Syllabus AD FPF 13

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The examination shall be conducted in the following order: -

i. Written Test;
ii. Viva Voce Test;
iii. Walking Test;
iv. Medical Test.

(I) Written Test: -

(b) Main examination (Essay type).

There will be four subjects in the Main examination. The time allowed for each paper shall be
three hours. The paper wise marks for written examination and viva voce is as under: -

Compulsory Subjects Maximum Marks

1. Gen. English. 100

2. An essay to be written in English. 100
3. General Knowledge 200

Optional Subject (Any one of the following subjects)

1. Botany
2. Siliviculture 200
3. Field Crop Production

(II) Viva Voce

The viva voce test shall carry 100 marks.

Total Marks (written + viva-voce):- 700

(III) Walking Test: -

The candidate will have to undergo a walking test consisting of a walk of 25 Kms. to be
completed in four hours. The date and time for the walking test will be intimated to the eligible

(IV) Medical Test: -

The successful candidates will be required to undergo a medical test before the Medical Board.
The candidates shall have to pay fee to the Medical Board as may be prescribed for the said
Medical examination.
a/ Instructions to appear before the Medical Board shall not be understood to mean that a
candidate. If found fit, will necessarily be selected and appointed. Summoning of
candidates for medical examination conveys no assurance whatsoever that they will
selected or appointed. A appointment orders of selected candidates will be issued by
the Government in accordance with the availability of vacancies.


(a) Compulsory subjects

1. General English

This paper will be of 10+2 standard and shall consist of a short essay, comprehension,
précis writing, usage and vocabulary.

2. Essay in English

One essay to be written on a topic out of given topics in the paper. The essay will be of
10+2 standard.

3. General Knowledge

This paper will contain questions on Elementary Science, Geography and Current
events etc.
Optional Papers/Subjects

The candidate may choose only one paper from amongst the three optional
papers/subjects. The scope of the syllabus will be broadly of bachelor’s degree


1. Microbes and Microbiology.

1.1 General account of viruses, Mycoplasma and Cynaobacteria.

1.2 Bacteria-Structure, Nutrition and reproduction (A general account with broad classification).
1.3 Economic importance of Bacteria; Bacteria as indicators of pollution; bacteria in industry and
1.4 Microbiology of air, water, soil and food materials.

2. Algae.

2.1 General characteristics and classification of algae (Fritsch 1935,1945)

2.2 Important features of Chlorophyceae and Xanthophyceae, life histories of Chlamydomonas,
Volvox, Oedogonium, Coleochaete, Chara, and Vaucheria.
2.3 Important features of Phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae, Life histories of Ectocarpus,
Sargassum and Polysiphonia.
2.4 Economic importance of algae-algae as food, feed and source of fibre; algae as indicators of
pollution; algae blooms; algae toxins; algae in industry.

3. Fungi

3.1 General characteristics and classification of fungi (Ainsworth (1971), Exonomic importance of
fungi, General account of Lichens.
3.2 Important features of Mastigomycotina; Life histories of Pythium and Allomyces.
3.3 Important characteristics of Zygomycotina and Ascomycotina; Life history of Mucor,
Saccharomyces, Eurotium and Peziza.
3.4 Important characteristics of Basidiomycotina and Deuteromycotina; life histories of Puccinia,
Agaricus, Collectotrichum and Cercospora.

4. Bryophytes

4.1 General characteristics, classification (Smith, 1955) and Alternation of Generations in

4.2 Structure and reproduction in hepaticeal with reference to Marchantia.
4.3 Structure and reproduction in Anthocerotales and Musci with reference to Anthoceros and
4.4 Importance of bryophytes in preventing soil erosion; management of forest floors; monitoring
and controlling pollution; geobotanical prospecting; in horticulture and as source of

5. Pteridophytes.

5.1 General Characteristics, classification (Sporne 1975) and origin of pteridophytes (the first
vascular plants); stelar system and alternation of generations in pteridophytes.
5.2 Important characteristics of Psilopsida and Lycopsida; structure and reproduction in Psilotum,
Rhynia, Lycopodium and Selaginella.
5.3 Important characteristics of sphenopsida, structure and reproduction in Equisetum.
5.4 Important characteristics of pteropsida, structure and reproduction in pteris and Marsilea.

6. Cell Structure.

6.1 Cell wall; Primary cell wall, its structure, formation and function.
6.2 Plasma membrane; The bilayer lipid structure fluid mosaic model, its functions.
6.3 Cell organelles: structure and functions of E.R., Golgi bodies, Plastids and mitochondria.
6.4 Ultra-structure of nuclear membrane. Nucleolus: Organization and function.

7. Chromosome structure and multiplication.

7.1 chromosome structure : physical and chemical structure and importance of centromere and
telomere; sex chromosomes.
7.2 Organization of DNA in prokaryotica and eukaryotic genomes. Role of proteins; nucleosome
7.3 Equational division, factors triggering mitosis, various stages of mitosis.
7.4 Reductional division, detailed structure of pairing and crossing over.

8. Genome organization and function/Gene protein.

8.1 Basic unit: DNA, structure and replication; satellite and repetitive DNA.
8.2 Gene function: Genetic Code, transcriptions; Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and
8.3 Protein synthesis: Ribosomes and tRNA, structure and function, ID, 2-D, and 3 D structure of
8.4 Extranuclear genome: structure and functions of mitochondrial and Plastid DNA, Plasmids.

9. Alternations on the genome.

9.1 Structural alterations; types, effect and detections of intra chromoromal alterations- deletions,
duplications and inversions.
9.2 Mechanism, effect and detection of interchromosomal alterations.
9.3 Euploidy-type, origin and effect with suitable examples.
9.4 Aneuploidy –types, origin and effect with suitable examples.

10. Alterations in the basic unit of inheritance and inheritance patterns.

10.1 Gene/Point mutations-spontaneous and induced;mechanism of induction; uses.

10.2 Shift of Genes through mobile elements-transpons, mechanism and salient features, DNA
damages, causes and repair mechanisms.
10.3 Mexdelism, laws of segregation and independent assortment, allelic and non-allelic
10.4 Linkage and recombination; linkage in mapping of genes.

11. Seed Plants-origin evolution and characteristics.

11.1 Characteristics of seed plants; evolution of seed habit seed plants with and without fruit.
11.2 Geological time scale; fossilization-process and types; age of fossils and their importance.
11.3 General characteristics of gymnosperms; classification of gymnosperms by coulter and
11.4 Evolution and diversity of gymnosperms.

12. Morphology and Reproduction in Gymnosperms

12.1 Morphology, anatomy, reproduction and life cycle in Cycas.

12.2 Morphology, anatomy, reproduction and life cycle in cedrus.
12.3 Morphology, anatomy, reproduction and life cycle in Ephedra.
12.4 Fossil gymnosperms : Bennititales- History and

13. Angiosperm origin and nomenclature.

13.1 Origin and evolution of angiosperms, characteristics and examples of some primitive
angiosperms (Magnolia). Fossil angiosperms- a general account with reference to angiosperm
13.2 Histroy of angiosperm taxonomy; Aims and Fundamental components of taxonomy;-
Taxonomy, omega taxonomy and holotaxonomy.
13.3 Taxonomic identification; taxonomic keys and literature (Floras, Monograohs and reviews).
13.4 Botanical nomenclature-principles and rules; taxonomic ranks; type concept and principle of

14. Classification and tools in angiosperm taxonomy

14.1 Salient features of the classification of Bentham and Hooker, merits and demerits.
14.2 Salient features of the classification of Engler and Prantl; merits and demerits.
14.3 Contribution of cytology to taxonomy.
14.4 Contribution of phytochemistry and taximetrics to taxonomy.

15. Diversity of angiosperms.

15.1 Morphological diversity of families Ranunculaceae, Brassicaceae, Malvaceae and Rutaceae.

15.2 Morphological diversity of families Fabaceae, Rosaceae, Apiaceae and Acanthaceae.
15.3 Morphological diversity of families Apocyanaceae, Solanaceae, Lamiaceae and Euphorbiaceae.
15.4 Morphological diversity of Families Liliaceae, Amaryllidaceae and Poaceae.

16. Structure, Development and Reproduction in seed baring plants.

16.1 Basic body plan of a flowering plants; Modular type of growth.

16.2 Diversity in plant form in annuals, biennials and perennials.
16.3 Convergence of evolution of tree habit in gymnosperms monocotyledons and dicotyledons.
16.4 The largest and oldest trees of the world; canopy architecture.

17. Root and Shoot.

17.1 Apical merstem of root, its position, structure and derivatives.
17.2 Structural modifications of root for storage, respiration, reproduction and for interaction with
17.3 Apical meristem, its organization and role.
17.4 Vascularisation of primary shoot in moncotyledons and dicotyledons; formation of internodes;
branching pattern; monopodial and sympodial growth.

18. Secondary and Basic structure.

18.1 Vascular cambium and its derivatives; wood structure in relation to translocation of water and
18.2 Growth rings; heart wood, sapwood, role of woody Skelton,; structure and functions of
secondary phloem; periderm.
18.3 Leaf, Initiation; development, arrangement and diversity in size and shape; senescence and
18.4 Internal structure of leaf in relation to photosynthesis and water loss; adaptation to water

19. Flower

19.1 Flower: A modified shoot; structure, development, variety and functions of flower.
19.2 Structure of anther and Pistill; Male gametophyte and female gametophyte.
19.3 Pollination: Type, attractants and rewards for pollination; Polen-Pistil interaction, self
19.4 Double fertilization : Endosperm-typescytology and function; formation of fruit.

20. Units and mechanisms of multiplication.

20.1 Seed formation and its significance.

20.2 Seed dormancy; Genetic recombination and replenishment through seed.
20.3 Seed dispersal strategies.
20.4 Vegetative propagation-grafting, layering, budding and economic aspects.

21. Physiology, Biochemistry and biotechnology.

21.1 Discovery and nomenclature of enzymes, characteristics of enzymes, concept of holoenzymes,

apoenzyme, eo-enzyme and co-factors.
21.2 Regulation of enzyme activity, mechanism of enzyme action.
21.3 Importance of water to plant life; physical properties of water .
21.4 Diffusion of water, Osmosis, absorption, transport of water through xylem & transpiration;
physiology of opening and closing of stomata.
21.5 Macro and Micro elements, importance of mineral nutrients to the plant and their role, mineral
uptake, deficiency and toxicity symptoms.
21.2 Mechanism of transport of organic substance in phloem, source sink relationship, factors
affecting translocation.
21.7 Significances and historical aspects of photosynthesis, photosynthetic pigments, action spectra
and enhancement, effect.
21.8 Concept of two photo systems in photosynthesis, Z- scheme, photophosphorylation, calvin
cycle: C4 pathway, CAM plants, photorespiration.
21.9 ATP- the biological energy, currency, aerobic and anaerobic respiration, krebs cycle, electron
transport mechanism (Chemi-osmotic theory).
21.10 Redox potential, oxdidative phosphorylation, pentose phosphate pathway.
21.11 Biology of nitrogen fixation, importance of nitrate reductase and its requiation. ammonium
21.12 Structure and function of Lipids, fatty acid and biosynthesis B- Oxidation, saturated and
unsaturated fatty acides, storage and mobilization of fatty acids.
21.13 Definition and phases of growth, development and kinetics of growth, seed germination and
factors of their regulation.
21.14 Plant movements- the concept of photoperiodism, physiology of flowering, florigen concept,
biological clocks, physiology of senescence, fruit ripening.
21.15 Histroy and discovery of plant hormones, auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, absoisic acid and
ethylene, biosythesis and mechanism of action.
21.16 Photomorphogenesis: phytochromes and cryptochromes, their discovery, physiological role
and mechanism of action.
21.17 Tool and techniques of recombinant DNA Technology, cloning vectors: genomic and DNA
21.18 Transposable elements, techniques of gene mapping and chromosome walking.
21.19 Functional definition of biotechnology, basic concepts for plant tissue culture, cellular
totipotency, differentiation and morphogenesis.
21.20 Biology of Agrobacterium, vectors for gene delivery and market genes, salient achievements in
crop biotechnology.

22. Plant and Environment.

22.1 Atmosphere-gaseous composition: water-water cycle, and its significance, global radiation,
photosynthetically active radiation, temperature.
22.2 Soil structure; soil profiles and development, physico-chemical properties of soil and biotic
22.3 Morphological, anatomical and physiological responses of plants to water (hydrophytes and
xerophytes) and salinity.
22.4 Morphological, anatomical and physiological responses of plants to light (potoperiodism,
heliophytes, sciophytes) and temp. (thermoperiodically and vernalization).
22.5 Population ecology, growth curves: Ecotypes and ecads.
22.6 Community ecology: Community characteristics; frequency, density, cover, life forms,
biological spectrum, ecological sucession.
22.7 Ecosystem: structure, abiotic and biotic components, food chain, food web, ecological pyramids
and energy flow.
22.8 Biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus.

23. Natural Resources and Management.

23.1 Biogeographical regions of India.

23.2 Vegetation types of India; Forests and grasslands.
23.3 Strategies for environmental Management.’
23.4 Conservation of Natural resources.
24. Utilization of plants.
24.1 Food Plants: origin of wheat, maize and potato and their cultivation in India.
24.2 Fibres : cultivation and processing of cotton and jute.
24.3 Beverages: Botony and processing of tea and coffee.
24.4 Spices: history and the parts used of Asafoctida. Cumin, Fennel, Goriander, Cloves,
Cinnamomum and Cardamon..

25. Utilization of Plants.

25.1 Veg. oils: Source of vegetable oils: Botany, Cultivation and utilization of Groundnut, mustard
and coconut.
25.2 A general account of firewood and timber sources of J&K State and utilization of Bamboos.
25.3 Medicinal plants of J&K State: a general account.
25.4 Rubber: sources of rubber, extraction and processing of commercial rubber.


1. Principles of Silviculture

Definition of Forestry:- Stages of forestry development and its influence on forestry today.
Definition of silvics and silviculture role of silviculture. Major forest types, distribution and
composition in India and J&K.

Study of site factors like climatic, edaphic, physiographic and biotic in relation to forest.’

Classification of climatic factors, the role played by light, temperature, rainfall, snow, wind,
humidity and evaporation in relation to forest vegetation.

Edaphic factors of biological agencies parent rock topography etc. on the soil formation. Soil profiles-
physical and chemical properties, mineral nutrients, nutrient cycling, soil moisture and their
influences on forest production.

Tree growth photosynthesis biotic factor-influence of plants, insects, wild animals man and domestic
animals on vegetation.

Tree growth photosynthesis, respiration, translocation and transpiration. Cambial development,

growth rings, effects on environment on cambial development. Shoot and drown development.
Flowering, fruiting and seed production.

Root growth-distribution and biomass. Environmental effects on development silvicultural

manipulation of root growth.

Stand dynamics- Plant succession, competition and tolerance stand development- basal area and yield

2. Practices of Silviculture

Classification of forests. Forest regeneration, natural, artificial (Plantation forests) ands mixed
regeneration. Natural forest types and their management. Plantation forests: planting survey, planting
plan, plantation records, maps, ecological aspects for the choice of tree species, site preparation,
planting tools and planting, direct seeding gap filling, afforestation of dryland, wetland and adverse
sites and taungya. Enrichment planting; fertilizer, application, nursery crops, cover crops. Tending;
control of climbers and undesirable trees. Weed Management. Pruning and lopping. Thinning-
thinning of irregular crops, increment felling, improvement felling. Fire prescribed burning. Conflicts
between afforestation and cattle ranching.

3. Silviculture of trees and shrubs (Soft wood)

The origin, distribution, general description, economic value, Phenology, siviculture characters,
regeneration methods, management of soft woods such as Cedrus deodara, cupressus torrulosa,
pinus wallichiana; P. roxiburghii, P. helpenusis, P. gerardiana, Abies Pindrow, Picca Smethana and
Tropical Pines like P. oocarpa, P. petula, P. inesia Rhododendrons, Pyrus passia, and indigofera
species, Juniperus, aqathis robusta.

4. Silvicultural Systems

Silvicultural system:- definition modern silviculture, classical silviculture, classification and detailed
study of the following systems.
Clear felling, system ( Including clear strip and alternate strip system); shelter wood system; uniform
system, the group system the ship shelter wood system; the wedge system; the irregular shelter wood
system; the coppice of two rotation system; the shelter wood coppice system; coppice selection
system; coppice with standard system; coppice with reserve system; pollard system and culm
selection system in bamboo

5. Siliviculture of Indian trees-II

General description, growth and siliviculture characters and regeneration methods of following

Quercus species, Alus nitida, Acer Spp. Acacia nilotica, A catechu, Dalbergia Sisso, Juglans regia. Toona
Ciliata Bauhinia Variegata, Fraxinus spp. Celtis australis, Grewia optiva, morus species, platinus
orientalis, Eucalyptus spp, populus spp. salix species, Robinea pseudoacacia, ulmus wallichiana,
catalpa bigninoides, Albizzia spp Dondonaea viscoso, parrotia spp. viburnum, olea cuspidate, Aesculus
indica, Ailanthus excelsa; Tectona grandis, shorea robusta Berberis spp. prosopis spp Leucaena
leucocephala, Hippophae rhamanoidls.


1. Cereals , Millets and Pulses

Economic importance-origin and distribution, soil climatic requirement land preparation, varieties,
seed-rate/seed treatment, sowing time density growth stages, water management nutrient and weed
management after cultivation, harvest and processing.

Cereals:- Rice, maize, wheat, oats, barley.

Millets:- Sorghum pearl – millet; finger millet and small millets.

Pulses:- Beans, blackgram, greengram. cowpea, soyabean, lentil and peas.

2. Oil seeds and commercial crops.

Economic importance-origin and distribution-soil and climatic requirement, land preparation

varieties, seed rate, seed treatment, sowing density crop growth stages, integrated nutrient
management- irrigation, weed management, harvest and processing cropping system and yield
constraints together utilization.

Oil seeds:- Groundnut Sesamum, Sunflower, Castor, Safflower, rapeseed, mustard, niger and linseed.

Commercial Crops:- Tobacco , cotton, sugarcane, sugarbeet, saffron, zeera, potato, onion and garlic.

3. Forages and Grasses

Forage crops:- definition, classification of forage crops (annual and perennial): leguminous and
cereal forages crops with their characteristics Quality- characteristics of forages crops: storage and
preservation of forages (hay and silage) making Grassland improvement problems and prospects.
Renovations of degraded grasslands; Role of grasses and legumes in soil fertility.
Brief description about the cultivation of important grasses and legumes.

(Dr. T. S. Ashok Kumar), IFS
J&K Public Service Commission.

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