Shree Jagannath: The Lord of The Universe: Odisha Review June - 2014

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June - 2014 Odisha Review

Shree Jagannath: The Lord of the Universe

Dr. Sarbeswar Sena

S hree Jagannath is the sovereign Lord of the

Universe. He is omnipotent, omnipresent,
omniscient and also the creator, destroyer and
love. The sense of equality is the spectacular
theme of Shree Jagannath cult. This is all possible
for the desire of Kalia Raja (self willed Lord)
the preserver of the creation. Lord Shiva is Shree Jagannath.
regarded as the destroyer, Brahma the creator
but according to Hindu mythology and Shree Jagannath has different
belief, Lord Jagannath is above all the diversions. There are hundreds of instances in
Gods and Goddesses. He is Anadi mythology and the Epics. He is Shree
(without a beginning), Anakar (form Vishnu in Satya yuga, Shree
less), Ananta (eternal), Nirakar Ram in Tretaya and Shree
(empty) and the Brahma (the Krishna in Dwapar yuga.
Supreme Being) or the mystic In Kaliyuga He has His
Kalki Avatar. All those
syllable of Om. He is addressed
in thousands of names. But He are the aspects of His
is Kala Thakur, Kalia Dian incarnations. But Shree
Jagannath along with His elder
for the Odias. An Odia gets
brother Balabhadra, sister
utmost pleasure in calling
Suvadra and weapon Sudarshan is
Shree Jagannath in such
worshiped in Shree Mandir (Jagannath
affectionate names. For
Him, Odisha is
acknowledged as Thakur Among many of His Lilas (diversions)
Desha (the state of the God) and its Ratha Yatra (car festival) is called as Shreeghosh
culture as Jagannath cult and that has an Yatra, Shree Gundicha Yatra is the most
unimaginable importance. According to Odishan attractive and famous one. On the second lunar
culture, all are equal irrespective of caste, colour, day of the light fortnight in the month of Ashadha
sex and creed in the holy land, Puri, named as (the third Indian month, June-July) the Car Festival
Sankhakshetra, Shree Purusottamdham and starts. All the three deities make a journey of nine
Nilachala dham. Here a Brahmin embraces a days from this day to Shree Gundicha Mandir
chandal (a low caste Hindu) with affection and and it is called as Mausima Mandir in the

Odisha Review June - 2014

decorated wooden chariots i.e. the Nandighosh emancipation. Similarly, a jolt of Mohaprasad
of Shree Jagannath, Taladhwaja of Balabhadra purifies the heart and soul. One feels enlightened
and Darpadalan of Subhadra. The return journey touching the Bada danda and warps his body
is the Bahuda Yatra. The 11th lunar day of the with holy dust of it. Dasia Bauri, Bandhu
second light fortnight in Ashadha is the Bada Mohanty, Matta Balaram Das, Salabega a
Ekadashi and the deities on the chariots give the Muslim, Dinakrushna and many others are the
opportunity of looking on them in Suna Vesha examples of noted votaries of having grace from
(decoration of gold ornaments) to the whole Shree Jagannath. This is possible only because
world. Though Shree Jagannath’s Suna Vesha of complete surrender. The sense of
in different occasions are made but all do not get “Nirashrayamam Jagadisha raksha” can make
the scope of seeing the Sunavesha as on the one nearer to the Lord. By His blessings Sudama
Ratha during the Bahuda Yatra. The heart of the a poor Brahmin and childhood friend of Shree
votary rejoices in devotion. The three deities put Krishna becomes the millionaire, the deer escapes
on Mahans (a weight of forty seers) of gold from the definite kill of the hunter in the deep forest,
ornaments. When Shree Jagannath is the richest, the elephant is saved in the sea from the mouth of
how can the Odias be poor? The stigma that the crocodile, the sinner Ajamila gets salvation
Odias are poverty stricken proves untrue on that and the most spectacular one is the episode of
occasion. The most affectionate son of the Odias, Draupadi (the wife of the Pandavas) that she is
Shree Jagannath is the emperor of emperors and saved from the humiliation of being naked by
the wealthiest Lord of the Universe. Having a Dushasan (the brother of Duryodhan) in front
glance on the Param Brahma, Shree Jagannath of kings. These are some of the shining examples
in the chariot the devotee achieves salvation; that of kindness of Shree Jagannath. This establishes
is a strong belief that still persists in the religious the inseparable relation between Him and His
life of the Odias. devotees.

Shree Jagannath nourishes the whole Shree Jagannath has been in the body
Universe. He takes away sorrows and sufferings mind and soul of the Odias. Being amazed by His
of the animals, kills the demons and the wicked, diversions many Odia litterateurs have been
protects the innocents and establishes Dharma on influenced. Hence Odia mythologies and other
the Earth. For these act of sympathy towards the wings of the literature provide the glory of
human being He is called as Bairiganjan, Jagannath and Jagannath cult. Many of the
Dinabandhab, Dinabandhu, Daitari and in Odia poets admit their helplessness and what He
many other ornamental names. He establishes directs in the Night they only write in the morning.
perpetual peace on the Earth. He is the Almighty This is their confession. To be honest many Odia
and the greatest. Hence the places and priests literary pieces like Bhajana (adoption), Janana
related to Him are of highest honour. His Danda, (supplication), Chhanda (a canto written in the
Badadanda, Prasad (food offered to the deity) metre), Chaupadi (verse of four stanzas) provide
Mohaprasad, Panda Bada Panda and even if the juice of devotion and a reader is beheld of
the cremation ground is called as the Swarga reading those. Especially in Chautishas the story
Dwara (an entrance to Heaven). Every Odia has of Shree Jagannath and his incarnation Shree
a desire to be cremated in Swargadwara for Krushna have been narrated very lucidly. The

June - 2014 Odisha Review

are the sources of supreme divine power. To be

Manabodha Chautisha of Bhakta Charan Das
more definite Jagannath is worshipped in Kali
is the spectacular one. It suggests renouncing the
world and to visit the Shreekshetra and see Shree Yuga as Darudevata in Dwapar as Shree
Jagannath at least once in life time. Similarly Krishna, Popularly known as Kalindikulia,
Kadambamulia, Charu Trivangia (charming
Utkalmani Gopabandhu Das, a great poet and
body bent at the place-neck, waist and the knee)
nationalist moved by heart and is proud of
etc. Both the sects of Vaishnabs have narrated
Nilachale Dham. So he writes, “Jagat Sarase
the excellence of the either Gods in their literature
Utkal Kamala / Tanmadhye Keshar Puri
in a lucid manner. Lord Jagannath is the source of
Nilachal”. (The world is a tank/ Utkal a lotus/
love and affection. This has been narrated in the
Puri Nilachala the filament of the lotus). Where
eleventh chapter of the Shreemad Bhagabat
ever Gopabandhu moves and stays, he feels like
Geeta of Vyasadeva. That is, “Twamksharam
living in Shreekshetra. It is no doubt a noble
paramam bedi tabyam / Twamasya biswasya
realisation of the highness of Shree Jagannath.
/ Paramam nidhanam/ Twameba saswata
Similarly Bhakta Kabi Madhusudan Rao has
dharma gopta / sanatanstwam
written “Ki sundar Aha / ki ananda maya/ A
Purusottamam”. This is expressed in respect
vishal sansar/ Dhanya moha prabhu / Ate
of exhibiting viswarupa (Whose form is the
ananta apara”. (What a beautiful? What a
Universe) by Shree Krishna to Arjuna in the battle
pleasurable/ the vast world / praise worthy His
field of Kurukshetra. Ritikabi Upendra Bhanja
majesty). The poet believes in the Brahma and
has also written, “Suna kobide Bharat Khande
expresses its omnipresence. Lord Jagannath is
Punya Dham / Jenu Narayan Dehi tenu sehi
the Avatari (the source of all incarnations). But
name he/ Gribanamate Nirvan
the followers of Shree Krishna claim that Krishna
sarupyakudei”. He is the saviour and can only
is the Avatari. For this confusion the
provide emancipation that is Kaibalya.
Vaishnabism is divided into two sects.
Worshipers of Shree Jagannath are the Odishi The world is clumsy, domestic affairs are
Vaishnabs and the followers of Shree Krishna troublesome, life is transitory and more important
are Gaudiya Vaishnabs. Similarly Nilachal is the loss of peace. Social relations, worldly
Dham and Brindaban are accepted as the pleasure; all are shortlived. So saints, Yogis have
prominent sacred places of diversion of Shree advised to control the mind by conscience and to
Jagannath and Shree Krishna respectively. The search for a devotional life. So, many have tried
Odishi Vaishnabs depend on the path of to cut off the social bondage and to be in search
perception, so they are called Jajnamargi. of God. Bhakta Charan Das has described the
Whereas the Gaudiya Vaishnabs believe in love same thought in his poetic work the
and devotion, so they are Premamargi. But a Mathuramangala and he joyfully sings, “Enu
sensible Vaishnab finds no difference in it. The karai bichar/ Toha byatreke Gati Nahin mora/
mathematical calculation such as plus, minus, Jebe sudaya kariba mohare / Mana rakhi
multiplication, division of zero is always that zero. pankaja payare/ bhakti bine Daridra jivan /
Similarly either Jagannath or Krishna may be sujnja jananka mukharu sunili / krushna
the Avatari but the Brahma is there in both. Here bhajane taranti janili” (So judged in mind/ non
any dispute in the Avatarism of Jagannath should than you/ be kind to me/ keeping the mind near
be avoided. Both Jagannath and Shree Krishna the lotus feet / no need for worldly riches / life

Odisha Review June - 2014

pitiable without devotion / heard from the learned tone, unable to recognise/ has been hearing ages
/ by adoration of Shree Krishna, liberation and ages before.)
achieved.” So, “Hari Name ki rasa achhi / pana
kala loka taha janichi” (what a flavours the The life-boat floats on the ocean, it
epithet of God, who tastes it can realise the staggers, thick darkness approaches, the soul
sweetness). Most of the devotee poets have perturbs. Someone stretches His hands and
emphasized the recitation of Hari Nam. welcomes. He is the supreme soul and the boat
man of the life-boat. He can make the soul a safe
Lord Jagannath is always with His reach across the river. Then the soul gets the
votaries. He is sleepless for them. Any moment association of the supreme soul. This is possible
He is prayed, provides mercy. He is the ocean of by virtue of Lord Shree Jagannath, not only this
kindness and piety. He is the only God of He fulfils the aims, aspiration even if the desires
providing Kaibalya and none else. So, poet of all the creatures on the Universe. In the pore
Dinakrushna Das writes “Karai pabitra ana of His skin thousands of Earths are there, His eyes
tirtha jale kale snan/ se tirtha name nana are Suns, head the sky, waist the Himalayas, feet
durita nasha/ Baikunthe basi baikuntha the Nether world, body the Mountains, breathing
santoshe / kari ei tirtha kirtan/ karu thau severe storm. Being excited out of devotion, poet
Dinakrushna sukhe nartan”. (Bathing in holy Dinakrishna recites, “Kotibrahmanda prabhu
water purifies / the name of this pilgrimage Jagannath, Karanti purna prani
annihilates sufferings / gets the pleasure of having manoratha.”(Lord of the Universe, the merciful/
peace in the abode of Vishnu/ muttering this satisfies the desires). By His grace, the world
pilgrimage / Dinakrushna dances in joy). Simple rejoices in happiness and pleasure. It is rightly
utterance of the name of Jagannath is enough described,
for achieving mercy from Him.
“Khandanat sarbadukhanamakhandananda danatah
Now the soul is elevated, seeks a way to Swabhabad daruresho hi Param Brahmavidheeyete”
be out of the mortal body. The supreme soul
His blessings are poured on the human
realises the pains and restlessness of it and paves
race; it is humbly prayed before the Lord of the
the way of liberation. The soul starts for the
Golakadham, there it witnesses an eternal
amorous pastime. This is the high time, the mystic “Jai Jagannath Swami,
poet Laxmikant Mohapatra writes, “Kiyese Nayana Pathagami Bhaba Tume”
dakhuchi nai se parire / Rahi rahi kede bagare
/ Do do chinha swar/ sunithili muhin/ kete
yuga yuga agara”. (Who is calling across the Dr. Sarbeswar Sena, Principal, Karilopatana College,
river/ keeping pause in different skills / the familiar Kendrapara : 754223.


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