Hero Kids - Adventure - Tomb of The Lost King
Hero Kids - Adventure - Tomb of The Lost King
Hero Kids - Adventure - Tomb of The Lost King
Hero Kids Adventure – Tomb of the Lost King Justin Halliday Page 3
Encounter 1: Rivenshore Cemetery Encounter Intro
Following the adventure intro, the heroes stand at the
The first encounter is the double-map of the
entrance of the cemetery, ready to discover the lost
Rivenshore cemetery. Trim the two cemetery maps
king’s tomb:
and stick them together to make one big map.
The heroes can’t defeat the undead inhabitants of the As you step into the cemetery, the dirt covering the
cemetery, so they must find then entrance to the lost graves is pushed aside and bony figures pull themselves
king’s mausoleum (in the top right of the map). up out of the ground.
“Tonight, the underworld comes close to the world
above, and the spirits of the dead easily cross over to
your world. So do not dawdle here, for these creatures
cannot be beaten in the light of tonight‟s dead moon.”
The skeletal spirits slowly lurch towards you.
Encounter Features
The Rivernshore cemetery has two large mausoleums,
and a number of dirt graves. The graves’ standing
headstones are obstacles that slow movement and
offer cover.
Ability Tests
The heroes can perform two ability tests:
• Intelligence test (Perception) at difficulty 4, which
allows them to see a shaft of moonlight that
spotlights the lost king’s mausoleum (top right).
• Intelligence test (Lore/Knowledge) at difficulty 5,
which tells them that tonight’s full moon is a ‘dead
moon’ which wakes the dead.
Hero Kids Adventure – Tomb of the Lost King Justin Halliday Page 4
Monsters Tactics
This encounter features skeleton shamblers that use Skeleton Shamblers are slightly different from normal
melee attacks against the heroes. monsters because they move very slowly (only two
1 Hero: 8 x Skeleton Shamblers squares) and if they are KO’d they heal the damage
2 Heroes: 8 x Skeleton Shamblers and get up on their next turn!
3 Heroes: 8 x Skeleton Shamblers Conclusion
4 Heroes: 8 x Skeleton Shamblers This encounter ends when the heroes discover the
entrance to the lost king’s tomb, which is the
Use these health boxes to mark off damage: mausoleum building at the top-right of the map.
Skeleton Shambler If you feel like it, you can make them force open the
door of the mausoleum with a Strength test (Tools)
at difficulty 4.
Skeleton Shambler Once they’ve discovered the tomb and all entered it,
read this:
Skeleton Shambler You leap through the door into the mausoleum and
push it closed behind you before the shambling
skeletons can push their way in.
Skeleton Shambler
A stone staircase descends into the tomb ahead of you.
Skeleton Shambler
Skeleton Shambler
Skeleton Shambler
Skeleton Shambler
Hero Kids Adventure – Tomb of the Lost King Justin Halliday Page 5
Encounter 2: Entrance Chamber Encounter Intro
When the heroes enter this area, read this:
The second encounter brings our heroes into the
tomb of the lost king. The corridors to the west and The stairs open into an old and decrepit chamber. In
the center of the chamber is a life-sized statue that you
east are open, while the north exit is blocked by a
assume is Rothgar, the lost king.
locked gate.
Corridors join this chamber to the west, east, and
The heroes from the stairs at the bottom of the
north, but that corridor is barred by a locked gate.
chamber (the stairs are represented by the narrowing
horizontal lines). There are no monsters here, just an “This is the tomb of Rothgar, the lost king. Three
old and web-covered statue. challenges you must pass before you can try to claim
your prize…”
Encounter Features
This room is empty apart from the statue (and the
corridor exits).
Once the players have recovered one of the keys from
the challenges (west or east), they can unlock the gate
to the north. However, both keys are required before
the third challenge can be tackled (because there’s
another gate at the entrance of encounter 5).
Ability Tests
There are no ability tests here.
Once they have a key and try to unlock the gate:
The key fits into the lock and turns with a rusty „click.‟
The gate opens to reveal a short corridor to the north.
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Encounter 3: Challenge of the Strong Encounter Intro
When the heroes enter this area, read this:
The third encounter is the challenge of the strong, a
fight against one or more skeletal warriors. The corridor opens into a large chamber. A pedestal
stands in the middle of the room, and you can see a
Defeating the warriors rewards the heroes with the
rusty key sitting on top of it.
one of the three keys.
Four armored skeletons stand in positions around the
Map central pedestal.
Rothgar‟s voice echoes in your head, “Only the strong
shall earn this key.”
If the heroes touch the key or any of the skeletons,
then read:
A gate slams shut across the corridor behind you,
locking you in the room.
Then depending on the number of heroes/skeletons:
With creaking bones, the skeleton draws its sword and
lurches towards you and attacks.
With creaking bones, the skeletons draw their swords
and lurch towards you and attack.
Seriously, what is wrong with the English language?
Encounter Features
This large chamber has one main feature, the pedestal
in the middle, which acts as an obstacle. The four
squares of the low dais around the pedestal can be
occupied, but diagonal movement ‘across’ the
pedestal costs an extra square.
Hero Kids Adventure – Tomb of the Lost King Justin Halliday Page 7
Monsters Tactics
This encounter features skeleton warriors that use All of these monsters engage the heroes with melee
melee attacks against the heroes. attacks.
1 Hero: 1 x Skeleton Warrior With two dice for attacks and two dice for defense,
2 Heroes: 2 x Skeleton Warriors these skeleton warriors are about as powerful as a
hero, but they only have two damage stages. This is a
3 Heroes: 3 x Skeleton Warriors
fight where the heroes could take one or two damage,
4 Heroes: 4 x Skeleton Warriors and could possibly get KO’d, depending on how the
Use these health boxes to mark off damage: dice fall.
Skeleton Warrior
Once all of the monsters are KO’d, read this:
Your final attack sends a skeleton warrior crashing to
Skeleton Warrior the ground, its lifeless bones scatter from its armor and
its sword clatters on the stone tiles.
Skeleton Warrior Some strange power lifts the gate back into the ceiling,
reopening the corridor back out.
Skeleton Warrior With the key in hand, you head back to the entrance
Hero Kids Adventure – Tomb of the Lost King Justin Halliday Page 8
Encounter Features
Encounter 4: Challenge of the Deft The main feature of this encounter is the deep pit
The fourth encounter has two chambers, separated by between the two chambers.
a deep pit. The heroes need to make the dangerous Ability Tests
jump across the pit to reach the key on the other side.
To jump across the pit, the heroes must make a
Map Dexterity test (Traps) at difficulty 4.
If a hero succeeds the test, then that hero has
successfully jumped to the other side.
With great dexterity you manage to jump across the
deep pit and land safely on the other side.
If a hero fails the ability test, then they fall into the
pit. Roll a d6 to work out the damage from the fall.
• If they roll a 1 or 2, they take 1 damage.
• If they roll a 3 or 4, they take 2 damage.
• If they roll a 5 or 6, they take 3 damage.
You miss-time your leap and tumble through the air
for a moment before crashing to the floor of the pit.
Encounter Intro
When the heroes enter this area, read this: Assuming the hero is still alive:
The corridor opens into a small vestibule, which is You drag yourself up out of the pit to the other side.
connected by a short corridor to another chamber. Conclusion
Unfortunately, the corridor floor is a deep pit. Once on the other side:
You look across the pit and see a key on the pedestal at
Having made it across the pit, you carefully take the
the far side of the second chamber.
key from the pedestal.
Rothgar‟s voice echoes in your head, “Only the deft
It’s up to you, but you can also make them pass
shall earn this key…”
another ability test to get back across the pit!
Hero Kids Adventure – Tomb of the Lost King Justin Halliday Page 9
Encounter 5: Challenge of the Cunning Encounter Intro
When the heroes first enter this area, read this:
The fifth encounter is the final of Rothgar’s three
Another locked gate bars you from the next chamber.
challenges to weed out the unworthy.
First, the heroes unlock the gate with the second key. If the heroes have the second key, they can proceed.
Then they enter the chamber and see the chains in the You unlock the gate and step into the chamber. In the
corners and the final locked gate (without a keyhole). opposite wall the corridor seems to continue, but it is
The number of chains depends on the number of blocked by another gate, this one without a keyhole.
heroes, two chains for one or two heroes, three chains The chamber is empty except for [two/three/four] long
for three heroes, and four chains for four heroes. chains that hang in the corners. Each ends with a rusty
The challenge itself involves the players working out metal handle.
that the final gate is opened only by pulling the chains Encounter Features
simultaneously. This is simple with multiple heroes,
The chains must be pulled simultaneously to open the
but the solution for a solo hero is slightly different.
gate. If there is only one hero, then they need to
Map weigh down one of the chains with a rock and then
pull the other.
Ability Tests
The players can perform an Intelligence test (Traps)
at difficulty 5 to realize that the chains must be pulled
together to open the gate and that a rock can be used.
Once they’ve pulled the chains:
You pull the chains and with a crunch, the gate opens
to reveal another short corridor.
Allow the heroes to find potions here in the rubble if
they have used any in the previous encounters. The
heroes can now proceed to the final encounter.
Hero Kids Adventure – Tomb of the Lost King Justin Halliday Page 10
Encounter 6: Rothgar’s Tomb Encounter Intro
When the heroes enter this area, read this:
The final encounter is Rothgar’s tomb.
You tentatively step into the final chamber.
This climactic battle sees the heroes defeat Rothgar’s
Dust particles hang in the air in this large room. In
ghost and several skeletal helpers.
the center of the room is an ornate stone coffin that
Map stands on a raised dais. Around it are four smaller
stone coffins.
As you watch a ghostly figure emerges from the central
coffin and stands before you.
“Welcome, heroes. I am Rothgar, and you have
reached my final challenge. Defeat me to gain your
Then depending on the number of heroes/skeletons:
With a crash, the lid of another coffin crashes to the
ground and a skeletal archer crawls out.
With a series of crashes, the lids of several other coffins
crash to the ground and more skeletal warriors emerge.
Encounter Features
The five coffins are obstacles which cost extra
movement squares to climb over but offer cover from
ranged attacks.
Ability Tests
The players can perform an Intelligence test
(Perception) at difficulty 4 to know that the ghost
can only be damaged on a really good hit!
Hero Kids Adventure – Tomb of the Lost King Justin Halliday Page 11
Monsters Use these health boxes to mark off damage:
This encounter features Rothgar’s ghost and his
skeleton cohorts, which used a combination of melee
attacks and ranged attacks against the heroes.
If the heroes are really messed up after the first fight, Skeleton Archer
you can switch the skeleton warriors for skeleton
swordsmen (from the Hero Kids core rules), which Skeleton Warrior
are a bit less powerful than the warriors.
1 Hero: 1 x Ghost
Skeleton Archer
1 x Skeleton Archer
2 Heroes: 1 x Ghost
1 x Skeleton Archer Skeleton Warrior
1 x Skeleton Warrior
3 Heroes: 1 x Ghost
While, the skeletons use standard ranged and melee
2 x Skeleton Archer attacks against the heroes, the ghost has a unique
1 x Skeleton Warrior teleport attack that should help him to avoid the
4 Heroes: 1 x Ghost coffins.
2 x Skeleton Archer
2 x Skeleton Warrior
Hero Kids Adventure – Tomb of the Lost King Justin Halliday Page 12
Conclusion Treasure
Once all of the monsters are KO’d, read this: After the monster cards and stand-ups you’ll find the
Your final attack leaves the skeleton bones scattered on four pieces of treasure for your heroes to choose from
the floor as the ghost pulls back into the central coffin. (only one item for each hero). Print them out and cut
After a few moments Rothgar‟s voice echoes in your them like you would a Hero Card.
ears again. These items are Equipment, which grant the heroes
“Worthy heroes. You have overcome my challenges special actions or extra dice in their pools. Heroes
and you have tested yourselves against the last vestiges can only use one piece of equipment at a time.
of my spirit. The players can choose one item for each hero:
Your bodies are strong, your reflexes fast, and your
minds capable. You have proven yourselves true
scions of the lost king Rothgar, whose blood runs in
your veins and whose bravery, skill, and courage you
In honor of your achievement I offer you the choice of
one of these legendary artifacts. Choose wisely, and
forever keep your prize close at hand.”
Rothgar‟s ghost fades away, and lying on top of his
coffin you see four items, a sword, a bow, a shield, and
a talisman, each glowing with ancient magic.
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