear Wheel Antilock brake system (GM)
RWD rear-wheel drive
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SAVM spark advance vacuum modulator
SCC Spark Control Computer (Chrysler)
SDI Saab Direct Ignition
SES service engine soon indicator (GM)
SFI Sequential Fuel Injection (GM)
SIR Supplemental Inflatable Restraint (air bag)
SMPI Sequential Multiport Fuel Injection (Chrysler)
SOHC single overhead cam
SPOUT Spark Output signal (Ford)
SRDV spark retard delay valve
SRS Supplemental Restraint System (air bag)
SS speed sensor (Honda)
SSI Solid State Ignition (Ford)
STS Service Technicians Society
TA temperature air (Honda)
TABPV throttle air bypass valve (Ford)
TAC thermostatic air cleaner (GM)
TACH tachometer
TAD Thermactor air diverter valve (Ford)
TAV temperature actuated vacuum
TBI throttle body injection
TCC torque converter clutch (GM)
TCCS Toyota Computer Controlled System
Glossary of abbreviations and acronyms xxxv
magnet. Copper strips provided contacts with the rim of the disc and the axle on
which it turned; current flowed when the strips were connected.
William Sturgeon of Warrington, Lancashire, made the first working electric motor
in the 1820s. He also made the first working electromagnets and used battery-
powered electromagnets in a generator in place of permanent magnets. Several
inventors around 1866, including two English electricians - Cromwell Varley
Key fact and Henry Wilde - produced permanent magnets. Anyos Jedlik, a Hungarian
physicist, and the American pioneer electrician, Moses Farmer, also worked in
William Sturgeon of Warrington, this field. The first really successful generator was the work of a German, Ernst
Lancashire, made the first working
electric motor in the 1820s. Werner Von Siemens. He produced his generator, which he called a dynamo, in
1867. Today, the term dynamo is applied only to a generator that provides direct
current. Generators, which produce alternating current, are called alternators.
The development of motors that could operate from alternating current was
the work of an American engineer, Elihu Thomson. Thomson also invented the
transformer, which changes the voltage of an electric supply. He demonstrated
Key fact his invention in 1879 and, 5 years later, three Hungarians, Otto Blathy, Max Deri
In the 1860s, Ettiene Lenoir and Karl Zipernowksy, produced the first commercially practical transformers.
developed the first practical gas It is not possible to be exact about who conceived particular electrical items in
engine. relation to the motor car. Innovations in all areas were thick and fast in the latter
half of the nineteenth century.
In the 1860s, Ettiene Lenoir developed the first practical gas engine. This engine
used a form of electric ignition employing a coil developed by Ruhmkorff in 1851.
In 1866, Karl Benz used a type of magneto that was belt driven. He found this to
Key fact be unsuitable though, owing to the varying speed of his engine. He solved the
In 1889, Georges Bouton problem by using two primary cells to provide an ignition current.
invented contact breakers for a
coil ignition system. In 1889, Georges Bouton invented contact breakers for a coil ignition system,
thus giving positively tuned ignition for the first time. It is arguable that this is the
ancestor of the present day ignition system. Emile Mors used electric ignition on
a low-tension circuit supplied by accumulators that were recharged from a belt-
driven dynamo. This was the first successful charging system and can be dated
Key fact to around 1895.
Bosch created the first working The now formidable Bosch empire was started in a very small way by Robert
magneto in 1897. Bosch. His most important area of early development was in conjunction with
his foreman, Fredrich Simms, when they produced the low-tension magneto at
the end of the nineteenth century. Bosch introduced the high-tension magneto
to almost universal acceptance in 1902. The ‘H’ shaped armature of the very
earliest magneto is now used as the Bosch trademark on all the company’s
products. Bosch actually created the first working magneto in 1897.
From this period onwards, the magneto was developed to a very high standard
in Europe, while in the USA the coil and battery ignition system took the lead.
Charles F. Kettering played a vital role in this area working for the Daytona
electrical company (Delco), when he devised the ignition, starting and lighting
system for the 1912 Cadillac. Kettering also produced a mercury-type voltage
The third-brush dynamo, first produced by Dr Hans Leitner and R.H. Lucas,
first appeared in about 1905. This gave the driver some control over the
charging system. It became known as the constant current charging system.
By today’s standards this was a very large dynamo and could produce only
about 8 A.
Many other techniques were tried over the next decade or so to solve the
problem of controlling output on a constantly varying speed dynamo. Some
novel control methods were used, some with more success than others. For
example, a drive system, which would slip beyond a certain engine speed, was
used with limited success, while one of my favourites had a hot wire in the main
output line which, as it became red hot, caused current to bypass it and flow
through a ‘bucking’ coil to reduce the dynamo field strength. Many variations
of the ‘field warp’ technique were used. The control of battery charging current
for all these constant current systems was poor and often relied on the driver to
switch from high to low settings. In fact, one of the early forms of instrumentation
was a dashboard hydrometer to check the battery state of charge!
The two-brush dynamo and compensated voltage control unit was used for the
first time in the 1930s. This gave far superior control over the charging system
and paved the way for the many other electrical systems to come.
In 1936, the much-talked about move to positive earth took place (in the UK
mostly). Lucas played a major part in this change. It was done to allow reduced
spark plug firing voltages and hence prolong electrode life – however, there is
much debate over the reasons. It was also hoped to reduce corrosion between
the battery terminals and other contact points around the car.
The 1950s was the era when lighting began to develop towards today’s complex
arrangements. Flashing indicators were replacing the semaphore arms and the
twin filament bulb allowed more suitable headlights to be made. The quartz
halogen bulb, however, did not appear until the early 1970s.
Great improvements now started to take place with the fitting of essential items
such as heaters, radios and even cigar lighters! Also in the 1960s and 1970s,
many more optional extras became available, such as windscreen washers
and two-speed wipers. Cadillac introduced full air conditioning and even a time
switch for the headlights.
The negative earth system was re-introduced in 1965 with complete acceptance.
This did, however, cause some teething problems, particularly with the growing
DIY fitment of radios and other accessories. It was also good, of course, for the
established auto-electrical trade!
Key fact The 1970s also hailed the era of fuel injection and electronic ignition.
The 1970s hailed the era of fuel Instrumentation became far more complex and the dashboard layout was now
injection and electronic ignition. an important area of design. Heated rear windows that worked were fitted as
standard to some vehicles. The alternator, first used in the USA in the 1960s,
became the norm by about 1974 in Britain.
The extra power available and the stable supply of the alternator was just what
the electronics industry was waiting for and, in the 1980s, the electrical system
of the vehicle changed beyond all recognition.
Key fact
The advances in micro-computing and associated technology have now made
The advances in micro- control of all vehicle functions possible by electrical means. That is what the rest
computing and associated
of this book is about, so read on.
technology have now made
control of all vehicle functions
possible by electrical means. 1.1.2 A chronological history
The electrical and electronic systems of the motor vehicle are often the
most feared, but at the same time can be the most fascinating aspects of an
automobile. The complex circuits and systems now in use have developed in a
very interesting way.
For many historical developments it is not possible to be certain exactly who
‘invented’ a particular component, or indeed when, as developments were taking
place in parallel, as well as in series.
It is interesting to speculate on who we could call the founder of the vehicle
electrical system. Michael Faraday of course deserves much acclaim, but then of
course so does Ettiene Lenoir and so does Robert Bosch and so does Nikolaus
Otto and so does ...
Perhaps we should go back even further to the ancient Greek philosopher Thales Key fact
of Miletus who, whilst rubbing amber with fur, discovered static electricity. The The Greek word for amber is
Greek word for amber is ‘elektron’. ‘elektron’.
Side lamp
c600 BC Thales of Miletus discovers static electricity by rubbing amber with fur.
cAD1550 William Gilbert showed that many substances contain ‘electricity’ and
that, of the two types of electricity he found different types attract while like types
1672 Otto Von Guerick invented the first electrical device, a rotating ball of
1742 Andreas Gordon constructed the first static generator.
1747 Benjamin Franklin flew a kite in a thunderstorm!
1769 Cugnot built a steam tractor in France made mostly from wood.
1780 Luigi Galvani started a chain of events resulting in the invention of the
1800 The first battery was invented by Alessandro Volta.
1801 Trevithick built a steam coach.
1825 Electromagnetism was discovered by William Sturgeon.
1830 Sir Humphery Davy discovered that breaking a circuit causes a spark.
1831 Faraday discovered the principles of induction.
1851 Ruhmkorff produced the first induction coil.
1859 The accumulator was developed by the French physicist Gaston Planche.
1860 Lenoir built an internal-combustion gas engine.
1860 Lenoir developed ‘in cylinder’ combustion.
1860 Lenoir produced the first spark-plug.
1861 Lenoir produced a type of trembler coil ignition.
1861 Robert Bosch was born in Albeck near Ulm in Germany.
1870 Otto patented the four-stroke engine.
1875 A break spark system was used in the Seigfried Marcus engine.
1876 Otto improved the gas engine.
1879 Hot-tube ignition was developed by Leo Funk.
1885 Benz fitted his petrol engine to a three-wheeled carriage.
1885 The motor car engine was developed by Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz.
1886 Daimler fitted his engine to a four-wheeled carriage to produce a four-
wheeled motorcar.
1887 The Bosch low-tension magneto was used for stationary gas engines.
1887 Hertz discovered radio waves.
1888 Professor Ayrton built the first experimental electric car.
1889 E. Martin used a mechanical system to show the word ‘STOP’ on a board
at the rear of his car.
1889 Georges Bouton invented contact breakers.
1891 Panhard and Levassor started the present design of cars by putting the
engine in the front.
1894 The first successful electric car.
1895 Emile Mors used accumulators that were recharged from a belt-driven
1895 Georges Bouton refined the Lenoir trembler coil.
arm Contact
with nifal
bearing Coil
1967 The Bosch Jetronic fuel injection system went into production.
1967 Electronic speedometer introduced.
1970 Gabelich drove a rocket-powered car, ‘Blue Flame’, to a new record speed
of 1001.473 kph.
1970 Alternators began to appear in British vehicles as the dynamo began its
1972 Dunlop introduced safety tyres, which seal themselves after a puncture.
1972 Lucas developed head-up instrumentation display.
1974 The first maintenance free breakerless electronic ignition was produced.
1976 Lambda oxygen sensors were produced.
1979 Barrett exceeded the speed of sound in the rocket-engined ‘Budweiser
Rocket’ (1190.377 kph).
1979 Bosch started series production of the Motronic fuel injection system.
1980 The first mass-produced car with four-wheel drive, the Audi Quattro, was
1981 BMW introduced the on-board computer.
1981 Production of ABS for commercial vehicles started.
1983 Austin Rover introduced the Maestro, the first car with a talking dashboard.
1983 Richard Noble set an official speed record in the jet-engined ‘Thrust 2’ of
1019.4 kph.
1987 The solar-powered ‘Sunraycer’ travelled 3000 km.
1988 California’s emission controls aim for use of zero emission vehicles (ZEVs)
by 1998.
1989 The Mitsubishi Gallant was the first mass-produced car with four-wheel
1989 Alternators, approximately the size of early dynamos or even smaller,
produced in excess of 100 A.
1990 Fiat of Italy and Peugeot of France launched electric cars.
1990 Fibre-optic systems used in Mercedes vehicles.
1991 The European Parliament voted to adopt stringent control of car emissions.
1991 Gas discharge headlamps were in production.
1992 Japanese companies developed an imaging system that views the road
through a camera.
1993 A Japanese electric car reached a speed of 176 kph.
1993 Emission control regulations force even further development of engine
management systems.
1994 Head-up vision enhancement systems were developed as part of the
Prometheus project.
1995 Greenpeace designed an environmentally friendly car capable of doing
67–78 miles to the gallon (100 km per 3–3.5 litres).
1995 The first edition of Automobile Electrical and Electronic Systems was
1996 Further legislation on control of emissions.
1997 GM developed a number of its LeSabres for an Automated Highway
1998 Thrust SSC broke the sound barrier. 1998 Blue vision headlights started to
be used.
1998 Mercedes ‘S’ class had 40 computers and over 100 motors.
1999 Mobile multimedia became an optional extra.
2000 Second edition of Automobile Electrical and Electronic Systems published!
2001 Global positioning systems start to become a popular optional extra.
2002 Full X-by-wire concept cars produced.
2003 Bosch celebrates 50 years of fuel injection.
2003 Ford develop the Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine (H2ICE).
2004 Third edition of Automobile Electrical and Electronic Systems published!
2005 FreeScale Semiconductor paved the way for the autonomous car
by becoming the first company to offer both integrated and stand-alone
FlexRay(TM) controllers.
2006 More sensors such as yaw are integrated into a single control chip.
2007 Tesla Roadster EV first on sale.
2008 BMW’s safety and assistance telematics service, ConnectedDrive released
in the UK.
2009 Experimentation with car platooning by Volvo and others as part of the
SARTRE project.
2009 KERS first used in formula 1.
2010 Twin motor wipers go into production.
2011 This fourth edition of Automobile Electrical and Electronic Systems was
2012 The semantic web changes automotive training systems…
2013 F1 uses light hybrid engines…
20-- And the story continues with you…
It is always comforting to know that the tyre pressures and treads automatically
adjust to the road and weather conditions. Even the suspension and steering
is fine tuned. The temperature as usual is now just right, without you even
having to touch a control. This is because the temperature and climate control
system soon learned that you prefer to feel very warm when you first sit in the
car but like to cool the temperature down as the journey progresses. A small
adjustment to the humidity would seem to be in order so you tell the car. ‘I will
ensure I remember the change in future’, appears on the screen.
Part way in to the journey the car slows down and takes a turning not part of
your usual route to work. The car decides to override the block you placed on
audio communication, as it knows you will be wondering what happened. ‘Sorry
about the change of route Tom but the road report transmission suggested this
way would be quicker due to snow clearing.’ ‘We will still be at work on time.’
The rest of the journey is uneventful and as usual you spend time working on
some papers but can’t resist seeing if you can hear when the diesel engine takes
over from the electric. It’s very difficult though because the active noise reduction
is so good these days.
The car arrives at your place of work and parks in its usual place. For a change
you remember to take the control unit with you so the car doesn’t have to remind
you again. It’s very good really though, as the car will not work without it and
you can use it to tell the car when you need it next and so on. The car can also
contact you if for example unauthorised entry is attempted.
Finally one touch on the outside control padd and the doors close and lock
setting the alarm system at the same time.
While you are at work the car runs its fifth full diagnostic check of the day and Key fact
finds no further faults. The sodium batteries need topping up so the car sets a The car now drops into standby
magnetic induction link with the underground transformer and the batteries are mode after having set the time to
soon fully charged. start preparing for your journey home
which it has learnt has an 85%
The car now drops into standby mode after having set the time to start preparing probability of being via the local pub...
for your journey home which it has learnt has an 85% probability of being via the
local pub...
uses magnetoelastic springs. This system could, in theory, not only change the
suspension stiffness on each wheel instantly, it could also change the damping
characteristics. We will see!
As usual I tried to feel when the electric motor cut out and the turbine cut in, but
as usual, I couldn’t. The high performance electromechanical torque storage
system made sure of that.
Passing other cars on the road reminded me of my first time driving with a joystick
instead of a steering wheel, it was weird, too much like a three-dimensional
computer simulation. However, now I am used to it I don’t think I could go back!
I was about half way to the test track, according to the guidance system, when
the unthinkable happened - the car stopped. ‘What’s going on’ I demanded, and,
as the car had interpreted this event as an emergency, it answered, ‘An unknown
system error has occurred, please wait for further details.’ I explained that it
should proceed with all haste. Again the ‘colloquial database’ must have been
useful because it said ‘Accessing at maximum speed, please be patient.’
Three minutes later the system stated up again like nothing had happened. ‘All
systems fully functional using first line backups’ the car announced, with what
could only be described as a little pride in its artificial voice. ‘What was wrong?’
I asked, which seemed like a reasonable question at the time. ‘A comparative
run time error occurred in the second parallel processor line due to an incorrect
digital signal response from the main sensor area network data bus responsible
for critical system monitoring,’ the car replied. ‘You mean a wire fell off’ I said.
‘Yes’ it admitted after consulting its ‘concise lexicographical response database’.
I think it’s about time somebody invented a system that could bypass faults to
repair itself, without having to stop the car. That three minutes could have been
At last I reached the test track and switched the car into full sports mode.
‘All vehicle control systems adjusted to optimum settings for test track seven,’
the car told me. Test track seven is great for putting the car through its paces.
It has banked corners, ‘S’ bends, cobbled surface sections and even a water
splash. There were only a few other drivers on the track so today was going to
be the day.
I pulled out on to the track and floored the pedal. The car took off like crazy with
the traction control allowing just enough wheel spin to gain maximum possible
acceleration. The active steering felt great on the first corner; I could feel it
fighting the tendency to oversteer by adjusting the four-wheel steering as well
as diverting drive from one wheel to another. Plunging into the water trap at
full speed nearly fooled the steering – but not quite. The wipers even switched
on just before the water hit the screen. As I accelerated out of the ‘S’ bends
another car pulled out of a side lane right in front of me – I noticed just in time.
I hit the brakes as hard as I could and the ABS stopped me in plenty of time.
Off I went again, this time on to the cobbled section although it didn’t feel any
different to the rest of the smooth track. I was just about to tell the car to check
its magnetoelastic suspension system, when I realised that it must have been
working! Just as I was about to finish my first lap, the head up display flashed
‘Automatic Overtake?’ in front of me. ‘Go for it!’ I shouted and the car overtook
Key fact the one in front like it was standing still. This was a great day for driving.
I couldn’t wait to tell my friends On the way home, as usual, the car had predicted that I would be going via the
what real driving was all about. local pub and had set a route accordingly. I parked the car, well it parked itself
really, in the inductive recharge slot, and I went in for a well-earned drink.
I couldn’t wait to tell my friends what real driving was all about.
look into other people’s cars when they think I can’t see. I wonder how well the
recording facility works.
Having a multi-flavour drinks dispenser will be nice but unfortunately, it doesn’t
fill itself up so if it runs out between services I will have to learn how to fill the
water tank. I hope that improves for the next model.
Servicing the new car is going to be much easier. Evidently, all you have to do
is take the car to the local service centre (or send it on its own) and they change
the complete powertrain system for a new one. Apparently, it is cheaper to
import new fully integrated powertrain and chassis systems from overseas than it
is for our technicians to repair or service the old ones! I expect it will take over an
hour for this though so I will probably send the car during the night or when I am
working at home. Surely the car should be here by now.
The most radical design aspect of my new car, if it ever arrives, is the ability
to switch off every single driving aid and do it yourself! I can’t wait to try this.
However, I am led to believe that the insurance cover is void if you use the car on
the ‘Wired-Roads’ (wi-ro for short). Evidently, the chance of having an accident
increases a thousand fold when people start driving themselves. Still I’m going
to try it at some point! Problem is over ninety eight percent of the roads are wi-ro
now so I will have to take care. The few that aren’t wi-ro have been taken over
by that group of do-gooders the ‘Friends of the Classic Car’. You know those
people who still like to drive things like the ancient Mondeo or Escort. To be safe
I will just use one of the test tracks. It’s here, my new car it’s here!
It was a bit weird watching it turn up in my garage with no driver but everything
looks just fine. It was also a bit sad seeing my old car being towed away by the
Recovery Drone but at least the data transfer to the new one went off without a
problem. You know, I will miss my old car. Hey, is that an unlisted feature of my
new car? I must check the ReadMe.HoloTxt file.
As I jumped in the car, the seat moved and it felt like it was adjusting itself to
my inner soul – it was even better than I had hoped, it was just so comfortable.
‘Welcome sir,’ said the car, and it made me jump as it always does the first
time! ‘Hello’ I replied after a moment, ‘oh and please call me Tom.’ No problem,’
it answered without any noticeable delay. ‘Would you like to go for a test drive
Tom?’ it asked after a short but carefully calculated delay. I liked its attitude so
I said, ‘Yes, let’s go and see the boys down at the test track.’ ‘Would that be
track five as usual Tom?’ it continued. ‘Yes!’ I answered, a bit sharper than I had
intended to, well, for this early in our relationship anyway. ‘If you prefer, I will
deactivate my intelligence subroutines or adjust them – you don’t need to get
cross with me!’ ‘I’m not cross,’ I told it crossly, and then realised I was arguing
with my car! ‘Just take me to track five,’ I told it firmly.
On the way, it was just so smooth and comfortable that I almost fell asleep. Still
we got there, me and my new friend the car, in less than half an hour so that was
good. This was it then, I uncovered the master driving aid control switch, keyed
in my PIN and told it to deactivate all assistance systems, engage the steering
stick and then leave it to me. I like my new car!
I set off round the track, slowly at first, because it felt so strange but it was just
Safety first fantastic to be able to control the car myself. It was even possible to steer as well
Do not poke sharp sticks in your as speed up and slow down. Fantastic, yawn, awesome… However, I still, yawn,
eyes! stretch, can’t figure out why the car has cameras watching my eyes. I mean,
yawn, I’ve only been driving for a few minutes and, yawn, I’m not sleepy at…
Ouch! What was that? It felt like a sharp stick.
Figure 1.10 Robert Bosch built his first magneto ignition device in 1887 for a mechanical
engineer. The ignition unit, used in a stationary petrol/gasoline engine, aroused Robert Bosch’s
technical curiosity