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Senior High School



This Module is an introduction to the diverse fields of the Social Sciences

and Humanities that caters to the needs of the students in the core, specialized/
track, and applied subjects in the K to12 Senior High School Curriculum during
this situation called NEW NORMAL. The series adheres to the constructivist and
learner- centered philosophy of education to encourage active student
involvement and collaboration in the teaching learning process in different
learning category (Blended, Home based-learning, online and Face to face). The
topics, activities, and assessment in all the titles are carefully selected and
adjusted to align to the standards, competencies, and content stipulated in the K
to12 Senior High School Curriculum, to deepen understanding and mastery of
content and competencies acquired in the New Normal situation of our country
and to meet global trends and standards in the various fields of the Social
Sciences and Humanities.

The series uses an interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and multidisciplinary

approach to the study of the fundamental ideas, concepts, theories, inquiries,
methods, and issues in the Social Sciences and Humanities. The content of all
the titles in the series are organized and anchored around common themes and
perspectives shared by all the disciplines in the Social Sciences and Humanities.
As an introductory to the diverse fields of the Social Sciences and Humanities,
students will not only learn western concepts, theories, and methods but they will
also examine and critique different indigenous concepts, ideas, and theories
developed by Filipino social scientists and thinkers to study Philippine history,
culture, society, and psyche.

In the end of this module aims to equip the students with the necessary
content knowledge, skills, and competencies in the different fields of the Social
Sciences and Humanities that they can apply in understanding and analyzing,
proposing solutions and alternatives, and being actively involved in political,
economic, social, and cultural issues and trends, that are happening in the
Philippines and the world today. Through its structured and well-designed
lessons and activities, the series aspires to make students experience and
appreciate learning of the Social Sciences and Humanities as fun and exciting,
meaningful, and relevant field study. I hope that after two years of study, this
module will be able to influence learners to choose a career in the Social
Sciences and Humanities profession in college, and will prepare them to become
productive, responsible, and active citizens of the community, country and the

Ferdinand A. Sulit
Public School Social Sciences Teacher II
Masters of Arts in Education Major in Social Sciences
Senior High School


Political Ideologies

Philippine Politics and Governance – Senior High School
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 2: Political ideologies.

First Edition 2020

No part of this Module may be reproduced in any form without the written
permission from the author except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief
passage in connection with a review for inclusion in a magazine or newspaper.

Much care has been taken to obtain permission from the owners to reprint
copyrighted materials. The author and editors spared much time and effort to
locate all of them for their permission but may failed in some. Any error or
oversight that may have been possibly made is unintentional and will be
corrected in future printings.

Development Team of the Module

Author: Ferdinand A. Sulit

Content Editor:

Language Editor:

Reviewers: SDO Cavite Province

Illustrator: N/A

Layout Artist: Ferdinand A. Sulit

Management Team:

Printed in the Philippines by ________________________

Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

Office Address: ____________________________________________

Telefax: ___________________________________________________
E-mail Address: _____________________________________________


Political Ideologies

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed by

educators from Bulihan Integrated National High School Senior High School
Humanist and Social Science Department. We encourage teachers and other
education stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and
recommendations to the Department of Education at [email protected].

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Introductory Message

The Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) module for Philippine Politics and
Governance has been designed to provide simplified, convenient and accessible
to all types of learners, especially those who has inability to attend regular class
due to personal family conflicts as well as for formal school. The content of the
module has been validated by evaluators to ensure its alignment to the
curriculum designed by the Department of Education for Senior High School.
Moreover, the topics activities were designed interestingly and
comprehensively to enhance learning ability for assessment of learning. There
are formative and summative activities including the answer keys which can be
seen at the last page of the module.
Educators are encouraged to use the module as supplement and intervention
for learners.

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you to understand the different political ideologies. The scope of this module
permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The activities used
were patterned to all levels of learner. The lessons are arranged to follow the
standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be
changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
The module is divided into Political Ideologies, namely:
• Left and Right Distinction of Ideologies
• Liberal and Conservative Distinction of Ideologies
• The Broad Political left in the Philippines
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. Define key concepts Anarchism, Socialism, Liberalism, Conservatism.

2. Differentiate the various views on Political Ideologies

What I Know

Topic: Are You Liberal or Somewhere in Between?

INSTRUCTION: Take the quiz below to find out at which point in the political
spectrum you are more oriented to. Give yourself a score of one (1) point if you
agree, and a score of zero (0) point if you disagree with each of the statements. If
you are uncertain with your answer, then choose what comes closest to your

The quiz was adopted from the “Political Typology Quiz” by the Pew Research
Centre but was modified to apply to the Philippine socio-political context. The full
Political Typology Quiz can be accessed online through the link http:/ The interpretation of scores for
the quiz below is not based on any known or used scale.


The government must regulate business to protect public
Government regulation causes more harm than good.
Most people can succeed if they work hard.
Hard work does not guarantee success in life.
This country should do whatever it takes to protect the
This country has neglected the environment.
The use of military force is the best way to defeat the terrorism.
Reliance on the use of military force to defeat terrorism causes
hatred that leads to more terrorism
Discrimination against women leads to injustice in society.
Women are to be blamed for their situation in society.
Business corporations in the country make too much profit.
Most business corporations in the country make a fair and
reasonable amount profit.
The government provides sufficient social services.
The government is inadequate in providing social service.
Government must intervene for population control.
Government must be couples decide on how many children they
The government is inefficient.
The government is always underrated for its performance.
Too much power is concentrated in the hands of a few elites/
Power in society must be distributed fairly.
The best way to ensure peace is through military strength.
Good diplomacy is the best to ensure peace.
One must have a region to be moral and have good values.
Having a religion does not ensure morality and good values.
Filipinos are naturally independent and hardworking.
Filipinos need government support to succeed in life.
Homosexuality should be accepted by society.
Homosexuality should be discouraged by society.
Filipinos must give up their privacy and freedom to be protected
from terrorism.
Filipinos should not give up their privacy and freedom to be
protected from terrorism.
Government aid to the poor does more harm than good, by
making people too dependent on government assistance.
Government aid to the poor does better than harm, because
people can’t get out of poverty until their basic needs are met.
Stricter environmental laws and regulations cost too many jobs
and lead to lost economic opportunity.
Stricter environmental laws and regulations are worth the cost.
Our country has made the changes needed to promote and
protect the rights of members of the LGBT (lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transsexual) community.
Our country needs to do more to promote and protect LGBT
Intermarriages between Filipinos and other races are good for
the society.
Intermarriages between Filipinos and other races are not good
for the society.
For the purpose of the quiz, the higher your score, the more
conservative you are; the lower your score, the more liberal Total
you are.


A discussion of the nature of “ideology” is also marked by a problem

similar to any discussion of the nature of politics and power. Like politics and
power, there is also no settled or agreed definition of ideology.
Oftentimes, “political ideology” is confused with “political culture.” Both
concepts refer to political attitudes, values, and beliefs, but ideologies are more
coherent and often codified while political culture is more general and rather
abstract (Mendoza, 1999b).
According to Andrew Heywood (2003, 12), “the complexity of ideology
derives from the fact that it straddles the conventional boundaries between
descriptive and normative thought, and between political theory and political
practice” and accordingly, “brings about two kinds of synthesis: between
understanding and commitment, and between thought and action.” The definition
of ideology below captures such complexity of ideology:

An Ideology is a more or less coherent set of ideas that provides the basis
for organized political action, whether this is intended to preserve, modify, or
overthrow the existing system of power. All Ideologies therefor (a) offer an
account of the existing order, usually in the form of “world-society’ (b) advance a
model of desired future, a vision of the ‘good society’, and (c) explain how
political change can and should be brought about – how to get from A to B
(Heywood 2003, 12).

Activity 1: Give the different between the two ideologies.
Instructions: Examine the two ideologies and give the definition and

1. Liberalism vs. Conservatism


2. Anarchism Vs. Socialism


3. Conservatism Vs. Fascism


4. Social liberalism Vs. Conservatism


Activity 2: Make an online assessment in Political Typology using this link below


Activity 3: Answer and explain the following questions.

1. Why are ideologies important?

2. How ideologies bring about social change?


3. What is the role accorded to the state by each political ideology?


4. How would each ideology answer a question like: Is the state a means to
an end, or is the state the end-in-itself?

5. Which political ideology is most skeptical about democracy and its



What Is It

Different Ideologies and their Perspective on the State

Political Ideologies

Endorses direct democracy and call for continuous popular participation and
radical decentralization.

Electoral or representative democracy is merely a façade that attempts to

conceal elite domination and reconcile the masses to their oppression.

Traditionally endorses a form of radical democracy based on popular
participation and desire to bring economic life under public control, dismissing
liberal democracy as simply capitalist democracy.

Nevertheless, modern social democrats are now firmly committed to liberal-

democrat’s structures.

Understand democracy in individual terms as consent expressed through the
ballot box, democracy being equated with regular and competitive elections.

While democracy constrains abuses of power, it must always be conducted

within a constitutional framework in order to prevent majoritarian tyranny.

Endorses liberal-democratic rule but with qualification about the need to protect
property and traditional institutions from the untutored will of the many.’

The new right, however, has linked electoral democracy to the problems of over-
government and economic stagnation.

Embraces the ideas of totalitarian democracy, holding that a genuine democracy
is an absolute dictatorship as the leader monopolizes ideological wisdom and is
alone able to articulate the true interest of the people.


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