(2025) Research LE2
(2025) Research LE2
(2025) Research LE2
01 OCTOBER 2022
2. A research questionnaire was circulated among students, as Respondents of a study have the right to informed consent. They must be fully
part of their university registration packet. Although students informed before any research involvement begins.
were not told they ought to complete the questionnaire, the
hope was that they would believe they should; thus ensuring a
higher completion rate. In the above scenario, which ethical
principle was violated? B
A. Beneficence
B. Use of Informed Consent
C. Justice
D. Non-Maleficence
3. To test a human vaccine against malaria caused by P. vivax, a Beneficence AKA primum non nocere or do no harm. It maximizes possible
group of infectious disease specialists submitted a benefits and minimize possible harms. In this scenario the researchers violated
three-phase protocol to the Research Ethics Committee (REC) the principle of beneficence because part of their protocool was to
of the local university. Differing from other protocols, a deliberately infect research participants with malaria to evaluate the
“challenge” methodology was proposed; researchers planned effectiveness of the vaccine. Hence, causing harm to the study subjects.
to infect research participants with malaria to evaluate the
effectiveness of the vaccine. In the above scenario, what A
ethical principle was violated?
A. Beneficence
B. Respect for Persons
C. Justice
D. Use of Informed Consent
4. The work of researchers led by Catherine Verfaillie of the The principal investigator falsified the previous stem cell image as a new
University of Minnesota in Minneapolis was mired in result for their research.
controversy as it was found out that the same image of stem
cells, used in prior research, it was flipped through 180° and
slightly altered, and then used as evidence in their current
paper on stem cells. In this scenario, what ethical misconduct
was committed?
A. Plagiarism
B. Fabrication
C. Privacy
D. Falsification
5. Doctor-clinicians who were promised to be given PHP Fabrication: No true research is conducted with creation of false data
5,000.00 for each study subject that they could enroll in a
phase 4 drug trial included patients that were not actually
given the trial medication. In this scenario what ethical
misconduct was committed?
A. Confidentiality
B. Fabrication
C. Falsification
D. Plagiarism
6. Which of the following should not be part of the review All of these should be disclosed and provided for transparency except for
process of the ethics review committee? the budget funding as it does not have not any ethical considerations to
look upon.
A. Technical Validity of the Research Protocol B
B. Budget Potential Funding Agency for the Research Proposal
C. Payment Given to the Participants
D. Process of Study Subject Recruitment
7. This law/policy mandated that all researchers involving human D A. Voluntary consent is absolutely essential
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- Data collection tools
- Calibrated instruments
[RES-2.02-Bias and Confounders]
Observer Bias
13. In 2020, the Infection Prevention and Control Committee of - Type of bias wherein the observer’s opinions, expectations, and
the UERM Memorial Hospital conducted a series of prejudice influence the results of the research
observation on the medical staff and their hand-washing Pygmalion Bias
practices. When the staff learned they were being - Researcher’s expectations of a study subject can affect how the
observed, hand-washing recommendations were adhered to subject responds
more stringently. What is the BIAS most likely depicted in C Hawthorne Effect
the scenario? - Tendency of people to modify their behavior because they know
A. observer bias they are being studied
B. Pygmalion bias - Participants tend to perform better
C. Hawthorne effect Healthy Workers Effect
D.healthy workers effect - Specific to occupational cohort studies wherein the investigator may
seek to compare disease rates among individuals from a particular
occupational group with individuals in an external standard
Randomization: experimental design studies
- Assignment of study participants to tx group by random methods
- Ideal method for confounder controlling if done properly
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D.They may be regarded also as a risk factor for a disease
Administration Bias - effects caused by varying or unexpectedly adverse
test administration conditions (social, physical or technical)
19. This type of INFORMATION BIAS may be committed if the
Reportng Bias - occurs when individuals selectively suppress or reveal
person who provided the treatment is the same person who
information for certain reasons
will assess outcome:
Prevarication Bias - occurs when a subject over- or under- estimates
A. administration bias D
outcomes because of knowledge of the kind of treatment that had received
B. reporting bias
Observer Bias - from the investigator’s prior knowledge of the hypothesis
C. prevarication bias
under investigation or knowledge of an individual’s exposure or disease
D. observer bias
Internal Validity
● refers to the soundness of the methods utilized in the selection of
the study subjects, and the lack of error in measurement of
exposure/outcome and the association between variables under
● (For choice A) This is a MUST for a study to have External Validity
20. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE regarding ● A study cannot be externally valid if it is not internally valid
INTERNAL and EXTERNAL VALIDITY? ● (For choice B) Not all internal validity will have a good
A. The finding of the study cannot be generalized to the general generalizability
population if the internal validity is questionable.
B. A study may have internal validity but does not always follow C External Validity
that it will have a good external validity ● refers to the degree to which inferences and findings from a sample
C. All statements are correct. can be extended to the target population
D. A random and systematic error may affect both internal and ● Also known as “generalizability”
external validity. ● Highlights the ability of the study to generalize beyond a set of
observations to some universal statement
Advantages of Close-Ended Questions Data Collection
21. Which of the following statements is an advantage of using
Ex. Ability to code and analyze answers
Ex. Suitable for analysis
A. exploratory for developing questions
Ex. Useful for determining intensity of feeling, degree of involvement,
B. no response limitations D
frequency of participation
C. stimulates free thought as it solicits suggestions
D. useful for determining intensity of feeling and frequency of
Ex. Missed out important dimensions because of response limitations
Double-barreled questions:
Ex. How many cups of tea or coffee do you have on a normal day?
22. In one data collection tool, one question stated “How many Are you asking if it's tea? Or just coffee? Or tea and coffee?
glasses of soda or iced tea do you consume in one meal?” Loaded questions
This ERRONEOUS TYPE OF QUESTIONING may be referred Ex Why do you hate religious people?
to as: Ex. Why do you hate the Marcoses?
A. double-barreled ▪ Discriminating tone of question
B. leading Leading questions
C. loaded → How great is our hardworking customer service team?
D. vernacular ▪ May lead to presumptions
Vernacular Def: language spoken by the ordinary people in a particular
Construct validity - Whether the results of the tool are in accord with the
23. This type of VALIDITY FOR THE QUESTIONNAIRE refers to present theories concerning the area of research
how well a measurement conforms to THEORETICAL Criterion-related validity - The extent to which the tool results agree with
CONCEPTS concerning the area of research an independent external criterion (e.g. physical measures, clinical interview,
A. Construct validity A or another questionnaire)
B. Criterion-related validity Content validity - The adequacy with which important content has been
C. Content validity covered and transformed into questions
D. Face validity Face validity - whether a tool looks as though it measures what it is
supposed to measure
24. A group of sophomore medical students conducted a Mean - Average, is used to describe and summarize ratio and interval data
prevalence survey on malnutrition among children aged 3 to
5 years old. The WEIGHT, HEIGHT, AND HEAD A Percentage - used to organize nominal data
CIRCUMFERENCE data may be best summarized as:
A. Mean Proportion - often used to determine if there is a difference in the prevalence
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B. Percentage of disorders
C. Proportion
D. Frequency Frequency - used to describe nominal and qualitative data; measures of
frequency include count, ratio, proportion and rate
25. Which of the following statements about PRE-TESTING THE Pre-testing involves a smaller sample size of respondents.
QUESTIONNAIRE is CORRECT? Pre-testing questionnaires are not reviewed by the respondents.
A. It is the administration of the questionnaire to about 20 to 50 The Respondents for pre-testing need not reflect the study respondents.
respondents, followed by interviews or discussions to determine
their understanding.
B. The results of pre-testing are incorporated into the rewriting of
the questionnaires, which will be reviewed by the respondents. A
C. The respondents who answered the pre-testing questionnaire
are comparable to the sample of would-be respondents and are
included in the study.
D.It involves asking of suggestions of the interviewers and
determination of the respondents’ understanding towards it after
administration of the questionnaire.
Cronbach’s alpha – measurement of internal consistency; looks at how
closely related the set of items are as a group
26. Which CRONBACH'S ALPHA SCORE is considered
“ACCEPTABLE” in most social science research situations?
A. 0.70
B. 0.50
C. 0.30
D. 0.10
- number or names
29. A group of medical students conducted a cross-sectional
study that looked into the sexual orientation, gender identity,
- can be ordered or ranked
and expression (SOGIE) of patients and their preference for
their primary care physician. Determination of SOGIE
- exact or equal distance between 2 categories can be determined
represents which SCALE OF MEASUREMENT? A
- Zero point is arbitrary
A. Nominal
- Ex: Temperature, Calendar time, IQ
B. Ordinal
C. Interval
- Zero point is fixed (RatiO=ZERO)
D. Ratio
- Ex: Weight, height, BP, no. of prenatal visits, no. of seizure
30. In one data collection tool, one question stated “How many Double-barreled questions is a kind of question that includes more than
glasses of soda or iced tea do you consume in one meal?” one topic and is asking about two different issues, while only allowing a
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This ERRONEOUS TYPE OF QUESTIONING may be referred single answer
to as:
A. Double-barreled
B. Leading
C. Loaded
D. Vernacular
A. Data editing
31. Which of the following activities suggests DATA EDITING?
- Uniformity: Standardize all answers involving units of measurement.
A. Rounding off all data entries for weight to the nearest 0.1 of a
kg for consistency
B. Data coding
B. Assigning the number 0 for those whose body mass index
- Scale coding: Represent grouping of responses which vary in
(BMI) category is normal and 4 for those whose BMI category is
A degree or intensity along a continuum.
C. Converting weight in lbs to kgs and height in feet to cm to m2
C. Data computing
and dividing weight in kg to height in m2 to get the body mass
- Converting the units of measurement given by the respondents to
index (BMI)
the unit of measurement specified for the variable of interest.
D. All options are correct
32. This refers to a type of CODING about KNOWLEDGE on five Listing codes - are used when several combinations of multiple responses
possible symptoms of COVID-19 with responses coded as 1 are anticipated. A column is allocated for each possible answer with 0 for
for “YES” and 2 for “NO” “NO” and 1 for “YES”
A. Listing codes A Field codes - data are recorded as they are given by the respondent
B. Field codes Scale codes - data are recorded as degree or intensity along a continuum
C. Scale codes Bracket codes - data are recorded as range of values
D. Bracket codes
Frequency polygon – can show differences in the distribution of a
quantitative continuous variable (i.e., anti-HAV IgG titers) between two or
33. Which GRAPH can best depict the difference in the average
more groups (i.e., urban vs. rural) in a single graph
anti-HAV IgG titers between those living in the rural versus
urban areas?
Component bar graph - preferable over the pie graph where compositions
A. Frequency polygon
A of two or more groups are to be compared
B. Component bar graph
C. Scatter plot
Scatter plot - to show relationships between two quantitative variables
D. Histogram
Histogram - graphical representation of the frequency distribution of a
continuous variable
34. Which of the following can be used to summarize or describe Middlemost
data on one’s preparedness to work during an emergency Used to describe and summarize quantitative ordinal and skewed numerical
response ranging from 1=completely unprepared, data
2=somewhat unprepared, 3=neither, 4=somewhat prepared Mode
and 5=very prepared? A Most frequently occurring value in a set of observations
A. Median Mean
B. Mode Average
C. Mean Used to describe and summarize ratio and interval plan
D. Range Range
Difference between the highest and lowest values
35. A researcher wants to determine if there is a significant PREVALENCE is a PROPORTION, and the TWO GROUPS being compared
difference in the prevalence of needlestick and are community health workers and hospital-based workers.
sharps-related injuries between community health workers
and hospital workers. What type of RESEARCH OBJECTIVE is
being considered in the choice of the STATISTICAL TEST. A
A. Comparison between group proportions
B. Comparison with some pre-specified value
C. Comparison between group means
D. Relationship or association
36. If a CHI SQUARE TEST will be used to determine if there is a PROPORTIONS describe data in the NOMINAL SCALE. The objective is
significant difference in the PROPORTION of medical comparison between proportions, not relationship or association. The three
students eager to return FTF engagement among the year levels are independent of each other.
different year levels, which of the following were considered
in the choice of the STATISTICAL TEST? A
A. Nominal scale measurement
B. Relationship between variables as the research objective
C. Relatedness of the three year levels
D. All options are correct
37. Which GRAPH can best depict the difference in the average HISTOGRAM: Graphical representation that displays data by way of bars to
anti-HAV IgG titers between those living in the rural versus show the frequency of numerical data
urban areas? COMPONENT BAR GRAPH: Data have items whose magnitudes have 2
A. histogram or more components. Items are represented by rectangular bars of equal
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B. component bar graph width with the height proportional to the magnitude
C. scatter plot SCATTER PLOT: Plots along two axes at right angles to each other the
D. frequency polygon relationship between variable quantities. It gives a rough estimate of the
type and degree of correlation between the variables
FREQUENCY POLYGON: For understanding the shapes of distributions.
Serve the same purpose as histograms, but are especially helpful for
comparing sets of data
38. Which of the following should be considered in the Number of samples, level of measurement of the variable and relatedness
CHOICE OF A STATISTICAL TEST? of sample are all inclusions or things to consider with regards to choosing a
A. number of samples statistical test.
B. level of measurement of the variable
C. relatedness of the sample
D. All options are correct
40. Confounders can be controlled during the ANALYSIS PHASE Confounders can be controlled during the analysis phase using STRATIFIED
of the research process. ANALYSIS or REGRESSION ANALYSIS
A. True
B. False
TABULAR - organizes data into rows and columns; clearly convey large
41. Which of the methods of DATA PRESENTATION incorporates
amounts of information that would be cumbersome to write in paragraph
PICTOGRAPH - graph that uses pictures/symbols as information; makes
A. Tabular
C data visually interesting
B. Diagram
TEXTUAL - simplest form; presented in the form of words, phrases,
C. Textual
sentences of paragraphs
D. Graphical
GRAPHICAL - graphs and histograms
TABULAR - organizes data into rows and columns; clearly convey large
42. Which method of DATA PRESENTATION organizes data in
amounts of information that would be cumbersome to write in paragraph
TEXTUAL - simplest form; presented in the form of words, phrases,
A. tabular
A sentences of paragraphs
B. textual
GRAPHICAL - graphs and histograms
C. graphical
PICTOGRAPH - graph that uses pictures/symbols as information; makes
data visually interesting
Rules in Making a Table
● A number is assigned to the table (e.g., Table 1)
43. Which is/are TRUE regarding creation of a TABLE in DATA ● Title should be given to the table which is concise and
PRESENTATION self-explanatory
A. All options are correct ● Contents of the tables should be defined clearly
B. Group intervals in columns and rows for tables must be A ● Subtitles should be written for rows and columns
mutually exclusive ● Group intervals in columns and rows should be neither be too
C. Footnotes explain the symbols in the table narrow nor too wide and should be mutually exclusive
D. Subtitles should be written for rows and columns ● Unit of measurement should be mentioned clearly
● Any symbol should be explained in the footnote
● There should be logical arrangement of data in the table
Omitting the baseline
● Truncation of a graph
○ A way by which data are presented to mislead in which
writers skew how a data is perceived by making the
44. This methods of MAKING THE BASELINE A NUMBER OTHER baseline a different number.
THAN “0” is called Cherry Picking the data
A. Omitting the baseline ● Writers may only include certain data points on their graphs to
B. Cherry picking the data reinforce their narrative which creates a false impression of the data
C. Manipulating the Y axis
D. using the wrong graph Manipulating the Y axis
● Expanding or compressing the scale on a graph which makes the
data seem more or less significant that they actually are
Using the wrong graph
● Using the wrong type of graph can skew the data
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45. T/F PIE CHARTS are used to compare difference between Column charts and Histograms are examples of diagrams applicable to
TWO OR MORE VARIABLES research data with two or more variables
46. T/F PIE CHARTS are best used if the SLICES ARE MORE Pie charts are NOT applicable to research data with two or more variables.
THAN 5 Bar chart is a preferable alternative if there’s more than 3 slices
A. Histogram → Bars touch each other, hence no spaces between bars
B. Bar Graph → Bars do not touch each other, hence there are spaces
between bars (refer to image above)
C. Deviation bar graph → Useful for presenting net quantities with both
positive and negative values
● Positive deviations
○ Presented by bars above the baseline.
● Negative deviations
○ Presented by bars below the baseline
47. What is the graph where BARS TOUCH EACH OTHER, hence,
A. Histogram
B. Bar graph
C. Deviation bar diagram
D. Component bar graph
48. The elements in this kind of graph are GROUPED TOGETHER Refer to previous number for ratio of C and D
AS RANGES Refer to row of Elements for Comparison of option A and B
A. Histogram
B. Bar graph
C. Deviation bar diagram
D. Component bar graph
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A. Discrete- Integers/ Whole numbers; Countable in a finite amount of time;
49. What kind of variable is MONEY? e.g. money age
A. Discrete A
B. Continuous B. Continuous- Fractions/Decimals; Would literally take forever to count; e.g.
Line Graph → used to display the comparison between two variables (X-axis:
time; Y-axis: Quantity)
→ Displays a change in direction
→ Show trends of an event
→ For time series data or patterns over time
50. What graph is used to display the comparison between two
variables which are plotted on the x-axis and y-axis, where
→ Plots along two axes at right angles to each other the relationship
the x-axis represents TIME, while the y-axis represents
between variable quantities
A → Gives a rough estimate of the type and degree of correlation
A. Line graphs
between the variables
B. Deviation bar diagram
C. Scatterplot Deviation Bar Diagram → useful for presenting net quantities which have
D. Bar graph both positive & negative values
→ Positive deviations: bars above the baseline
→ Negative deviations: bars below the baseline
Bar Graph → consists of a series of rectangular bars of equal width
→ Vertical Bar Graph: used for ordinal data
→ Horizontal Bar Graph: used for nominal data
51. For the following research problem or topic, please choose A: unethical to experiment on humans for the use of vape to test if it will
which FINER criteria is not satisfied. Please put yourself in the result in arrhythmia
shoes of second year medical students as you assess the
problem or topic.
Will the use of Vape lead to arrhythmia using an experimental
A. Ethical
B. Relevant
C. Novel
D. Feasible
52. For the following research problem or topic, please choose A: This is not relevant to the field of medicine or as a medical student. This
which FINER criteria is not satisfied. Please put yourself in is relevent if the course was elementary education.
the shoes of second year medical students as you assess
the problem or topic.
Among parents and teachers of preschool children aged
4-6 years in Quezon City, what are their experiences with
the online school setup using a phenomenological study
A. Relevant
B. Novel
C. Feasible
D. Interesting
E. Ethical
53. With the following research problem “Among public health
care workers what are their motivations to continue working
during the pandemic using a phenomenological study A
approach”. Which of the following is a possible refinement of
the research problem?
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A. Are there any social pressures bearing on the healthcare Association refinement is not possible with phenomenological study. This
workers can only be done with a cross sectional study.
B. What is the level of motivation of the healthcare workers?
C. Is there an association between motivation and social stigma? The level of motivation is another quantitative result that does not
D. Is there an association between the status of the hospital correspond to the phenomenological study design.
(DOH retained or local government) and the level of motivation of
the healthcare workers?
Simple hypothesis- one predictor and one outcome variable
54. Which hypothesis contains more than one predictor variable
Complex hypothesis- more than one predictor variable or more than one
or more than one outcome variable?
outcome variable
A. Simple
B Specific hypothesis- no ambiguity about the subjects and variables. It uses
B. Complex
concise operational definitions that summarize the nature and source of the
C. Mixed
subjects and how variables will be measured.
D. Compound
● There is no such thing as a “mixed” or “compound” hypothesis.
55. What describes the relationship between two or more A. Prediction of a relationship which can be tested.
variables allowing for the relationship to be tested empirically
and summarizes the elements of the research study? B. Indicates the goal or what is to be achieved in the study
A. Hypothesis A
C. Shows how much variables are related to each other.
B. Objective
C. Strength of Association D. Where the collected data is analyzed and measured
D. Data analysis
Demographic characteristics may be considered independent variables, but
the best answer in this case is background variables.
56. What kind of variables are demographic characteristics of the These are evident variables that can inadvertently/unintentionally affect
study subjects? both independent and dependent variables
A. Independent A background variable is a certain factor in a respondent's background or
B. Confounding circumstance which may affect other variables. When one says
C. Background “background variable” they are almost almost always referring to a subject’s
D. Dependent demographic characteristics.
The dependent variable is what the researcher is trying to measure or
explain, and is the object of the research; also known as the outcome
Foreground question
→ Research question/ focused clinical question
→ Population of interest
▪ Refers to the general characteristics of the group subjects in
→ Exposure in question
▪ May be a drug, treatment modality, diagnostic test, risk
factor, or anything that is being tested for its influence on a
certain outcome
57. [T/F] A research question is an example of background → Comparison
question. ▪ Refers to the alternative intervention (i.e., may be drug of
choice/gold standard) or exposure
→ Outcome expected
▪ Primary endpoint being tested/investigated
→ Methodology
▪ Study design of the research implemented
Background question
→ Anything you can find in a textbook
→ Basic information
58. [T/F] The following statement “Increasing animal fats in the
diet will lead to increased triglycerides and LDL which are
both contributory to atherosclerosis is an example of a
background question.”
Foreground Question
59. The following statement “Whether or not a ketogenic diet will ● Research question / Focused clinical question
lead to long term weight loss for the elderly population and is ● The statement is an example of a research question since it is
safe with no significant adverse events” is an example of a controversial and ripe for study. It is also not an established fact
A. Foreground question A
B. Background question Background Question
C. Primary question ● Basic Information
D. Secondary question ● Established fact
● Anything you can find in a textbook
60. At the onset of this observational research, the study ● Cohort - starts with the organization of the two groups based on the
population was first organized into two groups: those with exposure factor and followed in time for the development of the outcome
exposure factor and those without the exposure factor. The ● Cross-sectional - has one study population with the data collection at one
objective of the study is to determine the proportion of those point in time
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who will develop the outcome or disease of interest in these ● Case-control - starts with the organization of the two groups based on the
two groups and then compute for the measure of association. disease or outcome
What is this type of epidemiologic study design? ● Quasi-experimental - an experimental research design without random
A. Cohort allocation of treatment or intervention
B. Cross-sectional
C. Case-control
D. Quasi-experimental
61. This type of analytic-observational study which looks forward Cohort study measure of association
in time for the development of the outcome uses what
measure of association that will tell the ratio of the outcome
in the two groups being analyzed?
A. Relative risk
B. Odds ratio
C. Coefficient of correlation
D. Hazards ratio
62. In a clinical trial, the following measures that estimate the Data analysis or measurements that can be used in clinical trials: Relative
effect of the intervention: Risk (RR), Risk Difference a.k.a Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR), Relative Risk
A. All the choices are correct Reduction (RRR).
B. Risk difference
C. Relative risk
D. Relative risk reduction
Exclusion criteria indicate individuals who meet the inclusion
criteria and are suitable for the study if it were not for
63. The Department of Health determined the association of characteristics that might interfere with the success of follow-up
e-cigarette use and moderate to severe COVID-19 infection efforts, the quality of the data, or the acceptability of randomized
among healthy young Filipinos aged 20-35 years residing in treatment.
the National Capital Region. Which of the following is an
acceptable EXCLUSION CRITERION for thi epidemiologic
A. Filipino adults on vacation in Metro Manila for four weeks (i.e.,
returning overseas Filipino workers)
B. Filipino adults older than 35 years old
C. Filipino adults living in Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, Quezon
D. Filipino adults with no known comorbidities
In this scenario, returning OFWs are excluded because they are more likely
to be lost to follow up.
64. A multi-center real world evidence study was conducted to In stratified random sampling, the population is first divided into
determine the cardiorenal safety of GLP-1 receptor agonists in non-overlapping groups called strata, then a simple random sample is then
the management of hyperglycemia in the primary cae setting. selected from each stratum
Investigators identified adult diabetics consulting at selected
Family and Community Medicine out-patient clinics in the
National Capital Region. The investigators identified diabetic Multi-stage sampling results in the concentration of sampling which often
patients with heart failure with reduce ejection fraction yields lower cost per unit of inquiry.
(HFrEF) and with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
(HFpEF) and recruited study subjects with a 1:1 ratio. They
also included patients with chronic kidney disease (Stages 1
and 2 vs. Stages 3 and 4) but excluded those with end-stage Quota sampling is a non-probability sampling.
renal disease (ESRD) or Stage 5 CKD on hemodialysis and
those who have undergone kidney transplantation. What type
A. Stratified Random Sampling
Systematic sampling is a variation of the simple random sampling wherein
B. Multi-Stage Sampling
there is a sampling interval. There is a known interval “k”.
C. Quota Sampling
D. Systematic Sampling
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