Anotations On Trevor-Wishart-Tongues-of-Fire PDF
Anotations On Trevor-Wishart-Tongues-of-Fire PDF
Anotations On Trevor-Wishart-Tongues-of-Fire PDF
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Department of Music
Sonic Composition
University of York
Heslington, York YO1 5DD, UK in Tongues of Fire
Editor's Note: The sound examples cited in this manipulation of a sound to produce related
article can be found on the Computer Music Jour- sounds, while the term transformation refers to a
nal CD volume 24 that accompanies the Winter process of sonic development through time; that
2000 issue. is, the use of sonic relationships between events to
build musical structures in time. This is also re-
In composing, I differentiate between the proce- ferred to as sonic modulation by analogy with mo-
dures I use to generate compositional materials tion between keys in the tonal system. We can
and the structures I lay out for the listener. It's not also proceed in several dimensions at once, and in
important for the listener to know anything about fact the discrete parameterization of sounds in
my compositional procedures, but I hope they in- terms of pitch, duration, etc., does not sit easily
form the formal and dramatic structure that I do with our perception and recognition of sounds in
hope the listener will perceive and appreciate, the real world.
though not necessarily consciously. Hence, much The method I therefore adopt is quite similar to
of this article is for the benefit of composers rather the computer-graphics model of evolution pro-
than potential listeners. posed by Richard Dawkins in The Blind Watch-
My composition Tongues of Fire (1994) is a mu- maker (1986): I begin with a starting sound, and
sical work created for the recorded medium using apply any number of different small metamorpho-
the computer. It relies on the computer's signal- ses. A metamorphosis must lead to a perceptually
processing power to metamorphose one kind of similar sound, as discussed later. I then transform
sound material into another, thereby making au- many of these sounds a little, and so on. In this
dible connections between different kinds of way, I build a tree of interconnected sounds with
sounds and enabling a musical structure to be de- its nodes and branches. As this process of sound
veloped in the sonic domain. generation proceeds, I select particular sounds to
Because sonic space is multidimensional and the further metamorphose, or to use finally in the
choice of possible starting sounds is unlimited, we piece, on the basis of their intrinsic aesthetic
need some way to navigate through this fascinat- qualities and their audible relationships to one an-
ing space of possibilities. In the early- and mid- other. However, some sounds may be used purely
20th century, composers became transfixed by because they form a perceptual bridge between
permutational procedures, deriving ultimately two other more notable sounds, like passing tones
from the serial method of Schonberg. However, in a pitch-based musical organization.
these procedures relied on a finite set of discrete This tree-generation approach is a generative
elements to permute. In contrast, sound-space is method, not a compositional rationale. In many
unbounded and continuous. A more detailed dis- cases, sets of related sounds used in the piece may
cussion of these ideas can be found in my books be derived from connected points along the tree,
On Sonic Art (Wishart 1985) and Audible Design but this is by no means necessary. Ultimately, my
(Wishart 1995). perception of the relationships among sounds de-
We can proceed seamlessly from one point to an- pends on my listening to them, and when I make
other (a continuous transformation) or by discrete such judgments, I have no interest in how, or even
steps (a sequence of discrete metamorphoses, more whether, the sounds are generatively related. I have
akin to traditional motivic variation, perhaps). I criticized elsewhere the confusion of composi-
use the term metamorphosis to refer to the sonic tional methodology with audible design (see, for
example, chapter 9 in Audible Design). Sounds
Computer Music Journal,24:2, pp. 22-30, Summer 2000 originating from very different generative processes
? 2000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. may have significant audible similarities, while
Wishart 23
spectral quality of a sound that gives it a clear the sound to be). No matter how abstracted from
sense of possessing a single pitch, as opposed to be- reality our sounds might be, we will still tend to
ing noise-like, inharmonic, or multipitched. The attribute material and dynamic causation to them
term is used to distinguish it from the harmonic that is based on our experience of sound in the real
sense of pitch. Thus, a rapidly sliding sine tone, es- world. (See for example the chapter entitled "Is
pecially one that crescendos from inaudibility and There a Natural Morphology of Sounds?" in On
then diminuendos into inaudibility, may never Sonic Art.) Hence, sonic metamorphosis can be a
have any specific pitch in the harmonic sense, yet multifaceted and subtle art.
it is perceived as having a pitch-like spectral qual- However, occasionally I allow myself to "run
ity, to have pitchness, or to be pitchal.) with" the result. For example, just beyond the
The signal-processing power of the computer pulsed-rhythmic climactic section of the piece (at
means that the starting sound becomes almost in- ca. 20:20), there is an extreme metamorphosis. I
finitely malleable. In these circumstances, we usually refer to this as the "fireworks" metamor-
need to make a distinction between what is tech- phosis. I always attach names to sounds, giving
nically a metamorphosis and what is perceptually some hint of their audible substance. This, for me,
a metamorphosis. As an extreme example, any is a vital organizational procedure when dealing
starting sound can be converted to noise by multi- with hosts of sonic material. Simple numbering or
plying each successive sample by a different ran- technical naming makes it difficult to locate a
dom number. Technically speaking, this could be sound again when one has a musical, rather than
regardedas a metamorphosis (the algorithm in- purely technical, goal in mind. One advantage of
volved is quite straightforward),but perceptually, composition with computers is that one is forced
there is no relationship between the starting sound to give a name to all soundfiles, whereas in the
and the resultant sound (and in fact the same or analog studio, one is faced with segments of tape,
very similar perceived resultant could arise, re- looking more or less identical (apartfrom their
gardless of the starting sound). However, even in length), and elaborate cataloging procedures must
this case, it is possible to conceive of creating a se- be followed to keep track of sound materials.
quence of increasingly noisy versions of the origi- The immediate starting sound (or sonic node) for
nal sound, spanning the timbral space between it, this metamorphosis is the sound voismetal (dis-
and noise (compare, for example, the metamorpho- cussed in more detail later), which has a percussive
sis of the boy's singing voice to a pure sine tone in vocal attack leading to an extended "metallic"
Karlheinz Stockhausen's Gesang der Jiinglinge inharmonic sound whose tessitura descends
[1958]). Perhaps in this way we might create a set slowly. The metamorphoses use waveset averaging:
of perceptually acceptable transformational steps the duration and shape of the starting sound's wave
for the listener, linking starting sound to noise. between each zero crossing is averagedover time.
Moreover, when presenting this material in a Applied to such a complex starting sound, waveset
piece, we don't need to sequence the increasingly averaging produces many unpredictable and noisy
noisy sounds in that temporal order. As long as it artifacts. The only perceptibly retained feature of
is possible for the listener to make the connection the starting sound is the descent in tessitura. Al-
at some stage of a repeated listening, we have a though it is on the edge of perceptual justifiability,
perceptible transformational structure, an audible I felt that this extreme metamorphosis fit well at
connection between two quite distinct sounds: our this particularly dramatic moment in the piece,
starting sound and noise. where the energy of the pulsed rhythmic material
In practice, I am more perceptually demanding subsides. Here, the piece has reached its transfor-
than this example suggests. Quite subtle changes mational outer limits, and is about to tie up the
in the nature of a sound (for example, changes to loose ends in a traditional coda, using mainly reca-
the attack characteristics) can radically alter our pitulated (rather than further metamorphosed) ma-
source attribution (what we imagine the source of terials from throughout the piece. The
Wishart 25
"bouncing" sounds to come. The deceleration is seamlessly becoming something different, like the
achieved with a nonstandard time-stretching tech- voice-to-bees metamorphosis in VOX 5 (Wishart
nique, giving stretched duration proportions of 1990), or as a sequence of discrete steps, like the
1:2:3:4:5:6:7.The stretching process divides the metamorphosis from singing voice to pure sine tone
original signal at every other zero crossing, and previously referredto in Gesang der Jiinglinge.
treats the signal segments thus produced as indi- In the continuous case, and also where discrete
vidual waveforms. Time stretching is achieved by metamorphic steps lead gradually away from one
the immediate N-times repetition of each wave- type of sound to a recognizably different type, I
form before proceeding to the next. Clearly, with a have compared this sonic process to key modula-
simple waveform such as a pure, fixed-frequency tion in the tonal system. Clearly, sonic space does
sine tone, this procedure produces perfect time not have the strictly symmetric and cyclical struc-
stretching, but applied to complex or rapidly ture of the tempered scale's cycle of fifths. We do
changing signals, it generates strange artifacts. In not even have an analogy of the octave in sonic
particular, once a waveform has been repeated space. But it is possible to create a similar sense of
about four times, it will generate a unique pitch. movement from one part of musical space to a rec-
(This is based on my own experience. It may be ognizably different one, for example, from voice-
that more cycles are needed with very high fre- like to wood-like, or to return to a sound sonically
quencies.) It is therefore possible, for example, to close to the original starting sound and to have a
start with a complex signal and proceed, step by sense of "distance" from our starting sound. Thus,
step, to a 256-times repetition of each component just as F-sharpmajor is much further from C major
"waveform," thereby generating a melodic se- than is G major, so an inharmonic resonant bell
quence of arbitrarytimbres and arbitraryrhythms. sound is further from the sound of pouring sand
In our case, as the number of waveform repetitions than from an inharmonic nonresonant bell sound.
increases, the original signal gradually breaks As sonic space is multidimensional (Wessel 1979),
down into an ultra-rapid stream of brief pitch it is difficult to impose any simple measure of sonic
cells. Toward the end of our sequence, therefore, distance (a metric) on that space; whereas in tonal
this pitch bubbling becomes apparent. space, G major is the same distance from C major
Near the end of the sequence, the same percus- as it is from D major, measuring around the cycle
sive vocal sound reappears, grouped into an accel- of fifths. However, I am not concerned with draw-
erating and decrescendoing set, suggesting a ing an exact parallel, but rather with merely dem-
bouncing object as its source. This rhythmic/loud- onstrating a certain analogy in the sonic domain
ness motive is repeated with sonic variations in with tonal motion, tonal return, and tonal distance.
which the waveforms are altered to a different We begin by examining the phrase that starts
shape for each repetition of the motive. Perceptu- with the pichstak D attack at ca. 2:40 and lasts un-
ally, we seem to hear bouncing on or in different til ca. 4:00 (as in Sound Example 6). The node
physical materials, for example, sand. The whole sound from which this phrase develops is
phrase concludes with a repetition of the resonant voismetal, and is heard immediately after the
D, sustained, with a slight tremolo as it decays to pichstak attack. It is developed in various ways. In
nothing. The complete opening phrase, as de- the first case, we produce a rather artificial
scribed above, can be heard in Sound Example 5. tremolo in the tail of the voismetal sound by im-
Hence, sonic development is intrinsic to the piece posing a rapid sequence of brief, shallow, loudness
even within its opening phrase, and we could con- dips. The first of these is heard at 2:40 (where the
tinue to examine the whole piece in this amount of phrase begins), and is the first of a sequence of dis-
sonic detail. However, I intend to look at just a few crete metamorphoses that gradually leads else-
example phrases to illustrate some of the multifari- where: a sonic modulation. Thus, on each
ous sonic processes used. Note that a sonic meta- recurrence of the voismetal sound in the ensuing
morphosis may proceed in the continuum, a sound overlayed texture, these loudness dips cut deeper
Wishart 27
first segment of the reconstructed sound, we choose superimposed shreds, the shredded gablcrowd
the first segment of the original sound, but for the sound retains some vocal clues. Eventually, after
second segment of the reconstructed sound, we thousands of shreds, the dominant events in the
choose the second or the first segment of the origi- resulting sound will be the splices themselves, and
nal sound. For the third segment of the recon- any originally complex starting sound will be re-
structed sound, we choose the third or the second, duced to low-level noise. However, there is a point
or the first segment of the original sound, and so on. along this path of successive shreddings where the
As a result of this selection procedure, there is vocal quality of the starting sound is lost, but not
always a possibility that some of the early, percus- its sonic diversity. At this stage, the sound be-
sive-attack segments of the original sound will ap- comes akin to the sound of water falling gently
pear anywhere in the reconstructed sound. Hence, around stones in a mountain stream.
this attack quality gets distributed randomly over Our phrase (13:20-15:10) is constructed by splic-
the time-stretched resultant sound, producing the ing together successive, cumulative shreds of
"gargling"quality that we hear after 3:52 (as in gablcrowd so that the voices gradually dissolve
Sound Example 11). into the water-like texture. This basic phrase
Thus, by putting all these variants of the structure is counterstreamed by other events: deep
voismetal sound node together in an appropriate attacks initiating rising noise-bands derived from
temporal sequence, we have constructed a com- the shredded voices. It also continues, seamlessly,
plete phrase based on the sonic development of the into a second continuous metamorphic process,
original sound node (as in Sound Example 12). evolving a pitchal upward portamento out of the
This is an example of phrase construction mainly noise texture to lead us into the pitch attacks of
using discrete sonic metamorphoses. However, we the next phrase.
can also generate entire phrases by the continuous The technique used here is end-synchronized de-
or semi-continuous metamorphosis of the starting lay. First, several copies of a sound are made at
sound. In the two examples considered here, we slightly different speeds, analogous to tape-speed
are using gablcrowd as the sound node from which variation. For example, we might decimate a wave-
to begin. form of 48,000 samples to 47,600 samples, thereby
The first example applies sound shredding to changing both duration and pitch very slightly.
gablcrowd. The shredding process takes a given These copies are then superimposed so that they
duration of sound material, and cuts it at a given synchronize at their beginnings. The resulting pre-
number of randomly chosen positions; for ex- cise beat frequencies caused by the precise delay
ample, seven cuts divide the sound into eight dis- times between the copies will be heard as a pitch
junct segments, each of random length, though the portamento descending from "infinitely" high at
sum of these lengths equals the original duration. the outset, where the copies are all synchronous,
These segments are then shuffled into an arbitrary through the audible-pitch range as the copies get
order, and rejoined to produce a new sound of ex- out of phase and the increasing delay gap generates
actly the same length as the original. This process a falling pitch, into the sub-audio range, resolving
is then repeated many times. In general, at each into a sequence of decelerating echoes. If instead
shred, the new cuts are unlikely to coincide with we synchronize the ends of the copies, we will be-
any existing cuts, so any preserved continuous gin by moving into accelerating echoes, leading
stretch of the original sound will tend to be cut into a rising-pitch portamento. This is what we
again into even smaller segments. hear at our phrase end. This effect occurs no mat-
At each shred and shuffle, the starting sound is ter what the nature of the original sound: it is a
increasingly fragmented and increasingly ran- process-determined (rather than a source-deter-
domly shuffled. Of all our sound experiences, vo- mined) effect, so we can use it to move from
cal sounds retain their recognizability, even under nonpitchal sounds into pitchal sounds. This entire
extreme deformations. Thus, even after a hundred phrase can be heard in Sound Example 13.
Wishart 29
and leading into a recapitulation of the pulsed- stands or falls by its impact in the real-time aural
rhythmic version of the theme at 11:45. Further- experience of its listeners.
more, the clock and metallic-clang "bells" are
briefly associated in a tangential reference to some References
external reality-but this brings us into a different
realm of analysis. This process may be heard in
Dawkins,R. 1986. "TheBlindWatchmaker."New
Sound Example 17. York:Norton.
We could continue examining Tongues of Fire Stockhausen, K. 1958. Gesang der Jiinglinge. Cologne:
phrase by phrase, but I hope I have given sufficient Stockhausen-Verlag.
insight into the musical processes at work. I have Wessel, D. 1979."TimbreSpaceas a MusicalControl
concentrated on the use of sonic metamorphosis Structure." Computer Music Journal3(2):45-52.
in phrase building, and have said little about crite- Wishart, T. 1977. Red Bird. Albany, NY: Electronic Mu-
ria for counterstreaming or for the more general sic Foundation.
sequencing of events. Nor have I discussed issues Wishart, T. 1985. On Sonic Art, new ed. London:
of sonic landscape, which in Tongues of Fire are Harwood Academic.
dealt with in a more tangential manner than in my Wishart, T. 1990. VOX 5. In The Vox Cycle. York, UK:
Orpheus the Pantomime.
other compositions Red Bird (1977) or Fabulous
Wishart, T. 1994. Tongues of Fire. York, UK: Orpheus
Paris (1999). These are of equivalent importance in the Pantomime.
putting together the piece, but they are probably Wishart, T. 1995. Audible Design. York, UK: Orpheus
easier to relate to traditional musical form-build- the Pantomime.
ing techniques; therefore I'll leave these matters to Wishart, T. 1999. Fabulous Paris. In Or Some Computer
other analytically inclined listeners to tease out. Music. London: Touch.
But in conclusion, I must add that Tongues of Fire