Brancalonia Bounty Kingdom Gazetteer
Brancalonia Bounty Kingdom Gazetteer
Brancalonia Bounty Kingdom Gazetteer
Sacra of
Saint Hassel
Among the range of the Crown mountains is the solitary mount Pirchirione. At its peak, perennially shrouded by clouds,
is the Sacra of Saint Hassel, an Abbey devoted to one of the five Archangels. Very few have actually seen it, as you’d have to
climb all the way up the mountain and pierce through the thick layer of clouds to do so.
That involves a steep staircase of over five thousand steps, starting all the way down in Val Sussurra and climbing, twisting,
grabbing onto the jagged rocks all the way to the peak. Along the ascent, at least, are the Seven Tombs: according to legend,
Saint Hassel laid out seven points along the path to test the faith and purity of pilgrims, to determine whether they deserve
to reach their destination.
Many more legends feature the Abbey itself. Some claim that this is the place from which all Sainta of the Kingdom ascend
to the heavens, triumphantly carried by a team of putti belonging to the order of Bearer Angels. Another tale claims that the
Abbey is the place where all Occasian angelicata return after their vacatio to re-enter the heavens. Another still maintains that
beyond the clouds is the access point to the most humble of all otherworldly locations, still heavenly but a little worse for
wear: the Depleted Hyperuranion.
1. First Tomb (Gluttony). The Knaves are greeted by a pair of gobbolin cooks who have just finished setting a table, cov-
ered in all sorts of delicacies. If any of the Knaves sit to taste anything, they will discover that the food is so good that they
cannot stop eating. To leave the table again, a Knave must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw; on a failure, they
are forced to keep eating. The DC decreases by 1 with each Knave that succeeds, leaves the table, or encourages the others
from afar. The saving throw can be repeated once every minute.
2. Second Tomb (Greed). A beggar is sleeping peacefully, his hat on the ground. He doesn’t look hungry or in need of help,
but if the Knaves walk past him without leaving a petechin (at the very least), the staircase suddenly turns into an eternal,
ascending spiral. The Knaves can make it revert back to its regular form by walking back, and leaving an offering for the
3. Third Tomb (Envy). The temperature drops. The Knaves stumble into the same beggar, who (don’t ask) was able to buy
himself a very nice and very warm set of furs. If the Knaves try stealing it from him, he turns into a terrifying angel warri-
or; who will then chase them back down the staircase, and the party has failed the ascent. If they ask the beggar where he
bought the furs, he will point them back to the valley below, to some merchant or other. If they leave him alone, they can
proceed with no issue. The beggar will start following them, but soon become lost to sight in a blizzard.
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Regions of the Bounty Kingdom
just for a second, finds themselves too comfy and unable
to get up again. In order to stand up, they must succeed
on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw; on a failure, they are
forced to stay by the fire. The DC decreases by 1 with
each Knave that succeeds, leaves the fire, or encourages
the others from afar. The saving throw can be repeated
once every minute.
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Sacra Of Saint Hassel
7. Seventh Tomb (Pride). The road snakes into a thick layer of clouds and sud-
denly stops at the foot of another tomb. A natural terrace offers a view over
the sea of clouds. Above them are only rocks and the unattainable peak. The
Knaves might think they have reached their destination (especially if the Con-
dottiero has been sly enough to make them lose count of the tests so far).
Behind the tomb is a small chapel carved into the rock, where a majestic angel
introduces himself as the Archangel Hassel and starts praising the party. He
extols their virtues, credibly and never exaggerating, and offer for them to
become the new wardens of the Abbey. If the Knaves accept the honor, they
obviously fail the test. If they refuse with humility, they complete the final test:
the angel takes on the form of an angel warrior, and admits that she is not, in
fact, Hassel, but his servant Fairald; she was the one to run the tests in her role
as a Septim. Finally, someone has passed all the tests and she can take her va-
catio, becoming an angelicata (use the FairaldGA stat block). The chapel door
opens and the final staircase appears, leading to the true Abbey.
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Regions of the Bounty Kingdom
The Fairald
After centuries working under the Archangel Hassel, Septim Fairald can finally take her vacatio and spend a couple decades on
earth. After wielding the powers of a Sacrosanct, the angel has chosen to diminish her powers to better blend in with humans.
Her goal is to find the best of what the Kingdom’s people can offer, nurture it, and let it bloom into something immensely
virtuous for the glory of the Ternal Father. She’ll have to look for quite some time...
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Sacra Of Saint Hassel
The Fairald check, or sav-ing throw. The Fairald can also use
Medium humanoid (Angelicata), lawful good Divine Providence when an attack roll is made
against her. She rolls 1d20, and then decides
Armor Class 14 (leather armor)
whether the attack uses the attacker’s roll or hers.
Hit Points 38 (7d8 + 7)
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. Actions
War Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage.
16 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)
Angelic Light. Ranged Spell Attack: +4 to hit,
Saving Throws Con +3, Cha +4 range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) radiant
Skills Insight +3, Medicine +3, Perception +3, damage.
Religion +3 Halo (1/Day). The Fairald generates a circle of
Senses passive Perception 8 light around her head that emits celestial light
Languages Unknown Language, Vernacular for 1 minute. The halo projects golden-colored
Challenge 4 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus: +2 bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light 10
feet beyond that. Any allied creature, including the
Born in the Light of the Ternal Father. The Fairald, in the bright light is under the effect of the
Fairald has advantage on saving throws to resist or bless spell.
end the blinded condi-tion on herself.
Spellcasting. The Fairald casts one of the following
Head in the Clouds. The Fairald subtracts 5 from spells, requiring no material component. Her
her passive Perception score (already included in spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12):
her stats)
A will: light, prestidigitation, spare the dying
Born to Aid. When the Fairald casts a healing 1/day each: detect magic, enhance ability, lesser
spell, she heals the maximum number of hit points restoration, thunderwave
possible. 2/day: detect evil and good
Divine Providence (1/Day). When the Fairald 3/day: cure wounds
makes an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving
throw she can call up-on Divine Providence and
roll an additional 1d20. She can choose to use this
feature after making the roll, but before knowing
whether it’s a success or failure. The Fairald can
chose which d20 use for the attack roll, ability
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Regions of the Bounty Kingdom
The Dieciterre
This is the name given to the six towns clinging to the insidious shoreline between
San Timone Mugugno and Vetera. Each of them is basically a bundle of houses
built with no regard to safety nor physics, to the point that food dropping off your
plate might fall straight into the sea below. Tight little alleys, the size of a crack
in the wall, twisting under rain-drenched arches; nooks barely lit up by a few lan-
terns, crusted up with brine. Incredibly steep steps, wind-swept squares, equally
nasty-looking people and clouds. Iron cages creaking against faded, overcast skies,
a final reminder of the Quinotaur’s passage. The cages hang from poles, trees, and
beams at the entrance of each of the towns, and are reserved for the most unwel-
come of outsiders, to prevent them from being a nuisance or just to let them die
of exposure. Old, rusty, and sinister in sound and look, the cages are a symbol of
the hospitality of Dieciterre.
What’s it like As is often the case in the Kingdom, the name does not entirely reflect reality
around here – or rather, not any more. Of the ten town that had earned the name at the time
of the Draconian Empire, the decem terrae, only six remain. If you read up on the
The entire Dieciterre region is ideal history of the region, it’s a miracle so many actually did.
for anyone looking to escape from
someone, or something, else. No one Of the four that did not make it to the present day, Basalto is the one that very
asks questions, as long as you bring few even remember in Quinotaria. It’s only thanks to the hard work of historians
petechins and no trouble. There are and erudite folks that we know that Basalto crumbled into the sea at some point in
very few docks, and it’s hard to reach the first century after the fall of Plutonia. The records state it fell due to “a ruthless
land, it rains a lot, and no one leaves last-ditch effort”; it is unclear, however, whether this refers to the digging works
their home unless necessary. For a started in the region, reaching their conclusion around Basalto, or an intentional,
sea area, there is very little traffic, if late, attack on the town itself. Equally unknown is the current location of its
other than the dead fish in the boats. ruins at the bottom of the sea.
And yet, much like taxes, trouble will
eventually find the Knaves in this Better known is the history of Ripacrusca, which was razed to the ground by a
area too. Frangian expedition. The town had harbored a community of Marked, during a
time when the latter were seen as bad omens.
The destruction of Ripacrusca, however, did not bring any good luck to the
region: barely ten years later it was the turn of Portoverde, a small fishing village
hidden in the eponymous bay. The story goes that a local boy was in love with
a Dracian prince’s daughter, and had convinced her to flee to the surface with
him. One night, with no warning, the prince’s armies attacked and destroyed the
village, killing everyone.
The most recent town to disappear was Calacastagna, a small settlement over-
looking the eponymous cove. Around twenty years ago, it was chosen as residence
by the Grimaldoni gobbolin gang, so lewd, filthy, and aggressive that the entire
town was lost within a few years – except for the gobbolins.
From ten to six, the towns currently still around are: Monterospo, Vernacchia,
Cornachiglia, Violastra, Menarola, and Rioconfesso.
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The Dieciterre
Monterospo Cornachiglia
A gloomy fishing village. Among the rocks just off the port’s A tiny town huddled at the top of a cliff. It can only be
piers is a stone statue of the Quinotaur, older even than reached by the Marbled Staircase: a long, long, long se-
the Dieciterre themselves. Monterospo is home to a florid ries of flesh colored steps. Cornachiglia is one of the more
sailing community, which includes a large colapesce com- recently built settlements, and was founded by a crew of
munity from the Liscabianca beach – a small patch of sea malebranche who shipwrecked on the jagged rocks of these
protected by the rocks forms the ideal environment for these shores. No real infernal legacy can be found in town these
bizarre amphibious creatures. Some fishers in Monterospo, days, other than the friendly local greeting: “go to Hell.”
much like their peers in Vernacchia and Cornachiglia, are
very suspicious of their colapesce competitors, especially
their innate sea knowledge and related skills; others, howev- Violastra
er, have learned to make the most of them. Also known as Black Bells, Violastra is the only town that
cannot be reached from the sea. The locals gather here if
they need to escape Sidonian pirates. The locals have also
Vernacchia taken up the habit of painting their church bells black so
Another fishing village. Not far from this drab cluster of that they cast no reflections and pirates cannot see the town
houses is the Maimuna cave, partially submerged and ru- glinting off the gray cliff side.
mored to house the spirit of a woman who sought shelter
here to escape a gaggle of drunken sailors. The legend claims
that the Maimuna spirit now tries to capture men who move
too close to it, and that during stormy days, her wailing can
be heard among the rocks.
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Regions of the Bounty Kingdom
The oldest and most combative town, whose people pride The Knaves reach Menarola, looking for more infor-
mation about the legendary Nonexistent weapons
themselves in having repelled all pirate attacks, be they Sido- 1 master, and his best student, the duelist Mandacciu-
nian, Atrechian, or homegrown. The merit may reside with ga. When they find him, however, there is a surprising
a legendary Nonexistent weapons master who lived here for family reveal.
a hundred years and taught multiple generations of fishers The daughter of a rich Vernacchia merchant has set off
how to fight… or maybe with the exceptional fortification 2 into the Maimuna cave, certain to find her dead moth-
known as Bastion. None of the Dieciterre has ever been er. The Knaves are tasked with bringing her back safe.
known for its welcome to outsiders, but Menarola most The gruesome twosome of assassins Pine-nutGA and
definitely holds the record for the least welcoming of the BasilGA hire the Knaves to seed chaos in Monterospo.
3 All they have to do is feed some rumors to colapesci
region, and perhaps the whole Kingdom. and fishers respectively, and let the blood flow in Lis-
cabianca. Why? Stop asking questions.
A one-eyed man offers thirty petechins in exchange for
Rioconfesso 4
filling the Black Bells with rags, to muffle their ringing.
Also known as the Marked Town. Rioconfesso has become This will prevent them from sounding the alarm, and al-
home to many Marked through the years, much like Ripa- low pirates to get some stuff done around here finally.
crusca before it. Those who are marked move here from all A researcher from the Bonomia Bona Mater is con-
corners of the Kingdom to find a place to live in relative vinced that the Marked in Ripacrusca were, in fact,
5 cultists of the Abyssal Father, and that was why they
peace, without the stigma associated with their condition. were exterminated. The Knaves are to accompany him
It is also home to the most fragrant variety of basil in the in exploring the ruins in exchange for a few petechins.
entire region. An older citizen of Rioconfesso heads to look over the
walls, hoping to see her husband return from the war.
6 Her husband is actually Messer Ponce Bracospino, a
hermit from the Diluvio region, who will gladly offer a
reward to anyone bringing him news of his wife.
A smugglers’ exchange is supposed to happen at mid-
night; the meeting point is the lighthouse of Brumon-
ta Point. As the smugglers are dragging their boat to
7 shore, however, they are attacked by a group of Dra-
cians. The Knaves can help their clients, ignore the
whole thing, or help the Dracians hoping for some sort
of reward.
No one truly knows what sort of mysteries are hiding
among the submerged cyclopean ruins off Dieciterre.
Old sailor Buletto is happy to rent out his boat for three
days, for the low cost of ten petechins. Even if they
reached the spot, though, who gets to dive in to find all
that (alleged) treasure?
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The Dieciterre
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Regions of the Bounty Kingdom
Pine-nut Actions
Multiattack. Pine-nut makes one attack with his
Medium humanoid (Gobbolin), neutral evil
Wicked Sword and one melee attack with his Dagger,
Armor Class 15 (studded leather) or two ranged attacks with his Daggers.
Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16) Wicked Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Speed 30 ft. reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA damage. In addition, if Pine-nut rolls a 20 to hit, the
14 (+2) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) target takes 10 extra slashing damage.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Saving Throws Dex +5, Int +2 reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4
Skills Athletics +4, Deception +3, Intimidate +5, + 3) piercing damage.
Nature +2, Sleight of Hand +5, Stealth +7, Survival +3
Senses passive Perception 11
Bonus Actions
Cunning Action. Pine-nut takes the Dash,
Languages Vernacular
Disengage, or Hide action.
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus: +2
Incite Basil (Recharge 5-6). With a stream of
Peak of Pissiness (2/Day). Pine-nut strikes with all mumbled curses, Pine-nut incites Basil to fight more
his bottled-up rage. Once per turn, when Pine-nut viciously. If Basil can hear Pine-nut and is within
deals damage to a creature with a weapon attack, 30ft. of him, until the end of Pine-nut’s next turn,
he can deal 5 extra damage to that creature. Basil deals 3 (1d6) extra damage when he hits with a
As Base as Dung. Because Pine-nut delights weapon attack.
in using foul language on all occasions, he has Reactions
disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks. Jinx It (1/Day). When a creature within 30 ft. of
The Art of Ambush. Pine-nut has advantage on Pine-nut rolls a 20 on an attack roll, ability check, or
initiative rolls and on any action taken during the saving throw, Pine-nut can use his reaction to force
first turn of each combat. them to repeat the roll and keep the new result.
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Pine-nut deals an extra 7 Hands off Basil!. When Basil is within 30ft. of
(2d6) damage when he hits a target with a weapon Pine-nut and takes a critical hit, Pine-nut can make
attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or an attack with a melee weapon against a creature
when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of Pine-nut within reach.
that isn’t incapacitated and Pine-nut doesn’t have
disadvantage on the attack roll.
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The Dieciterre
Basil Actions
Multiattack. Basil makes two Serrated Dagger
Medium humanoid (Marked), neutral evil
attacks or two ranged Blowgun attacks. He can
Armor Class 14 (hide armor) replace one attack with a use of Spellcasting.
Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16) Serrated Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to
Speed 25 ft., swim 35 ft. hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA damage. In addition, if Basil rolls a 20 to hit, the
13 (+1) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) target takes 5 extra piercing damage and is grappled
(escape DC 13). Until this grapple ends, Basil can
Saving Throws Dex +5, Int +4 only use his Serrated Dagger to attack the grappled
Skills Arcana +4, Intimidate +3, Nature +4, creature and has advantage on the attack rolls to do
Perception +3, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +7, so.
Survival +3 Blowgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
Senses passive Perception 13 25/100 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) piercing
Languages Vernacular damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 13
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus: +2 Constitution saving throw or take 3 (1d6) poison
damage and be poisoned until the start of Basil’s
Mark of the Quinotaur. Basil received the Mark of next turn.
the Quinotaur, which gives him frog-like features.
Spellcasting. Basil casts one of the following spells,
Amphibious. Basil can breathe in air or water. requiring no material components. His spellcasting
Hallucinogenic Head. Any other creature can ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 12):
use their action to lick Basil’s head. Whoever licks At will: acid splash
Basil’s head starts to look out of focus and has 1/day: false life
advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to
Bonus Actions
hide for the next minute.
Cunning Action. Basil takes the Dash, Disengage, or
Frog Hop. Basil’s long jump is up to 20 feet and his Hide action.
high jump is up to 10 feet, with or without a running
start. Reactions
Hands off Pine-nut! When Pine-nut is within 30ft.
Frog Friend. Using simple gestures and sounds,
of Pine-nut and takes a critical hit, Basil can make
Basil can communicate basic concepts to any frog
an attack with a melee weapon against a creature
or toad.
within reach.
Marshland Stealth. Basil has advantage on
Sadist. When Basil reduces a creature to 0 hit
Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in
points, he gains 10 temporary hit points.
Scar of the Mark. Basil has advantage on saving
throws to resist or end the charmed or frightened
conditions on himself.
Disfigured. Basil has disadvantage on Charisma
(Persuasion) and Charisma (Performance) checks,
but has advantage on Charisma (Intimidate)
Assassinate. During his first turn, Basil has
advantage on attack rolls against any creature that
hasn’t already taken its turn. Each hit Basil scores
against a surprised creature is considered a critical
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-Legend -
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