Aquatic Ecology

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The _______ describes how an organism or population responds to

the distribution of resources and competitors (e.g., by growing when
resources are abundant, and when predators, parasites and
pathogens are scarce) and how it in turn alters those same factors
(e.g., limiting access to resources by other organisms, acting as a
food source for predators and a consumer of prey). *
a. Ecological niche
b. Feeding habit
c. Habitat
d. Environment

6. The study of biological productivity of inland bodies of water and

the causal influences that determine it. Its domain is the lakes,
reservoirs, rivers, swamps, estuaries and inland coast. *
a. Rheology
b. Limnology
c. Potamology
d. Mythology

10. Clownfish, Cardinalfish and certain damselfish are among the few
species of fish that can avoid the potent poison of a sea anemone
which fail to recognize the fish as a potential food source and do not
fire their nematocysts, or sting organelles probably because. . . *
a. The skin of the fish is too thick for nematocyst penetration
b. The mucus coating of the fish may be based on sugars rather than proteins
c. The fish is so agile it can avoid the sea anemone’s nematocysts
d. Mucus in fish skin makes it slippery for the nematocysts
Correct answer
b. The mucus coating of the fish may be based on sugars rather than proteins

7. A semi-enclosed coastal body of water which has a free connection

with the open sea. It is strongly affected by tidal action and within it,
seawater is mixed and usually diluted with freshwater from land
drainage. *
a. coastal one
b. estuary
c. lagoon
d. delta

5. In DC electrofishing, the electrical current flows from a positive

electrode (anode) through the water to a negative electrode
(cathode), and the fish is drawn toward the anode in a reaction own
as *
a. Phototaxis
b. galvanotaxis
c. thigmotaxis
d. rheotaxis

Correct answer
b. galvanotaxis

2. When the mouth is situated between the dorsal and ventral

portions of the upper lower jaws, it is said to have. *
a. Superior mouth
b. Terminal mouth
c. Inferior mouth
d. Exterior mouth

8. Migration pattern of Mugil cephalus . .. *

a. Catadromous
b. Diadromous
c. Amphidromous
d. Amphidromy

Correct answer
d. Amphidromy
4. Some members of the deep-sea _______ suborder Ceratioidei are
parasites wherein males of some species are obligate parasites on
females of the same species. Young males have large eyes and well-
developed olfactory organs that are used to locate a female, and
permanent attachment follows. Once attached, the male can only be
collected by collecting the females. *
a. Grenadier fish
b. Angler fish
c. Antarctic fish
d. Serasel musnateririi

3. This is a highly-priced fish in the Indo-West Pacific, Middle East,

Southern Japan, Hawaii and in the Philippines which has a large
mouth with the maxilla exposed in the cheeks, caudal fin is usually
rounded and change in coloration but the pattern of spots, stripes and
blotches remain the same. *
a. Seabass
b. Spadefish
c. Grouper
d. Mullet

Correct answer
c. Grouper

1. Its head has horny projections which suggests the popular notion
of the devil and makes it unlike all other rays. The horns are used in
capturing prey of driving it into its mouth. What ray is described? *
a. Sting ray
b. Manta ray

c. Eagle ray
d. Hammerhead

12. Only member of the genus Sardinella known to exist entirely in

freshwater. *
a. S. fimbriata
b. S. melanura
c. S. aurita
d. S. tawilis

15. A series of pools arranged like steps that fish (salmon or trout)
use to move upstream over a dam. *
a. Fish ladder
b. Stock elevator
c. Stairway
d. Raceway
Correct answer
a. Fish ladder

19. The International Union tor the Conservation of Nature and

Natural Resources (IUCN) divides threatened species into three
categories, except *
a. extinct
b. Critically endangered
c. endangered
d. vulnerable

11. It is a zone from the surface to 200 m depth in which there are
sharp gradients of illumination and often temperature between the
surface and the deeper levels, and also diurnal and seasonal changes
of light intensity and temperature. *
a. Handal zone
b. Bathypelagic zone
c. Epipelagic zone
d. Mesopelagic

14. It is made up of a series of mechanoreceptros (lateral line organs)

arranged in an interconnected network along the head and body of a
fish. *
a. Cilli
b. Neurons
c. Neuromast
d. Hypurals

Correct answer
c. Neuromast

18. In fishes with forked tails, this measures from the tip of the snout
to the fork of the tail. It is used in fishes when it is difficult to tell
where the vertebral column ends. *
a. Total length
b. Standard length
c. Relative length
d. Fork length

20. Describes the behavior of fish which aggregate together,

including mixed species groups *
a. Shoaling
b. Schooling
c. Rheotaxis
d. Pod

Correct answer
b. Schooling

13. Coconut crab is scientifically known as *

a. Birgus latro
b. Scylla serrata
c. Sylla olivaceae
d. Sylla sp.

17. A group of marine animals that includes seastars, sea urchins and
sea cucumbers, abundant on the floor of the deep sea, as well as in
shallower seas. *
a. elasmobranch
b. crustaceans
c. echinoderms
d. mollusks

16. Animals such as squid and octopus where tentacles converge at

the head. *
a. crustacean
b. mollusks
c. cephalopods
d. jawless

25. The substrate in which a water-filled depression lies or from

which it receives its soluble salts and other nutrients is dependent on
its geologic legacy. This heritage of nutrients available to the aquatic
habitat via the weathering of soils within its drainage area is the *
a. Biotic factor
b. Edaphic factor
c. Geologic factor
d. Trophic factor

Correct answer
b. Edaphic factor

29. Is used to estimate the potential productivity of a lake in terms of

fish yield *
a. Morphoedaphic index
b. Epeirogenetic index
c. Cryptogenetic index
d. Trophic index

Correct answer
a. Morphoedaphic index

28. A type of lake that is shallow with broad littoral zone and
epilimnion/hypolimnion ratio greater. It has a color ranging from green
to yellow or brownish green with limited transparency. Plant nutrients
and Ca++ are abundant. Oxygen is depleted in summer hypolimnion.
Littoral plants are abundant and abundant phytoplankton, principally
blue green algae (BGA). Water blooms are common. Profundal
benthos poor in species but high in biomass and survive low
oxygen. *
a. Oligotrophic
b. Mesotrophic
c. Eutrophic
d. Megalotrophic

Correct answer
c. Eutrophic

27. In the Philippines the largest lentic environment, which is

multipurpose in nature is *
a. Lake Lanao
b. Laguna de Bay
c. Magat reservoir
d. Lake Mainit

23. Which one is true fact about stenohaline and euryhaline *

a. Both refer to salinity tolerance of living organism.
b. Both refer to salinity tolerance of living organism. Stenohaline refer to wide range of tolerance
while euryhaline refers to narrow tolerance
c. Both are refer to pH tolerance of living organism. Stenohaline refers to wide range of tolerance
while euryhaline refers to narrow tolerance
d. All of the above

26. It is a body of standing water occupying a basin and lacking

continuity with the sea with considerable area and deep enough to
satisfy. The source of water comes from atmospheric precipitation
that reaches the lake directly and by means of springs, brooks and
rivers. They form and disappear over the course of varying lengths of
geologic time. *
a. Bays
b. Marshes
c. Swamps
d. Lakes

22. Which one is a true fact about chlorophyll and phycoerythrin *

a. Bothare plant pigments.
b. Both are plant processes. Chlorophyll is responsible for photosynthesis while phycoerythrin is
for respiration
c. Bothe are food reserves. Chlorophyll is for green algae while phycoerythrin is for respiration
d. All of the above

Correct answer
a. Bothare plant pigments.

21. It is the study that deals with the individual organisms or an

individual species. Life and behavior as means of adaptation to the
environment are usually emphasized. *
a. Autoecology
b. Synecology
c. Organism ecology
d. System ecology

24. Trench areas, or subduction zones are characterized by volcanic

and seismic activity, indicate of the motions an stresses of the
earth’s crustal plates. The Pacific trenches commonly reach depths
of more than 7 km while the deepest known point which can be found
east of the Philippines and lies 11 km beneath the surface is the *
a. Mariana Trench
b. Japan Trench
c. Indonesian Trench
d. Hawaiian Trench

30. Sponges having a system of horizontal tubes that bear numerous

upright braches which represent individual sponges of the colony *
a. Ascon body type
b. Sycon body type
c. Leucon body type
d. None of the above

Correct answer

a. Ascon body type

37. Which algae can filter excess nutrients in a recirculating water

system with grouper & abalone & can sequester heavy metals like
cadium, lead & zinc from the water *
a. Gracillariopsis balinae
b. Sargassum natans
c. Hydroclathrus clathratus
d. Gracillaria verrucosa

Correct answer
a. Gracillariopsis balinae

36. These are intertidal crustaceans that inhabit beaches and

marches throughout tropical and temperature regions. They range in
length from 2.5 to 3 cm. The male has one large front claw while the
other front claw is smaller. They are gregarious, assembling on
mudflats during low tide. The male uses their large claw to court
females and in territory-defining displays with other males. If one
male losses its large claw, the small claw enlarges and a new small
regenerates in place of the lost one. *
a. Fiddler crab Uca sp.
b. Mangrove Hermit crab Pagunus longicarpus
c. Mudcrab Scylla serrate
d. None of the above

40. Benthic plants include both micro and macro-algae clinging to any
kind of bottom. They developed specialized organs that will keep
them permanently attached to their substrate. What is that
specialized organ *
a. Anchorage
b. Stipe
c. Frond
d. Holdfasts

No correct answers

33. A phylum of soft, wormlike animals with flattened and elongated

bodies. They have triploblastic body construction and light sensory
eyespots *
a. Nemathelminthes
b. Plathylminthes
c. Gnathostomulid
d. Nemertea

Correct answer
b. Plathylminthes

32. Most gastropods have an opening which describes their shells

as *
a. Sinistral
b. Dextral
c. Both sinistral and dextral
d. None of the above

Correct answer
b. Dextral

31. A group of spiny-skinned marine animals of which the adult

exhibits an obvious five-part (pentameours) radial symmentry and a
calcareous endoskeleton made up of many small plates which may be
separated or fused. *
a. Cnidaria
b. Echinodermata
c. Porifera
d. Mollusca

Correct answer

b. Echinodermata

34. Male specimens of ascaris lumbricoides exhibit curved posterior

end and a pair of copulatory spicules extending from the anus.
Female worms have a ventral genital pore about one –third of the
distance from the anterior end. Most species of nematodes are *
a. Monoecious
b. Dioecious
c. Hermaphroditic
d. None of the above

39. Plankton that are free floating at some stages of its life *
a. Meroplankton
b. Holoplankton
c. Femtoplankton
d. Heleoplankton
Correct answer
a. Meroplankton

38. Sea water intrusion into the water table causes salinization of
groundwater that flows into well. This intrusion could be due to *
a. Excessive withdrawal of groundwater
b. Shortage
c. Dam building
d. Deforestation

Earthworms are grouped into two; redworms or manure processing

type and the burrowing type. The redworm of special interest to the
vermiculturist is *
a. Perionix excavates
b. Eudrilus euginae
c. Eisenia foetida
d. All of the above

42. A thick layer of fat under the skin of many marine mammals is
called _______ *
a. Blade
b. Bull
c. Oil
d. Blubber
41. Its community member stay on top or prefers to do some acrobat
on the underside of its home, the film, without sinking or falling off
into the water *
a. Neuston
b. Benthos
c. Pleuston
d. Surface feeders

Correct answer

a. Neuston

47. Fishes that move between marine and freshwater at certain

phases of their lives without any relation to reproduction *
a. Amphidromous
b. Catadromous
c. Anadromous
d. All of the above

45. The mosquito fish has modified organ called *

a. Gonopodium
b. Pseudopodium
c. Andropodium
d. Monopodium

50. The tendency of animals to cling close to the surface or remain in

contact with the surface *
a. Heterotaxis
b. Thigmotaxis
c. Psammotaxis
d. Rheotaxis

Correct answer
b. Thigmotaxis

44. Situation in which one species bears deceptive resemblance in

color, from and behavior to another species that enjoys some survival
advantage *
a. Mimicry
b. Cryptic coloration
c. Counter shading
d. Adaptation

Correct answer
a. Mimicry

48. Rabbit fishes belong to family_______ *

a. Zanchidae
b. Luvaridae
c. Acanthuridae
d. Siganidae
46. Fishes of the Class chondrichthyes has _______ scales *
a. Ctenoid scales
b. Ganoid scales
c. Placoid scales
d. Cosmoid scales

43. Pattern of population growth in which the number of individuals

increases in doubling increments *
a. Speciation
b. Log phase
c. Exponential growth
d. Senescence

49. Standard procedure/ laboratory procedure to measure oxygen in

water *
a. Basic Winkler Titration Method
b. Turbidostat interpretation
c. Gnotobiotic Method
d. None of these
53. What do you call the free-swimming larva of most marine snails,
tusk shells and bivalves *
a. Spat
b. Periostracum
c. Odontophore
d. Veliger

Correct answer
d. Veliger

52. These part of mangrove root systems that extend upward from the
sediment and are involved in respiration *
a. Propagules
b. Holdfast
c. Pneumatophores
d. Chromatophores

58. Ecological succession is dictated by how organisms respond and

adapt to external environment. Which of the following statements
INCORRECTLY describes adaptive strategies in animals? *
a. To conserve heat, animals with larger body sizes are found in the colder regions.
b. Warm-blooded animals are more pigmented in warm and humid areas.
c. To conserve heat, animals with long appendages are found in colder regions.
d. In some birds, the average number of eggs in a clutch increases as one moves north in
Correct answer
c. To conserve heat, animals with long appendages are found in colder regions.

60. The flow of energy and matter through an ecosystem can be

traced by observing the trophic or feeding relationship among its
organisms. Which of the following INCORRECTLY describes trophic
relationships? *
a. Autotrophic components are those in which fixation of light energy, use of inorganic
substances, and build-up of complex substances predominate.
b. Heterotrophic Component are those in which utilization, rearrangement and decomposition of
complex materials predominate.
c. Biophages are heterotrophic organisms that feed on dead organic matter.
d. Saprophages are considered heterotrophic organisms that cannot produce their own food.

Correct answer
c. Biophages are heterotrophic organisms that feed on dead organic matter.

59. The Redfield Ratio is the recurring ratio of 106:16:1 of carbon to

nitrogen to phosphorus (C: N: P) found in marine phytoplankton.
Which of the elements will limit the growth of marine phytoplankton
according to the law of the minimum? *
a. Phosphorus
b. Nitrogen
c. Carbon
d. Sunlight

Correct answer
a. Phosphorus

51. Which of the following is a member of the group of flowering

marine plants *
a. Halodule sp
b. Tetraselmis sp
c. Ulva sp
d. Dichtyota sp
Correct answer
a. Halodule sp

56. Which of the following INCORRECTLY defines ecology? *

a. It is the branch of biology that studies how and why organisms interact with each other and
with their environment.
b. It is the study of the relationship of an organism to both biotic environment and its abiotic
c. It is the science of the interrelations between living organisms and their environment.
d. It is any unit that includes all the organisms in a given area interacting with the physical

Correct answer
d. It is any unit that includes all the organisms in a given area interacting with the physical

55. Which of the following statements correctly describes sponges

being hermaphroditic animals *
a. They develop larvae which are capable of swimming
b. They change their reproductive strategies simultaneously
c. They are sessile
d. They fertilize their own eggs

Correct answer
d. They fertilize their own eggs

57. Prey exhibit a wide variety of anti-predator defenses involving

modifications in behavior, morphology and life history that reduce
their vulnerability to predators. Which of the following is NOT an
example of constitutive prey defenses? *
a. Scalpel-sharp spines in surgeonfish tail
b. Armored scales of boxfishes.
c. Octopus expel ink from their siphons
d. Slime layer of hagfish

Correct answer
c. Octopus expel ink from their siphons

54. What type of coloration is exhibited by most sharks *

a. Countershading
b. Banding
c. Cryptic coloration
d. None of the above

66. Which of the following are called “lungs of the sea” due to their
ability of generating 10 liters of oxygen per square meter every day
through photosynthesis? *
a. Mangroves
b. Seagrass
c. Seaweed
d. Coral reefs

70. All mangroves have evolved special adaptations that enable them
to live in salty, oxygen-poor soil. Which of the following species of
mangroves are INCORRECTLY matched to their adaptations to
excrete salt and access oxygen? *
a. Avicennia push salt from the ocean water out through special pores or salt glands within their
b. Rhizophora create a barrier against osmosis that exclude 90 percent of the salt from seawater.
c. Bruguiera have stilt or prop roots that grow toward the soil for stability and access to oxygen.
d. Xylocarpus have horizontal plank roots that lengthen vertically to increase the area above

Correct answer
c. Bruguiera have stilt or prop roots that grow toward the soil for stability and access to oxygen.

63. Which of the following aquatic ecosystems will you expect

primary productivity to be the LOWEST? *
a. Benthic environments
b. Pelagic environments
c. Salt marshes
d. Kelp beds

Correct answer
b. Pelagic environments
67. Which of the following statements INCORRECTLY describe
swamps and marshes? *
a. Mangroves are flooded forests while swamps are flooded grasslands where vegetation is
herbaceous rather than woody.
b. Swamps and marshes are wetlands that develop over soil composed of minerals.
c. A swamp has a greater proportion of open water surface, and is generally deeper than a
d. Perennial marshes remain wet through the year, but other marshes are ephemeral, where
water availability depends on the season

65. Which of the following non-living resource are massive ore bodies
on the seafloor that are intimately related to the formation of new
oceanic crust by seafloor spreading and volcanic activity? *
a. Marine placer deposits
b. Marine evaporate deposits
c. Marine phosphorite deposits
d. Marine polymetallic sulphides

Correct answer
d. Marine polymetallic sulphides

62. Which of the following process is carried out by bacteria that use
chemical energy in inorganic compounds, instead of light energy, to
make food (glucose)?
a. Chemosynthesis
b. Photosynthesis
c. Autotrophy
d. Nutrient regeneration

61. Transfer efficiency is a measure of the amount of carbon that is

passed between trophic levels and is used for growth. Which of the
following INCORRECTLY describes transfer efficiency in an
ecosystem? *
a. Instead of being passed on to the next higher level, much of the energy contained in a
particular trophic level is used up by the activities of the organisms.
b. Depending on the ecosystem, only about 65% to 70% of the energy in one trophic level is
passed on to the next.
c. In the trophic pyramid, less energy is contained in each succeeding trophic level.
d. Because there is less energy available at each level, there are also fewer individual organisms.

69. Continuous erosion, transport and deposition of sediments

changes estuaries and gives rise to different coastal features. Which
of the following refers to a large ridge parallel to the beach, located
at a considerable distance offshore, enclosing a lagoon? *
a. Baymouth bar
b. Spit
c. Sandbar
d. Barrier beach

Correct answer
d. Barrier beach

64. Nitrogen Cycle is a biogeochemical process through which inert,

inorganic nitrogen is converted into many usable forms such as
nitrates and nitrite. Which of the following microorganisms are
INCORRECTLY matched with their function? *
a. Symbiotic bacteria Azotobacter combine gaseous nitrogen with hydrogen to form ammonia.
b. Nitrosomonas oxidize ammonia to form nitrates.
c. Nitrobacter converts nitrites into nitrates.
d. Clostridium and Pseudomonas process nitrate to give out free nitrogen gas as byproduct.

Correct answer
b. Nitrosomonas oxidize ammonia to form nitrates.

68. Which types of estuaries are initially formed by advancing

glaciers that leave deep channels carved into the Earth with a
shallow, narrow sill near the ocean? When the glaciers retreat,
seawater floods the deeply incised valleys, creating estuaries. They
tend to have moderately high input of fresh water from land. *
a. Drowned river valleys
b. Bar built estuaries
c. Fjords
d. Tectonic estuaries

76. A component of the ecosystem in which fixation of light energy,

use of simple inorganic substances, and buildup for complex
substances predominate. Any organism in this component has growth
and reproduction that are entirely independent of external sources of
organic compounds. *
a. autotrophic
b. saprotrophic
c. phagotrophic
d. all of the above

71. Which of the following negatively affect seagrass beds by

blocking sunlight necessary for seagrass growth? *
a. Typhoons and wind-driven waves
b. Nutrient run-off
c. Increased sea water temperature
d. Removal of large predators from food web

79. Which of the following is incorrect about photosynthesis and

respiration? *
a. Both are life processes. Photosynthesis is the production of oxygen while respiration is the
production of carbon dioxide.
b. Both are life processes. Photosynthesis is the consumption of carbon dioxide while respiration
is the consumption of oxygen.
c. Both are life processes. Photosynthesis is an anabolic process while respiration is a catabolic
d. None of the above

Correct answer
d. None of the above

73. Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere to the surface

ocean by gas exchange after which it is taken up by the organisms as
organic carbon and sedimented to deeper layers. Which acid forms
when high levels of carbon dioxide is dissolved in seawater limiting
coral reef calcification? *
a. Hydrochloric acid
b. Sulphuric acid
c. Carbonic acid
d. Bicarbonate acid

Correct answer
c. Carbonic acid

74. Which coral reef system in the Philippines is considered the

world's second-largest contiguous coral reef system, and is the
largest in the country? It is situated in the western waters of
Occidental Mindoro province in the Mindoro Strait and encompasses
34 square kilometres (13 sq mi). *
a. Tubbataha Reef Marine Park
b. Danjugan Island Private Reserve
c. El Nido Marine Reserve
d. Apo reef natural park

78. Heterotrophic organisms, chiefly bacteria and fungi, which are

responsible for the breakdown of complex compounds of dead
protoplasms, absorb some of the decomposition products; and
release inorganic nutrients that are usable by the producers together
with organic substances which may provide energy source or which
may be inhibitory or stimulatory to other biotic components of the
ecosystem. *
a. autotrophs
b. saprotrophs
c. heterotrophs
d. phagotrophs

75. The main source of energy in the aquatic ecosystem is *

a. Geothermal energy
b. Chemical energy
c. Solar energy
d. All of the above

77. From the trophic standpoint, a component of ecosystem in which

ingestion of other organisms or particulate matter predominate. *
a. autotrophic
b. saprotrophic
c. phagotrophic
d. all of the above

72. Which of the following INCORRECTLY describe corals?

a. The colony starts when a planktonic coral larva, called trocophore, settles on a soft bottom
b. Most reef building corals are colonies of polyps that are connected by a thin sheet of tissue.
c. All polyps in a coral colony are generally identical copies or clones of founder polyp.
d. All hermatypic corals do not have an internal skeleton called spicules

90. Which of the following is not true about oxygen and carbon
dioxide in freshwater environment? *
a. Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide concentration are often limiting in the freshwater environment
b. Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide behave reciprocally. When Oxygen is high, Carbon Dioxide is
usually low and vice versa
c. Oxygen is needed in the respiration of organisms while carbon dioxide is important in
photosynthesis process.
d. none of the above

Correct answer
d. none of the above

89. At what temperature freshwater has its greatest density? *

a. 0˚C
b. 100˚C
c. 5˚C
d. 4˚C

88. Which of the following is not true about the freshwater

environment? *
a. Freshwater habitats occupy a relatively large portion of the earth’s surface as compared to
marine and terrestrial habitats.
b. They are the most convenient and cheapest source of water for domestic and industrial needs
c. The freshwater components are the “bottle-neck” in the hydrological cycle
d. Freshwater ecosystem provide the more convenient and cheapest waste disposal systems

81. Which one is a true fact about benthos and periphyton?

a. Both are groups of organisms categorized according to their mode of life. Benthos are
organisms that live in the sediments and they can be filter or deposit feeders while periphyton
attached themselves to substrates such as submerged aquatic vegetation.
b. Both are groups of organisms that live in water. Benthos nourish by ingesting other animals
while periphyton by attaching themselves to substrates.
c. Both are groups of organisms that have mutualism with other organisms that live with the
substrate. Benthos compete with nutrients while periphyton compete with space.
d. All of the above
Correct answer
a. Both are groups of organisms categorized according to their mode of life. Benthos are
organisms that live in the sediments and they can be filter or deposit feeders while periphyton
attached themselves to substrates such as submerged aquatic vegetation.
83. Temperature is one of the most important factors in the aquatic
environment because of its many profound influences which can be
direct or indirect to the aquatic organisms. For poikilotherms, it can
be *
a. increased metabolism at decreased temperature
b. increased metabolism at increased temperature
c. increased metabolism at any change in temperature
d. temperature has no profound influence in metabolism of aquatic organisms

93. This greatly affects the distribution of gases, salts, and organisms
in lotic environments. *
a. temperature
b. current
c. dissolved gases
d. dissolved salts

Correct answer
b. current

91. It is the active regulation of the osmotic pressure of bodily fluids

to maintain the homeostasis of the body's water content; that is it
keeps the body's fluids from becoming too dilute or too
concentrated. *
a. osmoconformation
b. Osmoregulation
c. Tonicity
d. A and b
Correct answer
b. Osmoregulation

80. Which one is a true fact about stenohaline and euryhaline? *

a. Both refer to salinity tolerance of living organisms. Stenohaline refers to narrow tolerance while
euryhaline refers to wide range of tolerance
b. Both refer to salinity tolerance of living organisms. Stenohaline refers to wide range of
tolerance while euryhaline refers to narrow tolerance
c. Both refer to pH tolerance of living organisms. Stenohaline refers to wide range of tolerance
while euryhaline refers to narrow tolerance
d. Both refer to temperature tolerance of living organisms. Stenohaline refers to narrow tolerance
while euryhaline refers to wide range of tolerance

85. This determines the presence of absence of a species in an area.

It is any condition which approaches or exceeds the limits of
tolerance. *
a. Critical factor
b. Limiting factor
c. Analytical factor
d. Condition factor

87. Which of the following does not belong to the group? *

a. Lake
b. Pond
c. Swamp
d. Stream

97. Which of the following statement is incorrect about the profundal

zone? *
a. All animals of the profundal zone are adapted to withstand periods of low oxygen
concentration, whereas many bacteria are able to carry on without oxygen
b. Light can penetrate the profundal zone. As a result, the inhabitants of the profundal zone have
plenty of food and they are independent on the limnetic and littoral zone for basic food materials.
c. The profundal zone provides “rejuvenated” nutrients which are carried by currents and
swimming animals to other zones
d. None of the above

Correct answer
b. Light can penetrate the profundal zone. As a result, the inhabitants of the profundal zone have
plenty of food and they are independent on the limnetic and littoral zone for basic food materials.
86. The rate at which radiant energy is stored by photosynthetic and
chemosynthetic activity of producer organisms (chiefly green plants)
in the form of organic substances which can be used as food
materials. *
a. primary production
b. primary productivity
c. secondary production
d. secondary productivity
Correct answer
b. primary productivity

84. The relationship of dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide

concentrations in the water is *
a. inversely proportional
b. directly proportional
c. cubic
d. exponential

96. Which of the following statement is incorrect? *

a. Limnetic and profundal zones are usually absent in ponds
b. Euphotic zone refers to the total illuminated stratum including littoral and limnetic
c. Littoral zone is the shallow-water region with light penetration to the bottom
d. None of the above

Correct answer
d. None of the above

98. These are small bodies of water in which the littoral zone is
relatively large and the limnetic and profundal regions are small or
absent *
a. Lakes
b. Ponds
c. Streams
d. Rivers

95. This river zone is occupied largely by specialized benthic or

periphytic organisms which become firmly attached or cling to a firm
substrate, and by strong swimmers. *
a. creek
b. floodplain
c. rapids
d. pool

Correct answer
c. rapids

82. Which of the following is incorrect about plankton and nekton? *

a. Both are groups of organisms based on their movement and according to their mode of life.
Plankton move with the water while nekton’s movement is at the mercy of the current.
b. Both are groups of organisms based on their movement and according to their mode of life.
Plankton move at the mercy of the water current while nekton moves independently with the
c. Both are groups of organisms based on their movement and according to their mode of life.
Plankton are microscopic organisms while nekton are macroscopic like fishes.
d. Both are groups of organism found in aquatic environments. Plankton could be autotrophic
while nekton are mostly phagotrophic in nature.

92. Which of the following statement is correct? *

a. In hypotonic condition, the water moves from the environment into the cell
b. In hypotonic condition, the water moves from the cell into the environment
c. In isotonic condition, the water moves from the environment into the cell
d. Freshwater fish is hypotonic to the freshwater environment

Correct answer
a. In hypotonic condition, the water moves from the environment into the cell

100. Many organism in rapid communities show adaptations for

maintaining position in swift water. What adaptation do snails and
flatworms have? *
a. Permanent attachment to a firm substrate
b. Hooks and suckers
c. Sticky undersurfaces
d. Streamlined bodies

Correct answer
d. Streamlined bodies

94. Fate of cells when exposed to hypertonic environment *

a. loss water
b. shrink
c. decrease in size
d. all of the above

Correct answer
d. all of the above

99. Which of the following statement is true about lotic and lenthic
habitats? *
a. Current is much more a of a major controlling limiting factor in streams
b. Land-water interchange is relatively more extensive in streams, resulting in a more “open”
ecosystem and a “heterotrophic” type of community metabolism
c. Oxygen tension is generally more uniform in streams, and there is little or no thermal or
chemical stratification
d. All of the above

Correct answer
d. All of the above

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