Memorandum of Agreement - Utang
Memorandum of Agreement - Utang
Memorandum of Agreement - Utang
In favor of:
WHEREAS, the parties are siblings, being the surviving heirs of the deceased ALFONSO
BANGTOWAN who is the absolute owner of that unregistered parcel of land situated in San Vicente
Village and containing an area of SIX HUNDRED SIXTY SIX (666) SQUARE METERS, more or
WHEREAS the SECOND PARTY was able to declare for tax purposes, in her name, that
house she constructed in the south east portion of the above-stated lot and covered by ARP No. 01-
06007-116968 and Property Index No. 102-06-007-02-L003-N001
WHEREAS, the FIRST PARTIES hereto acknowledge the ownership of the house
constructed over a portion of the lot owned and declared in favor of their father and hereto agree and
give consent to the execution of Real Estate Mortgage over the same property in favor of San Vicente
Cooperative to secure a loan application by the SECOND PARTY;
NOW THEREFORE, to give spirit and fully realize the intents of the parties, the FIRST
PARTIES and the SECOND PARTY hereby both agree on the following conditions:
2. The FIRST PARTIES hereby give their consent of the execution of a Real Estate
Mortgage over that house and the lot where it is situated to secure a loan application
from San Vicente Cooperative in favor of the SECOND PARTY;
3. The SECOND PARTY binds herself to pay back the loan applied once the same is
due plus its necessary interest and will cause the necessary cancellation of the REM;
4. That the parties hereby agree in good faith to faithfully comply with this agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby set their hands this 29 th day of November,
2008 in the City of Baguio, Philippines.
________________________ ______________________
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for Baguio City this _____ day of February
2009, personally appeared the above named parties whose Identification Cards
indicated below their names made known to be the same persons who executed
this document and acknowledged to me that the same is their voluntary act and
Doc. No.______;
Page No.______;
Book No. _____;
Series of 2009.