Kamala Shrestha Valuation
Kamala Shrestha Valuation
Kamala Shrestha Valuation
APPLICANT: Mrs. Kamala Shrestha
OWNER OF PROPERTY: Mrs. Kamala Shrestha
LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Garamani Ward No.09, Jhapa
Jugal Consulting & Construction Pvt. Ltd.
Duwakot-2, Bhaktapur
12th March 2024
Contact: 9869115291
Contact: 9869115291
Duwakot-2, Bhaktapur
PAN: 610090651 (Nepal)
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Tuesday, March 12, 2024
314 0-4-19.63
1.0 316 0-3-7.32
Mrs. Kamala Shrestha Garamani Ward No.09, Jhapa Single
205 0-5-7.49
211 0-6-14.06
861 0-4-15
Er. Paras Bikram Thapa
NEC Regd. No. 16448 “Civil & Rural” “A”
Er. Paras Bikram Thapa
NEC Regd. No. 16448 “Civil & Rural” “A”
(Authorised Signatory)
2. Calculation of Land Area
As per Lalpurja
S.No. Description Plot No. Plot Area (sqm.) Area in Sq.ft. Area in Kattha. Area in (B-K-D)
1. Regular 314 1687.0 18158.71 4.912 0-4-19.63
2. Regular 316 1140.0 12270.85 3.3665 0-3-7.33
3. Regular 205 1820.0 19590.32 5.375 0-5-7.5
4. Regular 211 2270.0 24434.07 6.703 0-6-14.07
5. Regular 861 1608.54 17314.18 4.75 0-4-15
Total 8525.54 91768.13 25.1065 1-5-3.53
As per Measurement
S.No. Description Plot No. Plot Area (sqm.) Area in Sq.ft. Area in Kattha. Area in (B-K-D)
1. Regular 314 1687.0 18158.71 4.912 0-4-19.63
2. Regular 316 1140.0 12270.85 3.3665 0-3-7.33
3. Regular 205 1820.0 19590.32 5.375 0-5-7.5
4. Regular 211 2270.0 24434.07 6.703 0-6-14.07
5. Regular 861 1608.54 17314.18 4.75 0-4-15
Total 8525.54 91768.13 25.1065 1-5-3.53
The minimum area is taken for valuation
S.No. Description Plot No. Plot Area (sqm.) Area in Sq.ft. Area in Kattha. Area in (B-K-D)
1. Regular 314 1687.0 18158.71 4.912 0-4-19.63
2. Regular 316 1140.0 12270.85 3.3665 0-3-7.33
3. Regular 205 1820.0 19590.32 5.375 0-5-7.5
4. Regular 211 2270.0 24434.07 6.703 0-6-14.07
5. Regular 861 1608.54 17314.18 4.75 0-4-15
Total 8525.54 91768.13 25.1065 1-5-3.53
# Calculation of Builtup Area of House/ Value (per sq.ft.)
As per Drawing
S.No. Description Builtup Area Rate per Value in NRs. Remarks
(sq.ft.) (sq.ft.)
1. Ground & First 1205.39 2750 33,14,822.5 Valued as per relevant
Floor material & labour rates.
Grand Total 33,14,822.5
Say: 33,00,000
In words: NRs. Three Million Three Hundred Thousand Only.
#Note: The above-mentioned House is built on Plot No. 314
3. Value of Land
1. Market Rate
Plot no./ Kattha
*Current Market Rate (314,316,205,211,861)
inquired from Local Resident
(RS.)/Kattha :
Report (Rs.)/Kattha :
Er. Paras Bikram Thapa
NEC Regd. No. 16448 “Civil & Rural” “A”
Valuation Table of Land
Plot No.
* Description of land :
Flat land Type
* Total Area 0n Ownership Document :
In B-K-D
* Actual Area verified on site by Measurement: 1-5-3.53
In B-K-D
* Net Area considered for Valuation : 25.1065
In Kattha
* Land Rate Adopted in this Valuation
(Rs./kattha) : Per kattha
Er. Paras Bikram Thapa
NEC Regd. No. 16448 “Civil & Rural” “A”
Criteria for valuation of land:
a) The width of the road must be at least 8 ft. wide for the valuation. The property located
under high tension line, sloppy line river banks are considered by taking necessary
offset provided by the government authority.
b) For the determination of prevailing market rate of the land under consideration,
property owner, local people, from the site area & the local land brokers are
consulted & a reasonable rate has been adopted.
c) The minimum registration rate fixed by the Nepal government is referred to from the
minimum valuation book prepared & provided by the respective malpot office.
d) Fair market rate adopted for valuation is calculated by providing 70% weight to the
prevailing market rate & 30% weight to the government registration rate.
• Land Value
• Comparative Method
In this method, the sales from transaction of vicinity of land properties are studied and then a
fair price for the land is fixed based on the collected data. The physical natures such as length,
width, situation etc. are required to be considered in detail before fixing up the price. Extensive
enquiry is carried out by our associates with the local residents familiar with the property transaction
around the locality to find out the current buying and selling price of the land. Minimum registration
rate of the land charged by the Government Registration Department is also collected. The rate of
the land adopted by the Government Tax Department of the particular locally is also noted.
Information from the Real Estate Company or broker is also collected. Due weight age is given to all
the information and most probable Current Land Rate is fixed and adopted.
Er. Paras Bikram Thapa
NEC Regd. No. 16448 “Civil & Rural” “A”
ln our opinion this property may be taken as mortgage considering the distress aspect value
recommended in the valuation certificate. However all the remarks made shall be taken into
consideration and all the legal documents shall be scrutinized by the legal experts.
• This valuation was conducted for the purpose of establishing Fair Market and Distress Values of
the said property for the Client for mortgaging these properties. It is not to be used
for any other purpose, and no part of this report is to be disseminated to the public or third
• We certify that our firm is fully authorized to carry out the valuation work under the prevalent
laws and we are fully equipped and competent to carry out the assignment and have the
necessary qualifications, skills and experience required for the same.
• We also certify that no individual in our firm has any financial interest in the said property.
• To the best of our knowledge, all matters of a factual nature discussed in this report are true and
correct. No important factors have been intentionally overlooked or withheld.
• We have physically inspected, verified and measured the properties in the presence of the
Client/Representative of the Client
• The conclusions in this report are our unbiased considered opinions of Fair Market and Distress
Values of the subject assets as of the date of valuation.
• We transformed all the details and information furnished by the Client/Owner for the above
property and he confirmed all details is true in my presence.
Er. Paras Bikram Thapa
NEC Regd. No. 16448 “Civil & Rural” “A”