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Region VI-Western Visayas

Schools Division of Iloilo


Grade 12


First Quarter - Lesson 1

Concept, Relationship,
And Importance Of Politics,
Governance And Government

Grade 12- Philippine Politics and Governance

Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance and government

Grade 12- Philippine Politics and Governance

1 and government
Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance
Social Sciences – Grade 12
Division Araling Panlipunan Tools (DAPAT)
Philippine Politics and Governance
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

by the Department of Education
Schools Division of Iloilo
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City

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The Division Araling Panlipunan Tools (DAPAT) or any part of it is published

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Development Team of Division Araling Panlipunan Tools (DAPAT)

Writer: Cary M. Dolendo

Illustrators: Armand Glenn S. Lapor

Layout Artists: Cary Dolendo

Division Quality Assurance Team: Lilibeth E. Larupay, Liza A. Balogo

Armand Glenn S. Lapor, Andie P. Padernilla

Management Team: Dr. Roel F. Bermejo, Dr. Nordy D. Siason

Dr. Lilibeth T. Estoque, Dr. Azucena T. Falales
Ruben S. Libutaque, Lilibeth E. Larupay, Liza A. Balogo

Grade 12- Philippine Politics and Governance

2 and government
Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance
Welcome to Senior High School Social Sciences, Grade 12.

The Division Araling Panlipunan Tools (DAPAT) was co-authored,

designed, developed and reviewed by educators from the Department of Education,
Schools Division of Iloilo. This is done to guide you, and the teachers who will be
teaching the subject to help the student achieve the standards set by the K to 12

The purpose of the Division Araling Panlipunan Tools (DAPAT) is to guide

students in independent learning activities according to their ability, speed and time. It
also aims to help the students to develop and achieve lifelong skills with consideration
to their needs and circumstances.

For the learning facilitator:

The Division Araling Panlipunan Tools (DAPAT) was created to meet the
current needs of students in the country. To effectively assist the teachers, make sure
it is clear to the students how to study or answer the activities in this material.

For students:

The Division Araling Panlipunan Tools (DAPAT) was created in response to

your need. Its main purpose is to help you with your studies while you are not in the
classroom. In this way you will have the freedom to study the entertaining activities
contained in this material. Read and understand the instructions.

Grade 12- Philippine Politics and Governance

3 and government
Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance
The following are important notes in using this module:
1. Use the module with caution. Do not mark any part of the module with any
marks or letters. Use a separate paper to answer the exercises.
2. Don't forget to answer the Test before moving on to the other activities in the
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each exercise.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in carrying out tasks and in correcting answers.
5. Finish the current task before going to another exercise.
6. Please return this module to your teacher or facilitator when you have
completed all the exercises.
If you find it difficult to answer the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult
your teacher or facilitator. You can also ask for help from mother or father, or your
elder sibling or any of your housemates who are older than you. Always instill in your
mind that you are not alone.
We hope that through this module, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deeper understanding of relevant competencies. You can do it!


As learners, you often encountered words such as elections, government,

power, and political issues. These terms are relevant in the study of Politics in creating
topics commonly mentioned in radios and televisions.
This is the first of the modules that will introduce you to Philippine Politics and
Governance. You will learn various interpretation, definition, and view on politics. In
each lesson, you will find learning activities, concept notes, exercises, and drills that
need critical thinking skills to build your understanding of the competencies prescribed
in this module.
This module will build your knowledge and understanding of governance that
you will eventually apply to become better citizen, leader, manager, or administrator
in the near future.

Grade 12- Philippine Politics and Governance

4 and government
Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance

At the end of the module, you should be able to:

Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics,
governance and government.
1. define politics, governance, and government;
2. differentiate politics, governance, and government;
3. recognize the relationship and importance of politics,
governance, and government;



Before we start on this journey, let us check what you already know about the
concepts that you are about to learn.
Task 1: True or False
Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is wrong.
Write the answers on your activity notebook.
1. Politics is the art of government and the exercise of control within the society
through the making and enforcement of collective decisions.
2. Politics came from the word polis meaning “of or pertaining to state” in Greek.
3. Political is the study of the phenomena of the state and government.
4. The government is the system or group of people governing an organized
community, a state, and other entities.
5. Governance is the process of governing that connotes various ways through
which social life is coordinated.
6. An aristocracy is a form of government in which one person has uncontrolled
or unlimited authority over others.
7. An autocracy is a form of government where a small group of elite rules.
8. Public Governance refers to the implementation of government policy and an
academic discipline that studies this implementation.
9. The Judiciary sets the direction of national laws or policies, a power vested in
the office of the President.
10. The executive interprets the meaning of laws and decides if laws are

Grade 12- Philippine Politics and Governance

5 and government
Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance
Politics, Government, and Governance


This time, set your mood to learn, explore and discover new ideas and
knowledge through this exciting activity.
Task 2: Defining Politics
Directions: Examine the titles of the headline stories of broad sheet newspapers.
Then answer the questions that follow. Write the answers on your activity notebook.

World Health Organization Plants are magic and what’s next

declares global emergency over in Flora channel
new coronavirus outbreak

Provincial Jail inmate tagged in Filipinos wins in History Quiz

P50-M ‘shabu’ delivery challenge in the USA

Meats delivered in Misamis Cleopatra releases new shade of

Oriental market positive for African lipstick
Swine Fever


1. Which of the headlines portrays politics? Why?

2. Which of the headlines do not describe politics? Why?

Grade 12- Philippine Politics and Governance

6 and government
Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance
Task 3: Survey Time!
Directions: Fill in the chart by providing the answer for each column. Write the
answers on your activity notebook.
Leader Rules you need to follow
At home
In the school
In your town
In the country

1. Why do we have rules? Why do we have leaders?

2. In our country, who is responsible in implementing the rules or laws?


Awesome! You have finished another task! This time, you are about to learn
more about Governance and Government.
Task 4: Governance vs Government
Directions: In the box are words and phrases related to GOVERNANCE and
GOVERNMENT. Classify these by writing them on the correct column. Write the
answers on your activity notebook.

System State
Group of people governing Organized community
Monitoring of proper implementation Establishment of policies
Enhancing prosperity
Governance Government

Grade 12- Philippine Politics and Governance

7 and government
Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance
Task 5: Meaning Making
Directions: Based in the words and phrases that you classified, create a definition of
Governance and Government. Write the answers on your activity notebook.




To strengthen your ideas about the lesson, read the following learning points
and prepare for the different activities that will test your knowledge and skills as you
go through the lesson.
The Greek philosopher Aristotle once
said, Man by nature is a political animal. For
Aristotle, this made politics the ‘master
science’: that is, nothing less than the activity
through which human beings attempt to
improve their lives and create the Good
Society. Politics is a social activity that is
characterized by a dialogue.

To study politics is to study
ulon. Jebulon 2015. “English: The Erechtheum, Western Side,
Acropolis, Athens, Greece.” Wikimedia Commons. October 26,
government or specifically, to study the
exercise of authority. Politics is the art of
government and is the exercise of control
within the society through the making and enforcement of collective decisions
(Heywood, 1997).

Politics came from the word polis meaning “of or pertaining to state” in Greek.
It is also the root word for polites meaning people or citizens and politikos meaning
“of, for, or relating to citizens” which also translates to “affairs of the state.” It involves
decision-making, law-making, and governance. It is the study of practice and
distribution of powers.

Grade 12- Philippine Politics and Governance

8 and government
Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance
The word was absorbed into the Latin language as politicus with additional
meanings of "city" and "civics." The word made its way into modern English through
French derivations. The first use of the singular politic showed up in English in the
1400s, coming from the Middle French politique.

In ancient times, city-states like Athens and Sparta were relatively small and
cohesive units, in which political, religious, and cultural concerns intertwined.
Aristotle's word for ‘politics’ is politikê, which is short for politikê epistêmê or ‘political

Politics: Arena vs. Process

1. Politics as Arena. It defines politics from a formalistic point and limit the
phenomenon to the state, its instrumentalities and related institutions, its hierarchy of
offices and personnel, and laws and policies. It also covers activities and actions that
are sanctioned by the state, such as elections.
This view acknowledges that politics can only happen within the formal
institutions of the state and political behavior can be explained as effects of processes
participated by the state and its related institutions.
2. Politics as Process. Politics is not limited to formal institutions of the state
but extends to include other institutions within the society such as the family, the
church, and other parts of the society. It puts premium on the activity of governing or
how decisions are made and executed for a society. It also considers both the formal
political arena and the informal processes surrounding it.
Using this approach, the decision-making process and outcomes are understood
to be a function of the intersection of the state institutions with all these informal

Politics as the Authoritative Allocation of Values for a Society

According to Easton, politics is a complex set of interactions between inputs
and outputs, internal and external environments, and feedbacks and the political
1. Input- demands and supports that are fed into the political system
Demands- It can anything that the citizens and groups in society would want or
ask their government to provide or to respond to (jobs, better transport system, high
wages education, etc.)
Supports- takes the form of a favorable political environment characterized by
the presence of enabling laws and rules, openness of the political system, public
support etc.
2. Outputs- decisions and policies that result out of the political system.

The internal and external environment shapes how demand and supports gets
fed into the system and how the system processes them into decisions and policies.

Grade 12- Philippine Politics and Governance

9 and government
Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance
Internal environment- the actual geopolitical, physical ad territorial boundaries
of the state within which the political system belongs.
External environment- refers to the confluence of foreign influences, forces
and dynamics that lie beyond the boundaries of the state.
Politics as “Who Gets What, When and How”
Politics can be seen as a battlefield or battleground where political actors try to
subdue each other by any means to get what they want or the most of what they can
get, either for public good or private gain.
It is competitive that in the end some became winners (such as the elite) and
reign supreme while others join the ranks of the oppositions (such as the mass).
This view recognizes the temporary nature of this dynamics of politics. The elite
can only exercise its influence to the point where it can defend itself from any attempts,
organized or not, that contest/challenge them and their influence. Otherwise, they can
be ousted from position of power and will be replaced by the contender or anyone who
strategically benefit from the takeover or change.

Governance Government
Definition of Governance Definition of Government
The processes of governing the various ways The system or group of people governing an
through which social life is coordinated. organized community, a state, and other
Purpose of Governance Purpose of Government
1. To Ensure safe policies and its 1. To establish laws, maintain order, and
implementation. provide security.
2. To relates processes of interaction 2. To protect citizens from external threats,
and decision-making among the and promote the general welfare by providing
instrumentality of the government. public services.

Types of Governance Forms of Government

1. Public governance 1. Autocracy
2. Private governance 2. Aristocracy
3. Global governance 3. Democracy
4. Nonprofit governance 4. Republics
5. Corporate governance 5. Federalism

Functions of Governance Functions of Governments

1. Determine the objectives of the 1. Foreign diplomacy
organization 2. Military defense
2. Determine the ethics of the organization 3. Maintenance of domestic order
3. Create the culture of the organization 4. Administration of justice
4. Design and implement the governance 5. Protection of civil liberties
framework for the organization

Grade 12- Philippine Politics and Governance

10 and government
Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance
5. Ensure accountability by management 6. Provision for and regulation of the conduct
6. Ensure compliance by the organization of periodic elections
7. Provision for public goods and services
8. Promotion of economic growth and
9. Operation of social- insurance programs to
prevent future poverty
10. Operation of social-welfare programs to
alleviate existing poverty


The word “governance” came from the Latin verb “gubernare,” or more
originally from the Greek word “kubernaein,” which means “to steer.” From its
etymology, governance refers to the manner of steering or governing, or of directing
and controlling, a group of people or a state.

Governance is commonly defined as the exercise of power or authority by

political leaders for the well-being of their country’s citizens or subjects. It is the
complex process whereby some sectors of the society wield power and enact and
promulgate public policies which directly affect human and institutional interactions
and economic and social development. The power exercised by the participating
sectors of the society is always for the common good, as it is essential for demanding
respect and cooperation from the citizens and the state. A great deal of governance is
the proper and effective utilization of resources.


Government is a means by which organizational policies are enforced and a

mechanism for determining policy. Each government has a constitution, a statement
of its governing principles and philosophy.
Legislature. The law-making body of the government.
Executive. Sets the direction of national laws or policies.
Judiciary. It interprets the meaning of laws and decides if laws are

Legs of Governance

1. Economic governance includes decision-making processes that affect a

country's economic activities and its relationships with other economies

2. Political governance is the process of decision-making to formulate policy.

3. Administrative governance is the system of policy implementation.

Grade 12- Philippine Politics and Governance

11 and government
Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance
Characteristics of Excellent Governance

1. Participation. Participation means that each men and women, should partake
or indirectly have a representative in governance. Participation is a necessary
cornerstone of excellent governance
2. Rule of Law. Rule of law means that sensible governance manifested through
the non-partisanship of honest legal framework like the promotion of a full
protection of human rights and dignity particularly those members of minorities.
3. Transparency. Transparency implies that data are freely accessible and
directly accessible to people.
4. Responsiveness. Good governance needs that establishments and processes
serve all stakeholders in an inexpensive timeframe.
5. Consensus oriented. Good governance needs mediation of various interests
in society to succeed.
6. Effectiveness and efficiency. Good governance implies that processes and
establishment turn out results that meet the requirements of society while
creating the most effective use of resources at their disposal.
7. Accountability. It is the key requirement of good governance. Government
establishments as well as the private sector and civil society organizations
should be responsible to the general public and their institutional stakeholders.


Spend time to enhance your learnings of the previous discussion that you had
by doing this activity.
Task 6: Brain Storming!
Directions: Identify a situation which shows the importance of politics, governance,
and government. Explain the situation that you presented. Use your activity notebook
for your answers.
Politics Governance Government

Grade 12- Philippine Politics and Governance

12 and government
Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance
Task 7: Share your thoughts!
Take some time on your learnings by doing the activity below.
Directions: Analyze and write down your thoughts on the following questions. Use
your activity notebook for your answers

1. Who are responsible in performing the process of governance in your town?

2. How did they perform their functions in addressing the concerns of the people
during the COVID 19 pandemic?
3. What indicator of good governance is observed by the leaders of your town?
Explain by giving an example.


Now, you are about to finish this lesson. Share your thoughts by completing the
sentences below. Write your answers on your activity notebook.

I learned that…

I realized that…

If given a chance, I will…

Grade 12- Philippine Politics and Governance

13 and government
Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance

You have finally reached the last part of the lesson. You are now ready to
assess what you have learned from the lessons by answering this activity.
Task 8: Lessons Learned
Directions: Copy the Venn diagram on your notebook. Discuss the concept of
politics, governance, and government. Present their relationship on the overlapping




Grade 12- Philippine Politics and Governance

14 and government
Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance
Answer Key

Task 1 Task 5
1. True Answers may vary
2. True
3. False Task 6
4. True Answers may vary
5. True
6. False Task 7
7. True Answers may vary
8. True
9. False Task 8
10. False Answers may vary

Task 2
Answers may vary

Task 3
Answers may vary

Task 4
Governance Government
organized community system
establishment of policies group of people governing
monitoring of proper implementation state
enhancing the prosperity

Grade 12- Philippine Politics and Governance

15 and government
Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance

Bachrach, P. and Baratz, M. Two Faces of Power, American Political Science

Review, 56, 947-52. 1962.

Christopher, Darlene. “A Harder Focus on the Global Classroom.” Training +

Development. February 2011, 30-31.
Connor, Walker "A Nation is a Nation, is a State, is an Ethnic Group, is a...". Ethnic
and Racial Studies. 1 (4): 377–400.
Curtis, M. (Ed.). The Great Political Theories. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.
Curtis, M. (Ed.). The Great Political Theories (Vol. 2). New York: HarperCollins
Publishers. 2008.
Dahl, R.A. The Concept of Power, Behavioral Science, 2, 3, 201-215 (1957).
Editors, SparkNote. SparkNotes. Retrieved from SparkNotes Website:
science/political-ideologies-and-styles/(2018, November).
Gaus, Gerald, Courtland, Shane, D., & Schmidtz, D. Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. Retrieved from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Web site:
https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/liberalism/ (2018, November.)

George Modelski; Tessaleno Devezas; William R. Thompson (20 December 2007).

Gerard Delanty; Chris Rumford. "Political Globalization". In George Ritzer. The

Blackwell Companion to Globalization (15 April 2008)

Grade 12- Philippine Politics and Governance

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Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance

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