VAGGIONE ArticulatingMicrotime 1996
VAGGIONE ArticulatingMicrotime 1996
VAGGIONE ArticulatingMicrotime 1996
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Music Journal
Computers and Music as a Complex System of granular matter (Guyon and Troadec 1994), aim-
ing to define its territory taking distance from both
"Computers are not primarily used for solving micro-physics and chemical analysis-synthesis. But
well-structured problems ... but instead are compo- already, Antoine Lavoisier has clearly traced the
nents in complex systems" (Winograd 1979). Music edge between these domains (Lavoisier 1789):
composition can be envisioned as one of these com-
plex systems, in which the processing power of Granulating and powdering are, strictly speak-
computers is dealing with a variety of concrete ac- ing, nothing other than mechanical prelimi-
tions involving multiple time scales and levels of nary operations, the object of which is to di-
representation. vide, to separate the molecules of a body and
The intersection of music and computers has cre- to reduce them to very fine particles. But so
ated a huge collection of possibilities for research long that one can push forward these opera-
and production. This field represents perhaps one tions, they cannot reach the level of the inter-
of the highest areas of cultural vitality of our time. nal structure of the body: they cannot even
It would be somewhat presumptuous to intend to break their aggregate itself; thus every mole-
sum up such richness in a few lines. Hence I will cule, after granulation, still resembles the origi-
dedicate this article to surveying some of the musi- nal body. This contrast with the true chemical
cally significant consequences of the introduction operations, such as, for example, dissolution,
of the digital tools in the field of sound processing, which changes intimately the structure of
allowing musicians, for the first time, to articu- the body.
late-to compose-at the level of microtime, that Naturally, once this distinction is clearly stated,
is, to elaborate a sonic syntax. there is room to define all kinds of intermediary
(fractional) levels where the different domains can
interact. To refer again to our example concerning
Surface Versus Internal Processing MIDI macro-processing, that we can bring about
changes in the spectral domain as side effects of
To clarify these notions, consider using a MIDI surface movements can be useful if we also have
note processor (a typical macrotime protocol) and the necessary tools to analyze and resynthesize the
increasing the density of notes per second to the morphologies thus obtained. What is interesting for
maximum that it can handle. In this way, we can music composition is the possibility of elaborate
obtain very rich granular surface textures, and even
syntaxes that might take into account the different
provoke morphological changes in the spectral do- time levels, without trying to make them uniform.
main as side effects of these surface movements. In fact, the sense of any compositional action con-
However, we cannot, by this procedure alone, di- scientiously articulating relations between differ-
rectly reach the level of microtime, by which I ent time levels depends essentially on the general
mean we cannot explicitly analyze or control the paradigm adopted by the composer. Evidently, he or
time-varying distribution of the spectral energy. she must make a coherent decision concerning the
The difference between surface and internal pro-status and the nature of the levels involved. This
cessing is well understood today. We can recall, means placing them in a continuum organized
among the disciplines studying the macroscopic do-as a linear hierarchy, or assuming the existence of
main, the recent developments of a macrophysics discontinuities--or simply non-linearities-and
then considering microtime, macrotime, and all
Computer Music Journal, 20:2, pp. 33-38, Summer 1996 intermediary dimensions as relative-even if
@ 1996 Massachusetts Institute of Technology well-defined-domains.
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