Advent of Darubrahma Shree Jagannatha in Purushottama Kshetra

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Odisha Review ISSN 0970-8669

Advent of Darubrahma Shree Jagannatha

in Purushottama Kshetra
Dr. Bhaskar Mishra

Imperishable soul is essentially the source of on the holy Rantasimhasan of Shreemandira at

spiritualism. Real bliss in the mundane world is Purushottama Kshetra (presently known as Puri)
spiritual happiness which is nothing but the truth. and bless multitudes of devotees. The sacred seat
In order to get that happiness one should or Simhasana, on which the mysterious four
surrender completely before the Paramatma. deities are worshipped, is known as Ratna Vedi,
Ultimate divine Ratna Mandapa, Antarvedi, Ratnasimhasana
happiness is that when and Niladri Mandapa. In Utkal khanda
an individual soul gets of the Skanda Purana, the significance
united with the supreme of Antarvedi has been stated as
one. Purusha as follows “Purushottama Kshetra
mentioned in the Rig is the embodiment of Lord
Veda, Purushottama Vishnu and Antarvedi is like
as referred to in the his heart”. According to
“Aagama”, “Purana” legend and popular
and “Jagannatha belief the said sacred
consciousness” as seat is Niladri
prevalent among Mandapa.
devotees of the world
are but the real As described in
reflection of spiritual the Skanda Purana
consciousness. sabara King (Tribal
Parambrahma Chief) Viswabasu and
Paramatma has Gods from the heaven were the
manifested as the first to worship the deity
Darubrahma (Wooden manifestation) Shree Nilamadhava Shining like the effulgence of blue
Jagannatha at Purushottama Kshetra. emerald. This deity of ‘eighty one angulas’ height
was found holding a conch, a disc, a mace and a
Since time immemorial the benevolent lotus in his four hands. Further, as per the
four deities, in their wooden manifestation appear description in the said Purana, after the mysterious

ISSN 0970-8669 Odisha Review

disappearance of Nilamadhava, the wooden shocked the Gods and they prayed fervently
manifestation of Shree Balabhadra, Devi before lord Vishnu. It was heard through an oracle
Subhadra, Shree Jagannatha and Shree that Lord Vishnu would again appear at Nilachala.
Sudarshana appeared on the most sacred place
i.e on the Antarvedi, so famed as the most holy King Indradyumna of Avanti condemned
place of Lord Vishnu. The 4th chapter of the Shree himself for not getting a glimpse of the idol of
Purushottama Kshetra Mahatmya of Skanda Nilamadhava. Consoling the King Maharshi
Purana describes as follows. “As this Antarvedi Narada said, “O King ! the sportive art of Lord
Shree Hari is unique and unparalleled. Nobody
in the Purushottama Kshetra is extremely sacred,
is able to understand his sportive art. Although I
celestial bodies cherish a desire to remain here
am beyond death I could not make out the
only. Here everyone feels privileged to have a
sportive art of the Lord. Maharshi Narada further
glimpse of Lord Purushottama”.
described that his father Lord Brahma also rests
Since time immemorial, Shree in the navel-lotus of Vishnu. He also could not
Purushottama Kshetra (Puri), the place of sportive understand the mystery of Vishnu (Shree
art of Darubrahma Shree Jagannath, has been Nilamadhava). But Brahma Himself confessed
known as the most sacred place for the before me (Narada) that the manifest God
Vaishnavites. Founders of different religious comprised four forms and they have their blessings
schools, sects and cults have acclaimed the on you. Besides, when Lord Nilamadhava was
Chaturddha Murti on their own ways. The divine in His stone form, He also appeared in the
images or the principal deities of Shreemandira company of three others. Nilamadhava has further
have been described in numerous ways in the assured that he would appear again in four
puranic scriptures. different images in wooden form”.

As per the description in the Utkal Brahmarshi Narada who came to help
Khanda “Shree Purushottama Kshetra King Indradyumna has stated that Lord Vishnu,
Mahatmya” of Skanda Purana, King consort of Goddess Lakshmi has appeared in four
Indradyumna came to know about Shree different images and intended to oblige him.
Nilamadhava from Vidyapati, the brother of his Human beings would get salvation by visiting the
royal priest. He along with his family members, divine appearance of Lord Vishnu.
fellow citizens and courtiers proceeded towards While King Indradyumna retrieved the
Nilagiri situated at Purushottama Kshetra. But holy wooden log from the sea and desired to sculpt
before reaching Nilagiri the manifest idol of the idols, Lord Vishnu appeared in disguise as an
Nilamadhava disappeared. The “Skanda Purana” age-stricken, extremely old carpenter. He in
further described that during the last part of disguise constructed the four idols within 15days.
“Kalpa” (a fabulous concept of time heralding a These mysterious four idols are of Bhagaban
new creation) a heavy hurricane arose from the Shree Purushottama Jagannatha (Lord Vishnu),
Mahodadhi (Sea) and as a result, Lord Devi Subhadra, Lord Balabhadra and Lord
Nilamadhava was buried beneath heaps of golden Sudarshana. The idol of Purushottama or Lord
sand. The disappearance of Nilamadhava Shree Jagannatha was carved with the symbolic

Odisha Review ISSN 0970-8669

representation of conch, disc, mace and lotus. With the help and co-operation of sages
Similarly the idol of Lord Shree Balabhadra had and rishis the consecration of Shree Jagannatha
the symbols of mace, plough, disc and lotus. The Temple was completed. After this, Lord Brahma
idol of Devi Subhadra was sculpted having a enthroned the deities on the bejewelled platform.
posture of abhaya mudra and holding a lotus. The mirrored reflections of the deities were
Lord Sudarshana found place in the shape of a offered ceremonial bath. The installation of the
divine staff among the deities. deities such as Shree Balabhadra, Shree
Jagannatha, Devi Subhadra was done with
As per the suggestion of Maharshi
recitation of the Purusha Sukta, Shree Sukta and
Narada, King Indradyumna brought the four
Devi Sukta respectively.
divine idols on the sacred chariot constructed by
Biswakarma. King Indradyumna discussed at In accordance to ‘Mahapurusha Vidya’
length with Narada, other saints and brahmins the sacred Simhasana of Lord Shree Jagannatha
about the consecration of Shreemandira and symbolises the primordial sound “AUM” or
installation of deities on the bejewelled platform. Pranava. The assimilation of Ratna Simhasana and
Pranava is unique. A full bloom lotus is perceived
It has been described in the “Shree
on the pranavatmaka Simhasana. Hence, the
Purushottama Kshetra Mahatmya” of Skanda
Ratnasimhasana is verily a Lotus itself.
Purana that it is Rishi Bharadwaja who conducted
the consecration ceremony of Shreemandira and Verse 32 of chapter-9 of Mahapurusha
Dhwaja (Flag) of the temple and prayed Lord Vidya describes as follows:
Brahma for infusing life to the idols. Bhagban
Narayan by means of His sportive art desired that “In the conch-shaped Niladri upon the
the holy logs which bore the signs of conch and hundred petalled lotus shape of the
disc should be infused with life. But Brahma could Ratnasimhasana, I witness Lord Jagannatha
not be at one with the proposal of Narayana. He decked in all exquisite adornments, resembling
conducted the consecration ceremony through that of a newly formed cloud who is seated in the
Vedic rituals. On the other hand it has been company of his elder brother Balabhadra, Sister
described in “Niladri Mahodaya” that Lord Devi Subhadra on his right and Chakraraj
Brahma chanted the Sam Veda for Lord Sudarshan on his left. Lord Shree Jagannatha is
Jagannatha, Rig Veda for Lord Balabhadra, Yajur being adored by Brahma, Rudra and Indra. I offer
Veda for Devi Subhadra and Atharva Veda for my benediction to this Lord, the Darubramha, the
Lord Sudarshana. essence of all the Vedas in the company of His
dear associates.”
At the time of consecration ceremony of
the temple, Brahma engaged rishi Bharadwaja Descriptions in the ‘Skanda Purana’ and
as Acharya, Agasty as Brahma, Narada and the then Puri District Gazetteer give the following
Basistha as Pracharaka and other sages for information on the four deities enthroned on
chanting of suktas and mantras. Ratnasimhasana.

ISSN 0970-8669 Odisha Review

The height of Shree Balabhadra is 85 jaba would surely remove all mundane afflictions and
( a little more than 7ft.) having conch shape and sins and give incessant bliss. These two things are
white in colour. The height of Devi Subhadra is indeed the prime bestowal of Lord Shree
51.5 jaba. Hers is lotus like shape and yellow in Jagannatha.
colour. Shree Jagannatha’s height is 84 jaba and
Venerable Acharya, Saints, Pandits chant
His appearance is in the form of a disc (Chakra)
the following Shloka by witnessing the four deities
and colour is cloudy dark. Shree Sudarshana’s
height is 84 jaba. His appearance is mace like “Jagannatha Balabhadra Subhadra Chakrarupine,
and colour is red. According to scriptures, the Darubramha Swarupaya Chatturdhamurttaye
deities have been sculpted as per Chakra (Wheel) namha”....
Yantra, Sankha (conch) Yantra, Padma (lotus)
Yantra and Gada (mace) Yantra.
References :
The four deities on the bejewelled throne 1. Skanda Purana (Utkala Khanda- Shree
although extremely mysterious it is Shree Purushottama Kshetra Mahatmya)
Jagannatha alone is the epicentre of all ineffable
thought cycle. Purushottama Shree Jagannatha 2. Neeladrimahodaya
symbolises both mundane and cosmic 3. Mahapurusha Vidya
consciousness. He is the primordial deity and self
manifest. The deities dispel all woes and bestow 4. Shreedham: Shree Jagannatha Chetana-
Dr. Bhaskar Mishra
incessant bliss. For this only the deities have been
described as “Darumaya Brahma” (Wooden 5. Shree Jagannatha Mandira O Jagannatha Tatwa-
manifestation of the Brahma) besides the principal Pandit Surya Narayan Dash.
wooden deities, metallic images of Shreedevi,
Bhudevi and wooden image of Madhava are also
found in the company of Chaturddha Murti on
Dr. Bhaskar Mishra, Chief Editor, Neeladri, Research
the Ratnasimhasana. So these deities are called scholar on Shree Jagannatha Culture, Shree Jagannatha
as “Saptadha Vigraha”. Darshan of these deities Dham, Puri, E-mail : [email protected].


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