En 50191 Guide

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Setting up and operating electrical test

installations for safe working environments

Your guide to complying with EN50191

The EN50191 standard
We know about
06 Objectives of this guide complying to
06 Scope and applications
of the standard
EN 50191.
08 Definitions After reading this booklet,
so will you.
10 Safety measures for
protection against As a long established market leader in the
electric shock design and development of electrical safety
testing instrumentation, nobody is better
12 Test stations, qualified than Seaward to advise on safety
test laboratories, testing and the implications of EN 50191.

experimental stations, EN 50191 defines the requirements for the

temporary stations, safe operation of electrical test equipment
stations without test in the workplace. It is regarded as best
practice advice for the provision of essential
personnel in permanent
protective measures in most electrical testing
attendance environments and particularly where hazards
exist with high voltage testing.
20 Operations of test
installations However, technological advances are making
electrical products more sophisticated. In
22 Appendix
addition, modern manufacturing demands
have put even greater pressure on productivity
and quality control.

The pace of change has led to confusion. Many

electrical manufacturers and hire companies
have been left vulnerable in the event of
electrical accidents.

This is where Seaward can help. The company

understands compliance standards and works


Your guide to complying with EN50191

very closely with the BSI and industry approvals general public.
agencies on a wide range of electrical safety
issues. In all cases the effective integration of Seaward
testers with production line systems and service
This experience has led to the development and hire workshops, not only ensures vital
of an extensive range of electrical safety regulatory compliance but also significantly
products and services that not only make your enhances productivity, product quality and
business more efficient and profitable, but also litigation from electric shock.
guarantees you meet all the necessary product
and safety standards. Versatile product range
Seaward has been providing electrical safety
Meeting standards testing solutions since 1953 and has become
EN 50191 is a workplace safety standard the supplier of choice in this important sector
that complements the product specific with a broad range of electrical safety and
international technical CE standards under functional test instruments.
which all electrical and electronics products
must be designed and manufactured. These include:

These technical standards relate to various ∙∙ Comprehensive electrical safety and

electrical safety and performance factors functional testers
to ensure that products are constructed in ∙∙ Combination electrical safety testers
accordance with good engineering practice ∙∙ Hipot testers (flash testers)
and will not pose a danger to users. Products ∙∙ Earth bond testers (ground bond testers)
must adhere to the requirements of all relevant ∙∙ Power cord testers
product safety standards, if they are to meet ∙∙ Cable and harness continuity and
the requirements to bear the CE mark. insulation testers
∙∙ Industry specific bespoke automated
Examples include the low voltage and the testers
machinery directive.
In all cases flexibility is the key. Seaward testers
Seaward’s advanced test instrumentation can be used as stand alone, single function
solutions are designed to help manufacturers safety testers or adapted and integrated for use
fulfil these obligations, whilst maximising in bespoke automated test systems.
productivity. Seaward testers have applications
in the laboratory for design verification and All incorporate flexible safety interlocks and
type approval testing and on the production fail-safe protection routines to ensure that
line for functional and safety testing, as well operators are not exposed to hazardous
as quality control and audit. Industry specific conditions, with output ports configured to
testers are also available that are tailored for drive high visibility beacons and a variety of
checking the electrical safety of products warning devices to achieve compliance with
provided for repeated hire and rental to the EN 50191.

PG 3

Seaward’s unrivalled technical expertise in Latest generation microprocessor controlled

electrical safety testing instrumentation is testers are capable of scanning product
combined with engineering and system barcodes for pre-set automatic test routine
integration skills as part of a complete turnkey selection, with results being stored against
service that meets customers’ exact test serial numbers in the tester’s internal memory
requirements. for output to a printer or for data exchange into
a PC for further analysis.
For example, the ability to link the tester with
purpose designed test fixtures and special Test systems can be linked to integral and
enclosures means electrical test systems can proprietary industrial label printers for the
be integrated effectively with production line immediate output of pass/fail test labels for
processes and quality control requirements, attachment to products post test.
significantly reducing test times, guaranteeing
quality and improving productivity. Networking of test stations with central control
software and data management systems also
As well as carrying out critical electrical safety means that test data can be made available for
tests, Seaward systems can also offer an full quality and product management control
extensive range of function tests to further functions. Proprietary user interface software
improve the automation of the process such as LabView has been incorporated into
and dramatically increase production line larger complex bespoke projects.
productivity and quality.
Comprehensive service
In addition, in some cases the functional As part of its comprehensive electrical test
power requirements of some electrical and instrumentation design and development
electronic products means that they cannot service, Seaward reinforces this by offering full
be tested directly using standard off the installation, commissioning, training and the
shelf equipment. Seaward’s bespoke service high level of technical support that you would
overcomes such problems and has been used expect from the market leader.
to design and build systems for accurate
functional load testing from milliamps up to Specifically for compliance with EN 50191
hundreds of Amps, in both single and three Seaward also offers a ‘one stop shop’ audit
phase applications, including line leakage service that provides free advice and safety
measurement. assessments for electrical safety testing
installations and locations.
Traceability and Control
In this way, electrical test solutions from
Seaward can help manufacturers of electrical
and electronic products meet international
technical standards, stringent agency approvals
audits and ISO quality traceability needs.


Your guide to complying with EN50191

Choosing the
correct solution
couldn’t be
Simply choose the solution Sector specific testers
that suits you. For the hire and rental markets we offer our
new SafeCheck 8 Desk Test & Tag system,
designed to be cost effective and maximise
production. Our B255 is the current industry
standard as used by all the leading names
because of its reliability and simplicity of use.
The SafeTest Luminaire has been developed to
meet the changes in the lighting conformance
testing standards. Both AC Hipot tester and DC
500V insulation tester that allows electronic
switchgear and ballast to be tested within
lighting products.

Production line testers

We offer three types of testers for production
line environments - the Elite family, the HAL
family and the SafeTest Manufacturing. The Elite
is a powerful and fast 11 function automatic
safety test, ideal for maximising production. The
HAL is an advanced electrical safety tester with
onboard database storage and automated test
processes. It is the only isolated output tester
on the market. The SafeTest Manufacturing is a Cable Testers
cost effective design featuring 7 tests, onboard The Horizon 1500 family is a rugged design that
test result and sequence storage. utilises touch screen controls and is expandable
to 1024 points with high current (up to 1A) and
Hipot testing capability up to 1500VDC and/or
1067VAC. Test capability includes fault
PG 5

location, automatic product learning and test This guide does not replace the requirement for
programme generation. a person undertaking the testing of electrical
equipment to be skilled or instructed and
The EN50191 standard trained and continuously updated or retrained
when necessary on the safety requirements,
The European Standard EN 50191, prepared safety rules and company instructions
at national level with the participation of applicable to their work.
interested CENELEC members, defines the
requirements for the erection and operation of 2 Scope and application
electrical test equipment. of the standard
The Standard incorporates provisions from A) Scope of the standard
eleven other European Norm Standards and The format and the scope of the standard is
other publications (see Appendix 1) as well based on the application of protective
as many existing national procedures and measures against direct contact with exposed
good engineering practices for safe operation live parts, which present a danger, by personnel
when undertaking the testing of electrical undertaking the erection and operation of fixed
equipment. and temporary electrical test installations.
The power supply to the test equipment does
The application of the Standard will have an
not come within the scope of the standard.
impact on those who have a statutory duty
Instead for erection of test equipment the
under the Health & Safety at Work Act, in
standards of the series HD384 (for nominal
particular the Electricity at Work Regulations
voltages up to 1000V) or HD 637 S1 (for
and under the provision for use of Work
nominal voltages exceeding 1kV) should
Equipment and therefore on companies
be applied, and for the operation of test
manufacturing electrical equipment where the
equipment EN 50110 is applicable. These
testing of that equipment has to comply with
standards also apply where no requirements
these Standards.
are given in the standard.

1 Objectives of this guide B) Application of the standard

The standard does not have to be applied
The objectives of this practical guide are to where no danger is present when contact
provide relevant and necessary information is made with exposed live parts. To
to ensure the safety of test personnel whilst determine if compliance with the standard
conducting electrical tests and to assist those is not a requirement or on the other hand if
personnel to manage the various types of compliance is a requirement and which section
test locations to prevent danger not only of the standard is then applicable the flow
to themselves but to others who could be chart Figure 1 “Applying EN 50191” should be
affected by their activities. actioned.


Your guide to complying with EN50191

It will be noted from the flow chart that even if

one of the below conditions has been satisfied Note: All numbers referring to sections in this
and hence the requirements of the standard guide apply to sections in the guide and not
do not have to be applied, other potential risks to sections in EN 50191.
must be considered.

Does the test equipment satisfy one of the following conditions at live exposed parts?
a) The voltage at frequencies above 500 Hz does not exceed 25 V AC and complies with the requirements for SELV or PELV in accordance with HD
b) In case of voltages at frequencies up to 500 Hz exceeding 25V AC., or 60V DC, the resultant current through a non - inductive resistance of 2kΩ does
exceed 3mA AC (r.m.s.), or 12mA DC.
c) At frequencies above 500 Hz no hazardous body currents or contact voltages occur. In these cases the national determined current and voltage values
should be applied. If there are no national requirements determined, reference values for permissible body currents and contact voltages can be taken
from Table A.1 in Appendix 2.
d) The discharge energy does not exceed 350 mJ.

Are there any other potential risks to be considered? Requirements of the standard to apply

YES NO A Are the necessary skilled, Are there any other potential
Can appropriate measures be Compliance with the standard instructed and nominated risks to be considered?
installed to obviate the risk? not necessary personnel in place for the testing?


Compliance Abort testing Has the test station automatic Abort testing until personnel Can Comply with
with the and seek protection against direct contact? are trained appropriate the standard
standard not help measures be revert to A
necessary installed to
obviate the

Action Section 5.1 Is the test station without Abort Comply with
automatic protection against testing until the
direct contact? personnel standard
are trained revert to A

Action Section 5.2 Is the test station a test Lab?

Action Section 5.3.1 and 5.3.3 Is the test station an
experimental station?

Action Section 5.3.1 and 5.3.3 Is the test station a temporary

Action Section 5.4 Is the test station without the Action Section 5.3
personnel in permanent

Figure 1 - Applying EN 50191

PG 7

3 Definitions 3.4 Prohibition zone

A Prohibition zone is an area around live parts
which should not be capable of being reached
The following are a number of definitions
when full protection against direct contact with
particularly applicable to the standard. The
these parts is not provided.
implication and application of a definition is
detailed either under the definition or in the
The boundary of a prohibition zone is defined
section in the text numbered against the
in Appendix 2 (Table B) which notes that the
prohibition zone is dependent upon test
voltages to earth.
3.1 Electrical test installations
Test installations consist of all the test
In the case of voltages up to 1000V, the surface
equipment and devices combined, (i.e. a test
of the live parts is taken to be the boundary of
assembly) for undertaking and performing tests
the prohibition zone.
on electrical appliances and objects.

In the case of voltages exceeding 1000V, being

Test installations can be designed, constructed
capable of reaching the prohibition zone is
and installed as either;
considered equivalent to touching live parts.

a. Test stations;
For the minimum distance between barriers
Either; 1) With automatic protection
and prohibition zones see 3.5 Barriers.
against direct contact (See 5.1) Or; 2)
Without automatic protection against
Any work activity undertaken in a prohibition
direct contact (See 5.2)
zone (i.e. live working) must comply with the
(See also definition No 3.3 below) or
requirements of EN 50110-1.
b. Test laboratories or experimental stations
(See 5.3) or
3.5 Barriers
c. Temporary test stations (See 5.4) or
Where barriers are required to be installed,
d. Test stations without test personnel in
(See 4.3) they must separate test areas from
permanent attendance (See 5.5)
work areas and passageways. They must be so
designed as to:
3.2 Test area
A test area is the area around the assembled
∙∙ Prevent access to the test area by persons
test equipment which is separated from the
other than test personnel
surrounding area.
∙∙ Prevent persons other than the test
persons reaching the prohibition zone
3.3 Test station
∙∙ Prevent persons outside the barrier
A test station is the identified test equipment in
reaching operating devices of test
a clearly defined area e.g. electrical workshops,
equipment located inside the barrier.
repair bays, etc. where one or two persons are
generally engaged on testing duties.


Your guide to complying with EN50191

The minimum distance between the barrier 3.9 Operational status

enclosing the test area and the boundary of The testing of electrical equipment and
the prohibition zone or operation devices is appliances comes under 4 stages of operational
defined with reference to Figure 2 and status.
Table C, Appendix 3. For grid barriers, the
minimum distance at any opening between These must be recognized and applied by
the barrier and the prohibition zone where it is personnel undertaking testing at all times. The
possible to reach through the barrier, is defined 4 statuses are as follows:
in Table D, Appendix 3. It will be noted that the
distance is related to the width of the opening. 3.9.1 Out of operation status is when:

Barriers made of conductive materials must be ∙∙ All electrical supplies, signalling and
earthed or other means taken to prevent control circuits are switched off and
indirect electric shock in case of a fault. secured against unauthorised switching
3.6 Signal lights ∙∙ All safety precautions necessary e.g.
Signal lights are red and green lights which are earthing, shorting-circuiting for voltages
clearly visible from outside the boundaries of exceeding 1 kV have been undertaken
the test area. before entering the test area.

3.6.1 A green signal to indicate the operational 3.9.2 Ready for operation status is when:
status inside the test area, i.e. a “ready for
operation” status, when switched on (see 3.9.2). ∙∙ The power supplies for the switchgear
signalling and control circuits of the test
3.6.2 A red signal to indicate “danger” for the equipment are switched on.
test area whenever either the operational ∙∙ The green signal lights, where these are
status “ready to switch on” (See 3.9.3) or the “In required, as defined in Section 5, are
operation” status (see 3.9.4) exists. switched on.
∙∙ All power supplies for the test voltage
3.7 Indicator lights are switched off and secured against
Indicator lights are lights adequate in number unintentional switching.
to indicate the switching status of control ∙∙ All the safety precautions detailed in 3.9.1
panels. They are used in addition to, and not as above (“Out of operation”) are in force.
an alternative to signal lights (See 3.6).
3.9.3 “Ready to switch on” status is when:
3.8 Emergency switch
An emergency switch is a means to cut off ∙∙ All power supplies for the test voltage are
in an emergency all electrical energy to test switched off
equipment. The switching element should be ∙∙ All entries to the test area are closed
red with an orange background. ∙∙ The red signal lights are switched on

PG 9

∙∙ The safety precautions specified in 3.9.1

above (“Out of operation”) are no longer in Note: Orders for switching operations in
force test stations may only be given by the
nominated person ‘in control of the work
3.9.4 “In operation” status is when: activity’ who must ensure that instructions
are correctly carried out before; a)
∙∙ All entries to the test area are closed equipment is switched on, in the case of
∙∙ The red signal lights are switched on voltages up to 1kV, and b) is made “ready to
∙∙ One or more power supplies for the test switch on” (See 3.9.3) in the case of voltages
voltage are switched on exceeding 1kV.

Except in the case of a Temporary 3.10.11 Index of protection ( I.P ) IP3X

Installation (see 5.4) before leaving a Test The figure “3” indicates the ability of an
Installation the “out of operation” status enclosure to withstand the ingress of solid
must be established. objects exceeding 2.5 mm. The letter “X”
indicates no classification against the ingress of
3.10 Test operating personnel
A skilled person is a person with relevant 4 Safety measures for
education and experience to enable him or her
protection against
to avoid dangers which electricity may create.
electric shock
An instructed person is a person adequately
The standard covers a range of safety measures
advised by skilled persons to enable him or her
to provide protection against electric shock
to avoid dangers with electricity may create.
in the erection and operation of electrical test
An ‘in control of a work activity’ is the person installations.
nominated to take direct managerial control
These safety requirements and methods
and responsibility for the work involved. Part of
are defined under definitions in Section 3
this responsibility may be delegated to other
“Definitions” or in the erection and operational
personnel as required.
safety measures and procedures for test
stations, test laboratories, experimental stations,
temporary stations in Section 5.

This Section 4 defines a range of more general

but very vital protective safety measures. These
are as follows:


Your guide to complying with EN50191

4.1 Test assemblies transformer must be rated to at least any

voltage to earth which could occur when
4.1.1 Safety of test assemblies must be satisfied an enclosure and/or a circuit of a measuring
and secured for protection against direct instrument, which is designed for a mains
contact by the assembly being so constructed, connection, is connected to live parts of a test
arranged and designed to incorporate requisite assembly.
insulation of live parts, covers, enclosures,
obstacles or safe distances (for safe distances 4.1.6 The design and arrangement of a test
see 3.4 Prohibition zone). assembly must be such as to ensure that the
transfer of voltages to extraneous conductive
4.1.2 Safety requirements can also be met if parts cannot occur.
two-hand devices are used provided:
4.2 Prohibition zone
a. They comply with EN 574 Type 11 or 111B Prohibition zones are clearly defined as per “3.4
and Prohibition zone”.
b. When more than one person is involved in
a test, each member of the testing team 4.3 Barriers test areas
must have a two-hand control device Applicable barriers are installed as per “3.5
with all the devices so connected that all Barriers”.
the two-handed devices have 15 to be
operated before the test supplies can be 4.4 Emergency switching off
energised. Test installations must be provided with means
for emergency switching off (See 3.8) in order
4.1.3 Two safety test probes satisfy safety to cut off all electrical energy which could
requirements provided the probes: result in danger. The devices or equipment
must be in accordance with the requirements
a. Have full protection against direct contact of EN 418. An adequate number of manual
b. Have adequate insulation level for the controls must be provided inside and outside
applied voltages with no clamping devices the test area dependent upon the size of the
being permissible. area and complexity of its layout. Connection
points, e.g.outlets of the general power supply
4.1.4 An isolation transformer, to EN 62558 within the test area, must be identified
must provide the supply to any measuring accordingly, if they are not interrupted by the
instrument or auxiliary appliance to Class 1 emergency switching off equipment.
HD 366, such as cathode ray oscilloscopes,
sine wave generators etc. where the protective 4.5 Preventing unauthorised and
conductor has to be broken during testing if unintentional switching-on
the tests require the enclosure to be isolated Test installations must be secured against
from earth potential. unauthorised and unintentional switching-on
of test circuits. Manual controls must be clearly
4.1.5 The insulation of any supplying correlated to the respective test circuits.

PG 11

4.6 Preventing automatic energising

Automatic energising of test circuits must be
5 Test stations,
prevented when mains voltage recovers after a test laboratories,
power failure. experimental stations,
4.7 Protection against residual voltages
temporary stations,
Suitable devices and equipment must be stations without test
provided for a safe discharge of energy if there personnel in permanent
is any likelihood of danger due to residual
voltages after switching-off test circuits.
Test installations are designed, erected or
4.8 Protective measures against other
installed and operated under the following
categories (See 3.1):
Suitable means of protection must be provided,
in cases where, besides dangers due to 5.1 Test stations with automatic protection
voltages, other hazards could be expected, e.g. against direct contact.
due to arcs, noise, explosion, radiation, flying
parts, formation of gas, fire and dangerous 5.2 Test stations without automatic protection
substances. against direct contact.

4.9 Installation and enclosure of a measuring 5.3 Test laboratories and experimental stations.
Adequate external insulation of the enclosure 5.4 Temporary test stations.
of a measuring instrument must be provided if
the enclosure is connected to live parts of the 5.5 Test stations without test personnel in
test assembly, and if as a result, the enclosure is attendance.
exposed to voltages exceeding 25V AC or 60V
DC to earth. 5.1 Test stations with automatic protection
against direct contact
4.10 Assembly work and testing (see Figure 2)
A dangerous situation could arise if assembly
work and tests are undertaken simultaneously. 5.1.1 To provide the maximum possible
safety for a person undertaking a test on an
4.11 Touching test objects after testing electrical object, a work station should have
Before there is any touching of test objects automatic protection against direct contact.
which have been switched off, it must be Such protection will ensure that the object or
ensured by earthing and short circuiting, that appliance under test and all live parts of the
no dangerous voltages are present on any test apparatus have automatically activated
accessible parts. full protection against direct contact in an
energised condition.


Your guide to complying with EN50191

Figure 2 - Test station with automatic protection

5.1.2 Insulation of live parts, covers or 5.1.4 Single fault conditions must not prevent
enclosures must be arranged and designed the test voltages from being switched off when
for protection against direct contact with, in the means of protection are opened. It must
addition, at least a degree of protection “IP3X” be made impossible to switch the test voltages
as per EN 60529 which must include in all on again after the occurrence of the fault and
parts of the object under test. likewise it must be impossible to bypass the
means of protection in an easy manner.
5.1.3 It must not be possible to switch on the
test voltages until the means of protection 5.1.5 The degree of protection against direct
are fully operational and functioning correctly. contact IP3X may be omitted if the enclosure
Opening the means of protection must complies with the following requirements:
disconnect the test voltage automatically.
Residual voltages shall be automatically a. The means of protection for the automatic
reduced to a non-hazardous level before live protection against direct contact must be
parts can be touched. solid walls or barrier grids (with side length
or diameter of the openings not greater
than 40 mm) and at least 1800 mm high.

PG 13

b. The test enclosure must be equipped against live contact during tests. For example
with devices which do not permit doors such test areas could include electric
to the test area to be opened until the workshops, measurement and experimental
test voltage has been switched off and areas.
then, either by such as earthing or short-
circuiting, secured against being switched 5.2.2 Test stations without automatic protection
on again. It must not be possible to make against direct contact must only be installed
these protective measures inoperative or if erection of test stations with automatic
disabled until the doors have been closed. protection against direct contact is deemed to
be impractical.

Note: In test stations with the degrees of Such situations would include:
protection defined in 5.1.5 a) and 5.1.5 b)
all persons must leave the test area ∙∙ Frequently changing test duties
before the test station is switched on. ∙∙ Varying types of test objects
∙∙ Where test work would be seriously
difficult to perform
5.1.6 The degrees of protection defined in ∙∙ If the testing duties occur only very
5.1.2, 5.1.3 and 5.1.4 may be omitted in very occasionally
exceptional cases.
5.2.3 The following safety requirements are
This would only be the case if the object under applicable for such test stations:
test and all live parts are fully protected against
direct contact and a measure for protection a. Barriers e.g. walls, grids, ropes, chains or
against indirect contact, in the event of a fault, bars should be installed as per 3.5 with
is fully effective and efficient for the test object barriers designed so that visual contact
and the test equipment during the test. with the operator can be maintained from
outside at all times.
5.1.7 In test stations with automatic protection b. At least one emergency switching device
against direct contact, barriers in accordance must be installed outside the test area.
with 3.5 and emergency switching off devices c. Red signal lights and appropriate warning
in accordance with 4.4 may be omitted. signs to indicate operational status must
be installed.
5.2 Test Station without automatic d. Where test circuits are electrically
protection against direct contact connected to the general power supply
(See Figure 3 and Figure 4). system an RCD rated at 30mA must be
installed. If the residual current includes
5.2.1 A test station without automatic DC components an appropriate RCD must
protection against direct contact is a station be utilised.
in which parts of the test object or live parts e. Testing must be carried out on bench tops
of the test apparatus are not fully protected with insulating materials.


Your guide to complying with EN50191

f. Working areas of the test stations must be h. When safety test probes are used with
designed so that movement of personnel voltages greater than 1 kV, the high
is not impeded. voltage side of the test equipment, the
g. An effective protective measure for test probes and their leads and where
protection against indirect contact, in case practicable the object under test, must be
of a fault, must be incorporated in the electrically isolated from the supply mains
measuring instruments, variable resistors and insulated from earth.
etc, of the electrical equipment. This also i. The r.m.s value of the leakage current
applies to the exposed conductive parts of (see IEC 60050-826) on the high voltage
objects under test unless tests involve such side of the test apparatus must not be
as insulation tests and/or earth leakage greater than 3 mA. Even if a highly resistive
tests etc. on these parts of the object connection is made between the high
under test. The preferred method should voltage side and earth, e.g. for adjustment
be electrical equipment with protective of potential of a measuring instrument the
insulation or the supply obtained from an value must not exceed 3mA.
isolating transformer.

Figure 3 - Test station without automatic protection against direct contact

PG 15

Figure 4 - Test station for production line testing without automatic protection against direct contact

j. Where test stations in electric workshops, immediately and eliminate the danger by
laboratory stands, measurement and operating the emergency switching off
experimental stands, barriers as per 3.5 device.
and red signal lights as per 5.2.3 c) may
be omitted, provided that the safety of all 5.3 Test Laboratories and experimental
personnel not engaged on the testing is stations
fully ensured by means of the layout and (See Figure 5).
the design of the test station and that the
test equipment is reliably controlled by the 5.3.1 Test laboratories
person carrying out the tests. A test laboratory has test equipment in a
k. As a safety measure during the operational securely enclosed space or within an area
status “ready to switch on” and “in separated from adjacent work areas, in which
operation”, at least one other person must several persons are generally employed on test
be present in visual and audible contact work on mainly larger objects.
with the person carrying out the testing
and be in the position to recognise any 5.3.2 Experimental stations
dangerous conditions in the test station Experimental stations have test equipment


Your guide to complying with EN50191

Figure 5 - Multiple test laboratories and experimental stations

for performing experiments or tests within beyond this point” as per EN 61310-1.
the scope of research and development work. With voltages up to 1000V, the barriers
In general no routine tests are performed in may also be ropes, chains or bars.
experimental stations. b. A sufficient number of red and green
signal lights must be installed to indicate
A variety of test assemblies as well as different the operational status. Green signal lights
hazards can therefore be anticipated in these are not required in case of voltages up to
two types of test stations. 1kV.
c. Test laboratories and experimental stations
5.3.3 Safety measures applicable to test may be divided into sections in which
laboratories and experimental stations totally independent tests or experiments
a. The barriers as per 3.5 must be solid walls are performed. Where these separate areas
or grids (see table D) at least 1800mm exist:
high for voltages greater than 1000V
and 1000mm high for voltages up to ∙∙ the operational status of each of the
1000V. Entrances must be provided with test areas must be indicated by means
a warning sign “No unauthorised persons of signal lights

PG 17

∙∙ red signal lights to indicate “danger” may be a requirement.

for the entire test laboratory or i. All persons other than test persons
experimental station when the must leave the test area before the test
operational status “ready for equipment is:
operation” or “in operation” exists in at
least one of the test areas. ∙∙ switched on, in the case of voltages up
d. Emergency escape doors, gates, etc. to 1000V
must be capable of being opened ∙∙ made “ready for operation” in the case
from the inside of the test area. Any of voltages greater than 1kV
national regulations on escape routes
and emergency exits must be noted and All persons must leave the test area before
applied. a test installation with voltages greater
e. Measures to prevent the entry of than 1kV is made “ready to switch on”.
unauthorized personnel into test
laboratories must not hamper personnel j. In exceptional cases skilled persons may
from leaving the stations. enter the test area in the operational status
f. Devices and means for earthing must “ready to switch on” or “in operation”, but
be available in test laboratories and measures must be taken to ensure they
experimental stations with voltages cannot reach the prohibition zone. (EN
exceeding 1 kV. (cf EN 50110-1 and EN 50110-1)
612219). k. Personnel working in test laboratories
g. Where the test voltages are greater than and experimental stations must work
1 kV, all areas including those outside the only under the overall supervision of a
test area where there is any possibility that nominated person in control of the work
capacitive charging could take place, must activities.
be separated by additional barriers for l. With voltages exceeding 1kV switching
the duration of the testing. All additional operations must only be performed by
barriers must be to the minimum as the nominated person or on the personal
required for temporary test stations (See orders of the nominated person.
5.4.2 a).
h. In experimental stations if, because of 5.4 Temporary test stations
the type of construction, any of the safety (See Figure 6).
measures defined 5.3.3 a) to 5.3.3 g are
inappropriate or cannot be applied the 5.4.1 A temporary test station is an installation
protection of personnel operating in the erected for a short time to perform tests on
test areas must be ensured by equally individual test objects.
effective other means or measures. For
example, for the safety measure under 5.4.2 Safety measures applicable to temporary
5.3.3 f) (the prevention of unauthorised test stations:
entry) continuous supervision of access


Your guide to complying with EN50191

a. Unauthorised persons must be prevented 5.5 Test stations without test personnel in
from access to temporary test areas permanent attendance
by means of walls, grids, ropes, chains, Where a test station is intended for operation
bars or similar barriers. Entrances must without the permanent presence of test
be provided with a warning sign “No personnel (e.g. for endurance tests), it must be
unauthorised persons beyond this point” erected in compliance with 5.1 (test stations
as per EN 61310-1. with automatic protection against direct
b. Escape facilities must be provided contact) or 5.3.3 a) to 5.3.3 g) (test
c. Devices or means for earthing must be laboratories).
made available where voltages are greater
than 1 kV, (cf. EN 50110-1 and EN 61219) Emergency stop equipment in accordance with
d. For tests with voltages exceeding 1kV, requirements of EN 418 with an adequate
where there is a possibility of capacitive number of manual controls must be provided.
charging, the requirement in 5.3.3 g) must
Prevention of automatic energising in
be applied.
accordance with 4.6 may be omitted, provided
e. When safety test probes are used with
that this will not cause any hazards.
voltages greater than 1kV, the requirement
in 5.2.3 h) must be applied.
f. Where a temporary test station is
separated from generally accessible areas
only by means of ropes, chains, or bars the
following conditions must also apply:

1. The entire test assembly must be

under surveillance during the test
procedure. If this cannot be ensured
by the person carrying out the
test, a sufficient number of at least
instructed persons shall be present to
supervise the entire test area.
2. When test assemblies have several
separate test areas, e.g. when testing
installed cables, one person must
guard each area and communication
with the responsible skilled person
must be ensured.

g. Personnel working in a temporary test

station must work only under the overall
supervision of a nominated person in
control of the work activities.

PG 19

Figure 6 - Temporary test station

6 Operation of test all test installations must be operated under

the control of a skilled person and only skilled
installations or instructed persons must work with test
The standard defines a range of requirements
for the safe operation of test installations, the 6.2 Operating instruments for the safe
levels of personnel to be involved and the operation of test installations must be provided.
preparations for testing and switching in test
stations. 6.3 Test installations must be regularly
inspected and maintained; in particular
The majority of these requirements have been the efficiency of safety devices and defects
included at the appropriate points elsewhere in remedied.
the text of this guide but the following should
be noted or further emphasised; 6.4 Only personnel employed in test areas or
other persons who have received instructions
6.1 Except in the case of test stations with about hazards may enter the areas. Any other
automatic protection against direct contact person can only enter a test area when


Your guide to complying with EN50191

accompanied with a skilled person and then

only after all risks have been drawn to the
attention of the person.

6.5 Parts of an object under test and of the

test installation itself which are not “live”
during normal operation could be subjected
to dangerous voltages in the event of a fault
occurring during tests. If, because of an
exceptional requirement, work has to be carried
out on these parts suitable insulating devices
and equipment and other auxiliary measures
must be instituted (See 50110-1).

PG 21

Appendix 1
Normative references

IEC 50191 Includes provisions from other publications the normative references from which
are cited in the appropriate places in the Standard and are listed as follows:

EN 294 Safety of machinery; Safety distances to prevent danger zones from being
reached by the upper limbs.

EN 418 Safety of machinery; Emergency stop equipment; Functional aspects; Principles

for design.

EN 574 Safety of machinery; Two-hand control device.

50110-1 Operation of electrical installations.

EN 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code) (IEC 60529).

EN 61219 Live working - Earthing or earthing and short-circuiting equipment using lances
as short-circuiting device - Lance earthing (IEC 60529).

EN 61310-1 Safety of machinery; Indication, marking and actuation – Part 1 : Requirements

for visual, auditory and tactile signals (IEC 61310-1).

EN 61558 Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar (IEC 61558 Series).

HD 366 Classification of electrical and electronic equipment with regard to protection

against electric shock (IEC 60536).

HD 384 Series Electrical installations of buildings (IEC 60364 series, modified).

HD 367 S1 Power installations exceeding 1kV AC.

IEC 60050-826 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary – Chapter 826; Electrical installations

of buildings.


Your guide to complying with EN50191

Appendix 2
Table A - Permissible body currents and contact voltages
Table A below defines the reference values for permissible sinusoidal cody currents and contact
voltages at frequencies greater than 500 Hz.

It will be noted in condition C in Figure 1. ‘Applying EN 50191’ that at frequencies above 500Hz no
hazardous body currents or contact voltages occur and that provided that these reference values
are not exceeded, measures defined in the standard do not have to be applied.

Frequency (f) Permissible body current (mA) Permissible contact voltage


500 Hz ≤ƒ≤2 kHz 1,75. (ƒ / kHz) + 3,3 25

2 kHz ≤ƒ≤ 3,8 kHz 1,4. (ƒ / kHz) + 4,2 25

For values of frequency greater than 3.8 kHz see Table A-1 of EN 50191.

PG 23

Table B - Prohibition zone and test area

Table B; Prohibition zone (s, being the distance in air from live parts) dependant on test voltages
to earth(U) For Alternating voltages > 40kV, Lightning impulse voltages > 200kV, and Switching
impulse voltages 1000 kV see Table A,2 of EN50191.

Alternating test voltage 50/60 Lightning impulse voltage Switching Impulse voltage
Hz (r.m.s value) 1,2/50us (peak value) 250/2 500 us (peak value)

U s U s U s
kV mm kV mm kV mm

≤1 No contact 20 100 500 2000

3 20 40 175 600 2600

5 30 60 250 700 3300

6 35 80 325 800 4100

10 60 100 400 900 4900

15 85 150 550 1000 5800

20 115 200 700

25 140

30 170

35 195

40 225

For Alternating voltages > 40kV, Lightning impulse voltages > 200kV, and Switching impulse
voltages > 1000 kV see Table A,2 of EN 50191


Your guide to complying with EN50191

Appendix 3
Table C - Horizontal distance between the barrier and the prohibition zone
(in relation to the height of the barrier and the distance of the danger point from the floor). For
distances greater than 1800mm of the danger point from the floor see Table A,3 of EN 50191.
(Taken from EN 294)

Height of the edge of the means of protection (barrier), b mm

Distance of the
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400
danger point
from the floor, Horizontal distance c between means of protection (barrier)
a mm and the danger point mm

2400 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

2200 600 600 500 500 400 350 250

2000 1100 900 700 600 500 350

1800 1100 1000 900 900 600

1600 1300 1000 900 900 500

1400 1300 1000 900 800 100

1200 1400 1000 900 500

1000 1400 1000 900 300

800 1300 900 600

600 1200 500

400 1200 300

200 1100 200

Values below 1000 mm for edge b are not specified as this would not increase the arm’s reach and
in addition there would be a risk of falling into the test area.

PG 25

Width of Minimum distance

opening from the prohibition zone
Means of (diameter or mm
protection Danger point
e.g. barrier side length)
mm Slot Square Circle

C b Over 4 to 6 10 5 5
Over 6 to 8 20 15 5
Figure 7 - Demonstration of the dimensions
listed in Table C (Taken from EN 294) Over 8 to 10 80 25 20

a Distance between the danger point and

Over 10 to 12 100 80 80
the floor (danger point is the point on the
boundary of the prohibition zone having
Over 12 to 20 120 120 120
the shortest distance from the edge of the
means protection).
Over 20 to 30 850 120 120
b Height of the edge of the means of
protection Over 30 to 40 850 200 120
c Horizontal distance between the edge of the
means of protection and the danger point Over 40 to 120 850 850 850

Table D - Minimum distance between openings in the barrier and

the prohibition in relation to the width of the opening
(Taken from EN 294)

The information contained in this document is for guidance purposes only. Reference should be made to current editions of all
relevant standards, regulations and guidance notes before taking any action which could have health and safety implications.

Neither Seaward nor any of its subsidiary organisations accept responsibility for claims arising as a result of the information
contained in this document.


Your guide to complying with EN50191


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