The Glory of Nama Sankirtan
The Glory of Nama Sankirtan
The Glory of Nama Sankirtan
kulam tharum, selvam thandidum, adiyãr paduthuyar ãyinavellãm harer nãma harer nãma harer nãmaiva kEvalam|
nilantharam seiyyum, nILvisumbaruLum, aruLodu perunilam aLikkum kalau nãstyEva nãstyEva nãstyEva gatir anyatã ||
valantharum matrum thandidum pertra thãyinum ãyina seyyum
nalam tharum sollai nãn kandukonden 'Nãrãyana' enum Nãmam! But for the Divine Name ‘Hari’ and ‘Hari’ alone, there is no way out in this
1.1.9 Periya Thirumozhi (Thirumangai Azhwar) Kali Yuga.
One word will bestow you with good family, wealth; solve all your Kali Santarana Upanishad
problems, take you to great heights, bestow you with Vaikunta and confer
At the end of Dwapara Yuga, Narada, after traveling around the world,
on you all other good things. It will take care of you more than any mother.
approached Lord Brahma and asked him, “How may I overcome the evil
I realized that, the word is nothing but the Name “Narayana” !
effects of Kali Yuga?”
Lord Brahma said: “You have asked me an excellent question. I shall reveal to
you the secret of all the Vedas by which you will cross over the ‘samsara’ (ocean
Manu Smriti of life) filled with the bad effects of the Kali Yuga. This secret must be preserved
SaptakOti mahamantra: chitta vibrama kãraka: | Eka Eva varO mantra: sri and protected.”
rãmEtyaksharãdvayam ||
Said Lord Brahma, 'By merely uttering the names of the Primeval ‘Purusha’, who
Seven crores of mantras confuse the mind. It is only the two-syllable
is Bhagavan Narayana, one is freed from the clutches of Kali."
Mantra ‘Rama’ that elevates it.
In this Age, all of us have sinned, like Ajamila – Only the Divine Name ‘Narayana’ Visit Nama Dwaar : – An information treasure on
is the cure for us. All of us are fallen like Ahalya. Only the Divine Name ‘Rama’ Sanathana Dharma through the portals of the Divine Name
is our savior! © Global Organization for Divinity, USA (