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Explain the operation of RC phase shift oscillator?

RC phase-shift oscillators use resistor-capacitor (RC) network (Figure 1) to

provide the phase-shift required by the feedback signal. Ideally a simple RC
network is expected to have an output which leads the input by 90 o. However,
in reality, the phase-difference will be less 90 0 as the capacitor used in the
circuit cannot be ideal. Mathematically the phase angle of the RC network is
expressed as ∅ = tan ( )

Figure 1: RC phase shift network

Where, XC = 1/(2πfC) is the reactance of the capacitor C and R is the resistor.

In oscillators each RC network offering a definite phase-shift so as to satisfy
the phase-shift condition led by the Barkhausen Criterion.

RC phase-shift oscillator is formed by cascading three RC phase-shift

networks, each offering a phase-shift of 60 o, as shown by Figure 2.

Figure 2: RC phase shift oscillator using BJT

Collector resistor RC limits the collector current of the transistor, resistors R 1
and R (nearest to the transistor) form the voltage divider network and the
emitter resistor RE improves the stability. The capacitors C E and Co are the
emitter by-pass capacitor and the output DC decoupling capacitor,

This arrangement causes the output waveform to shift by 180 o during its
course of travel from output terminal to the base of the transistor. This signal
will be shifted again by 180o by the transistor in the circuit because the phase-
difference between the input and the output will be 180 0 in common emitter
configuration. This makes the net phase-difference to be 360 o, satisfying the
phase-difference condition. Frequency of oscillations fo is 𝑓 =

Derive the expression for frequency of oscillations and minimum gain required for
sustained oscillations of RC phase shift oscillator?

The value of R = R3+Ri , where Ri = hie' the input resistance of transistor .. '. The
three RC sections of the phase-shifting network are identical R I, R2 and RE are
biasing resistors.

Writing K V L for the three nodes

Figure 3: Feedback Circuit of RC Phase Shift Oscillator

I1(R+ )−I2R=Vi ....(1)

−I1R+I2(2R+ )−I3R=0 ... (2)

−I2R+I3(2R+ )=0 ...(3)

Replacing jω with s and writing equations in the matrix form,
Using Cramer's rule to find out I 3,

By replacing third column of matrix D with output we get

Since feedback factor

Replacing s by jω

Dividing denominator and numerator by jω 3R3C3and using,


To have phase shift of 180∘, the imaginary part of denominator must be zero.
α(6−α2) = 0

At this frequency,

Negative sign indicates that phase shift of 180 0. Thus,

Now to have oscillations, |Aβ|≥29

|A||β|≥1 and |A|≥29
Conclusion: Gain of amplifier should be at least 29 for getting oscillations from
a RC Phase shift oscillator.

Explain the operation of Wien bridge oscillator?

The oscillator consists of two stages of RC coupled amplifier and a feedback

network. The bridge circuit has the arms R 1C1, R3, R2C2 and the tungsten lamp
Lp. Resistance R3 and the lamp Lp are used to stabilize the amplitude of the
output. The two transistors produce a total phase shift of 360 0 so that proper
positive feedback is ensured. The negative feedback in the circuit ensures
constant output. This is achieved by temperature sensitive tungsten lamp Lp.
Its resistance increases with current.
The voltage across the parallel combination of R 2 and C2 is fed to the input of
amplifier 1. The net phase shift through the two amplifiers is zero. Figure 4
shows the circuit diagram of a Wien bridge oscillator.

Figure 4: Wien bridge oscillator

The frequency of oscillations is determined by the series element R 1C1 and
parallel element R2C2 of the bridge.

If R1 = R2 and C1 = C2 = C, then


 The circuit provides good frequency stability.

 The overall gain is high because of two transistors.
 The amplitude stability of the output voltage can be maintained
constant, by replacing R2 with a thermistor.


 The circuit cannot generate very high frequencies.

 More number of components are required for the circuit construction.

With a neat diagram, Explain the operation of Hartly oscillator?

Hartley oscillator is inductively coupled, variable frequency oscillator. The

resistors R1, R2 and RE provide necessary bias condition for the circuit. The
capacitor CE provides a.c. ground thereby providing any signal degeneration.

Figure 5: Hartly oscillator

The inductors L1 and L2 and the capacitor C which form the tank circuit, that
inductors L1 and L2 have a mutual coupling, M, which must be considered in
determining the equivalent inductance for the resonant tank circuit. Hartly
oscillator with tank circuit comprises of L 1, L2 and C as shown in figure 5. The
output of the amplifier is applied across the inductor L 1 while the feedback
voltage drawn across L2 is applied to the base of the transistor.

Thus one can conclude that the output of the amplifier is in-phase with the
tank circuit’s voltage and supplies back to amplifier circuit which is out-of-
phase by 180o.

The feedback voltage is 180o out-of-phase, and the transistor is provided an

additional 180o phase-shift. Hence the signal which appears at the transistor’s
output will have a net phase-shift of 360 o. The equation for frequency of
oscillations is given by

𝑓= where Leq=L1+L2+2M


• Instead of two separate coils L1 and L2, a single coil of bare wire can be
used, and the coil grounded at any desired point along it.

• By using a variable capacitor or by making core movable (varying the

inductance), frequency of oscillations can be varied.

• The amplitude of the output remains constant over the working

frequency range.


• It cannot be used as a low frequency oscillator since the value of

inductors becomes large and the size of the inductors becomes large.

• The harmonic content in the output of this oscillator is very high


• Hartley oscillators are mainly used in radio receivers. Due to its wide
range of frequencies, it is the most popular oscillator. The Hartley
oscillator is suitable for oscillations in RF (Radiofrequency) range, up to

With a neat circuit diagram explain the operation of Colpitts Oscillator ?

A Colpitts oscillator looks just like the Hartley oscillator but the inductors and
capacitors are replaced with each other in the tank circuit. The resistors R 1, R2
and RE provide necessary bias condition for the circuit. The capacitor C E
provides a.c. ground thereby providing any signal degeneration. This also
provides temperature stabilization.

The radio frequency choke (R.F.C) offers very high impedance to high frequency
currents which means it shorts for d.c. and opens for a.c. Hence it provides
d.c. load for collector and keeps a.c. currents out of d.c. supply source. Colpitts
oscillator with tank circuit comprises of C 1, C2 and L is shown in Figure 6.


When the collector supply is given, a transient current is produced in the

oscillatory or tank circuit. The oscillatory current in the tank circuit produces
a.c. voltage across C1 which are applied to the base emitter junction and
appear in the amplified form in the collector circuit and supply losses to the
tank circuit.

Figure 6: Colpitts Oscillator

If terminal 1 is at positive potential with respect to terminal 3 at any instant,

then terminal 2 will be at negative potential with respect to 3 at that instant
because terminal 3 is grounded. Therefore, points 1 and 2 are out of phase by
As the Common Emitter configured transistor provides 180 o phase shift, it
makes 360o phase shift between the input and output voltages. Hence,
feedback is properly phased to produce continuous undamped oscillations.
When the loop gain |Aβ| of the amplifier is greater than one, oscillations are
sustained in the circuit. The equation for frequency of colpitts oscillator is
given as

𝑓 = 𝐶 =


Colpitts oscillator can generate sinusoidal signals of very high frequencies.

The frequency stability is high.
Frequency can be varied by using the variable capacitors.
The amplitude of the output remains constant over a fixed frequency range.
The Colpitts oscillator is designed to eliminate the disadvantages of Hartley
oscillator i.e., Inductive tuning.

Mostly used as a local oscillator in radio receivers, R.F. Oscillator.

Colpitts oscillator can be used as high frequency sinewave generator.

Problem: A Hartley oscillator has L 1 = 3mH, L2 = 5mH and C = 10nF. Determine

the frequency of oscillations.

Ans: 17.89 KHz

Problem: A Colpitts oscillator has a coil with inductance of 50 μH and is tuned

by capacitor 400 Pf across amplifier input and 200 Pf across the output. Then
the frequency of oscillations and minimum gain for maintaining oscillations?

Ans: 𝑓 = Loop gain Aβ =1 and β= C2/C1.

A=2 and f = 1.95 MHz.

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