Aquaculture Engineering - Test Questions
Aquaculture Engineering - Test Questions
Aquaculture Engineering - Test Questions
1.________ is a section of fairly shallow water, used for the controlled farming of fish and other aquatic organisms and laid out in such a
way that is may be easily and completely drained.
a. Reservoir b. Lake c. Raceway d. Pond
2. ______ ponds are formed by building up a dam, dike, or similar above-ground structure to hold water.
a. Reservoir b. Embankment c. Raceway d. Excavated
3._______ ponds are constructed by removing soil from an area to form a depression that can be filled with water.
a. Reservoir b. Embankment c. Raceway d. Excavated
4. The principal water losses in excavated ponds.
a. Sublimation b. Evapotranspiration c. Advection d. Seepage & Evaporation
5. _______maybe defined as the rearing and breeding of aquatic organisms in confined condition which is more or less controllable by
a. Fishery Science b. Aquaculture c. Aquaculture Engineering d. Osmoregulation
6. It is usually located in protected coastal areas and uses only sea water
a. Mariculture b. Freshwater c. none of the above d. Brackishwater
7. It uses the combination of freshwater and seawater and usually located in the mangrove areas where river flows and mixes with the
tidal water.
a. Mariculture b. Freshwater c. none of the above d. Brackishwater
8. It uses freshwater supplied by spring, stream or river, rain, deep well, or lake.
a. Mariculture b. Freshwater c. none of the above d. Brackishwater
9. ________the rearing of organisms with high stocking density, using artificial feed and highwater exchange rate and maximum aeration
a. Intensive method b. Extensive method c. none of the above d. Semi-intensive method
10. ______the rearing of organisms with minimal stocking density using natural feed and minimal water exchange.
a. Intensive method b. Extensive method c. none of the above d. Semi-intensive method
11.________the rearing of organisms at moderate stocking density, giving supplemental feed with fertilizer and with partial water
a. Intensive method b. Extensive method c. none of the above d. Semi-intensive method
12. Low stocking density varies from _____?
a. 100 to 450 kg/ha b. 500 to 1,000 kg/ha c. 1,100 to 10,000 kg/ha d. above 10,000 kg/ha
13. High stocking density varies from _____?
a. 100 to 450 kg/ha b. 500 to 1,000 kg/ha c. 1,100 to 10,000 kg/ha d. above 10,000 kg/ha
14. What properties of water affects evaporation losses?
a. Specific heat b. Latent heat of vaporization c. Latent heat of fusion d. Osmotic pressure
15. Properties of water that has a significance in osmoregulation of salts in fish body?
a. Specific heat b. Latent heat of vaporization c. Latent heat of fusion d. Osmotic pressure
16. Milkfish scientific name
a. Chanos chanos b. Tilapia spp. c. Oncorhynchus gorbuscha d. Ictalurus catus
17.Tilapia scientific name
a. Chanos chanos b. Tilapia spp. c. Oncorhynchus gorbuscha d. Ictalurus catus
18.Tilapia will not survive at _________ temperature
a. 79 to 90 deg F b. below 50 deg F c. 55 to 79 deg F d. 95 deg F
19.Tilapia can withstand high water temperature up to
a. 79 to 90 deg F b. below 50 deg F c. 55 to 79 deg F d. 95 deg F
20.Tilapia eggs hatch in about _________ days
a. 9-12 b. 13-16 c. 17-20 d. 4-8
21.Tilapia can reach sexual maturity between ________________ grams
a. 50-100 b. 10-20 c. 5-10 d. 30-40
22. Stocking rate for tilapia, male mono-sex culture ranges from
a. 4,000-20,000 per acre b. 30,000-50,000 per acre c. 1,000-3,500 per acre d. 60,000-100,000 per acre
23. Convert stocking rate of 25,000 per acre to pcs per hectare
a. 62,000 b. 60,000 c. 42,000 d. 40,000
24. Mang Ben have a stocking rate of 9,000 fingerlings per hectare, about 6 months are required to produce fish (500grams) from 50grams
of fingerlings and expected survival about 90 %, compute total production in tons per acre?
a. 1.65 b. 1.66 c. 1.67 d. 1.64
25. Aquatic animals need ________ for their survival
a. oxygen b. air c. hydrogen d. dissolved oxygen
26. Dissolved oxygen can be achieved by several different methods such as:
a. Gravity type aerators b. All of the above c. Mechanical aerators d. Pure oxygen injection
27.__________, growth of unwanted attached aquatic organisms, is one of the most serious operational and maintenance problems
encountered in most salt-water culture systems
a. Biofouling b. Bifouling c. Bouing d. Bouling
28. The world’s deepest living fish ___________ was found in the Puerto Rican trench at a depth of 8,372 meters
a. Abyssobrotula galatheae b. Abyssobrotula galathea c. Asyobrotula galateae d. Abyssobotula galatheae
29. The Tibetan stoneloach ____________ lives at altitudes over 5,200 meters in the Himalaya
a. Triplophysa stoliczkai b. Triplophysa stolizkai c. Triplophisa stoliczkai d. Triplophysa stoliczki
30. _______ is considered the smallest vertebrate known.
a. Pandacca pygmaea b. Pandaka pygmaea c. Pandaka pygmea d. Pandhaca pygmaea
31. Fish’s heart are ____-shaped.
a. S b. V c. D d. Y
32. _________is the process of maintaining an internal balance of salt and water in a fish’s body
a. Osmuregulation b. Osmogulation c. Osmooregulation d. Osmoregulation
33. The tail of the fish is called __________?
a. Cadaul fin b. Caudal fin c. Cudal fin d. Cauddal fin
34. A single vertical line with series of barbed hooks attached by spreaders at regular intervals
a. Handlines b. Simple handline c. Long lines d. Multiple handline
35. Long simple lines with only a small series of baited hooks requiring constant attention
a. Handlines b. Simple handline c. Long lines d. Multiple handline
36. A single vertical line carrying one or two barbed hooks and is worked simply by dropping it into the water and waiting for a fish to bite.
a. Handlines b. Simple handline c. Long lines d. Multiple handline
37. Plasma cells develop from activated ____-cells and are the actual sites of antibody production
a. C b. D c. E d. B
38. ____ play a powerful role in initiating inflammation in most vertebrates
a. penicillin b. ventolin c. serotonin d. histamines
39. One pair of vertebrate organs situated in the body cavity near the spinal column that excrete waste products of metabolism
a. kidney b. gills c. lungs d. operculum
40. A glandular structure of largely lymphoid tissue that functions especially in the development of the body’s immune system
a. thymus b. thaymus c. thymuts d. thaymuts
41. _____is a zoological term that refers to animals that produce eggs but retain them inside the female body until hatching occurs, so
that "live" offspring are born
a. ovaviviparity b. ovoviviparity c. ovovipaparity d. ovavipaparity
42. This condition is known as _____, when the embryo receives nutrients directly from the mother and not from the yolk.
a. matrotrophy b. matrophy c. matotrophy d. matrophi
43. _______ producing eggs that develop and hatch outside the maternal body
a. ovuparity b. ovaparity c. ovoparity d. oviparity
44. The oldest class of vertebrates
a. anatha b. agnatha c. antha d. agtha
45. ___ is the farming of aquatic organisms, including fish, mollusks, crustaceans and aquatic plants.
a. aquaculture b. poly culture c. mono culture d. fishery science
46. Disease causes air bubbles in the blood, skin, fins, and eyes, and usually causes death
a. hypoxia b. air bubbling c. off flavor d. gas bubble
47. There are 45,000 catfish being fed at 3 percent of their body weight daily, stocked in a 10-acre pond. To adjust the amount to be fed
daily for the next two weeks, a sample contains 200 fish weighing 80 lbs. The new amount to feed daily is calculated.
a. 108,000 lbs of feeds b. 540 lbs of feeds c. 450 lbs of feeds d. 180,000 lbs of feeds
48. Referring to question number 47, how much feeds is needed for two weeks?
a. 1,512,000 lbs of feeds b. 7,560 lbs of feeds c. 6,300 lbs of feeds d.2,520,000 lbs of feeds
49. A 12-acre pond contains 2,000 lbs of fish per acre. A bacterial disease is diagnose and double-strength (2X) Terramycin medicated feed
is needed for disease treatment. The daily recommended feeding rate is 1.5 percent body weight per day for a total of ten days. How
much medicated feed should be ordered and fed to the sick fish? Assume medicated feed comes in 50-lb bags.
a. 72 bags b. 6 bags c. 4,800 bags d. 7.2 bags
50. About 67,500 fingerlings weighing 50 lbs per 1,000 fish were stocked in a pond. Later, the fish were sampled and the average fish
weight was 0.25lb., or 250 lbs per 1,000 fish. During this time, 10 tons plus 1,600 lbs of feed were fed. No losses were observed. What is
the feed
conversion ratio?
a. 1.6 b. 1.76 c. 1.67 d. 1.06
51. A pond had an estimated standing crop of 22,500 lbs of fish at the last sampling. A new sample estimated the total at 33,000 lbs.
Between these two samplings, about 2,500 pounds of fish were lost. During this time, 11 tons plus 1,400 lbs of feed were fed. What is the
feed conversion ratio?
a. 1.97 b. 1.79 c. 1.09 d. 1.90
52. A fish farm has 45 acres of water. The expected annual average production per acre is 3,500 lbs of fish (wt. gained). Approximately
how much feed will need to be purchased for the year, and what will be the total feed cost if feed is expected to cost PhP10,800/ton?
From past experience, the producer expects an FCR of 1.8
a. PhP1,391,688 b. PhP1,515,145 c. PhP1,200,774 d. PhP1,300,000
53. A producer wants to construct four ponds in the same area and service all with one water well.
The ponds vary in size, and the owner wants to be able to fill any pond within seven days. The pond sizes are 1.62 ha, 2.23 ha and 2.15ha.
The average water depth in each pond is 5 ft. What flow rate in gallons per minute is required from the service well to fill any pond at
least seven days?
a. 888.43 gal/min b. 433.88 gal/min c. 786.34 gal/min d. 646.98 gal/min
54. With the answer in item number 53 ___gpm, what would be the filling time in days for the smallest pond of 3.5 acres and 1.52 m
average water depth?
a. 5 days b. 3 days c. 6 days d. 7 days
55. A fish hatchery facility is being planned that will include six fish-holding tanks, each 4 ft wide and 30 ft long. The average water depth
in each is 3 ft. The water supply for these tanks has to provide at least two complete water exchanges per hour in all tanks simultaneously.
The facility will also have 20 troughs, each 2 ft wide and 10 ft long with an average depth of 1 ft. A water supply of 5 gpm is required for
each trough, and all may need water at the same time. What is the water requirement in gallons per minute for this facility?
a. 539 b. 639 c. 500 d. 600
56. How much potassium permanganate is needed to treat a circular tank that is 6 ft in diameter and has a water depth of 4 ft with 10
ppm? Conversion factor for cu.ft. is 0.0283g
a. 20grams b. 22grams c. 32grams d. 30grams
57. _____sometimes called fry box this is the smallest unit in a pond system usually 4 to 8 sq.m.
a. transition pond b. fry acclimatization pond c. nursery pond d. production pond
58. __________also called holding or stunting pond is located adjacent to the nursery pond in order to have efficient and quick transfer
of fingerlings.
a. transition pond b. fry acclimatization pond c. nursery pond d. production pond
59. _____________also called grow-out pond. It is the largest compartment in the pond system occupying about 80% of the total farm
a. transition pond b. fry acclimatization pond c. nursery pond d. production pond
60. Name given to a complex of aquatic plants which includes algae, bacteria, protozoans, and diatoms. This forms dense mat on the
bottom of ponds and serves as food of young milkfish.
a. Bal-bal b. Leb-leb c. Gravid d. Lab-lab
61. The water flow to a farm is 1000 l/min. The acceptable velocity in the pipeline is set at 1.5m/s. Find the necessary pipe diameter
dimension if one pipe is to be used.
a.25.40mm b. 59mm c. 118mm d. 101.6mm
62. A pump delivers 300l/s. The speed of the pump motor must be changed so that the pump only delivers 200l/s. The original speed of
the pump is 2800RPM/ min. What is the new speed?
a.1867rpm b. 6718rpm c. 1500rpm d. 1900rpm
63. Referring to question number 62, if the power supply is 30kW at the start. What is the new power supply?
a.20kW b. 2.0kW c. 8.9kW d. 89kW
64.An outlet water flow of 10l/min is to be purified using a swirl separator. The acceptable hydraulic load is set to 20m/h. Find the
necessary size of the separator in cm (diameter).
a.19.6cm b. 9.8cm c. 98cm d. 1.96cm
65.The concentration of suspended solids entering the filter units is measured and found to be 20 mg/l; on exiting the filter the
concentration is measured as 5mg/l. Find the purification efficiency of the filter.
a.75% b. 70% c. 65% d. 60%
66. The normal concentration of bacteria is 10^7/ml and a reduction of 99.9% is required. Find the concentration of bacteria present
after disinfection.
a.10^ 3/ml b. 10^ 4/ml c. 10^ 5/ml d. 10^ 2/ml
67. A multi-awarded Filipino Scientist using Buhi Waterless Live Fish Transport Technology
a. Bonifacio Buhi b. Comandante Buhawi c. Bonifacio Comandante Jr. d. Comandante Buhi
68. A freshwater flow of 10 l/min is heated from its original temperature of 2°C to 10°C. What is the rate of energy transfer to the water,
i.e. the power supplied?
a. 5kW b. 7kW c. 7.5kW d. 5.7kW
69. Calculate the daily cost of heating the water in the previous example. The price of electricity is PhP13.43/kWh
a. PhP300 b. PhP600 c. PhP1,837 d. PhP77
70. Calculate the necessary water supply to cover the evaporation loss to a 100m2 pond where the evaporation is 0.5 cm per day. The
water supply is equal to the evaporation volume in cubic meter per day.
a. 1 b. 0.5 c. 0.75 d. 0.4
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