Class 1 Ok Nabraj

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Praganna public academy i) Square ii) Rectangle iii) Triangular

Tulsipur-14 Dabakpur, Dang e) Who is the person who writes a book called?
Annual Exam 2080
i) Artist ii) Writer iii) Actor
Class:- 1 F.M.:- 40
Subject:- GK Time:- 2:00 Hrs. P.M.:- 16 3) Read the statement and 'T' for True 'F' for false.
1) Answer the following questions. a) A person who can't see is called a blind.
a) What is your name? b) Pashupatinath temple is in Pokhara.
b) Where do you live in? c) Gautam Buddha was born in Kapilvastu.
c) What is the name of your class teacher? d) Our national animal is a Donkey.
d) What is the name of your district? e) Our national weapon is a Khukuri.
e) How many days are there in a year? 4) Complete the following sentences with the help of given
f) Which insect makes honey? Words.
g) Who is known as 'Aadhikavi' of Nepal? a) The people of Nepal are called the ………………………. .
h) How many districts are there in your country? b) Our national flower is ……………………… .
i) How many months are there in a year? c) ………………….. worship in a stupa.
j) Which festival is celebrated with colours? d) My tongue helps me to …………………. .
2) Tick () the correct answer. e) My ears help me to ………………… .
a) Which of these can't fly? [ Nepalis, Rhododendron, Buddhists, Hear, Taste ]
i) Dove ii) Penguin iii) Crow 5) Circle 'O' the odd one.
b) Which of these carries our loads? a) Monitor Cpu Keyboard Banana
i) Cow ii) Sheep iii) Donkey b) Newspaper House Television Radio
c) Who builds house for us?
i) Mason ii) Pilot iii) Sweeper  The End 
d) What is the shape of our national flag?
Praganna public academy Praganna public academy
Tulsipur-14 Dabakpur, Dang Tulsipur-14 Dabakpur, Dang
Annual Exam 2080 Annual Exam 2080
Class:- 1 F.M.:- 40 Class:- 1 F.M.:- 40
Subject:- Health Time:- 2:00 Hrs. P.M.:- 16 Subject:- Science Time:- 2:00 Hrs. P.M.:- 16

Attempt all the questions given below. 1) Answer the following questions.
a) What do plants need to live?
1) Answer the following questions.
b) Which part of the plant is fleshy to eat?
a) Write the different parts of our body. c) Name any three grains.
b) Write six foods that protect from disease. d) Name any water animals.
e) Where do wild animals live?
c) Why is necessary to trim our nails?
f) How are animals useful for us?
d) Why should we brush our Teeth? 2) Write "T" for true and "F" for false statement.
e) How is jumping done? a) Rabbit is bigger than buffalow. ( )
2) Match the following words. b) Tortoise can live only land. ( )
a) Garbage use in garden c) Wings help birds to fly. ( )
d) Fish can swim in water. ( )
b) Manure sick
e) Cat is a pet animal. ( )
c) Germs dump properly 3) Match the following.
3) Write "T" for true and "F" for false statement. a) Cow Stable
b) Horse Tree
a) We smell with our nose. ( )
c) Monkey Shed
b) We use hands for eating. ( ) 4) Make meaningful words from jumble letters.
c) Our body has different parts. ( ) i) WFLOER ii) EESD iii) UFTRI iv) ESTM
4) Make meaningful words from jumble letters.
i) ESLEP ii) ADRE iii) SHWA iv) SENO
5) Write 10 'ten' fruits name.  The End 
 The End 
Praganna public academy 8) Solve.
Tulsipur-14 Dabakpur, Dang a) 4+6= b) 10+5= c) 7+4=
Annual Exam 2080
Class:- 1 F.M.:- 40
9) Write the even numbers(by circuling).
Subject:- Maths Time:- 2:00 Hrs. P.M.:- 16
14, 7, 4, 20, 9, 18, 12
Answer the following questions.
1) Add. 10) Write Devanagari number 10 to 50.
a) 7 6 7 8 b) 8 5 3 6 c) 6 7 5 2
+ 2 3 2 1 + 0 3 5 2 + 2 2 3 7

2) Subtract.
a) 9 8 7 6 b) 7 6 7 6 c) 8 5 6 4
- 6 5 3 4 - 6 5 4 0 - 7 3 4 4  The End 

3) Write multiple table 1 up to 10.

4) Write numbers 1 up to 100.
5) Circle the smaller number.
a) 40 41 45 43 46 47
b) 46 49 47 48 50 51
6) Circle the greater number.
a) 40 44 41 42

7) Circle the odd numbers.

7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 11
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Praganna public academy e) We should throw the wastes into the …………………….. .
Tulsipur-14 Dabakpur, Dang 4) Fill in the bucket with healthy food. (5)
Annual Exam2080
Milk, French fry, Fruits
Class:- 1 F.M.:- 40
Subject:- Joy of Living Time:- 2:00 Hrs. P.M.:- 16 Burger, Vegetables, Water, Pizza
1) Now, write about yourself in the blanks space. (5x1=5) Egg, Ice cream, Pastries
a) My name is …………………….. .
b) I am ……………… years old.
c) I was born on ……………………… .
d) My address is ……………………. . 5) Answer the following questions. (7x3=21)

e) My school's name is …………………. . a) What is love?

2) Choose the correct answer. (5x1=5) b) When do your parents and friends love you?

a) Respect means showing (good/bad manners) c) What do your teachers do?

b) Elder people know (more/less) than us. d) What should we say after receiving a help?

c) We are (luckier/unluckier) than many children in the e) What is the cleanliness?

world. f) Who is a kind person

d) We should wear (clean clothes/dirty clothes) every day. g) What does kindness bring?

e) We should keep our classroom (clean /dirty).

3) Fill in the blanks with suitable word. (5x1=5)
( dustbin, clean, illness, Germs, Clothes)
a) Cleanliness keeps us safe from ………………………. .
 The End 
b) When we are …………………… everyone likes us.
c) ……………….. cause diseases.
d) We should wear clean …………………… every day.
Praganna public academy b) dthakmanu (place) ___________________
Tulsipur-14 Dabakpur, Dang c) defray (day) ___________________
Annual Exam2080 d) brthoer (relation) ___________________
Class:- 1 F.M.:- 40 e) emubrlla (thing) ___________________
Subject:- English+Grammar Time:- 2:00 Hrs. P.M.:- 10 7) Underline the pronouns in the following sentences.
1) Tick the correct answer from the given box. (5x1=5)
a) She likes to dance.
a) He/She sells Meat. (butcher/mason/tailor)
b) You were talking.
b) He/She cooks food.(sells man/cookman/mason)
c) The man gave me a book.
c) He/She takes care of our garden.
d) It is very strong.
(policeman /potter/gardnner)
e) He is a naughty boy.
d) He/She grow crops.(teacher/tailor/farmer)
8) Answer the following questions.
e) He/She teaches us.(mason/butcher/teacher)
a) Where did Sambhu live? The shepherd Boy and the Wolf)
2) Put the names of corret animals in the blanks. (5x1=5)
b) What do we do when we sneeze? (Good Manners)
a) The ………………… is our national bird.
c) Who will be there on Muksm's birthday? (Happy Birthday
b) The ………………… give us milk.
to you)
c) A …………………. guards our house.
d) What are the major festivals of Nepal? (Our major festivals)
d) The ………………… has a trunk.
e) How many letters are there in English alphabets? (Alphabet
e) A …………………. can climbs on the tree.
3) Write the names of the English months of a year. Start
each month with capital letter. (3)
4) What is noun? Gives its example. (2)
5) Change these naming word in to plural. (5x1=5)
a) Buffalo __________________  The End 
b) Mouse ___________________
c) Person ___________________
d) Box ___________________
e) Cat ___________________
6) Make words from the given groups of letters. (5x1=5)
a) gaorne (fruit) ___________________

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