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Grades 8 School Grade

LESSON Teacher Learning
Teaching Dates Quarter
and Time

demonstrates understanding of key concepts of factors of polynomials,

rational algebraic expressions, linear equations and inequalities in two
Content Standard variables, systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables and
linear functions.

is able to formulate real-life problems involving factors of polynomials,

rational algebraic expressions, linear equations and inequalities in two
variables, systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables and
Performance Standard
linear functions, and solve these problems accurately using a variety of

finds the equation of a line given (a) two points; (b) the slope and a point;
Learning Competency and its Code (c) the slope and its intercepts. M8AL-Ig-1

1. Point - It has no size i.e. no width, no length, and no depth. A point

is shown by a dot. It is represented by a coordinate; x and y
coordinates (x,y) where x and y are real numbers. Example: (3, 5)

2. Slope of a line – It is the ratio of the amount that y increases

as x increases some amount. It is a measure of the steepness of a
line by connecting two points. It is represented by the symbol (m).
y 2− y 1
The formula of a line is m =
Key Concept x 2−x 1

3. Intercepts – Consist of x and y intercepts. The x-intercepts are

where the graph crosses the x-axis, has an ordered pair of (0, a), and
the y-intercepts are where the graph crosses the y-axis, has an
ordered pair of (b, 0). Where a and b are real numbers.

4. Standard Form of a line – the standard form of a line is

Ax + By = C, where A, B and C are real numbers.

At the end of the module, the students will be able to:

1. identify the formula on obtaining an equation of a line with (a) two
points; (b) the slope and a point; (c) the slope and its intercepts,
2. solve equation of a line with (a)two points; (b) the slope and a point;
(c) the slope and its intercepts

Finding Equation of a Line Using Two Points, Slope and a point and Slope
II. CONTENT and its Intercepts

References Mathematics Learner’s Module 8, Department of Education

Graphing Calculator. (n.d.). Retrieved May 7, 2020, from

Find the Equation of a Line Given That You Know Two Points it Passes
Through. (n.d.). Retrieved May 8, 2020, from

Bellman, A., Bragg, S. C., Chapin, S. H., Gardella, T. H. J., Hall, B. C.,
Handlin, W. G., & Manfre, E. (n.d.). Prentice Hall: Algebra; tools for a
changing world (Philippine). Pearson Prentice Hall.

The learning session will start with:
1. Prayer
A. Preliminary Activities 2. Greetings
3. Checking of attendance
4. Reminders

The teacher will be asking the following questions about the previous

1. Drill 1. What is the symbol of a slope?

2. What is the formula of in finding a slope?
3. Write the slope-intercept form.

The students will be given 15 minutes to answer the following activities.

Activity 1 Solve for the slope

no. 1 Solution
1. (2, 1) and (4, 5) m = __2__
y 2− y 1
2. (3, 5) and (-2, -3) m = ______ m=
3 7 x 2−x 1
3. (-3, ) and (2, ) m = _____ 5−1
4 4 m=
3 4 9 3 4−2
4. ( , ) and ( , ) m = ______ 4
4 7 4 7 m= =2
2. Review

Activity 1.1 Evaluate the following where x = 3, y = -2, m = 1, a = -3, b =
no. 2 Solution
1. 2x + mb = _______
2. 2. -2xy – 2am = ____18___ -2xy – 2am
xy -2(3)(-2) – 2(-3)(1)
3. = _______ -6(-2) – 2(-3)
2 am 12 + 6 = 18
4. 3ab – 2m + 4ab = ______

3. Motivation What if there is a scenario that you are ought to find an equation of a line
but with limited information only such as:
(a) two points;
(b) the slope and a point;
(c) the slope and its intercepts.

Did you know that you can solve the equation with the given above?

B. Developmental Activities

The teacher will be giving a line that is graph in a cartesian plane and they
will answer the following questions below?

Given: (-2, 0) and (-1, 2)

Graph 1

m= −2
Given: (2, 1) and slope =
1. Activity
Graph 2

Given: slope = 2
x – intercept = 2

Graph 3


1. What is the equation of each line given?

2. How did you derive the following answer?

1. How can you solve for the equation of a line with the following given (a)
two points; (b) the slope and a point; (c) the slope and its intercepts?
2. Analysis
2. Is there other ways on how to obtain of an equation of a line?
3. Abstraction There many ways on how to solve for the equation of a line with the
following given (a) two points; (b) the slope and a point; (c) the slope and its
intercepts. I will be introducing two ways in solving (1) through slope-
intercept form and (2) formula.


Using slope-intercept form

y = mx + b
We will be using the activity above (graph 1), the only given are points.
The points are (0, -2) and (-1, 2)

If we will examine the slope intercept form (y=mx+b), we can only

solve for the slope (m) based on the given.

STEP 1: Solve for the slope

y 2− y 1
m= - formula for slope
x 2−x 1

(0, -2) and (-1, 2) - given

m= - substitution

2+ 2 4
m= = =-4 - simplify
−1 −1

m = -4

STEP 2: Using the given, identify one (1) point and substitute it to slope-
intercept form (y=mx+b) together with the slope (m) to solve for b.

We have (0, -2) as a point and m = -4

x y
y = mx + b - slope-intercept form

-2 = (-4)(0) + b - substitution

-2 = 0 + b - simplify

-2 = b

STEP 3: Since we already solved for the slope (m) and the y-intercept (b),
we can now substitute it to the slope intercept form.
y = mx + b
Since m = -4 , b = -2 so we have y = -4x – 2 or you can transform into
standard form we have 4x + y = -2.

Using the formula

y 2− y 1
y - y1 = (x - x 1)
x 2−x 1
Using this formula, you only need to substitute the given two points.
(0, -2) and (-1, 2)

x1 y1 x2 y2

y 2− y 1
y - y1 = (x - x 1) - formula
x 2−x 1

y – (-2) = (x - 0) - substitute

2+ 2
y+2= (x – 0) - simplify

y+2= (x – 0)

y + 2 = -4 (x – 0)

y + 2 = -4x – 0

y + 2 = -4x - arrange in standard form

4x + y = -2

The equation of the line is 4x + y = -2.


This time the only available data in the graph are a point and a slope.
The given are a point ( 2, 1) and a slope ( )

Using slope-intercept form

y = mx + b

If we will examine the slope intercept form (y=mx+b), since slope (m)
and a point are already given. We will be solving for the y-intercept (b).

STEP 1: Solve for the y-intercept.

We have (2, 1) as a point and m =

x y

y = mx + b - slope-intercept form

1=( )(2) + b - substitution
1= +b - simplify

1+ =b - addition property of equality (APE)


STEP 3: Since we already solved the y-intercept (b). we can now solve the
equation by using y = mx + b.
−2 7 2 7
We have m = , b = , we have y = - x + or you can
3 3 3 3
transform into standard form we have 2x + 3y = 7.

Using the formula

y - y 1 = m (x - x 1)

Using this formula, you only need to substitute the given; a point and a
(2, 1) and m =

x1 y1
y - y 1 = m (x - x 1) - formula

y – (1) = (x - 2) - substitute

−2 4
y-1= x+ - simplify
3 3

−2 4
y= x+ +1 - combine like terms using the APE
3 3

−2 7
y= x+
3 3

−2 7
y= x+ - arrange in standard form
3 3

2 7
3 3

2 7
3( x + y ) = ( )3 - multiply by 3 to make the 1st term integer.
3 3

2x + 3y = 7
2 7
Note: The answer x + y = is correct but we need to change the 1 st term
3 3
into integer to have a unified answer.


This time the available data in the graph (graph 2) are an intercept
and a slope.
The given are x-intercept (a) is 1 and a slope (2)

Using slope-intercept form

y = mx + b

If we will examine the slope intercept form (y=mx+b), since slope (m)
and an intercept are given (NOTE: an intercept is also a point, therefore we
can use the process if the given are a point and a slope). We will be solving
for the y-intercept (b).

STEP 1: Solve for the y-intercept.

We have a = 1 or (1,0) as a point and m = 2

x y

y = mx + b - slope-intercept form

0 = (2)(1) + b - substitution

0=2+b - simplify

0-2=b - addition property of

equality (APE)
b = -2

STEP 3: Since we already solved the y-intercept (b). we can now solve the
equation by using
y = mx + b

Since m = 2 , b = -2, we have y = 2x - 2 or you can transform into

standard form; -2x + y = -2.

We need to make the 1 st term into positive (to have a uniform answer).
We will multiply by -1, we have -1(-2x + y) = (-2)-1. The answer would be
2x – y = 2

Using the formula

y - y 1 = m (x - x 1)

Using this formula, you only need to substitute the given; an intercept
(a point) and a slope.
a = 1 or (1, 0) and m = 2
x1 y1

y - y 1 = m (x - x 1) - formula

y – (0) = 2 (x - 1) - substitute

y - 0 = 2x - 2 - simplify

y = 2x + 0 - 2 - combine like term using the APE

y = 2x - 2

-2x + y = -2 - arrange in standard form

-1(-2x + y) = (-2) -1 - multiply by -1 to make the 1st term

2x – y = 2
The answer would be 2x – y = 2

4. Application Now, let us do some exercises. Let us call this activity

“Find Me Out”
DIRECTION: Find the equation of the line in slope-intercept form that
passes through the following points. You can use any of the method mention
above. (show your solution on a separate sheet of paper)

1. (2, 1) and (4, 5) 2. (3, 5) and (-2, -3)

3 7 3 4 9 4
3. (-3, ) and (2, ) 4. ( , ) and ( , )
4 4 4 7 4 3

5. m = 2 and (4, 5) 6. m = -3 and (-2, -3)

7 2 9 4
7. m = 3 and (2, ) 8. m = and ( , )
4 3 4 3

9. a = 4 and (2, 3) 10. b = -3 and (-2, -3)

7 5 2
11. a = 5 and (1, ) 12. b = -2 and ( , )
4 4 3
Let’s WORD it up
Solve for the equation of a line.
1. Find the equation of the line passing through the points (-1, -2) and
(2, 7).
2. Write an equation for the line that passes through the points (1,6)
and (3,-4).
3. Find the equation of the line passing through a point (2, 3) and has a
slope of 3.
4. Find the equation whose slope is - and passing through a point (-
1, -2).
5. The line passes through a point (2, -4) and has a y-intercept of ,
what is its equation?
2 4
6. Write an equation for the line that passes through a point ( , ) and
3 5
has a whose x-intercept is .

IV. EVALUATION I. Multiple Choice. Choose the correct answer and write it on the
space provided before each number.

_____1. Match the graph at the right

with its equation.
A. y = x + 1
B. y = -x + 1
C. y = x - 1
D. y = -x – 1

_____2. Which of the following is the standard form of linear equation.

A. Ax + By + C = 0
B. y = mx + b
C. Ax + By = C
D. Ax + By = 0
_____3. What is the equation of a line that passes through (0, 2) and (2, 0)?
A. x + y = 2 B. x + y = -2
C. x - y = -2 D. x – y = 2
_____4. What is the equation of a line that passes through a point (3, -4) and
whose slope is 6?
A. 6x - y = 22 B. 6x – y = -22
B. x + 6y = -22 D. x + 6y = 22
_____5. What is the equation of a line whose x - intercept is 4 and has a
slope of 1?
A. x – y = 4 B. x + y = - 4
C. x + y = 4 D. x – y = -4
II. Write an equation in standard form for the line through the following
5 3
1. (4, 3) and m = 2. (1, 3) and (-1, -4) 3. a = -5 and m =
3 4
Solution: Solution: Solution:

Write an equation in standard form for the line through the following given.
1. (2, -1) and m = 5 2. (-1, 3) and (3, 4) 3. a = 3 and m =
Solution: Solution: Solution:

In solving for an equation of a line. Always remember to identify

what are the givens. Then decide what method you will be using either the
slope intercept form or the formulas.

slope-intercept form

y = mx + b
VI. REFLECTION two points

y −y
2 1
y - y 1 = x −x (x - x 1)
2 1

slope and a point

y - y 1 = m (x - x 1)

A. Number of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

B. Number of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? Number of learners who have caught up with the lesson.
D. Number of learners who needs to continue to remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies works well? Why did these work?

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