Inferno - Virgilio's Untold Tales 1.0 ENG
Inferno - Virgilio's Untold Tales 1.0 ENG
Inferno - Virgilio's Untold Tales 1.0 ENG
Virgilio’s Untold Tales is the Guide’s manual for Inferno, using the fifth
inspired by the imagery and setting created by Dante Alighieri for the
Divine Comedy.
This volume should only be read and consulted by the player intending
to join the game as the Guide, facilitator, Game Master, and narrator
of Inferno. To play the game, you will also need the player’s manual,
Mauro Longo, Two Little Mice and Thomas Mazzantini Epic Party Games
Text Ruleset Development
Dante Alighieri and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Antonio D’Achille,Matteo Ceresa and Carolina Fiandri
Additional Lyrics Graphics and Layout
Andrea Macchi and Massimiliano Castellani (Epic Party Games) Marco Bertini
Ruleset First Draft Ruleset Final version
Simone Borri, Sebastiano De Angelis, Filippo Fusi Federico “il PalaDaino” Coi, Nick “Taco” Crudo, Enrico
and Marco Bertini “E4R” Fortunato Codno and the entire crew of Venti di Ruolo
Proofreading Playtest, Text and Ruleset Review
Giulio Grassia, Roberto Gaslini, Abel Martin Bettucchi “Aberion”, Mauro Bernardi, Alessandro “Mespes”, Bicio, Daniele Caracchi -“Rev-
el Tales”, Deborah “Lilith” Carta, Don DM, Mattia Frioli, Alberto Galbiati -“Revel Tales”, Alberto “Zen” Marucci, Alessandro Maurri,
Roberto Parodi “donRoby”, Sabino “RekXus” Pellecchia, Lorenzo “Maedemius” Procida, Daniele Solfrini di “Revel Tales”, Luca Tosi
Playtest and other contributions
Inferno is entirely based on Dante Alighieri’s work, written in Italy in the 1300s, and contains a variety of ethical and cultural notions which belong
to that specific context. The view of the world, of reality, and of religion contained within these manuals does not represent that of the authors nor
is it the aim of this publication, but rather a precise study and presentation of the fictional elements of the Commedia.
Before playing the game, it is crucial for all players to read through the materials for Inferno, and for them to understand that sins, vices, virtues,
and other similar game elements are entirely relative, fictionalized concepts, and that they are valid only for the purposes of the game. If there are
elements of any religious, ethical, moral, or social beliefs contained within that are uncomfortable or disturbing to any of the players, I explicitly
recommend leaving them blurred or veiled, or removing them entirely from gaming sessions. If the players believe it necessary, said elements can
also be a source of discussion for an introductory session, during which suitable guidelines and safety tools can also be established.
Leading the Journey Through Hell 4
elcome, Guide!
What you are now reading is the Inferno compendium made explicitly for your use and perusal.
This volume includes the introductory adventure for Inferno, the bestiary of the creatures and mon-
sters that can be found in Hell, the artifacts that the Lost Ones can come across during their Journey, and all
of the additional material unlocked during the game’s incredible crowdfunding campaign, which ran during
Spring 2021. In order to make the text more readable, this unlocked bonus content (e.g. notes and descrip-
tions for the Infernal Keepers, the new types of playable Traveler archetypes, additional adventures, and new
Infernal Artifacts) has been included organically in their relevant chapters, rather than in their own appendix
or separate chapters.
What Would Dante Have Done With
No Virgilio?
Throughout the entirety of the Divina Commedia’s Virgilio is sent to help Dante by the “three women”
Inferno, Virgilio is Dante’s companion, his guide, his who wish to protect him and favor him from Heaven,
mentor, and his beacon in the continuous exchanges and it is in the name of this favor that he accompa-
and explanations which take place during the Jour- nies the Lost One on his path to redemption – not
ney to Cocytus. without meeting his own obstacles and adventures.
Virgil comes looking for lost Dante in the Dark For- This time, you are the Guide to the Lost Ones. You,
est, to rescue him from danger and lead him on his reading this manual, are tasked with leading the
otherworldly Journey, along that path which will Travelers on their Journey, showing them the Circles
unravel among the Antinferno and the Nine Circles and their secrets, explaining what the Lost Ones will
which follow. And then farther, towards the stars encounter, warning them about the dangers and
and the other pole of the world, and up the moun- showing them the way. Thus let us move on, so that
tain of Purgatory. they may follow.
I nfernal Annotations
In this manual and in Dante’s Guide to Hell,
Hell, you will find several annotations such as this
one, which serve as further exploration for certain themes and concepts presented in the game..
Indifferent Angels,
Malebranche, and Noble Spirits
he new Archetypes featured in this book In terms of game mechanics, as already detailed
are available to any player who would with the Lost Ones archetypes, here is what the
like to play a very different character choice of one of these new Archetypes implies:
from the Lost One Variants featured in Dante’s
Guide to Hell. These Archetypes can enter play Equipment. Whatever their semblance might
at 1st level, if the Traveler appears in the Dark be, a Lost One does not have starting equip-
Forest, or at any subsequent level if they join ment. Their player can freely choose their look,
a party of Lost Ones who have already begun their outfit, and their physical traits, but none
their journey, in one of the circles beyond the of these have any influence over mechanics.
Eternal Gate. In this case, in order to ensure a
good balance, we suggest you create a character Infernal Emblems. Every type of Traveler in
of the same level as the other Travelers they are Inferno features three Infernal Emblems con-
joining. nected to their Archetype. An Emblem can be an
actual magic item the Traveler is proficient with,
These new Inferno Archetypes are a mix of dif- or a unique ability.
ferent races and classes and they cannot be Some infernal emblems grant their users the
combined with other character Archetypes, rac- ability to cast a spell. In this case, the spell is cast
es, classes, or subclasses. at the lowest spell and spellcasting level possi-
ble, it does not consume any spell slot from the
caster, and it does not require any component.
The spell uses its usual casting time, range, and
duration, and if it requires concentration, the
emblem’s user needs to concentrate.
An Infernal Emblem cannot be put aside: It is
an integral part of a character’s semblance. To
destroy or to abandon them amounts to hurting
or mutilating themselves. The semblance will
turn itself to ash, to reappear fully formed and These Emblems increase in power and corrup-
complete after a few seconds. Still, a Lost One tion along with their characters, according to
can carry an emblem on their person, or drop the following progression:
it to the ground next to them to better use their
hands or provide a spell’s somatic component. 5 th level. One of the three emblems becomes
Hope Points
branche, indifferent angel, or noble spirit and
take a new shape in their place of punishment,
oblivious to what happened and devoid of Hope.
Embrace the Sin. Indifferent angels, malebranche,
Much like the Lost Ones, these player arche-
types are explicitly designed to be used in the
afterlife conceived by Dante and their traits,
Sex, Gender, Origins, and Physical Features. especially the Hope mechanics, would make
Indifferent angels and malebranche did not little sense outside the Inferno context.
have an original sex and gender, nor did they
have an earthly semblance, but in Hell they tend
to appear to the Lost Ones with vaguely male or
female traits, as they see fit. They also choose
their physical features, although they are never
fully defined. Noble spirits usually appear with
the features they are best known for in the world,
even if they do not like those features, or those
features do no match those they had in life.
Indifferent Angel
Commingled are they with that caitiff choir
of Angels, who have not rebellious been,
nor faithful were to God, but were for self.
Dante Alighieri
Inferno, Canto III, 37-42
hen the First Betrayal tore the sky
asunder, a host of angels stood in the
middle. They swore allegiance neither
to the Lord, nor to the Foe: They stepped aside
and did not declare for anyone. Yet, their inac-
tion condemned them nonetheless, and divine
justice sentenced them to Antinferno, along
with the souls of those mortals.
The angels of the Indifferent Choice are bound Days, if you do not earn redemption somehow,
to the land between the Eternal Gate and the maybe following the Lost Ones on their path, or
shores of Acheronte until the End of Days. They making the Journey to Lucifero yourself.
will spend eternity here, surrounded by spine-
less, apathic spirits, tormented by swarms of Fear Antinferno, as it will be the hardest test you
foul insects, not actually in Hell, and yet not ac- will have to face, when you get there!
tually out of it, reviled by the angels of Heaven
and the devils of the Nine Circles alike.
to gnostic and essene mysticism. Aladiah,
Dinah, Hahaiah, Hakamiah, Hariel, Haziel,
Hesediel, Iezalel, Lauviah, Mehahel, Reuel,
Indifferent Angel
Proficiency Indifference
Level Features
Bonus Dice
+2 Indifference Dice, Indifferent Angel Emblems 4
2nd +2 Ability Score Improvement, Fighting Style 4
3 rd
+2 Powers of Acheronte 4
4 th
+2 Ability Score Improvement 4
5 th
+3 Extra Attack 5
6th +3 Bane of Acheronte, Improved Powers of Acheronte 5
7 th
+3 Accustomed to Pain 5
8 th
+3 Ability Score Improvement 6
9 th
+4 Ataraxia 6
10th +4 Aura of Acheronte, Improved Powers of Acheronte 6
11 th
+4 Resistance to Torment 7
12 th
+4 Ability Score Improvement 7
13 th
+5 Healing Indifference 7
Improved Aura of Acheronte, Improved Powers of
14th +5 8
15th +5 Utter Impassivity 8
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 8
17 th
+6 - 9
18 th
+6 - 9
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 10
20th +6 Apotheosis of Acheronte 10
Indifferent Angel Features Fighting Style
As an indifferent angel, you gain the following Since the dawn of time, you have learned to
features. avoid or passively endure any type of verbal,
physical, and spiritual conflict, developing a
Hit Points number of purely defensive fighting techniques
Hit Dice: 1d10 per indifferent angel level and maneuvers. Starting at 2nd level, you adopt
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution a particular style of fighting as your specialty,
modifier choosing one of the following options.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (6) + your
Constitution modifier per indifferent angel Defense
level after 1st You gain a +1 bonus to AC.
Proficiences Endurance
Tools: None When a creature you can see attacks a target
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma different than you and that target is within 5
Skills: Deception and Religion, plus two cho- feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose
sen from Stealth, Insight, Performance, and disadvantage on that creature’s attack roll.
Powers of Acheronte
Indifference Dice
Dice Starting at 3rd level, the Powers of Acheronte
Starting at 1st level, you gain 4 indifference dice, grant you a limited ability to use magic.
which are d8, and you gain more of them at You can cast bane and darkness
darkness,, at their lowest
subsequent levels, as detailed in the “Indiffer- level, without spending material components.
ent Angel” table. When you use an indifference You can cast each of them once. When you do
die, you spend it. You regain all spent indiffer- so, you can’t do so again until you finish a long
ence dice when you finish a long rest. rest, but you can use an action and spend a
When you take any type of damage, you can number of Indifference Dice equal to the spell’s
use your reaction and spend one Indifference level to cast it again. If a spell requires a saving
Die to reduce the damage you take by the num- throw, its DC is equal to 8 + your proficiency bo-
ber you rolled with your Indifference Die. nus + your Charisma modifier.
At 6th level, you can also cast in this way the dis-
Bane of Acheronte
Starting at 6th level, you grow more indifferent
Resistance to Torment
to what happens around you, making your reac- At 11th level, you gain advantage on your saving
tions even more unfathomable and unpredict- throws against spells and other magical effects.
able. When an enemy creature makes a saving
Healing Indifference
throw against one of your spells, you can use
your reaction to spend an Indifference Die and
subtract from that saving throw the number you
rolled on your Indifference Die. Starting at 13th level, you can rejuvenate your
semblance by appealing to your merciless inure-
Accustomed to Pain
ment to pain and decay. With an action, you can
spend one or more Indifference Dice to heal your
wounds. You can spend a maximum number of
At 7th level, you regain all your spent Indifference Indifference Dice equal to your proficiency bonus.
Dice when you finish a short or long rest. You roll the dice you spend, add the results, and
regain a number of Hit Points equal to the total.
Starting at 9th level, when you make a saving
Improved Aura of Acheronte
throw, you can choose to spend one Indifference Starting at 14th level, with an action, you can wid-
Die to roll it and add the result to your saving en the aura of restlessness and dullness around
throw. You can wait until after you roll the d20 you. Any enemy creature affected by your Aura of
before deciding to use the Indifference Die, but Acheronte that can see or hear you must make a
you must decide before the Guide says whether Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bo-
the roll succeeds or fails. nus + your Charisma modifier). On a failed save,
the creature is charmed for 1 minute, or until it
takes any damage.
As long as the creature is charmed, its speed
drops to 0.
Utter Impassivity
Impassivity ◊ Any time you cast a spell with a casting
time of 1 action, you can change that cast-
ing time into 1 bonus action.
At 15th level, you spiritual and physical detach- Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
ment grows beyond their previous limits. Your until you finish a long rest.
ability scores now have a maximum of 24.
Embracing Your Sin
Apotheosis of Acheronte
On your turn, you can spend 2 Hope Points to
regain all your spent Indifference Dice.
And I beheld behind us a black devil.
Running along upon the crag, approach.
Dante Alighieri
Inferno, Canto XXI, 29-36
hen Lucifero turned into Satan and fell
to Earth, he brought with him a host of
minor angels. These angels were cor-
rupted by their sin and the Evil One’s influence,
turned into devils, and overran Hell, tasked with
tormenting the damned. The malebranche are
the most common guardian devils of the Blind From then on, it can follow its desires and make
World, and are particularly present in the Male- its own decisions, it can make ethical and mor-
bolge of the Eighth Circle. al choices, and it can even use Hope and Divine
They are eternal beings, both prisoners and cap- Inspiration, taking its first steps on the path to
tors in Hell at the same time. redemption.
Malebranche, tempestarii, guardian devils, and Fear the Fifth Bolgia of the Eighth Circle as it will
other low-ranking fallen angels are not gifted be the hardest test you will have to face, when
with actual free will, nor can they gain levels: you get there!
They are frozen in their eternal version of them-
selves that the Lost Ones can meet in the Nine
Circles (see chapter 5 – Evils of Hell, below). Still,
when one of them happens to somehow regain
1 Glimpse of Hope, it is momentarily freed from
its eternal and cyclical fate and can become a
Traveler on its own account.
nicknames inspired by the sinister and in-
fernal appearance. Alichino, Barbariccia,
Cagnazzo, Calcabrina, Ciriatto, Draghig-
Proficiency Damnation
Level Features
Bonus Dice
1st +2 Damnation Dice, Malebranche Emblems 4
2nd +2 Ability Score Improvement, Fighting Style 4
3 rd
+2 Assault of Malebolge 4
4 th
+2 Ability Score Improvement 4
5 th
+3 Extra Attack 5
6th +3 Savagery of Malebolge 5
+3 Infernal Might 5
8 th
+3 Ability Score Improvement 6
9 th
+4 Diabolical Assault 6
10th +4 Aura of Malebolge 6
11 th
+4 Infernal Resistance 7
12 th
+4 Ability Score Improvement 7
13 th
+5 Diabolical Healing 7
14th +5 Improved Aura of Malebolge 8
15 th
+5 Pride of Malebolge 8
16 th
+5 Ability Score Improvement 8
17 th
+6 - 9
18th +6 - 9
19 th
+6 Ability Score Improvement 10
20 th
+6 Apotheosis of Malebolge 10
Malebranche Features
As normal, you can’t increase an ability score
above 20 using this feature.
Damnation Dice
Dice Two-weapon Fighting
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you
Starting at 1st level, you gain 4 Damnation Dice, can add your ability modifier to the damage of
which are d8, and you gain more of them at the second attack.
subsequent levels, as detailed in the Damnation
Dice column of the “Malebranche” table. When Dueling
you use a Damnation Die, you spend it. You re- When you are wielding a melee weapon in one
gain all spent Damnation Dice when you finish hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bo-
a long rest. nus to damage rolls with that weapon.
When you hit a creature with a weapon attack,
you can spend one Damnation Die to deal extra Archery
necrotic damage to the target, dealing 1d8 ex- You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make
tra damage per spent die. with ranged weapons.
Diabolical Healing
Savagery of Malebolge Starting at 13th level, you can rejuvenate your
Starting at 6 level, any time you hit a creature
semblance by appealing to the dark forces
with a weapon, that creature takes 1d8 extra that permeate Hell. With an action, you can
necrotic damage. In addition, if you spend a spend one or more damnation dice to heal your
Damnation Die to deal extra necrotic damage, wounds. You can spend a maximum number
you add this damage to the extra damage of of Damnation Dice equal to your proficiency
your Damnation Dice as well. bonus. You roll the dice you spend, add the re-
sults, and regain a number of hit points equal
Infernal Might
to the total.
Diabolical Assault
higher Infernal rank. Your ability scores now
have a maximum of 24.
Apotheosis of Malebolge
Starting at 9th level, when you make an attack
roll, you can choose to spend one Damnation
Die to roll it and add the result to the attack
roll. You can wait until after you roll the d20 be- At 20th level, you are ready to push the limits
fore deciding to use the Damnation Die, but you of your rank and rise to a higher level. Using
must decide before the Guide says whether the an action, you gain the following benefits for 1
roll succeeds or fails. minute:
◊ At the start of every turn of yours, if you do
Aura of Malebolge
not have any Damnation Dice, you regain
one Damnation Die.
◊ When you make an Attack action on your
Starting at 10th level, you cast an infernal aura turn, you can make an additional attack as
in a 10-foot radius around you. Any time an en- part of that action.
emy creature starts its turn in this area, it takes Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
1d6 necrotic damage. until you finish a long rest.
At 14th level, the radius of this aura increases to
20 feet. Embracing Your Sin
On your turn, you can spend 2 Hope Points to
regain all your spent Damnation Dice.
Malebranche Emblems ashes as soon as you drop them, if you summon
new weapons, if you dismiss them (no action
required), or if you die.
At 1st level, you gain the following Infernal
Emblems: ◊ Tormented. You gain a +1 bonus to at-
tack and damage rolls you make with your
Weapons of Damnation.
Golden Skeleton
The very essence of a malebranche is permeat- ◊ Burned. The bonus to attack and damage
rolls made with your Weapons of Damna-
ed with pride, arrogance, aloofness, and van-
tion increases to +2. When you obtain a
ity: the sins that pushed them to turn against
20 on an attack roll with your Weapons of
the Lord and made them what they are now.
Damnation, the target takes 8 extra necrotic
This original sin is branded in their very bones,
damage and you regain 8 hit points.
which have turned into gold and are now thick-
er and heavier, drawn to the center of the Earth ◊ Damned. The bonus to attack and dam-
age rolls made with your Weapons of Dam-
and Lucifero, and preventing them from soar-
nation increases to +3. When you obtain a
ing back into the sky where they once dwelt.
20 on an attack roll with your Weapons of
You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing,
Damnation, the extra necrotic damage the
and slashing from nonmagical attacks.
target takes, and the hit points you regain
◊ Tormented. You gain a +1 bonus to saving increase to 15.
◊ Burned. Your saving throw bonus increas-
Wings of Sin
es to +2. In addition, you gain resistance to
You have two hideous bat-like wings, the last
one of the following types of damage: acid,
vestigial remains of the beautiful celestial
cold, lightning, or thunder.
wings you used to have. These wings can sus-
◊ Damned. If you fail a saving throw, you can
tain you even in the empty atmosphere of Hell.
use your reaction to turn your failed save
You can use your action to unleash your inner in-
into a successful one. Once you use this fea-
fernal energy and actually use your wings to fly.
ture, you can’t use it again until you finish
For 1 minute, you gain a flying speed of 30 feet.
a short or long rest.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a short or long rest.
Weapons of Damnation
You can rely on an endless array of tools of ◊ Tormented. Your flying speed increases to
40 feet.
death, pain, violence, and torment, anything
that Hell has to offer to its own keepers. The ◊ Burned. Your flying speed increases to 50
choice is yours alone.
You can use an action to summon two weapons ◊ Damned. Your flying speed increases to 60
into your empty hands. You can choose their feet. In addition, you do not provoke an at-
shape every time you summon them. The weap- tack of opportunity when you fly out of an
ons you summon are considered magical to enemy’s reach.
overcome damage resistances and immunities
to nonmagical damage. The weapons turn into
Noble Spirit
Of great authority in their countenance;
they spake but seldom, and with gentle voices.
Dante Alighieri
Inferno, Canto IV, 112-120
hese virtuous and flawless souls were
celebrated in the world of the living for
their grandeur, yet they never received
the sacraments of the Lord and could not be
saved. Noble spirits are an elite circle of cho-
sen ones, standing out from the other souls
of Limbo. Their thoughts were inspired, their
deeds paved the way for the righteous doctrine Finally, the noble spirits are sustained by a stal-
that would come, and their teachings inspired wart Hope for the future and the End of Days:
men and women of the following generations. As already happened once, when the Lord came
For this reason, although dwelling in Hell, their down to Hell to save the spirits of the proph-
souls enjoy several unique privileges that no ets and the wise men of the Old Testament, the
others in the Blind World can vaunt. noble spirits hope that one day, when the final
judgment has come to pass, they will finally be
First, these souls are not in pain and are not accepted into the highest heavens and forgiven
haunted by any grief. They spend eternity away by His endless goodness.
from the rest of the common spirits of Limbo,
in an eternal symposium of wise men, philoso- This awareness, this unshakable hope, sustains
phers, poets, and warlords. them even through the millennia they must
spend in Hell.
In addition, they enjoy the greatest gift one can
hope for in Hell: the Fire of the Divine Flame, Fear the First Circle, as it will be the hardest test
which turns their Castle into a safe haven, re- you will have to face, when you get there!
sembling a thin and faded shadow of Heaven.
No devil, monster, or infernal keeper can bypass
its walls. The Castle is shielded by its light and
its warm embrace, a unique and coveted place.
ing noble spirit to roleplay.
◊ Age. A noble spirit may appear at the age
they had in life, usually around the time
Level Features Round 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Authority of the Castle, Infernal Lore,
1st +2 0-1 - - - - -
Noble Spirit Emblems
2nd +2 Spellcasting, Declaration of Courage 0-1 2 - - - -
Greater Discernment, Improved
3rd +2 2-3 3 - - - -
Infernal Lore
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2-3 3 - - - -
5 th
+3 Hellish Experience, Touch of the Aoidos 2-3 4 2 - - -
Secrets of the Mages, Improved
6th +3 4-5 4 2 - - -
Infernal Lore
Infernal Bestiary, Improved Declaration
7th +3 4-5 4 3 - - -
of Courage
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4-5 4 3 - - -
9 th
+4 Improved Infernal Lore 6-7 4 3 2 - -
10 th
+4 Improved Touch of the Aoidos 6-7 4 3 2 - -
11th +4 Fearless 6-7 4 3 3 - -
Ability Score Improvement, Improved
12th +4 8-9 4 3 3 - -
Infernal Lore
13th +5 Discipline 4 3 3 1 -
14th +5 Improved Secret of the Magesi 4 3 3 1 -
15 th
+5 Improved Touch of the Aoidos 4 3 3 2 -
16 th
+5 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 2 -
17th +6 - 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Divine Truce 4 3 3 3 1
19 th
+6 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 3 2
20 th
+6 Ultimate Guidance 4 3 3 3 2
Noble Spirit Features
After you travel for at least one trait of path in
an Infernal region you know, you gain the fol-
lowing benefits:
As a noble spirit, you gain the following features. ◊ Difficult terrain does not hinder your
Band’s Journey.
Hit Points ◊ Your Band cannot get lost, unless by divine
Hit Dice: 1d8 per noble spirit level intervention.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution ◊ You and your Band have advantage on sav-
modifier ing throws to resist the environmental haz-
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (5) + your Con- ards you meet in the rounds of Hell.
stitution modifier per noble spirit level after You gain further lore about new infernal region
the 1st at subsequent levels, as detailed in the “Infer-
nal Lore” table.
Tools: Lyre Infernal Lore
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Four of your choice Level Infernal Lore
world of the living. They are accustomed to the
afterlife in Limbo, and their lack of torment
makes them fine Guides , councilors, and aides
to the Lost Ones. When you reach 2nd level, you learn to discern
Starting at 1st level, any time you make a Wis- and reshape the patterns of Hell, attuning
dom or Charisma check to interact with the them to your will through music and poetry.
forces of Hell, your proficiency bonus is doubled A noble spirit’s magic flows from the knowledge
if you use a skill you are proficient with. they learned in life and the endless time they
spend in Limbo.
Declaration of Courage
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your no-
ble spirit spells, since your magic draws upon
your will and countenance. You use your Wis-
dom whenever a spell refers to your spellcast- Starting at 2nd level, you can spend one minute
ing ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom to perform a speech that will strengthen the
modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a resolve of any Traveler who hears you. When
noble spirit spell you cast and when making an you do so, choose up to six friendly creatures
attack roll with one. (which can include yourself) within 30 feet of
you who can see or hear you and who can un-
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + derstand you. Each creature gains temporary
your Wisdom modifier hit points equal to your level + your Wisdom
modifier. While a creature has these temporary
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus hit points, it has advantage on saving throws
+ your Wisdom modifier against being frightened.
You can use this feature a number of times
Spellcasting Focus equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain any
You can use your lyre as a spellcasting focus for expended uses when you finish a long rest.
your noble spirit spells.
Greater Discernment
Noble Spirit Spells When you reach 3rd level, choose two skills from:
Arcana, Intimidation, Performance, Nature,
◊ 1 st Level: bless, cure wounds, detect evil and Persuasion, Religion, and History. You gain pro-
good, detect magic, faerie fire, guiding bolt, ficiency with those skills and your proficiency
hunter’s mark identify, protection from evil and bonus is doubled for any ability check you make
good, sanctuary.
sanctuary. that uses either of the chosen proficiencies.
In addition, when you make an Intelligence
◊ 2 nd Level: augury, detect thoughts, enhance check, you can add +10 to your check result.
ability, locate object, pass without trace, see in-
visibile, spiritual weapon, warding bond.
Ability Score Improvement
Improvement Infernal Bestiary
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, Starting at 7 th level, if you spend at least 3 rounds
16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability observing or interacting with another creature
score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two outside combat, you can learn certain informa-
ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you tion about its capabilities compared to your own.
can’t increase an ability score above 20 using The Guide tells you two of the following charac-
this feature. teristics of your choice:
Hellish Experience
◊ Current hit points
◊ Armor Class
◊ Vulnerabilities, damage resistances, and
At 5 th level, you expand your knowledge of Hell. damage immunities
Any time you make a Wisdom (Insight) or a Wis-
members of your Band traveling with you are im-
mune to the effects environmental hazards in the
Infernal regions.
Starting at 13 th level, your abilities and knowl-
edge grow to the point you can find a solution to Embracing Your Sin
any unexpected environmental hazard. You gain When you cast a spell (using a slot of level 1 or
proficiency with all saving throws. higher), you can spend 2 Hope Points to cast it
without spending a spell slot.
Divine Truce
Starting at 18th level, you can intone a sacred ode
to infuse new energies in your allies. You can use
an action to choose up to six friendly creatures
(which can include yourself) within 30 feet of you
who can see or hear you and who can understand
you. Each creature is incapacitated until the end
of its next turn, then it gains the benefits of a
short rest. Once you use this feature, you can’t
use it again until you finish a long rest.
Noble Spirit Emblems
At 1st level, you gain the following Infernal ◊ Tormented. Your Stone Effigy grants you
Emblems: AC 15.
◊ Burned. Spells and other magical effects can
Golden Skeleton neither reduce your speed nor cause you to
Although you are not burdened with any dead- be paralyzed or restrained.
ly sin, your lack of baptism and of the other ◊ Damned. Your Stone Effigy grants you AC
sacraments leaves you exposed to the original 16. In addition, all critical hits you take turn
sins and keeps you away from the Lord’s saving into normal hits.
grace. This earthly burden manifests in your
semblance as a golden skeleton that can some- Ancient Relics
times be seen under their translucent stone Just as your semblance recalls the statues of
effigy. It is lighter and less ponderous than the ancient times and your skeleton is golden, you
malebranche’s but it prevents them from rising can display the weapons and the tools you deem
to Heaven anyway. most fitting to your authority.
You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, You can use an action to summon up to two
and slashing from nonmagical attacks. weapons, one weapon and a shield, or one
weapon and a lyre in your empty hands. You
◊ Tormented. You gain a +1 bonus to saving can choose their shape every time you summon
throws. them. The relics you summon are considered
◊ Burned. Your saving throw bonus increas- magical to overcome damage resistances and
es to +2. In addition, you gain resistance to immunities to nonmagical damage. The relics
one of the following types of damage: acid, turn into ashes as soon as you drop them, if you
cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, radiant, or summon new weapons, if you dismiss them (no
thunder. action required), or if you die.
◊ Damned. If you fail a saving throw, you can
use your reaction to turn your failed save ◊ Tormented. You gain a +1 bonus to attack
into a successful one. Once you use this fea- and damage rolls you make with your An-
ture, you can’t use it again until you finish cient Relics.
a short or long rest. ◊ Burned. The bonus to attack and damage
rolls made with your Ancient Relics increas-
Stone Effigy es to +2. In addition, when you hit a creature
A noble spirit appears to the Lost Ones and with one of your relics, you do not provoke
the other damned as stone or marble statues attacks of opportunity from that creature
depicting their likenesses, as a symbol of their for the rest of your turn.
moral stature and the authority that whole ◊ Damned. The bonus to attack and damage
generations of men and women have granted rolls made with your Ancient Relics increases
them. to +3. In addition, when you are about to be
Your effigy acts as a suit of magic armor that hit by a melee attack, you can use your reac-
grants you AC 14. You add your Dexterity modi- tion to gain a bonus to your AC equal to your
fier, up to a maximum of +2, to determine your proficiency bonus against that attack. You
Armor Class. can use this feature a number of times equal
to your proficiency bonus. You regain any
expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Chapter II
Dante Alighieri
Inferno, Canto I, 112-117
n Dante’s Guide to Hell I have already told your strength. When you are ready to continue
you about your main duties, both inside on your Journey, your long rest is done.
and outside Hell. It is now time to clarify
Death in Hell
that awaits you.
Time and Space in Hell S ome spells and game effects, such as Medu-
sa’s petrifying gaze and spells like cone of
F lying in Hell
Devils, Furies, and Erinyes fly back and
forth across Hell. Travelers do not. Even
The only way, for anyone, to leave Hell is the one
which leads to Lucifero at the other end of the
if they grow scorched wings or gain won- Gloomy Kingdom. Arm yourselves with Hope
drous arcane means, there is no advantage and be ready to venture from the Dark Forest
to flying across the empty skies of Hell for into the dark heart of the world.
any playable character.
A Constant Decline
or Arcs of Dite without any significant dif-
ficulty, other than the applicable Constitu-
tion saving throw for each leg of the journey.
H ell is not made to go back, but rather always
– and only – forwards, its decline both a fe-
ature of the terrain and the effect on one’s soul:
The Eternal Gate that separates the Dark
Forest from the Antinferno is placed ex-
plicitly as a hard threshold, and cannot be
the chasm which plunges deeper and deeper crossed in the opposite direction by the Lost
into the heart of the world is a continuous de- Ones. Once in the Antinferno, the Lost Ones
scent into space, time, sin, and corruption, and cannot move back to the Dark Forest.
it is not allowed to attempt the Journey in the ◊ The Nine Keepers of Hell are there to pre-
opposite direction. Especially not for Lost Ones vent Travelers from accessing the next Cir-
and damned souls. cle, but even more so to prevent anyone
The Rule of Constant Decline applies to all ar- from moving back. It is possible to beat
eas of Hell, including the Antinferno and the Caronte, the Minotaur, Gerione, and the
Dark Forest, and is as follows: Giants with diplomacy and quick wits on
Each character who attempts to climb up the the way down, but it is impossible to do so
Circles of Hell or who moves in the opposite di- if attempting to climb upward: the Keep-
rection to that of the Journey must make a DC 12 ers, who are now aware of the nature and
Constitution saving throw, increasing by +1 for intentions of the characters, will oppose
each Circle they find themselves in, or suffer one the ascent with all their might, and will
level of exhaustion. If the character is not close summon endless demonic legions to aid
to the Divine Flame, they have disadvantage on them in this task.
the saving throw. ◊ Some areas of Higher Hell are connected and
lack any specific Keeper, meaning it is pos-
For example, if the Lost Ones are wandering sible to move between them multiple times
aimlessly in the Dark Forest, without the light (note: the Rule of Constant Decline still
A lternate Endings
The S tory Ends
W hat is, then, the end of the story, the con-
clusion to the characters’ Journey?
T hese are not, of course, the only possible
outcomes. Maybe the Lost Ones, after such
a long Journey alongside such bizarre compan-
The worst case for the latter is easy enough to ions, are not willing to leave them behind, and
define: the Travelers will lose the last Spark of choose instead to remain in Lucifero’s realm,
Hope and will be lost to Hell forever, joining the stoking the fires of rebellion, sharing Hope
wailing masses of the damned; the Lost Ones with the damned, and subverting divine laws
will slowly reach their allocated punishment, themselves.
while noble spirits, indifferent angels, and Or maybe the Lost Ones will offer protection
malebranche will forget that they ever had any and support to the other Travelers, leading
Hope at all, and will return none the wiser to them to the material world in an “escape from
the Circles and eternal duties from which they Hell” scenario.
had departed. In both of these cases, the characters are going
Should the Band, instead, be able to reach Lu- against the laws of the Lord, not just infernal
cifero after each of its members has passed perils, and their behavior may very well bring
the first stage in their redemption, they will be about the apocalypse, speeding up the End of
faced with their final challenge. Times.
Defeating Lucifero, refusing him, or distracting What may happen if that were to pass, well…
him long enough to be able to sneak into the We will find out next session, won’t we?
Burella is the best outcome for the Lost Ones: Maybe the Journey has only just begun!
Bonds, Sin, Redemption
The while below there fixedly I gazed,
my Leader, crying out: “Beware, beware!”
Drew me unto himself from where I stood.
Dante Alighieri
omething that the Lost Ones may not the Journey, between the Antinferno and
immediately understand is that the en- Cocito, and they are left to the discretion of
tire Journey through Hell is one of re- the Guide and the player, with one proviso:
demption. The Hope they should hold dear and they must be significant interactions for the
conserve, the perils of passing through their characters. Once the Lost One has unlocked
allocated place of damnation, even the con- a significant number of Infernal Chroni-
frontation with Lucifero are all milestones along cles and has therefore explored their own
the same road: the road to saving their soul and sin, they will gain all the rewards of having
making it out of Hell intact! passed the second step towards redemp-
The same is true of the encounters with their tion, they will level up and even recover 1
Familiar Spirits and the Infernal Chronicles they Glimpse of Hope (see page 54).
must unlock (see later for more), in order to re- ◊ The third milestone is the same for all char-
flect upon their vices and virtues: they are all acters, and involves the encounter with
part of the same endeavor. Lucifero: they must fight him with their
There are three fundamental milestones in their weapons, their skills, all their might and
Journey, two in the case of indifferent angels, resources, or deny him forevermore, along
malebranche, and noble spirits. with the sin he embodies.
◊ One is specific to each Traveler, and involves In all of these scenarios, the Band is granted
passing through their allocated place of per- one crucial advantage, which Hell would never
dition. As their Guide, you must know that expect: the characters are part of a group and
these cannot be rushed: the Traveler whose can act as a group. The strength found in unity
punishment will lead them to this place will and mutual support will allow the Travelers to
have to spend some time here, exploring find the determination and courage to take on
and seeing with their own eyes the torment such a horrific path and reach the lowest point
which awaits them, facing its perils, speak- of Hell.
ing with at least one Noble Spirit, and fac-
Dante Alighieri
Inferno, Canto VI, 37-48
Familiar Spirits
will meet will be, on the whole, openly hostile,
mocking and despondent, or at best indifferent
towards you. They envy your Hope – yes, even
yours – in their tormented existence devoid of it
forevermore, and yearn for your ability to move
freely between Circles and Bolgias, being perma-
T he souls who respond to the passing of the
Lost Ones are commonly known as Famil-
iar Spirits, and include not only their loved ones
nently chained to a single location. in the material world, but also acquaintances,
Truth be told, some of these encounters may friends, rivals, and any and all of those whom
in fact be friendly, they will want to converse, the Lost Ones might have heard of and from
answer questions, or ask the Travelers for brief whom they might learn some useful lesson.
favors or requests, as only those free to move be- Each time that a Lost One meets one of these
tween Circles can perform such tasks. In almost Spirits, unless otherwise noted, they have the
every case, these souls will be revealed to be con- opportunity to make them a part of their Infer-
nected to the Lost Ones: part of their past, peo- nal Chronicle. By doing so they unlock and add
ple they have met or they might have heard of a bond with the Spirit in question, and note it
while alive, important historical figures whose down in one of the free spaces found on the In-
deeds and names are known to the Travelers. fernal Chronicles section of the character sheet.
This effect is one of the greatest mysteries of the More than one Lost One can unlock their Infer-
Journey in the kingdoms beyond, but you must nal Chronicle with the same Familiar Spirit, and
not be surprised. Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven more than one Familiar Spirit can be included in
are not physical places but rather conditions, a the same Chronicle.
state of reality, a version of it. Each time that one or more Lost Ones unlock an
The billions of souls sentenced to the Blind World Infernal Chronicle, it is up to them to narrate
coexist and infinitely overlap, devoid of features the bond that links them to the soul in question.
or recognizable faces, as shadows behind the This bond can be of any kind (see the example
Lost Ones as they look and pass. Only the latter below), as long as it is coherent with the vices,
are tangible beings down here, and the Journey virtues, and sins of their Lost One, and with the
is entirely within their soul, within their dreams. situation and condition in which the character
For this reason, only known figures will appear appears in the game.
and approach the Band, as moths to the light of A player may have a very clear idea of the na-
their existence, so much more physical than any ture of the bond between their Lost One and the
other around them. Spirit, or they may have a vague sense. In this
Distant memories, relatives, acquaintances, ties latter case, it is up to you and the other Trav-
from the living world: these are the souls who elers to help them remember, with suggestions
will approach the Lost Ones throughout their and prompts, while still keeping in mind that
Journey. the character needs to play a part in the path to
redemption of the Lost One in question.
Infernal Chronicles
move closer to remembering details about their
material life, rediscovering specific memories,
and Redemption
learning something more about themselves,
and thus increasing their chances to gain Divine
Playthrough Example
In the campaign’s Canto VI, the Travelers might find themselves involved in the story of two
damned souls awaiting Minosse’s judgment, two brothers named Ricciardino and Uccione de’
Pazzi. The characters are tasked with finding Ricciardino in order to bring him back to the line
of souls; Ricciardino, however, refuses to return unless he can speak to his brother, whom he
betrayed while both were still alive, and whose forgiveness he seeks. The brother is also in line,
but much too far ahead for Ricciardino to catch up to before the guardian devils show him back
to his spot. The players can choose to solve the issue without engaging with the two Spirits, and
therefore activating the Infernal Chronicle mechanics or vice versa, decide that these Spirits are
indeed Familiar to them, and therefore unlocking bonds with one or both of the brothers.
Samuel (Guide):
(Guide): “After crying out the reason for having left the line, even if confused and not
entirely clear, you see Ricciardino collapse onto a rock in despair.”
Pamela (Cesare Neri):
Neri): “Cesare will observe Ricciardino for a few moments. It’s not the sem-
blance that draws his attention, there is nothing in his appearance that calls to him. But the
voice… the tyrant realizes that he would recognize that voice among a hundred others. And that
name… Ricciardino is a childhood friend of Cesare’s, long lost after their paths diverged for po-
litical reasons.”
Samuel (Guide):
(Guide): “As you are lost in these thoughts, remembering both who Ricciardino was
when he was alive but also, and most importantly, who you might have been before becoming
Lost, the appearance of the damned soul before you seems to solidify, taking on a more tangible
shape and form. Pamela, I assume you want to unlock a Bond with this damned soul, correct?”
Pamela (Cesare Neri):
Neri): “Yes! I would like to remember a past bond between Cesare and Ricciar-
Samuel (Guide):
(Guide): “Very well, note down his name in the Infernal Chronicles section of your
sheet, we’ll fill it in more detail later, depending on how you act in what happens next…”
During this Canto, then, each player can choose to unlock a Bond for their character with the
spirits of Ricciardino and Uccione. If the Lost One actively intervenes in the de’ Pazzi brothers’
story, interpreting the unlocked Bond in favor of either, or trying to reconcile the two, they can
gain a new trait – to be noted in the character sheet – linked to this Bond, and coherent with the
actions they take in the events.
Dante Alighieri
and Guide
their abilities, about the Divine Flame of
faith which gives them strength, and the Hope
which pushes them forward. There is still some-
thing, however, which I have not yet revealed,
something crucial.
The reason for them to be here in the first place.
A t any moment, in the timeless eternity of the
Dark Forest, billions of lost souls, tormented
spirits, poor sinners, and children of this world,
The pure and simple reason why they alone, victims and abusers of sinners like them, are all
among billions of living beings, have been al- gathered and trapped between the waking and
lowed upon a path of redemption for their sins, sleeping worlds, in an abstract condition super-
even if it takes place in Hell itself – just like Dante. imposed over their material lives.
That reason is you. Your torch, the Torch of the Divine Flame, will
force them to manifest: you will lead them to
Orfeo. Euridice.
The Journey can begin.
Yes, you are Orfeo. This is the secret identity of
your Noble Spirit, the Guide whose role you will
N arrative Annotation
Text that appears in a box like this is
meant to be read aloud or paraphrased for
the players.
This first Stanza should be used for the players Once the Lost Ones are ready to begin, asking
to test out their characters and for the Guide to each other how to proceed, it is time to move to
explain a few features of their new condition: the next Stanza.
Stanza II – The Valley Which had with Stanza III – Savage and Rough and
Consternation Pierced My Heart Stern
Then was the fear a little quieted After my weary body I had rested,
that in my heart’s lake had endured throughout the way resumed I on the desert slope,
the night, which I had passed so piteously. so that the firm foot ever was the lower.
And even as he, who, with distressful breath, And lo! almost where the ascent began,
forth issued from the sea upon the shore, a panther light and swift exceedingly,
turns to the water perilous and gazes; which with a spotted skin was covered o’er!
So did my soul, that still was fleeing onward, And never moved she from before my face,
turn itself back to re-behold the pass nay, rather did impede so much my way,
which never yet a living person left. that many times I to return had turned.
and a she-wolf, that with all hungerings
seemed to be laden in her meagreness,
and many folk has caused to live forlorn!
While I was rushing downward to the lowland,
She brought upon me so much heaviness, before mine eyes did one present himself,
with the affright that from her aspect came, who seemed from long-continued silence hoarse.
that I the hope relinquished of the height.
When I beheld him in the desert vast,
Dante Alighieri “Have pity on me,” unto him I cried,
Inferno, Canto I, 44-54 “Whiche’er thou art, or shade or real man!”
Another Road
Travelers crosses the Eternal Gate and steps
into the infernal lands. Once the massive portal
closes behind them, there is no way of stepping
“Thee it behooves to take another road,” back, and they will have to proceed toward the
responded he, when he beheld me weeping, heart of the otherworldly abyss.
“If from this savage place thou wouldst escape; Their infernal tragedy has only just begun!
Because this beast, at which thou criest out, Travelers reach the 2nd level at the end of this
suffers not any one to pass her way, Canto.
but so doth harass him, that she destroys him;
Dante Alighieri
Inferno, Canto I, 91-99
econd Canto, in which we narrate of how efore We Leave
the Lost Ones reach the Acheronte’s shores, In this Canto, the Guide explains the
of those who lived with no deed of worth, general layout of Hell to the Lost Ones,
and of the ruin of false and lying gods. and can finally reveal its map. This is also
a good opportunity to explain the nature
As the Lost Ones cross this deep, dark place, the
Guide will explain any detail of the Journey and
Hell which they may still not be entirely clear on:
There sighs, complaints, and ululations loud
resounded through the air without a star, ◊ The origin and nature of the Dolorous King-
whence I, at the beginning, wept thereat. dom.
◊ How precious the Hope of the Height is. The
Languages diverse, horrible dialects, Eternal Gate had the following words carved
accents of anger, words of agony, above it: ‘All hope abandon, ye who enter in’.
and voices high and hoarse, with sound of hands, Unlike in the Dark Forest, all Hope which is
lost, spent, or donated while in Hell is gone
made up a tumult that goes whirling on forever, and consuming it in its entirety will
forever in that air forever black, spell the inevitable end of the Journey, De-
even as the sand doth, when the whirlwind breathes. spair and final loss – eternal damnation.
◊ The souls which reside within are damned
Dante Alighieri by divine will, and only divine will can save
Inferno, Canto III, 22-30 them. The Lost Ones themselves can risk
befalling such a fate if they do not atone
Flash of vermilion light. Red lightning falls upon the Lost Ones: each character must
5 make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw; any creature who fails the saving throw takes 1d10
lightning damage, or half as much damage on a successful one
Earthquake. The ground beneath the feet of the Lost Ones is shaken by a terrible tremor:
each character must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, or suffer 2d6 bludgeon-
9 ing damage, become prone and buried under the rubble. To free themselves, a character
must make a DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check. The damage is halved on a successful
saving throw, and the character is not prone or buried.
Dante Alighieri
Inferno, Canto III, 61-69
Ruin Environments
they are detected, three indifferent damned
approach them aggressively. The Lost Ones can
try to get them to calm down with a successful
I . E xter io r
The Ruin has a main entrance, lacking a door,
When the Lost Ones finally sight the Ruin, read over which hangs a soiled curtain of faded crim-
the following: son. All around this area is a buzzing cloud of
hornets and gadflies, audible from several feet
At the center of a depression are the remains away. With a successful DC 13 Intelligence (In-
of what appears to be an ancient temple, vestigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check, a
erected for pagan gods. Despite its state of second entrance on the north side of the tem-
disrepair, much as everything else in this ple can be detected, partially hidden by a col-
area, its structure is still mostly standing, lapsed section of wall. By removing some debris,
and its walls and columns rise from the mud- a medium-sized creature can easily sneak into
dy ground, offering an anchor and relief for the temple’s Hidden Cell on all fours. With a
the Lost Ones, perhaps for the first time since successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check, a
setting eyes upon the first emanations of this character may notice that there seems to be a
dark realm. Hovering behind the first row of soul inside, sobbing.
columns is a veil of darkness and decay, and
a crimson curtain, soiled and tattered, cov-
II. Entr ance
ers its entrance. A few hunched and moaning
individuals roam around it, grazing the col- The Indifferent Gate is guarded by a cloud of
umns in hope of relieving the gadfly bites and insects of all kinds and shapes which bite and
removing the worms. sting all those who attempt to pass through in
order to reach the red curtain. In front of the
All along the columns are several despairing, tattered curtain there are is one swarms of
wailing souls (indifferent damned), drawn to wasps* that attack any creature that enters its
this place by the ‘gray oriflame’ which hangs space, but do not leave its position. If it is de-
from the Ruin, bearing the name of Sariel. These stroyed, it reforms after 2d4 rounds.
banners, though vile and meaningless, have be-
come an attraction for the damned souls who
wander the Antinferno, and are therefore dis-
tracted from reaching the Acheronte’s shores.
V. Hid d en Cell
I V. Sanc tuary
The cell at the back of the temple is almost emp-
The roof in this area has fallen in, and now opens ty, holding only a single damned soul, alone and
upon an air without a star, and several damned in tears. This is one of the Indifferent, except for
surround a tall and dark figure, which looms the fact that its features are more defined and
over them all: Sariel. The damned are drawn to visible than any of the other damned encoun-
the angel’s natural charm, although he cannot, tered so far. In fact, she appears to be a woman,
however, help them in the way he has promised, and claims her name to be Ipazia, though she
given that he does not possess any intent, pow- remembers little or nothing of her past life. She
er, or knowledge to do so. The delusion takes the finds herself there because Sariel had developed
form of empty rituals, half pagan, half sacred, a certain interest in her, calling her ‘intriguing’.
pointless ornaments, and endless mass prayers For reasons unknown to her, Ipazia has also de-
in nonsense languages. veloped the Hope of the Height, and Sariel is
If Sariel notices the presence of the Lost Ones, trying to pry it away from her – in fact, it is their
he will quiet his followers, and a heavy silence meeting that led to him gathering souls in the
will fall over the congregation. Black wings will Ruin.
spread from his back, although unable to fly, The large door that leads to the heart of the
as the statuesque angel slowly descends from sanctuary is made of solid gold, and it is sealed;
the golden pedestal and places himself before it depicts in fine detail a duel between an angel
the characters. His voice sounds both sinis- loyal to the Lord and a rebel angel from Lucife-
ter and reassuring. He senses the Lost Ones’ ro’s ranks. There is no other way to open it other
hope, and will try convincing them to join than attacking one of the two angels, therefore
him and his cause: preventing the Damned allegorically choosing a side. If a character at-
from reaching Caronte until the ferryman tacks the depiction of the rebel angel, until the
surrenders, allowing Sariel to cross the river. end of the next long rest, each time they make
a damage roll, they had 1d8 radiant damage,
If the characters refuse or try convincing Sariel while if they attack the depiction of the angel of
to abandon his plans, he will direct his follow- the celestial forces, until the end of the next long
ers (two indifferent damned) against the Lost rest, each time they make a damage roll, they
Ones and will soon join the fight himself. Once add 1d8 necrotic damage.
Sariel is finally defeated, all the damned and in- If the Lost Ones solve the door puzzle, it will si-
different who are still intact will scatter in panic lently open directly behind Sariel’s back.
Ipazia is still an indifferent, and seems to hold a Spark of Divine Hope within her, despite
her inability to access it or even be aware of it. This is enough, however, for her to be cu-
rious about who the Lost Ones are and what they are doing here, to reveal to them her sto-
ry and what little she remembers of her life, and to ask the Travelers to let her join their
journey. In some way, this bizarre soul also seems familiar or connected to some of the Lost
Ones, as if some of them had met her in their previous life, or at least have known of her.
Who Ipazia really is can only be revealed if one or any of the Lost Ones unlocks a bond in their
Infernal Chronicles and makes her a Familiar Spirit.
As this is the first character with whom this new Inferno mechanic can be unlocked, the Guide
should play this character in a way that arouses compassion and empathy from the Travelers,
trying to get them decide to help her or at least find out more about her. In either case, the Guide
should make sure to introduce the players, if they have not done so already, to the rules about
Infernal Chronicles and their importance (see page 54).
Additionally, the Guide can choose to not use the suggested name of Ipazia, changing it to
any name that best suits the campaign, or let the players choose a name for the Familiar
Spirit they encounter.
In case the Lost Ones choose not to unlock Infernal Chronicles for Ipazia, or that the Infernal
Chronicles in this case do not reveal the reason for Ipazia’s condition, we suggest that the Guide
can portray the character as an Indifferent who, through some special event, is regaining her
Hope of the Height – moving away from the sin that sentences her to eternal indifference.
One final suggestion is to make Ipazia into a player character. This should not in theory be pos-
sible, as Ipazia is meant to be an indifferent, but should the Guide choose to do so, they could
reveal that she is in fact a noble spirit headed for the Castle in Limbo. Sariel captured her before
she could reach it, holding her captive for time immemorial. If this is the version that the Guide
chooses to follow, Ipazia can be played as a noble spirit. In fact, even Sariel could join the group
as a playable indifferent angel once he reforms and regains the characteristics of this Archetype.
B ack on the Acheronte’s shore, with or with-
out Ipazia, the Lost Ones will be reunited
with their Guide and the souls waiting to cross
the river. The Guide explains that the angel they
have defeated will remain forevermore in Hell,
or until divine will decrees otherwise. However,
thanks to their intervention, it will take time be-
fore Sariel can act again toward freeing himself
of his condition. All that is left now is to head
for Caronte’s ferry, and demand their side of the
deal: the right to cross the river.
dimension nor weight (see also the note on
page 87). Also important to understand is
the role of the Torch and the Divine Flame.
It is finally time to meet Hell’s enforcers,
the devils, who act as guardians, tortur-
hird Canto, in which we narrate the cross- ers or assistants to the Keepers, and one
ing of the dusky waves of the Acheron- of the Keepers fully invested in his duties:
te river, of the pain of those left to wait Caronte.
ashore, and of how Caron Dimonio rejects them
from his vessel; of how, despite his efforts, the in- you suspiciously due to your nature and the
different attempt to reach the shore beyond. Hope you carry with you, which burns like a
beacon in the dark to them.
Where is Power to Do
miliar Spirit to some, and who is probably still
among them.
As soon as the Travelers return to the Acheron-
te’s shores, you will let them know how Caronte Charon the demon, with the eyes of glede,
will let them board his colossal ferry. The ves- Beckoning to them, collects them all together,
sel, however, is made of the same ephemeral Beats with his oar whoever lags behind.
matter as Hell, and will sink significantly due to
the weight of so many living beings. Droves of As in the autumn-time the leaves fall off,
Indifferent will take the opportunity to charge First one and then another, till the branch
the Travelers and try climbing on board, forcing Unto the earth surrenders all its spoils;
the characters to fight to avoid falling into the
lethal, black waters of Acheronte. In similar wise the evil seed of Adam
Throw themselves from that margin one by one,
with each trip. The Dolorous People are piled Dante Alighieri
into every corner of the gloomy wood, eyeing Inferno, Canto III, 109-120
Noble Spirits
to the rest of the campaign, might
raise some questions from the players
which will only find an answer in the next.
In particular, any of the following: who
is their Guide? Why did they come greet
ourth Canto, in which we illustrate the First them and accompany them? Why have
Circle of Hell, also called Limbo, and the they been “chosen” among all the sinners
Castle of the Noble Spirits found within. in the world for an otherworldly Journey of
redemption? Do they also have patrons in
In either case, this Canto describes events and A thick bank of fog prevents you from seeing
encounters from the First Circle, the Labyrinth anything other than your Guide’s light, and the
of Fog, and other perils that will also be useful air around you trembles with the sighing and
during Canto V. crying of endless tormented souls, their wailing
not dissimilar from those of newborn babies…
Stanza I – Upon the Verge of the The foaming whirlpools of the Acheronte are
Valley Dolorous
but a distant memory; on this side of the riv-
er, the barely audible wailing of newborns is
the only sound accompanying the Travelers,
True is it, that upon the verge I found me alongside muffled sighs. Spectral and im-
of the abysmal valley dolorous, palpable figures surround the Lost Ones in
that gathers thunder of infinite ululations. every direction, uncountable but in a some-
what state of peace, almost uncaring of their
Obscure, profound it was, and nebulous, passage. The Guide reassures them that their
so that by fixing on its depths my sight destination, the Castle, is not far, though the
nothing whatever I discerned therein. walls are impossible to spot. Anywhere they
look, the outlines and features of the First
“Let us descend now into the blind world,” Circle are invisible due to the fog, which seems
began the Poet, pallid utterly; to thicken and darken with each step. Cold
“I will be first, and thou shalt second be.” currents start brushing against the Lost Ones’
limbs, but the fog does not dissipate. Soon
Dante Alighieri enough, the peaceful souls all around them
Inferno, Canto IV, 7-15 will disappear. Barely visible through the fog
– and only thanks to the dim light cast by the
d10 Events
Lamentation of the broken. Cries, newborn wailing and despairing sighs increase around
1-2 the Lost Ones, becoming oppressive and unbearable in a vortex of desire and disappoint-
ment (for effects, see Lamentation of the Broken)
Fog devil. 1 minor devil lost in the fog, or in search of a soul to torture, who attacks the
characters on sight
Icaro (special). This encounter can only take place inside the Labyrinth of Fog (see Can-
8-9 to V – Stanza I). Otherwise, the Lost Ones encounter 1d4 souls of Limbo (indifferent
Familiar Spirit. A soul of Limbo wanders through the fog of the First Circle, aimlessly
10 seeking the Castle. One or more characters might recognize them as a Familiar Spirit and
choose to unlock an Infernal Chronicle.
of the People
which can be seen as wall 60 feet long, 20 feet
tall, and 1 foot wide, or as a circular wall 20 feet
in diameter, 20 feet tall and 1 foot wide. Each
There, in so far as I had power to hear, creature that enters the lamentation of the bro-
were lamentations none, but only sighs, ken’s area and each creature that ends its turn
that tremulous made the everlasting air. within 5 feet of it takes 9 (2d8) necrotic dam-
age and must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution
And this arose from sorrow without torment, saving throw or its maximum hit points is re-
which the crowds had, that many were and great, duced by the damage taken and loses 1 Hope
of infants and of women and of men. Point. This effect lasts until the next long rest.
If the effect causes the creature’s maximum hit
Dante Alighieri points to reach 0, the creature is destroyed. The
Inferno, Canto IV, 25-30 only way to escape the hungry corrupted souls,
unfortunately, is to literally walk through them
met their Guide again, the child claims he has
gotten lost in the fog, and asks the characters
for their help to reach the Castle of the Noble
Spirits. Alternatively, if they have yet to rejoin
the Guide, the child offers his help to reach the Not very far as yet our way had gone
Castle, as he knows the way. On a successful DC this side the summit, when I saw a fire
15 Wisdom (Insight) check, a character will no- that overcame a hemisphere of darkness.
tice something strange in the young soul’s be-
havior, who might not truly want to reach the We were a little distant from it still,
Castle after all. If the characters realize this and but not so far that I in part discerned not
press the spirit for more information, the child that honorable people held that place.
will swiftly vanish into the fog with a sigh.
The child’s true goal is to lure the Band into a Dante Alighieri
clearing far from the Castle and allow its kin, Inferno, Canto IV, 67-72
other unbaptized souls, to feed off the Travelers’
Hope. The souls have been corrupted by infernal
disappointment, yearning and envy toward the
biblical patriarchs, as they alone were allowed to
A fter a possible encounter with the hungry,
wailing corrupted souls, the Lost Ones no-
tice a sphere of light piercing through the dark-
leave this place: the characters find themselves ness and the fog. This is a group of noble spirits
surrounded by a vortex of wailing fog, and suf- similar to the Guide, each holding a torch, who
fer the effects of the Lamentation of the Broken moved out of the Castle to come meet with the
each round. Travelers and welcome back the spirit leading
them, whose torch has definitely died out by this
W ith or without the Guide accompanying
them, the Lost Ones are finally able to
escape the fog’s shadowy embrace. They find
torches, the Travelers walk upon the water, pass
through the gates, and reach the upper section
of the Castle, their feet brushing over fresh,
themselves on the shore of a crystal-clear body green grass. If there had been any discordance
of water, around which the air is a little clearer. with the noble spirits, these are now behind
On the other shore are the seven tall circles of them, and the Guide is finally ready to explain
the concentric walls around the hill upon which the nature of the Bonfire and all the torches
blazes the Bonfire that pierces the darkness. The they have encountered so far – and the reason
noble spirits are gathered to wait at the entrance behind the Lost Ones’ presence on this incred-
to this Castle, even if the Travelers have made ible Journey.
their way through the Labyrinth of Fog alone. The Travelers reach their next level at the end of
Thanks to the Divine Flame of the gathered this Canto.
ifth Canto, in which the Lost Ones find Even the Guide’s secret is revealed – there
themselves at the heart of the Castle of the is no other way, as you are before the
Noble Spirits and herein are revealed the flame of divine truth – and the Travelers
secrets of their Guide, and forged is the lantern are made aware of everything that awaits
which will henceforth light their way. them during their Journey.
You may spend as much time as you want
Verity Defraud
gamble for everyone present: after all, what oth-
er choice do they have?
be Shown
as was the saying of them where I was.
Dante Alighieri
their secret must out – it is too late, after all, Inferno, Canto XVII, 106-114
to change or stop what has been set in motion.
The Guide reveals their secret to the noble spir-
its and the Travelers and shows their real identi-
ty, and true intentions (see page 63).
O ne issue remains, however: the Lost Ones re-
quire the Divine Flame to descend through
Hell, but the torch will never burn long enough
nor will it survive the Hurricane of the Second
After the explanation is over, the Lost Ones Circle, even less so the icy cold of Cocito. This is
might be angry, disappointed, even wish vio- not a limitation of its divine nature, but rather
lence upon the Guide, but there is nothing much the wood which it burns, whose existence is as
to do and wrath – even in Hell – is still a serious transient as all else on Earth and in Hell.
sin. The only solution the Guide has been able to
Having gotten this far inside Hell, there is no come up with is to place the Divine Flame di-
other way out than to follow the path and in- rectly into a lantern, a closed and sealed arti-
structions laid out by the Guide, who offers once fact, which would allow it to be easily handled
more to become guarantor and escort to all throughout the entire Journey.
Travelers to the Cocito, where Lucifero and the There is but one noble spirit among all those
only way out lie. here capable of such work: the great artisan
It is practically impossible for indifferent angels, Dedalo – who, however, has not constructed
malebranche, and noble spirits, anyone who has anything since time immemorial.
not been explicitly allowed by the Lord, to leave The first thing to do, then, is to convince Dedalo
Hell, not even through the Burella. However, to craft such a marvel, building a suitable forge
reaching the lowest part of Hell and facing Lu- with him and gathering all the required wood
Stanza IV – The Champion of the O nce Dedalo has given the Guide the Lantern
of the Divine Flame, the Band can resume
False Gods
their Journey once more.
Leaving the quiet, bright peace of the Noble Cas-
tle is not easy, and once they pass its seventh
I cannot all of them portray in full, gate and cross the river surrounding the hill, the
because so drives me onward the long theme, fog and sighs return to envelop the Travelers.
that many times the word comes short of fact. This time, however, the light of the Lantern is
much stronger than that of the Torch, and the
The sixfold company in two divides; fog does not seem to be strong enough to coil
another way my sapient Guide conducts me around it with the same thickness it showed the
forth from the quiet to the air that trembles; first time through.
A few minutes in, however, something happens.
and to a place I come where nothing shines. A successful DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check
will allow the characters to notice a large hu-
Dante Alighieri manoid creature approaching them from behind.
Inferno, Canto IV, 145-151
Canto VI – Against He
with his brother, who is also in line somewhere
in this place. However the players want to pro-
ixth Canto, in which we narrate of the hor- terrible judgment upon you all.
rible Minosse, who girds with his tail and
judges all the Dolorous People, and of the
tragic fate awaiting the Lost Ones.
T his Canto was originally the last one
planned for the Inferno adventure,
Stanza I – Toward the in waiting, or take but a single step for every
Second Circle
hundred heartbeats of the Lost Ones, the only
measure of time in this place.
To make things worse is the presence of a le-
I say, that when the spirit evil-born gion of devils armed with weapons and bad
cometh before him, wholly it confesses; intentions, prodding and poking the Dolor-
and this discriminator of transgressions ous People, keeping them in line like lambs to
the slaughter, preventing the Lost Ones from
Seeth what place in Hell is meet for it; moving away or ahead.
girds himself with his tail as many times
as grades he wishes it should be thrust down. It is immediately clear to the Travelers that they
will have to wait here for hours unending and
Always before him many of them stand; it is unlikely that they will be able to cut in line
they go by turns each one unto the judgment; without drawing the attention of one of the dev-
they speak, and hear, and then are downward hurled. ils overseeing the archway.
Free will, however, does allow them to move in
Dante Alighieri one of many ways, if they are not keen on wait-
Inferno, Canto V, 7-15 ing for an eternity – or at least try to do so. The
Guide might suggest they ask the guardian dev-
T here is no end to the punishment of the
Dolorous People, there is no end to the ex-
istence of those who fall down into the Blind
World, beneath the air without a star. Each
damned soul which lies in Hell can be destroyed,
but only temporarily, coming back into existence
soon after. Minosse too will return to its seat in
the Second Circle, but until that moment many,
many damned will swarm past without receiv-
ing their sentence, free to head wherever they
choose, and hide to avoid or lighten the punish-
ment which they deserve. The infernal balance is
shaken and the Travelers are obviously at fault
– will this bear repercussions for them, or even
for Hell itself?
Lacking their Guide, left to their own devices,
with no way back and an endless path in front of
them, as thousands of souls carelessly disperse
across Higher Hell, the Travelers now find them-
selves having passed Minosse and needing to
start everything from scratch again. There are
no certainties going forward, nor is there any-
one to lead them or show them the way: the im-
mense weight of their own redemption is entire-
eventh Canto, in which we narrate of the
Second Circle of Hell, and of the journey
through the Great Hurricane and the meet-
ing with the Lovers, whose lost souls find peace in
T his Canto was unlocked during the
Inferno crowdfunding campaign as
an optional addition to the introductory
painful but comforting embrace. campaign. It can present a good oppor-
tunity to give a conclusion or a direct fol-
Additionally, the Guide can add any of the following effects at their discretion.
Dust Vortex. On the ground and in some suspended locations, the Hurricane can create dust
vortexes. A character making a Wisdom (Perception) check that relies on sight in proximity of
these vortexes has disadvantage on the roll. These areas are also considered difficult terrain, due
to the incredibly strong winds flailing any corporeal being trying to move through them.
Rock Whirlwind. The wind of the Second Circle often and very suddenly generates whirlwinds
of rocks, stones, and smaller debris, with the effect of creating even more pain for the Wanton
who are trapped within the Hurricane. The area (30 ft radius) within a rock whirlwind is heavily
obscured, and a character who starts its turn inside this area takes 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage.
A rock whirlwind can move 20 ft per round, and disappears after 1d4 rounds.
Rain of Debris. The infernal storm is so powerful that it can shift boulders and shatter cliffs as
it crashes against them, smashing them and scattering them aside like rain.
At the start of its turn, a creature in the area of the rain of debris must make a DC 20 Dexterity
saving throw; on a failed save, it takes 18 (4d8) bludgeoning damage, or half as much damage
of a successful one. On a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check, a creature can spot the
approach of the rain of debris; if so, it has advantage of the saving throw. Elements of the land-
scape that provide full cover can protect a character from the rain of debris.
Them Forevermore
and despairing.
This natural shelter will not last long, as the
debris can be removed at any time by a sudden
gust, but it does allow the Travelers to find some Love, that on gentle heart doth swiftly seize,
respite from the devastating effects of the Hur- Seized this man for the person beautiful
ricane, and the same is true for the tortured That was ta’en from me, and still the mode offends me.
souls slammed against it. In this temporary
shelter from the storm, the Lost Ones can start Love, that exempts no one beloved from loving,
a conversation with any of the damned present Seized me with pleasure of this man so strongly,
in this location, some of whom could unlock an That, as thou seest, it doth not yet desert me;
Infernal Chronicle for one or more characters.
Specifically, one of these souls, whose limbs Love has conducted us unto one death;
are jutting out at odd angles due to the Hur- Caïna waiteth him who quenched our life!”
ricane’s force, is whining and moaning as an- These words were borne along from them to us.
other – also wounded, but still able to stand
– gently caresses it. Dante Alighieri
The latter immediately looks at the Travelers Inferno, Canto V, 100-108
and the Lantern as they approach, and begs
Purple Air
Ones will find themselves on a flat area which
seems to have been sliced off clean, right in the
eye of the Hurricane. What they do not find,
And all the while one spirit uttered this, however, is the tempestarii devil.
the other one did weep so, that, for pity, The characters will see all around them, whirling
I swooned away as if I had been dying, around the peak, vaguely circular and flat rocks
(5ft radius), held mid-air by the wind.
and fell, even as a dead body falls.
In order to reach Calcabrina, the characters can
Dante Alighieri make use of the floating rocks, leaping from
Inferno, Canto V, 139-142 one to the next with a successful DC 12 Strength
(Athletics) check, all the way to the storm dev-
tional addition to the introductory campaign.
It can be used as a direct continuation of the
events that took place subsequent to the de-
feat of Minosse and after crossing the Second
ighth Canto, in which we narrate of the Circle.
Third Circle of Hell, wherein Gluttony is Specifically, it can be used as a template to
punished, and of the demon Cerbero. create, as the Travelers keep descending to-
wards Dite and Lower Hell, open gaming ses-
sions for each circle, as the latter are no longer
D iabolical Brews
Some devils in the Third Circle distill magical potions which are stored in special skins.
The Breweries can contain any of the following diabolical potions:
Centauress Skin
Potion, uncommon
A character who drinks this potion gains resistance to cold damage and the effects of the spell
expeditious retreat for 1 minute.
Key Skin
Potion, uncommon
A character can spend an action to spray the contents of this skin on a creature within 5 ft, or
throw it up to 20ft (the skin bursts as a result). In either case, the character makes a ranged at-
tack against a target creature or object, and considers the acid as an improvised weapon. If the
target is undead or a metallic object, it takes 4d6 acid damage.
Salamander Skin
Potion, uncommon
A character who drinks this potion gains resistance to fire damage and regains 10 hit points at
the starts of their turn (as long as they have at least 1 hit point) for 1 minute. If a fiend drinks
this potion, it must make DC 17 Constitution saving throw; on a failed save, it takes 2d6 poison
damage and is poisoned for 1 minute.
Torch Skin
Potion, uncommon
A creature who drinks this potion must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw; on a failed save,
it takes 4d6 fire damage, on a successful one, it can choose to redirect the damage by breathing
fire upon a target creature within 30ft. The target creature must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving
throw; on a failed save, it takes 4d6 fire damage, or half as much damage on a successful one.
The effect of the potion ends after a number of breaths equal to the character’s Constitution
modifier, or after 1 minute.
The Skins are special Infernal Artifacts, with the following properties:
◊ Skins do not require attunement.
◊ In order to carry a skin, it must be attached to an Infernal Emblem which is not attuned to
another Infernal Artifact, including the skin; this means that a character can carry a total
of 3 skins. The Skins are added to the Traveler’s semblance without any disadvantages, en-
cumbrance, or increase to their weight.
◊ Carrying a skin does not force a character to lose any Hope Points; the skin is destroyed
when a Traveler dies, and it does not reform.
◊ Skins are consumed in the same way as potions.
You must also note that the theft of these skins will not go unnoticed. Ecate has spies every-
where, and some of them might be slithering beneath the Band’s feet even as we speak.
and Uncouth
ward the prey which have bested it. In fact, the
determination to find them again and mete out
punishment increases exponentially each time.
Red eyes he has, and unctuous beard and black, If the Travelers have already defeated Cerbero,
and belly large, and armed with claws his hands; they can still meet the Keeper as the next ran-
he rends the spirits, flays, and quarters them. dom encounter, ready for a fight.
Tracker. Each time that rolling on the table does
Howl the rain maketh them like unto dogs; not result in an encounter with Cerbero, the next
one side they make a shelter for the other; roll gains a +1. Example: if the Travelers have had
oft turn themselves the wretched reprobates. three encounters, but none of them were Cerbe-
ro, the next 1d10 rolled on the encounter table
When Cerberus perceived us, the great worm! will yield the result of 1d10+3.
His mouths he opened, and displayed his tusks; Relentless. Each time the Lost Ones meet Cer-
not a limb had he that was motionless. bero as they move across the Third Circle, the
modifier explained above (see Tracker) resets.
Dante Alighieri Additionally, after the first encounter with the
Inferno, Canto VI, 16-24 Travelers, Cerbero has advantage on its initia-
tive roll for every encounter.
1 (or less) Hungry. 1d4 gluttonous damned and 1 host of the gluttonous damned
Useful encounter. The Lost Ones come across an encounter described in the section
Useful Encounters of the Third Circle
10 + Cerbero. The Lost Ones are spotted by Cerbero, who attacks them on sight
d6 Perils
The Mire. As with every other location in the Circle, the area is considered difficult terrain, but
1 -2
there are no additional threats
Downpour. Everything in an area under a downpour is slightly obscured and creatures in the area
have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. The rain and snow immedi-
ately snuff out open flames and creatures in the area have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on hearing
Rotting Bog. A creature who enters the area for the first time or starts its turn in the area must
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, it falls prone to the ground. A creature attempt-
ing to use concentration while in the bog area must make a successful DC 15 Constitution saving
throw or lose concentration
5 Hailstorm. Every creature starting its turn in the hailstorm area takes 1d4 bludgeoning damage
Snow Blizzard. A creature in the area of the snow blizzard must make a DC 10 Constitution saving
6 throw, or gain a level of exhaustion. Creatures who have resistance or immunity to cold damage
automatically succeed on the saving throw
Brewer Devils. As suggested at the start of the Canto, the characters can make their way to one of the tar-filled
caves which the Circle’s devils call “Breweries”. The Lost Ones might choose to face off against the devils (e.g.
1d4 minor devils and 1 guardian devil)
devil) guarding the entrance, in order to get their hands on the portentous
potions (see Diabolical Brews in Stanza III) or to free the souls they torture and lash to extract their alcoholic
Alternatively, the Travelers might attempt to sneak into the Breweries, succeeding on a DC 15 Dexterity (Stealth)
check, to better study the devils’ actions and maybe steal a few skins from their stock; in this case, the area
of the Breweries might have a few gargolle (e.g. 2 gargoyles*
gargoyles*)) lying in wait, or a couple of rudimentary traps.
Such a scenario, however, might also encourage the players to interact in some other way with the devils, may-
be by exchanging information or skins for favors or tasks: a malebranche, for example, might offer a few po-
tions and a shortcut toward the Fourth Circle (see Shortcuts, Stanza III) as long as they escort it to Dite, where
it must deliver a load of brews to Minister Berith at the Heretics Library (see page 145).
Or, more simply, by studying the devils and eavesdropping on their conversations, or thanks to a tip from a
talkative devil, they might discover that if Cerbero gobbles up more than half a dozen drunken souls, it be-
comes too drowsy to fight, and must go rest in its lair (see Shortcuts, Stanza III).
Tantalo. The despairing cries of a damned soul echo from not too far away, seemingly coming from a circular
formation of rocks, bones, and mud. Inside this rotten fence, the characters will find a small pool of stagnant
water, surrounded by weeds and pale, wilted spikes. At the center of the pool is a damned soul, and above their
head are withered branches holding blackened, dried up fruits which ooze amber juices – juice which never
falls, not even in the gusts of wind escaping the Hurricane above. This is Tantalo, a king out of Greek mythol-
ogy, whose sin was not only to have stolen ambrosia from the gods, but also to have served them his own son
Pelope as a meal during a banquet in their honor. Now he is sentenced to an eternity of hunger and thirst he
cannot satisfy. He does not seem to be able to drink from the pool he finds himself in – and which, to him,
appears as a clear, crystal body of fresh water – nor to eat of the fruits which dangle above him, moved away
by the wind whenever he seems to graze past those rotten fruits – which he sees as plump and ripe.
If the characters offer Tantalo any kind of comfort, even just talking to him or moving the plant closer, pluck-
ing a fruit for him, or helping him drink, he might choose to reveal some useful information. You see, Tantalo
witnessed a neutralized Cerbero once, at the passage of some lost soul through the Circle.
First of all, Tantalo might remember the recent presence of Orfeo and Euridice, looking for a way out of Hell
(see also page 64). Orfeo attempted to use his lyre against the beast, in the same way he had done millennia
prior as a Lost One. This time, however, the Keeper of the Third Circle snapped his hands off and destroyed
both souls, flinging them who knows where and taking the Lyre for itself.
Before then, between the first and second appearance of Orfeo, a glorious young man called Enea, who had
also entered Hell as a Lost One, had faced off against the beast. Long before the hunt could even start, how-
ever, the Sybil who acted as his Guide had thrown honey bread filled with soporific herbs to the Keeper. What
Tantalo remembers most vividly is Cerbero collapsing into the mire in an unnatural sleep, and Enea continuing
on his Journey. Tantalo could end his story by telling the Travelers that the pale spikes growing around the
pool are asphodels, plants with a mystical soporific power, and that the juice oozing from the fruits above is
thick enough to knead into a bread such as the one that the Sybil gave Cerbero. Characters can make a sopo-
rific bread for the infernal mutt with a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Medicine) check (see
Shortcuts in Stanza III).
Cerbero’s Lair. An enormous dark and dank cave, upon the horizon, barely visible through the storm. Outside
it are dozens and dozens of chewed and spat out carcasses, slowly sinking in the mud. If the characters step
into the cave, they will find very little other than the long black hairs of the beast’s coat, covered in blood and
sludge. A character, however, may realize that they can cover their own scent with them with a successful DC 13
Wisdom (Survival) or Intelligence (Nature) check. It would make it much more difficult for the Keeper to sniff
them out (see Shortcuts, Stanza III).
Additionally, the characters can rummage through the lair of the three-headed demon, and with a successful
DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) or DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check, or if they are accompanied by Orfeo
and/or Euridice, they can find the Infernal Artifact Orfeo’s Lyre.
he threw it into those rapacious gullets.
S hortcuts
Keeping in mind all suggestions provided so far, below are some examples of shortcuts which
the Travelers might make use of:
◊ The Band chooses to escort the Brewer devil to Dite; the Guide can remove 2 encounters, as the
devil knows a faster way out of the Circle.
◊ The Travelers make Tantalo’s honey and asphodel bread, and are able to feed it to Cerbero; the
Guide can ignore all the “Cerbero” results, which still count for the total encounters required to
leave the Circle. The effects tied to Cerbero’s abilities no longer apply. Cerbero wakes up if it takes
any damage.
◊ The Travelers cover themselves with Cerbero’s scent in its Lair; the Guide applies a -1 modifier to
any result on the table. Cerbero’s Tracker ability still applies.
◊ The Travelers feed Cerbero at least six drunken souls, which they can find at the Breweries; for the
duration of that encounter and the next on the table, Cerbero is poisoned.
◊ The Travelers have acquired some Salamander Skins at the Breweries, and they feed Cerbero one
or more; for the duration of the current encounter and the next, Cerbero is poisoned.
In the distance, beyond the black waters, the
Band can see bastions lit up by red and corus-
cating flashes.
This is Dite, the infernal city, ruled by Ecate, Thus we descended into the fourth chasm,
the Queen of Everlasting Lamentation. Its walls gaining still farther on the dolesome shore
form the divide between Higher Hell and the which all the woe of the universe insacks.
lower regions of the Blind World, sharper and
more terrible still. Justice of God, ah! who heaps up so many
One of the most terrible destinations of this new toils and sufferings as I beheld?
Journey awaits. and why doth our transgression waste us so?
A s suggested in the previous Canto, the Guide can plan and prepare the upcoming areas by reading through
the descriptions of the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Circles found in Inferno – Dante’s Guide to Hell and the
“Events and Encounters of the Fourth Circle” table. The Travelers are free to move around these spaces, and the
Guide can provide more details and clues as they do so.
For example: the Fourth Circle does not have an appointed Infernal Keeper, and the Guide might point this
out explicitly. There is no Caronte, Minosse, or Cerbero ready to prevent them from pressing onward, and even
Pluto is more concerned with his own interests and profit than the damned or with capturing the souls who
avoided judgment.
The Weight of sin. An intangible yet very present force grows heavier and heavier upon the shoul-
1 -2 ders of the Lost Ones. Each creature which starts its turn in the area must make a DC 14 Strength
saving throw, or suffer one level of exhaustion
Infernal chronicle. One of the souls toiling to move its boulder, or one wandering very lost in the
6 mists of this circle is looking for the Noble Castle. One or more characters can choose to unlock an
Infernal Chronicle
Fleeing souls. One or more souls (damned) who escaped Minosse’s judgment approach the char-
7-9 acters. They might ask for their help, offer aid, or even try stealing some of their Hope or the Lan-
tern directly
Pluto. Pluto is a major devil who craves artifacts, occult secrets, intriguing favors, and precious
belongings above all else
T he Stige shore is considered difficult terrain. A dozen steps in, the marsh becomes a brackish pool, the
only possible ways to cross it being swimming or calling for Flegias. The waters of the Fifth Circle are
impossible to see through, deep, and unusually thick and corrosive. A creature who wants to swim through
them must succeed on a DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check. On a failure, the creature is restrained and takes 1d6
necrotic damage due to the fluid’s noxious nature before they can attempt the check again. It should not be
possible to actually cross the marsh by swimming, or at least it should require at least 6 consecutive successful
checks, each of which is paired with a roll on the “Events and Encounters of the Fifth Circle (Stige)” table: 2
for the initial part (roll 1d4 on the table), 2 for the central area (roll 2d4 on the table), and 2 at the Profound
Moats (roll 3d4 on the table). Crossing the marsh on Flegias’ ferry removes the swimming checks but not the
encounter table roll.
Events and Encounters of the Fifth Circle (Stige)
Irascible. 2d6 irascible damned and 1 host of the irascible damned attack the Travelers and try
1 -2
dragging them into the black, lethal waters
Watcher. 1 guardian devil arrives to confront the Travelers, asking them how they are and why they
are crossing the Stige
Whirlpool. A whirlpool forms beneath the Stige’s surface, with deformed human limbs, slimy claws,
and toothy, jagged maws rising from it. To avoid falling into the water, any creature on the boat
5-6 must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. Each Traveler who starts their turn in the whirlpool
must make a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check to climb back onto the boat or swim away, or take 1d6
piercing damage and 1d6 necrotic damage and are still threatened by the whirlpool
Stanza III – Through More Secret prior, the accursed wolf has been sentenced
goes through the kingdom of the people dead?” T he Lost Ones can access Dite in a variety
of ways, as described in Inferno – Dante’s
Guide to Hell, and it is possible for them to make
Dante Alighieri their way through the Dolent City with arms and
Inferno, Canto VIII, 76-85 Hope, or with cunning, subterfuge, or even the
complicity of infernal creatures.
Dite is the Capital of the Gloomy Kingdom, the Dite must be considered a fully working city,
City of Fire, the coruscating center of power of the only real city in all of Hell, and it is filled
Hell. with locations, diabolical beings, and charac-
Compared to the guardian devils of Higher Hell, ters who can offer a variety of adventure hooks,
and the monsters and malebranche of the Low- all catered to the group of Travelers who make
er Circles, the devils of Dite see themselves as an it through. A Band of Lost Ones being led by a
aristocracy, princes and sires, true lords of Hell, noble spirit Guide might try bypassing the City
if not by actual power, at least by heritage and of Iron through its underground tunnels, taking
lineage. Here are found all the demons of the old care of monsters and traps as they push for-
world, all the false gods and infernal creatures of ward to the Seventh Circle. A Band whose Guide
millennia past, all the fallen angels of the higher is a malebranche on the other hand, might
spheres, the monsters and portents who were not choose to walk in the light of the inextinguish-
relegated to a specific Circle or Round. And here able flames which cast their light on the cita-
they reside until their rulers send them on a mis- del’s sarcophagi and palaces, paying their way
sion to another location. through with favors and promises to Infernal
The entire pseudo-monarchy of Hell, its min- Ministers and Vassals.
isters, courts, princes, and vassals, all reside in Whatever the case, the Guide must proceed with
Dite, in towers, palaces, minarets of fire and iron. caution, offering gaming scenarios both suited
All of these buildings sprawl from the High Tower, to and enjoyable by the entire group of players.
which rises above the abyss itself; their ruler is In addition to the description found in Inferno
Ecate, the Queen of Everlasting Lamentation. – Dante’s Guide to Hell, the pages that follow
Pluto was once by her side, but due to dynas- provide new elements to and secrets about Dite,
tic events and internal disputes from millennia which only the Guide is privy to.
T Throne Room
he fire which fuels all the flames in Dite,
and the one which scalds its walls, and four
bridges and buildings in the four arcs, origi-
nates in Ecate’s Palace. A balcony right beneath
the dome of the central minaret, the High Tow-
er, allows Ecate and her servants, the Furies, to
A long corridor lined with a ruby red carpet
leads from the entrance hall to the Throne
Room, usually empty. Ecate spends most of her
oversee and watch over the entire city. time in her tower and only rarely appears before
The entrance is decorated with three snakes eat- her court.
ing each other’s tails, and the two doorknobs are The carpet glistens, as it is made of actual ruby:
in the shape of a wretched dog and a nightmare. myriad fragments of jagged rubies, so sharp
There is powerful poison inside the teeth of each even the devils cut themselves as they walk. This
mouth, which affects not the flesh but the soul. is the price for anyone seeking an audience with
It seeps through every clothing, armor, and In- the Queen of Dite.
fernal Emblem, burrowing for the heart. The
poison has a long-term effect, and those who The Throne Room’s ceiling is as tall as that of
encounter it feel only a momentary sense of loss. a cathedral, and skull-lanterns hang from it on
A green vapor will then start rising from the black iron chains. A scalding metal pillar rises
infected, about half an hour after coming into from the center of the room, emitting thin coils
contact with the poison, slowly increasing in in- of smoke: a chimney, of sorts, which exhales the
tensity. Devils and other infernal monsters are vapors accumulated in the blazing underground
attracted by such vapors, and the poisoned flesh tunnels.
High Tower
– these creatures share the Gorgon’s same gift
though through their venom rather than their
gaze, and they attack only if provoked. Not even
Every creature exposed to the infernal heat of the Sixth Circle must succeed on a Constitution saving
throw at the end of each leg, or suffer one level of exhaustion. The DC is 10 outside of the walls; the DC
is 13 inside the walls. Creatures with resistance or immunity to fire damage automatically succeed on
the saving throw.
d10 Incontri
Infernal Burst. An infernal burst can wash over the Lost Ones at any moment. Each crea-
2-3 ture within a 30-foot cone from the burst must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw; on a
failure, it takes 26 (4d12) fire damage, or half as much damage on a successful save
T here is no escape from the Circle this time
for the Travelers: there are no stretches
of quiet between Dite and the Seventh Circle,
The recommendation is to let the characters
level up at least on two occasions: once after
crossing the external walls of Dite, effectively
and there is no freedom from the wailing and stepping into the Sixth Circle, and once after
lamentation, the scorching heat of the flames, reaching the Seventh Circle and defeating the
the caustic cries of demons, the fumes, or the Minotaur (see below).
ashen air.
The walls and inner fencing of the ring that If the Travelers, however, spend a lot of time
forms the infernal metropolis look out upon a between the Fourth and Sixth Circle, face sev-
barren, sheer slope, whose end cannot be seen. eral threats and reach a confrontation with the
However, there is a horrifying bellowing which Pseudomonarchy of Demons and Ecate’s Court,
echoes from the abyss. the Guide is free to grant a few extra levels.
It might take several sessions and multiple en-
counters to make it through the Fourth, Fifth,
and Sixth Circles, taking into account the Infer-
nal Keepers, monsters and perils of all kinds,
archdevils in need of pleasing, marshes to ferry
over, watchers to avoid, walls and gates to cross,
and all will only become more dangerous as the
group proceeds on their Journey.
here are still Rounds and Malebolge to go help the Band continue their Journey.
between the walls of Dite and the Ninth However, what follows are tools and additional
Circle, and these two Circles are, respec- information that might be useful in such a task.
tively, subdivided into three and ten sub-sec-
tions each.
Nesso (infernal centaur). This centaur wears a robe which he claims is causing him discomfort. A
character who wants to help him remove it, maybe in exchange for an escort or a ride beyond the
river, immediately loses 1 Hope Point and finds themselves attuned to Nesso’s Robe (see page 176).
The centaur will swiftly leave, laughing maniacally, and the Infernal Artifact cannot be returned
Ettore. If the Travelers have defeated the champion of false gods in the First Circle, they will find
him again here, in one of the three Rounds, glaring at them with hatred. Ettore is but a damned
9-10 soul now, though he will cry for the centaurs or devils of the Seventh Circle as soon as he spots the
Band. The only way to silence him is to hand over Ettore’s Helm, which must be given directly by the
character carrying it, losing the attunement
The Sagittarii
These horrid beings still have full use of their
minds, and can use their slimy guts as lashes to
attack anyone who approaches.
Farther down, among the scalding rapids, the
souls of the Violent against others struggle, roll
and drown, plunged into the depths of the river
T hese are the Centaurs, beings known for
their endless fury and violence. Among
them is Nesso (infernal centaur), the most in-
according to the gravity of their sin. sidious and malicious of them all: his deals are
Treatise for the Guide Everything you have faced so far, every danger,
every threat or lethal peril, is nothing compared
Stanza I – These are Not Towers, The Keepers of the Ninth Circle (Giants of
but Giants
Cocito) are so ancient and devoid of their
own will that they do not oppose the Travel-
ers’ wish to descend towards the Ninth Circle:
As, when the fog is vanishing away, after all, who would choose to go there?
little by little doth the sight refigure Old Nembrot is directly above the entrance,
whate’er the mist that crowds the air conceals, placed here to announce the arrival of any
intruder. His fierce face is covered by a thick
so, piercing through the dense and darksome air, beard, braided in the ways of Babylonian
more and more near approaching tow’rd the verge, kings. A strip of leather holds his horn around
my error fled, and fear came over me; his neck, hanging over his muscular chest.
Continuing to the left is Fialte, whose icy
because as on its circular parapets chains hold his left arm in front and right arm
Montereggione crowns itself with towers, behind his torso. His features are those of a
e’en thus the margin which surrounds the well brute with no brains, eyes blacker than sin.
With his brothers, he waged a war, against the
with one half of their bodies turreted heavens, believing themselves to be stronger
the horrible giants, whom Jove menaces than the Lord. Now he is here, roaring power-
e’en now from out the heavens when he thunders. lessly against his fate and nothing much can
be gathered from a conversation with him,
Dante Alighieri other than curses and threats.
Inferno, Canto XXXI, 34-45 Farther ahead is Anteo, whose arms are free.
His appearance is much more noble, with long
but his arms are free and he can speak, in spite of his terrible punishment. Tizio is less agreeable
than Anteo, but a conversation can still be had, and a compromise can be reached in order to descend
Moving around the Well will lead you to the most imposing of all the Giants, whose belly is fixed with-
in the base of this chasm and whose head appears above the ledge. Ice chains hold his arms crossed
over his chest, but this does not make him any less dangerous. This is Tifone, once the most powerful
being among all those who came before the gods. His face is that of an old man, unkempt beard and
eyes blazing with fire. His human semblance is but a mask. Just like Gerione, he can change shape
at will: sprouting wings, additional heads and arms, tentacles akin to snakes, fire-breathing maws.
The final giant is to the right of the point you started, the same distance you moved towards Fialte.
This is Briareo, one of the hecatoncheires demons. Instead of a single head, he has a cluster of fifty,
each the size of an average human head. They speak in unison, united by a single mind, though some
at times bite one another, or close their eyes as if to sleep. Each elbow splits into fifty slender fore-
arms, each ending in a clawed hand.
Briareo is terrifying to look at, and yet the hecatoncheires is less dangerous than Tifone. Perhaps that
is why his chains are longer around the neck and arms, allowing for wider range of movement. I would
not ask Briareo to lead you below, however: his mind is peculiar and can easily shift from tranquil
conversation to bursts of murderous folly.
d10 Events
1 Traitors. 2d6 traitor damned and 1d6 host of the traitor damned
Glacial gusts. Lucifero can hit the Lost Ones with a glacial gust no matter what area of Cocito they
find themselves in. Each creature within 40 ft of the origin point of the glacial gust must make a
DC 13 Dexterity saving throw; on a failure, it takes 27 (5d10) cold damage, or half as much damage
on a successful one
4-6 Ice devils. 1d4 guardian devils and 1d6 minor devils
10 Keepers of Cocito. 1 major devil (armed with the Shard of Cocito) and 1d4 guardian devils
The first of the four concentric Zone into which Cocito is divided. The ice does not cover the
ground entirely, here at the farthest point from Lucifero, it is more similar to vast white atolls
emerging from the rigid waters.
Smooth Slabs. Some of the slabs of ice of Caina, which characters are forced to use to cross the
area, are incredibly unstable and slippery. A creature who moves onto a slab for the first time
during their turn must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, or fall prone. If the sav-
ing throw fails by 5 or more, the creature falls into the Gelid Waters of Caina (see below). This
effect can only happen once per leg of travel.
Gelid Waters of Caina. A creature can remain in the waters of Caina for a number of rounds
equals to its Constitution modifier (minimum 1) before suffering any side effects. For each ad-
ditional round spent in the waters of Caina, the creature must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution
saving throw, or suffer one level of exhaustion. Creatures with resistance or immunity to cold
damage automatically succeed on the saving throw.
When the wind and the cold are strong enough to freeze the last drop of Caina’s waters, that is
where Antenora begins. A forest of ice tongues, sharp and jagged, stretches before the Travelers.
The Lost Ones’ footwear creaks with every step on the glacier, and clear, sharp claws seem to
reach from every crack to slash their flesh.
Ice Thorns. Some areas of the ice forest are made of stalagmites so thick and jagged that they
form actual ice thorns, making the passage even more dangerous. A creature who moves close to
an ice thorn directly for the first time during its turn must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving
throw, or take 11 (2d10) slashing damage. This effect can only happen once per leg of travel.
Wind and Hail. The strong gusts of wind give disadvantage to Wisdom (Perception) checks that
rely on hearing. They can also create an ice storm which gives disadvantage to Wisdom (Percep-
tion) checks that rely on sight. When an ice storm forms in Antenora, each creature that starts
its turn in the area of effect must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw; on a failed save, it takes
9 (2d8) bludgeoning damage, or half as much damage on a successful one.
For each leg, there is a one in four chance (1 on 1d4) of an ice storm.
As they leave the icy forest of Antenora, the Lost Ones enter an area of open air. A vast glacier,
polished by the winds of Lucifero’s wings, stands between the Travelers and the final destination
of their Journey. At the end of this wind-ridden expanse is Giudecca, and with it Lucifero
Lucifero.. There
seem to be no predators nor perils in this area of Cocito, but reaching the demon prince is still
no easy task.
Dolorous Ice. Each creature exposed to the dolorous ice of Tolomea must succeed on a DC 13
Constitution saving throw at the end of every leg, or suffer one level of exhaustion. Creatures
with resistance or immunity to cold damage automatically succeed on the saving throw.
A labyrinth of frost and ice slabs, polished and filed smooth by the wind, surrounds the area in
which the lord of Hell is trapped. The hallways of the unsettling yet spectacular natural formation
are filled with howling winds, so loud as to stun the characters, and it becomes hard to not only
hear and see, but also to think clearly.
Dolorous Ice. Each creature exposed to the dolorous ice of Giudecca must succeed on a DC 14
Constitution saving throw at the end of every leg, or suffer one level of exhaustion. Creatures with
resistance to cold damage have advantage of the saving throw. Creatures with immunity to cold
damage automatically succeed on the saving throw.
Wind of Giudecca. The gusts of wind here are stronger than ever. The roar of Lucifero’s ever-beating
wings is akin to the cracking of a thousand sails in a storm – and yet, all this chaos is not enough to
cover the diabolical murmuring of the first fallen angel, as they echo off the labyrinth’s walls. The
wind of Giudecca gives disadvantage to Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight and on hear-
ing. Additionally, every time that a Traveler completes a short or long rest while in Giudecca, it must
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw, or lose 1 Spark of Hope instead of 1 Hope Point.
Giudecca’s Labyrinth. It is no easy task to find one’s way in the labyrinth. To make it out of the
frozen labyrinth and reach Lucifero’s lair, the Travelers need to make a group DC 14 Wisdom (Sur-
vival) check. On a failed check, the Travelers are lost in the labyrinth for a leg.
The Devil’s Lair. Lucifero’s lair represents the farther point from Divine Grace, the most despica-
ble, the most sinful. A strange energy permeates the entirety of Giudecca, weighing the air down
and filling with the ancient evil power of the first rebel angel. Any undead and fiend, including
Lucifero, have advantage on all saving throws while within the Devil’s Lair.
In whichever way the Band makes it down the When the Travelers reach the end of the Well of
last hundred feet of the Well, be it with the aid of Giants, they reach their next level for the last
a giant or by their own means, Lucifero’s words time (except for the Exiled, who find their future
carried on the wind of his wings will wash over place of damnation in the Second Round of the
the Lost Ones as they step onto the frozen carpet Ninth Circle).
which covers the entirety of Cocito. All certain-
ty about an exit even existing, never mind its Additionally, though the Keepers of the Well
supposed proximity, are swept away, along with of Giants are not an obstacle to the Travelers,
their willpower. and in fact may even help them, they will attack
immediately should the characters attempt to
Leaving the Malebolge behind and heading into climb their way back up. There is no return from
the Ninth Circle is the final seal to the Traveler’s Cocito.
deeds, before facing Lucifero himself.
way out of Hell, effectively betraying them. The
ideal test would be for the Lost Ones to have to
choose whether to fight or leave behind any mal-
How frozen I became and powerless then, ebranche, indifferent angels, or other compan-
ask it not, Reader, for I write it not, ions from the Band.
because all language would be insufficient. Lucifero may even keep his word, if that were
to happen: after all, such a development would
I did not die, and I alive remained not; both confirm the renewed imprisonment of the
think for thyself now, hast thou aught of wit, Travelers who joined the Band, and void the
what I became, being of both deprived. path of redemption of the Lost Ones. Sure, let
them return to their lives: the Ninth Circle, the
The Emperor of the kingdom dolorous Circle of Traitors, awaits them after death.
from his mid-breast forth issued from the ice;
Lucifero will attack the Band in anger, trying
to provoke them into striking him and tricking
them into sin once more. If no one reacts and
keeps refuting their sin, Lucifero will grab them
all and devour them in his three maws, causing
them to be destroyed once more. However, the
D ivided or all together, finally redeemed or
still encumbered by sin, if the Lost Ones
have survived the incessant loss of Hope and the
Lantern of the Divine Flame, swallowed along thousand perils of Hell, they have reached the
with the semblance who carried it, will burn him end of their path.
from within. He will spit it out in dreadful pain, If everything went according to plan, the
and be stunned for some time. grand finale that awaits the players is de-
If – and only if – the Travelers are able to survive scribed in Inferno – Dante’s Guide to Hell
this final regeneration without losing all Hope, on page 180. Take as much time as you need,
they will reform by the Lantern and will find Guide, to bring the game back to the suitable
themselves already on the way to the Burella, tragic, epic, and lyrical tone that an ending
beneath the legs of the ancient monster. such as this adventure demands. The number
of people who made it through Hell and sur-
Another Infernal Artifact that might be useful vived can be counted on one hand.
against Lucifero, if modified and used in com-
bination with the Lantern, is Perseo’s Shield. The If, instead, things have gone differently than
Shield can be made into a burning lens which expected, if the Travelers are still damned, lost,
projects a beacon of divine light, capable of Lost Ones… well, there is still the mountain of
blinding the emperor of Hell himself, at least Purgatory to climb.
for a few seconds. The only issue with this effect
is that the two artifacts must be attuned to the And if, by chance, your Journey has subverted
character carrying either of them to work, which too many of Hell’s rules and you have caused its
means that the two characters bearing shield destruction, well… the world might be on the
and lantern will not be able to escape from Hell verge of the Apocalypse and the End of Times.
if they are tasked with distracting Lucifero.
After all, is it not also part of the Lord’s ineffable
In all of these cases, be it through redemption plan?
and regeneration, or having defeated the devil
himself, the Lost Ones can finally leave Hell!
Chapter IV
Infernal Artifacts
Infernal Artifacts
tifact again to the same Emblem, to another of
their Emblems, or pass it on to another Traveler.
A Traveler cannot carry an unbound artifact:
Brigade’s Journey through the Nine Cir- when they meet an artifact, they can only either
cles is fraught with tumultuous revela- bind it (one per character), or leave it where they
tions, unexpected events that enrich the found it.
Infernal Chronicles of the Lost Ones, challeng-
Binding a Weapon
From that moment on, the benefits granted by
the Infernal Artifact add to those of the Infernal
The artifact is added to the Traveler’s semblance
without imposing any particular disadvantage,
not burdening or encumbering them in any way.
I f the Infernal Artifact is also a weapon, in
order to use its effects, a Traveler must bind
it to an Emblem which functions as a weapon
Both the Infernal Artifact and the Infernal Em- for the character, such as a tyrant’s Burden or
blem will change their appearance, sometimes an illuminatus’ Clenched Fist . A bound artifact
in a blatant or extreme way, to mark that the grants the described advantages and effects
two symbols and items have now been merged. to the emblem the Traveler uses as a weapon.
A Traveler can only be bound to one artifact at For instance, if Vieri binds the Shard of Cocito
a time, and any attempt to bind themselves to to his Burden, he will be able to deal 2d6 extra
a second artifact is destined to fail. The binding cold damage with every attack he makes with
between a Traveler and an artifact ends if the his Burden, and he will gain resistance to cold
Traveler is destroyed, at which point the artifact damage, according to the Infernal Artifact’s de-
drops to the ground in the place where the Trav- scription.
eler perished, and it will not take a new shape
along with their semblance.
With an action, a Traveler can willingly end their
binding, rescinding the artefact from their em-
blem, but they will not regain the Hope Point
they spent. The Traveler may then bind the ar-
This small rod was brought by an angel in Dante’s days. The divine messen-
ger opened the Gates of Dite before the poet and his Guide. It still lies in
High Hell, and can be found and used by other Travelers.
The Angelic Rod grants two benefits while you are bound to it:
◊ When you hit with an attack or a spell that deals a type of damage, you
can change the type of damage you deal to radiant damage.
◊ Doors Wide Open. When you strike any portcullis, gate, door, shutter
or any other similar barrier in Hell, either magical or mundane, with
the Angelic Rod, that barrier opens as if it was pushed by a sudden rush
of wind, with great clamor. If you touch a wall or another surface with-
out openings thinner than 30 feet with the Angelic Rod, that surface
breaks away loudly, revealing a passage that allows you to reach the
other side. You can’t use this property of the Angelic Rod again until
you finish a long rest.
Like many other weapons in this list, this club is wielded by certain special
foes and it is bound to those foes. It can be collected from their remains only
after its last owner has been defeated.
When you hit with an attack you make with the Emblem bound to this weap-
on, the target takes 2d6 extra acid damage.
Like many other weapons in this list, this bow is wielded by certain special
foes and it is bound to those foes. It can be collected from their remains only
after its last owner has been defeated.
When you hit with an attack you make with the Emblem bound to this weap-
on, the target takes 2d6 extra poison damage.
While you are bound to the bow, you can use an action to summon a swarm
of poisonous snakes. The swarm if friendly to you and your companions and
it acts on your turn. You can use a bonus action to decide the swarm’s move-
ment and actions in the next turn, or to give it generic commands such as
‘attack my enemies’. The swarm disappears after 1 hour.
You can’t use this property again until you finish a long rest.
Like many other weapons in this list, this cleaver is wielded by certain special
foes and it is bound to those foes. It can be collected from their remains only
after its last owner has been defeated.
When you hit with an attack you make with the Emblem bound to this weap-
on, the target takes 2d6 extra necrotic damage.
This helm was blessed by the spirits of the sky and of the
storm that cherished the Trojan warrior. While you are bound
to this helm, you gain immunity to lightning and thunder
damage, and you can use its Lightning Storm property.
The eyes on Minosse’s face are not two simple sensorial organs: They are spe-
cial diabolical relics he received from Pluto some millennia ago, when the
judge of ancient Creta was asked to become the Third Keeper of Hell and
decree a sentence for every damned according to their sins and vices.
Each one of the two Eyes of Minosse grants two benefits while you are bound
to one of them:
The scales of the mighty Gerione, Seventh Keeper of Hell, can grant a great
power. Finding one will not be easy, though…
To gain one of these scales, you must climb on Gerione’s back and use one of
your Infernal Emblems or Infernal Artifacts than can logically be used
as a weapon of some type (such as the Horn of the Minotaur, the
Scourge of Dite, or a false prophet’s Obsidian Weapon). If you use
an Infernal Artifact to this purpose, that Artifact is destroyed in
the attempt and you perish instantly, unless you spend 1 Hope
Point to avoid this effect.
The mighty Infernal Minotaur’s horns hide an ancient and powerful sor-
cery, and are cursed with an Infernal hex. If a horn is severed in battle, that
horn is not destroyed along with the Minotaur’s semblance: It remains on
the ground and no longer shares its owner’s fate. A Traveler can then collect
it and bind it to one of their Infernal Emblems.
When you hit with an attack made with the bound emblem, that attack
deals 1d10 extra bludgeoning damage and deals double damage to ob-
jects and structures.
The fiery rain falling on the Sand Waste has been collected inside these jars.
None knows where they come from, nor who made them, but they spring
from the sands scoured by the fiery rain, and they seem to draw their pow-
er from that rain.
The jar has 30 charges. While you are bound to it, you can
use an action and spend 4 or more charges to cast one of
the following spells through it (save DC 17): scorching
ray (4 charges), fireball (6 charges), fire storm (10
charges). The jar regains 1 charge per hour it re-
mains open and exposed to the rain of the Seventh
Circle. If the jar is bound to an emblem, it does not
regain any charges.
This lantern, made by Dedalo with a few golden ribs of the noble spirits and the Divine
Flame of the Bonfire of the High Castle in Limbo, cannot be extinguished or destroyed
by any force in Hell.
The lantern emits bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light 30 feet beyond that.
All creatures in that radius are not subjected to the Darkness of the Blind World (see
page 68).
When you bind the Lantern to one of your Emblems, you need not spend a Hope Point to
do it.
In addition, while you are bound to this lantern, you gain truesight in a 60-foot radius and advantage
on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. You also know the sacred flame cantrip, if you did
not already know it.
In addition, while you are bound to the lantern, you can use an action to cast the circle of power spell,
considering as “magical effects” any environmental effect or hazard in Hell. You can’t use this ability
again until you finish a long rest.
Finally, this Lantern works as a regeneration beacon for the Travelers who perish in its whereabouts,
unless there is a closer source of Divine Flame. If a Traveler’s semblance is destroyed, but they still have
Hope, they reappear within the radius of its bright light.
While you are bound to this robe, you gain immunity to fire damage.
Curse. This robe is cursed, a fact that is revealed only when an identify
spell is cast on the robe or you bind yourself to it. Binding yourself to
the robe curses you until you are targeted by the remove curse spell or
simi-lar magic; alternatively, if you die, the binding is broken and the
curse is removed, but you cannot break the binding willingly.
While you are cursed, whenever you take piercing or slashing damage,
you take 2d6 extra poison damage.
This could be the treasure that Orfeo (or maybe Euridice) is looking for, a vi-
tal piece of his plan to escape from Hell (also see page 64). If the noble spirit
is no longer with the Brigade when the Lyre is found, another Traveler can
bind to themselves to honor their lost comrade. Otherwise, if someone else is
playing that character, they are bound to the Lyre without having to spend a
Hope Point. In addition, the bound character regains 1 Glimpse of Hope and
gains Divine Inspiration, in addition to any other effect.
The Orfeo’s Lyre regains 1d4 + 1 charges when you finish a long rest.
This beautiful shield of ancient make has been celebrated in many myths
and legends.
While you are bound to this shield, you gain blindsight in a 30-foot radius.
In addition, the shield or the emblem it is bound with, work as a reflecting
Like many other weapons in this list, this greatsword is wielded by certain
special foes and it is bound to those foes. It can be collected from their re-
mains only after its last owner has been defeated.
When you hit with an attack you make with the Emblem bound to this weap-
on, the target takes 2d6 extra fire damage.
The greatsword has 5 charges. While you are bound to it, you can use an ac-
tion and spend 1 or more charges to cast one of the following spells through
it (save DC 15): burning hands (1 charge), scorching ray (2 charges), fireball (3
charges), fire shield (warm shield, 5 charges).
The greatsword regains 1d4 + 1 charges when you finish a long rest.
Like many other weapons in this list, this spear is wielded by certain special
foes and it is bound to those foes. It can be collected from their remains only
after its last owner has been defeated.
When you hit with an attack you make with the Emblem bound to this weap-
on, the target takes 2d6 extra cold damage.
In addition, while you are bound to the shard, you gain resistance to cold
This pole is topped with a scorching cross and it is used by the malebranche
of the Third Bolgia to torture the Simoniacs sentenced to endure that eternal
torment. The Travelers can use it as a very effective weapon, as the symbol of
the cross is very difficult to find in Hell and it maintains some very effective
properties against the devils of the Dolorous Kingdom.
When you hit with an attack made with the Emblem bound to this weapon,
the target takes 1d6 extra radiant damage.
This weapon has 5 charges. While you are bound to it, you can use an action
and spend 1 or more charges to cast one of the following spells through it
(save DC 15): guiding bolt (1 charge), mass healing word (3 charges), protection
from evil and good (1 charge) greater restoration (5 charges).
The staff regains 1d4 + 1 charges when you finish a long rest.
Dedalo’s tears of geas and relief are a chaste and blessed gift, one of the few
tokens of a pure heart you can find in Hell.
This blessed torch, born by the Guide, is granted to the noble spirits who leave the
Castle of Limbo. although nothing in Hell can counter its flame, the wood it uses to
burn is actual wood from Hell, and it can therefore be destroyed or consumed.
The torch emits bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light 15 feet beyond that.
All creatures in that radius are not subjected to the Darkness of the Blind World
(see page 68).
When you bind the Torch to one of your Emblems, you need not spend a Hope Point
to do it.
In addition, while you are bound to this torch, you gain truesight in a 30-foot radius
and advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Finally, this Torch works as a regeneration beacon for the Travelers who perish in its
whereabouts, unless there is a closer source of Divine Flame. If a Traveler’s semblance is destroyed, but
they still have Hope, they reappear within the radius of its bright light.
This tool of death and torture can invoke and cast lightning, whirlpools,
and storms. It looks like a heavy longsword made of gold iron, whose blade
shines with reddish reflections.
When you hit with an attack you make with the Emblem bound to this
weapon, the target takes 2d6 extra lightning damage.
The sword has 5 charges. While you are bound to it, you can use an action
and spend 1 or more charges to cast one of the following spells through it
(save DC 15): gust of wind (1 charge), call lightning (2 charges), wind wall (2
charges), thunderwave (1 charge).
The sword regains 1d4 + 1 charges when you finish a long rest.
Unlike other Infernal Artifacts, Tormentor remains bound to its wielder even
when they perish and respawn. If you want to remove the binding to Tor-
mentor, you must spend 1 Hope Point.
Evils of Hell
here are noble spirits who choose the path
to redemption and await the End of Days in
peace and devotion, hoping to be finally al-
lowed to ascend to Heaven and take their place at
the Lord’s side, and there are those who join the Lost
Ones from time to time and act as their companions
or guides to lead them in their otherworldly journey,
but there are also some who turn their back on their
last chance and let themselves be seduced by anger,
frustration, and revenge.
The champion standing before the Lost Ones is the
infernal semblance of Ettore, the ancient heathen
hero. He looks like a tall, stiff, and hardy marble
statue, an unnatural and symbolic exaltation of the
features he sported in life, according to legends.
Champion of the False Gods Lightning Storm (Recharges after a Short or Long
Large humanoid, neutral rest). While it wears the Ettore’s Helm, as an action,
the champion of false gods can magically create three
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) lightning bolts, each of which can hit a target that it
Hit Points 133 (14d10 + 56) can see within 120 feet. A target must make a DC 15
Speed 30 ft. Dexterity saving throw, taking 16 (3d10) lightning dam-
age on a failed save, or half as much damage on a suc-
cessful one.
19 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 17 (+3)
Saving Throws Dex +8, Wis +7, Cha +7 Parry. The champion of false gods adds 2 to its AC
Skills Athletics +8, Perception +7 against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so,
Damage Immunities lightning, thunder the champion must see the attacker and be wielding
a melee weapon.
Senses passive Perception 17, darkvision 120 ft.
Languages Infernal, Primeval Language
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Legendar y Actions
The champion of false gods can take 2 legendary ac-
Special Equipment. The champion of false gods wears tions, choosing from the options below. Only one leg-
the Ettore’s Helm. end-ary action option can be used at a time and only
at the end of another creature’s turn. The champion
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If the champion fails a
regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Movement. The champion of false gods moves up to
Damned. The champion of false gods also counts as
its speed without provoking attacks of opportunity.
undead to determine if it is affected by magic and oth-
er effects affecting undead creatures. Longspear. The champion of false gods makes a long-
spear attack.
Fearless. The champion of false gods had advantage
on saving throws against being frightened. Swipe (Costs 2 Actions). The champion of false gods
makes a swipe with its longspear. Each creature
within 10 feet of the champion must succeed on a
Actions DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, or be knocked prone.
Multiattack. The champion of false gods makes three
longspear attacks.
perform physical tasks as part of their punishment.
Finally, even a weak and solitary damned may deal
serious damage using the peculiarities of the place
he ethereal hosts amassing in the darkness: they haunt, or drawing the attention of an Infernal
Theirs are the wails and the gnashing teeth, monster.
theirs is the pain that saturates the abyss. Although the damned are immortal, their willpower
There is no place in Hell that is not crawling with has been broken by torture. Some damned run away
damned. The chasm of Lucifero is a prison and a tor- as soon as they take serious damage, and most of
ture hall for all the unfortunate who broke the laws them will let the Lost Ones alone after they have been
of Heaven, billions and billions of souls coming from destroyed once. Their lack of Hope of the Height is a
every corner of creation. key weakness to exploit.
A damned’s semblance is strictly connected to the
memories the Lost Ones have of them. If a damned Damned
is a complete stranger to the Travelers, it will appear Medium humanoid, neutral
as a vague gray shadow, whose features remain un-
Armor Class 10
discerned and anonymous, although human. If the
host of the deceased in a certain circle includes a Fa- Hit Points 22 (3d8 + 9)
miliar Spirit to a member of the Brigade, it will ap- Speed 30 ft.
pear as it is remembered by the Lost One.
Anyway, their translucent bodies are intangible, as
if they were made of a sticky fluid. They do not cast
13 (+1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 7 (-2)
shadows, nor leave footprints as they pass, and yet
they can interact with the surrounding matter, turn-
ing part of their bodies more tangible. This is also Senses passive Perception 9, darkvision 60 ft.
a weakness: in spite of their shadowy nature, they Languages Primeval Language
can be hurt, dismembered, and torn to pieces. They Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
bleed and feel pain as if they were alive, but they
cannot die, as they are already dead. Their existence
Damned. The damned also counts as undead to de-
in Hell is an endless cycle in which they perish and
termine if it is affected by magic and other effects
reform, they are dismembered and spring out of the
affecting undead creatures.
ground again. There is no escape from Hell for them.
Death lifted the veil from the eyes of the damned:
Now they feel time in a non-linear way, and they Actions
may glimpse the future, relive an intense memory
from their past, or gather information about what’s Life Drain. Melee Spell Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
currently going on in Hell. Thus, speaking with the one creature. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) necrotic damage. The
damned can be very useful, although their knowl- target must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution sav-
edge of the souls remains flawed and is based on ing throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an
their personal experiences and the circle they are amount equal to the damage taken. This reduc-
bound to. A damned who lived in Florence will not tion lasts until the creature finishes a long rest.
talk about Rome, and an Indifferent knows nothing The target dies if this effect reduces its hit
about the circle of Wantons. point maximum to 0.
In addition, some damned are stronger than oth-
ers, especially the Violent and all those who have to
amned have no real consistency or thickness:
Armor Class 10
They can overlap one another in the endless
empty space of Hell, so that thousands of souls Hit Points 51 (6d10 + 18)
may occupy the same space of ten persons. Speed 30 ft.
These hosts of souls can be dangerous, as even the
weakest damned can demonstrate a remarkable STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
strength when united in a single purpose and overlap-
17 (+3) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 7 (-2)
ping in the same space.
Guardian Devil
Guardian Devil
Large fiend, lawful evil
uardian devils are the cruel captors and tor- Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
turers of the damned. They lead minor devils Hit Points 114 (12d10 + 48)
just like sergeants lead their own troops. Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.
They belong to the middle ranks of the diabolical
choirs and often look like dark-skinned winged be-
ing, sporting curled hons like those of a ram. In the
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)
city of Dite they often take care of administrative and
commercial duties. Deception is a key part of their na-
ture, and although they can never blatantly lie, they Saving Throws Str +7, Dex +5
use omissions and specific interpretations of truth to Damage Resistances cold, fire, poison; blud-
deceive and ruin the Lost Ones for their own personal geoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmag-
pleasure. If forced to fight, they fight until their de- ical attacks
struction. Senses passive Perception 12, darkvision 120 ft.
Languages Infernal, Primeval Language
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
Major Devil
ajor devils are the low aristocracy of Hell.
They include the captains of the Infernal
Hordes, the Knights of Dite, the foul officials
of the Gloomy Kingdom and of the City of Fire.
As a status of their rank, they wield the Scourge of
Dite, a weapon made in the forges of the city of Ecate.
Hit Points 142 (15d10 + 60) Scourge of Dite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing dam-
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.
age plus 7 (2d6) fire damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Breath (Recharge 6). The devil exhales a disruptive
breath in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area
18 (+4) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 17 (+3)
must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 31
(7d8) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much
Saving Throws Dex +7, Wis +8 dam-age on a successful one.
Damage Resistances poison; bludgeoning, pierc-
ing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities fire Legendar y Actions
Senses passive Perception 14, darkvision 120 ft. The major devil can take 3 legendary actions, choos-
ing from the options below. Only one legendary action
Languages Infernal, Primeval Language
option can be used at a time and only at the end of
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
another creature’s turn. The major devil regains spent
legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Special Equipment. The devil wields a Scourge of Dite.
Attack. The devil makes an attack.
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If the devil fails a sav-
Movement. The devil moves up to its speed.
ing throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Breath (Costs 3 Actions). The devil recharges its
Devil’s Sight. Magic darkness does not impede the
breath and uses it.
devil’s darkvision.
hree things abound in Hell: good intentions, Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
damned souls and devils. Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
All the angelic choirs who turned against the
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.
Lord at the dawn of time, sorted into nine hierarchies
and tasked with endless chores, are now prisoners in
Hell along with their emperor, Lucifero. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)
Guardian devils, brewers, sentinels, malebranche, or a
thousand other types: minor devils are the most vari-
able of enemies the Travelers may encounter in Hell. Saving Throws Con +4, Cha +4
Their semblances are so different that sometimes it is Skills Deception +4, Insight +4, Perception +4
hard to ascribe them to one common species. Damage Resistances cold, fire, poison; blud-
Although a single minor devil can easily be van- geoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmag-
ical attacks
quished or outwitted by a determined and organized
Brigade, their endless hosts and hordes remain an im- Senses passive Perception 14, darkvision 120 ft.
passable obstacle even for the most resourceful and Languages Infernal, Primeval Language
experienced Travelers. Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Devils use weapons of many types to torment the
damned and attack the Lost Ones: They can wield Weapons of the Damned. A minor devil’s weapon
long hooked poles, forks, and scourges, but also more attacks are magical. When the minor devil hits with
classical weapons such as swords, maces, and bows. any weapon, the weapon deals an extra 4 (1d8) ne-
Some of them are also equipped with armor, helms, crotic damage (included in the attack).
and shields.
Devil’s Sight. Magic darkness does not impede the
Every devil maintains a glimpse of its own personality, devil’s darkvision.
personal goals, and schemes, but they are all sneaky,
Magic Resistance. The devil has advantage on sav-
sadistic, untrustworthy, and foul. They love cheat-
ing throws against spells and other magical effects.
ing everyone and make fun of the Lost Ones before
cutting them to pieces. Still, intelligence is not their
strong suit, and sometimes they can be deceived as
Multiattack. The devil makes two melee attacks or
two ranged attacks.
egera, Aletto, and Tisifone are the three can see.
sovereign furies, three sisters who have Tisifone is the highest and strongest sister. She wields
spawned all other furies and lead the flights a scorching iron, as the ones used to brand cattle, and
that overrun the City of Dite. They are also known as the snakes of her hair are so long that they cover her
the Erinyes, Guardians of the High Tower, and person- face and hide her eyes.
al maidservants of Ecate.
Megera is the oldest sister. Her body looks mummified,
When men still paid homage to Olympus, the Erinyes,
her wrinkled head is covered with just a few snakes,
along with Fate, were the only authority to rule over
but she is the fastest and most agile of the sisters. Her
the gods themselves. Even Jupiter had to bow his head
snakes look asleep and pose no danger. Unlike Aletto
before the Sisters of Vengeance, as their wrath was
and Tisifone, Megera knows when she must retreat
from a fight, or stay back to guide her sisters.
Now Megera, Aletto, and Tisifone guard the palace of
If you are going to face the sisters in their lair, as of-
Ecate in the City of Dite. From their necks hang the
ten happens, you will find yourself in a torture room.
keys that open the secret passage under the throne of
The Erinyes will use any torture tool at their disposal
the Queen of Eternal Weeping, and their eerie is the
to hurt you, and will try to trap you in their cages or
next-to-last level of the High Tower.
gallows. Pay attention to what you see around you:
Aletto, the youngest, wields a thorny whip. This fury is You may turn some of their own tools against them.
known as “Restless”, as her indomitable will does not From time to time, the furies intone a hideous chant
allow her to sleep, but also prevents her from being to call forth Medusa. In that case, a quick escape is
Aletto is a fury with the following modifications: She
is immune to psychic damage and to exhaustion and Furies
the paralyzed condition. he furies are the spawn of the three Erinni, and
share many traits with them. Their semblance
Megera is a fury with the following modifications: is that of a gaunt, fierce woman with shark-like
each Traveler who faces her cannot use their Divine teeth and emerald snakes instead of hair. They wear
Inspiration as long as they are fighting with her. tattered, blood-covered robes and two bat-like wings
protrude from a tear on their back.
Tisifone is a fury with the following modifications: Ti-
sifone has advantage on her melee attack rolls against
any creature which is not at its maximum hit points. Furies
Medium fiend, neutral evil
As their role commands, the three Erinyes feature
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
many abilities beyond those of the common furies
and each one of them has a challenge rating of 7 Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 32)
(2.900 XP). Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft.
Truesight. While Megera, Aletto, and Tisifone are all STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
within 60 feet of each other, they gain truesight with- 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 19 (+4)
in 120 feet.
hese eternal and supernatural beings could not
make their choice between the Lord and Lucif-
ero at the dawn of time, and their impassivity
and neutrality condemned them to the Choir of the In-
different. Reviled and mocked both by angels and by
devils, they are now exiled in the Antinferno, between
Acheronte and the Eternal Gate, where they guide
hosts of souls as indifferent as themselves in senseless
marches, empty prayers, vacuous gestures, and useless
The cowardice that prevented them from taking a side
has now turned into an endless longing for power and
recognition, and the indifferent angels are forever
looking for something that may give meaning to their
tortured existence.
Hit Points 114 (12d10 + 48) Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 4
Speed 30 ft.
(1d8) psychic damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Inhibiting Presence (Recharge 6). Each creature with-
in 60 feet of the indifferent angel must succeed on a
18 (+4) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 16 (+3)
DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by the in-
different angel. The charmed target’s speed becomes
Saving Throws Wis +6 Cha +6
0, and it can’t benefit from any bonus to its speed. A
Skills Insight +6, Perception +6, Persuasion +6 charmed target can repeat the saving throw at the end
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
slashing from nonmagical attacks success. If a target’s saving throw is successful or the
Senses passive Perception 16, darkvision 120 ft. effect ends for it, the target is immune to the indiffer-
ent angel’s Inhibiting Presence for the next 24 hours.
Languages Primeval Language; they can also un-
derstand Celestial and Infernal, but they cannot
speak and write them.
Legendar y Actions
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
The indifferent angel can take 2 legendary actions,
choosing from the options below. Only one legendary
Weapons of the Damned. The indifferent angel’s
action option can be used at a time and only at the
weapon attacks are magical. When the indifferent an-
end of another creature’s turn. The indifferent angel
gel hits with any weapon, the weapon deals an extra
regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
1d8 psychic damage (included in the attack).
Movement. The indifferent angel moves up to its
Innate Spellcasting. The indifferent angel’s spellcast-
ing ability is Charisma (spell save DC 25). It can in-
nately cast the following spells, requiring only verbal Mace. The indifferent angel makes a mace attack.
components: Healing (Costs 2 Actions). The indifferent angel magi-
1/day each: confusion, insect plague cally regains 13 (3d8) hit points and is freed from any
curse, disease, poison, blindness, or deafness.
Magic Resistance. The indifferent angel has advan-
tage on saving throws against spells and other magical
ariel is a spirit of fragile beauty and perfect
symmetry in its face and body, although its
features look dim, empty, and devoid of any re-
markable trait. Those who look at it forget everything
about its shape, face and expression a few seconds
later, except for its angelic look and the huge pinned
wings on its back.
And yet, from time to time, something stirs behind its
veiled gaze, as if a remote glimpse of life still struggled
to emerge from those dim eyes…
Large monstrosity, neutral
t is difficult to say whether these mythic be-
ings were an earthly race of ancient times, just Armor Class 15
a variant of the infernal devils, or an unex-
Hit Points 93 (11d10 + 33)
plainable and forsaken aberration.
Speed 45 ft.
In Hell, these half-men, half-horses are fated to pa-
trol the shores of Flegetonte to pummel any Violent
who tries to emerge from the boiling blood. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
18 (+4) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
Infernal centaurs are swift and agile, and can rely on
their equine bulk to trample those who cross their
path. Watch out for their hooves and pikes in me- Skills Athletics +6, Perception +4
lee, and for their arrows in a ranged combat. They Senses passive Perception 14, darkvision 60 ft.
wield bows that can shoot arrows from one shore
Languages Infernal, Primeval Language
of Flegetonte to the other with enough strength to
pierce any armor. Their arrows have a serrated point Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
made of bone, hard to remove without dealing se-
rious damage. In addition, some centaurs tie their Charge. If the infernal centaur moves at least 30 feet
arrows or serrated pikes with a rope, so that they can straight toward a target and then hits it with a pike
harpoon their targets and pull them over. at-tack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 10
(3d6) piercing damage.
Infernal centaurs are not mindless monsters or time-
less beings damned for all eternity. If you appeal to Pack Tactics. The infernal centaur has advantage on
the wisest among them and their sense of justice, an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the
you can turn them into powerful allies rather than cen-taur’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and
enemies. the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Multiattack. The centaur makes two attacks: one
with its pike and one with its hooves or two with its
he foul forests of the Seventh Circles grow
Armor Class 13
hands on their branches, bleed from their
leaves and scream from their bark. In addi- Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
tion to all this, piercing shrieks echo from the can- Speed 20 ft., fly 40 ft.
opy: a mix between the wail of tortured women and
the croaking of crows. They come from the Infernal STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
harpies, who watch the Travelers from above, ready
14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 7 (-2) 8 (-1) 9 (-1)
to pluck out their eyes.
These monsters have the body of a large, white-feath-
Senses passive Perception 9, darkvision 120 ft.
ered eagle, a round belly covered in thick white
feathers, and paws ending in fearsome claws. From Languages Infernal, Primeval Language
the neck up, they look like crones with crooked nos- Challenge 3 (700 XP)
es, sharp teeth, and foul hair. In the Forest, they are
tasked with attacking the Suicides turned into trees,
Blood Frenzy. The infernal harpy has advantage on
breaking their branches and biting their leaves. This
melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn’t
does not prevent them from taking an interest in the
have all its hit points.
Travelers, of course.
Infernal harpies attack in flights, diving from the Multiattack. The infernal harpy makes two melee at-
branches. They attempt to confound their targets tacks: one with its bite and one with its talons.
with their deafening shrieks and wound their targets Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
as they fly, then vanish among the trees. target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Cover your eyes, as harpies love blinding their prey Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
before finishing them off. In addition to their claws one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage.
and teeth, pay attention to their caustic fluids as
Caustic Fluids. The infernal harpy exudes a flow of
well: They often spray that toxic goo as they glide
caustic fluids in a line that is 30 feet long and 4 feet
from tree to tree.
wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 13
Once half of the flight has been eliminated, you have Dexterity saving throw, taking 13 (3d8) acid damage
the upper hand: When they can no longer rely on on a failed save.
their greater numbers, they retreat.
Infernal Medusa
as hair and her hands end with bronze claws. To meet
her gaze is certain death: your semblance will imme-
diately turn into stone.
n the bowels of Ecate’s Palace, a monster awaits. Being a Traveler, your new semblance will soon appear
Medusa, the last of the gorgons, blocks your next to the closest source of the divine flame, but you
way. She is the watchdog and the hound of the will lose part of your Hope. You must thus fight with-
Queen of Eternal Weeping. out ever letting Medusa get in your line of sight, or
When she has no specific errand, she stalks the corri- just fight blindfolded. You can see the gorgon without
dors and the halls of the Blind Prisons, looking for any being petrified only through her reflections, so you
fool that may trespass in her dominion, whether they can use a mirror or a liquid surface to detect her. For-
are damned, devils, or Lost Ones. In her dungeon, Me- tunately, there are more than enough barrels you can
dusa rules unchallenged and can tear to pieces and smash in the dungeon, to make a few reflecting pools.
devour anyone. The infernal Medusa, though, will not sit idly by in the
Her aspect is unknown, as those who have seen her meanwhile.
face can no longer tell what they saw. She has vipers
Infernal Medusa Petrifying Gaze. When a creature that can see Medu-
Large fiend, neutral evil sa’s eyes starts its turn within 30 feet of Medusa, Me-
du-sa can force it to make a DC 19 Constitution saving
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) throw if Medusa isn’t incapacitated and can see the
Hit Points 2 10 (20d10 + 100) crea-ture. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the
Speed 30 ft. creature is instantly petrified. Otherwise, a creature
that fails the save begins to turn to stone and is re-
strained. The restrained creature must repeat the sav-
ing throw at the end of its next turn, becoming petri-
20 (+5) 22 (+6) 21 (+5) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) fied on a failure (in this case, the Traveler is destroyed)
or ending the effect on a success. The petrification
Saving Throws Dex +12 , Con +11, Wis +8, Cha +10 lasts until the creature is freed by the greater resto-
Skills Perception +8 ration spell or other magic.
Damage Resistances poison Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes to avoid
the saving throw at the start of its turn. If the creature
Condition Immunities poisoned, prone
does so, it can’t see Medusa until the start of its next
Senses passive Perception 18, darkvision 120 ft.
turn, when it can avert its eyes again. If the creature
Languages Infernal, Primeval Language looks at Medusa in the meantime, it must immediately
Challenge 19 (22 ,000 XP) make the save.
Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Medusa
takes a lair action to cause one of the following ef-
fects; Medusa can’t use the same effect two rounds in
a row.
Tempestarii Tempestarii
Large fiend, lawful evil
torm devils, also known as tempestarii, are
tasked with feeding the Hurricane of the Sec- Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
ond Circle, subjugating the ziz trapped in the
Hit Points 152 (16d10 + 64)
dark infernal sky, and unleashing whirlwinds, gusts,
and lightning bolts against the damned exposed to the Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.
eternal storm. One of their Infernal Emblems, Tormen-
tor, is both the tool they use to reinforce and command STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
the Gale and their weapon of choice against anyone 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 19 (+4) 17 (+3)
who incurs in their wrath.
Multiattack. The tempestarii makes two melee at-
Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the tem-
pestarii takes a lair action to cause one of the follow-
Tormentor. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ing effects; the tempestarii can’t use the same effect
ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage plus 7 two rounds in a row.
(2d6) lightning damage.
Vortex (Recharge 4-6). Any creature within 5 feet of ◊ The tempestarii calls forth an air demon (air el-
the tempestarii must make a DC 15 Strength saving emental*), acting as the tempestarii’s ally and
throw. On a failed save, it takes 16 (3d8 + 3) blud- obeying its commands. The demon remains for 1
geoning damage, it is pushed away from the tempe- hour, until the tempestarii dies, until it uses this
starii in a random direction and is knocked prone. If a lair action again, or until it is dismissed as a bonus
pushed target hits an object, such aa a wall, that tar- action.
get takes 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage per 10 feet it ◊ A whirlwind of debris fills a 20-foot-radius sphere
has been pushed away. If the target is pushed against centered on a point the tempestarii chooses within
another creature, that creature must succeed on a 120 feet of it. The whirlwind is heavily obscured.
DC 15 saving throw, or take the same damage and be Any creature in the whirlwind when it appears
knocked prone. must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, becom-
ing blinded for 1 minute on a failed save. An affect-
A target that succeeds on its saving throw takes half
ed creature can repeat the saving throw at the end
as much bludgeoning damage, is not pushed away,
of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on
and isn’t knocked prone.
a success. The whirlwind remains until the tempe-
starii uses this lair action again, or dies.
he Panther, the Lion, and the She-Wolf are the
Three Beasts, Guardians of the Dark Forest and
First Keepers of Hell. Although they look like
animals, they are actually the embodiment of man-
kind’s vices and sins, gaining a tangible shape because
of the foul influence of the kingdom of the damned.
They usually attack the Lost Ones near the Bright Hill
at the edges of the Dark Forest, hiding among ancient
ruins and the last vestiges of the wood.
The Panther
A blood-red shape prowls behind the ruins, among
the trees, where the shadows are thicker. In that dark-
ness, two amber eyes appear, and a bared, flayed paw
approaches. Finally, the beast reveals itself, leaving
smoking footprints and withered plants in its wake.
The target dies if the disease reduces its hit point max-
Skills Stealth +7, Perception +3 imum to 0.
Senses passive Perception 13, darkvision 120 ft. Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Languages - one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
17 (+3) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 3 (-4) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
She-Wolf of the Dark Forest Frightful Presence. Each creature of the She-Wolf’s
Large undead, neutral evil choice that is within 30 feet of the She-Wolf and aware
of it must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can re-
Hit Points 75 (10d10 + 20) peat the sav-ing throw at the end of each of its turns,
Speed 40 ft. ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s
saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the
creature is immune to the She-Wolf’s Frightful Pres-
ence for the next 24 hours.
19 (+4) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 7 (-2) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage. If the target is
Skills Stealth +5, Perception +8
a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving
Damage Resistances cold throw or be knocked prone.
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison Necrotic Breath (Recharge 5–6). The She-Wolf ex-
Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned, ex- hales a blast of foul black wind in a 15-foot cone. Each
haustion, paralyzed, petrified, frightened creature in that area must make a DC 13 Dexterity sav-
Senses passive Perception 18, darkvision 120 ft. ing throw, taking 18 (4d8) necrotic damage on a failed
Languages - save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Pack Tactics. The She-Wolf of the Dark Forest has ad- Movement. The She-Wolf of the Dark Forest moves up
vantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least to its speed.
one of the She-Wolf’s allies is within 5 feet of the crea-
Bite. The She-Wolf of the Dark Forest makes a bite at-
ture and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Helmsman of Acheronte
and Keeper of the First Circle
he waters of Acheronte swell and crash upon
the shore, and their foam sweeps the Dam-
ned away. A huge boat emerges from the mist,
commanded by the helmsman of the dead. This is Ca-
ronte, Ferryman of Acheronte, Guardian of the First
Circle and Second Keeper of Hell. Caronte is a towering
figure, and the oar he uses to push the boat is as long
as a sailboat. Infernal embers shine in his orbs, and a
layer of flames engulfs the oar as it strikes the waters
of Acheron or the souls who crowd the ship. His voice
makes the whole universe tremble, stirs the waters,
and plants the seeds of dread in every heart.
When Caronte the Demon steps on the shore, the
earth trembles. As he rises, his bent back and his white
beard are those of an ancient man, but his counte-
nance is so fierce that it vanquishes any attempt at
courage. This is the power of an Infernal Keeper, the Those who try and sneak aboard his vessel will awak-
sheer force that allows him to enact eternal justice in en his most cruel side. Caronte can sense whenever a
the name of the Lord. new passenger climbs on board, at the very moment
He is not alone: His boat crawls with helmsmen devils, they step onto the deck. His first reaction is a reaction
reddish creatures in whose eyes burns the same flame of bewilderment, sometimes he is even amused by the
as their master’s. They are armed with oars, long courage shown by the stowaway. Then he orders his
hooked poles, and forks, which they use to push back helmsmen under the deck, so that he may act freely.
any Indifferent who would dare to set foot on board. Then his face grows dark and a black smoke rises from
Their bat-like wings allow them to glide and flit from his clenched jaw. Now he is ready to fight.
one end of the vessel to the other, as quick as the Let it be known that fighting with Caronte is an act of
wind, with skittish movements like those of an insect. sheer madness.
If you really think you can be a stowaway on Caronte’s Still, if someone manages to prove their worth and
boat, you will have to face them first. Caronte himself defeats him, Caronte will submit to the heavenly will
does not concern himself with these details, unless that led his foes to him.
necessary. He spends his time howling at the damned
and sowing fear without ever leaving his precious He will then agree to ferry his foes without requiring
boat. From time to time, he hits the Lost Ones who any other payment. Provided that they have any Hope
bother him most with his oar, but he rarely means to of the Height left after such a struggle.
Caronte Actions
Gargantuan fiend, lawful neutral
Multiattack. Caronte can use his Frightful Presence.
Armor Class 20 (natural armor) Then he makes two oar attacks.
Hit Points 370 (20d20 + 160) Frightful Presence. Each creature of Caronte’s choice
that is within 30 feet of Caronte and aware of it must
Speed 60 ft.
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become
frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the sav-
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA ing throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the ef-
27 (+8) 10 (+0) 26 (+8) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) fect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw
is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is
Saving Throws Str +15, Con +15, Wis +11, Cha +7 immune to Caronte’s Frightful Presence for the next
Skills Intimidation +7, Insight +11, Perception +11 24 hours.
Damage Resistances cold, fire Oar. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 20 ft., one
target. Hit: 26 (4d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage. In addi-
Damage Immunities necrotic, poisoned; blud-
geoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical tion, the target must make a DC 23 Dexterity saving
attacks throw; on a failed save, it is pushed 60 ft. away.
Senses passive Perception 2 1, truesight 120 ft. Caronte can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
the options below. Only one legendary action option
Languages Infernal, Primeval Language
can be used at a time and only at the end of another
Challenge 2 1 (33,000 XP) creature’s turn. Caronte regains spent legendary ac-
tions at the start of its turn.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Caronte fails a sav-
Movement. Caronte moves up to his speed.
ing throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Oar. Caronte makes an oar attack.
Infernal Weapons. Caronte’s weapon attacks are
magical. Waters of Acheronte (Costs 2 Actions). With a strike
of his oar, Caronte raises the waters of Acheronte in
Siege Monster. Caronte deals double damage to ob-
a 60 ft. cone. Any creature in that area must make
jects and structures.
a DC 23 Dexterity saving throw; on a failed save, a
target takes 2 exhaustion levels.
ustice is not blind and does not wield a set of
scales. Justice is a monster with the eyes of a
wild cat and an apparently unending tail that
spells the sentence of Heaven. It is a monster named
Minosse, Third Keeper of Hell, Judge of the Dead, Kee-
per of the Second Circle and Supreme Watcher of High
Legendar y Actions
Saving Throws Str +10, Dex +4, Wis +8, Cha +7
Minosse can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
Skills Intimidation +7, Insight +8, Perception +12
the options below. Only one legendary action option
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and can be used at a time and only at the end of another
slashing from nonmagical attacks creature’s turn. Minosse regains spent legendary ac-
Senses passive Perception 22 , truesight 120 ft. tions at the start of its turn.
Languages Infernal, Primeval Language Slam. Minosse makes a slam attack.
Challenge 11 (7, 200 XP) Telluric Strike (Costs 2 Actions). Minosse hits the
ground, unleashing a small earthquake. All creature
Legendary Resistance (2/Day). If Minosse fails a sav- on the ground within 40 feet of Minosse must make
ing throw, it can choose to succeed instead. a DC 18 Strength saving throw; on a failed save, the
creature falls prone.
hree barks echo above the pounding rain.
Three thunderclaps shake the Pit. Then a hea-
vy figure steps forward in the slimy mud.
This is Cerbero, the Infernal Hound, Fourth Keeper of
Hell, Guardian and Scourge of the Third Circle, eager
to assault the Gluttons and rend their pale flesh. From
its slobbering mouths drips a thick and whitish slime
even fouler than the mud on the ground, covering the
remains of the damned. Cerbero’s body is not the lean
body of a hunting hound: The Infernal hound is fat
and heavy, and its snouts are flattened. Its breath is
heavy, and from its sagging cheeks falls a constant
rain of drool.
The hound raises one of its heads, sniffs the air, and
growls. All three heads turn to face the newcomers,
followed by the gargantuan body. Cerbero has found
a new toy.
Its layers of fat and its thick skin act as armor for this
beast, and can protect it from most attacks. In spite of
its size, Cerbero can also move swiftly. When it does,
the ground shakes under its leaps.
Cerbero Actions
Huge fiend, neutral evil
Multiattack. Cerbero makes three bite attacks and
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) two claws attacks.
Hit Points 175 (14d12 + 84) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) piercing damage.
Speed 60 ft.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) slashing damage.
21 (+5) 10 (+0) 23 (+6) 7 (-2) 13 (+1) 5 (-3) Bark (Recharge 5-6). Cerbero’s barking is deafening.
Any creature that can hear it within 60 feet of it must
Saving Throws Wis +5 make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a failed
save, the creature takes 31 (7d8) thunder damage and
Skills Athletics +9, Perception +9
is deafened. On a successful save, the creature takes
Senses passive Perception 19, darkvision 120 ft. half as much damage and isn’t deafened. A creature
Languages understands Infernal and Primeval can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
Language but can’t speak turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
Legendar y Actions
Fury. When Cerbero drops a creature to 0 hit points
with a melee attack on its turn, it can take a bonus ac- Cerbero can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
tion to move up to its speed and make one bite attack. the options below. Only one legendary action option
can be used at a time and only at the end of another
Keen Hearing and Smell. Cerbero has advantage on
creature’s turn. Cerbero regains spent legendary ac-
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or
tions at the start of its turn.
Movement. Cerbero moves up to its speed.
Three Heads. Cerbero can’t be surprised and has ad-
vantage on Wisdom (Perception) tests and on saving Bite. Cerbero makes a bite attack.
throws against being blinded, charmed, deafened, Raging Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Cerbero makes a
frightened, stunned, or knocked unconscious. claws attack against any creature within 10 feet of it.
Reactive. Because of its three heads, Cerbero gets Bark (Costs 3 Actions). Cerbero recharges its Bark and
two extra reactions that can be used only for oppor- uses it.
tunity attacks.
he boat silently glides on the marsh, directly
headed for you. It is rowed by a leering demon
with a chiseled body like that of a Greek statue
and a pair of horns cutting through the thick air that
looms over the Stige.
This is Flegias, Fifth Keeper of Hell, Ferryman of the
Stige, and Guardian of the Fifth Circle. As the boat
reaches the shore, he nimbly jumps down and wields
the oar as if it were a weapon. His bloodshot, ruby
eyes meet your gaze. The demon’s smile widens. He
spits on the ground.
Flegias Actions
Large fiend, neutral
Multiattack. Flegias makes three melee attacks: two
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) with the oar and one with the tail.
Hit Points 2 18 (19d10 + 114) Oar. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage. In ad-
Speed 40 ft., fly 90 ft.
dition, the target must succeed on a DC 19 Strength
saving throw, or be pushed 10 feet away.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
22 (+6) 16 (+3) 22 (+6) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1)
target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage, and the
target is grappled (escape DC 16). Until this grapple
Saving Throws Str +11, Con +11, Wis +8 ends, the target is restrained, and Flegias can’t grapple
Skills Athletics +11 another target with his tail.
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks
Legendar y Actions
Senses passive Perception 13, truesight 120 ft.
Flegias can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
Languages Infernal, Primeval Language
the options below. Only one legendary action option
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)
can be used at a time and only at the end of another
creature’s turn. Flegias regains spent legendary ac-
Legendary Resistance (2/Day). If Flegias fails a saving tions at the start of its turn.
throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Movement. Flegias moves up to his speed.
Son of Mars. Flegias’ attacks are magical.
Oar. Flegias makes an oar attack.
Magic Resistance. Flegias has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.
Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Flegias ◊ The ground within 60 ft. of Flegias shakes and his
takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects; boat is rocked by churning waters. Any creature in
Flegias can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row. that area (except Flegias) must succeed on a DC 15
Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
◊ Flegias calls forth 2d4 (irascible damned), acting ◊ Grasping hands and muddy tentacles emerge
as Flegias’ allies and obeying his commands. The from Stige’s watery surface. Any creature on solid
damned remain until Flegias dies, until he uses ground within 20 feet of the water must succeed
this lair action again, or until he dismisses them on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be pulled up to
as a bonus action. 20 feet into the water.
huge figure emerges from the rocks. Until a
moment ago, it seemed invisible. You can ba-
rely make out what is it, then the creature ru-
shes toward you, followed by a thundering rockslide.
Whether by divine grace or sheer luck, it misses you,
and only now you realize what you have to face. Sure,
you had heard the tales, but seeing it in person is
another matter entirely.
The Minotaur is the Sixth Keeper of Hell, Watcher of
the Lower Gate of Dite, and Keeper of the Seventh Cir-
cle. As if Dite needed further Keepers in addition to
devils, archdevils, furies, and monsters of every kind,
not to mention Ecate and her court, the boundary be-
tween the Sixth and Seventh Circle is guarded by this
huge abomination.
The Minotaur hits the ground with its horns and the Hurry up, though: Soon it will rise up and attack
rocks move, engulfing its victim in a structure inside again!
the mountain. You are incapacitated by the blow, and
when you come to your senses, you are in a rectan-
Saving Throws Str +14, Dex +5, Con +14, Wis +7 Actions
Skills Perception +7
Multiattack. The Minotaur makes three attacks: two
Condition Immunities charmed, weakened, with its fists and one with its hooves.
frightened, stunned
Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Senses passive Perception 17, darkvision 120 ft.
target. Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) bludgeoning damage.
Languages Infernal, Primeval Language
Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 1,5 m,
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) one target. Hit: 24 (3d10 + 8) bludgeoning damage. If
the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 22
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the Minotaur fails a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Reckless. At the start of its turn, the Minotaur can gain one target. Hit: 35 (5d10 + 8) piercing damage.
advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls it makes
Maze of the Minotaur (Recharge 6). The Minotaur
during that turn, but attack rolls against it have advan-
banishes a creature it can see within 60 feet into a
tage until the start of its next turn.
labyrinthine demiplane. The target remains there
Charge. If the Minotaur moves at least 15 feet straight for 10 minutes or until it escapes the maze. The tar-
toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on get can use its action to attempt to escape. When
the same turn, the target takes an extra 27 (5d10) pierc- it does so, it makes a DC 15 Intelligence check. If it
ing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed succeeds, it escapes, and the spell ends for it.
on a DC 22 Strength saving throw or be pushed up to
20 feet away and knocked prone.
t grasps the air with its claws and crawls into the
sky, a nightmare invading the waking world. It
is Gerione, the Living Stair, Keeper of the Eighth
Circle and Supreme Watcher of Low Hell.
In the ancient world, Gerione was a three-headed gi-
ant. And it was also three giants joined at the waist
in a single body. It was a dragon, a manticore, a great
warrior. Gerione could become whatever it wished.
But now that the Infernal cliff is its lair, now that its
shifting shape is wreathed in darkness, Gerione is just
Gerione. It has the face of a bearded man whose eyes
have been blinded by the boiling blood of Flegeton-
te. Its body is slithering, huge, endless: the body of a
dragon as large as a river, twisting on itself in dark-
ness. Gerione is so huge that I may easily lay down on
one of its eyelids.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 20 ft.,
30 (+10) 10 (+0) 26 (+8) 20 (+5) 21 (+5) 22 (+6) one target. Hit: 17 (2d6 + 10) slashing damage plus 10
(3d6) fire damage.
Saving Throws Str +17, Dex +7, Con +15, Wis +12 Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 60 ft., one
target. Hit: 21 (2d10 + 10) bludgeoning damage plus 10
Skills Intimidation +13, Deception +13, Insight
+12, Perception +12 (3d6) fire damage.
Siege Monster. The Giant deals double damage to ob- Fling. One Large or smaller object or creature grap-
jects and structures pled by the Giant is thrown up to 60 feet in a ran-
dom direc-tion and knocked prone. If a thrown
target strikes a solid surface, the target takes 3
Actions (1d6) bludgeoning dam-age for every 10 feet it was
thrown. If the target is thrown at another creature,
Multiattack. The giant makes two melee attacks.
that creature must succeed on a DC 19 Dexter-
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 10 ft., ity saving throw or take the same damage and be
one target. Hit: 29 (3d12 + 10) bludgeoning damage. knocked prone.
Snatch. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 19 (2d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage. If
Legendar y Actions
Lucifero can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
the options below. Only one legendary action option
can be used at a time and only at the end of another
creature’s turn. Lucifero regains spent legendary ac-
tions at the start of his turn.
Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Lucifero
takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects;
Lucifero can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row:
A Ettore’s Helm
Evils of Hell
Skin, Salamander
Skin, Torch
Eye of Minosse 174 Lucifero233 Sodoma and Gomorra 158
Acheronte 89
Space in Hell 44
Aletto 194
Spirit, Familiar 56
Alternate Endings 48
Spirit, Noble 31
Ancient Relics 38
Angelic Rod
Angel, Indifferent
15, 197
M Staff of the Cross
Stone Effigy
Anteo230 Fifth Circle 138 Magic and Material Components 8
Antinferno83 Fifth Keeper 221 Malebolge 158
Artifacts, Infernal
First Circle
First Keeper
Medusa, Infernal
Flegias221 Minosse 214 Tantalo 131
Flying in Hell 45 Minotaur, Infernal 223 Tears of Wax 180
Behemoth’s Club 172 Tisifone 194
Binding an Infernal Artifact 170 Tizio 230
Bow of the Asp 172 Third Circle 125
Brews 127 Third Keeper 214
Briareo 230 Narrative Annotation 69 Three Beasts 206
Brutal Cleaver 173 Nembrot 229 Tolomea 163
Gargoyles and Behemoths 129 Nesso’s Robe 176 Torch of the Divine Flame 180
Gerione226 Ninth Circle 159 Tormentor 181
Gerione ‘s Scale 174 Ninth Keeper 233 Traitors 160
Giants of Cocito 229 Noble Spirits 94
Caco159 Gluttonous128
Caina163 Golden Skeleton 28, 38
Calcabrina120 Guiding Travelers through Hell 40
Calcagnaccio109 Guide60
Caronte211 Orfeo 63 Uccione de’ Pazzi 110
Castle of the Noble Spirits 101 Orfeo’s Lyre 177
Centaur, Infernal
Cerbero’s Lair
Champion of the False Gods
Harpy, Infernal
Haunting Insects
Cocito 161 Hope, Give 11 Panther 207 Veil of Indifference 21
Constant Decline 46 Hope Points 10 Perseo’s Shield 177 Violent 154
Horn of the Minotaur 175 Pit 126
Pluto 136
Host of Damned 189
Hurricane116 Primeval Language 184
Prodigal 136
Dark Forest
Darkness of the Blind World
I R Wanton 117
Way is Long, and Difficult the Road,
The 66
Dedalo102 Weapons of Damnation 2
Defeating the Devil 166 Icaro 103 Rest in Hell 44 8
Despair 11 Indifferent80 Ricciardino de’ Pazzi 110 Wings of Sin 28
Despondent Characters 53 Infernal Chronicle 54 Wood of Suicides, The 155
Infernal Sand Waste 157
Devil, Guardian 190
Devil, Major 191 Irascible138
Devil, Minor 192
Divine Flame
Divine Inspiration
11 J Sariel
Scourge of Dite
Second Circle
Second Keeper 211
Ecate134 Sferzavento 119
Eighth Keepers 229 Shard of Cocito 179
Emblems, Infernal 8 She-Wolf 209
Embrace the Sin 10 Shield of Indifference 21
Equipment8 Labyrinth of Fog 98 Sixth Circle 151
Erinyes200 Lantern of the Divine Flame 176 Sixth Keeper 223
Eternal Gate 77 Level Progression 45 Skin, Centauress 127
Acheron Games. Made in Italy.
Shared Worldwide.
us players:
all the other countries:
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INFERNO is the first original 5 th edition Campaign Setting adapting Dante
Alighieri’s “The Divine Comedy” into a tabletop roleplaying game.