Versatile FPGA M
Modern technology
for everyone
Paul Goossens
• Altera Cyclone FPGA
• 12,060 logic elements
• 4 MB configuration memory
• 8 MB user SRAM
• 1 MB user flash RAM
• on-board 50-MHz clock
If you want to use an FPGA in your • JTAG/programming interface
design, there are several things you
can’t do without, including a program-
• Byteblaster compatible
ming interface and configuration mem- • 80 user I/O lines
ory. We thought it would be a good • dedicated clock signals
idea to incorporate the standard items • indicator LED
normally associated with an FPGA into
a single electronics module, in order to
• built-in switch-mode power supply
avoid the need for everyone to reinvent • small multilayer PCB (110 x 77 mm)
the wheel each time. This module can • supplied ready to use
then be used as a ‘digital core’ for var-
ious circuits. A major benefit of this
approach is that it allows
designers to concentrate
on specific applica-
tions without It takes more than just an FPGA All the individual elements of the cir-
having to cuit can be easily identified in the
worry about
to make a circuit schematic drawing.
the sound- As already mentioned, you’ll need
ness of the some peripheral electronics to enable
FPGA element. you to use an FPGA in a practical cir- The design
cuit. One of the most important ele- Due to the size of the schematic draw-
ments beside the FPGA is the configu- ing of the FPGA module, we decided to
Getting started is ration memory. In contrast to most print it on a foldout which may be
the hard part FPGAs, the configuration memory found in the centre of the magazine.
retains its data when the supply volt- Let’s start at the beginning with the
For those of you who age is switched off. power supply. It is built around a
haven’t used FPGAs before, TPS75003 (IC2) and can work with an
this module and the associ- Each time the unit is switched on, the input voltage in the range of 4.5–6.5 V.
ated prototyping board FPGA must be configured again before This IC is specially designed for use in
described elsewhere in this issue it can fulfil its intended function. Fortu- FPGA circuits. It contains two switch-
form an ideal starting point for nately, FPGA manufacturers have mode power supply circuits and one
learning about FPGAs. developed special memory ICs that series regulator. The latter is not used
It’s impossible to avoid using SMDs in can configure FPGA ICs automatically in our circuit; only the two switch-
a circuit such as this. To make things when power is switched on. Our cir- mode circuits are used.
even worse, we decided to use an cuit includes one of these memory ICs.
FPGA in a BGA package for this cir- Easy programming of the FPGA and A step-down regulator that provides a
cuit, which means DIY soldering with the configuration memory during the 3.3-V supply voltage is implemented
a normal soldering iron is simply development phase is also highly using T1, D1, L1, C1 and associated
impossible. Soldering the other mem- desirable. That’s why a programming components. IC2 periodically drives
ber of the family (in a PQFP package) interface (using JTAG) also forms part FET T1 into conduction to allow a cur-
is also very difficult. However, using of the standard peripheral circuitry. rent to flow from the input voltage via
these ‘difficult’ components allows the Another quite important part of such a T1, L1 and C1. This causes the current
overall dimensions of the circuit board circuit is the power supply. The inter- through the inductor to increase,
to be kept reasonably compact. nal operating voltage of most such ICs which in turn causes capacitor C1 to
is quite low (1.5 V in our case). The be charged. When IC2 switches off the
Fortunately, you don’t have to worry power supply must be able to handle FET, the current flowing in L1 cannot
about assembling the board, because short current spikes without problems. stop immediately, so it continues to
the FPGA module is available from In addition, a different voltage is used flow through C1 and D1. R1, R3 and C3
Elektor Electronics with most of the for the inputs and outputs. Here we provide feedback so IC2 can determine
components pre-assembled. The only decided to use 3.3 V. The supply for whether it has to supply more power
components you have to solder by this voltage must also be able to or less power.
hand are the connectors. deliver fairly heavy currents and
Besides this module, you will need a remain stable under heavy loads. The values of these components have
programming interface that sits been chosen such that IC2 tries to
between the PC and the FPGA board. Our circuit also includes an oscillator, maintain the output voltage at 3.3 V.
Naturally, we’ve also developed a SRAM and flash memory. They can be Resistor R2 is a sense resistor. IC2 will
design for this interface. used freely by the application. limit the current if the voltage across
uration memory.
Here again, the sig-
nals are arranged
to be compatible
with the Byte-
blaster interface.
The circuitry
around T3–T5
forms an indicator
circuit that clearly
displays the status
of the FPGA using
bicolour LED D3.
Any error states
that may occur are
also indicate visibly
by D3.
An abundance
of I/O
As this circuit is
intended to be
used for all sorts of
applications, it has
an abundance of
I/O pins. They are
accessible via con-
nectors K3, K4, K7,
K8 and K2. These
Figure 1. The programming mode of the Quartus program. connectors fit stan-
dard pin headers
with 0.1” pin spac-
ing. That avoids
this resistor rises above 0.1 V. The And now for the digital part the difficulties of using SMD connec-
value used here (50 mΩ) results in a tors on the motherboard and thus
current limit threshold of 2 A. Now that we’ve looked after the sup- makes it quite easy to connect the
A similar circuit is built around T2, ply voltages, we can turn to the digital board to your own hardware.
with only the values of the feedback portion of the circuit. The first thing the Connectors K3, K4, K7 and K8 present
resistors being different. They are cho- FPGA needs is a configuration mem- an impressive total of 80 I/O pins of the
sen to yield an output voltage of 1.5 V. ory. That memory is present in the cir- FPGA to the outside world. The I/O
The electrolytic capacitors at the input cuit in the form of IC6, which has been lines are all routed to one side of each
buffer the input voltage. They also pre- designed to work with the FPGA. connector. The supply voltage (3.3 V)
vent fast current spikes from leaving When the MSEL signals from the and ground are available on the other
the board. That prevents generation of FPGA are at ground level, the IC side on alternating pins. You can use
interference that could impair the oper- expects to find a configuration memory the supply and ground pins to power
ation of nearby equipment. (such as the EPCDS4) connected to it. your own circuit if it doesn’t require too
The FPGA will then independently much current. This supply voltage is
The FPGA is powered from these sup- control the memory IC and read data also filtered on the module by a ferrite
ply voltages, but not directly. The sup- from it in order to configure itself based bead and two capacitors.
ply lines for the two sections of the on the data. That makes the process Connector K2 provides a special con-
FPGA are first fed through ferrite very easy in actual use. nection. Besides ground lines, it has
beads to block high-frequency radia- A programming connector (K5) is pro- several signals that are specifically
tion. The supply voltages are also vided for programming IC6. The pin intended to be used as clock signals.
buffered close to the IC by several assignments of this connector have Pin 10 is an input that can be used to
additional capacitors. That may appear been chosen to make it compatible supply an external clock signal to the
to be a bit of overkill, but fairly large with the Altera ‘Byteblaster’ program- FPGA. The remaining even-numbered
switching currents at high frequencies ming interface. pins are all connected to the outputs of
can flow through the FPGA, depending Connector K6 is used for in-circuit pro- the internal PLLs of the FPGA.
on the final circuit configuration. It is gramming of the FPGA from a PC. That Of course, it’s possible to provide an
always a good idea to keep the paths makes it unnecessary to first program a external clock signal on any other
of such currents as short as possible. design into the configuration memory. desired input of the FPGA, but these
Otherwise the circuit can easily gener- This connector can be used to quickly pins are specifically intended to be
ate too much undesirable interference. test a design without using the config- used for that purpose.