B.Sc. I Year Examination April - 2018: Roll No .. Y-1827

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Roll No…….. B.Sc.

I Year Examination April - 2018 Y-1827

Foundation Course (Paper I)
(fgUnh Hkk"kk vkSj uSfrd ewY;)
Time: 3 Hours Max.M. 30/ Min.M.10

Section-A (Objective type question)

Vhi %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd iz'u 01 vad ds gSA (5X1=05)
iz'u 1- lgh fodYi pqfu;s %&
(i) Lora=rk iqdkjrh dfork fdl ukVd ls yh xbZ gS &
¼v½ fo'kk[k ¼c½ pUnzxqIr ¼l½ /kzqoLokfeuh ¼n½ LdUnxqIr
(ii) ued dk njksxk ds ys[kd gSa &
¼v½ Hkh"e lkguh ¼c½ t;'kadj izlkn ¼l½ izsepUn ¼n½ eksgu jkds'k
(iii) Hkxoku cq) fdlds vkn'kZ Li:i Fks &
¼v½ Kku;ksx ¼c½ jkt;ksx ¼l½ HkfDr;ksx ¼n½ deZ;ksx
(iv) izR;sd ukxfjd ds jgu&lgu ij izHkko iM+rk gS &
¼v½ dkuwu dk ¼c½ fopkjksa dk ¼l½ rht R;kSgkjksa dk ¼n½ tyok;q dk
(v) 5 flrEcj dks fdl fnol ds :i esa euk;k tkrk gS &
¼v½ fgUnh fnol ¼c½ i;kZoj.k fnol ¼l½ efgyk fnol ¼n½ f'k{kd fnol

Section-B (Short Answer type questions)

Vhi %& lHkh rhu iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 03 vad dk gSA (3X3=09)
iz'u 2- ljy okD; dh ifjHkk"kk mnkgj.k lfgr fyf[k,A
Lora=rk iqdkjrh dfork esa dfo us fdls lEcksf/kr fd;k gS vkSj D;ksa \
iz'u 3- jktk Hkkst }kjk fyf[kr xzUFkksa ds uke fyf[k,A
,dkFkhZ vkSj i;kZ;okph 'kCnksa dk vUrj Li"V dhft,A
iz'u 4- la{ksi.k dh ifjHkk"kk fyf[k,A
vejdaVd dgk¡ fLFkr gS vkSj D;ksa izfl) gS \

Section-C (Long Answer type questions)

Vhi %& izR;sd iz'u dk mRrj nhft;sA izR;sd iz'u 04 vad dk gSA (4X4=16)
iz'u 5- ued dk njksxk dgkuh dk lkjka'k fyf[k;sA
yksdra= dh fo'ks"krk¡, fyf[k,A
iz'u 6- vQlj ds pfj= ds ckjs esa fyf[k,A
uSfrd ewY; dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft;sA
iz'u 7- ^^vkpj.k dh ekSu Hkk"kk gh bZ'ojh; gS^^ & bl dFku dh O;k[;k dhft,A
iYoou dhft, &
^^fons'kh Hkk"kk dk fo|kFkhZ gksuk cqjk ugh gS] ij viuh Hkk"kk loksZifj gS^^
iz'u 8- foosdkuUn dh n`f"V ls Hkxoku cq) dk Li:i fyf[k,A
MkW- loZiYyh jk/kkd`".ku us uSfrd thou ds ckjs esa D;k fopkj fn;s gSa & le>kb,A

Roll No…….. B.Sc. I Year Examination April- 2018 Y-1828
Foundation Course (Paper - II)
(English Language)
Time: 3 Hours Section-A (Objective type question) Max.M. 30/ Min.M.10
Note:- Attempt any four questions. Each question carries 01 mark. (4X1=4)
Q1. Choose the correct option :-
(i) Rabindranath Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in the year :-
(a) 1931 (b) 1921 (c) 1913 (d) 1945
(ii) Who is the hero of the story 'A Hero'?
(a) Swami (b) Grammy (c) Mother (d) Father
(iii) Who made a 'Tryst with Destiny'?
(a) Jawahar Lal Nehru (b) Mahatma Gandhi (c) The People of India (d) The British
(iv) Halcyon is a
(a) blue coloured bird (b) red coloured bird (c) White coloured bird (d) Black coloured bird
(v) The Portrait of a Lady tells the story of the author's
(a) Mother (b) grandmother(c) Wife (d) daughter
(vi) The Solitary Reaper is written by :-
(a) William Wordsworth (b) William Shakespeare (c) Robert Frost (d) Thomas Campbell
Section-B (Short Answer type questions)
Note:- Attempt all three questions. Each question carries 02 marks. (3X2=6)
Q2. What does the poet mean by 'Where knowledge is free'?
Q3. What , according to Swami's father , was disgraceful?
Q4. What does Service of India mean?
Q5. What are the weavers weaving in the evening?
Q6. What was the turning point in the author's friendship with his grandmother?
Q7. What were the poet's first thoughts when he saw the Solitary Reaper?
Section-C (Long Answer type questions)
Q8. Do as directed :- (any eight) (8X1=8)
a) Write the synonyms of the following words (any two) : Intricate, Improve, Explain, Wrong.
b) Give antonyms of the following words (any two) : Arrogant, Body, Cruel, Beautiful
c) Form of words with the help of prefixes (any two) : Complete, Legal, Appear, Ordinary
d) Form of words with the help of suffixes (any two) : Friend , Remedy, Argue, Public
e) Explain the difference in the following pair of words (any two) :
(i) Advice - Advise (ii) Principal - Principle (iii) Affect - Effect
f) Correct the verbs given in brackets (any one)
(i) Slow and steady (win) the race.
(ii) He (not watch) TV yesterday.
g) Fill in the blanks with suitable article. (i) January is ____ first month of year.
h) Correct the following sentence (any one)
(i) Hundred rupees are not a big amount.
(ii) I wish it was sunday.
Q9. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below :- 6
We who live in the present day world are proud to call ourselves civilised. Is it because we live
and dress better than our forefathers? Of course , we have the advantage of the inventions of science which our
ancestors had never known. But let us search our hearts and ask ourselves. Has science solved our problems?
Frankly speaking , the answer is 'No'. In fact, Science has added to our worries. Perhaps now, we can kill more
easily and swiftly than ever before. And then we have not given up the old habit of fighting. That is why we have
wars after a decade or two. If we wish to be really civilised , let us learn to live in peace. Let us achieve the
brotherhood of man.
Questions :-
(i) Who are proud to call ourselves civilised?
(ii) Why do we call ourselves civilised?
(iii) Has science solved all our problems?
(iv) How can we become truly civilised?
(v) Give a suitable title to the paragraph?
Q10. Write a pragraph of 100 to 150 words on any one of the following topics :- 6
(i) Knowledge is power. (ii) Importance of Books. (iii) Work is worship.

Roll No…….. B.Sc. I Year Examination April – 2018 Y-1829
Foundation Course (Paper - III)
(m|ferk fodkl)
Time: 3 Hours Section-A (Objective type question) Max.M. 25/ Min.M.08
Vhi %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd iz'u ½ vad dk gSA (5X½ =2½)
Note:- Attempt all questions. Each question carries ½ mark.
iz'u 1- lgh fodYi pqfu;s %& Choose the correct option :-
(i) fuEu dk;Z ,d m|eh ds gSaA
¼v½ ifj;kstuk fuekZ.k ¼c½ uoizorZu ¼l½ tksf[ke ogu ¼n½ lHkh
Following the function of an entrepreneur
(b) Planning Project (b) Innovation (c) Risk Planning (d) All of the above
(ii) mRiknu izca/k &
¼v½ dyk gS ¼c½ foKku gS ¼l½ nksuksa gS ¼n½ dksbZ ugha
Production management is -
(b) An Art (b) An Science (c) Art & Science both (d) None
(iii) foi.ku ,d fØ;k gSA
¼v½ ekuoh; ¼c½ lkekftd ¼l½ vkfFkZd ¼n½ lHkh
Marketing is a process
(b) Human (b) Social (c) Economics (d) All
(iv) ifj;kstuk rS;kj dh tkrh gSA
¼v½ lkglh }kjk ¼c½ izorZdksa }kjk ¼l½ izca/kdksa }kjk ¼n½ lHkh
Project prepared by
(a) entrepreneur (b) Promoters (c) Managers (d) All
(v) m|ferk 'kCn dk loZizFke iz;ksx fdlus fd;k \
¼v½ tkulu ¼c½ Vsyj ¼l½ dS.Vhyksu ¼n½ gsujh
Who used the word "entrepreneur" at first ?
(b) Jonson (b) Taylor (c) Contilon (d) Henery
Section-B (Short Answer type questions)
Vhi %& fdUgh ik¡p iz'u gy djsaA Attempt any five questions (5X2 =12 )
iz'u 2- m|eh 'kCn dk D;k vFkZ gS \ What is the meaning of the term entrepreneur ?
iz'u 3- m|eh ds fdUgh pkj dk;ksZa dks fyf[k,A Write any four function of an entrepreneur.
iz'u 4- ifj;kstuk D;k gS \ What is project ?
iz'u 5- foi.ki dk D;k egRo gS \ What is the importance of marketing ?
iz'u 6- nhun;ky Lojkstxkj ;kstuk D;k gS \ What is Deendayal self employment schemes ?
iz'u 7- foRr izca/k esa cSadksa dh D;k Hkwfedk gS \ What is the role of banks in financial management ?
iz'u 8- fu;ked laLFkkvksa ls D;k vk'k; gS \ What do you mean by regulatory institutes ?
iz'u 9- m|eh dh iz'kkldh; lajpuk crkb,A State the administrator problems of entrepreneur.
iz'u 10- m|eh ds izdkjksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A Describe the types of entrepreneur.
iz'u 11- iz/kkuea=h jkstxkj ;kstuk D;k gS \ What are prime minister Employment schemes ?
Section-C (Long Answer type questions)
Vhi %& dksbZ nks iz'u gy djsaA Attempt any two questions. (2X5=10)
iz'u 12- m|ferk dh fofHkUu leL;kvksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A Explain the different problems of Entrepreneurship.
iz'u 13- ifj;kstuk fuekZ.k ds fofHkUu pj.kksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A Explain the different stages of project preparation.
iz'u 14- m|ferk fodkl ls vki D;k le>rs gSa \ O;k[;k dhft,A
What do you mean by entrepreneurship development ? Explain.
iz'u 15- ftyk m|ksx dsUnz dh Hkwfedk ,oa egRo dks Li"V dhft,A
Explain the role and importance of district industries centre.
iz'u 16- ,d y?kq m|ksx dh LFkkiuk djrs le; fdu&fdu ckrksa dks /;ku j[ksxsa O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the different stages of starting a new unit of business under taking.

Roll No…….. B.Sc. I Year Examination April – 2018 Y-1830
Physics (Paper - I)
(Mathematical Physics Mechanics & Properties of matter )
Time: 3 Hours Max.M. 40/ Min.M.13
Section-A (Objective type question)
Vhi %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd iz'u 01 vad dk gSA (5X1=05)
Note:- Attempt all questions. Each question carries 01 mark.
iz'u 1- lgh fodYi pqfu;s %&
Choose the correct option :-

 dk eku gS &

Value of  
(c) 1 (b) 2 (c)  (d)

(ii) lekuhr nzO;eku dk lw= gS &

Formula of reduced mass is
(c) = (b) = (c) =  +   (d) = √ 

(iii) izfrcy dk ek=d gS &

2 2
¼v½ U;wVu@ehVj ¼c½ U;wVu X ehVj ¼l½ U;wVu@ehVj ¼n½ U;wVu X ehVj
Unit of stress is
2 2
(c) Newton/Meter (b) Newton×Meter (c) Newton/Meter (d) Newton×Meter
(iv) ljy vkorZ xfr djrs gq, fi.M dk ek/; fLFkfr ij osx gksxk &
¼v½ 'kwU; ¼c½ U;wure ysfdu 'kwU; u gks ¼l½ vf/kdre ¼n½ vuUr
Velocity of a substance at centre position during simple harmonic position
(b) Zero (b) Minimum but not zero (c) Maximum (d) Infinite
(v) nzO;eku&mtkZ rqY;rk laca/k gS &
Relation of mass-energy equivalence is
(c)  =   (b)  = ℎ +   (c)  =   (d)  =   +  

Section-B (Short Answer type questions)

Vhi %& lHkh ik¡p iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 03 vad dk gSA (5X3=15)
Note:- Attempt all five questions. Each question carries 03 marks.

iz'u 2- vfn'k rFkk lfn'k jkf'k;ksa ls D;k rkRi;Z gS \ mnkgj.k nsdj buesa vUrj Li"V dhft,A
What do you mean by scalar and vector quantities ? Explain difference with examples.

vFkok (OR)
osDVj {ks= ds dyZ dk vFkZ le>krs gq, mldk HkkSfrd egRo le>kb,A
What do you mean by curl of a vector field ? Explain physical significance of curl.

iz'u 3- osx rFkk pky esa vUrj le>kb,A
Describe the difference between velocity and speed.
vFkok (OR)
xq:Rokd"kZ.k laca/kh xkWl dh izes; fyf[k,A
Discuss Guass theorem in Gravitation.
iz'u 4- ;ax izR;kLFkrk xq.kkad  dks le>kb,A
Explain Young's modulus 
vFkok (OR)
lkrR; lehdj.k le>kb,A
Explain equation of continuity.
iz'u 5- ljy vkorhZ nksyd vody dk lehdj.k fyf[k,A blls vki D;k le>rs gSa \
Write & explain differential equation of a simple harmonic oscillator.
vFkok (OR)
n`<+ fi.M dh xfr ds ;wyj lehdj.k fyf[k,A blls vki D;k le>rs gSa \
Write and explain Euler's equation for motion of a rigid body.
iz'u 6- lkisf{kdrk ds fof'k"V fl)kar dh ewy ifjdYiukvksa dk mYys[k dhft,A
Discuss concept (Postulates) of special theory of relativity.
vFkok (OR)
HkkSfrdh esa oSKkfud U;wVu ds ;ksxnku dk mYys[k dhft,
Explain contribution of scientist Newton in the field of physics.

Section-C (Long Answer type questions)

Vhi %& dksbZ nks iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 10 vad dk gSA (2X10=20)
Note:- Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
iz'u 7- MkbolsZUl laca/kh xkWl dh izes; fyf[k, rFkk bls fl) dhft,A
Write and prove Gauss divergence theorem.
iz'u 8- ,dleku Bksl xksys ds dkj.k xq:Roh; foHko rFkk xq:Roh; {ks= dh rhozrk Kkr dhft,A
Calculate gravitational potential and intensity of gravitational field due to a uniform solid sphere.
iz'u 9- cjykSuh dh izes; fyf[k, rFkk bls fl) dhft,A
Write & Prove Bernoulli's Theorem.
iz'u 10- tMRo vk?kw.kZ laca/k laca/k la;ksx dh izes; yEcor~ v{k dh izes; rFkk lekUrj v{k dh izes; fyf[k, rFkk fl)
Write and prove theorem on moment of inertia related theorem of addition theorem of perpendicular
axis and theorem of parallel axis.
iz'u 11- ekbdYlu & eksysZ ds iz;ksx dk o.kZu dhft, rFkk bl iz;ksx ds _.kkRed ifj.kkeksa dh foospuk dhft,A
Explain in detail Michelson - Morley's experiment with negative result of the experiment.


Roll No…….. B.Sc. I Year Examination April 2018 Y-1831
Physics (Paper – II)
(Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics)
Time: 3 Hours Max.M. 40/ Min.M.13
Section-A (Objective type question)
Vhi %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd iz'u 01 vad dk gSA (5X1=5)
Note:- Attempt all questions. Each question carries 01 mark.
iz'u 1- lgh fodYi pqfu;s %&
Choose the correct option :-

(i) ,d dkuksZ batu dh n{krk 40% gS rFkk flad dk rki 00C gS] rks L=ksr dk rki gksxk %&
If the efficiency of carnot's engine is 40% and temperature of sink is 00C , then the temperature of
source is :
(d) 455K (b) 182 K (c) 1820C (d) 4550C

(ii) vkn'kZ xSl ds :}ks,e izlkj esa ,.Vªkih ifjorZu &

¼v½ 'kqU; ¼c½ c<+rh gS ¼l½ ?kVrh gS ¼n½ dksbZ ugha
Change in Entropy of an Ideal gas in free expansion :-
(d) Zero (b) Increase of Entropy (c) Descrease of Entropy (d) None

(iii) 10 d.kksa dks nks ,d leku ckDl esa forj.k dh lw{e voLFkkvksa dh la[;k gksxh %&
The number of microstate , distribution of 10 particles in two identical boxes will be :-
(d) 210 (b) 102 (c) 2/10 (d) 10/2

(iv) QfeZvku ugha gS %&

¼v½  −d.k ¼c½ bysDVªku ¼l½ izksVªku ¼n½ U;wVªku
It is not Fermion :-
(c)  −Particle (b) Electron (c) Proton (d) Neutron

(v) fofj;y fl)kUr dh O;k[;k fdlus dh %&

¼v½ cksYV~ eSu ¼c½ eSDlosy ¼l½ lkgk ¼n½ Dykmfl;l
Who explain the Virial Principle :-
(d) Boltzman (b) Maxwell (c) Saha (d) Clausius

Section-B (Short Answer type questions)

Vhi %& lHkh ik¡p iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 03 vad dk gSA (5X3=15)
Note:- Attempt all five questions. Each question carries 03 marks.

iz'u 2- Dykmfl;l ds dFku ds }kjk m"ekxfrdh ds f}rh; fu;e dh O;k[;k dhft,A

Explain the second law of thermodynamics by claussius statement.
vFkok (OR)
mReØe.kh; ,oa vuqRØe.kh; izØe esa varj le>kb,A
Explain the difference between Reversible and Irreversible process.

iz'u 3- _.kkRed rki dh vlEHkork dks le>kb,A
Explain the impossibility of Negative Temperature.
vFkok (OR)
,.VªkWih ,d fcanq Qyu gS\
Entropy is a point function. Explain.

iz'u 4- lkaf[;dh; izk;fdrk D;k gS\

What is statistical probability?
vFkok (OR)
fxCl leqnk; dh ladYiuk D;k gS\
What is concept of Gibb's Ensemble?

iz'u 5- eqDr bysDVªku xSl dks le>kb,A

Explain the free electron gas.
vFkok (OR)
laforj.k Qyu ls D;k rkRi;Z gS\
What do you mean by Partition function?

iz'u 6- eSDlckuZ ds HkkSfrdh ;ksxnkuksa dk o.kZu dhft,A

Describe the contribution of Max Born in Physics.
vFkok (OR)
,l-,u-lkgk dk thou ifjp; fyf[k,A
Write the biography of S.N. Saha.

Section-C (Long Answer type questions)

Vhi %& dksbZ nks iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 10 vad dk gSA (2X10=20)
Note:- Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

iz'u 7- dkuksZ ds vkn'kZ batu dh dk;Z fof/k dk o.kZu P-V vkjs[k [khapdj nhft, rFkk bldh n{krk dk O;atd Kkr
Discuss the working principle of Carnot's Ideal Engine by P-V curve and find the expression of its

iz'u 8- vuqRØe.kh; izd`e esa ,.VªkWih ifjorZu tc fofHkUu rkiks ij nks nzoks dks feyk;k tkrk gS] dk O;atd izkIr
Find the expression of change of Entropy in Irreversible process when two liquids at different
temperatures are mixed.

iz'u 9- ,.VªkWih dh lkaf[;dh; O;k[;k dhft, rFkk ,.VªkWih S ,oa izkf;drk W esa laca/k  = log $ % LFkkfir
Explain the statistical Interpretation of entropy and find the relation entropy S and Probability W as
= log $ %
iz'u 10- cksl&vkbalVhu dh ewy vfHkdYiuk,W D;k&D;k gSa\ blds fy, forj.k fu;e izkIr dhft,A
What is the basic postulates of Bose - Einstein statistics? Find the Distribution law for it.

Roll No…….. B.Sc. I Year Examination April – 2018 Y-1832
Chemistry (Paper I)
(Physical Chemistry)
Time: 3 Hours Max.M. 30/ Min.M.10
Section-A (Objective type question)
Vhi %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd iz'u vad dk gSA (5X =2 )

Note:- Attempt all questions. Each question carries mark.

iz'u 1- lgh fodYi pqfu;s %&

Choose the correct option :-
(i) xSl ds vkSlr osx ds fy, O;atd gS &
The expression for average velocity of gas is -
'() ,()  () ()
(e) & *+ (b) & +
(c) &, +
(d) & +

(ii) ;fn okbl vad 1 2 3 gS rks feyj vad gS &

If Weiss indices are 1 2 3 then miller indices are -
(e) 3 2 1 (b) 2 1 3 (c) 6 3 2 (d) 3 2 6
(iii) 2-. → - + . vfHkfØ;k mnkgj.k gSA
¼v½ 'kwU; dksfV vfHkfØ;k ¼c½ izFke dksfV vfHkfØ;k
¼l½ f}rh; dksfV vfHkfØ;k ¼n½ mDr esa ls dksbZ ughaa
2-. → - + . reaction is an example of
(e) Zero order reaction (b) First order reaction
(c) Second order reaction (d) None of the above
(iv) dkcZu dk dkSu lk leLFkkfud jsfM;ks ,fDVo gSA
Which one isotope of carbon is radioactive -
(d) 12C (b) 13C (c) 14C (d) None of the above
(v) Fe(OH)3 lky ds fy;s fuEu esa ls fdldh LdUnu 'kfDr vf/kd gSA
Which one of the following has maximum coagulation power for Fe(OH)3
(e) NaCl (b) BaCl2 (c) Na2 SO4 (d) K3[Fe(CN)6]

Section-B (Short Answer type questions)

Vhi %& lHkh ik¡p iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 2 vad dk gSA (5X2 =12 )
Note:- Attempt all five questions. Each question carries 2 marks.
iz'u 2- izkf;drk le>kb,A
Explain probability.
vFkok (OR)
ek/; eqDr iFk le>kb,A
Explain mean free path.
iz'u 3- nzo fØLVy D;k gS \ buds izdkj fyf[k,A
What are liquid crystals ? write its types.
vFkok (OR)

vUr% [k.M ifjes;rk dk fu;e le>kb,A
Explain law of rational indices.
iz'u 4- vfHkfØ;k dh nj dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjd fyf[k,A
Write factors affecting reaction rate.
vFkok (OR)
vfHkfØ;k dh dksfV o v.kq la[erk mnkgj.k lfgr fyf[k,A
Write order of reaction and molecularity with examples
iz'u 5- lkSMh dk lewg foLFkkiu fu;e fyf[k;sA
Write Sody's group displacement law.
vFkok (OR)
0 o  fdj.kksa ds xq.k fyf[k;sA
Write properties of 0 and  rays.
iz'u 6- yk'khrys dk fl)kar mnkgj.k lfgr fyf[k;sA
Write Lechatelics's principle with example.
vFkok (OR)
gkMhZ 'kqYt dk fu;e le>kb,A
Explain Hardy schulze's rules.

Section-C (Long Answer type questions)

Vhi %& dksbZ nks iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 7 vad dk gSA (2X7 =15)
Note:- Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 7 marks.
iz'u 7- ok.Mj oky fu;rkad o ØkfUrd fu;rkad esa lEcU/k LFkkfir dhft,A
Describe relation between Vander waal's constant and critical constant.
iz'u 8- varjk.kqd cy o buds izdkj fyf[k,A
Write intermolecular forces and its types.
iz'u 9- izFke dksfV vfHkfØ;k ds fy, osx lehdj.k dh O;qRifÙk dhft, ,oa blds vfHky{k.k fyf[k;sA
Describe velocity equation for first order reaction and write its characteristics.
iz'u 10- ukfHkdh; fo[k.Mu D;k gS \ bl vfHkfØ;k esa eqDr gksus okyh ÅtkZ dh foospuk dhft,A
What is nuclear fission ? discuss the energy released in this reaction.
iz'u 11- lkE; fLFkjkad D;k gS \ bldks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dk o.kZu dhft,A
What is equilibrium constant ? explain the factors affecting this.


Roll No…….. B.Sc. I Year Examination April – 2018 Y-1833
Chemistry (Paper II)
(Inorganic Chemistry)
Time: 3 Hours Max.M. 25/ Min.M.08
Section-A (Objective type question)

Vhi %& fdUgh pkj iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd iz'u 
vad dk gSA (4X  = 2)
Note:- Attempt any four questions. Each question carries  mark.
iz'u 1- lgh fodYi pqfu;s %&
Choose the correct option :-
(i) fuEu esa ls fdl rRo dk vk;uu foHko U;wure gS \
Which of the following elements has minimum Ionization potential ?
(f) N (b) O (c) F (d) Ne
(ii) H2O esa ik;k tkus okyk ladj.k gS &
Hybridisation found in H2O is -
(f) sp (b) sp2 (c) sp3 (d) sp3d2
(iii) lokZf/kd mPp DoFkukad okyk {kkj /kkrq gS &
Which Alkali metal has highest boiling point -
(f) Na (b) Li (c) Cs (d) Rb
(iv) fuEu esa ls fdl ;kSfxd dh tkyd ÅtkZ vf/kdre gS \
Which of the following compound has highest lattice energy ?
(e) LiF (b) LiCl (c) NaF (d) NaCl
(v) izcyre vEy dkSu lk gS \
Which is the strongest acid ?
(a) HF (b) HCl (c) HBr (d) HI

Section-B (Short Answer type questions)

Vhi %& lHkh ik¡p iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 02 vad dk gSA (5X2=10)
Note:- Attempt all five questions. Each question carries 02 marks.
iz'u 2- Mh&czkXyh lehdj.k D;k gS \ bldk egRo le>kb;sA
What is De-Broglie equation ? Explain its importance.
vFkok (OR)
mRd`"V xSlksa dh ijek.kq f=T;k lcls vf/kd D;ksa gksrh gS\
Atomic radiie of inert gases are maximum, why ?
iz'u 3- ladj.k dh ifjHkk"kk fyf[k,A bl ladYiuk ds mi;ksx ls veksfu;k dh T;kferh le>kb;sA
Write the definition of "Hybridisation". Explain the geometry of ammonia by the use of this
vFkok (OR)
ijek.kq d{kdksa ds jSf[kd la;kstu dks le>kb;sA
Explain the linear combination of atomic orbitals.

iz'u 4- Qtku ds fu;e dks la{ksi esa le>kb;sA
Describe the Fajan's rule in brief.
vFkok (OR)
XeOF2 dh lajpuk ,oa T;kfefr le>kb;sA
Explain the structure and geometry of XeOF2 .
iz'u 5- fod.kZ laca/k D;k gS \ dkj.k lfgr le>kb;sA
What is diagonal relation ? explain with reason.
vFkok (OR)
{kkj /kkrqvksa dk jax nzo veksfu;k esa uhys jax dk gksrk gSA D;ksa \
The Colour of Alkali metals in liquid ammonia is appeared blue. Why ?
iz'u 6- Qqysjhu ij laf{kIr fVIi.kh fyf[k;sA
Write a short note on fullerenes.
vFkok (OR)
ClF3 dh lajpuk le>kb;sA
Explain the structure of ClF3 .

Section-C (Long Answer type questions)

Vhi %& dksbZ nks iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 6 vad dk gSA (2X 6 =13)
Note:- Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 6 marks.
iz'u 7- fc|qr&_.kkRedrk dh ifjHkk"kk nhft;sA bls fdl izdkj Kkr fd;k tkrk gS \ ca/k dh izd`fr Kkr djus ds
fy, ;g fdl izdkj lgk;d gS \
Define the "Electro negativity" . How is it determined ? How is it helpful to know the nature of bond ?
iz'u 8- la;kstdrk ca/k bysDVªku ;qXe izfrd"kZ.k (VSEPR) fl)kar dk o.kZu dfj;sA bldh lgk;rk ls NH3 ,oa PH3
ds ca/k dks.k esa varj dk dkj.k le>kb;sA
Describe the valance shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory. Explain the difference in bond
angles of NH3 and PH3 with the help of it Give suitable reason.

iz'u 9- tkyd ÅtkZ ls D;k rkRi;Z gS \ tkyd ÅtkZ dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dh foospuk dhft;sA
What do you understand by " Lattice-Energy". Describe the factors affecting the lattice energy.
iz'u 10- {kkj /kkrqvksa ds vkDlkbMksa] gSykbMksa ,oa gkbMªkDlkbMksa dk rqYkukRed o.kZu dhft;sA
Give a comparative description of oxides, halides and hydroxides of alkali metals.
iz'u 11- fVIi.kh fyf[k;s &
¼v½ MkbZ cksjsu dh lajpukA
¼c½ gSykstuksa ds {kkjdh; xq.kA
Write short note on -
(a) Structure of Diborane.
(b) Basic properties of Halogens.


Roll No…….. B.Sc. I Year Examination April 2018 Y-1834
Chemistry (Paper – III)
(Organic Chemistry)
Time: 3 Hours Max.M. 25/ Min.M. 8
Section-A (Objective type question)
Vhi %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd iz'u ½ vad ds gSA (4X½=2)
Note:- Attempt all questions. Each question carries ½ mark.
iz'u 1- lgh fodYi pqfu;s %&
Choose the correct option :-
(i) cU/kghu vuqukn gS %&
¼v½ izsjf.kd izHkko ¼c½ eslksesfjd izHkko ¼l½ fLV;fjd izHkko ¼n½ vfrla;qXeu
No-bond resonance is :-
(g) Inductive effect (b) mesomeric effect (c) steric effect (d) Hyper conjugation
(ii) sp3 ladj.k ik;k tkrk gS %&
sp3 hybridisation occurs in :-
(g) H2O (b) CH4 (c) NH3 (d) lHkh (All above)
(iii) ¼$½ ysfDVd vEy esa vlefer dkcZu gS %&
¼v½ ,d ¼c½ nks ¼l½ rhu ¼n½ ugha gksrk
No. of Asymmetric carbon occur in (+) Lactic Acid is :-
(g) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) None
(iv) cqVZt vfHkfØ;k ls ;g ;kSfxd ugha curk gS %&
¼v½ esFksu ¼c½ ,Fksu ¼l½ C;wVsu ¼n½ izksisu
Compount which is not formed in Wurtz reaction is:
(f) Methane (b) Ethane (c) Butane (d) Propane

Section-B (Short Answer type questions)

Vhi %& lHkh ik¡p iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 2 vad dk gSA (5X2=10)
Note:- Attempt all five questions. Each question carries 2 marks.

iz'u 2- vfr la;qXeu izHkko ij fVIi.kh fyf[k,A

Write a note on Hyper Conjugation.
vFkok (OR)
bysDVªku Lusgh rFkk ukfHkd Lusgh vfHkdeZdksa dks mnkgj.k lfgr le>kb,A
Explain the electrophilic and Nucleophilic reagents with examples.

iz'u 3- cqVZt vfHkfØ;k rFkk mldh fØ;kfof/k le>kb,A

Describe the Wurtz Reaction and its mechanism.
vFkok (OR)
lkbDyks izksisu cukus dh QqUM fof/k fyf[k,A
Write Fruend's method for preparation of cyclo propane.

iz'u 4- 1&izksihu ij HBr ds ;ksx dks ekdksZfudkWQ fu;e ls le>kb,A

Explain addition of HBr on 1-Propine on the basis of Markoni Koff's rule.
vFkok (OR)
lap;h MkbZu D;k gS\ ,yhu cukus dh nks fof/k;ksa dk o.kZu dhft,A
What is cumulative dienes? Describe two methods of preparation of Allenes.

iz'u 5- v/kksfyf[kr ij fVIi.kh fyf[k, ¼dksbZ ,d½
¼1½ gkbMªks cksjslu ¼2½ ,Fksuky dk futZyhdj.k ¼3½ ,flfVyhu ds vEyh; LoHkko dh O;k[;k
Write comment on following :- (any one)
(1) Hydroboration (2) Dehydration of Ethanol (3) Acidic nature of aceteylene
vFkok (OR)
,fFky czksekbM ls fuEu dks dSls izkIr djksxs%& ¼1½ bZFkj ¼2½ Fkk;ks ,Ydksgy
¼3½ ,fFky ,ehu ¼4½ ,fFky ukbVªkby ¼5½ ,fFky vkblksukbVªkby
How will you obtain following from ethyl bromide :- (1) Ether (2) Thio Alcohol
(3) Ethyl amine (4) Ethyl nitrile (5) Ethyl Isonitrile

iz'u 6- fdUgha nks ij fVIi.kh fyf[k, %& ¼1½ ,ihej ¼2½ izfrfcEc:Ik ¼3½ D,L- vfHkfoU;kl
Write comment on any two of the following :- (1) Epimer (2) Enantiomers (3) D,L- Configuration
vFkok (OR)
izfrfcEc :iksa dk fo;kstu dSls djasxs\ le>kb;sA
How the resolution of enantiomers take place? Explain it.

Section-C (Long Answer type questions)

Vhi %& dksbZ nks iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 6½ vad dk gSA (2X6½=13)
Note:- Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 6½ marks.

iz'u 7- v/kksfyf[kr dh O;k[;k dhft, %&

¼1½ ued ¼NaCl½ ikuh esa foys; gS ijUrq csathu esa ugha ?kqyrk gSA
¼2½ H2O nzo voLFkk esa gS tcfd H2S xSlh; A
¼3½ F-CH2COOH , Cl-CH2COOH , Br-CH2COOH dh vEyh;rk A
Discuss the following :-
(1) Salt (NaCl) is soulable in water but insoluable in benzene.
(2) H2O occur in liquid state , while H2S is in gaseous state.
(3) Acidity of F-CH2COOH , Cl-CH2COOH , Br-CH2COOH

iz'u 8- dkcksZdsVk;u dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft,A dkcksZdsVk;u cukus dh fof/k;ksa rFkk muds LFkkf;Ro dk o.kZu dhft,A
Define Carbocations. Describe the stability and methods of preparation of Carbocations.

iz'u 9- C;wVkMkbu ij 1%2 rFkk 1%4 ;ksx dks le>kb,A

Explain the 1:2 and 1:4 addition of butadiene.

iz'u 10- SN1 rFkk SN2 fØ;kfof/k dks mlds ÅtkZ vkjs[k lfgr le>kb,A
Discuss the SN1 and SN2 mechanism with its energy level diagrams.

iz'u 11- ySfDVd vEy rFkk VkVZsfjd vEy esa izdk'kh; leko;rk dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Discuss the optical Isomerism in Lactic acid and Tarteric acid.


Roll No…….. B.Sc. I Year Examination April 2018 Y-1835
Mathematics (Paper – I)
(Algebra and Trignometry)
Time: 3 Hours Max.M. 40/ Min.M.13
Section-A (Objective type question)
Vhi %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd iz'u 01 vad dk gSA (5X1=05)
Note:- Attempt all questions. Each question carries 01 mark.
iz'u 1- lgh fodYi pqfu;s %&
Choose the correct option :-
(i) vkO;wg dh tkfr gS %&
1 1 1
The Rank of matrix 41 1 15 is :-
1 1 1
(h) 1 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 0
(ii) fuEu lehdj.k dk gy gS %&
Following equations have solution :-  + 6 + 7 = 6 ,  − 6 + 7 = 2 , 2 + 6 − 7 = 1
(h)  = 1 , 6 = 1, 7 = 1 (b)  = 1 , 6 = 3, 7 = 2 (c)  = 2 , 6 = 1, 7 = 3 (d)  = 1 , 6 = 2, 7 = 3
(iii) fuEu lehdj.k ds ewy gSa %&
The roots of the equation are :-  , − 6  + 11 − 6 = 0
(h) 1, 2, 3 (b) 1, 3, 4 (c) 0, 1, 3 (d) 0, 1, 2
(iv) : ⟹ < vlR; gS ;fn %
¼v½ : lR; gS] < vlR; gS ¼c½ : vlR; gS] < lR; gS ¼l½ : vkSj < nksuksa lR; gS ¼n½ : vkSj < nksuksa vlR; gSa
: ⟹ < is false if :
(f) : is true, < is false (b) : is false, < is true (c) : and < both are true (d) : and < both are false
(v) fuEu lehdj.k dk eku gS %&

The value of equation is :- =>? @A ?BC @D
(g) cos 5G − H sin 5G (b) cos 4G + H sin 4G (c) cos 5G + H sin 5G (d) cos 4G − H sin 4G

Section-B (Short Answer type questions)

Vhi %& lHkh ik¡p iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 03 vad dk gSA (5X3=15)
Note:- Attempt all five questions. Each question carries 03 marks.
iz'u 2- vkO;wg dh tkfr Kkr dhft,A
1 2 3 2
Find the rank of Matrix A = 42 3 5 15
1 3 4 5
vFkok (OR)
vkO;wg ds vfHkyk{kf.kd eku Kkr dhft,A
2 1 0
Find the characteristic value of Matrix A = 40 2 15
0 0 2
iz'u 3- fuEu lehdj.k dks vkO;wg fof/k dh izkjafHkd lafØ;kvksa }kjk gy dhft,A
Solve the following equations with the help of elementry operations of matrix method.
 + 6 + 7 = 6 ,  − 6 + 7 = 2 , 2 + 6 − 7 = 1
vFkok (OR)
n'kkZb;s fd vkO;wg dSys&gSfeYVu izes; dks larq"V djrs gSa %&
1 2 1
Show that the matrix satisfies Caley Hamilton theoram. A = 40 1 −15
3 −1 1
iz'u 4- lehdj.k  − 16 , + 86  − 176 + 105 = 0 dks gy dhft, ftuds nks ewy 1 vkSj 7 gSaA
Solve the equation  − 16 , + 86  − 176 + 105 = 0 two roots being 1 and 7.
vFkok (OR)
;fn lehdj.k  M − 1 = 0 ds ewy 1, , 0, , … .. gks rks fl) dhft, fd %&
If 1, , 0, , … .. are the roots of the equation  M − 1 = 0 , then prove that
1 − 1 − 01 −  … … = P
iz'u 5- fl) dhft, fd fuEufyf[kr dFku rkfdZd :Ik ls rqY; gS &
Prove that the following statements are logically equivalent Q: ⟹ < ⟹ RS TP
QQ: ∧ <S ⟹ RS
vFkok (OR)
fdlh cwyh; chtxf.kr esa fl) dhft, fd %& T. V + QT + VW . VS′ = 1
In a Boolean Alegbra , Prove that :- T. V + QT + V W . VS′ = 1
* *
iz'u 6- ;fn Y = cos Z + H sin Z , H = 1, 2, 3 ….. , rks fl) dhft, fd  .  . , … … … …vuUr rd = −1
* *
If Y = cos Z + H sin Z , H = 1, 2, 3 ….. , then prove that  .  . , … … … … ∞ = −1
vFkok (OR)
fl) dhft, fd = \, + ]^ − , \,_ + ]_ ^ + ` \,D + ]D ^ … … … … …

=\ + ^− \ + ^+ \ + ^……………
, ] , ,_ ]_ ` ,D ]D
Prove that

Section-C (Long Answer type questions)

Vhi %& dksbZ nks iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 10 vad dk gSA (2X10=20)
Note:- Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
iz'u 7- fuEu vkO;wg dk izlkekU; :Ik esa leku;u dj tkfr Kkr dhft,A
1 3 4 3
Find the normal form of the matrix and hence find its rank. a = 43 9 12 35
1 3 4 1
iz'u 8- dSyh&gSfeYVu izes; dks fyf[k, ,oa fl) dhft,A
State and Prove Cayley-Hamilton theoram.
iz'u 9- ;fn lehdj.k  , + 3:  + 3< + R = 0 ds ewy xq.kksRrj Js.kh ¼G.P.½ esa gks rks fl) dhft, fd :, R = <,
If the roots of the equation  , + 3:  + 3< + R = 0 are in G.P. , Then Prove that :, R = < ,
iz'u 10- fuEufyf[kr tky dks ljyhd`r tky ls izfrLFkkfir dhft, %&
Replace the following switching circuit by a simpler one.
b c

a a

b c

iz'u 11- nh&ek;ojs izse; dks fyf[k, ,oa fl) dhft, A

State and prove De-moivre's Theoram.

Roll No…….. B.Sc. I Year Examination April 2018 Y-1836
Mathematics (Paper – II)
(Calculus and Differential equations)
Time: 3 Hours Max.M. 40/ Min.M.13
Section-A (Objective type question)
Vhi %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd iz'u 01 vad dk gSA (5X1=5)
Note:- Attempt all questions. Each question carries 01 mark.
iz'u 1- lgh fodYi pqfu;s %&
Choose the correct option :-
(i) ;fn m>n rc Dm(xn) = ……
If m>n then Dm(xn) = ……
(i) cPd (b) 0 (c) cd (d) 1
(ii) oØ e =  tan h ds fy, i dk eku gS %&
If e =  tan h then the value of i is
(i)  sec  h (b)  tan h (c)  tan h sec h (d) sec , h
(iii) ;fn k ,d fo"ke Qyu gS rks ml k
If k is an odd function, then ml k
T 0
(i) 0 (b) 2 0 k
 (c) 2 −T k
 (d) None of these

(iv) lehdj.k 6 = : + sin : dk gy gS A

The solution of the equations 6 = : + sin : is :
(g) 6 =  + cos  (b) 6 = : + sin  (c) 6 =  + sin : (d) 6 =  + sin 
n o no
(v) vody lehdj.k   np + 5 np + 46 = 0 dk lekdu lehdj.k gSA
n o no
The auxilary equation of the differential equation   np  + 5 np + 46 = 0
(h)  + 5 + 4 = 0 (b)  + 4 + 4 = 0 (c)  +  + 4 = 0 (d)  − 5 + 4 = 0

Section-B (Short Answer type questions)

Vhi %& lHkh ik¡p iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 03 vad dk gSA (5X3=15)
Note:- Attempt all five questions. Each question carries 03 marks.
iz'u 2- ;fn 6 = q tgk¡ q vkSj  ,  ds dksbZ Qyu gS rks
If 6 = q where q and  are any functions of , then
6M = qM +M  qMm  +M  qMm  + ⋯ … … … … . . +M Y qMmY Y + ⋯ … … + qM
vFkok (OR)
Vsyj izse; ds iz;ksx ls fl) djks fd %&
Use taylor's theoram to prove that :-
?BC s ?BC s ?BC ,s
tanm + ℎ = tanm  + ℎ sin 7 . − ℎ sin 7 + ℎ sin 7, − ⋯ …. %ℎtRt 7 = cot m 

iz'u 3- fl) dhft, fd lkbDykbZM  = Tu + sin u, 6 = T1 − cot u ds fcUnq u ij oØrk f=T;k t=
4T cos u/2
Prove that the radius of curvature at any point u of the cycloid  = Tu + sin u, 6 = T1 − cos u is
given by t = 4T cos u/2 .
vFkok (OR)
oØ 6 −  =  dk vuqjs[k.k dhft,A

Trace the curve 6  2T −  =  ,

*/ np
iz'u 4- eku Kkr dhft, A Evaluate :  ` ?BC p
vFkok (OR)
cMd /M
;ksx dh lhek ds :Ik esa fuf'pr lekdy dh ifjHkk"kk ds mi;ksx ls limM⟶y \Mz ^ dk eku Kkr djksA
cMd /M
Apply the definition of a definite integral as the limit of sum to evaluate limM⟶y \ z ^
iz'u 5- gy dhft, A Solve :  + 6 = 6  log 
vFkok (OR)
vody lehdj.k 9: − 6 = 43 − 6 dk O;kid rFkk fofp= gy Kkr dhft,A

Find the general and singular solution of 9: 2 − 6 = 43 − 6

iz'u 6- fuEu vody lehdj.k dks gy dhft,A
n o no
 + − 6 = t p
np  np
Solve the following Differential equation :
vFkok (OR)
n o
izkpy fopj.k dh fof/k ls vody lehdj.k + 46 = 4 tan 2 dks gy dhft,A
n o
Solve np  + 46 = 4 tan 2 by the method of variation of parameters.

Section-C (Long Answer type questions)

Vhi %& dksbZ nks iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 10 vad dk gSA (2X10=20)
Note:- Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
iz'u 7- fuEu oØ dh leLr vuUr Lif'kZ;k¡ Kkr dhft,A
Find all the asymptotes of the curve 6 , − 56  + 8  6 − 4 , − 36  + 96 − 6  + 26 − 2 + 1 = 0.

iz'u 8- fl) dhft, fd gzn;ke R = T1 − cos G ds fdlh fcUnq ij oØrk f=T;k , √2TR gSA ;g Hkh fl) djks fd
vpj gSA ;fn gzn;ke R = T1 − cos G ds /kzqo ls tkus okyh thok ds fljks ij oØrk f=T;k,a t vkSj
t gks rks fl) dhft, 9t + t  = 16T .

Show that the radius of curvature at any point on the cardioid R = T1 − cos G is , √2TR. Also prove
is constant. If t and t are the radii of curvature at the ends of a chord through the pole , then
prove that 9t + t  = 16T .
*/  Mm
iz'u 9- ;fn qM =  G sinC G
G rFkk P > 1 rc fl) dhft, fd qM = M + M
qMm rFkk fuxeu dhft,
fd q` = `
*/  Mm  }
If qM =  G sinC G
G and P > 1 then prove that qM = M + M
qMm . Hence deduce that q` = `
iz'u 10- laukfHk ,oa leka{k ijoy; dqy R = =>? @ ds yEcdks.kh; lagsnh dqy ds lehdj.k Kkr dhft,A
Find the equation of the system of orthogonal trajectories of a system of confocal and co-axial parabola
R = =>? @

iz'u 11- fuEu vody lehdj.k dks gy dhft,A

n~ o
+  6 = 0
np ~
Solve the following differential equation :-

Roll No…….. B.Sc. I Year Examination April 2018 Y-1837
Mathematics (Paper – III)
(Vector Analysis and Geometry)
Time: 3 Hours Section-A (Objective type question) Max.M. 40/ Min.M.14

Vhi %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd iz'u 01 vad ds gSA (5X1=05)
Note:- Attempt all questions. Each question carries 01 mark.
iz'u 1- lgh fodYi pqfu;s %&
Choose the correct option :-
(i) ;fn rhu lfn'kksa ds vfn'k xq.kuQy esa nks lfn'k cjkcj gksa] rc ml xq.kuQy dk eku gksxk &
If in the scalar product of three vectors , two vectors are equal, then the value of that product will be:
(j) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
(ii) i`"B lekdy o vk;ru lekdy esa laca/k gS %&
¼v½ LVkWd izes; ¼c½ xzhu izes; ¼l½ cuksZyh izes; ¼n½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha
Relation between surface and volume integral is :-
(j) Stoke's theoram (b) Green's Theoram (c) Bernoulli's theoram (d) None of these
(iii) lehdj.k 5  − 66 + 56  = 8 ls fu:fir nh?kZo`Rr ds nh?kZ&v{k dk lehdj.k gksxk %
The equation to the major axis of the ellipse 5  − 66 + 56  = 8 is :-
(j)  − 6 = 0 (b)  + 6 = 0 (c)  − 6 = 5 (d)  + 6 = 5
(iv) k + €6 + √ℎ7 = 0 ds }kjk fu:fir lrg gS %&
¼v½ 'kadq ¼c½ xksyk ¼l½ leryksa ds ;qXe ¼n½ csyu
Surface represented by k + €6 + √ℎ7 = 0 is a
(h) Cone (b) Sphere (c) Pair of planes (d) Cylinder
p o s
(v) nh?kZo`rt l
+  + ‚  = 1 ds ,d 'kwU; o`Rrd ij Li'kZ lery dh dsUnz ls nwjh gS %
l ‚ ‚l
¼v½ ‚ ¼c½ l
¼l½ 
¼n½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha
p o s
The distance of the tangent plane at an umbilie of the ellipsoid l +  + ‚  = 1 from the centre is :
l ‚ ‚l
‚ l 
(i) (b) (c) (d) None of these

Section-B (Short Answer type questions)

Vhi %& lHkh ik¡p iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 03 vad dk gSA (5X3=15)
Note:- Attempt all five questions. Each question carries 03 marks.
iz'u 2- ;fn a, b, c rFkk a' , b' , c' O;qRØe fudk; ds lfn'k gSa rks fl) dhft, fd %& a.a' + b.b' + c.c' = 3
If a, b, c and a' , b' , c' are reciprocal system of vertors , prove that a.a' + b.b' + c.c' = 3
vFkok (OR)
;fn r2=x2+y2+z2 rks grad rn Kkr dhft,A
If r2=x2+y2+z2 , find grad rn.
iz'u 3- fdlh le; t ij ,d d.k dk Roj.k et i + e2t j + k gS A osx v Kkr dhft, tcfd ;g fn;k gS fd v=i +j ]
tc t=0 -
The accelaration of a particle at any time t is et i + e2t j + k. Find the velocity v , given that v=i +j , when
vFkok (OR)
ƒ = 36„̂ − 57†̂ + 10‡ˆ ls nh xbZ ,d cy QhYM esa ,d d.k dks oØ  = u  + 1, 6 = 2u  , 7 = u , ds
vuqfn'k u = 1 ls u = 2 rd foLFkkfir gksus esa fd;k x;k dqy dk;Z Kkr dhft,A
Find the total work done in moving a particle in a field of force given by ƒ = 36„̂ − 57†̂ + 10‡ˆ along
the curve  = u  + 1 , 6 = 2u  , 7 = u , from u = 1 u‰ u = 2.
iz'u 4- 'kkado x2-3xy+y2+10x-10y+21=0 ds dsUnz ds funsZ'kkad Kkr dhft;s rFkk dsUnz dks ewy fcUnq ekudj 'kkado
dk lehdj.k Kkr dhft;sA
Find the co-ordinates of the centre of conic x2-3xy+y2+10x-10y+21=0 and find the equation to the conic
referred to the centre as origin.
vFkok (OR)
p o
fl) dhft, fd nh?kZo`Rr l
+  = 1 ds mRdsUnzrk dks.k  okys fcUnq ls tkus okys rFkk nh?kZo`Rr ds laukfe ]
p o
vfrijoy; dk lehdj.k − = T − V  gSA
=>? Š ?BC Š
p o
+ = 1 whose ecentric
l 
Prove that equation to the hyperbola , drawn through the point on the ellipse
p o
angle is  and which is confocal with the ellipse , is =>? Š − ?BC Š = T − V 
iz'u 5- fl) dhft, fd ,d yEco`Rrh; 'kadq ftldk 'kh"kZ ewyfcUnq gS] v{k OZ gS rFkk v)Z'kh"kZ dks.k  gS ]
  + 6  = 7  tan  gksxkA
Show that the equation to a right circular cone whose vertex is the origin, axis OZ and semi-vertical
angle  is :   + 6  = 7  tan 
vFkok (OR)
ml oxZ csyu dk lehdj.k Kkr dhft, ftldk funsZ'kd oØ gS T  + V6  + 7  = 1]
‹ + 6 + P7 = : rFkk ftldk tud X-v{k esa lekUrj gSA
Find the equation of quadratic cylinder which passes through the curve T  + V6  + 7  = 1 ,
‹ + 6 + P7 = : and whose generator is parallel to X-axis.
iz'u 6- ljy js[kk  + 96 − 37 = 0 = 3 − 36 + 67 − 5 ls tkus okys 2  − 66  + 37  = 5 ds Li'kZ ryksa dk
lehdj.k Kkr dhft,A
Find the equations of tangent planes to 2  − 66  + 37  = 5 which pass through the line  + 96 −
37 = 0 = 3 − 36 + 67 − 5.
vFkok (OR)
fn[kkb;s fd lkekU;r% ,d nRr fcUnq ls ,d ijoy;t ij ik¡p vfHkyEc js[kk,¡ [khaph tk ldrh gSaA
Show that in general five normals can be drawn to a paraboloid through a fixed point.
Section-C (Long Answer type questions)
Vhi %& dksbZ nks iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 10 vad dk gSA (2X10=20)
Note:- Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
iz'u 7- fl) dhft, fd % Prove that :
R  =  + 1R m
iz'u 8- LVkWd izes; dks lR;kfir dhft, tcfd ƒ = 6„̂ + 7†̂ + ‡ˆ rFkk lrg e ] xksyk   + 6  + 7  = 1 dk 6-
lery ds Åij dk Hkkx gSA
Verify stoke's theoram when ƒ = 6„̂ + 7†̂ + ‡ˆ and surface e is the part of sphere   + 6  + 7  = 1 above
the 6-plane.
iz'u 9- vfrijoy;   − 36 + 6  + 10 − 106 + 21 = 0 dk vuqjs[k.k dhft, rFkk bldh v{kksa rFkk vuUr
Lif'kZ;ksa ds lehdj.k Kkr dhft,A
Trace the conic   − 36 + 6  + 10 − 106 + 21 = 0 and find the equations to its axis and
o s
iz'u 10- ml csyu dk lehdj.k Kkr djks ftlls tud ljy js[kk  = −  = , ds lekUrj gS rFkk ftldk funsZ'kd
oØ nh?kZo`Rr gS   + 26  = 1 , 7 = 3
o s
Find the equation of the cylinder whose generators are parallel to the line  = −  = , and whose
guiding curve is the ellipse   + 26  = 1 , 7 = 3
p o s
iz'u 11- vfrijoy;t l +  − ‚  = 1 ds fcUnq T cos  , V sin  , 0 ls gksdj tkus okyh tud js[kkvksa dk
lehdj.k Kkr dhft,A
p o s
Find the equations to the generating lines of the hyperboloid l +  − ‚  = 1 which pass through the
points T cos  , V sin  , 0.

Roll No…….. B.Sc. I Year Examination April – 2018 Y-1838
Zoology (Paper - I)
Time: 3 Hours Max.M. 40/ Min.M.13
Section-A (Objective type question)
Vhi %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd iz'u 01 vad dk gSA (5X1=05)
Note:- Attempt all questions. Each question carries 01 mark.
iz'u 1- lgh fodYi pqfu;s %&
Choose the correct option :-
(i) ;wXyhuk ik;k tkrk gS &
¼v½ LoPN ty esa ¼c½ ok;q esa ¼l½ leqnzh ty esa ¼n½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha
Euglena is found in -
(k) Fresh water (b) Air (c) Marsine water (d) None of above
(ii) esM~;wlk esa larqyu dk vax gksrk gS &
¼v½ xksuM ¼c½ ohye ¼l½ LVSVksflLV ¼n½ jsfM;y uky
The balancing organ of medusa is -
(k) Gonad (b) Velum (c) Statocyst (d) Radial canal
(iii) ,DlksusfQzd usQzhfM;k gksrs gSa &
¼v½ QSfjfUt;y usQzhfM;k ¼c½ bUVsX;wesUVªh usQzhfM;k
¼l½ lsIVy usQzhfM;k ¼n½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha
The exonephric nephridia are -
(k) Phasyngeal nephridia (b) Integumentary nephridia
(c) Septal nephridia (d) None of these
(iv) iSyheksu esa mRltZu ds vax gSa &
¼v½ xzhu xzfUFk ¼c½ Tokyk dksf'kdk ¼l½ usQzhfM;e ¼n½ D;wfVdy
The organ of excretion is palaemon is -
(i) Green gland (b) Flame cell (c) Nephridium (d) Cuticle
(v) ckbfiUusfj;k ykokZ ik;k tkrk gS &
¼v½ ,Ldsfjl esa ¼c½ dspq, esa ¼l½ ikbyk esa ¼n½ rkjk eNyh esa
The bipinnasia larva is found in -
(j) Ascaris (b) Earth worm (c) Pila (d) Star fish

Section-B (Short Answer type questions)

Vhi %& lHkh ik¡p iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 03 vad dk gSA (5X3=15)
Note:- Attempt all five questions. Each question carries 03 marks.
iz'u 2- ukedj.k D;k gS \ blds fu;eksa dks le>kb;sA
What is nomenclature ? Give the rules for nomenclature.
vFkok (OR)
lhysUVªsVk la?k ds pkj izeq[k y{k.k fyf[k;sA bl la?k ds nks tUrqvksa ds izkf.koSKkfud uke fyf[k;sA
Write four main characters of phylum coelenterata. Write zoological name of two animals of this

iz'u 3- ePNj esa IykLeksfM;e ds ySafxd pØ dk LoPN ukekafdr fp= cukb;sA
Draw a labelled diagram of sexual cycle of plasmodium is mosquito.
vFkok (OR)
dksjy vkSj dksjy jhQ ij laf{kIr fVIi.kh fyf[k,A
Write short note on coral & coral reef.
iz'u 4- laf{kIr fVIi.kh fyf[k, &
Write short note on -
QSflvksyk dk ljdSfj;k ykokZ
Cercaria larva of fasciola
vFkok (OR)
,fufyMk esa esVkesfjTe
Metamerism in annelida
iz'u 5- laf{kIr fVIi.kh fyf[k, &
Write short note on -
ØLVsfl;k dk esxkyksik ykokZ
Megalopa larva of crustacea
vFkok (OR)
iSyheksu dh gsLVsV IysV
Hastate plate of palaemon
iz'u 6- rkjk eNyh ds ckg~; vkdkj dks le>kb;sA
Describe external feature of star fish.
vFkok (OR)
cSyuksXykWll dh cU/kqrk,a fyf[k;sA
Write affinities of balanoglossus.

Section-C (Long Answer type questions)

Vhi %& dksbZ nks iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 10 vad dk gSA (2X10=20)
Note:- Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
iz'u 7- la?k ,fufyMk dks mlds Dykl rd oxhZd`r dhft;s rFkk izR;sd Dykl ds mnkgj.k fyf[k;sA
Classify annelida upto classes and give examples of each class.
iz'u 8- vkschfy;k dkyksuh esa ik;s tkus okys fofHkUu izdkj ds thodksa dk o.kZu dhft;sA
Give an account of various types of zooids found is obelia colony.
iz'u 9- dspq, ds raf=dk ra= dk o.kZu dhft;sA
Describe the nervous system of pheretima.
iz'u 10- iSyheksu ds mRlthZ ra= dk o.kZu dhft;sA
Describe excretory system of palaemon.
iz'u 11- la?k bdkbuksMesZVk esa ik;h tkus okyh fofHkUu ykokZ voLFkkvksa dk o.kZu dhft;sA
Describe different larval stage found in Echinodermata.


Roll No…….. B.Sc. I Year Examination April – 2018 Y-1839
Zoology (Paper - II)
(Cell Biology and Developmental Biology)
Time: 3 Hours Max.M. 40/ Min.M.13
Section-A (Objective type question)
Vhi %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd iz'u 01 vad dk gSA (5X1=05)
Note:- Attempt all questions. Each question carries 01 mark.
iz'u 1- lgh fodYi pqfu;s %&
Choose the correct option :-
(i) ykblkslksEl LVksj gkml gksrs gSaA
¼v½ A.T.P. ds fy, ¼c½ gkbMªksfyfVd ,atkbe ds fy,
¼l½ olk ds fy, ¼n½ XykbdksizksVhUl ds fy,
Lysosomes are store house of
(l) ATP (b) Hydrolytic enzymes (c) Fats (d) Glycoproteins
(ii) U;wfDy;l esa ik;k tkrk gSA
¼v½ ekbVªksdkWf.Mª;k ¼c½ xk¡Yth ck¡Mh ¼l½ ØksekslksEl ¼n½ mijksDr lHkh
Found in nucleus.
(l) Mitochondria (b) Golgi body (c) Chromosomes (d) All above
(iii) ,d f}rh;d LiesZVkslkbV ls fdrus xq.klw= curs gSa \
How many sperm formed from one secondary spermatocyte ?
(l) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
(iv) CykLVkslhy ik;k tkrk gSA
¼v½ CykLVqyk voLFkk esa ¼c½ ek:yk voLFkk esa ¼l½ Dyhost esa ¼n½ xSLVqyk voLFkk esa
Blastocoel is found in
(j) Blastula stage (b) Morula stage (c) Cleavage (d) Gastrula Stage
(v) uksVksdkMZ dk fodkl fdl teZLrj ls gksrk gSA
¼v½ ,DVksMeZ ¼c½ ehMksMeZ ¼l½ ,.MksMeZ ¼n½ dksbZ ugha
Notochard is develope by which germ layer.
(k) Ectoderm (b) Mesoderm (c) Endoderm (d) None

Section-B (Short Answer type questions)

Vhi %& lHkh ik¡p iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 03 vad dk gSA (5X3=15)
Note:- Attempt all five questions. Each question carries 03 marks.
iz'u 2- ^lsy Fksojh^ dks le>kb;sA
Explain 'cell theory'.
vFkok (OR)
bUMksIykfTed jsVhdqye dh lajpuk rFkk dk;Z dk o.kZu dhft,A
Describe the structure and function of endoplasmic reticulum.

iz'u 3- U;wfDyvksyl ij fVIi.kh fyf[k,A
Write note on nucleolus.
vFkok (OR)
ØksekslksEl dh lajpuk rFkk izdkj dks le>kb,A
Explain the structure and types of chromosomes.

iz'u 4- jhtsusjs'ku vFkok ikfFkZukstsusfll ij laf{kIr fVIi.kh fyf[k,A

Write short note on regeneration or parthenogenesis.

iz'u 5- esa<+d ds iw.kZ xSLVªyk dk dsoy ukekafdr fp= cukb;sA

Draw only well labelled diagram of complete gastrula of frog.
vFkok (OR)
es<+d ds VsMiksy ykokZ dh lajpuk dk o.kZu dhft,A
Describe the structure of frog's tadpole.

iz'u 6- eqxhZ ds v.Ms dh yEcor dkV ;k fonyu dk dsoy ukekafdr fp= cukb;sA
Draw only labelled diagram of L.S. of hen's egg or cleavage.

Section-C (Long Answer type questions)

Vhi %& dksbZ nks iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 10 vad dk gSA (2X10=20)
Note:- Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

iz'u 7- ^ekbVªksdkfUMª;k^ dh lajpuk rFkk dk;Z dk o.kZu dhft,A

Describe the structure and function of mitochondria.

iz'u 8- dsUnzd ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k,A

Write an essay on nucleus.

iz'u 9- LiesZVkstsusfll dk o.kZu dhft,A

Describe the spermatogenesis.

iz'u 10- pwts dh izkjafHkd js[kk fuekZ.k rd dh Hkzwf.kdh dk o.kZu dhft,A

Describe the embryonic development of hen upto formation of primitive streak.



Roll No…….. B.Sc. I Year Examination April – 2018 Y-1840

Botany (Paper - I)
(Diversity of lower plants)
Time: 3 Hours Max.M. 40/ Min.M.13
Section-A (Objective type question)
Vhi %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd iz'u 01 vad dk gSA (5X1=05)
Note:- Attempt all questions. Each question carries 01 mark.
iz'u 1- lgh fodYi pqfu;s %&
Choose the correct option :-
(i) fo"kk.kq dh [kkst fdl oSKkfud us dh Fkh \
¼v½ MkfoZu ¼c½ jkcVZ gqd ¼l½ bokuksoLdh ¼n½ LVsuys
Which scientist discovered the virus ?
(m) Darwin (b) Robert hook (c) Iwanowski (d) Stanley
(ii) dsi dksf'kdk,a ikbZ tkrh gSaA
¼v½ ÅMksxksfu;e ¼c½ dkjk ¼l½ okmdsfj;k ¼n½ ,DVksdkjil
Cap cells are found in
(m) Oedogeniom (b) Chara (c) Vaucheria (d) Ectocarpus
(iii) dod dk og oxZ ftlesa ySafxd tuu ugh ik;k tkrk gSA
¼v½ Qk;dksekbZflVht ¼c½ ,LdksekbZflVht
¼l½ csflfM;ksekbZflVht ¼n½ M~;wVjksekbZflVht
The class of fungi in which sexual reproduction is not found
(m) Phycomycetes (b) Ascomycetes (c) Basidiomycetes (d) Deuteromycetes
(iv) czk;ksQkbVk dk eknk tuukax dgykrk gSA
¼v½ Åxksfu;k ¼c½ vkdhZxksfu;k ¼l½ ,Ldksxksfu;e ¼n½ dkjiksxksfu;e
The female sex organs in bryophyta are.
(k) Oogonia (b) Archigonia (c) Ascogonium (d) Carpogonium
(v) Dyc ekl dk lk/kkj.k uke gSA
¼v½ ykbdksiksfM;e ¼c½ flysftusyk ¼l½ bfDoflVe ¼n½ ekjlhfy;k
Club mass is the common name of.
(l) Lycopodium (b) Selaginella (c) Equisetum (d) Marselia

Section-B (Short Answer type questions)

Vhi %& lHkh ik¡p iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 03 vad dk gSA (5X3=15)
Note:- Attempt all five questions. Each question carries 03 marks.
iz'u 2- ekbdksIykTek
vFkok (OR)
lk;ukscSDVhfj;k esa iztuu
Reproduction in cyanobacteria

iz'u 3- 'kSoky fixesUVA

Algal pigment
vFkok (OR)
ÅMksxksfu;e ds ok;u ujA
Dwarf male of oedogonium.
iz'u 4- vYVjusfj;kA
vFkok (OR)
fo"ke tkfydrk
iz'u 5- xsek diA
Gemma cup.
vFkok (OR)
bysVlZ ,oa vkeklh bysVlZA
Elaters and pseudo elaters.
iz'u 6- VsfjMksQkbVk ds lkekU; y{k.kA
General characters of pteridophytes
vFkok (OR)
jkbfu;k dh ckg~; lajpukA
Morphology of Rhynia.

Section-C (Long Answer type questions)

Vhi %& dksbZ nks iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 10 vad dk gSA (2X10=20)
Note:- Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

iz'u 7- thok.kqvksa ds ySafxd tuu dk o.kZu dfj;sA

Describe the sexual reproduction in bacteria.

iz'u 8- okmdsfj;k dh lajpuk ,oa ySafxd iztuu dk o.kZu dfj;sA

Describe the structure and sexual reproduction of vaucheria.

iz'u 9- dodksa ds vkfFkZd egRo ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k,A

Write an essay on economic importance of fungi .

iz'u 10- ekjdsfU'k;k ,oa ,UFkksfljkl ds chtk.kqn~fen dk rqyukRed o.kZu fp= dh lgk;rk ls dhft,A
Give the comparative account of sporophytes of marchantia and anthoceros with the help of suitable

iz'u 11- ykbdksiksfM;e ds fofHkUu izdkj ds izksFkSyl dk lfp= o.kZu dfj,A

Describe the types of prothallus of lycopodium with diagram.



Roll No…….. B.Sc. I Year Examination April – 2018 Y-1841

Botany (Paper - II)
(Diversity of Higher Plants)
Time: 3 Hours Max.M. 40/ Min.M.13
Section-A (Objective type question)
Vhi %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd iz'u 01 vad dk gSA (5X1=05)
Note:- Attempt all questions. Each question carries 01 mark.
iz'u 1- lgh fodYi pqfu;s %&
Choose the correct option :-
(i) jsftu dk thok'e dgykrk gS &
¼v½ vEcj ¼c½ dksy ¼l½ e`nk'e ¼n½ dksy ckWy
Fossil of Rasin knows as
(n) Amber (b) Coal (c) Impression (d) Coal Ball
(ii) ia[k;qDr ijkxd.k ik;s tkrs gSa &
¼v½ ikbul ¼c½ lkbdl ¼l½ bQsMªk ¼n½ xqM+gy
Winged pollen grains found in
(n) Pines (b) Cycas (c) Ephedra (d) Gurhal
(iii) jk"Vªh; ouLifr m|ku dgk¡ gS \
¼v½ fnYyh ¼c½ vkxjk ¼l½ enzkl ¼n½ Hkksiky
Where is national botanical garden ?
(n) Delhi (b) Agra (c) Madras (d) Bhopal
(iv) ykdZLij ik;k tkrk gS &
¼v½ jsuudqyslh ¼c½ ekyoslh ¼l½ lksysuslh ¼n½ fyfy;slh
Larkspur found in
(l) Ranunculaceae (b) Malvaceae (c) Solanceae (d) Liliaceae
(v) ml ikS/ks dk uke] tks viuk Hkkstu ifRr;ksa esa lafpr j[krk gSA
¼v½ I;kt ¼c½ xUuk ¼l½ vke ¼n½ vkyw
Name of plants which stored their food in leaves.
(m) Onion (b) Sugarcane (c) Mango (d) Potato

Section-B (Short Answer type questions)

Vhi %& lHkh ik¡p iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 03 vad dk gSA (5X3=15)
Note:- Attempt all five questions. Each question carries 03 marks.
iz'u 2- thok'eksa ds izdkj dk o.kZu dfj;sA
Describe various types of fossils.
vFkok (OR)
cht LoHkko dh mRifRr ij laf{kIr fVIi.kh fyf[k,A
Write a short note on origin of seed habit.

iz'u 3- isfify;ksfl;l nyiqat dk ukekafdr fp= cukb;sA
Draw a well labelled diagram of papillionaceous.
vFkok (OR)
,fo;slh dqy dk vkfFkZd egRo crykb;sA
Explain economic importance of family Abiaceae.
iz'u 4- bQsMªk ds rus dh vuqizLFk dkV dk lfp= o.kZu dfj;sA
Describe T.S. of ephedra stem with diagram.
vFkok (OR)
lkbdl ds thou pØ dk lfp= o.kZu dfj;sA
Describe life cycle of cycas with diagram.
iz'u 5- okuLifrd m|kuksa ds uke fyf[k;sA
Write the name of botanical garden.
vFkok (OR)
fo'o ds 10 gjcsfj;e ds uke fyf[k,A
Write name of 10 herbarium of world.
iz'u 6- ofVZflykLVj iq"iØe ij fVIi.kh fyf[k;sA
Write verticellester infloresence.
vFkok (OR)
iks;lh dqy ds vkfFkZd egRo ij fVIi.kh fyf[k,A
Write a note on economic importance of family poaceae.

Section-C (Long Answer type questions)

Vhi %& dksbZ nks iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 10 vad dk gSA (2X10=20)
Note:- Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
iz'u 7- Hkw oSKkfud le; lkfj.kh dk o.kZu dfj;sA
Describe geological time scale.
iz'u 8- ikbul ds thou pØ dk lfp= o.kZu dfj;sA
Describe life cycle of pinus with diagram.
iz'u 9- csUFke ,oa gqdj dk oxhZdj.k ,oa mlds xq.k nks"kksa dk o.kZu dfj;sA
Describe the classification of Bentham & Hooker and also gives its merits & demerits.
iz'u 10- ekyoslh dqy dk lfp= o.kZu dfj;s rFkk vkfFkZd egRo ds 10 ikS/kksa ds uke fyf[k;sA
Describe family Malvacee with diagram and write 10 plants name with economic importance.
iz'u 11- dqy ,LVsjslh ,aft;ksLie dk lokZf/kd fodflr dqy gSA bl dFku dh foospuk dfj;sA
Family aster aceae is a highly evolved family of angiospem. Discuss this statement.


Roll No…….. B.Sc. I Year Examination April – 2018 Y-1842
Geology (Paper - I)
(Geodynamics & Geomorphology)
Time: 3 Hours Max.M. 40/ Min.M.13
Section-A (Objective type question)
Vhi %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd iz'u 01 vad dk gSA (5X1=05)
Note:- Attempt all questions. Each question carries 01 mark.
iz'u 1- lgh fodYi pqfu;s %&
Choose the correct option :-
(i) Tokykeq[kh dk izdkj ftlesa ykok dk 'kkfUriwoZd mnxkj gksrk gSA
¼v½ folqfo;u ¼c½ LVªkEcksfy;u ¼l½ Iyhfu;u ¼n½ gokbZ
Types of Volcanoes which have quite eruption of lava is
(o) Vesuvian (b) Strombolian (c) Plinian (d) Hawaiian
(ii) gsjh gsl us ftl fl)kar dks izfrikfnr fd;k Fkk] og gS &
¼v½ egk}hih; foLFkkiu ¼c½ lkxj fury izlkj.k
¼l½ ioZru fl)kar ¼n½ mijksDr lHkh
Harry Hess Propounded the concept of
(o) Continental drift (b) Sea floor spreading
(c) Orogeny (d) All the above
(iii) dkYlZcxZ dVd fLFkr gS &
¼v½ fgUn egklkxj ¼c½ iz'kkUr egklkxj
¼l½ vVykafVd egklkxj ¼n½ vkdZfVd egklkxj
Carlsberg ridge is located in
(o) Indian Ocean (b) Pacific Ocean (c) Atlantic Ocean (d) Arctic Ocean
(iv) >kM+u >hy dk fuekZ.k unh dh fdl voLFkk esa gksrk gS &
¼v½ ;qokoLFkk ¼c½ o`)koLFkk ¼l½ izkS<koLFkk ¼n½ izkjfEHkd voLFkk
Ox-bow Lake is formed in which stage of river.
(m) Young Stage (b) Old Stage (c) Mature Stage (d) Initial Stage
(v) ysiht] ;qokyk vkSj Mksykbu LFkykd`fr;k¡ lacaf/kr gSa &
¼v½ fgeun ¼c½ egklkxj ¼l½ iou ¼n½ dkLVZ LFkykd`fr
Lapies, Uvala & Doline landforms are related with
(n) Glacier (b) Ocean (c) Wind (d) Karst topography

Section-B (Short Answer type questions)

Vhi %& lHkh ik¡p iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 03 vad dk gSA (5X3=15)
Note:- Attempt all five questions. Each question carries 03 marks.
iz'u 2- HkwiiZVh ,oa izkokj
Earth Crust & Mantle
vFkok (OR)

HkwdEi dk izHkko
Effects of Earthquake
iz'u 3- dsUnzh; Tokykeq[kh ds izdkj
Types of Central Volcano
vFkok (OR)
Tokykeq[kh ds mRikn
Products of Volcano
iz'u 4- IysV lhek;sa
Plate Boundaries
vFkok (OR)
iz'u 5- Tokykeq[kh; LFky:i
Volcanic Landform
vFkok (OR)
unh foliZ.k
River Meandering
iz'u 6- Hks<+ ihB 'kSy
Roche Moutonee
vFkok (OR)
LVsysDVkbV ,oa LVsysXekbV
Stalactite & Stalagmite

Section-C (Long Answer type questions)

Vhi %& dksbZ nks iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 10 vad dk gSA (2X10=20)
Note:- Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
iz'u 7- i`Foh dh vk;q ij fVIi.kh fyf[k;sA
Write note on age of the Earth.
iz'u 8- egk}hih; foLFkkiu dh osxuj dh vo/kkj.kk le>kb;sA
Explain Wegener's hypothesis of continental drift.
iz'u 9- HkkSfrd ,oa jklk;fud vi{k; dk o.kZu dhft,A
Describe physical & chemical weathering.
iz'u 10- iou ds HkkSxksfyd dk;ksZa dk o.kZu dhft;sA
Describe geological works of wind.
iz'u 11- fgeunh; Hkw vkd`fr;ksa dk o.kZu dhft,A
Describe glacial landform.


Roll No…….. B.Sc. I Year Examination April 2018 Y-1843
Geology (Paper – II)
(Crystallography and Mineralogy)
Time: 3 Hours Max.M. 40/ Min.M.13
Section-A (Objective type question)
Vhi %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd iz'u 01 vad dk gSA (5X1=05)
Note:- Attempt all questions. Each question carries 01 mark.
iz'u 1- lgh fodYi pqfu;s %&
Choose the correct option :-

(i) v"VQyd vkd`fr dk feyj lwpdkad D;k gS\

What is the Miller's Index of octahedron form?
(p) 211 (b) 111 (c) 221 (d) 210

(ii) dkSu ls fØLVy leqnk; ds varxZr ftIle Vkbi lefefr oxZ vkrk gS\
¼v½ ?kuh; ¼c½ ,dufrd ¼l½ f=urk{k ¼n½ fo"keyack{k
Which of the crystal system belongs to the Gypsum type symmetry class?
(p) Cubic (b) Monoclinic (c) Triclinic (d) Orthorhombic

(iii) ,EQhcksy lewg ds [kfutksa esa dkSu lh flfydsV lajpuk ikbZ tkrh gS\
¼v½ lkbDyks ¼c½ vkbuks ¼l½ Qkbyks ¼n½ lksjks
Which of the silicate structure occurs in Amphibole group of minerals?
(p) Cyclo (b) Ino (c) Phylo (d) Soro

(iv) buesa ls dkSu lk lenSf'kd [kfut gS\

¼v½ DikV~tZ ¼c½ ck;ksVkbV ¼l½ xkusZV ¼n½ vkWxkbV
Which of these minerals is an isotropic?
(n) Quartz (b) Biotite (c) Garnet (d) Augite

(v) dkSu ls [kfut esa eqDrkHk |qfr ik;h tkrh gS\

¼v½ DokV~tZ ¼c½ ghjk ¼l½ eLdksokbV ¼n½ eSXuslkbV
Which of the minerals has pearly lusture?
(o) Quartz (b) Diamond (c) Muscovite (d) Magnesite

Section-B (Short Answer type questions)

Vhi %& lHkh ik¡p iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 03 vad dk gSA (5X3=15)
Note:- Attempt all five questions. Each question carries 03 marks.

iz'u 2- fØLVy ds vo;o ifjHkkf"kr dhft;sA

Define the elements of crystals.
vFkok (OR)
fØLVy bdkbZ dks"k ds izdkj ij fVIi.kh fyf[k;sA
Write note on types of crystal unit cell.

iz'u 3- lefefr ds rRo le>kb;saA
Explain the elements of symmetry.
vFkok (OR)
fØLVy esa ;eyu ij fVIi.kh fyf[k;sA
Write note on twinning in crystals.

iz'u 4- Bksl foy;u ij fVIi.kh fyf[k;sA

Write note on Solid solution.
vFkok (OR)
lekd`frdrk ij fVIi.kh fyf[k;sA
Write note on isomorphism.

iz'u 5- viorZukad ,oa f}viorZu dks le>kb;sA

Explain refractive index and double refraction.
vFkok (OR)
viorZu ] Økafrd dks.k rFkk iw.kZ vkarfjd ijkorZu dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;sA
Define refraction , critical angle and total internal reflection.

iz'u 6- ck;ksVkbV rFkk gkbijLFkhu ds izdk'kh; xq.k fyf[k;sA

Write the optical properties of Biotite and Hypersthene.
vFkok (OR)
DokV~tZ ds HkkSfrd ,oa izdk'kh; xq.k fyf[k;sA
Write the physical and optical properties of quartz.

Section-C (Long Answer type questions)

Vhi %& dksbZ nks iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 10 vad dk gSA (2X10=20)
Note:- Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

iz'u 7- fØLVy vadu i)fr dh feyj lwpdkad iz.kkyh le>kb;sA

Explain the Miller's index system of crystal notations.

iz'u 8- cSjkbV Vkbi oxZ dh lefefr ,oa fØLVy :iksa dk o.kZu dhft;sA
Describe the symmetry and forms of Baryte type class.

iz'u 9- flfydsV lajpukvksa dk oxhZdj.k nhft;s rFkk VsDVks flfydsV lajpuk dk mnkgj.k lfgr o.kZu dhft;sA
Give classification of Silicate structure and describe with example tecto-silicate structure.

iz'u 10- [kfutksa ds lw{en'khZ; v/;;u ds izdk'kh; xq.kksa dk o.kZu dhft;sA

Describe the optical properties of minerals studied under microscope.

iz'u 11- QsYlikj [kfut lewg ds laxBu ] HkkSfrd ,oa izdk'kh; xq.kksa dk o.kZu dhft;sA
Describe the composition , physical and optical properties of Felspar mineral group.


Roll No…….. B.Sc. I Year Examination April 2018 Y-1844
Biotechnology (Paper – I)
(Cell Structure and Biology)
Time: 3 Hours Max.M. 40/ Min.M.13
Section-A (Objective type question)
Vhi %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd iz'u 01 vad dk gSA (5X1=5)
Note:- Attempt all questions. Each question carries 01 mark.
iz'u 1- lgh fodYi pqfu;s %&
Choose the correct option :-

(i) ,DLVªk U;wdfy;j Mh-,u-,- ik;k tkrk gS %&

¼v½ DyksjksIykLV esa ¼c½ ,UMksIykfTed jsfVdqye esa ¼l½ jkbckslkse~l ¼n½ dsUnzd esa
Extra nuclear DNA found in :-
(q) Chloroplast (b) Endoplasmic reticulum (c) ribosomes (d) nucleus

(ii) IykTek f>Yyh curh gS %&

¼v½ izksVhu ls ¼c½ fyfiM ls ¼l½ lsywykst ls ¼n½ izksVhu o fyfiM ls
Plasma membrane is composed of :-
(q) Protein (b) Lipids (c) Cellulose (d) Protein & lipids

(iii) jkbckslkse enn djrk gS %&

¼v½ izdk'k la'ys"k.k esa ¼c½ izksVhu la'ys"k.k esa ¼l½ fyfiM la'ys"k.k esa ¼n½ 'olu esa
Ribosome helps in :-
(q) Photosynthesis (b) Protein synthesis (c) Lipid synthesis (d) respiration

(iv) Mh-,u-,- jsiyhds'ku ik;k tkrk gS %&

¼v½ S izkoLFkk esa ¼c½ G izkoLFkk esa ¼l½ G2 izkoLFkk esa ¼n½ M izkoLFkk esa
DNA replication occurs in :
(o) S phase (b) G phase (c) G2 Phase (d) M Phase

(v) fyfiM cYd viVsd ,d mnkgj.k gS %&

¼v½ QsxksflLVksfll ¼c½ fiuksflLVksfll ¼l½ ,Dlks flLVksfll ¼n½ ,UMksflLVksfll
Bulk uptake of lipid is an example of :-
(p) Phagocytosis (b) Pinocytosis (c) Exocytosis (d) Endocytosis

Section-B (Short Answer type questions)

Vhi %& lHkh ik¡p iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 03 vad dk gSA (5X3=15)
Note:- Attempt all five questions. Each question carries 03 marks.

iz'u 2- vkdhZ cSDVhfj;k ij laf{kIr fVIi.kh fyf[k,A

Write short note on Archae Bacteria.
vFkok (OR)
;wdsfj;ksfVd dksf'kdk dk fp= cukb;sA
Draw structure of Eukaryotic cell.

iz'u 3- xkYxhdk; dk o.kZu dhft,A
Explain Golgi body.
vFkok (OR)
dsUnzd dh jpuk crkb;sA
Give structure of nucleus.

iz'u 4- jkbckslkse dk laf{kIr fooj.k nhft;sA

Give brief account of ribosome.
vFkok (OR)
ekbVksfll dksf'kdk foHkktu le>kb;sA
Explain mitosis.

iz'u 5- ,fDVo o iSflo folj.k crkb;sA

Explain active and passive diffusion.
vFkok (OR)
esEczsu izksVhu ij laf{kIr fVIi.kh dfj;sA
Write short note on Membrane Protein.

iz'u 6- dSalj ds izdkj crkb;sA

Describe types of cancer.
vFkok (OR)
dSalj esa fyIr thal ds dk;Z crkb;sA
Explain function of various genes involved in cancer.

Section-C (Long Answer type questions)

Vhi %& dksbZ nks iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 10 vad dk gSA (2X10=20)
Note:- Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

iz'u 7- ikni dksf'kdk o tUrq dksf'kdk esa varj crkb;sA

Differentiate between Plant cell and animal cell.

iz'u 8- ekbVksdkafMª;k dh jpuk o dk;Z le>kb;sA

Explain structure and functions of mitochondria.

iz'u 9- lsy&lsy bUVj ,D'ku ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\

What do you mean by cell-cell interaction?

iz'u 10- IykTek esEczsu ds ekMYl dks le>kb;sA

Explain models of plasma membrane.

iz'u 11- ,iksi~Vksfll dks foLrkj ls le>kb;sA

Discuss detail note on apoptosis.


Roll No…….. B.Sc. I Year Examination April – 2018 Y-1845

Biotechnology (Paper II)

Time: 3 Hours Max.M. 40/ Min.M - 13
Section-A (Objective type question)
Vhi %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd iz'u 01 vad ds gSA (5X1=5)
Note:- Attempt all questions. Each question carries 01 marks.
1. (i) isfuflyhu ds vfo"dkjd dkSu gS &
¼v½ ,ysDltsaMj ¶ysfeax ¼c½ jkcVZ dksp ¼l½ Y;wosugkWd ¼n½ lHkh
Who is the discoverer of penicillin -
(a) Alexzender flemming (b) Robert koch (c) Luvenhock (d) All
(ii) fiz;ku gS&
¼v½ fyfiM ds NksVs VqdM+s ¼c½ U;wfDyd ,flM ds NksVs VqdM+s
¼l½ dkcksZgkbMªsV ds NksVs VqdM+s ¼n½ izksVhu ds NksVs VqdM+s
Prions is-
(a) Small fragments of lipid (b) Small fragments of Nucleic acid
(c) Small fragments of Carbohydrates (d) Small fragments of Protein
(iii) {kkjh; jatu dgykrs gS &
¼v½ /kukRed jatu ¼c½ jlk;fud jatu ¼l½ _.kkRed jatu ¼n½ vEyh; jatu
Basic stains are also known as -
(a) cationic stains (b) chemical stains (c) anionic stain (d) acidic stains
(iv) og dky tks thok.kq o`f) oØ ds izR;sd dky ds e/; es mifLFkr gksrk gS
¼v½ Vªkath'ku dky ¼c½ ysx dky ¼l½ ?kkrkadh dky ¼n½ fLFkj.k dky
Phase that present between each phase of bacterial growth curve is
(a) transition phase (b) lag phase (c) death phase (d) log phase
(v) fuEu esa dkSu fd.ou dh fdz;k gS\
¼v½ cSp fof/k ¼c½ lrr izfdz;k ¼l½ v ,oa c nksuks ¼n½ mijksDr dksbZ ugha
Which of the following is fermentation process?
(q) Batch process (b) Continuous process (c) a and b both (d) None

Section-B (Short Answer type questions)

Vhi %& dksbZ ik¡p iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 03 vad dk gSA (5X3=15)
Note:- Attempt any five questions. Each question carries 03 marks.

iz'u 2- ik'pj izHkko A

Pastuer effect.
vFkok (OR)
izksdSj;ksV ,oa ;wdSj;ksV esa vUrj
Difference between prokaryote and Eukaryote.

iz'u 3- thok.kw ds dksf'kdk vkoj.k ij fVIi.kh fyf[k,A
Write short notes on cell envelop of Bacteria.
vFkok (OR)
lw{en'khZ ds ckjs essa crk;saA
Describe Microscopy.

iz'u 4- fuxsfVo vfHkjatu rduhd

Negative staining technique
vFkok (OR)
ok;jkWbM D;k gSa\
What is Viriods?

iz'u 5- vukDlh 'olu le>kb;sA

Explain anaerobic respiration.
vFkok (OR)
lw{e thoksa ds o`f) dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dk fooj.k nhft,A
Discuss the factors affecting the microbial Growth.

iz'u 6- flfVªd ,flM ds mRiknu ds ckjs esa crk;saA

Write about Production of Citric acid.
vFkok (OR)
fd.ou D;k gSa\
What is Fermentation?

Section-C (Long Answer type questions)

Vhi %& dksbZ nks iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 10 vad dk gSA (2X10=20)
Note:- Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
iz'u 7- ftok.kqvksa ds oxhZdj.k esa oxhZt eSU;qvy ds egRo ds ckjs esa crkb,A
Explain the importance of Beragy”s Mannual in bacterial taxonomy.

iz'u 8- lw{e thoksa ds iks"k.k laca/kh izdkjksa ij foLrkj ls fooj.k fy[ksaA

Write detail account on Nutritional types of Micro organism.

iz'u 9- lw{enf'kZ;ksa ds lw{en'khZ igpku gsrq fof'k"V vfHkjatu rduhdksa ds ckjs esa fyf[k,A
Write the special staining techniques for microscopic identification of Microorganisms.

iz'u 10- lw{en'khZ thoksa dh o`f) dks ekius dh fof/k;ksa dks Li"V dhft,A
Explain the methods for measurement of microbial growth.

iz'u 11- tSfod ukbVªkstu fLFkjhdj.k dk o.kZu dhft,A

Explain the process of Biological Nitrogen fixation.

Roll No…….. B.Sc. I Year Examination April 2018 Y-1846
Computer Science (Paper – I)
(Fundamentals of Computer)
Time: 3 Hours Max.M. 40/ Min.M.13
Section-A (Objective type question)
Vhi %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd iz'u 01 vad dk gSA (5X1=5)
Note:- Attempt all questions. Each question carries 01 mark.
iz'u 1- lgh fodYi pqfu;s %&
Choose the correct option :-
(i) tkW;fLVd gS %&
Joystick is :-
(r) Output device (b) Input Device (c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None of these
(ii) fizaVj dh xfr dks lkekU;r% ukirs gSa %&
The Speed of Printer is generally measured as :-
(r) LPS (b) PPM (c) DPI (d) PPS
(iii) ^esy etZ* ,d lqfo/kk gS %&
Mail Merge is a facility of -
(r) MS-Excel (b) MS-Word (c) Operating System (d) All of the above
(iv) ckbujh la[;k ¼11001½2 dh rqY; Msfley la[;k gS %&
The Decimal equivalent of Binary (11001)2 is :-
(p) 25 (b) 35 (c) 45 (d) 55
(v) fdrus fcV dk ,d chlhMh dksM gksrk gS %&
How many bits are in BCD code ?
(r) 6 bits (b) 8 bits (c) 7 bits (d) 9 bits

Section-B (Short Answer type questions)

Vhi %& dksbZ ik¡p iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 03 vad dk gSA (5X3=15)
Note:- Attempt any five questions. Each question carries 03 marks.

iz'u 2- laf{kIr fVIi.kh fyf[k,A

Write Short notes on :- (i) Workstation (ii) Firmware

iz'u 3- fuEufyf[kr esa vUrj fyf[k, %&

Differentiate the following :-
(i) Control panel Vs Windows Explorer.
(ii) Input devices Vs Output devices.

iz'u 4- QkesZfVax D;k gksrh gS\ blds izdkjksa dks le>kb,A

What is formatting? Explain its various types.

iz'u 5- SOP vkSj POS form esa varj dhft,A

Differentiate between SOP and POS form.

iz'u 6- Boolean Algebra D;k gS\ mnkgj.k lfgr le>kb;sA

What is Boolean Algebra? Explain it with the help of Example?
iz'u 7- n'keyo la[;k 25 dks ckbujh la[;k esa cnfy, A
Convert decimal number 25 into Binary number.

iz'u 8- izkbZejh eseksjh D;k gS\ blds fofHkUu izdkjksa dks le>kb,A
What is Primary Memory? Explain its various types.

iz'u 9- Synchronous vkSj Asynchronous data transfer esa varj dhft,A

Differentiate between Synchronous and Asynchronous data transfer?

iz'u 10- Microprocessor ds fofHkUu Components dks le>kb;s\

Explain various components of a microprocessor?

Section-C (Long Answer type questions)

Vhi %& dksbZ nks iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 10 vad dk gSA (2X10=20)
Note:- Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

iz'u 11- dEI;wVj ds fofHkUu Hkkxksa dks n'kkZrk gqvk ,d Cykd vkjs[k cukb;s ,oa blds izR;sd Hkkx dh dk;Zfof/k dh
foospuk dhft,A
Draw the schematic block diagram of computer showing its essential components and discuss the
functions of each parts?

iz'u 12- dEI;wVj ds gkMZos;j rFkk lk¶Vos;j dk D;k vFkZ gS\ lk¶Vos;j ds fofHkUu izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft,A
What do you mean by Hardware and Software? Explain the various types of Software?

iz'u 13- Logical circuits dks simplify djus ds fofHkUu fof/k;ksa dks le>kb,A
Explain various methods for simplification of logical circuits.

iz'u 14- Addressing modes D;k gSa\ buds fofHkUu izdkjksa dks le>kb;sA
What are addressing modes? Explain its various types?

iz'u 15- fuEufyf[kr ij laf{kIr fVIi.kh fyf[k,A

Write short notes on the following :-
(a) Mail Merge (b) Header & Footer (c) Page Setup
(d) De-morgan's Theorem (e) Micro-controllers.


Roll No…….. B.Sc. I Year Examination April 2018 Y-1847
Computer Science (Paper – II)
(Programming in 'C')
Time: 3 Hours Max.M. 40/ Min.M.13
Section-A (Objective type question)
Vhi %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd iz'u 01 vad dk gSA (5X1=05)
Note:- Attempt all questions. Each question carries 01 mark.
iz'u 1- lgh fodYi pqfu;s %&
Choose the correct option :-

(i) izksxzke esa feyus okyh ,jlZ dgykrh gS %&

¼v½ cXl ¼c½ feLVsDl ¼l½ flUVsDl ¼n½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha
Errors found in programs are known as :-
(s) Bugs (b) Mistakes (c) Syntax (d) None of these

(ii) izksxzke ds fodkl dk igyk pj.k gksrk gS %&

¼v½ fMtkbu ¼c½ osfyMs'ku ¼l½ ,ukfyfll ¼n½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha
The first step for the development of program is :-
(s) Design (b) Validation (c) Analysis (d) None of these.

(iii) gkbZ ysoy Hkk"kk dk mnkgj.k ugha gS %&

¼v½ C ¼c½ vlsEcyh Hkk"kk ¼l½ C++ ¼n½ tkok
Which is not a high level language :
(s) C (b) Assembly Language (c) C++ (d) Java

(iv) funsZ'kksa ds lsV tks dEI;wVj dks fofHkUu dk;Z djus ds fy, dgrs gSa %&
¼v½ czkmtj ¼c½ ySaXost ¼l½ izksxzke ¼n½ ifj.kke
The set of instructions given to the computer to perform the different work are known as :-
(q) Browser (b) Language (c) Program (d) Result

(v) 'C' izksxzkfeax

Hkk"kk dk fodkl fdl ds }kjk fd;k x;k Fkk %&
¼v½ U;wVu ¼c½ ekfVZu fjpkMZ~l ¼l½ Msful fjph ¼n½ dsu FkkEilu
'C' Programming language was developed by :-
(s) Newton (b) Martin Rechards (c) Dennis Ritchie (d) Ken Thompson
Section-B (Short Answer type questions)
Vhi %& fdUgha ik¡p iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 03 vad dk gSA (5X3=15)
Note:- Attempt any five questions. Each question carries 03 marks.

iz'u 2- C Hkk"kk dh fo'ks"krk;sa fyf[k,A

Explain the features of C language?

iz'u 3- VkWi&Mkmu vizksp dh O;k[;k dhft,A

Explain Top-down approach.

iz'u 4- C esa MsVk izdkj dks le>kb;sA

Explain different data types in 'C'.
iz'u 5- ywfiax D;k gksrh gS\ le>kb;sA
What is looping? Explain it.

iz'u 6- ekM~;wyj izksxzkfeax VsfDud D;k gksrh gS\ le>kb, ,oa blds ykHk fyf[k,A
What is Modular Programming Technic? Explain and write its advantages.

iz'u 7- dkUlVsUV D;k gS\ le>kb;sA

What is constant? Explain it.

iz'u 8- fjdlZu D;k gksrk gS\ le>kb;sA

What is Recursion? Explain it.

iz'u 9- C esa LVksjst Dyklsl dh O;k[;k dhft,A

Explain storage classes in 'C'.

Section-C (Long Answer type questions)

Vhi %& dksbZ nks iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 10 vad dk gSA (2X10=20)
Note:- Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

iz'u 10- C izksxzke ds LVªDpj dh mnkgj.k lfgr O;k[;k dhft,\

Explain the structure of C program with an example?

iz'u 11- ,js D;k gksrk gS\ fofHkUu izdkj ds ,js dh mnkgj.k lfgr O;k[;k dhft,A
What is an Array? Explain different types of Array with example?

iz'u 12- C Hkk"kk esa fofHkUu dUVªksy LVsVesUV~l dh O;k[;k dhft,A

Explain different control statements in C?

iz'u 13- Qkby gSUMfyax ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ VsDlV Qkby rFkk okbujh Qkby ds chp varj Li"V dhft,\
What is file handling? Explain the difference between text file and binary file?

iz'u 14- vkijsVj D;k gksrs gSa\ C Hkk"kk esa iz;qDr gksus okys fofHkUu vkijsVlZ dh O;k[;k dhft,A
What is Operator? Explain different types of Operators used in C?


Roll No…….. B.A. I Year Examination April - 2018 Y-1848
Foundation Course (Paper I)
(uSfrd ewY; ,oa fgUnh Hkk"kk)
Time: 3 Hours Max.M. 30/ Min.M.10
Section-A (Objective type question)
Vhi %& lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd iz'u 01 vad ds gSA (5X1=05)
iz'u 1- lgh fodYi pqfu;s %&
(i) ^iq"i dh vfHkyk"kk* fdl fo/kk dh jpuk gS \
¼v½ dgkuh ¼c½ dfork ¼l½ fuca/k ¼n½ ,dkadh
(ii) ^dkfyUnh* dk i;kZ;okph gS &
¼v½ xaxk ¼c½ ljLorh ¼l½ ;equk ¼n½ xksnkojh
(iii) ^yksdrU= ,d /keZ gS* fuca/k ds jpkf;rk gSa &
¼v½ Lokeh foosdkuUn ¼c½ jke/kkjh flag fnudj ¼l½ MkW- loZiYyh jk/kkd`".ku ¼n½ 'kjn tks'kh
(iv) ^laLd`fr ds pkj v/;k;* dh Hkwfedk fdlus fy[kh \
¼v½ jke/kkjh flag fnudj ¼c½ egkRek xka/kh ¼l½ ia- tokgjyky usg: ¼n½ lw;ZdkUr f=ikBh fujkyk
(v) izkd`frd lH;rk vkus ij gh vkrh gS &
¼v½ ekufld lH;rk ¼c½ lkfRod lH;rk ¼l½ dkfed lH;rk ¼n½ /kkfeZd lH;rk

Section-B (Short Answer type questions)

Vhi %& lHkh rhu iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 03 vad dk gSA (3X3=09)

iz'u 2- ^Lora=rk iqdkjrh* dfork dk izfrik| Li"V dhft;sA vFkok

vFkZ ds vk/kkj ij okD; ds Hksn crykb;sA
iz'u 3- vusdkFkhZ 'kCn dks lksnkgj.k ifjHkkf"kr dhft,A vFkok
^ued dk njksxk* dgkuh dk lans'k crykb;sA
iz'u 4- Hkxoku cq) dh izeq[k f'k{kkvksa ij izdk'k Mkfy,A vFkok
^f'k{k.k dk;Z O;kikj ugh] ifo= /keZ gSA* 'kh"kZd dks iYyfor dhft,A

Section-C (Long Answer type questions)

Vhi %& lHkh iz'u gy djsaA izR;sd iz'u 04 vad dk gSA (4X4 =16)

iz'u 5- ^,d Fks jktk Hkkst* fuca/k dk lkjka'k vius 'kCnksa esa fyf[k,A vFkok
,dkFkhZ ,oa vusdkFkhZ dks ifjHkkf"kr djrs gq, lksnkgj.k vUrj dhft,A
iz'u 6- ^yksdra= ,d /keZ gS* fo"k; ij lkjxfHkZr vkys[k fyf[k,A vFkok
^unh #drh gS ugh* ikB ds vk/kkj ij ufn;ksa dk egRo crykb;sA
iz'u 7- ^,d Hkkjr Js"B Hkkjr* fo"k; ij ys[k fyf[k,A vFkok
vQlj ds rcknys ds n`'; dk o.kZu dhft,A
iz'u 8- uSfrd ewY; dks ifjHkkf"kr djrs gq, izeq[k rRoksa dh foospuk dhft,A vFkok
^vkpj.k dh lH;rk] thou dh vfuok;Z vko';drk gS* bl dFku dh foospuk dhft,A


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