ProposalGroup 4 - SoftThornPomfretFish

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Fitri Amalinda Harahap, S.E., M.M

Group 4:
Laksmita Adiibah Almaas C1H020005
Hanifah Faradina C1H020007
Khansa Dita Rosalba C1H020011



We thank God Almighty for all His blessings so that this business proposal paper can
be completed on time. We do not forget to express our gratitude for the assistance from those
who have contributed to the completion of this paper that we wrote.
We have prepared this paper to fulfill the assignment for the assignment given by Mrs.
Fitri Amalinda Harahap, S.E., M.M as lecturer in the Business Feasibility Study course. The
content of this paper is to introduce our business idea and its analysis to realize our business in
the future
We, the authors, really hope that this paper can increase the knowledge of readers. We
as authors feel that there are still many shortcomings in preparing this paper due to our limited
knowledge and experience. For this reason, we really hope for constructive criticism and
suggestions from readers for the perfection of this paper.

Purwokerto, November 6th 2023

Group 4


TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................... iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 1
A. Business Background................................................................................................... 1
B. Vision and Mission ...................................................................................................... 1
C. Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ........................................................................................... 2
A. Business Identity .......................................................................................................... 2
B. Layout of Business Premises ....................................................................................... 4
C. Result of Survey and Interview ................................................................................... 4
D. Description of The Product .......................................................................................... 9
E. Market and Marketing Aspect ................................................................................... 10
F. SWOT Analysis ......................................................................................................... 10
G. Technical and Operational Aspect ............................................................................. 11
H. Production Cost Budget Plan ..................................................................................... 11
I. Management Aspect .................................................................................................. 12
J. Human Resource Aspect............................................................................................ 13
K. Environmental Aspect ............................................................................................... 17
L. Economic and Social Aspects .................................................................................... 18
M. Legal Aspects............................................................................................................. 18
N. Business Risk ............................................................................................................. 21
O. Business Mitigation ................................................................................................... 21
CHAPTER III CONCLUSION ..................................................................................... 22
A. Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 22
ATTACHMENT ............................................................................................................. 23


A. Business Background
Food is something that humans must fulfill. Fish is a food in the form of protein.
However, many people still don't like to eat fish because it has a fishy smell and it is
also difficult to remove the spines (thorn). Pomfret is one of the fish that has lots of
spines. However, if it has been cooked with pressure cooker, the spines in the pomfret
will become soft and easy to eat, especially with the addition of spices which can reduce
or even eliminate the fishy taste of the fish. There are still many business opportunities
selling pomfret fish, considering that it is still rare to have a ready-to-eat pomfret fish
business. Apart from that, the ingredients needed to make soft thorn pomfret fish are
also easy to get.
Purwokerto is a city in Banyumas Regency. Getting raw materials such as
pomfret is easy in Purwokerto. Purwokerto has also developed into a busy city. Many
school children are required to leave early in the morning as do office people. They
look for time efficiency in daily activities, including preparing food. Therefore, many
locals especially housewives and working people like practicality. The presence of this
soft thorn pomfret fish can save time for busy people. They can still prepare nutritious
food with time efficiency. There are still very few people who use pomfret fish as as
product to sell, let alone process it until it become ready to eat food. This makes
business owners see many opportunities.
B. Vision and Mission
1. Vision
Becoming a pioneer in the ready-to-eat soft pomfret fish business that is known
by all levels of society with a positive image.
2. Mission
a. Offers ready-to-eat products with unique flavors.
b. Present the best service to consumers.
c. Consistently provide quality products.
C. Purpose
Many businesses in the food sector have now been established. Starting from
raw food to ready to eat food or people always called it fast food. However, people are
looking for food that are easy to process and fast to served. Soft pomfret fish can be
used as an alternative daily side dish. This proposal helps design a business strategy by
analyzing the opportunities faced by the food business, and also serves as a note
regarding the budget needed to set up the business.


A. Business Identity
1. Business Name: Soft Thorn Pomfret Fish
2. Business Form: Culinary
3. Business Type: Processed Fish Food
4. Company Format: Home Industry
5. Business Address: Jalan Wadas Kelir, Gang Bima, RT 03 RW 05, Karangklesem,
South Purwokerto
6. Business Logo

Figure 1 Business Logo

A food logo is the most important thing when building a culinary business. From
a logo, it will create a consumer statement about the product. That's the importance
of a food logo in building a culinary business.
The product logo above that we made consists of orange and black colors and
there is a fish image. The explanation related to this is as follows:
• Orange color, is the middle color between red and yellow. This color
symbolizes warmth, passion, and strength. It also indicates that the fish
product is seasoned well.
• The black color is associated with the water element which brings out the
concept of strength. The color was chosen to contrast with the background
color so that it is easy to see.
• The fish in the logo symbolizes that our products are made from pomfret,
which is not only healthy but rich in benefits.
• Our slogan praktis tinggal sreng it indicates that our product is practical to
7. Product and The Packaging Illustration

Figure 2 Seasoned Pomfret Fish

Figure 3 Packaging Illustration

B. Layout of Business Premises

Figure 4 Business Layout Illustration

The figure above is the layout that will later be the place where we process our
products, starting from preparing the ingredients until they are ready to be sold. It is
planned that the production house will be divided into 3 rooms, namely as follows:
1. The kitchen room contains everything related to the materials and equipment
needed to produce our product. In this kitchen we prepare the ingredients and cook
2. The product preparation area is a room that functions to prepare cooked products
until they are ready for sale, including the process of packing the products.
3. The technology and administration area room is used for various purposes, for
example for employee meetings, controlling and recording sales finances,
controlling so that sales improve. Basically, this room is used to monitor
developments in our business.
C. Result of Survey and Interview

1. Survey (Questionnaire)
We (researchers) conducted this research using a questionnaire created on
Google Form. We distributed this questionnaire to anyone online including our
neighbors, relatives and friends. The total of respondents were obtained is 46. The
respondents criteria are based on their age and job.
The age of the respondents who most frequently filled out our questionnaire was
36-45 years old, namely 34.8%, then 21.7% were >45 years old, 21.7% were 26-35
years old, and 21.7% were 17-25 years old. Then, most respondents were workers,
namely 45.7%, then 32.6% were housewives, 19.6% were students, and 2.2% were
not working. While, the results based on questions of the collected questionnaires
are as follows:
a. Apakah kegiatan memasak dalam sehari-hari menyita waktu Anda? (Does
everyday cooking take up your time?)

From the data taken from the questionnaire, it was stated that 65.2% answered
Yes and the remaining 34.8% answered No. So, it can be concluded that
everyday cooking can take up people's time. Therefore, this data increasingly
supports our business idea to provide ready-to-eat food (packaged food) that is
b. Apakah Anda tertarik dengan makanan siap saji (makanan kemasan)? (Are you
interested in ready-to-eat food (packaged food)?
From the data taken from the questionnaire, it was stated that 89.1% answered
Yes and the remaining 10.9% answered No. So, it can be concluded that people
interested in ready-to-eat food. Therefore, this data increasingly supports our
business idea to provide ready-to-eat food (packaged food).
c. Apakah Anda suka mengonsumsi ikan? (Do you like eating fish?)
From the data taken from the questionnaire, it was stated that 76.1% answered
Yes and the remaining 23.9% answered No. So, it can be concluded that people
like to eat fish. Therefore, this data increasingly supports our business idea to
provide fish product.
d. Jika Anda termasuk ke dalam orang yang tidak gemar makan ikan, apakah
alasan Anda mengenai hal tersebut? (If you are one of those people who don't
like eating fish, what are your reasons for this?)
In question 4, we made several choices that respondents could choose.
Respondents can choose their reasons if they don't like eating fish, some choices
include fishy smell, lots of thorns, difficulty processing, and others, namely free
answers containing other reasons. The answers from respondents varied greatly,
19.6% chose fishy smell, 43.5% chose lots of thorns, 28.3% chose difficulty
processing, and 52.8% chose others. In the other choices, there were 6.5% who
said they liked eating fish, 4.3% liked fish, 2.2% liked fish but couldn't process
it, 2.2% said sometimes they don't have time to process fish because it takes
quite a long time, 2.2% said I like to eat it If the fish doesn't smell fishy and
doesn't have many thorns. So, it can be concluded that people actually like to
eat fish if the fish is prepared properly so that it doesn't smell fishy. Therefore,
this data increasingly supports our business idea to provide fish products that
are easy to eat and already have season in it, and also have soft thorn so they are
easy to consume.
e. Seberapa sering Anda mengonsumsi ikan? (How often do you eat fish?)
From the data taken from the questionnaire, it was stated that 50% answered
Everyday, 41.3% answered Often, and 8.7% answered Rarely. So, it can be
concluded that people like to eat fish. Therefore, this data increasingly supports
our business idea to provide fish product.
f. Apakah Anda sudah pernah mengonsumsi ikan dalam kemasan? Contoh:
bandeng presto (Have you ever consumed packaged fish? Example: presto
From the data taken from the questionnaire, it was stated that 73.9% answered
Already Have and the remaining 26.1% answered Not Yet. So, it can be
concluded that People have already consumed packaged fish, so they familiar

with fish packaged product. Therefore, this data increasingly supports our
business idea to provide ready-to-eat food (packaged food) that is practical.
g. Apakah Anda pernah mendengar produk Ikan Bawal Duri Lunak? (Have you
ever heard of Soft Thorn Pomfret Fish products?)
From the data taken from the questionnaire, it was stated that 63% answered No
and the remaining 37% answered Yes. So, it can be concluded that people never
heard of the product we are going to sell, namely soft thorn pomfret fish.
Therefore, this data increasingly supports our business idea that our business
idea has a big opportunity in the market because it is rare and no one even sells
soft pomfret fish products yet.
h. Jika tersedia produk olahan ikan bawal berbumbu yang praktis untuk dimasak
bahkan bisa dikonsumsi secara langsung karena sudah matang, apakah Anda
tertarik untuk membelinya? (If processed spiced pomfret fish products were
available that were practical for cooking and could even be consumed directly
because they were already cooked, would you be interested in buying them?)
From the data taken from the questionnaire, it was stated that 78.3% answered
Yes and the remaining 21.7% answered No. So, it can be concluded that people
tertarik untuk membeli produk kami. Therefore, this data increasingly supports
our business idea that our business idea has a big opportunity in the market.
2. Unstructured Interview
We (researchers) conducted unstructured interviews to survey the prices of raw
materials and complementary materials, namely spices for our products, along with
the results of the interviews:
• Research Location : Pasar Karanglewas Lor (Pasar Kliwon)
Address : Jl. Patimura, Dusun II, Pasir Kidul, Kecamatan
Purwokerto Barat, Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah
Date : September, 10th 2023
Informant : Mr. Wayono, Mrs. Inem, Mrs.Ida
One of the wishes of customers or buyers is to buy goods with good quality
but still affordable prices. However, even that desire may be contrary to the
business actors themselves. Business people or sellers must want their meat or
merchandise to sell well in order to get the desired profit. Sometimes sellers do
several ways so that their merchandise sells quickly and runs out.
Researchers interviewed several suppliers of the main ingredients of our
products, namely fish sellers at the fish stall regarding how to sell yesterday's
leftover fish that was not sold out, and Mr. Wayono as a fish seller said,
"Yes, I mix it again with the new fish, the point is that if it doesn't
sell out, I put it in the trunk, give it ice and sell it tomorrow.”
Mrs. Inem said,
"If I have leftover fish, I sell it again, because before I store it, I
steam it first so the fish is still in good condition and can be resold

the next day. For leftover fish and new fish I just mix them and let
the buyers choose for themselves."
Then in addition, the researchers also interviewed fish sellers at the fish stall
at Pasar Kliwon regarding whether fish sellers explain information to buyers
about the fish they sell, whether there are new fish and leftover fish from
yesterday, and the answers of fish sellers differ from one another, some have
provided information honestly and some have not said fish information
During the interview Mr. Wayono as a fish seller at fish stall said,
"No, because I mix new fish and yesterday's fish and the storage is
correct, anyway, the fish that have been packed in small baskets, I
organize when I open the stall. I just mix yesterday's fish and new
fish so that buyers can choose their own fish."
In contrast to Mr. Wayono, what was said by Mrs. Inem when researchers
interviewed her, did she explain information to buyers about the information to
buyers about yesterday's leftover fish and new fish and Mrs. Inem answered
"Yes, I said, yesterday's fish I sorted out or set aside even though I
also sold it, so it was not mixed with the new ones. Even though I
explained that it was yesterday's fish, the buyer just chose to buy
new fish or yesterday's fish, but even though yesterday's fish
because the storage is correct and clean, the fish still looks good.
Apart from that, because I have been selling since 3am, my fish is
always sold out, there is rarely any left, even if there is a remainder
of only 1 or 2 fish."
Regarding the quality of fish sold at fish stall, researchers also interviewed
several buyers who bought fish at fish stall.
Mrs. Ida as a fish buyer at the fish stall when interviewed admitted that
sometimes she gets fresh fish and sometimes gets less fresh fish. As explained
by Mrs. Ida below,
"Sometimes I do get very good quality, the fish is still fresh and the
eyes are still clear. But I also often get fish that I think is less fresh
because it can be observed from the eyes of the fish that are no longer
clear or sometimes the eyes are red and the meat is rather soft flabby.
Sometimes I'm also a little annoyed, why sometimes the fish that is
sold why sometimes the fish being sold is bad, sometimes good and
inconsistent, but what else can I do, I also need it so I just buy it. For
the price, it has already been agreed upon when bargaining with the
fish trader."

Price is the value of the currency that is determined globally that must be
spent by someone to get a product or service that is desired. Based on the results
of interviews conducted by researchers with fish sellers at the Pasar Kliwon, the
prices charged by fish sellers vary according to the type of fish, according to the
capital price and in addition to these factors in setting fish prices, fish sellers look
at the quality of the fish, namely between new fish and leftover fish that are not
sold out. But there are also fish sellers who set the price between leftover fish
and new fish at the same price.
This explanation is in accordance with the results of interviews conducted by
researchers with fish sellers. Regarding the above, Mrs. Inem as a fish seller said
that in setting the price of fish, she sets the price according to the capital price
and she said the price between new fish and leftover fish is different,
"To set the price, I look at the capital price, if the price that I buy it
for Rp 17,000, I sell it for Rp 22,000. But if the fish are empty, I
increase the price from the usual price. For the price of new fish
and leftover fish from yesterday, I differentiate, for new fish the
price remains the same, if I buy it for Rp 17,000, then I sell it for
Rp 22,000. For yesterday's leftover fish if I buy it for Rp 17,000,
then I sell it for Rp 20,500.”
Mr. Wayono, a fish seller, said something different from Ms. Inem. Mrs. Inem
said that she does not differentiate the price of new fish and leftover fish, all sold
at the same price,
"To set the price, I look at the capital price, if the purchase is Rp
17,000, I sell it at the initial price and I take the profit from Rp
5,000 - Rp 8,000, depending on the type of fish and whether or not
there is a supply. depending on the type of fish and whether or not
there is a supply. For the price of new fish and the rest of
yesterday's fish, there is no difference."
In addition to pricing, according to the results of the interviews, researchers
also asked fish sellers about how to measure fish when there are buyers or
customers who want to buy fish and fish sellers explained in detail how to weigh
fish if there is an excess.
Researchers interviewed Mrs. Inem about how she weighed the fish if there
were buyers or customers who wanted to buy fish. She weighs the fish if there
are buyers who buy fish, and she said,
"Yes, when weighing, I weigh directly in front of the buyer and if
when weighing there is more, I just give it. For example, if 1kg
weighs more and it is less than 0.5 ounces, I just give the extra. But
if the fish is expensive such as sea pomfret, I will count it. Because
the price is expensive so even though there is more, I calculate
Rp2,000 - Rp3,000."
In accordance with Mrs. Inem's explanation as a fish seller, she is willing to
let go if there is more weight when weighing fish, but in the sense that the excess
is not up to 0.5 ounces, but if this happens to expensive fish then Mrs. Inem is
willing to give if there is more weight when weighing fish.
In contrast to Mrs. Inem, Mr. Wayono as a fish seller who sells fish in the
form of half-cooked fish and already in a state of being packed in a small basket,
then Mr. Wayono does not need a scale for selling fish, but he calculates it by
counting per basket and the price is also adjusted according to the type of fish or
the size of the fish.
"Because the fish I sell are tuna and fish that have been packaged
in small baskets, so I don't use scales, so I count them directly per
basket and the price also adjusts the type of fish or the size of the

• Research Location : Pasar Karanglewas Lor (Pasar Kliwon)

Address : Jl. Patimura, Dusun II, Pasir KIdul,
Kecamatan Purwokerto Barat, Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa
Date : September, 10th 2023
Informant : Mrs. Rasti
Mrs. Rasti is one of the traders at Kliwon Market who sells cooking spices
and crackers. Mrs. Rasti sells various kinds of cooking spices and crackers,
ranging from ground spices, instant spices and spices. The ground spices sold
include chili, garlic, shallots, turmeric and other spices, while the spices sold
include pepper, coriander, cloves, cardamom, lawing flower and others. For
ground spices, Mrs. Rasti targets that every 2 days the ground spices must be
used up. If it doesn't run out, Mrs. Rasti will distribute the spices to traders
around the market, but this is only done a few times because Mrs. Rasti's ground
spices are always sold out, especially since Mrs. Rasti has regular buyers.
The spice mixes most often purchased by consumers are fried chicken
seasoning, ungkep seasoning and curry seasoning. There are no special
measurements for mixing the ground spices together, Mrs. Rasti just relies on
instinct. Currently she grinds spices in a spice mill because she doesn't have her
own grinding machine. Wages for grinding spices are calculated at Rp
2,500/Kg, usually Mrs. Rasti can grind 10-15 kg/2 days. Apart from the market,
she is also a spice supplier to several restaurants. The selling prices for Mrs.
Rasti's merchandise also vary, instant seasonings and spices start from Rp
1,000- Rp 5,000. Meanwhile, ground spices start from Rp. 2,000 and adjust to
the buyer's needs. Rasti's income from this spice business is Rp 500,000 -
Rp 700,000/day.
D. Description of The Product
Soft Thorn Pomfret Fish (Ikan Bawal Duri Lunak) offers pomfret fish products
which is pomfret fish cooked in a pressure cooker until the spines inside of the fish
softens and can be eaten. This pomfret fish cooked using spices, so it is very practical
to stock as side dish to cook at home. Taste quality is good and of course hygienic
because it is packaged in vacuum plastic bag.
E. Market and Marketing Aspect
Market and marketing aspect that we explain is based on our survey. Demand for
products can be seen by observing everyday situations. Many people need to leave early
within the morning for work. They are seeking out time efficiency in daily activities,
including preparing meals. Therefore, many people especially housewives and workers
like practical thing. Serving this soft thorn pomfret can save time for busy people. They
could still prepare nutritious food with time efficiency.
The marketing aspect consists of market segmenting, market targeting, market
positioning, sales distribution system, and an overview of the closest competitors:
1. Market Segmenting
The segmentation for our product is the general public in Purwokerto areas.
2. Market Targeting
The target consumers for our products are housewives, busy workers, people who
love to eat fish.
3. Market Positioning
We always maintain customer relations with consumers by keeping our products
hygienic and maintaining a distinctive taste like no other.
4. Sales Distribution System
The sale of soft thorn pomfret fish is carried out by offering it directly to consumers
using social media as sales information such as WhatsApp and Instagram.
5. An Overview of The Competitors
Based on the observations that have been made, it was concluded that there are no
competitors selling this soft, vacuum-packed pomfret fish. Most of the soft thorn
fish that there are sold is presto milkfish, for example. Therefore, the business
opportunities for this soft thorn pomfret fish are very broad.
F. SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used by individuals and
organizations to assess their current situation and make informed decisions about their
future. The purpose of conducting a SWOT analysis is to identify and leverage strengths
to take advantage of opportunities, address weaknesses to mitigate potential threats, and
develop strategies and action plans to achieve objectives based on the analysis.
SWOT analysis is commonly used in business and strategic planning, but it can
also be applied to personal development, project planning, and various other areas
where a structured assessment of the current situation is beneficial. It helps in making
more informed decisions by considering both internal and external factors that can
impact an individual or organization. The SWOT of our business is as follows:
1. Strengths
• Pomfret fish can be eaten straight away because it is already cooked (practical
• The fish is already cooked with seasonings.

• The packaging uses a vacuum sealed plastic bag.
2. Weaknesses
• Fish can not last long because it will spoil the taste if not consumed
• Fish meat is easily destroyed by pressure cooking.
• Still can’t be sent out of town.
3. Opportunities
• Nowadays people are looking for practical products to consume.
• Not many people has process pomfret fish because of the large number of
spines that pomfret fish have.
• Not many people has sell ready-to-eat soft thorn pomfret fish.
4. Threats
• Limited raw materials (gram size of Pomfret).
• Inconsistent pomfret fish supplier (the quality of the pomfret fish).
• Prices from suppliers may increase.
G. Technical and Operational Aspect
1. Input the main raw material (pomfret fish) and complementary materials consists
of onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric, coriander powder, bay leaves, galangal, and salt.
2. Machines and equipment consists of gas stove, pressure cooker, spice blender,
plastic basin, vacuum plastic bag, and vacuum tool.
3. Processing stage are consists of:
a. Preparing main ingredients and complementary materials.
b. Cooking the main ingredients with special complementary spices.
c. Carrying out packaging.
d. Carry out promotional activities and introduce products to consumers.
e. Carry out the product buying and selling process.
4. Production Capacity
Our efforts are estimated to produce soft thorn pomfret fish by calculating: 20 pcs
× 4 weeks = 80 pcs/month with the consideration that every week there will be an
open PO.
H. Production Cost Budget Plan
1. Working Capital
a. Fixed Cost Table
Component Quantity Unit Price Amount
Transportation Cost 1x Rp 50.000,00 Rp 50.000,00
Electricity Cost 5 kwh Rp 1.440,00 Rp 7.200,00
Marketing 1 pack Rp 300.000,00 Rp 300.000,00
Employee Salary 1 /cook Rp 75.000,00 Rp 75.000,00
Internet Cost 1 pack Rp 100.000,00 Rp 100.000,00
Cost of Depreciation 1 pack Rp 215.000,00 Rp 215.000,00
Total Fixed Cost/month Rp 747.200,00
b. Variable Cost Table (/month)

Component Quantity Unit Price Amount
Pomfret Fish 80 pcs Rp 22.000,00 Rp 1.760.000,00
Garlic 1,5 kg Rp 40.000,00 Rp 60.000,00
Onion 1,5 kg Rp 3.600,00 Rp 5.400,00
Ginger 0,5 kg Rp 40.000,00 Rp 20.000,00
Turmeric 0,5 kg Rp 20.000,00 Rp 10.000,00
Coriander Powder 10 sachet Rp 1.000,00 Rp 10.000,00
Bay Leaves 5 bundle Rp 1.000,00 Rp 5.000,00
Galangal 1 kg Rp 10.000,00 Rp 10.000,00
Salt 1 kg Rp 10.000,00 Rp 10.000,00
Vacuum Plastic Bag 80 pcs Rp 600,00 Rp 48.000,00
Banana Leaves 80 sheet Rp 1.500,00 Rp 120.000,00
Gas 5 kg Rp 18.000,00 Rp 90.000,00
Total Variable Costs Rp 2.148.400,00
Total Variable Costs/product Rp 26.855,00
Rounded to Rp 27.000,00

c. Equipment Cost Table

Component Quantity Unit Price Amount
Gas Stove 1 unit Rp 350.000,00 Rp 350.000,00
Pressure Cooker (5 lt) 1 unit Rp 250.000,00 Rp 250.000,00
Spice Blender 1 unit Rp 150.000,00 Rp 150.000,00
Plastic Basin 2 unit Rp 100.000,00 Rp 200.000,00
Total Equipment Costs Rp 950.000,00
2. Total Business Capital
Component Quantity
Total Fixed Cost Rp 747.200,00
Total Variable Cost Rp 2.148.400,00
Total Equipment Cost Rp 950.000,00
Total Business Capital Rp 3.845.600,00
The existing data based on the description of the table above we adjust the price to
the market survey that we have done before. We conducted a survey at Karanglewas
Lor market (Kliwon Market) last September. We also conduct price surveys to fish
sellers with the aim that we can get good prices and quality. Hopefully in the future we
can maintain the quality of our products. For the price of fish that we got based on the
survey, it was Rp. 22,000.00. And we have also evaluated with the price also fitting
with the calculations we did before. The price of one soft thorn pomfret fish product is
obtained for Rp26,855.00 rounded up to Rp27,000.00
I. Management Aspect
1. Gannt Chart

Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23
Task Name
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Research Market
Shopping for Materials
Follow up

2. Ownership Status
The ownership status of the business is self-owned business entity which is
included in the small business type.
3. Organization Structure

J. Human Resource Aspect

Job Description


• Job Description: We are looking for a General Manager to oversee all staff, budgets
and operations of the local business unit. General Manager responsibilities include
formulating overall strategy, managing people and establishing policies. To be
successful in this role, you should be a thoughtful leader and a confident decision-
maker, helping our people develop and be productive, while ensuring our profits
are on the rise.
• Specific Responsibilities:
1. Oversee day-to-day operations
2. Set policies and processes
3. Ensure employees work productively and develop professionally
4. Oversee recruitment and training of new employee
5. Evaluate and improve operations and financial performance
6. Direct the employee assessment process
7. Ensure staff follows health and safety regulations
8. Provide solutions to issues (e.g. profit decline, employee conflicts, loss of
business to competitors)
• Skills needed: Knowledge of business process and functions (finance, HR,
procurement, operations etc.)
Job Specification
• Description: We are looking for a self-motivated and results-driven general
manager to direct and manage our organization's business activities and to develop
and implement effective business strategies and programs.
• Requirements:
- Male/Female
- Bachelor Degree majoring Business or a related field required, Master's degree
- Proven experience as a General Manager or similar executive role
- Excellent communication skills
- Outstanding organizational and leadership skills
- Problem-solving aptitude

Job Description


• Job Description: We are looking for a reliable Financial Manager that will analyze
everyday financial activities and subsequently provide advice and guidance to upper
management on future financial plans. In this role, you will have the opportunity to
utilize your expertise in financial analysis and strategic planning. By analyzing day-
to-day financial activities with precision, you will provide valuable insights and
recommendations to upper management.
• Specific Responsibilities:
1. Provide financial reports and interpret financial information to managerial staff
while recommending further courses of action.
2. Advise on investment activities and provide strategies that the company should
3. Maintain the financial health of the organization
4. Manage the preparation of the company’s budget
5. Liase with auditors to ensure appropriate monitoring of company finances is
• Skills needed: Proficiency in Microsoft Excel, Word, Quickbooks, and multiple
accounting software packages a plus.
Job Specification

• Description: Additionally, you will play a crucial role in developing and
implementing financial plans that support the company’s growth and profitability.
• Requirements:
- Male/Female
- Bachelor Degree majoring in Finance, Accounting or a related field required,
Master's degree preferred
- At least three years of experience in a related field
- Able to manage, guide and lead employees to ensure appropriate financial
processes are being used
- Strong interpersonal, communication and presentation skills

Job Description
• Job Description: We are looking for a Finance Staff to support our day-to-day
financial related activities. We expect the candidate to have full understanding of
his/her responsibilities to support the Finance Manager in recording and retrieving
financial details of the business including maintaining financial records, processing
payments, cash handling, and salaries.
• Specific Responsibilities:
1. Communications to the team/broader organization
2. Preparations of workpapers supporting the monthly close process and month
and account balances
3. Carry out activities of receiving and recording payments from customers
4. Carry out payment activities for various supplier bills and record them
5. Carry out salary payment activities, insurance and other internal needs
6. Monitoring and evaluating performance, and taking solution and improvement
actions to ensure performance continues to improve from time to time
• Skills needed: Proficiency in Microsoft Excel, Word, Quickbooks, and multiple
accounting software packages a plus.
Job Specification
• Description: Responsible for performing all finance, accounting activities are done
in accordance with the prevailing policies and procedures within the company.
• Requirements:
- Male/Female
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree majoring in Finance, Accounting or a related field
- Having minimum 2 years experience working in the same field
- Fast output, detailed oriented, honest, and hardworking
- Excellent communication skills and analytical skills

Job Description
• Job Description: A marketing manager is a person who takes care of the entire
marketing lifecycle. You will play a critical role in aligning creative direction with
the company’s strategic goals.
• Specific Responsibilities:
1. Oversee all marketing campaigns for their company or department
2. Implement strategy
3. Promote a business, product, or service
4. Manage and coordinate marketing staff
5. Analyze data to evaluate the success of their marketing efforts and come up with
new ideas to improve brand marketing and exposure
6. Lead market research efforts to uncover the viability of current and existing
• Skills needed: Familiarity with the latest trends, technologies and methodologies in
graphic design, web design, production, etc.
Job Specification
• Description: The Marketing Manager will coordinate and develop marketing
policies, programs, and campaigns.
• Requirements:
- Male/Female
- Bachelor's degree in Business, Marketing or related field required; Master's
degree preferred
- At least three years of experience in a related field
- Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
- Strong supervisory and leadership skills

Job Description
• Job Description: We are searching for a staff marketing. The candidate will be
working under the management of the marketing manager, the marketing assistant
will be expected to contribute to the planning and delivery of marketing activities
across a broad range of brands and marketing campaigns.
• Specific Responsibilities:
1. Contribute in the implementation of marketing strategies
2. Support the marketing manager in overseeing the department’s operations
3. Organize and attend marketing activities or events to raise brand awareness
4. Plan advertising and promotional campaigns for products or services on a
variety of media (social, print, etc)

• Skills needed: Marketers need to be capable of using marketing tools, CMS, CRM,
and project management software in order to maximize their marketing activities,
copywriting, social media, and data analysis.
Job Specification
• Description: The marketing assistant helps in all aspects of business marketing
• Requirements:
- Male/Female
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree majoring in Business, Marketing Management or
a related field required
- Having minimum 2 years experience working in the same field
- Thorough understanding of social media and web analytics
- Excellent organizational and multitasking skills
- Outstanding communication and interpersonal abilities
- Creativity and commercial awareness

K. Environmental Aspect
1. Location
a. Location Evaluation
The selected location is located on Jalan Wadas Kelir, Gang Bima, RT 03 RW
05, Karangklesem, South Purwokerto, which is a simple house but has space
and kitchen equipment to produce our products. But as time goes by, our hope
is to open more adequate production locations.
b. The Reasons for Selecting Location
• The availability of the energy sources.
• Ease of obtaining main raw materials and supporting materials.
• The availability of labor at the location of the business to be run.
• Ease of location to be accessed by consumers.
2. Impact of The Business Project
a. Livelihood for Local Resident
• The positive reason is it opens new livelihoods for local residents which
can help to reduce unemployment in the business environment.
• The negative reason is the possibility that many competitors will emerge
because there are no competitors for the products from our business.
• The solution is always looking for innovation and ideas to develop
products so that they are not less competitive with competitors' products.
b. Social Cultural
The environmental aspect of social cultural is positive because it can
introducing new products to the public by using fish that are rarely processed
so that people are increasingly fond of consuming fish.
c. Ecology

• The positive aspect is waste left over from spices and fish can be processed
into organic fertilizer.
• The negative aspect is accumulation of rubbish that cannot be decomposed
naturally, for example vacuum plastic bag rubbish.
• The solution is established a structured waste disposal system so that post-
production waste does not disturb the comfort of residents.
L. Economic and Social Aspects
1. Employment and Income
By requiring employees or staff in our business, people who work in our business
can get a decent salary which can help improve their standard of living.
2. Government
Our business prioritizes the principle of discipline, including discipline in paying
taxes. Our business will fulfill its obligations by paying taxes on time. Apart from
the principle of discipline, our business also prioritizes humanitarian principles,
namely the intention to donate 10% of our profits for humanitarian purposes such
as donations for victims of natural disasters and others.
3. Community
Our business is also open to paid partnerships and sponsorships, that way we can
sponsor businesses or brands that want to work with us.
4. Social Implication
Our business has a positive impact on society through education on the importance
of consuming fish, that way more and more people are consuming fish and are fond
of eating fish.
M. Legal Aspects
Business legality is a very important thing in starting and running a business.
This aims to obtain legal protection in business, prevent losses from undesirable things,
increase company value, and prevent losses from undesirable things. The following are
the legal business documents that we need for our business:
1. Halal Certificate is a guarantee of the halalness of products traded or circulating
in Indonesia. We need this certificate because our business operates in the culinary
sector. The requirements for obtaining this certificate are:
The requirements for registering for free halal certification (Sehati) 2023 refer to
the Decree of the Head of BPJPH (Kepkaban) Number 150 of 2022 as follows:
• The product is not risky or uses ingredients that have been confirmed to be
• The production process is guaranteed to be halal and simple;
• Have a Business Identification Number (NIB);
• Have a maximum annual sales result (turnover) of IDR 500 million as proven
by an independent statement;
• Have a location, place and equipment for Halal Product Processing (PPH) that
is separate from the location, place and equipment for processing non-halal

• Whether or not to have a distribution permit (PIRT/MD/UMOT/UKOT),
Sanitation Hygiene Eligibility Certificate (SLHS) for food/beverage products
with a shelf life of less than 7 (seven) days, or other industrial permits for the
products produced from related departments/agencies;
• The products produced are goods as detailed in the product types in the
attachment to this decision;
• The materials used have been confirmed to be halal;
• Do not use hazardous materials;
• Has been verified as halal by the halal product process assistant;
• Types of products/product groups that are certified halal do not contain
elements of slaughtered animals, unless they come from producers or
slaughterhouses/poultry slaughterhouses that are halal certified;
• Using production equipment with simple technology or done manually and/or
semi-automatically (home business, not factory business);
• The product preservation process is simple and does not use a combination of
more than one preservation method;
• Willing to complete the halal certification application documents using the
online self-declaration mechanism via SIHALAL.

Figure 5 Proses Sertifikasi Halal Dalam Bentuk Diagram Alur
2. PIRT (Produk Industri Rumah Tangga)
Home Industry Products or PIRT is a licensing certification for industries that
produce food and beverages on a home scale. Requirements for getting PIRT:
• Photo of the business owner
• Photocopy of ID card
• Production location plan
• Example of packaging label design
• Healthy Body Certificate issued by the Community Health Center
• Completed registration form from the Health Service
• Photocopy of Food Safety Training Certificate
3. NPWP (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak) is a number that every entrepreneur must
have as an identity in carrying out their rights and obligations.
• Prepare certificates and deeds of establishment of a business entity or other
documents relating to the establishment of a business entity. This applies to
domestic corporate taxpayers. For permanent establishments which are
representatives of foreign companies, they are required to show a photocopy
of the certificate of appointment from the head office.
• Personal identity of one of the authorities in the related business. Indonesian
citizens (WNI) must include a photocopy of their Resident Identification Card
(KTP) and a photocopy of their Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) card.
• Include a letter of participation using a stamp from one of the authorized
parties in the trading business entity. The statement letter states the activities
carried out at the location where the trading business activities are carried out.
4. SIUP (Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan)
SIUP is an official permit issued by the government and given to individuals or
companies to carry out trading activities in a certain area. Requirements for
obtaining SIUP:
• Application form;
• Photocopy of Resident Identity Card (KTP) of the Person in Charge/Main
Director of the Company;
• Statement Letter from the SIUP Applicant regarding business location, and;
• Photo of the Owner or Manager or Person in Charge of the Company
measuring 3×4 cm (2);
• Company balance sheet
5. TDP (Tanda Daftar Perusahaan)
Company Registration Certificate (TDP) is proof that a company or business entity
has carried out its obligations to register the company in the Company Register.
The conditions for making a TDP are:
• Fill out the new TDP application form
• Scan of Original KTP of Director / Owner

• Original scan of NPWP Original scan of Notarial Deed of Company
Establishment for Business Entities or Legal Entities
• Original scan of Technical/Operational Permit
• Scan of proof of last year's land and building tax (PBB) payment
• Original Scan Proof of payment of fire extinguisher inspection levy
• Original scan of Ratification of PT's Articles of Association (AD) (from the
Ministry of Law and Human Rights)
6. Hygiene Sanitation Appropriate Certification
• Following the decision of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 1098/MENKES/SK/VII/2003 Chapter IV Article 9 Concerning
Hygiene Sanitation Requirements that must be met to ensure that the food and
drinks offered to customers are fit to be served, namely:
• Location and building
• Sanitary facilities
• Kitchen, dining room and food warehouse
• Foodstuffs and prepared foods
• Food processing
• Storage of groceries and prepared foods
• Serving finished food
• Equipment used
N. Business Risk
We’re only sell 1 type of product. Usually, in the field of culinary people will
feel bored because there is no innovation of any kind food that are sold. Then, food
products that use vacuum technology as the packaging will only last 7-14 days if stored
at temperature room. However, if stored in the freezer it will last 1-2 months. So
therefore Products must be sold no more than 2 months to avoid losses.
O. Business Mitigation
The products that did not sold can cause losses for business owners. Therefore,
business owners must be able to minimize the price loss and find the accurate
production budget calculations, and paying attention to quantities expected ending and
beginning inventories.


A. Conclusion
From the results of the discussion above, it can be concluded that this business
Soft Thorn Pomfret Fish (Ikan Bawal Duri Lunak) in terms of idea, target market, to
financial plans in the form of capital and so on, has promising prospects in the future.
We hope that the business proposal we submit can be considered, accepted and
useful for all. We hope that this proposal can be accepted by many parties as an initial
stage in starting a Soft Thorn Pomfret Fish business.
We realize that our proposal is still far from perfect. Therefore, we really hope
for suggestions and constructive criticism for the realization of Soft Thorn Pomfret Fish

Attachment 1. Question of The Questionnaires

Attachment 2. Answers of The Questionnaires


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