Group 5 Reporting ORG MGMT

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Presented by Group 5
Topic 1: Difference Between Hard
and Soft Skills

Topic 2: Soft Skills are Core

Individual Competencies

Topic 3: Definition of Job

Difference Between Hard and
Soft Skills

Hard skills refer to specific technical or job-related abilities that can be
measured and quantified. It typically acquired these skills through
formal education, training programs, or on-the-job experience.
Examples of hard skills include proficiency in programming languages,
data analysis, graphic design, accounting, or operating machinery.

Soft skills are more subjective and relate to a person’s interpersonal and

personal qualities. These skills are often difficult to measure and
quantify but are crucial for success in various professional and individual
settings. Soft skills include communication, teamwork, problem-solving,
adaptability, leadership, time management, and emotional intelligence.
Examples of Hard Skills

Operating Machinery Accounting

Graphic Design
Examples of Soft Skills

Communication Skills Teamwork and

Time Management
and Organization
Soft Skills are Core Individual

Soft skills are indeed core individual competencies that

play a crucial role in personal and professional success.
Unlike technical or hard skills, which are specific to a
particular job or industry, soft skills are transferable and
can be applied in various contexts. They are often
related to interpersonal relationships, communication,
emotional intelligence, and personal qualities.
Here are a few reasons soft skills are essential

Communication: Teamwork:

One important soft skill is Another essential soft skill is

communication. Effective teamwork. Being able to work
communication involves not only collaboratively with others,
speaking clearly and articulately but contribute ideas, and support team
also listening actively and goals is highly valued in many
empathetically. Good communicators workplaces. Teamwork requires
can convey their ideas and thoughts active participation, cooperation, and
effectively, build rapport with others, the ability to adapt to different
and resolve conflicts. working styles.
Here are a few reasons soft skills are essential

Leadership: Problem-solving:

Leadership is another critical soft Problem-solving is also a vital soft

skill. Effective leaders inspire and skill. Individuals who can identify
motivate others, delegate tasks problems, analyze situations critically,
efficiently, and provide guidance and and develop creative solutions are
support. They have strong decision- highly sought after. Problem solvers
making abilities and can navigate can think outside the box, adapt to
challenges while maintaining a changing circumstances, and make
positive work environment. informed decisions.
Here are a few reasons soft skills are essential

Adaptability: Emotional Intelligence:

Adaptability is another valuable soft Emotional intelligence is an essential

skill in today's rapidly changing soft skill that involves understanding
and managing one's emotions as well
world. Being adaptable means being
as recognizing and empathizing with
open to new ideas, embracing
the emotions of others. Emotional
change, and quickly adjusting to
intelligence enables individuals to build
new situations or environments. It strong relationships, handle conflicts
involves being flexible, resilient, and effectively, and navigate social
willing to learn from experiences. interactions successfully.
Definition of Job Job competencies can be categorized
into two main types:
Job competency refers to the knowledge,
skills, abilities, and behaviors necessary for Core Competencies: These are
the essential competencies that Job-Specific Competencies: These
an individual to perform a specific job competencies are specific to a
are required for success in a
effectively. Competencies are the measurable wide range of jobs and particular job or industry. They
and observable qualities that enable industries. Core competencies include the technical skills,
often include skills such as knowledge, and ability required
individuals to meet the requirements and
communication, problem- to do tasks related to a specific
expectations of their role. role. For example, programming
solving, teamwork, adaptability,
and time management. These languages for software
skills are transferable and developers or medical knowledge
applicable across various roles. for healthcare professionals.
The Top 10 Key Competencies
Job competencies serve as a framework for evaluating an
individual's suitability for a particular position during the hiring
process and for assessing their performance on the job.
Employers often define the required competencies for each role
to ensure that candidates possess the necessary qualifications
and can effectively carry out their responsibilities. Developing
job competencies is an ongoing process that involves continuous
learning, professional development, and refining one's skills to
stay relevant in a rapidly changing work environment.

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