Botany II PDF
Botany II PDF
Botany II PDF
B.Sc. Botany-II Total Mark: 100
Appendix ‘A’
(Outlines of Tests)
1. Introduction scope and brief history of genetics. Mendelian inheritance; Laws of segregation
and independent assortment, back cross, test cross, dominance and incomplete dominance.
2. Sex linked inheritance, sex linkage in. Drosophila and man (colour blindness. XO. X Y. WZ
mechanism, sex limited and sex linked characters, sex determination.
3. Linkage and crossing over: Definition, linkage groups, construction of linkage maps, detection
of linkage.
4. Molecular genetics ; DNA replication- Nature of gene, genetic code, transcription, translation,
protein synthesis, regulation of gene expression (e.g. lac operon).
5. Transmission of genetic material in Bacteria: Conjugation ami gene recombination in E. coli
transduction and transformation.
6. Principles of genetic engineering biotechnology; Basic genetic engineering techniques.
7. Application of genetics in plant improvement: Induction of genetic variability (gene mutation,
recombination), physical and chemical mutagens, selection, hybridization and plant breeding
techniques, establishment of varieties release of new varieties.
8. Introduction of genetic conservation
9. Evolution
1. Concepts of Ecology
2. Brief history of Ecology (General., Pakistan)
3. Ecophysiology
(a) Light and temperatureresponses
i. Quantity of light
ii. Variation in light (temperature)
iii. Ecophysiological responses
(b) Edaphology
i. Brief introduction of soil forming process
ii. Texture, structure, and water
iii. Chemicl Properties
iv. Biological components: Soil Organisms. Organic matters
(c) Water
i. Precipitation: kinds, and affectivity.
ii. Distribution of vegetation in relation to moisture.
(d) Wind-Ecological importance of wind
4. Population Ecology
A brief introduction, history and background. Seed dispersed. Seed bank, demography,
reproductive strategy.
5. Community Ecology
i. Concept of plant community-attributes
ii. Sampling methods
v. Succession-history, concept, development and modern theories of succession Brief
concept of productivity.
vi. Local vegetation
6. Ecosystem
i. Definition and background
ii. Ecological energetic
iii. Biogeochemical cycle (Hydrologic and nitrogen cycle).
7. Applied Ecology:
Aridity, biodiversity, conservation, water logging and salinity, pollution, erosion,
desertification, management.
Genetics :
1. Genetical problems related to transmission and distribution of genetic material.
2. Identification of DNA in plant material. Carmine, orcein staining.
3. Study of salivary gland chromosomes of Drosophila.
Recommended Books:
1. Hoelzel. A.R. 2001. Conservation Genetics.Kluwar Academic Publishers.
2. Dyonsager, V.R. (1986). Cytology and Genetics. Tata and McGraw Hill Publication
Co. Lid.. New Dehli,
3. Lodish. H. 2001. Molecular Coil Biology. W.H. Freeman and Co.
4. Sinha, U. and Sinha, S. (1988). Cytogenesis Plant Breeding and Evolution. Vini
Educational Books, New Dehli.
5. Strickberger, M.V. (1988), Genetics, MacMillan Press Ltd, London.
6. Carroll, S.B., Grenier J.K. am! Welnerbee, S.d. 2001. From DNA to Diversity-
Molecular Genetics and the Evolution of Animal Design. Blackwell Science.
7. Lewin. R. 1997. Principles of Human Evolution. Blackwell Science.
Recommended Books:
1. Ihsan Ullah; (1995). Plant Physiology, Biochemical Processes in Plants, UGC Press.
2. William & Devlin. 1986 Exercises in Plant Physiology, AWS Publishers, Boston.
3. Taiz, L and Zeiger, E. 1998. Plant Physiology. 2nd Ed. Sinauers Publ, Co .lnc.Calif.
4. Salisbury F.B. and Ross C. B. 1999. Plant Physiology. 5th Edition. Wadsworth
Publishing Co. Belmont CA.
5. W.B. Hopkins. 1999, Introduction to Plant Physiology. 2nd Ed. john Wilcy& sans New
1. Measurement of light and temperature.
2. Effect of light and temperature on seed germination
3. Determination of soil texture by hydrometer method.
4. Determination of maximum water holding capacity.
5. Determination of carbonates, electrical conductivity and pH in Soil and Water.
6. Measurement of wind velocity.
7. Population demographic techniques.
8. Measurement of vegetation by Quadra: and plotless methods
9. Determination of productivity by harvest method
10. Several trips to ecologically diverse vegetations.
Recommended Books:
1. Ricklefs. R.E. 2000. Ecology. W.H. Freeman & Co. U.K.
2 Ricklefs. E.R. 2001. The Economy of Nature W.H. Freeman & Co. U.K.
3. Barbour, M. G., J.H. Burke and W.D. Pitts, 1999. Terrestrial Plan Ecology, The
Benjamin. Gumming Publishing Co. Palo Alto California. U.S.A.
4. Chapman, J.L.and Reiss MJ. Ecology: principles and application. Cambridge
University Press,
5. Hussain P. 1989. Field and Laboratory Manual of Plan Ecology National Academy of
Higher Education, Islamabad.
6. Krebs. C.J. 1997. Ecology. Harper and Row Publishers.
7. Moore, P.D. and S. B. Chapman. 19S6. Methods in Plant Ecology Blackwell Scientific
Publication, Oxford.
8. Smith. R.L. 1996. Ecology and Field Biology. Addison Wesley Longman Inc., New
9. Smith. R.L. 1998 Ecology of Elements. Harper & Row Publisher) New York.
10. Stiling O.D. 1996. Ecology: Theories and applications. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
11. Subrahmanyarm. N.S. and Sambamurthy, A.V.S.S. 2000. Ecology Narosa Publishing
Houses, New Delhi.
12. Townsend. C.R. Harper J.L. and Begon M.E. 2000. Essentials Ecology. Blackwell
Scientific Publications, UK